Replacing the master brake cylinder of a VAZ 2107 video


There are two types of brake master cylinder failure:

  1. Damage or swelling of rubber seals;
  2. Piston jamming.

Signs that it is time to repair or replace an element are:

  • leakage of liquid;
  • changes in the pressure of the brake pedal: it became softer or began to fail.

To eliminate breakdowns, it is necessary to dismantle the master brake cylinder and then install a new element, or to repair it, namely, change the boot, rubber seals, clean parts from dirt, corrosion, etc.

If the GTZ breaks down, the entire braking system of the vehicle is susceptible to malfunctions. At the right moment, when you press the brake pedal, the car may stop much more slowly than usual, or may not respond to the signal at all. And this can cause a traffic accident.

If, when squeezing the pedal, you feel that it has become softer or the car is braking more slowly, you should check the brake system in general and the brake master cylinder in particular. With a little time, you can improve the safety of your vehicle.

Brake master cylinder price

The cheapest cylinders cost around 400-700 rubles 1,500 rubles . Replacing a cylinder in a car service will cost from 400 rubles , but to save money it is quite possible to do it yourself.

Symptoms of problems

The fluid brake system consists of many parts that can become unusable: pipes, wheel cylinders, calipers, drums and pads. Typical signs of a faulty master cylinder:

  1. After pressing the pedal, the car stops slowly. The reason is that the cuffs of one or two pistons have lost their tightness - they have cracked or “floated”.
  2. To slow down, you need to press the brake pedal hard. The phenomenon occurs due to swelling of the rubber of the piston seals.
  3. The brake pedal travel is too short. The fluid inside the cylinder has nowhere to go because the compensation hole is clogged. Another option is that the passage is blocked by a swollen rubber seal.
  4. A common symptom is pedal failure, the brakes coming on at the end of the stroke. This indicates complete wear of the cuffs; as a result, liquid penetrates behind the piston and rushes into the expansion tank - the cylinder “bypasses.”
  5. The pads do not release the brake discs and drums and get very hot when driving. Options: one of the pistons is jammed or the bypass hole is clogged.

The listed symptoms of a GTZ malfunction are similar to malfunctions of other elements. Pedal failure also occurs when a large amount of air enters the tubes or loss of fluid in one of the working cylinders. Sluggish deceleration and increased force on the pedal are often caused by a breakdown of the vacuum booster - a cracked membrane or a lack of tightness at the joints of the hose that takes off engine vacuum.

There are signs that clearly indicate the performance of the main hydraulic cylinder and the malfunction of other elements:

  • during braking, the car pulls to the side - the problem lies in a certain circuit or wheel;
  • jamming of the brake mechanisms of one wheel;
  • creaking and squeaking when braking;
  • heating the discs and pads on one wheel.

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If you eliminate the indicated symptoms, it will become easier to check the brake master cylinder in a garage. This also includes obvious brake fluid leaks and the knocking sound of worn calipers.

Common brake master cylinder malfunctions

In order to timely identify faults in the gas turbine engine and eliminate it, you need to know their main symptoms, which include:

  1. Increased brake pad wear or brake fluid leakage, reducing its level. If a leak is detected, it is necessary to replace the faulty part.
  2. Reduced braking efficiency (brake softness). This is due to a drop in brake fluid level or mixing with air. If the braking, on the contrary, has become harsher, the brake booster or the valve that regulates the vacuum booster may break.
  3. Increasing the brake pedal travel. This usually happens if the brakes have been incorrectly adjusted, there is air in the system, or the turbocharger is faulty.
  4. Uneven braking or a strong drop in the effectiveness of the braking system. The first reason is associated with fluid getting on the brake pads, the other reason is usually associated with wear of the brake discs.

Consequences of brake fluid leakage from the GTZ

When brake fluid leaks from the master cylinder, brake fluid can get onto various parts of the car. As you know, TZ is quite chemically active and often damages other parts of the car.

For example, when liquid leaks, it can fall on the vacuum booster membrane, which will soon lead to its rupture and, as a result, air leakage from the receiver, and of course, replacement of the vacuum booster itself.

VUT membrane rupture

Also, when brake fluid leaks, it gets into part of the engine compartment, behind the steering rack, and causes great damage to the paintwork.


Replacing the part yourself is not difficult. To do this, you need to arm yourself with the following set of tools:

  1. screwdriver;
  2. keys 10, 13;
  3. 5 – with a cubic syringe or bulb;
  4. brake fluid;
  5. clamps.

If during disassembly you find that the old rubber hoses have become hard, it is recommended to replace them with new ones.

