Which is better: Gazpromneft, or Lukoil, or Rosneft?

Test of domestic semi-synthetic motor oils - rating of SL class oils - Za Rulem magazine

The preparatory stage did not inspire optimism: semi-synthetics better than the SL group are not yet produced in Russia. The number of participants is obviously modest. But the question, one might say, is political: can we or can’t we?

However, where there is politics, there is optimism: things are not so bad. If only because not all imported giants from the previous examination could boast of such an API class. And we are calling LUKOIL-Lux 10W-40 and TNK Magnum 10W-40 into the ring. 5W-40. In the “Start” category, this oil will be out of competition - “five” instead of “ten” according to SAE obviously gives it an advantage. But the “ten” from Rosneft exists only in the lower SJ class, so it’s not interesting to take it. And at the same time we will confirm (or refute) our old statement: the first SAE figure has practically no effect on anything other than cold start parameters.

The leader of previous tests, Shell Helix Plus 10W-40, was invited as a standard. This can also be called politics: if we lose, then at least we won’t be ashamed...


If they decided to draw parallels between the two examinations, then the test methodology must be completely identical. That’s what they did: the same three laboratories and three cycles of testing each oil sample. The first is a motor oil, in which each oil was first “rolled” according to a given program. The second is the determination of the most important physicochemical parameters. The third is tribological tests on a four-ball friction machine. And then the analysis of the results using the same rating scale that we used earlier.

The main conclusion was quite unexpected: our oils are much better than many people think. Let us remind you: we awarded the first prize for energy-saving properties. And here LUKOIL-Lux showed a result that was practically no different from Shell’s. The achievements of TNK Magnum and Rosneft Maximum are a little more modest, but quite at the level of most imported analogues and even better than some. By the way, the analysis of high-temperature viscosity gave the same conclusion as in the March examination: the viscosity-temperature characteristics of the LUKOIL product are close to optimal (which we observed in Shell, Zik and Esso oils). Hence the good efficiency of the motor, while the protection of friction units remains at the proper level. TNK and Rosneft oils have a slightly higher viscosity. This gives greater fuel consumption, but improves the resource-saving properties of these oils.

The second prize is for dynamics and power. The picture repeated itself: there is no clear leader, and differences in torque of 0.5–1.5% cannot be called serious.

Next is ecology. Here, the balance of motor indicators was taken into account, indicating an increase or decrease in the content of toxic components in the exhaust gases of a real engine and the content of substances potentially hazardous to nature - sulfur and phosphorus - in the oil. LUKOIL oil contains approximately the same amount of sulfur as the main sample of imported analogues; in the products of TNK and Rosneft there is a little more of it, but in this parameter they are practically no different from Shell.

AVERAGED MOTOR INDICATORS* *The results that are within the measurement error are highlighted in blue.

AVERAGED MOTOR INDICATORS* *The results that are within the measurement error are highlighted in blue.

The picture changed in the fourth stage. In the “Extreme Protection” category, our oils clearly outperformed Shell – this is clearly evidenced by the test results on a four-ball friction machine. The only fly in the ointment may be that even in the group of giants, Shell looked more modest than others in this category.

But what was most surprising were the results in the “Start” category. We remind you: here we were interested in the oil viscosity index, the conditional cranking temperature, low-temperature properties and the power of mechanical engine losses at low speeds. Among the imported oils, the leader was Shell with a viscosity index of 158, but all our participants had it... above 160! Well, okay, with Rosneft this result was predictable - it is still a “five”, and therefore must be the best. But LUKOIL and TNK were truly pleasing. The consequence is a lower cranking temperature. And this was all clearly confirmed by the very low pour point.


It turns out that our oils are what you need? Numbers are numbers, you can't argue with them. For the sake of interest, combine the results tables from this examination and from the previous one, having first mixed the columns and covered the line with the names of the oils with your hand. And try to find our domestic ones among the entire sample. Will not work! By and large, this should not be surprising: the global division of labor has also affected us. After all, in the whole world there are only five or six companies specializing in the production of additive packages, and therefore all oil manufacturers use some of them in one way or another. The same applies to commercial oil base stocks. Where does the difference come from then?

physical and chemical indicators

physical and chemical indicators

The principle of distribution of places remained the same - as in a competition held between “foreigners”, but the small number of participants simplified the task. “Shell” is a sample for comparison; Rosneft’s products, having a viscosity of 5W-40, were automatically sent to the “non-competitive display”. And since LUKOIL in all tests turned out to be at least slightly better than TNK, then it should be the first. But TNK oil is cheaper!

