How to make a car window defroster (anti-ice) with your own hands? It will come in handy in cold weather. Eleven tips for saving car glass from ice captivity

The difference in temperature inside the car and outside leads to the fact that even at moderate subzero temperatures, its windows become covered with ice. In addition to the car, this brings a lot of inconvenience to the driver due to a decrease in the field of view and, as a result, leads to a decrease in the level of safety on the road. And here motorists come up with various ways to get rid of ice. Some people use a store-bought defroster or install heated windows. Others, saving money, try to defrost the glass using improvised means: make a de-icing agent at home or scrape off the ice.

First of all, you need to take care of traffic safety

How to make a car window defroster (anti-ice) with your own hands? Useful in cold weather

Drivers began thinking about how to make a car window defroster (anti-ice) with their own hands back in the unforgettable 90s.
This was caused by a basic shortage of anti-freeze and other means for defrosting glass. It was extremely rare to find them on sale, but they were needed throughout the winter. Since “scorched” vodka was a dime a dozen in those years, it was most often used as an antifreeze. The picture of a respectable man in an expensive coat getting out of a very nice car, and then with a serious look buying a bottle of the cheapest vodka, could be observed with enviable regularity.

Unique composition for glass – double effect: anti-rain and anti-ice

During rain and snowfall, visibility deteriorates and driving becomes more difficult - due to the driver's slow reaction, the level of traffic safety decreases. Solving this problem, the Japanese company SOFT99 has developed an innovative product with a “2 in 1” effect - “Anti-rain and anti-ice”. Hydrophobic coating for glass is presented by the Beautiful G»zox ® Hyper View brand with a validity period of up to 12 months.

The best specialists of the company worked on creating a composition with the specified function “Anti-rain and anti-ice for a car.” During many years of testing, the formula was improved and its effectiveness increased. As a result, an original composition was obtained that maximally protects car surfaces from moisture and dirt. The Anti-Rain and Anti-Ice product is based on a hydrophobic effect: water molecules are repelled from the transparent polymer protector. The properties of the film barrier are determined by unique microparticles with “nano” parameters.

Glass processing using Anti-Rain technology ensures that they remain transparent even during heavy rain, and this greatly facilitates control. Anti-ice is important for car windows during periods of night frosts and stable sub-zero temperatures. This option simplifies the process of cleaning glass from frozen moisture - the water-repellent effect of the nano-protective film helps to quickly remove ice. If you wanted to buy a special device for this, the issue will be resolved by itself, since the use of special brushes will not be required.


To the general joy of the traffic police, the persistent smell of alcohol was far ahead of the moving car. Therefore, the unfortunate drivers had to stop and breathe into a tube very often. Thanks to the auto industry, now anti-freeze products are no longer uncommon on the shelves. True, unfortunately, counterfeiters have not ignored this industry. And you can buy an anti-freeze product that will freeze perfectly at -5°C. That is why in more northern regions they still prefer to pour alcohol into windshield washer reservoirs.

How to make a car window defroster (anti-ice) with your own hands? Without a doubt, when you see in the morning that the windshield of your car is covered with an ice crust, you will not experience joy. Especially if you are in a hurry. Of course, you can, armed with a scraper, forget for an hour that you have to go to work. But now there are many tools that will help you remove ice from glass much faster. Let's look at how this can be done quickly.

Test from the program “Main Road”

The hosts of the “Main Road” program tested the effectiveness of the anti-ice product several times.
1. In one episode of the program, five drugs were tested at prices ranging from 80 to 230 rubles per can.

We managed to remove the ice with a scraper in 10 minutes, now it’s time to check the glass defrosters:

  1. CAR-master (Russia) 86 rubles - 3 minutes.
  2. De Icer (Sweden) 230 rubles - 3 minutes.
  3. Unknown manufacturer (Russia) 80 rubles - 4 minutes.
  4. Hi Gear (USA) 165 rubles - 7 minutes and defrosting took 3 times more product.

The presenters decided to conduct another experiment - melt the ice on the glass using vodka.
We managed to do this in 3 minutes, but it turned out to be expensive, and the smell from the car may raise questions from the traffic police inspector. As a result, all means defrosted the car glass (albeit not much) faster than scrapers. 2. Another episode of the program featured four types of glass defrosters ranging from 89 to 433 rubles.

