Why the windshield washer does not work on the Peugeot 308

The importance of a windshield washer cannot be underestimated. It is able to provide comfortable movement on the road in bad weather. There are cases where people got into accidents due to a malfunction of this element. Let's take a look at why your windshield washer doesn't work and how to fix it. First you need to figure out how everything works and what could cause the problem.

Operating principle of the device

So, an electric pump is currently being installed; previously it was a mechanical one. We also have a tank in which the glass spray liquid is stored. Naturally, there are two tubes through which it flows to two sprayers. The volume of the tank can be 2.5-5 liters, which is quite enough for a long period of operation, due to the efficiency of the injectors. The electric pump located in the reservoir is activated by the steering column switch. This way, cleaning liquid is supplied to the windshield and the wipers turn on for a while.

Ordinary water is used as a working fluid - this applies to the summer period, but in winter, when it is cold, a special “anti-freeze” is added there. Two types of nozzles are used: jet and fan. It’s difficult to say which is better, both of them give excellent results. That’s probably all that concerns the device and operating principle of the washer.

Where are the fuse modules located?

In the Peugeot 307, all used fuses are collected in two blocks:

  • Engine compartment PP module - located in the engine compartment on the driver's side, next to the battery. It is covered with a dustproof cover, under which there is a sealed lid. To check or replace the PCB, you must remove the casing and remove the cover.

  • The PP interior module is located on the driver's side, on the left under the steering column. To check or replace the PP, you need to turn the fixing screw half a turn and pull the cover down and towards you.

The fuse rating is marked on the housing or can be recognized by the color of the PP housing.

The most common problems

Let's start with the simplest ones and end with faults that require serious repairs to the electric pump and other elements. During the cold season, the liquid in the tank often simply freezes. This is not fatal, but you need to be careful, because expansion may cause the plastic to burst. We need to melt the liquid inside. To do this, you can use a household hair dryer or something like that.

It is unacceptable to use chlorinated water. This is due to the fact that this leads to rapid clogging of the hoses, and as a result, the nozzles also become clogged. At the most inopportune moment you will have to clean. In fact, the most common faults occur in electrical circuits. Sometimes it is a mechanical problem. Please also note that quite often the hoses jump off, so the liquid simply does not reach the nozzles and is lost along the way. The same applies to banal cracks that appear due to aging or bending.

What to do if the washer motor does not work

It is worth noting that this problem does not happen very often. In most cases, you have to completely remove the device and try to repair it. If you press the washer lever and the electric pump does not hum, then this is a clear sign that it has failed. You can also check the incoming voltage. If the required 12 V is available, but there is no work, then replacement or repair is needed. As for trying to restore the device, in most cases this does not make sense, since it is cheaper and easier to buy a new product.

But don’t rush, because if you notice a problem during the cold season, the reason for the lack of buzzing may simply be freezing. Therefore, you need to try to warm it up, this may help. If this is the reason, then the motor will start working on its own after it thaws, otherwise you will have to change it, and now we will see how this should be done.

Replacing the electric washer pump

Essentially, there is nothing complicated here. We will hardly need any tools. First of all, you need to purchase a new washer that will fit your car. The next step is draining the liquid from the tank. Next, disconnect the battery ground and disconnect the electric pump contact. The next thing to do is to unscrew a few bolts that secure the now empty washer reservoir. In principle, if you can get the electric pump and disconnect the hoses, then you don’t have to do this, but, as practice shows, it is much more convenient to carry out work with the tank dismantled.

Next comes the assembly process. By and large, it is similar to disassembly. You even need to maintain the position of the hoses, because if you mix them up, you will have to do additional work. Once you have everything assembled, screw the tank back to the bracket. That’s essentially all, now you can test for performance.

Windshield washer does not work: causes and solutions

As noted above, there are many problems, which we will talk about now. If your windshield washer does not work, then it is quite possible that the problem is clogged nozzles. But you can’t just clean them. To do this, you need to take distilled water and mix it with vinegar in a 1:1 ratio. You need to turn the washer on and off several times and expel all the salts that have collected in the nozzles. It is advisable to leave this solution for some time (1-2 hours), then remove it and rinse the system with simple distillate.

It should also be said that the reason may be in the fuse. It may burn out or not work due to oxides. This is what you should check first. Also, periodically inspect the integrity of the tank, because during the next maintenance service it may be damaged and not told to you about it. Since it is plastic, this is quite easy to do. Even if the hole is small, the working fluid will leave the system fairly quickly.

Electrical problems

We must not forget that there are terminals on the motor, and they oxidize, bend, etc. Therefore, they need to be inspected and cleaned periodically. There is nothing complicated here. We disconnect the contacts, take sandpaper, a metal brush or something like that and clean it. Then we install the terminal and check it.

Another common electrical failure is a failed washer relay switch. In this case, we will need to replace it. Obviously, the glass washer does not work even when there are problems with the fuse box, but this has already been mentioned above. You need to understand that if mechanical damage can be detected during a visual inspection, then with electrical faults the situation is a little different, and therefore the repair will take a little longer.

Some useful tips

If your injectors are faulty, they need to be replaced. Typically, you can choose which ones you want to install. Fan-type nozzles have advantages. They are good because they completely wet the entire area of ​​the windshield, therefore, the wipers will work with a bang.

If your rear window washer does not work, then most likely the reason is a fluid leak or a clogged hose. You can try to fix the problem using compressed air. To do this, disconnect the hose from the injector side, disconnect it from the electric motor and blow it out. Of course, if there is a leak, this will not help. Here you need to completely change the hose. As you can see, there are many reasons why the washer does not work, but due to the fact that the device itself is not very complicated, all of them can be found quite quickly.