High temperature kinematic viscosity

High temperature kinematic viscosity

If you compare the tables with the results of this and previous examinations, covering the line with the names of oils with your hand, you will not be able to identify domestic ones based on the results. Because ours are no worse!

Of course, no one is going to pit LUKOIL and Shell against each other based on the results of the examination. It is clear that the volume of tests carried out in the preparation of this material is still not enough for a full comparison. Much, in particular, depends on how the oil behaves over long periods of operation. It is in the life of the oil, its tendency to deposits and prolonged cleaning power that real quality lies. Representatives of the elite of the oil world have already passed this test, and with success (ZR, 2009, No. 10; 2010, No. 1). But we cannot yet say how domestic participants will behave in comparison with them at the marathon distance. But we will try very hard to find the answer to this question.

And another drop of tar. Most canisters of imported oils have a drawer in the neck, which allows you to carefully pour oil into the engine without any funnels, but none of ours have one. Is it so difficult to do? A trifle, of course, but still

SL class oils: Lubricate in Russian

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Any motor oil receives approval and certification. Thus, Rosneft Maximum Service 5W30 received approval:

  • SL/CF.


  • AAI B5 STO 003.

Container and release form

Rosneft oil is available in different forms, both for retail and wholesale:

  • 88888S05300100 Rosneft Maximum Service 5W-30 1l
  • 88888S05300400 Rosneft Maximum Service 5W-30 4l
  • 88888S05300180 Rosneft Maximum Service 5W-30 216.5 l

Rosneft motor oils - synthetic or semi-synthetic?

The correct choice of engine oil not only guarantees a long engine life, but also increases engine power and throttle response by 3–5%, and also reduces fuel consumption. Therefore, drivers often ask themselves questions, which is better:

  • synthetic or semi-synthetic;
  • 5w40 or 10w40;
  • Rosneft or some imported oil?

In this article we will answer the first two questions, and the third is discussed in detail in the article - Rosneft motor oils - comparison with other oils. There we proved that Russian oil under the Rosneft brand is not inferior to many foreign oils of the same class, and all the stories about low-quality Rosneft oils are generated by the improper use of these products.

How oil kills an engine

Most car owners know that oil lubricates rubbing parts, cools pistons and performs other important functions, but few understand why good oil suddenly turns into an engine killer.

After all, myths about the low quality of this or that oil grow from this misunderstanding. Even the best oil recommended by the car manufacturer, after degeneration, will kill it in the same way as the cheapest oil that is obtained by cleaning old waste.

What is oil? Despite the fact that visually it is perceived as a homogeneous liquid, this is not entirely true. Base oils obtained from petroleum (mineral), gas (synthetic) and a mixture of both products (semi-synthetic) have mediocre characteristics. In addition, each type of base oil is full of various disadvantages. For example, mineral oil lubricates well only at room temperature, and slight heating sharply reduces lubricity.

Synthetic oil is much more stable when heated or cooled, but its lubricity is much lower. Semi-synthetics are a cross between synthetics and mineral water, so to some extent they have the disadvantages of both original products.

To turn a mediocre lubricant into high-quality oil, various additives are added to it to change its properties. Despite the fact that each manufacturer uses its own set of additives, here are those included in any oil:

  • detergents;
  • stabilizing;
  • antioxidant;
  • anti-scuff;
  • anti-foam;
  • regulating viscosity at high temperatures.

That is, oil is a very complex substance consisting of many components. Some of the additives are mixed with the original product, forming a homogeneous solution. The other part makes the oil a suspension - a liquid in which small solid fragments float. Under ideal conditions, the oil service life is 10–15 thousand kilometers. From the first kilometer, changes begin in the oil, affecting both the base and additives. At first, these changes are unnoticeable, but after approximately 2–3 thousand kilometers, some of the additives stop working. This is due to:

  • high temperature;
  • crankcase gases;
  • metal shavings;
  • high pressure.

On new engines, where crankcase gas breakthrough is minimal, these processes occur closer to 5 thousand kilometers. When the oil loses some of its additives (they precipitate or simply lose their properties), its characteristics change and the oil no longer matches the engine and operating mode.

After this, the process of oil degradation begins to accelerate and by 10 thousand kilometers it loses half of its characteristics. What does this mean? The fact that you can drive for some time on such oil, but carefully and slowly, without sudden accelerations and heavy loads. By 15 thousand kilometers, the substance that is in the engine is not much different from the original mineral or synthetic oil, that is, it is a very mediocre lubricant.

