Rosneft 10W-40 oil: reviews and characteristics. Synthetics and semi-synthetics Rosneft 10W-40

Small companies merge, small brands are swallowed up by market sharks: the process of globalization cannot be stopped.

The oil industry is no exception. For example, TNK oils are owned simultaneously by such giants as British Petroleum, Rosneft and the Tyumen Oil Company itself.

And they are produced under their own brand. At the same time, the lines of lubricants “Rosneft” and “TNK” coincide down to the smallest details, only the color and shape of the canisters are different.

The secret is that first TNK and BP merged, and then the single holding was purchased by the Rosneft corporation.

Let us remember: TNK is Rosneft: the merger had a positive impact on the quality and range of products. Let's consider the main branches of products: synthetics and semi-synthetics of TNK.

Brief Product Description

Rosneft is a Russian manufacturer of various lubricants for automobiles. Rosneft 10W40 engine oil is considered one of the popular and sought-after products because it has a low price and retains all the qualities of semi-synthetic.

The company has been developing this product for a long time, and the main emphasis was on accessibility and maintaining the quality of the composition.

Today's oil was developed on the basis of a synthetic oil base with the addition of a package of high-quality additives. As a result, the product was obtained with the necessary indicators and quality characteristics.

Important characteristics of the product include excellent cleaning properties, protection against wear and corrosion. The product is suitable for all-season use. Economical and practical for continuous use.

Negative reviews

Various sources provide both positive and negative reviews about Rosneft 10w-40 oil. However, there are more positive statements. About 20% of drivers claim that this is a low-quality product.

There are opinions that this product forms carbon deposits on engine mechanisms. A high level of oil burnout was also noted. At low temperatures the engine has difficulty starting. Some drivers claim that after such a product they had to overhaul the system.

Experts say that such reviews may be due to the purchase of counterfeits or improper use of consumables. If oil consumption is too high, the engine may not be designed to use a synthetic lubricant. In this case, the oil will be more fluid. It can gradually leak out through microcracks in the system. Therefore, when purchasing Rosneft oil, you should consider the manufacturer’s recommendations. It may be necessary to use exclusively mineral oils.

Product technical parameters

The oil has good performance and is suitable for use all year round. The product is recommended for Russian cars that meet the approvals and specifications specified in the instructions for the oil.

The lubricant can be poured into diesel and gasoline engines with additional accessories, for example, with particulate filters. It is considered optimal to use oil for machines that have a long service life. The substance also has the following technical parameters:

Main technical parameters of the composition:
  • viscosity at 20 degrees – 62.7 sq. mm/s
  • viscosity at 100 degrees – 15.2 sq. mm/s;
  • viscosity index - 136;
  • flash/pour point – 220/-28.
API (SL – for gasoline engines, CF – for diesel engines).
  • A3/B3
  • ACEA
  • SL/CF
The recommended equipment includes all models of carburetor engines of domestic cars (VAZ, GAZ, UAZ brands).

Oil can be purchased in different containers. For private buyers, canisters and bottles of 1-5 liters are suitable, and for wholesale buyers, a large barrel is the ideal solution.

How to spot a fake

Unique oil code Gazpromneft

All lubricants are subject to counterfeiting. It is often quite difficult to recognize a counterfeit. But such situations cannot happen with Gazpromneft oil. The buyer can always determine that he has low-grade fluid or high-quality motor oil in his hands. The manufacturer values ​​​​its reputation, so it takes all measures to combat intruders.

One of these measures is to apply a unique code to each canister of petroleum product. The code is hidden under a protective layer. By entering this code on the company’s official website or sending it in an SMS message to the manufacturer’s number, the buyer will receive information about the authenticity of the product. Please note: you can only enter this code once. When you request again, the system will notify you about the fake. This measure is necessary to ensure that criminals do not use the used canister again.

It is advisable to purchase branded products only in Gazpromneft branded departments. Information about their location can be found on the manufacturer's official website. When visiting a retail outlet and choosing the right type of motor oil, you must ask the sellers for quality certificates. Lack of documents will indicate falsification.