None of the remedies coped with the task; the ice on the car windshield still did not melt.

Hot water

Under no circumstances should you use this method. If your glass is not fresh from the factory, then most likely it has microcracks. Any water that gets into them will definitely freeze. Since water expands when it freezes, the cracks will become larger. If you repeat this procedure several times, then in the near future your windshield will be decorated with a huge crack, or even several at once.

Buying and replacing a windshield will cost you much more than glass defrosting products. As a last resort, use warm water and wipe the glass very thoroughly. You can apply hot heating pads, but to be honest, this method is not effective either, due to its small area.

Unlike plain water, you can wipe icy glass with a strong saline solution. To do this, it is better to use a regular sponge and remove the melted ice immediately. After which the glass must be wiped very well. Glycerin can also be added to this solution. It will help ensure that the glass will freeze much less in the future. When using the saline solution, be careful not to get it on any unpainted parts of the car. Otherwise, it will accelerate their corrosion.

You can also use the “dry” method. Pour table salt onto a gauze cloth and wrap it. Use this swab to wipe the frozen areas. This compress can also be heated. This will speed up the work.

Review of popular tools

If you don’t want to prepare the composition yourself, you can do it easier - purchase a ready-made product. There are plenty of options to choose from in today's market. Let's look at the best of them:

  • Anti-ice "Car-Master"
    is a product that allows you to effectively defrost locks and windows. According to the manufacturer, periodic treatment protects against the formation of ice and eliminates the appearance of ice (frost) on the mirrors, windows and headlights of the car. The composition contains three components - deicer, isopropyl alcohol, and an ozone-safe propellant. The application process is very simple and depends on the type of problem. For example, to protect the unit being treated from freezing, it is recommended to treat the windows (windshield, rear and side) and locks before parking. For greater efficiency, the composition is applied actively, without saving. If ice has already formed, then it is worth treating the glass and then using a special scraper. Once the composition is applied, try not to wipe the surface with a cloth. In addition, some protective compounds and exposure to rain may cause a decrease in effectiveness;
  • Anti-ice from the Very Lube company.
    This product is sold in small blisters of 10 ml, a spray (550 ml) and a can (320 ml). The product is claimed to be an assistant in removing ice crusts and an effective tool for defrosting locks. Anti-ice is used to remove the crust that has appeared on the windshield. Another advantage of the composition is the removal of icing from mirrors, paintwork, as well as parts made of rubber, plastic and chrome. Practice has shown that the product does an excellent job of defrosting locks on car doors. Purpose - thawing of ice-covered surfaces, as well as clearing locks of ice, quick defrosting and cleaning of car windows from ice, as well as removing ice from mirrors and other body elements. If it is necessary to remove ice, just spray the composition onto the surface, wait 12-15 seconds, and then remove the ice using a scraper. In a situation where water gets into the lock and freezes, you should act as follows. First, spray the composition into the keyhole, wait a while and use;
  • Anti-ice Fuel Protect.
    This remedy is different from those described above. Its task is to remove water from the car’s fuel system, as well as “squeeze” moisture out of the fuel tank. In addition, the action of the product is aimed at protecting the system from the formation of ice jams. But that's not all. Thanks to the presence of anti-corrosion additives, it is possible to protect the system from rust. In addition, the device can be used in conjunction with catalysts and a turbine. The principle of operation of the product is to bind water in fuel, which ensures the dissolution of ice. At the same time, anti-corrosion additives reduce the “aggression” of alcohols, which can lead to rust. The main properties of the composition are to protect the catalyst from ice, reduce the risk of corrosion in the fuel supply system, and absorb and remove water. The use of the composition eliminates the appearance of ice plugs and protects the motor from possible water ingress into it;
  • Anti-ice "Lekar"
    is a multifunctional product that is suitable for treating glass on cars and motorcycles. According to the manufacturers, after applying the composition, the surface is covered with a thin layer of film that protects from the adhesion of snow, dirt and water freezing. Regular treatment with the composition helps improve visibility even in bad weather. Before using the composition, it is recommended to clean and dry the treated area. Afterwards, shake the bottle, treat the surface and wait for the composition to dry (this takes 7-10 minutes). As soon as the first layer is ready, it is worth applying another one, then wait 1-2 minutes. Next, rub the product over the surface with a dry cloth. The advantage of the composition is that the protective coating adheres securely to the surface and does not wear off. To maintain the effect for a long time, it is recommended to repeat the procedure once every 2-3 weeks. At the same time, the consumption of the product averages 22-25 g/sq.m. meter. To achieve maximum effect, experts advise applying the composition at temperatures from zero degrees Celsius and above;
  • Anti-ice windshield washer
    is a high-quality composition that prevents the formation of ice on the glass. The composition is sold in bottles of different capacities - from 1.5 to 7 liters. All that is required of the car enthusiast is to pour the composition into the windshield washer reservoir. It is not recommended to dilute the composition with water - this leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of the composition. The plus is that the windshield washer is safe for health. It is based on the ether-aldehyde fraction of an ethyl alcohol solution. It also contains glycerin, which lubricates the wipers and protects them from freezing. To increase cleaning efficiency, surfactants are added to the composition. The product is recommended for use for the following reasons - low price, ease of use, guarantee of frost resistance, pleasant smell and absence of methanol;
  • Anti-ice "AS-130"
    is a product that is used in the form of a spray in a 250 ml container. The composition effectively removes ice, helps clean surfaces from dirt and snow, and prevents the appearance of ice on glass wiper blades and mirrors in the future. In addition, AC-130 can even be used for treating surfaces made of rubber or plastic. Products that are coated with chrome are also not at risk. The application process is simple. The can is removed to a distance of 25-30 cm from the surface to be treated, then the composition is sprayed, after which it remains to wait 1-2 minutes and remove foreign ice using a scraper. At the final stage, the surface is wiped with a clean cloth. To deal with ice in the castle, just spray a sufficient amount of spray inside. The composition can be used as a prophylactic agent. All that is required is to spray the product onto the glass and wipe.
  • Quality of glass cleaning. A good product not only does not freeze, but will also remove stains from glass without any problems.