  1. Remove the belt from the expansion tank and put it aside.
  2. Using a ten key, unscrew the fastenings of the brake fluid reservoir and open the lid.
  3. Drain the brake fluid into a container.
  4. To prevent brake fluid from entering the engine compartment, it is necessary to place a piece of dense material under the cylinder.
  5. Loosen the clamps on the hoses extending from the tank and remove them.
  6. Disconnect the three brake pipes and move them a little.
  7. We unscrew the two nuts securing the cylinder to the amplifier, using a 13mm wrench.
  8. Remove the brake master cylinder.
  9. We clean the seat of the spare part from dirt and brake fluid residues.
  10. Let's move on to a new element. We remove the protective seal and install the oil seal there.
  11. We insert the new cylinder into place and tighten the nuts.
  12. We remove the plugs and use a syringe to inject brake fluid into the cylinder cavity until it is completely filled.
  13. We assemble the remaining elements.

The final stage of repair work will be bleeding the car's brake system.

Causes of brake failure

  • If your car suddenly loses its brakes, do not rush to blame the master cylinder.
  • The cause may be a leaking slave cylinder. If it is leaking, the liquid may flow out gradually, or maybe much faster.
  • Check the brake fluid level in the reservoir and the condition of the main brake.
  • If traces of leaks are visible on the master cylinder, then this is the cause.
  • The cause of a brake fluid leak may also be a broken brake line. The rubber brake hoses may fray or the tubes may become rotten or ruptured.

Brake hoses fray

  • The working cylinders could also be jammed.

If the master cylinder does not work:

  • It will show traces of brake fluid leaks.
  • The brake pedal will not be pressed.
  • Also, the brake pedal can simply move to idle without creating any effort.

Replacing the master brake cylinder of a VAZ-2107

The brake mechanism is responsible for the safety of every car. Serviceable brakes help prevent the development of emergency consequences. To ensure that they are always in good working order, they must be checked periodically. Unfortunately, few people do this, so if it’s already broken, you just need to change it. Today we will pay attention to the topic of how to replace the main brake cylinder on a VAZ-2107.

GTZ malfunctions

Replacing the VAZ-2107 master brake cylinder is required when this part simply fails. You can determine the malfunction of the GTZ in the following ways:

  1. The red warning light comes on, indicating a problem with the brake mechanism. This lamp comes on when the level in the brake cylinder reservoir drops below normal. In this case, it is important to find out the reason for the decrease in fluid and, if necessary, add it. If the leak occurs due to a malfunction of the turbocharger, it should be replaced.
  2. Presence of leaks on the GTZ. If, upon opening the hood, you can see signs of a fresh fluid leak on the GTZ, then it’s time to pay attention to repairing the mechanism. It is possible to repair the main brake cylinder of a VAZ-2107, but at the same time you can extend the life of the product for a short time, this is due to the quality of modern spare parts. If the product fails, or more precisely, the cuffs and seals have dried out, then experienced craftsmen recommend replacing the gas turbine unit. Many desperate amateurs strive to find the answer to the question of how to repair the master brake cylinder, but subsequently everything ends with its replacement.

Diagnostics and repair

From the signs listed above, it is easy to understand that in most cases there is only one source of problems - rubber products that have become unusable. The cuffs crack and swell, as a result they leak liquid and close the discharge holes. Hence the recommendation: all “rubber bands” of the brake system should be changed at intervals of approximately 100 thousand km, without waiting for critical wear.

Reference. Many auto mechanics express the opinion that after replacing the cuffs, the main hydraulic cylinder will not last long. The statement is true if the car owner purchased cheap, low-quality spare parts or installed new o-rings in the cylinder, where internal wear has formed in the walls.

Before checking the GTZ for operability, make sure there are no other faults:

  1. Inspect the wheel assemblies from the inside for leakage of brake fluid from the working cylinders.
  2. Check the integrity of the expansion tank and the fluid level in it.
  3. Start the engine and at idle speed, press the vacuum take-off pipe to the amplifier. If the engine speed has increased noticeably, there is an air leak and the master cylinder is most likely working.

A clear symptom indicating a breakdown of the main hydraulic cylinder is drops of brake fluid on the body . If you discover a leak, feel free to dismantle the unit and disassemble it to look for the cause. Another common problem - fluid flowing through the seals - is diagnosed as follows:

  1. Open the cover of the expansion tank and place an assistant in the driver's seat.
  2. Listening to sounds in the tank, give the command to an assistant to press the pedal.
  3. If the pedal moves easily and gurgling is heard in the reservoir, liquid is entering there. The reason is that worn cuffs are unable to create pressure in the circuits; liquid seeps through the leaks and enters the container.

