Is mirror tinting of a car allowed - tinting rules

What is removable tint?

Most often, removable tinting refers to a relatively thick silicone film. It performs the same functions as a regular one, but it is glued and removed much faster and easier - you can do it yourself without any tools. Moreover, it is reusable: that is, after removal it can be glued to the glass again. Sheets of monopolycarbonate plastic have the same functions.

However, the concept of “removable film” sometimes also includes other ways for motorists to protect themselves from the sun or prying eyes:

  • various perforated curtains designed specifically for car windows;
  • installation of a second tinted glass with a separate window regulator;
  • other devices.

Conclusion regarding winter tinting

Obviously, the confusion over the question of whether it is possible to tint a car in winter is caused by the owners of car dealerships where such services are provided. Because these are small offices.

Of course, one should not respect their opinion, provided that they are unprofessional and are just taking advantage of the hype. Although it is rational to think about whether tinting is needed in winter. It may be true that it is better to tint windows at a time when the daylight hours become longer and the sun heats up the car panels more strongly.

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Many car owners are interested in the question, is it possible to tint car windows during the cold season? Such thoughts arise from basic knowledge of physics, because liquid dries in autumn (or winter) much longer than in the warm season, so the argument about how this will affect the adhesive properties of film and glass is very reasonable.

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Another topic that is actively raised on auto forums with the onset of cold weather is the legality of using tachometers in winter. To fully answer all questions, you will need not only knowledge of winter tinting technology, but also a detailed analysis of a number of certain documents.

Do traffic regulations prohibit removable tinting?

From a legal point of view, there is absolutely no difference between removable film and regular film. Both types of tinting are prohibited if, after their installation, the driver’s field of vision is limited or the light transmittance of the glass falls below the level permitted by GOST. This tint is included in the list of faults, which means it prohibits the use of the car.

What is the penalty for violation?

Previously, excessive tinting was followed by really serious sanctions. Now the clause of the Code of Administrative Offenses, which provides for punishment for non-compliance of the light transmittance of glass with GOST, prescribes only a small fine - 500 rubles. (Part 3.1 Article 12.5). Taking into account the discount for paying off the fine within 20 days, its amount will be only 250 rubles. But in practice, lovers of tinting will face a more severe punishment.

Frequently asked questions about car tinting

Question: Is it possible to tint car windows only in winter?

ANSWER: You can tint car windows AT ABSOLUTELY ANY TEMPERATURE, we have successfully tinted cars when the air temperature outside is down to minus 30 degrees, we are waiting for phone numbers to sign up for training 8 (495) 7209283

Also, the car's tinting will not be negatively affected by precipitation. On the contrary, during rainy weather and in winter you can avoid waiting in line and get a discount on tinting.

Question: Can I buy a film from you and tint the car myself? ANSWER: Yes, of course, we can sell you the film by the meter, but to properly tint a car you need certain skills and tools. Therefore, we recommend that you turn to our professional services. By the way, we have examples of self-tinted cars “by craftsmen in the garage and with a bottle of beer” in the “road humor” section

Question: Do you glue the film outside or inside? ANSWER: The film is always glued from the inside, but the pattern on the glass and the molding of the film is done from the outside.

Question: How long does it take to tint a car? ANSWER: Tinting a car in our tinting center lasts on average 1.5-2.5 hours, but the time can vary both up and down, depending on the condition of your car and the individual characteristics of the bodies to sign up for tinting 8(495)7209283

Question: What should I do while the car is being tinted? ANSWER: During tinting, you can sit in our cafe. Although your presence with us is not required, you can leave the car and take a walk. We are located in close proximity to the large RIO shopping center, where you can have a fun time.

Question: When you tint a car, do you disassemble the interior trim? ANSWER: We try to disassemble the car as little as possible. But sometimes, due to the technical features of the car’s structure, a little disassembly of the door trim may be required... but nothing more. But this is only when it is necessary. Although we think there is no point in being too afraid of analysis, since we employ professionals in their field. Disassembly and assembly of the casing is carried out by qualified personnel, so there is no reason to worry. and there is also something like that, but regarding those tinters that promise to tint your car 100% without disassembling it... without even knowing the make of your car... we would advise you to think about the professionalism of such tinters, because basically it is necessary to remove the rubber seals on the door windows always, since it is simply not possible to dry the bottom edge of the film with a hairdryer at 650 degrees with the rubber seal installed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! otherwise, over time, the film will begin to lift along the bottom edge .

Question: And if I leave the car with you and leave, nothing will happen to it? ANSWER: We have video surveillance on our territory, with video recording. So there is no need to worry about this.

Question: Can you come to us to order? ANSWER: Yes, of course. We have a mobile team that can come to you and tint on your spot: Bus, yacht, country house, office, apartment, shop, etc.

Question: Do you tint with American films? ANSWER: We give preference to American films, but at the client’s request, we can also offer high-quality Korean films to reduce the cost of tinting. But BE SURE!!!!!! Even if we can offer Korean film, we will NEVER replace it with American film!!!!!