The design and principle of operation of a car glass washer

Although driving a car with a faulty washer is not a traffic violation, such breakdowns can cause serious accidents. For this reason, the problem must be solved immediately. To determine why the front window washer does not work and/or the rear washer does not work, it is necessary to separately study the operating principle and design features of the washer system itself.

Note that the windshield washer mechanism is not complicated. Among the main components are:

  • windshield/rear window washer motor (washer pump);
  • windshield washer reservoir for storing the cleaner in liquid form;
  • washer nozzles, electrical wiring, pipes and valves.

We also add that in addition to supplying fluid to the windshield and rear window, the washer on some car models is also capable of cleaning headlights and mirrors. It should also be noted that many modern cars have a washer fluid level sensor.

The feed occurs before the wiper blades swing. This means that normally the brush should rub against wet glass, not dry glass. It is for this purpose that the system has a valve that does not allow the liquid to completely drain into the tank. The result is that liquid is always supplied before the wipers start working.

Regarding the features of individual elements of the system:

  • The windshield washer reservoir usually has a volume of 2-2.5 to 5 liters. The specified element is located in the engine compartment; it can be located either in a relatively accessible place or hidden under the bumper. The installation location can be determined by the filler neck of the tank. There may also be a protrusion on the reservoir for installing a washer pump;
  • The pump is attached to the reservoir and is actually an electric motor with an oil seal, impeller and brushes. Often there can be two motors (pumps) on a car, where liquid can be supplied not only to the windshield, but also to the rear window. There may also be a coarse filter in front of the pump;
  • Windshield wiper nozzles (nozzles) spray liquid onto the windshield. Their installation location is the hood or the lining between the engine compartment and the windshield (the so-called frill). As a rule, two nozzles are installed in order to uniformly and completely supply liquid to the center of the windshield.

In practice, modern cars are equipped with fan-shaped washer nozzles, as they are more efficient. Models from previous years have jet nozzles. Such nozzles are more reliable and durable, however, they do not consume liquid as efficiently and also require adjustment. To adjust the jet nozzle, turn the nozzle with a needle and adjust the direction of the jet.

Types, design and features of washer reservoirs

All windshield washer reservoirs, regardless of type and applicability, have a fundamentally identical design and consist of the following parts:

  • The housing is a container that serves to store liquid and install other components of the windshield washer. The body has a filler neck with a screw cap;
  • A pump (or pumps) to supply fluid to the injectors. In some old-style windshield wipers, the pump is located separately, including a manual or foot pump installed on the dashboard or on the floor (as in early modifications of the VAZ-2101 and 2102);
  • Washer fluid level sensor (not in all tanks);
  • Brackets, clamps, recesses for brackets and other components for fastening the tank.

The basis of the tank is the body; it can be of two main types:

  • Soft (elastic) - such tanks were often used in the last century; they were nicknamed “hot water bottles” for their characteristic shape;
  • Hard is a modern type of tank, which will be discussed further.

The tank body is plastic, made of translucent material, which allows you to visually assess the amount of liquid in the tank. Plastic also solves the problem of water freezing in the tank - this material does not burst when the ice expands, and after defrosting the tank completely retains its qualities. According to the type of construction, tanks are:

  • Solid - the tank body is cast from plastic using the extrusion method and is a single part;
  • Composite - the housing is made of two molded plastic parts, which are then connected either rigidly or with the possibility of disassembly.

Regardless of the structural type of the tank, several elements are performed on it:

  • Filler neck for installing a screw cap;
  • Screw cap, often the caps have plastic bridles to prevent loss;
  • Hole (or holes) for mounting a water pump assembled with a motor (or two pumps);
  • Hole for mounting the washer fluid level sensor;
  • Brackets or clamps for mounting the tank;
  • Washer fluid level marks (as well as vertical grooves, through which it is more convenient to control the fluid level).

The volume of the tank can be different - from 1.5 to 5.2 or more liters. The larger the reservoir, the less often it needs to be filled, but a large reservoir is more difficult to place in the engine compartment, so today these parts can have the most intricate shapes. The reservoirs of passenger cars (especially compact ones) have the most complex shape, while in trucks the washer reservoirs have a traditional rectangular or round (cylindrical) shape.

Washer tanks are divided into several types according to the number and location of pumps, the method of fastening and the presence of a level sensor.

Depending on the number and location of pumps, the tanks are:

  • With one pump at the top of the tank - these are classic tanks that were used on many domestic passenger cars, and are still used in GAZelle, UAZ, some trucks, etc.;
  • With one pump at the bottom of the tank - these are modern tanks that use a compact pump installed obliquely at the lower edge of one of the side walls (for this there is a special niche in the tank);
  • With two pumps at the bottom of the tank - these are tanks of the previous type with one additional pump. Moreover, many manufacturers offer one tank model in two modifications - with one and with two pumps, otherwise they are identical.

In the first two types of tanks, all windshield washer nozzles (nozzles) are powered by only one pump. In the tank of the third type, the nozzles are powered by individual pumps, which increases the efficiency of glass washing.

The pumps are installed on the tank through holes into which rubber sealing bushings are inserted. The pump, installed on top of the tank, can additionally be fixed with a plastic union nut or a flange with snaps. The pumps, located at the bottom of the tank, are held in place by the elasticity of rubber bushings and do not have additional fasteners.

There are two main types of tanks based on the type of fastening:

  • Fastening using brackets molded directly on the tank;
  • Fastening using separate clamps or baskets.