So far, no engine or oil manufacturer has been able to change this development of events. But we described the processes occurring under ideal conditions, but in reality everything is much worse. After 10 thousand kilometers, the most expensive premium oil is no different from the cheapest, that is, there can be no talk of any high-quality engine lubrication. This is due to domestic fuel, broken roads and the inability of most drivers to drive properly. After all, proper driving is not only about safety on the road, but also about the optimal operation of all vehicle components.

Therefore, on Russian roads, those who really care about the engine change the oil every 5 thousand kilometers, but if you have to drive in difficult conditions, then every 3-4 thousand. With this approach, the engine is equally well protected and lubricated by both branded and most domestic oils, including Rosneft.

Selection of engine oil

To choose the right oil, you need to understand the conditions under which the engine operates. The new engine is characterized by minimal gaps between rubbing parts and minimal blow-by of crankcase gases. Therefore, it requires the most fluid oil, which forms a thin but effective lubricating film at high temperatures. As the engine wears out, the gap between the rubbing parts becomes larger, unburned fuel and exhaust gases break through the piston rings more and more, turning into crankcase gases. Therefore, worn engines require thicker or less fluid oil, otherwise it will not be able to form a film on the rubbing surfaces due to the large gap.

Therefore, viscosity directly depends on the condition of the engine, this applies to any type of oil. In addition, engines installed on cars in the mid-80s require less viscous oil than those installed in the 21st century. Higher manufacturing accuracy of rubbing parts, smaller gaps, which means less viscous oil. Therefore, the oil is selected as follows:

  1. First, determine the viscosity according to SAE - 30 or 40. Viscosity 30 is well suited for new or overhauled engines in which all clearances are minimal and not broken. In addition, viscosity 30 is only good for cars that operate in calm conditions, without sudden acceleration and heavy load. Viscosity 40 for those engines where compression is 1.5–2 atmospheres below normal. If the compression is lower by more than 2 atmospheres, then it does not matter what kind of oil to fill in, the engine will still not be able to operate normally. Also, viscosity 40 is more suitable for engines operating in difficult conditions - mountainous terrain or frequent sudden acceleration and braking.
  2. Then the API viscosity is determined, taking into account the year of manufacture of the car. It is undesirable to pour oil into the engine that does not meet this parameter, because either it will be too thick and will not be able to reach the rubbing parts in sufficient quantities, or it will be too liquid. Liquid oil drains from rubbing parts, leaving a thin layer that does not provide reliable protection.
  3. The oil is selected according to the air temperature - summer oil in winter will be too thick, which is why every attempt to start the engine will turn into torture for the driver and the engine. The driver will be angry because the car does not start immediately, and the rubbing parts of the engine will spin “dry”, because too thick oil will not create a film of the required thickness on them.
  4. Only after this do they choose between semi-synthetics and synthetics. There is a simple rule - if the engine operates in comfortable modes, then there is no difference between the types of oil. Such an engine works equally well on synthetic or mineral water. The worse the engine operating conditions, the stronger the bias towards synthetic oil should be, up to the complete abandonment of the mineral base. That is, fully synthetic oil. In addition, the numbers in front of the viscosity index indicate the cold resistance index. That is, oil with an index of 5w will ensure normal starting at temperatures down to minus 30 degrees, and with an index of 10w at a temperature of minus 25 degrees.
  5. Lastly, the oil manufacturer is chosen. We have already proven that Rosneft motor oils are in no way inferior to their SAE and API counterparts from other manufacturers. It is clear that you cannot compare Rosneft 5w40 mineral oil with Shell Helix 5w30 synthetic oil, even if by some miracle they turned out to be of the same SAE class. Moreover, it is impossible to compare oils with different SAE classes, because they are made for different engines and operating conditions. But within the same class according to SAE and API, Rosneft oils are in no way inferior to foreign analogues.

Rosneft oil - which is better: synthetic or semi-synthetic

Often in stores, car owners ask the question, which is better, 5w40 synthetic or 10w 40 semi-synthetic from Rosneft? In fact, this is a fundamentally wrong question, because both oils are good, but for their own situations. After all, such semi-synthetics are good for engines operating in medium and heavy duty conditions, for example:

  • Taxi;
  • ambulances;
  • courier vehicles.

This oil is well suited for those who sometimes have to squeeze everything possible out of the engine, spinning up to maximum speed or driving through difficult mountainous terrain, but mostly operating the car in quiet mode. If the driver prefers very fast and aggressive driving, then synthetics are preferable for him. Especially if he drives in the same way in mountainous areas.