Question: Which removable tint film would you recommend for me?

Answer: We think it’s good if you glue it to the front windows, then the usual traditional tint film on the adhesive layer, since it has the best indicators of visibility from the inside, but if, for some objective reason, you don’t want to glue a regular tint film, then If from removable types we recommend you silicone tint film

If you have any other questions, our consultant will be happy to answer and give recommendations by phone: 8 (495) 720-92-83

How are they punished for removable tint in practice?

For removable tinting, as for regular tinting, inspectors can issue an order requiring the repair of a fault in the car. Of course, peeling off removable tint is much easier than getting rid of regular tint. However, if you remove and re-apply the removable tint after some time, the requirement will not be considered fulfilled.

If the next time any other inspector stops the car and finds out about the presence of an order by checking the vehicle against the data base, he will definitely check whether the described malfunction has been eliminated. If the tint is still on the car windows, then the driver will face a new punishment: 1000 rubles. fine or up to 15 days of arrest (according to Article 19.3).

However, this is not all that the State Traffic Inspectorate has prepared for car owners. For repeated violations of the operating conditions of the vehicle, its registration may be suspended. Most often, such punishment is applied to those who unauthorizedly made changes to the design of the vehicle and did not register them with the traffic police. However, sometimes this measure of punishment can be applied to those who like tinting.

What percentage can the front windows be tinted?

The traffic rules clearly regulate that it is allowed to use tinting on glass, except for mirror glass, the light transmittance of which complies with GOST 5727-88. But the problem here is that this GOST is outdated and has lost its force since January 1, 2020. But this does not mean that the glass can be tinted as desired. There is another legal act called “Technical Regulations of the Customs Union “On the Safety of Wheeled Vehicles”. All drivers are required to obey it, and it specifies a limit on the percentage of tinting.

In the Technical Regulations, the permissible percentage of tinting of front windows is 70%.

Regardless of the vehicle category. That is, tinting is allowed, as a result of which the glass will transmit at least 70% of all sunlight. By the way, the GOST, which had lost legal force, imposed slightly more stringent restrictions - the windshield was at least 75%, and the side windows were also 70%.

It should be taken into account that the glass is already tinted from the factory (approximately from 5 to 10%), and if you simply choose a film that darkens the glass by 30%, then the glass will become illegal.

In addition, the same Technical Regulations allow the application of a film no more than 14 cm wide on the windshield in its upper part, which can be tinted at least 100%.

How to avoid punishment?

Removable tinting is purchased precisely in order to avoid punishment: drivers think that if they manage to remove the film before the traffic police officer inspects the car, then they will not face a fine. However, in practice, almost everything depends on the attitude of the inspector. Perhaps he will turn a blind eye to this trick, or perhaps he will only get angry. In any case, he has the right to draw up a protocol. Even if he did not have time to check the light transmittance of the glass, he can draw up a protocol under Part 1 of Art. 12.5, which provides the same sanction (500 rubles fine), but punishes for any damage included in the list of faults.

Thus, removable tint cannot guarantee a 100% chance of avoiding punishment, but it definitely increases the chances.

Light according to standards

At the moment, car window tinting is regulated by GOST, which has undergone significant changes in 2020.
GOST itself regulates the level of light transmission into the car interior. All car windows are divided into two categories: driver visibility from the front and visibility from the rear. Each category has its own percentage of light transmission. The windshield can be tinted with a film with 75% light transmission. A little. But a 10 cm wide tint strip on top of the glass is allowed. Moreover, it can be of any degree of light transmission. The front side windows cannot be tinted with a film less than 70%. It is strictly forbidden to use so-called “removable” tinting, curtains and blinds on the front windows.

The rear side windows and rear window can be tinted with a film with any percentage of light transmission. Curtains and blinds can also be used there without restrictions.

But here we are talking about a classic black tint film. Some motorists use mirror film, which reflects light better. Metallized film also has its own permitted light transmittance. It is 60%.

Colored athermal film will not only hide the car interior from prying eyes, but also protect it from sunlight. And due to the ability of light refraction, it reduces the heating of the interior and the operation of the air conditioner. When choosing an athermal film, one must take into account its ability to create a mirror effect. Therefore, such a film must have at least 60% light transmission.

Detention of a vehicle for tinting (tinting film)

Can a vehicle be detained on the basis of 27.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for tinting? We turn to 27.13 and read...

In case of violation of the rules of operation, use of a vehicle and driving a vehicle of the corresponding type, provided for in part ... part 2 of article 12.5 ... the vehicle is detained

As you noticed, Article 27.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation mentions Part 2, which applies to Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. And we have a violation under Part 1 or 3.1 of the same article. That is, simply put, the detention of a vehicle is unacceptable! Traffic police officers do not have the right to blackmail the driver with the idea that the car can be taken to the impound lot.

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