In the first case, the tank is held in place by brackets, lugs or other components present on its walls. In the second case, the tank is inserted into a metal basket or held by a clamp (metal or plastic) fixed to the body, etc. Today, all of these types of fasteners are equally widespread.

Finally, the tanks can be equipped with a level sensor, which signals when the washer fluid level is low. Level sensors are installed in a separate hole in the upper part of the tank, and a corresponding indicator is located on the dashboard of the car.

In general, windshield washer reservoirs have a simple design, which affects their maintenance and repair.

Why the washer does not work: front and rear window

When the rear window washer does not work or the windshield washer does not work, the reasons may be different. At the same time, for both the rear and front washer, the problems themselves are not particularly different in nature.

As a rule, all glass washer failures can be divided into two types: faulty mechanics or electrical parts.

  • Let's start with the mechanics. As a rule, such breakdowns are the most common. Usually the tank itself or the pipes may fail. In other words, if the driver is firmly convinced that there should be sufficient fluid in the tank, but there is no supply to the windshield, the tank and pipes should be checked for cracks and other defects.

Usually, if the reservoir is cracked, a noticeable leak will appear immediately when you try to add fluid or a little later. In this case, the tank must be removed, inspected, tried to be soldered, or immediately replaced with a new one.

It also happens that the hoses are simply crushed by something (for example, mistakes were made when installing the frill, or the owner was installing hood insulation and accidentally pinched the elastic hoses). In this case, the lines must be cleared, ensuring a normal supply of liquid to the nozzles.

  • By the way, in winter, water or summer windshield wiper fluid freezes in the reservoir or near the nozzles. The result is that the pump hums, but no liquid is supplied to the glass. To avoid such problems, it is not recommended to pour water in both summer and winter (water renders nozzle nozzles unusable). Also in winter you need to use only winter windshield wiper (anti-freeze for car windshield washer).

If the water or summer washer fluid in the reservoir has already turned into ice, you can start the engine and let the engine run for a while. Due to the heat from the internal combustion engine, there is a chance that the liquid will melt, after which it can be completely drained or diluted.

However, in practice, in cold weather it is often impossible to remove ice from the washer fluid reservoir in this way. To solve the problem, the car needs to be driven into a warm garage or parking lot.

  • The windshield or rear window washer nozzles are clogged. This problem will also result in no fluid supply. Typically, this often happens when plain tap water is poured into the system. So, the nozzles and their nozzles become dirty, since the water contains a large number of impurities.

Moreover, if the water comes from dirty pipes, then this may cause additional scratches on the glass. Such scratches occur as a result of small but hard particles falling on the glass, after which the car brush scratches the surface of the glass with such particles.

The main symptom of clogged nozzles is that at first liquid is supplied, but less intensely, then the nozzles pour in an uneven stream and then the liquid practically does not pass through them. In such a situation, you need to either replace or clean the windshield washer nozzles.

  • The list ends with a possible failure of the mechanical part of the windshield wiper motor in the pump. Simply put, the pump may hum, but not pump liquid. It is also possible when the pump does not work completely (jammed, does not make sounds).

One way or another, this problem will mean that the pump needs to be removed, after which an in-depth diagnosis will be carried out. Based on the data obtained, you can make a decision about the possibility and feasibility of repairs, as well as the need to replace the windshield washer pump with a new element.

Car window washer faulty: electrical problems

Now let's move on to the electrical problems. Windshield or rear window washers, headlight or mirror washers often do not work precisely because the problems are electrical. So, the washer pump is electric, that is, it will not work without power.

  • It often happens that the element that sends a signal from the steering column to the washer fails. In other words, the washer switch on the steering wheel may be faulty. In such a situation, you need to ring the circuit, making sure in advance that there is no voltage at the washer pump terminals. The test is carried out using a multimeter. If there is no voltage when the washer is turned on, there is a high probability that there is damage or breaks in the electrical wiring.

If everything is in order with the wiring, fuse and switch, then the washer pump remains. The fact is that during operation, the pump terminals actively oxidize, can become corroded, etc. One way or another, in such a situation the washer will not work. To solve the problem, you can try cleaning the terminals, removing rust and oxidation from them.

Pinout of interior fuse module

Electrical device or circuitDenomination AColor coding
Rear fog lamps10 ARed1
Rear window wiper motor15 ABlue2
Front window servomotor, sunroof drive15 ABlue4
Left brake light, trailer15 ABlue5
Interior lighting:20 AYellow7
Door lighting;20 AYellow7
Front interior lighting;20 AYellow7
Rear interior lighting;20 AYellow7
Glove compartment light bulb.20 AYellow7
Cigarette lighter socket20 AYellow7
Sunroof control button, Pulse type electric window buttons.30 ALight green9
Connector for OBD2 diagnostics, +12V socket for rear passengers15 ABlue10
Automatic transmission control unit, power supply for car radio, +12V power supply for multifunction display and switches under the steering column15 ABlue11
Complex fuse for:10 ARed12
Right side lamps, front and rear;10 ARed12
Trailer license plate illumination;10 ARed12
Control of remote door opening and disarming/arming;10 ARed12
Hazard warning lights;10 ARed12
Ashtray lighting;10 ARed12
Air conditioner control lighting;10 ARed12
Automatic transmission lever position sensor;10 ARed12
Heated front seats;10 ARed12
Headlight height adjustment control unit.10 ARed12
Super door lock, lock drive30 ALight green14
Rear door window servo drive30 ALight green15
Engine control unit switching circuit, standard alarm system, AirBag system, particulate trap sensor, steering column buttons10 AOrange16
Brake light bulbs for the right lamp and additional lamp10 ARed17
2 braking system sensor, steering column buttons, OBDII diagnostic connector, clutch pedal sensor, coolant level control, brake light switch10 ARed18
PARC energy saving system shunt30 ALight green19
Left side light bulbs, front and rear,10 ARed22
trailer and vehicle number plate illumination10 ARed22
Standard alarm siren bell, volumetric sensor in the cabin15 ABlue23
Instrument panel, central display, climate control, radio15 ABlue24
Heated rear view glass30 ALight green26

Useful tips

Although the car windshield washer system is quite simple, breakdowns that occur for one reason or another cannot be ruled out.