Reviews of Rosneft motor oils

The Internet is filled with various reviews about motor oils. Some of these reviews are located on the websites of oil sellers and raise extremely serious doubts. But here are the reviews published on portals such as:

  • Drome;
  • Drive 2;
  • Review;
  • car enthusiast forums can be taken seriously. After all, the authors have no interest in advertising this or that oil. Therefore, drivers and car owners express their opinions.

Unfortunately, many authors do not indicate in their review the condition of their car, nor the conditions of its operation, nor the mileage of the oil from replacement to replacement, so it is difficult to evaluate this or that oil. You have to dig through a mountain of reviews to find a match on these parameters.

As a result of painstaking work, the following picture is obtained. Rosneft Maximum 5W-40 oil is well suited for all Golf-class cars, as well as for most other passenger cars, regardless of where they were assembled, but manufactured between 2000 and 2010. According to reviews from those who used this oil on cars with a fully serviceable and tuned engine and periodically organized races, when replaced after 5 thousand km, the engine shines with cleanliness and a thin oil coating. Fuel consumption is the same as with top-end oils changed after 5 thousand kilometers and slightly less than with top-end oils changed after 10 thousand kilometers. The difference in fuel consumption when using Rosneft Maximum 5W-40 oil and replacing it after 5 thousand km and the oil recommended by the car manufacturer, but replacing it after 10–15 thousand kilometers, reaches 5% in favor of Rosneft.

5w40 synthetic and 10w 40 semi-synthetic - comparison

If we compare Maximum 10W-40 semi-synthetic and Premium 5W-40 synthetic, then the latter is well suited even for modern foreign cars, not to mention the products of the Russian automobile industry. But all the benefits of Premium oil appear only in the most difficult conditions - frequent elevation changes, vehicle overload, inept or speed-loving driver, poor fuel. Under such conditions, Premium 5W-40 outperforms not only Maximum 10W-40, but also the vast majority of foreign oils. After all, foreign oils are not designed for such conditions and loads at all. Under conditions of quiet driving and careful handling of the car, there is no difference for the engine in these oils.

Another distinctive feature of Premium 5W-40 synthetic oil is that it has received official approval from such companies as:

  • Renault;
  • VW;
  • Porsche;
  • MB;
  • BMW.


All this allows us to draw an unambiguous conclusion - if you have a modern car and you treat it with care, then there is no difference between synthetic and semi-synthetic motor oil. Both oils from Rosneft will reliably protect the engine if you change them on time, taking into account the terrain, load and other factors. If you are a fan of extreme driving or often have to use your car for wear and tear, then give preference to synthetics.



This lubricant is semi-synthetic, not synthetic as many people think. Produced on a high-quality basis consisting of synthetic and mineral components. Modern balanced additives ensure its high performance characteristics.

Rosneft - reliable engine protection.

It has excellent lubricity, providing better gliding and wear protection. By enveloping engine parts in a reliable and at the same time soft oil film, it significantly reduces friction and, consequently, wear.

In addition, the substance perfectly cleans carbon deposits and sludge deposits inside the engine, and also prevents their reoccurrence. Another distinctive feature of it is energy saving: using this oil, you can save on fuel, since its consumption is reduced.

In terms of quality, this product meets all international requirements and standards, which is confirmed by both positive reviews and numerous tests and trials.

Choose engine oil: ours or imported?

What kind of oil does your favorite iron horse eat, and will his “cholesterol plaques” grow from imported products, or maybe, on the contrary, they will dissolve? In this matter, I always consult with the examination department of the magazine “Behind the wheel” - the only authority where they spend money on serious scientific research, not trusting “shamans”.

In the latest examination of 5W-40 motor oils, ZR magazine tested eight non-Nashen synthetics, checking the real “mileage” of these super oils without topping up. Just a question: where are our oils? Are they that much worse? No, it is wrong to say that.

For modern cars, service books determine the maintenance interval with an engine oil change of about 15 - 20 thousand km. And often they increase the declared resource by another tens of thousands of kilometers.

There is, for example, the same Lukoil - API SN/CF 5W-40 synthetics. There is nothing cooler than SN, and there are also approvals from BMW, MB, Porsche, Volkswagen, Renault... They say that Lukoil even sells its base oil to a bunch of countries, but this is just talk, you can’t add it to the protocol. By the way, the same Korean “ZIK”, although it officially states that the most famous brands work with its base oil, they say, does not say which ones - this is a big, big secret. For such a small company...

In fact, ZR has already carried out a comparative examination comparing ours with “not ours”, testing semi-synthetics 10W-40. Then our oils practically did not lose to either the Germans or the Koreans, and in some ways they were even better. They also aimed at synthetics of different quality groups.