Homemade anti-freeze

Take 1 tbsp. l. glycerin per 10 tbsp. l. denatured alcohol Rub the glass thoroughly with this mixture. And then wipe dry with a soft cloth. This procedure can also be done to prevent glass from icing. You can also wipe the windows inside the car with it - they will not fog up.

You can use another method. Take 1 tbsp. l. turpentine, 3 tbsp. l. glycerin and 5 tbsp. l. colorless liquid soap. Everything is mixed and the glass is wiped. As in the first case, this recipe is also suitable for preventing the formation of ice. Just don’t use a solution of regular soap instead of liquid soap.

If the thickness of the ice is quite impressive, then use this proven method. Pour rubbing alcohol into a regular spray bottle and add a little dish soap. Shake well and spray onto glass. The more of this product you spray on the ice, the faster it will melt.

Here's another way to make anti-freeze. Cheap vodka, triple cologne and water are taken in equal proportions. This mixture can be poured into the windshield washer reservoir. It smells like cologne and can withstand temperatures down to -40°C.

Assortment of defrosters

There are two versions of this remedy, which differ in their principle of action:

  1. The first is used as a preventive measure. The defroster is applied to the vehicle glass and the surface is polished. The applied product begins to prevent the formation of ice. The effect can last up to several weeks, depending on the quality of the product.
  2. The second option is used in direct combat against icing. The liquid or spray is applied to the surface, which can be easily cleaned with a regular towel after almost a couple of minutes.

By the way, the second option can also help to defrost locks if they cannot be opened in the usual way in frosty weather.

Today, the market for such products is represented by a fairly significant range of products. Therefore, sometimes choosing the right option becomes very difficult. Here are just a few car window defrosters that enjoy a fairly high degree of popularity:

  • Glass Defroster. It is recommended to keep the liquid warm if the outside temperature drops below ten degrees below zero. If you follow this recommendation, the product copes with its functions perfectly;
  • Gunk De-Icer. An American analogue that can destroy a fairly serious layer of ice, but only if you keep the can warm at all times;
  • Hi-Gear. Russian product, effective for thin layers of ice. The precautions are still the same;
  • Anti-ice Sapphire. Easily copes with slight freezing. If there is a more significant layer of icing, you will need to additionally use a special scraper.

