Changing the oil in a car: is it possible to add oil to a hot engine?

Why add oil?

High-quality engine operation is impossible without engine oil. This viscous substance performs several main functions, providing:

  • cleanliness of engine parts;
  • ease of cold engine starting;
  • reliability of operation at the highest possible temperature of parts of the cylinder-piston group;
  • heat removal from heated parts;
  • lubrication of moving parts;
  • neutralization of aggressive and corrosive compounds accumulating in the power unit.

Each of the points is addressed by certain additives added to oils to enhance their performance characteristics. Before you add oil to your engine, you need to determine what type of fluid is suitable for it.

Today there are a large number of motor lubricants, and even within the same line you can find products with different parameters. Thus, mineral, synthetic and semi-synthetic oils are produced. Each of them can be winter, summer or all-season. In addition, car manufacturers may recommend using a specific oil. Since different types of oils cannot be mixed, first of all you need to find out what brand of lubricant is poured into the engine. This question should be answered by the employees of the car dealership where the car was purchased, or by its previous owner. If the truth is unknown, you will have to completely change the oil. You can perform this procedure yourself or contact a service station.

  • for a new engine - synthetic oils of SAE class 5W30 or 10W30 (at any time of the year);
  • for a used engine, but technically sound - SAE 10W40 in the warm season, 15W40 in winter and 5W40 all-season;
  • for an old model with a used engine - SAE 15W40 in the summer, 5W40 or 10W40 in the cold season, 5W40 regardless of the season.

It must be remembered that servicing engines of outdated designs does not involve the use of modern synthetic oils, which is largely explained by their increased penetration rate, which results in an increased rate of oil leakage through poorly fitted engine parts. Some inexperienced drivers wonder why they have to frequently add oil to the engine, while professionals approach this issue very responsibly. In some cars, lubricant burns out very quickly, but increased oil consumption does not always indicate a malfunction of the power unit, just as prolonged use of the fluid does not indicate the absence of problems in the engine. In many cases, fuel consumption depends on the type of engine and its volume. So, for small cars, a consumption of 1 liter per 1000 km is considered high, and for cars with a V6 or V8 power unit it is the norm.

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Oil consumption, should I add it and when?

If you have questions such as: what causes high oil consumption and when to add oil, then this article is for you.

After all, as you know, the level of oil consumption is also a technical indicator of the general condition of the car. And it is with these questions that the conversation about buying a used car begins. By the way, urgent car purchases are currently ongoing in Moscow, and cars are also being purchased in the Moscow region. But let's get back to oil consumption. And in fact, this does not always indicate serious problems with the engine. Equally, low oil consumption cannot guarantee the ideal condition of the machine. Each car, like each person, is individual in its own way. So let's figure this out.

The question is what the norm is specifically for your engine. For example, for some, one liter per thousand kilometers is acceptable, but for others it is too much, for others it is not enough at all. Since our company has long been engaged in the urgent purchase of cars in Moscow, as well as the purchase of cars in the Moscow region, our experience tells us that in most cases it is much more profitable to add oil than to make major repairs.

However, the point here is not so much about profit; it is better to really try adding oil at first. Perhaps the problem is not in the “dead” engine. Perhaps oil consumption is simply due to its leakage, this still needs to be clarified. But this is not so easy to do...

Also, consumption may be due to untimely oil changes, and as a result, the oil scraper rings become coked and lodge in the piston grooves. Or the characteristics of the oil may “burn out” when operating the car.

We figured out the reasons. But what should you do if, after all, the oil consumption is very high - resign yourself and add oil, replace the engine, or even both? Oil is an integral part of the entire automobile mechanism. And in any case it will be spent. It follows from this that oil consumption is inevitable and oil needs to be added. And this brings up the next question: when to add oil? On the one hand, the more often you change the oil, the better. However, there is another side to this coin: this procedure is not cheap, unless, of course, you use high-quality oil, and it also takes a lot of time. And how can we find a middle ground here? We won’t give you a definite answer to this question in numbers, but we can tell you in what situations it’s worth adding oil.

First, you should refer to the manufacturer's recommendations (usually written in the vehicle's service book).

Secondly, it is necessary to determine the factors that affect oil consumption specifically in your car. Then display the arithmetic mean. This will be the so-called oil change service interval in your car. This is when you need to add engine oil!

But let us turn to those factors that are individual.

So, it could be irregular use of the car, constant short distance travel, traffic jams, driving in undulating terrain, poor fuel quality or vacuum oil changes. Everything, I repeat, is individual. However, if at least three of the above factors are typical for you, then you can safely divide the manufacturer’s recommended oil change interval by two.