Pros and cons of the products

The universal oil Rosneft 10W 40 has many positive aspects, ranging from full compliance with international standards and requirements to the following parameters:

  • protects the engine and the entire system from the negative effects of the external environment;
  • has excellent antioxidant properties;
  • allows you to maintain the stability of the substance for a long time and extends the life of the motor;
  • protects against soot, corrosion, mechanical particles;
  • allows you to save fuel consumption due to excellent liquid evaporation characteristics;
  • the consumption of the substance is not too significant;
  • the liquid can be used even at very cold temperatures (from -30 to +40 degrees Celsius);
  • affordable price (from 150 rubles per liter).

As a disadvantage, people note that the consumption is not very economical and the formation of soot, but this is also possible when the product is used for other purposes.

Details about the product can be found in the video:


Rosneft 10w-40 oil (semi-synthetic), the characteristics of which were studied by independent experts, is distinguished by a number of positive qualities. It should be noted that this is an all-season product. It can be used over a wide range of temperatures in different climate zones. Even with sudden changes in temperature and severe frost, the motor will work fully.

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The creators of the presented composition took into account the characteristics of Russian roads, local gasoline and climatic conditions. Thanks to this, it was possible to create an oil that ensures engine starting in severe frost. In hot weather, the thin film covering the rubbing elements does not break, and the lubricant does not completely drain into the crankcase.

When under load, carbon deposits may form on the engine mechanisms. Rosneft Maximum oil can prevent the formation of soot at different engine speeds. If the car travels on the roads of a big city and is often stuck in traffic jams, this product will be able to maintain the integrity of the parts even in these conditions. It is when driving around a metropolis that the greatest load is placed on the engine.

Reviews of Rosneft 10W 40 oil

The substance has good characteristics, but to fully understand whether this lubricant is worth purchasing, you should listen to the reviews of real users:

Kirill, 28 years old

The oil is not of very high quality, but for such tiny money it’s fine. The main thing is to use it in Russian cars, because otherwise the car will definitely malfunction.

Matvey Ivanovich, 57 years old

For my “six” the oil is simply ideal, and with a small pension in Russia, a more successful option cannot be found at all. What else can I say... the car starts in cold weather without vibrating. Previously, the engine made noise and there were knocking noises, but now everything is normal. I recommend it specifically to retirees.

Vladislav, 41 years old

I don’t really like the fact that the consumption is high. They add more often. The car is still Soviet, but this oil allows the car to work well. The Onam starts easily, even in winter. I've been buying oil for more than two years and haven't thought about changing it yet.

Igor, 31 years old

The oil has two advantages - there are no fakes and it is cheap. Otherwise, what do you want from a budget option. I wouldn’t call the product unique and universal either. For domestic cars, that’s it, but for foreign cars, don’t even try. I like it, but this is only while I have an old VAZ.

Expert reviews

Motor oil "Rosneft 10w-40", reviews of which are provided by experts, in terms of quality belongs to the class of medium varieties of lubricants. In many respects it is not inferior to domestic and even some foreign analogues.

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However, the presented oil does not meet high European standards and environmental regulations. Domestic oils are produced in accordance with the requirements established in the Russian Federation. Environmental standards in our country are somewhat lower. Therefore, Rosneft lubricants are used exclusively by drivers in our country.

The standards established in our country for the production of consumables for cars are fully satisfied by the formula of the presented oil. It ensures stable operation of the motor with a slight increase in power. The pressure must be constant.


From the name of the liquid it can be understood that synthetic and semi-synthetic automobile motor oil is produced by the giant of the Russian gas industry. The latest technologies are used in production to achieve high quality of the final product. Lubricants Standard 10w40 and others for diesel and gasoline engines have the same temperature and viscosity characteristics. Below we will consider the types, as well as the technical features of each product.