It is important to understand that failure of individual system components occurs both in summer and winter.

To avoid premature washer failures at any time of the year, you should always adhere to two rules:

  • use a special liquid;
  • do not overload the washer motor;

If we consider the issue of liquid separately, in the summer you can use both summer and winter washer fluid. At the same time, it is a mistake to believe that liquid is better for winter. On the one hand, this option is noticeably more expensive, but this does not mean that this liquid is better.

It turns out that if in summer you can use any liquid, in winter you need to pour what is suitable for the season (winter washer fluid). Also, the winter washer fluid used must have the required properties (taking into account temperature fluctuations in a particular region).

For example, anti-freeze down to -5 degrees will not be suitable if severe frosts are expected. You have to purchase compounds down to -10, -15, -25 degrees, etc.

At the same time, the price of the washer fluid directly depends on frost resistance. In fact, anti-freeze -5 will cost more than summer liquid, but noticeably cheaper than an analogue designed for use at temperatures of -20, -25, etc. These are the most relevant recommendations for winter.

  • As for summer, you should not try to save money and fill the washer with regular tap water. At a minimum, the filters will become dirty. In the worst case scenario, clogged washer nozzles will have to be replaced. In some situations, it may even be necessary to replace the washer motor, which cannot cope with heavy loads.

By the way, about loads. If the fluid is poorly pumped through the system, the filters and nozzles are dirty, the tubes are crushed or broken, the fluid level in the tank is constantly low, then the motor experiences increased loads. In such conditions, it is more difficult for the system to pump liquid.

Let us also add that for cars that are operated in severe frost conditions, it is not superfluous to have heated washer fluid, heated wipers, heated washer nozzles, etc.

Such solutions make it possible to heat the washer fluid reservoir, prevent freezing of the liquid in the nozzles themselves, etc. The main thing is not to apply heated liquid onto glass that is too cold. The reason is that glass can crack as a result of a sharp temperature change.

How to deal with freezing non-freezing

Not everyone would think of changing the washer fluid with the onset of the first autumn frosts; it happens that there is no time for that. However, frozen liquid can lead to failure of the entire pump , which can cost 800–1000 rubles to purchase a new one. To prevent this from happening, you need to select a liquid with a low temperature index. There are quite a lot of them on sale and these liquids are mainly based on isopropyl alcohol.

Methanol liquids are prohibited from production and sale, although if they are not taken orally, they do not pose any danger.

Isopropyl liquids are available with a freezing index of 5, 15 and 25 degrees . You can lower the freezing threshold by adding alcohol or, in extreme cases, vodka to the washer reservoir. Nevertheless, there is a limit to everything - even vodka freezes at a temperature of -27 degrees , or rather, it begins to crystallize, turning into porridge, and freezes at a temperature of about -30 degrees . Methanol works twice as well as a mixture of water and alcohol and is more effective than isopropyl.

Types of antifreeze.

Store-bought liquids do not always work as indicated on the packaging and can sometimes crystallize in slight frosts. This means that the washer motor is not able to supply thick liquid through the hose to the nozzle, and if it does, the capacity of the washer nozzle will not allow the thick solution to be sprayed. If the liquid is completely frozen and the washer motor does not spin, then you need to warm up the car in a warm room or pour boiling water into the reservoir . Change your antifreeze at the first frost and enjoy your travels!

Let's sum it up

As you can see, the windshield washer does not have a large number of components, however, problems can arise both mechanically and electrically. As practice shows, tubes can fly off or injectors become clogged, and blown fuses or broken wiring cannot be ruled out.

Every car has a windshield washer. In other models it is not even present in a single copy. For example, a washer can moisten not only the windshield, but also the rear window, and even the headlights.

It is foolish to underestimate the importance of this mechanism. After all, clean glass is the key to confident and safe driving in comfortable conditions for the driver.

Unfortunately, due to frequent use, the washer may break, which will present a very unpleasant surprise to the car owner. Problems with this device can be caused by various reasons. And in any case, they should be eliminated as soon as possible.

How does the washer work?

To talk about what can break in this device and how to fix it, you need to figure out what parts this device consists of. I must admit that it is quite simple to put together.


The first link in the glass wetting process chain is the plastic tank. In most cars it is located under the hood. However, there are also cars in which, to get to the water tank, you have to climb under the wing.

There are tanks of different capacities. The most common ones are those whose volume reaches 2.5–5 liters. It seems that this is not much, but this amount of liquid will last the driver for a long time. Water is poured into the tank. That's where it is stored.


A thin branched tube is attached to the tank, which stretches to the nozzles. The nozzles or sprayers are installed opposite the glass. Water splashes out of them in small doses, from where it is rubbed over the surface with brushes.


How does water flow from the tank to the nozzles? A small electric pump is responsible for this. It is powered by a battery and uses an impeller to pump liquid from the tank to the outside.

The windshield washer motor is perhaps the most important element of the washer system and its failure leaves the glass without the ability to wet.