An equally important role here is played by the age of the car you are purchasing and its service history. Let us remind you that our company is engaged in urgent purchase of cars in Moscow, as well as purchase of cars in the Moscow region. And we know almost everything about the cars we buy. If you buy secondhand and have information about the car only from the words of the seller, then be prepared for the fact that in the first year of operation you will have to add oil very often, firstly, to flush the engine, and secondly, to understand and find out for yourself the optimal engine oil change interval.

Thus, periodically monitor the oil level in the engine, do not forget about the factors of improper operation of the car, which can lead to irreversible consequences, and use only high-quality oil. This will help you protect your car from premature breakdowns.

How to see overspending when buying a car?

In principle, there is no way, you will never have so much time to determine this in a test drive, for example. The only option is when the owner of the car tells you about the problem before the sale, but this is very rare. Often such problems arise during operation and you may have to sell the car to another person or buy it up. It will most likely not be possible to get the money back from the previous owner; it is almost impossible to prove that the problem has been around for a long time and he knew about it.

Articles that may be of interest:

How to determine the amount of lubricant in the motor

Each owner of an “iron horse” can independently determine how much lubricant is in the engine and whether oil needs to be added. As a rule, the required amount of oil in the power unit is indicated in the technical documentation for the car. The fluid level is determined with the engine turned off or 10 minutes after it has completely stopped, or before starting. For the measurement readings to be correct, the car must be standing on a horizontally flat surface.

Selection of oil according to characteristics

Each car is supplied with a special dipstick for measuring oil. As a rule, it is located in the front part of the engine and is a thin metal strip with marked divisions. To pull out the dipstick, you need to grab the ring handle and pull it towards you. Then you should wipe the oil off the dipstick, lower it into the engine until it stops and pull it out again. The amount of lubricant in the motor is determined by the marks. If the oil reaches the upper mark, there is no need to add fluid. If it approaches the bottom, the engine needs lubrication. Experienced specialists recommend checking the oil level at least once every 7 days. Each car model requires a certain amount of motor lubricant. So, when preparing oil for filling, it should be taken into account that domestic cars require a fluid volume of about 4 liters, foreign cars with an engine capacity of up to 2.4 liters - up to 4 liters, and cars with larger engines - over 4 liters. So, the oil level has been checked and you can start adding lubricant to the engine.

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Algorithm for pouring oil into the engine

Where to pour oil? For this purpose, there is a special oil filler neck located above the engine cylinder block. It can be identified by the Oil Fill mark or by the type of oil recommended by the manufacturer (for example, 5W40). Remove the cap from the neck, wipe with a rag and set aside.

Then insert a crow into the hole formed and carefully pour in no more than 1 cup of oil. When the liquid drops into the pan (this will happen in 15-20 minutes), you need to check the oil level with a dipstick. If it is not high enough, the procedure should be repeated. At each measurement, the probe must be wiped with a cloth. A sufficient amount of lubricant in the engine will be indicated by the level approaching the maximum mark. After this, remove the funnel from the hole, close the neck with a lid and install the dipstick in its place.

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How to add motor oil to a power unit

It is necessary to fill the engine mixture correctly, trying not to overfill the liquid above normal, so follow this sequence:

Unlock the hood of the car. To do this, pull the small lever near the driver’s left foot inside the car. Then move your hand between the body and the hood of the vehicle from the outside of the car until you find a small lever somewhere in the middle of the hood, push it down. Raise the hood and secure it with a rod. Find the filler neck - this is a cap located at the top of the engine, on top of which is the marking of the desired oil, for example, 5w-30 or the inscription “Oill Fill”. Unscrew the lid, wipe it with a rag and set it aside. Check the engine mixture level to determine the required amount of oil that needs to be added. The difference between the lower and upper marks on the dipstick is approximately 1.1 liters. You must add oil so that it is between o and “maximum”. Install a funnel into the oil filler neck. Using a funnel will allow you to add fluid without spilling it on the engine. Any amount of motor oil that you may accidentally spill on the drive must be immediately wiped off with a rag, otherwise when the power unit is hot it will begin to evaporate and an unpleasant odor will appear in the car interior. When adding engine mixture, keep in mind: you should pour no more than 250 ml of motor oil at a time, then you need to wait 20 minutes for the poured liquid to flow into the pan. After waiting until the oil has drained into the pan, check the engine fluid level again. Repeat this procedure, adding oil until the level is between o and “maximum”. Having finished adding the engine mixture, install the dipstick correctly: it should fit tightly into its place - this will prevent leakage from the place where the dipstick is installed. Take the filler cap; there should be no dust or small particles on it. Screw the lid tightly back into its original place. Having completed the above manipulations, inspect the drive and the space under the hood for the presence of foreign objects.