On the Russian side, the test then included Lukoil Lux, TNK Magnum and Rosneft Premium. They were accompanied by hydrocracking “SINTOIL Ultra” and “TOTEK Astra Robot” (according to the manufacturer’s website, it is also “full synthetics” based on polyalphaolefins). In terms of quality groups, all these oils were different - SM from LUKOIL and Rosneft were adjacent to SL from TNK and SJ in SINTOIL Ultra. Among the imports, the hydrosynthetic-based group was represented by the German oil Mannol Extreme (API SL/CF). Fully synthetic oils were introduced by the Japanese ENEOS Gran-Touring (API SM). And the most modern group of “ester” oils was presented by the Belgian XENUM X1 (API SM/CF).

What happened? Yes it turned out fine! In short, imported oils turned out to have better “ecology”, while ours had better protective properties. In terms of efficiency, the ester-based oil, Xenum X1, won. Compared to the reference mineral oil, it saved almost 9% of fuel - that’s a lot! But our LUKOIL Lux and TNK Magnum lagged behind the leader quite a bit, reducing fuel consumption by 8 and 7%, respectively. This is bad? No, that's good!

Mannol Extreme received the Oscar for power. With it, the engine produced 3% more “horses” than with the reference oil. Of ours, LUKOIL Lux again came close to it. But then the ecology began...

At that time, not a single oil met the required 0.2% sulfur. This is not a crime: during operation, all oils could well have received additional hundreds of percent from Russian fuel, which is no different in the low amount of sulfur. The Japanese oil ENEOS Gran-Touring came closest to the required level, followed by the Belgian Xenum X1. But here’s what immediately catches your eye: the total level of sulfur in Russian “synthetics” is almost twice as high as in imported ones! There is also less phosphorus in imported oils: they are more environmentally oriented.

But ours have higher tribological parameters! And this is explained by... their worst environmental friendliness! After all, sulfur and phosphorus are natural anti-seize additives, and the more of them, the better the friction unit is protected. And this is another manifestation of the ideology of the Western manufacturer - service life is secondary, ecology is primary! Rosneft Premium won in this nomination, and LUKOIL Lux took second place.

As for domestic supernova oils, ZR will test them a little later, when they organize a “wall to wall” competition - ours against non-ours. It’s difficult to say now whether ours will yield on sulfur or not: we’ll wait for tests. In the meantime, we’ll tell you how import without topping up worked in the last test.

The elite took part in the tests - the coolest and most popular brands of “full synthetics” with a viscosity class of 5W-40: Castrol, Shell, Mobil, Esso, BP! Plus the best French brands that we have not previously included in tests - ELF and TOTAL. From the best eastern brands we took ZIC. This set covers approximately three quarters of the market in this segment. According to the European quality classification, all selected oils belong to the highest quality group - A3/B3/B4. By quality class - most oils are SM/CF, Castrol Magnatec - SN/CF, the rest - SL/CF.

Six months later (!) the tests on bench motors summed up the results. Firstly, there was no need for intermediate oil top-ups - four liters of initial refueling was enough for all eight participants. But the oil consumption for all eight samples was different. ZIC and Castrol Magnatec oils have the least amount: their engines “ate” only 0.6...0.7 liters.

Other oils gave a similar result - from 1.2 to 1.5 liters, which, taking into account the rather rough measurement method (by drain), can be considered almost the same.

In terms of changes in the alkaline number and content of active elements, all oils performed well: none of them reached the rejection parameters. This means that all manufacturers use high-quality additive packages. However, this is not surprising - their manufacturers can be counted on one hand, and all of them are serious specialized companies.

But in terms of viscosity, the picture is significantly different. Thus, for the Korean ZIC XQ, the change in viscosity over 15 thousand kilometers was practically within the measurement error. But at the end of the run, ESSO Ultron went beyond the permissible SAE class limits for viscosity changes! This, of course, did not kill the engine, but it noticeably increased its gluttony. Of the other oils, BP Visco 5000 oil came closest to the forbidden border.

All oils, as befits “full synthetics” with high quality classes, demonstrated their energy-saving functions. We didn't find much difference. As for power, motors running on Total Quartz, ELF Excellium and BP Visco 5000 oils received at least a small but still noticeable bonus.

The minimum mass loss of crankshaft bearing shells and piston rings, taking into account the method error, was found in engines running on Shell Helix HX8, ZIC XQ and Castrol Magnatec oils. These parameters are indirectly confirmed by analysis of data on the content of wear products in oil samples taken at the end of the tests. And here the leaders are the same, and the “Korean” ZIC XQ found significantly less iron than other oils.