Removing the washer motor

  • At the bottom of the front bumper on the right side, closer to the wheel, you need to unscrew 3 self-tapping screws with a 20mm Torx, they secure the front part of the right wheel locker.
  • We twist the wheel in the direction convenient for you.
  • If a crankcase protection is installed, the locker must be unscrewed from it as well.
  • We bend the locker from the bumper and gain partial access to the washer barrel.
  • These screws also hold the lower bumper boot, which also needs to be bent to gain access to the motor from below.

In the Peugeot 308, the washer motor is located closer to the locker and is more convenient to change than in the Peugeot 408, these cars also have different configurations and modifications, and accordingly, they have different tanks for washer fluid, the same comes with headlight washers and without them.

In the Peugeot 408, the motor in the reservoir is installed closer to the front fog lamp and when removing it, it is more convenient to lift the car on a lift and remove it from below, or use a hole, since the washer fluid level sensor will interfere with the locker, you will have to bend the right side of the lower bumper boot .

If with the 308 Peugeot everything is quite simple and removing the washer motor will not cause many problems, then with the 408 model you will have to tinker a little.

In 408, it is advisable to use a screwdriver to press and remove the motor from the reservoir and pull it out through the bottom of the bumper with the hose and wire and turn it all off from the outside.

What in the washer can break?

If the windshield washers do not work, it means that a failure has occurred in one of the sections of the system described above. Let's look at what problems with the glass washer may be associated with.


The pump motor is the part of the washer system that wears out very quickly due to frequent operation.

Unfortunately, you can understand that something is wrong with this device only when water stops flowing to the nozzles. Otherwise, it does not show its malfunctions in any way.

Pump repair method:

Two common ailments can affect the motor:

If corrosion of this device is your case, do not worry. Experienced motorists can easily cope with it with a simple eraser.

But if this mechanism is erased or broken, it will have to be pulled out and replaced with a new one.

You can understand that the pump is the cause of the problem by the absence of a characteristic sound. If you press the washer lever and do not hear the usual buzzing sound, it means that the pump motor is not working.

Often windshield washer malfunctions are associated with the breakdown of this particular part. We'll tell you how to replace it a little later.


Also, water may stop flowing to the nozzles due to blockage. The fact is that the tubes through which the liquid flows are very thin and the debris that accumulates in them can cause obstruction. To combat this defect, the system will have to be flushed and possibly purged.

Torn hoses

Another reason could be that the hoses have lost their integrity. If the tubes become leaky, water will not get from point A to point B, just like if it is clogged.

No current

And another common reason is lack of nutrition. Check that the pump and accumulator shafts are securely fastened. Perhaps the motor is simply not receiving energy.

There are also terminals on the motor that could have oxidized or fallen off. Check them out.

There is also a windshield washer fuse on the motor with a power of about ten amperes. If the pump motor fails, this fuse may need to be replaced.

If problems are discovered during the cold season, it is possible that the water in the tank has simply frozen. You can fix this with a hairdryer. And it’s better to immediately fill in the “anti-freeze”, because due to frequent expansion under pressure of water that has turned into ice, the plastic container may burst.

Reanimating the washer system

How to replace the motor?

Unfortunately, this part is quite difficult to repair. And often replacing a windshield washer pump is even cheaper than fixing an old one. Therefore, it is better to immediately order a new part and not have to worry about repairs.

Replacing the washer pump:

Replacing the device is easy:

  • Before you begin replacing, remove all remaining fluid from the reservoir.
  • Locate the contact connecting the pump to the battery. Carefully disconnect the power.
  • The next point is optional. You can disconnect the tank by unscrewing the bolts that secure it. However, if manual dexterity allows you to manipulate the fixed tank, you can do without dismantling it.
  • Remove the electric pump from the tank and unscrew the tubes.

Attention! Remember where and which hose was screwed on. In the future, they will have to be placed clearly in their places.

  • So, now we take out a new pump and connect it to the system.
  • Screw the tubes back into place.
  • If the tank has been dismantled, put it in place and tighten the bolts.
  • We connect the contact from the battery so that the motor has something to power from.
  • Fill the water back.

Then press the washer lever. If there is a buzzing sound, it means the motor is running.

How to clean injectors?

For washing, prepare a special caustic solution. To do this, take purified water without chlorine and add vinegar. The ingredients must be mixed in a one to one ratio. Stir the resulting liquid well.

Pour the solution into the tank. Press the washer lever. It's okay if no water gets on the glass. The main thing is that the liquid reaches the blockage. Leave the system in this state for two hours. After that, try pressing the lever again. If water appears, drain the caustic solution and rinse the tubes with distilled water.

If water does not flow, but you are sure that the cause of the problem lies in a blockage, press the lever again and leave the acidic liquid for another two hours, then check again.

Remove injectors

It would also be useful to talk about how to remove the windshield washers. This information will be useful to those who decide to clean the injectors separately or replace them altogether.

The injectors are removed with the hood open:

  • See if the parts have plastic plugs. If so, they should be removed. Just be careful when handling the latches, as they may be made of cheap plastic.
  • Take a flathead screwdriver and use it to unlock the spring fasteners. After this, the nozzle can be removed.
  • The devices are installed using the same steps, but in reverse order.

Many people do not think about the importance of the washer system until they encounter problems with it. After all, hardly anyone would like to drive with dirty glass and have virtually no visibility.

To avoid such troubles, use high-quality non-chlorinated liquids to wash windows.

And if something does break, don’t be upset. Restoring the system is not a troublesome task and not even particularly expensive.

The main thing is not to close your eyes to such problems.