Also, problems with the GTZ are indicated by jamming or too little pedal travel.
Sit behind the wheel, press it several times, and start the engine while holding the pedal with your foot. If it sinks to the floor or does not budge, disassemble the hydraulic cylinder. This is interesting: Practical tips and recommendations for replacing the fog lamp on a Renault Logan car

To replace or repair the master brake cylinder, you need to remove the unit from the vehicle. Work is carried out in the following order:

  1. Suck out the liquid from the tank with a syringe. If the cuffs are leaking, press the pedal several times and suck out the excess fluid.
  2. Remove the expansion tank.
  3. It is not necessary to drain all brake circuits. Substituting a small container, unscrew the nut of the first tube and carefully move it to the side, plugging it with a wooden stick.
  4. Repeat the operation with the second tube, unscrew the fastening of the GTZ flange and remove the unit.

Further actions depend on the design of the master cylinder. If the element is completely disassembled, change the rubber seals. Otherwise, you will have to replace the pistons assemblies. Pre-wash the body and all openings with alcohol; do not use gasoline. After assembly, add fluid and bleed the brake system to remove air.

Repair of the main brake cylinder on a VAZ 2107

A serviceable brake system of a VAZ 2107 car is the key to the safety of both the driver and passengers. It is for this reason that special attention should be paid to it, and if the slightest sign of malfunction appears, repairs should be started immediately.

The main brake cylinder on the VAZ 2107 is one of the main elements of the car’s braking system. It may have two main faults. The first is expressed in the appearance of a fluid leak from the main brake, the second in a decrease in the efficiency of the system, which can only be determined after checking the workers. In most cases, both faults can be eliminated by simple repair of the main brake, which consists of replacing the sealing collars and boot. However, in some cases, only replacing the cylinder can solve the problem.

First, you need to disassemble the brake cylinder and determine whether it is advisable to repair it. To work you will need a minimum of tools:

  • The key for 10 is normal;
  • Special key for 10, for pipes;
  • Key to 13;
  • The screwdriver is flat.

Why do the brakes disappear in the VAZ-2110?

If the brakes on a VAZ-2110 leave much to be desired, you should not blame the head cylinder (GTC) immediately, especially since there are several additional reasons for mechanism failures:

  1. The working cylinder is leaking; this process can occur gradually or quickly.
  2. Look at how much brake fluid is in the reservoir. The brake line may have broken, causing fluid to leak.
  3. The same thing sometimes happens with rubber hoses. They can rot or break through.

In fact, determining whether the master cylinder is to blame for brake failure or not is simple - examine its appearance. If there are traces of leaks, then your fears are not in vain.

Also pay attention to the following signs of a gas turbine engine malfunction:

  1. The brake pedal remains in the same position when pressed and applied.
  2. Alternatively, it moves idle, that is, nothing changes in the operation of the brakes.

Characteristics of GTZ

What does this element represent? The GTZ is a mechanism that creates high pressure in the tubes and lines when the corresponding pedal is pressed. It is located in the engine compartment, next to the vacuum booster.

The design of this element is quite simple. The mechanism includes:

  • Steel body.
  • A spring with a piston that creates pressure in the system.
  • Holes for connecting tubes.
  • Liquid reservoir (installed on top of the element).

Traffic safety depends on the proper operation of this element. Therefore, at the slightest sign it is necessary to urgently change it.

How to determine the malfunction?

There are several reasons why this element fails. The first is a violation of the tightness of the system. If the main brake cylinder has leaked, the VAZ-2107 must not be used.

In case of any fluid leaks or traces of drips, measures must be taken. It often happens that the tubes “sweat”. In this case, the car needs to replace the master cylinder fitting. The VAZ-2107, in which the fluid level is constantly falling, cannot be operated. At one point you may be left without brakes. The next reason is the nature of the pedal itself. If it becomes “wobbly” and returns sluggishly, it means there is no vacuum on the amplifier. In this case, you need to check all cuffs and tubes. If they are intact, it is necessary to replace the main brake cylinder of the VAZ-2107. The price of a new element reaches a thousand rubles.

Required Tools

So what tools do we need for the job? In order for the replacement of the master brake cylinder (VAZ-2107) to be successful, we will need:

  • Key "8" and "10". A tool is needed specifically for brake pipes, since carob pipes often lick off the edges.
  • Head “10” and “13”.
  • Screwdriver. This is necessary if you have clamps installed on the rubber tubes and cuffs.
  • Medical syringe (it is enough to use a five- or ten-cc one).
  • New clamps 10-16 millimeters.
  • An empty bottle or any other container.
  • Brake fluid (on domestic “classics” a product of the RosDOT brand of the fourth class is used, as shown in the photo below).