High-temperature oil deposits were investigated by examining the side surfaces of the pistons. ZIC XQ, Shell Helix HX8 and both “French” ones from ELF and Total look a little better than others.

The results of the “race” are in the tables. We won’t advertise to anyone, although the Koreans probably looked better than others.

By the way, this is an important question. How is the “longevity” of an oil really related to seasonality? In other words, does the choice of oil depend on the annual mileage? One travels 15 thousand in six months, the other in a year...

It's hard to answer. Moreover, what about cars that spend most of their lives stuck in traffic jams?

There is no mileage, but the oil works, and in the most unfavorable conditions for it. This is a task for a separate study that needs to be conducted. In the meantime, the advice is simple: for those who spend more time in traffic jams than driving, it is better not to pay attention to mileage at all, but simply change the oil every season. But at the same time, do not buy something that is obviously cheap! The cost of the tested “super synthetics” does not exceed the amounts we pay for a tank of gasoline!

And the “longevity” of the oil also means a bunch of additional advantages, such as improved engine protection, an increased level of detergent properties, and improved energy-saving properties. All this completely pays for the extra three to four hundred that we supposedly overpay for expensive oil. Assessing the actual service life of oil under “snail” driving conditions is a task for the near future.

I recommend articles:

  • Engine oil: slippery questions
  • Motor oils: more slippery questions

I thank the manager. Mikhail Kolodochkin, the examination department of the magazine “Behind the Wheel”, for assistance in preparing the material.

The design uses photographs taken in Giorgetto Giugiaro's studio.

Change in kinematic viscosity of motor oil samples taken at different stages of testing (2012)

Oil brandTemperature, °CKinematic viscosity, cSt, through
500 km5000km mileage10000 km15000 km
BP Visco 500010013,7914,5414,9015,68
Castrol Magnatec10013,3413,7214,1614,43
ELF Excellium NF10013,2013,3013,6713,74
ESSO Ultron10013,7014,1915,4517,13
Mobil Super 300010013,3313,4113,6914,59
Shell Helix HX810012,7313,0313,5114,37
Total Quartz 900010014,2413,9614,1914,94
ZIC XQ10013,4213,4113,6113,49


Lukoil Lux 5W40

The oil company Lukoil, which appeared in the early 90s, has achieved good results over the years. In terms of revenue from sales of motor oils, this company is second only to Gazprom. It also ranks second in oil production after Rosneft.

Lukoil Lux 5W40

One of the most popular domestic oils is Lukoil Lux 5W40. It is tested using special methods, so we can safely say that it is of high quality. The liquid has good dynamic viscosity at temperatures from -30 degrees.

The oil has a good viscosity index of 173 units. For the best imported lubricants, this figure does not exceed 185 units. Thus, Lukoil Lux 5W40 functions normally over a wide temperature range and retains its performance properties. At the same time, for sport use of a car, a different oil is required.

The alkaline number of Lukoil Lux 5W40 is 10.38 mg KOH per 1 g, so the liquid has good washing and neutralizing properties. As for the acid number, it is not the smallest and is 2.24 mg KOH per 1 g. This indicator indicates the content of anti-wear additives.

The pour point of the liquid is -46 degrees Celsius, and at -30 it retains all its original properties, without making it difficult to start the engine even in the northern regions of the country.

Comparison of technical characteristics of Rosneft and Lukoil motor oils

A car owner who not only mercilessly exploits his vehicle, but strives to maintain it in proper technical condition, does not save money when purchasing consumables. However, even such a caring owner has to face difficult choices. In particular, when visiting a car dealership, the question arises which oil is better to choose: Lukoil or Rosneft. Finding the answer to such a question is quite difficult for a beginner, so we are ready to make the task easier, provide ready-made information, after reading which you will be able to figure out which oil product is best to buy to put into the engine of your own car.

Comparison of motor oil: Lukoil or Rosneft.

Features of domestic oils

Those who believe that only foreign auto chemical products meet international requirements are seriously mistaken, since domestic oil may turn out to be even better in some technical and operational parameters. In addition, the domestic product not only has good parameters, but its price is also more attractive than that of an expensive foreign analogue. Also, domestic oil is successfully combined with fuel, which is sold at gas stations. Naturally, the composition and quality of domestic fuel differ significantly from that offered outside the home country.

As practice shows, low-quality domestic fuel can conflict with a good foreign engine oil product. Some car owners deliberately purchase low-quality fuel, not wanting to incur additional costs. Auto stores offer a wide range of domestic oil products aimed at car engines. Let's analyze the products of two popular manufacturers:

  • Rosneft (also has another popular name - TNK);
  • Lukoil.