The windshield and rear window of the car must be kept clean; any contamination reduces visibility of the road and what is happening around, which can lead to an emergency. The windshield washer is designed specifically to keep it clean; the importance of such a device can be put on a par with the engine or chassis, therefore, as soon as deviations in its operation appear, the cause of the breakdown should be immediately determined and eliminated.

Cleaning the washer valve on a Peugeot 308

The algorithm for dismantling the pump and repairing the valve is as follows::

  1. We jack up the right front wheel and remove it, after placing the car on the handbrake and placing a wheel chock under the left rear wheel.
    Remove the right front wheel.
  2. Remove the right fender liner.
    We dismantle the right fender liner by unscrewing the bolts and screws.
  3. We find and remove the fluid supply hoses - on the black fitting (1.3) there is a supply hose to the windshield, on a white fitting (1.2) - to the rear one.
    Disconnect the fluid supply pipes and the terminal block from the washer motor.
  4. Disconnect the terminal block from the washer motor (1.1).
  5. We take out the pump and carefully disconnect the valve from the pump body, using a flat-head screwdriver.
    We remove the washer motor and disconnect the valve by inserting a screwdriver between the valve and the motor housing (blue arrow).
  6. We disassemble the valve by pressing the latch tab.
  7. The bypass valve piston is removed with tweezers.
    Remove the bypass valve piston.
  8. We clean and check the functionality of the valve by moving the piston in the valve body.
    Clean the valve and piston.
  9. Assembly is carried out in reverse order.

Naturally, using this scheme, you can replace the washer reservoir pump with your own hands.

Causes of washer malfunction

If the windshield washer does not work, it will not be difficult for an experienced driver to identify the cause of such a malfunction, and even a beginner, after familiarizing himself with the main failures in the cleaning system, will be able to eliminate them on his own.

Mechanical problems

The most important reason, as mentioned above, may be the lack of washer fluid; in this case, you just need to top it up. If it is present, but does not splash in the winter, then perhaps it is simply frozen. In this case, the problem can be solved in one of two ways:

  • warming up the engine;
  • bringing the car into a warm garage.

After the liquid has thawed, the system will begin to operate as usual, but it is better to drain the water from the tank after this and replace it with an “anti-freeze” one.

Other significant mechanical reasons why the windshield washer does not spray include the following factors.

  1. Clogged injectors . Their exit can be blocked by various debris: rust, dirt or small particles. To check the correctness of the guess, you need to stop the supply of working fluid to the nozzles; if this is the case, then the supply of “anti-freeze” will be normal. The solution to this problem lies in replacing the nozzles.
  2. Disconnecting the hose . It may simply fly off while driving on bumpy roads, and then the fluid supply will continue, but the headlight and windshield washer nozzle will remain dry. Sometimes this happens in cars in which the connecting fittings are located on the hood, then when it is closed, the hoses are squeezed. In any case, the deformed or torn tube must be replaced and returned to its place.

Electrical faults

After checking the fluid level, the cleanliness of the injectors and the hose leading to them, it may turn out that all this has nothing to do with it, then the issue is for the following reasons:

  1. Fuse blown . You will need to find the safety block and check the insert; it can be found using the attached diagram, which is usually printed on the cover or in the car’s operating instructions. After checking, if this is indeed the reason, then you need to replace the damaged part
  2. Motor failure . To establish the accuracy of your guess, you should connect a multimeter to the motor terminals and check the voltage when you turn on the washer. If the voltage indicator is normal, but the motor remains inoperative, then the problem lies with it. You can determine which motor has failed by elimination, by moving the pump terminals from the windshield to its rear counterpart.
  3. Washer switch malfunction . It is usually located on the steering wheel. If, after checking the voltage, it is missing, and replacing the motor with a new unit did not help, then it turns out that the windshield washer switch or relay is not working. Only an experienced auto electrician can accurately diagnose a breakdown.
  4. Oxidation of pump terminals . During operation, they can not only oxidize, but also completely fall off, which is why the motor stops pumping liquid. To return everything to working condition, you need to clean the oxidized terminals or replace them with new ones.

Frequently asked questions from car owners

How and where to add windshield washer water?

  1. In the cabin, open the hood handle
  2. Finally open and secure the hood
  3. Unscrew the large cap on the windshield wiper reservoir, the one without wires
  4. Pour liquid into the tank. Approximately five liters will fit in this canister

Different times of the year require different windshield wipers to clean glass. In winter, at low temperatures, it is recommended to fill in an antifreeze additive. It will protect the tank from freezing, and with it the parts of the windshield wiper system will not burst from temperature overloads. In summer, it is recommended to add a cleaning additive to the water. During this period, abundant sediment of exhaust gases, oils, and car paint care products accumulates on the glass.

Advice: for the best effect, you should first pour the additive into the tank, and only then ordinary water. This will allow the liquids to mix better.

How can you heat the windshield wiper reservoir in winter?

Option one: homemade

Materials: 1 meter of 8 mm copper tube, 2 meters of 8 mm wrapped hose, 2 reservoir cuffs and 4 clamps.

Heating installation technology: two holes for cuffs are drilled in the tank lid. A copper tube is already inserted into them, which must be given the reliefs of the tank in advance. At the exit, the tube should be in a horizontal position. The hoses are connected to the throttle body and thermostat.

Option two: in the form of a coil

Technology: the same copper tube as in the first option. But here it is given the shape of a coil using a soldering iron. The resulting coil is not attached, as usual, to the tank instead of a lid. It is soldered to a textolite plate. Afterwards, the homemade coil is installed in the tank as low as possible so as not to interfere with the liquid level sensor.