First, let's look at the technical characteristics of Premium 10w40 oil. It meets the requirements of the AvtoVAZ automobile concern, the product has received a Lux certificate. This indicates that the liquid is approved for use in vehicles that meet the EURO-4 specification. The oil also meets ACEA A3/B4 requirements, which indicates the possibility of its use in cars running on diesel and gasoline.

Main technical features:

  • the density of the product at a temperature of 20 degrees is 873 kg/m3;
  • the kinematic viscosity parameter varies around 98.3-14.4 mm2/s if the engine temperature is 40-100 degrees;
  • sulfate ash value - 1.31%
  • the lubricant can flare up if the engine temperature rises to 229 degrees, and in cold weather, at -39 degrees, the oil begins to solidify.

In accordance with the data described above, Premium diesel or gasoline oil is allowed for use in all AvtoVAZ vehicles, especially when it comes to new cars. In addition, the lubricant is excellent for Gazelle and UAZ cars (including new models).

As for foreign cars, Premium can also be used in foreign-made cars, in particular, in diesel “older” cars. Based on the results of independent tests, it was revealed that the use of oil in foreign cars produced in the late 90s and early 2000s is more relevant (video author - Mack Mk).


Gazpromneft also produces 10w40 Super oil. The liquid has received API SG/CD specifications, according to which its use is allowed in all Russian-made cars. It can also be used in engines of foreign cars that were produced from 1989 to 1993. The product has received approval from AvtoVAZ engineers, which allows the lubricant to be used in all VAZs without exception. The liquid also has an AAI certificate. In terms of its properties, this semi-synthetic is similar to the oil described above, but has lower ash content parameters.

We recommend: Technical characteristics of Idemitsu 5W-40 engine oil

Main technical parameters of the product:

  • the density value of this product is 874 kg/m3;
  • the kinematic viscosity parameter varies between 98.3-14.2 mm2/s if the temperature of the car engine is from 40 to 100 degrees;
  • the sulfate ash content of Super 10w40 oil is 0.9%!, which allows for the removal of residual deposits from the internal walls of the power unit;
  • solidification of the oil is possible at a temperature of -37 degrees, but ignition of the liquid is also possible if the engine overheats and its temperature rises to 229 degrees.


The next product in the Gazprom Neft line is Ecogas 10w40 oil. When producing the liquid, a special package of additives is used, which allows the product to be used specifically in engines operating on liquefied gas. The product can also be used in vehicles equipped with a dual-fuel power system. The lubricant complies with API SJ/SF specification.

Main technical properties of the product:

  • the liquid density indicator is 873 kg/m3;
  • the kinematic viscosity value ranges from 97.2-14.3 mm2/s if the temperature of the automobile internal combustion engine is from 40 to 100 degrees;
  • sulfate ash parameter is 1.08%
  • It is possible for the oil in the engine to solidify if the air temperature drops below 35 degrees below zero, and it can ignite if the engine overheats to 230 degrees (the author of the video is the Mexanicks Exspedition channel).


Separately, we should highlight products belonging to the G-energy line. The products in this line - Super, Premium and S Synth - were developed for export. The latest innovations were used in the production of oils, since the majority of our compatriots believe that Gazpromneft is intended for use only in old domestic cars. This marketing ploy was carried out in order to destroy the stereotype about the quality of the oil.

But in fact, the resulting products did not differ much in characteristics from the manufacturer’s other products:

  • the density parameter of Super, Premium and S Synth products is about 874 kg/m3;
  • the kinematic viscosity value varies between 98.5-14.5 mm2/s if the engine temperature is from 40 to 100 degrees;
  • The oil may freeze if the air temperature drops below 36 degrees, and the liquid will ignite if the engine overheats to 229 degrees.

In general, the technical characteristics of the oils in the G-energy line do not differ much from the Gazprom Neft products described above. Only these oils are promoted more actively by the manufacturer; the oils receive more different specifications and certificates for use in cars from different manufacturers.

Gazpromneft Premium

Gazpromneft Ecogas

Gazpromneft Standard

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