Both of these manufacturers are very popular among domestic motorists.

Comparison by main characteristics

Realizing that both Lukoil and Rosneft are successful manufacturers offering quality products, you still have to make a comparison to understand which oil to buy. Let's consider how motor oil copes with loads under different operating modes of the vehicle.

Starting in the cold

If nature decides to present an unexpected surprise, accompanied by a sharp drop in temperature, car owners get a chance to check the quality of their motor oil. In severe frosts, starting the engine of your favorite car turns out to be quite difficult. You've probably seen how avid motorists have to abandon their cars and take public transport to get to work. This is exactly the case when low temperatures did not allow the engine to start.

Rosneft oil fluid demonstrates good starting characteristics. At the same time, experts draw attention to the fact that even with a strong decrease in temperature, the viscosity of Rosneft oil remains quite high. However, it should be noted that Rosneft MM contains a large amount of sulfur, which causes serious contamination of the engine. But Lukoil provides engine oil fluid with low sulfur content, and this product has a better viscosity index.

Power and consumption

It is also useful to pay attention to the characteristics that affect engine power performance. In this matter, Lukoil also takes a leading position, ahead of Rosneft. We also draw your attention to the fact that Rosneft oil provokes greater fuel consumption during engine operation. For this reason, there are more and more people wanting to purchase Lukoil’s product.

Chemical composition

If you compare motor oils by chemical composition, it is useful to pay attention to the ash content. It is significantly lower for Rosneft, but the cleaning characteristics are much better for Lukoil. Lukoil also benefits from containing more zinc.

But Rosneft’s oil product is ahead of Lukoil in terms of indicators:

  • critical load;
  • welding loads;
  • badass index.

By temperature

Engine oil will meet its specifications if the vehicle is operated under specified conditions. Motor fluid from Lukoil is capable of allowing the engine to function successfully at a maximum temperature drop of minus twenty-five degrees. But Rosneft oil can withstand even thirty-degree frost. If we compare the focus on maximum temperature, then Lukoil wins, the product is able to withstand 40-degree heat, while Rosneft maintains its characteristics up to the maximum maximum - 35 degrees.


If you pay attention to the price indicator, then the Rosneft product is suitable for those car owners who want to save on everything. Rosneft motor oils are cheaper than Lukoil products, however, it should be noted that the difference is not very significant.

Popularity comparison

Comparing Lukoil and Rosneft motor oils in terms of popularity, it is easy to understand that Lukoil’s product is sold out faster, since most car owners prefer to purchase this particular motor fluid, which is ideal for any domestic car. Although we will not deny that some motorists actively purchase only Rosneft oils and remain absolutely satisfied with their performance characteristics.

So, we hope that, having familiarized yourself with the main distinguishing features of these two manufacturers, you will be able to choose for yourself the best option for engine oil that will ensure the successful functioning of your car.


Gazpromneft, or Lukoil, or Rosneft? Which oil company is more reliable?

The range of domestically produced motor oils has been growing rapidly in recent years. Therefore, car enthusiasts are often interested in forums: “How to choose the best domestic oils?” We decided to indicate the advantages and disadvantages of well-known Russian brands of motor oils: Lukoil, Rosneft, Gazpromneft, TNK. For comparison, we will select synthetic oils with the same viscosity 5w-40 and determine what technical characteristics differ between the motor mixtures of these manufacturers.


The company produces motor oils for almost all categories of cars. A separate series of motor oils from the specified manufacturer has more than 50 items. The company’s advantage is the development and production of mixtures for various types of power units operating under different operating conditions.

Synthetic products under the Lukoil brand have the following advantages:

  • protects the motor from wear in harsh operating conditions;
  • provides noise reduction;
  • promotes fuel economy;
  • prevents the formation of high-temperature deposits;
  • has good cleaning properties;
  • the liquid does not change its structure at high and low temperatures;
  • affordable price: it costs 2 times cheaper than foreign analogues, but is not inferior to them in quality;
  • replacement period up to 10 thousand km.

There are no obvious shortcomings.

Second place


Large company in the oil field. It has a fairly large range of products for cars, trucks, agricultural and shipbuilding equipment. Produces motor fluids that meet international standards.

The advantages of Rosneft motor oils include:

  • good performance properties;
  • products are adapted to domestic operating conditions;
  • is a leader in the cold engine start category among Russian oils;
  • reduces friction force in power units;
  • has an extended replacement interval;
  • affordable price;
  • has good anti-wear characteristics.

The downside is that it has low energy-saving properties.

Watch the video to help you choose the best domestic motor oil.