Holes for the thermal device are cut using a soldering iron. This way they turn out neat. Their diameter is 3 millimeters. The edges should be lubricated with sealant. The best fastening for the device is stainless steel screws. When installing, they should be heated with a soldering iron - this way they will be better fixed in the windshield washer reservoir.

Option three: ready

This is a ready-made heating system for the Geyser tank washer. Operating principle: as it passes through the coil, the temperature of the coolant begins to rise. Accordingly, the degree of liquid in the tank also increases.

Price is an issue

You can find out how much a VAZ 2114 washer reservoir costs in local stores in your city, or through an Internet search engine. The average price in online stores for a windshield washer reservoir is 250 rubles.

November. Off-season, cold weather, first frosts - it's time to add antifreeze liquid. Only novice motorists puzzle over where to pour anti-freeze, but the question “How to pour anti-freeze?” is not as simple as it seems at first glance. We do everything according to the rules!

1. Attention to the weather forecast!

You should not wait for the onset of bitter frosts. If it’s plus outside during the day and minus at night, it’s time to pour anti-freeze into the windshield washer reservoir. No matter how warm the autumn is, you need to take care of this in any case by November, since sharp temperature changes are not uncommon in recent years. You can only add anti-freeze in winter if your car is parked in a heated garage or box with above-zero temperatures.

2. Release the washer system

from residual water or summer windshield washer fluid. Water can simply freeze and clog the system, causing you unnecessary trouble. Some car enthusiasts prefer not to drain the water completely, but to gradually add antifreeze liquid to the system - this is a matter of experience and personal choice. What you definitely shouldn’t do is mix anti-freeze and summer windshield wiper. The crystallization temperature of the resulting “explosive mixture” rises sharply, and it can turn into ice at the first serious frost. Also, do not mix different antifreeze liquids in one tank. In this case, unexpected chemical reactions may occur with the formation of sediment, which will clog the injectors.

3. Do not fill the tank
to capacity!
Moreover, do not keep it full during the transition period, if you still risk mixing non-freezing liquid and water. Do you remember from your school physics course that when water freezes, it increases in volume? The antifreeze also contains water (albeit in small quantities), which means that in severe frosts the washer reservoir can simply burst. If the neck of the tank in your car is deep, then use a funnel or a regular watering can when pouring anti-freeze. If suddenly you are forced to save a lot on devices, cut a funnel from a regular plastic bottle, but under no circumstances use a watering can made from gasoline or other liquids. And, of course, do not forget to tighten the tank cap tightly.

That's all! Now you know how to add antifreeze to save yourself from unnecessary problems..

When we press the windshield washer lever, a small motor under the hood of our car drives an equally small pump. As a result of this, the washer fluid from the reservoir is pumped into the washer nozzles - these are small protrusions with holes on the hood, directed towards the windshield. It is from there that, under the pressure created by the pump, the “washer” or, as it is also called, “anti-freeze” sprays. Let's find out what to do if the washer suddenly runs out. Where can we find the washer reservoir under the hood and where can we fill in the new anti-freeze agent?

Firstly, during the autumn-winter-spring seasons, it is best to always have a supply of washer fluid in the trunk of 2-4 liters. It’s very unpleasant to find yourself in slushy weather without it and without the prospect of finding an auto shop within the next few kilometers. The second thing you need to know is that there are summer and winter washer options. The first is much cheaper, but freezes at low temperatures, while the second usually remains liquid down to -30 degrees. Therefore, it is necessary to choose one or another type of anti-freeze based on weather conditions. Remember that in some cases, frozen washer fluid (especially poor quality) can lead to destruction of the nozzles and their subsequent replacement.

So, where do we fill the antifreeze and where is the washer reservoir located in our car? The answer to this question is quite simple. In 99% of cases, the washer fluid reservoir is located under the hood. Therefore, the first thing to do is to pull the hood release lever (as a rule, it is located at the level of the left knee with a picture of an open hood on it). Then we go out, lift the hood lid and fix it using a special holder lever - you can also find it without any problems - usually it is inserted into the latch on the raised hood lid itself.

Next, we look for where the washer reservoir is located. Standing in front of the car, look at the left side of the engine compartment (relative to you); in almost all car models it is located immediately behind the headlight. The washer reservoir is a white or translucent tank with approximately 3.5-5 liters of anti-freeze.

And its lid will help us more specifically and accurately identify the washer reservoir. It is often blue or cyan in color, but can also be yellow or black. And it shows a windshield with a splashing washer. And we can make sure that this is the tank we need by assessing its contents - after all, since we have run out of glass washer, it should be empty (except in rare cases of clogged nozzles or a breakdown of the motor or pump of the washer system).

Yellow washer reservoir cap

So, we have decided where to fill the washer fluid. You simply open the lid (usually it just snaps on, less often it unscrews) of the washer reservoir and the cap of the bottle with a new anti-freeze agent and begin to carefully pour in the contents of the bottle, trying not to splash the washer on other units and parts. If you suddenly splash something, then look to see if there are any wires coming off of it. If not, then everything is fine. It is also undesirable for the washer to get on the drive belt - this (however, in very rare cases) can worsen its performance.


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In autumn, winter and early spring, it is very important to keep your car windows clean; driving safety depends on it. While in summer they can be washed with plain water, in winter this method will not work due to low temperatures. Drivers use a special liquid to wash the windshield. This kind of anti-freeze for cars is sold in any specialized store, or you can make it yourself.

Typically, car enthusiasts in the store are guided by the price or freezing point of the liquid. Based on these two parameters, they make their choice.