As you can see, the main disadvantage of all these products is the need to constantly keep the liquid warm. Another disadvantage is the fairly high cost of such products, especially considering that the volume offered is usually only enough for a very short period of time. However, the last problem can be solved.

How to make a windshield defroster with your own hands in a couple of minutes

Everything that is ingenious is simple, but not everything that is simple is genius. This has been proven again by another life hack that will help you use improvised means to defeat a frozen car windshield, quickly and without scratching it with a plastic spatula. All you need to remove ice from an icy windshield is a plastic bag and warm water.

The first option for creating a windshield defroster Life hack that we found is actually quite common in the Western segment of the Internet and YouTube. The essence of this method is this:

take an ordinary plastic zip-lock bag; warm or hot water, as the “life burglar” from the video advises, is poured into it; then, as shown in the video, the bag is closed and the “device” is swiped across the frozen windshield. In contact with a cold surface, the frost quickly melts, and the glass is clean.

Here's what it looks like in a practical experiment:

i should honestly have a degree from how much i've learned on twitter

Well, the inventor showed up in time (although, to be honest, this hack is a hundred years old) and published a video just before the winter season.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! What would I like to say about this method? Yes, it will work. Yes, this is a practical option to quickly get rid of ice when there is simply no time and you need to go urgently. BUT! We would not recommend using it on a regular basis and/or if you have cracks or chips in your windshield.

Running something hot (and if the frost is severe and there is a lot of ice, you will have to pour boiling water into the bag) over something very cold, fragile and thin is still a bad idea. Yes, this is not as extreme for the glass as pouring boiling water from a kettle onto the windshield, but it is also not as gentle as turning on the heated windshield and working with a scraper.

Not to mention that if there is a chip on the glass that can develop into a crack simply due to the difference in air temperature inside and outside the car, such intensive targeted work will quickly lead to such negative consequences.

Verdict on the first method:

Which is better: traditional methods or more expensive defrosters

After the appearance of glass defrosters on the market, disputes immediately began to arise among car enthusiasts. Some people argue that the product is effective and safe for cars, while others argue that there is no need to spend extra money, because ordinary hot water is enough to get rid of the problem.

In fact, car glass only at first glance looks like a perfectly solid surface. There may be a fairly large number of microcracks on it that are not noticeable to the human eye, especially if the car is in long-term and active use. Hot water, when it hits the glass, on the one hand, clears it of ice, on the other, it penetrates into these invisible spaces and remains in them. The liquid cools, freezes and expands. This has the effect of widening the cracks, which over time can not only impair the driver's visibility, but can actually reduce the safety of the vehicle.

Most defrosters are based on alcohol, which evaporates from the surface of the glass and has no harmful effects. So, in this regard, the defroster is clearly better. But how effective is it really?

The problem is common, and the further north you live, the more it gets worse - the wipers can not only freeze to the windshield, but whole heaps of ice and snow can freeze on them (especially when it snows heavily enough). Is it possible to somehow get rid of this scourge, let’s say make anti-ice with your own hands. Today there are simple instructions on what to do and, as usual, a video version at the end...

In this video I will not talk about special, store-bought products such as “ANTI-ICE”, “ANTI-SNOW” and so on, yet they are often unreasonably expensive, we need a cheap and easily accessible product to combat such icing.

Of course, you can do something radical - simply install winter versions of the wipers. They have a different elastic design (higher profile and without a large number of slots), and the mixture itself is much softer (I will definitely have a video about them). BUT they are, to put it mildly, not cheap, and not many companies produce them.

Some write that the effect is not as expected and that freezing often still remains. So this method has its place, but does not solve the problem 100%

The second ingenious life hack for defrosting the windshield

It was suggested by one Angela Hickling from Nottingham. Everything is just as simple, and the device can be made on your knee in a couple of minutes, the main thing is that you have the necessary elements at hand:

any plastic bottle (a stain remover container was used in the video); and a piece of brush, apparently torn from the handle or simply without an attachment (perhaps a brush from a vacuum cleaner will do). The main thing is that the brush is hollow and approximately matches the diameter of the neck of the bottle - it won’t fly off; warm/hot water

Then do the following:

It keeps your hands warm too! Absolute game changer!

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