Thermostat VAZ-2114 - do it yourself replacement

On VAZ-2115 cars, the thermostat is a key element of the cooling system. With its help, the liquid circulates in large and small circles, due to which the internal combustion engine functions as efficiently as possible and does not overlap. A thermostat is also necessary to effectively warm up the engine in cold weather. The normal temperature at which the fuel mixture can ignite is about 90 degrees.

At temperatures below the operating temperature, the fluid moves in a small circle, due to which the engine warms up much faster. But if the thermostat is faulty, all the liquid will flow only into a small or large circle, which will lead to very slow heating. Because of this, gasoline consumption increases and engine life decreases, as it idles a lot.

How to check the thermostat on a VAZ 2114 - practical tips

Good afternoon, happy owners of modern classics! Today, we will continue to talk about the engine cooling system, namely the thermostat. Probably everyone has heard this name, but have you encountered it breaking? As a more or less experienced driver, I am sure that drivers with decent driving experience will laugh out loud after such questions. And I understand you perfectly, but we all once began our acquaintance with the structure of a vehicle without understanding absolutely anything about it. Therefore, I propose to jointly explain to beginners how to check the thermostat on a VAZ 2114 and what consequences a faulty unit can have for the car.

Antifreeze, antifreeze and water are the main coolants used in any vehicle; their purpose is to remove heat from the engine. In this process, willy-nilly, the liquid itself begins to gain temperature, and the thermostat is responsible for lowering it. He does this using a special valve, which is located inside the structure and has heat-sensitive properties. The process looks something like this: when the system warms up to operating temperature, the valve opens and releases liquid in a large circle, due to which cooling actually occurs. If the engine temperature has dropped, it latches, driving the antifreeze in a small circle until it warms up to 85 degrees.

It is possible and necessary to determine thermostat malfunctions, but first, to avoid embarrassment, make sure that the proper level of coolant is available. When the device really fails, you will definitely understand it. If the temperature goes over 90 degrees and shows no signs of falling, the thermostat is most likely to blame; the same result applies to problems with interior heating in the winter season.

How to make a disappointing diagnosis?

If for some reason it is not possible to confirm the fact of a malfunction, then it is important to know how to check the operation of the VAZ 2114 thermostat. There are several ways to diagnose such a unit, they are simple in the literal sense of the word

  1. Diagnostics that does not require removal of the unit. Knowing how the thermostat works, we use our wits and act. We reach the base of the radiator with our hand and touch the lower pipes (large circle). If they remain cold even at high coolant temperatures, the valve is jammed and the thermostat is faulty. It happens the other way around: the coolant circulates exclusively in a large circle, while the valve is stuck open.
  2. Checking the removed device. Everything here follows the old genre of the close relationship between cooking and automotive processes. Remember how many times we went to the kitchen trying to fix a wide variety of components on a VAZ 2114? Now we will need: an oven, a saucepan, water and a thermometer. So, put the thermostat in a bowl of water so that it does not touch the walls. Then we put the pan on the stove and wait until the temperature rises closer to 90 degrees. A working thermostat will make a characteristic valve click.

Come on, experienced motorists, how can you make a failed thermostat work? And here everything is very simple, you just need to punch through that same valve by force, after which the cooling system will work by and large

Please note: this method is absolutely unacceptable in winter, and you shouldn’t get too carried away in summer, read on to find out why

Consequences of using a faulty thermostat

It can be said, obviously: with a closed valve, you won’t be able to drive for a long time. You will either overheat the engine and immediately put the car in a “stall” until you purchase a spare part, or you will seize it, which will cost an order of magnitude more. If your thermostat remains open or you have broken it as described above. It is also not recommended to use motor vehicles because the performance of the power unit is significantly reduced.

Well, that’s all... A quick question, how to check the operation of the VAZ 2114 thermostat? I think that now we will hear the answer to this question from those who at the beginning of the article had a vague idea of ​​what the thermostat itself looks like. To get a visual idea of ​​the processes described, I suggest watching the video, which is intended to complement the article. I advise you to always be aware of new articles about the most vulnerable parts of your car, with the help of my comprehensive answers. To do this, subscribe to updates and don’t forget to tell your friends about us. See you later!

How to understand that the thermostat of the VAZ 2115, 2114, 2113, 2109 is faulty?

There are two reasons why you can understand that the thermostat on the VAZ 2115, 2114, 2113, 2109 is faulty:

  1. The car does not warm up.
  2. The car overheats and boils.

There are also two ways to check the thermostat:

  • Check the removed thermostat for functionality.
  • Check the thermostat without removing it from the car.

Let's take a closer look at each of the options.

How to check the removed thermostat of a VAZ 2115, 2114, 2113, 2109 for functionality?

In theory, everything is simple. Take a pan with cold water, a thermometer up to at least one hundred degrees and a thermostat. We put it all on the tile to warm up and wait... We wait until the water temperature reaches 85 degrees, at which point we begin to look at the main thermostat valve. At 87 degrees it should open. If it does not open or opened earlier, then the thermostat is faulty.

How to check the thermostat of VAZ 2115, 2114, 2113, 2109 without removing it from the car?

A prerequisite in this case is that the car must be cold. After starting the engine, grab the lower pipe coming from the radiator with your hands. Until the temperature reaches 80 degrees it should be completely cold. When it reaches 85 degrees, the tube should begin to warm up slowly. And when 90 degrees is reached, full circulation of hot coolant should begin (i.e. the valve is completely open). The lower tube should be hot.

It happens that immediately after starting the engine, when it has warmed up only 50 degrees, warm liquid begins to flow through the lower tube. This shouldn't happen either. This means that the valve is constantly open.

I hope my article helped you solve your problem. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments and I will definitely answer them.

Kalina engine cooling system on VAZ 2110

What are the advantages of installing Kalina SOD on a VAZ 2110?

  1. The engine warms up faster, and therefore the car becomes warmer earlier.
  2. Lower pressure in the SOD, that is, the expansion tank on the VAZ 2110 will no longer burst.
  3. There will be no need to frequently add coolant.

What is needed to change the VAZ 2110 SOD to Kalina SOD?

  1. The fact is that the H/O stove is more efficient, that is, it heats better than the S/O stove.
  2. And in the radiator of the N/O stove there are “swirlers” (they can be heard inside the radiator of the N/O stove when shaking
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