You can distinguish a high-quality anti-freeze product by price. The more expensive the cost, the higher quality ingredients are in the composition. Don't skimp on antifreeze. A good product will effectively clean the windows of dirt, will not harden into an icy crust while driving, and will not cause harm to the driver and passengers.

It is more profitable to buy in plastic bottles of 3-5 liters. Then the cost of 1 liter is 10% cheaper compared to other packages. But it is in them that they most often sell diluted or poisonous liquid.

A quality product is immediately visible from the label. It should indicate:

  • manufacturer's name and address;
  • rules of application;
  • Date of issue;
  • compound.

On each label, manufacturers write the temperature at which the non-freezing liquid loses its properties. All information must be written in a clear font and easy to read.

Another important quality for washer fluid is the ease of pouring into the tank. Most products come in awkward containers, so the driver needs to keep a funnel in the car.

Do-it-yourself troubleshooting

The main reasons for the lack of washer fluid can be eliminated with your own hands.

Cleaning the injectors

Their replacement and cleaning occurs in the same way and it begins with the removal of these parts, the process is as follows:

  • open the hood;
  • make sure that they have plastic plugs; if they are present, they must be carefully removed;
  • take a flat-head screwdriver and open their spring fasteners to remove the injectors.

Installation of new parts occurs in the reverse order.

To wash the injectors and free them from dirt, you should prepare a special cleaning solution of non-chlorinated water and vinegar, taken in equal proportions. The mixture is mixed well and then poured into the tank. After which you need to press the washer lever, even if the water does not reach the glass, it’s okay. So that the components of the solution have time to break down all the contaminants, you need to leave it in the cleaning system for 2 hours, and then press the lever again. After the dirty solution flows out of the nozzles, rinse the hoses with distilled water.

Replacing the motor

It is quite difficult to repair the motor yourself, so most often it is simply replaced.

Installation of a new device is carried out as follows:

  • remove all liquid remaining in the tank from the tank;
  • disconnect the contact between the battery and the pump;
  • if necessary, you can dismantle the tank, but if manipulations can be carried out with a fixed device, then you don’t have to do this;
  • remove the electric pump from the tank and unscrew all the hoses going to it, but just remember their location so that after repair they can all be returned to the correct places;
  • connect a new pump to the system;
  • screw all the tubes;
  • connect the battery to the motor;
  • pour liquid into the reservoir.

Check the operation of the motor by pressing the washer lever; if you hear a whirring sound from the pump, then everything went well.

How to fill the washer fluid reservoir?

Antifreeze is usually sold as a concentrate. In this case, it must be diluted with water according to the instructions on the label. Do not pour washer concentrate into the washer reservoir, as this may cause a fire under the hood.

If you purchased a ready-to-use liquid, it should not be diluted with water. At low temperatures, the water will freeze, which will damage the washer mechanism.

How to fill the washer fluid reservoir:

  1. Bleed the washer system and make sure there is no water left in it.
  2. Find the washer reservoir under the hood and unscrew the cap.
  3. Pour liquid into the reservoir until it is level. You should not fill the tank full, as at low temperatures the water in the composition will begin to expand and the volume will increase.

In a regular car, the driver knows that he has run out of windshield washer fluid by the fact that nothing is sprayed onto the glass. In modern cars, a fluid level sensor is installed in the washer reservoir, which warns the driver in advance so that he can stop by the store and buy additional anti-freeze.

If your car does not have such a sensor, you can install it yourself. There are several ways to display information about the fluid level for the driver:

  • An LED embedded in any convenient place is the easiest way;
  • Digital or pointer sensor;
  • Reprogramming the standard dashboard.

The last method is the most difficult; it requires the car enthusiast to be able to solder electrical circuits. To implement this method, you need to find an icon on the dashboard diagram that is not used in your car. The anti-freeze level sensor is powered to it. It is triggered when there is 1 liter of liquid left in the tank.

Antifreeze liquid is indispensable in cold weather. It is best to buy it in trusted stores and not save money. But if you quickly need to pour liquid into the washer reservoir, and the store is far away, you can prepare it yourself.

What else you need to know about antifreeze, we’ll show you in the video:

We will look at an example of filling in winter washer fluid. This method is also suitable for filling summer washer fluid. The first thing when buying a liquid is to take into account the climatic conditions of where you live (what is the average temperature); in my case, I took a liquid that does not freeze at -25 degrees.

There is no need to dilute this liquid with water; it is not a concentrate. If you bought a concentrate, on the back of the canister the proportions in which mixing should be carried out are indicated, and at what proportions there will be a particular temperature regime. It’s better to take concentrate, but in order not to dilute it, I bought ready-made liquid for pouring.

What kind of liquid should I put in the washer?

This is what the concentrate looks like:

This is what regular washer fluid looks like:

Before adding fluid to the washer in winter, you need to completely empty the flight fluid in the reservoir by simply turning on the washer until all the fluid in the reservoir is gone. So that she doesn't freeze in the future. If you want to add summer fluid after winter, just add it, and there is no need to release the winter fluid that remains in the reservoir after winter. When purchasing summer liquid, there are no special requirements.

How to fill the washer fluid reservoir?


Open the hood (it is located where the driver's seat is).


For ease of pouring liquid, you can make a watering can. We take a regular plastic bottle and cut off the top with a knife.


Find the washer reservoir and open the lid.


We insert a watering can for convenience.


And carefully pour the liquid into the washer reservoir until it is full. In this case, you need to pour so that the canister is in a horizontal position.


. Close the lid of the washer reservoir, and screw on the lid of the washer canister if there is still liquid left. Close the hood.

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