So, first of all, remove the expansion tank fasteners. To do this, you need to use the “10” key. Next, remove the lid and pour the excess antifreeze into a previously prepared container. Then place a piece of clean rag under the master cylinder. This is necessary to ensure that brake fluid does not enter the engine. Next, take a screwdriver in your hands and unscrew the hose clamps that go to the main cylinder. We take all the fittings out. After this, we wipe off the remaining fluid on the vacuum brake booster. Remove the protective plug from the new cylinder. We install an oil seal instead. The latter can be taken from an old GTZ, or you can buy a new one in a store (depending on the condition of the part).

How is the main brake cylinder of the VAZ-2107 replaced? Next, using a wrench, unscrew the tubes themselves (there will be 3 of them). Remember that you cannot use open-end wrenches. As a last resort, be careful not to lick the edges. The pipe connections can become very rusty - be prepared for difficulties. Then, using a 13mm wrench, unscrew the pair of fastening nuts that go from the master cylinder to the vacuum booster. The old GTZ can now be taken out.

Now we install a new one in its place and tighten the bolts. Next we need a syringe. We take a small volume of RosDot brake fluid into it and apply it to the places where the tubes are attached. Before doing this, you need to remove the rubber plugs from them. There are three holes in total. Make sure that no dirt gets inside. It will no longer be possible to extract her from there. We fill the holes until the liquid itself flows out. After this, install the front fittings and tighten them with a special wrench (not an open-end wrench). We do the same procedure with the rear hoses.

The brake master cylinder (MBC) is one of the main elements of the brake system, which determines how safe the vehicle will be used. The driver is obliged to ensure that it is in good condition. If malfunctions are detected, action must be taken immediately. Negligence and delay in repairs can lead to an accident. You can identify faults and repair the VAZ 2107 GTZ yourself.

GTZ: device and purpose

The VAZ 2107 is equipped with a hydraulic brake system consisting of two circuits. When one of the circuits fails, the other continues braking. This improves traffic safety. The master cylinder changes the pressure in the circuits depending on the position of the brake pedal. The GTZ is located on the rear wall of the engine compartment. It can be found under the expansion tank of two sections, which is filled with brake fluid (TF). It looks like an oblong cylinder with holes for connecting brake hoses.

The GTZ housing contains 2 pistons with sealing collars. They are located sequentially one after another. The first one moves due to the influence of the pedal pusher on it and serves the contour of the rear wheels. It forces a second piston to move, which acts on the two brake circuits of the front wheels. Springs that are located between the pistons return them to place when the driver releases the brake pedal.

GTZ performs the following functions:

  • distributes the fuel fluid over two brake circuits, which separately serve the front wheels;
  • transmits the force of the brake pedal using fluid to the working cylinders (WC);
  • directs excess fuel fluid to the expander;
  • returns the pedal and rod to their initial position when the driver no longer presses the pedal.

To avoid problems with the brakes during further operation, for replacement you need to buy an original product, preferably from a Tolyatti plant with article number 21013505008.

Diagnostic methods and possible malfunctions of the GTZ

The need to diagnose HTC arises when the following symptoms appear:

  • an indicator lights up on the dashboard warning of insufficient brake fluid level;
  • in order to brake, you need to press the pedal hard;
  • large free play of the pedal, sometimes it falls through;
  • when braking sharply, the car moves away from the direction of travel;
  • the car slows down, the pedal is depressed as much as possible;
  • leakage of fuel fluid from the tank.

First, the area under the gas turbine engine is inspected for drips. They are usually visible on the side member and vacuum booster. If the tank body is intact, you need to remove and repair or replace the GTZ.

To identify malfunctions of the master cylinder without diagnosing other parts of the brake system, you need to perform the following steps:

  • Using a wrench, unscrew the brake pipes from their sockets and screw in screws with fine threads in their place;
  • plug the outlet openings of the dismantled removed pipes with wooden choppers or pegs;
  • Next you need to press the pedal several times.

If the GTZ is working properly, after several presses the chambers will fill with liquid and it will be impossible to press the pedal. On the faulty element, the sealing cuffs allow liquid to pass through, and it flows back into the expander, and the pedal continues to fail. To confirm a malfunction of the turbocharger, you need to unscrew the nuts on the cylinder and move it away from the vacuum booster; the fuel fluid will flow out of the hole.

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