Third place


It is a very young company occupying a leading position in the oil market. Gazpromneft invests many assets in the development and modernization of motor oil production. The products of this brand meet the requirements of domestic and foreign-made engines.

Advantages of motor fluids from this company:

  • the presence of unique modifiers that reduce friction in engine components;
  • additional reduction in fuel consumption;
  • protection of the power unit from carbon deposits;
  • protection of oil channels and internal elements of the turbine from deposits;
  • excellent temperature-viscosity characteristics.

These oils do not have any obvious deficiencies leading to engine wear. Motor fluids from this company are among the best not only among domestic manufacturers, but also among many foreign brands.

Fourth place

The company, which occupies a significant place in the oil market, is actively developing and produces several lines of transmission and motor oils. Magnum motor fluid, made using Ultratec technology, is very popular.

Product advantages:

  • stability of the oil film in the most loaded engine components;
  • protects the power unit from carbon deposits;
  • ensures stable engine operation;
  • reduces the amount of noise;
  • has good anti-corrosion and cleaning properties;
  • has good low temperature characteristics

The disadvantage is the high cost.

Bottom line

Answering the question: “How to choose the best domestic motor oil?” We concluded: the products of Russian manufacturers, while in competition with foreign brands, are of good quality. The clear leader is the Lukoil company, followed by the giants Rosneft and Gazpromneft, then TNK.

When choosing a motor mixture, follow the recommendations of your car manufacturer. Incorrectly selected motor oil, even of the best quality, can harm the engine.

Comfort is one of the main requirements put forward by motorists. Many parameters are responsible for a comfortable ride, not the least of which is the quality of the fuel. The modern market for oil and gas products includes hundreds of offers from various suppliers. However, it is precisely this factor that costs


Yuri, 28 years old

I tried a lot of brands, including Russian ones, but decided to stop at this one. Satisfied with quality, reliability and price. For two years of use there were no problems with the motor.

Maxim, 47 years old

I've been driving a Lada for a long time, it's quite old. It seems to me that domestic oils are better suited for such cars. That's why I chose Rosneft. It cleans and protects used engines well.

Igor, 35 years old

Affordable price, high quality. What more could you want? You can’t buy synthetics for that kind of money, and there’s no reason to.

Artem, 56 years old

There are no complaints about the quality of the oil - it hardly burns, lubricates and cleans well. The complaint is different: all these qualities disappear after some time. You have to change it often, more often than what is written on the canister.

Pavel, 30 years old

For semi-synthetics this is what you need. Excellent cleaning characteristics, good lubrication.

Denis, 39 years old

I am completely satisfied with this oil. It is of high quality, no worse than foreign ones. At the same time, it costs much less.

The Rosneft company makes the dream accessible to everyone. After all, its Rosneft Maximum Service 5W30 oil is in no way inferior in quality to the world’s best brands, and anyone can afford it.

How often do you need to change the oil in Lada Vesta?

Changing engine oil must be approached with full responsibility. This is a particularly important stage of car maintenance, which should never be neglected. The power unit of the Lada Vesta is characterized by fairly good endurance and a solid resource. However, the timeliness, quality of service and driving style determine how long the engine will work like a clock, and whether it will ultimately be able to fully exhaust all its potential.

The first replacement is carried out after 2 thousand kilometers, due to the fact that the liquid that the plant fills cannot fully reduce the friction force of engine elements. Subsequent replacements are carried out after 15 thousand kilometers under normal vehicle operating conditions. If the engine is constantly running at the limit (high loads and high speeds), it is recommended to change the engine oil after 7-10 thousand kilometers. You can do all the work yourself, or entrust it to an experienced auto mechanic.

General characteristics

Rosneft PREMIUM 5w 40 synthetic motor oil was created to service gasoline and diesel internal combustion engines installed in passenger cars and small vehicles that require filling with API SM or lower specification oils. Conformity category: ACEA A3/B4, meets the requirements and is recommended for use by car manufacturers BMW, MB, RENAULT, VW, PORSCHE, AVTOVAZ, AAI B6 STO 003.

The main technical parameters look like this:

  • Indexed viscosity – 176.
  • The kinematic viscosity value is 14.2 at 100 degrees.
  • The dynamic viscosity value is 5,800 at -30 degrees.
  • Specific gravity – 852.
  • Volatility according to PLA is 11.6%.
  • Alkaline content – ​​8.3.
  • Ash-sulfate content – ​​1.1%.
  • Temperature conditions for solidification/flash: -33/+220.

According to its characteristics, this oil cannot be considered one of the innovative developments of the latest generation, however, it is quite suitable for the domestic automobile industry and middle-class foreign cars.

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