Remove rags, tools, and wipe up any accidentally spilled drops of oil. Close the hood, start the car, listen to the operation of the power unit, pay attention to whether the oil level indicator light in the car interior lights up; if this happens, contact a mechanic to identify the cause.

Add oil to the drive consciously; a significant excess of fluid above the norm can lead to increased pressure inside the engine - this is the path to a major engine overhaul.


Complete engine oil change

If the type of oil poured into the engine is unknown, the fluid should be completely replaced. The main thing here is to do it right. Before adding new lubricant, you must drain the old one.

First of all, you should choose a place for the procedure. The ideal option would be a special pit in the garage, but if there is none, a replacement can be made in the field or at a summer cottage. It is not recommended to change the oil with a cold engine - this substance is too viscous and it will not be possible to drain it completely. To completely free the engine from old grease, you should warm up the engine and carry out the procedure 10 minutes after turning it off. In order to drain the oil, you will need to put the car on the handbrake and jack it up. Under no circumstances should the car roll when there is a person underneath it, so you can secure the handbrake with heavy bars or cinder blocks, supporting the wheels with them. In addition, you will need to prepare:

  • old bowl or basin;
  • bottle of 3 or 5 liters;
  • wrench;
  • oil filter.

The process of draining old oil is quite simple: you need to find the engine drain hole on the bottom, place a basin under it and unscrew the plug. To prevent hot oil from burning your hands, it is advisable to wear gloves. It will take about 30 minutes for the liquid to completely drain into the bowl. This time can be taken by replacing the oil filter. After time has passed, it is necessary to tighten the drain plug (this should be done very carefully so that the thread does not curl under force), lower the jack and return the car to a horizontal position. Now you can add oil. The procedure is carried out similarly to that described above.

After this, you need to check how the engine works. To do this, you need to start the car and look at the sensor on the instrument panel. If the sensor lights up but goes out after 5-10 seconds, the oil has reached where it is needed and is ready to go. Experienced drivers recommend driving the car for several kilometers and checking the lubricant level again (10-15 minutes after stopping the engine). If the readings haven't changed, everything is fine. If the oil volume has decreased, there is a leak somewhere: perhaps the drain cap is not closed tightly enough or the pipes are leaking. You need to leave the car overnight and look under the car in the morning. An oil puddle will signal a leak. Timely topping up and replacing engine oil will guarantee trouble-free operation of the engine of both a new and used car.

Many new car enthusiasts are interested in how to add oil to a car engine. It seems simple enough, but there are many aspects to consider. Any engine has its own parameters.

Add oil using a funnel

How to top up

Open the hood and remove the filler cap. It is usually marked "Oill Fill". Use a dipstick to check the amount of lubricant available. The mark should show "maximum". If the volume is below the specified mark, it is necessary to top up.

For normal engine operation, it is enough for the oil level to be in the middle between minimum and maximum - you should strive to achieve this value.

To ensure that the operation is carried out accurately, it is necessary to insert a funnel into the oil filler hole. It will prevent the liquid from splashing and getting on the surface of the motor. If this happens, it must be wiped off with a rag. Otherwise, when the internal combustion engine heats up, the lubricant will begin to evaporate, and an unpleasant odor will appear in the cabin.

When adding oil, do not fill the entire volume at once. This is done in small portions, approximately 250 ml. After the liquid has completely drained into the pan, you need to check the level. The operation is repeated several times until the level reaches the middle between the “min” and “max” values.

If the engine oil is not changed for a long time, it can “kill” the engine. Therefore, it is worth discussing how to change engine oil, what the replacement interval is and why a new oil filter is installed.

Changing the engine oil of different brands of cars is not very different and follows the same pattern. First, select the appropriate oil based on the type and brand of engine. Next, warm up the engine to operating temperature. If it's warm, wait a few minutes to avoid getting burned. Then we find a suitable container where we will drain the waste liquid. An old canister will do if you cut off the side cap with a knife.

Next, unscrew the plug on the engine crankcase. This is usually the lowest point on the pallet, or check your owner's manual to be sure. We unscrew the plug with a wrench, and finally with our hands, because the oil will flow out immediately and quickly (place a container for draining in advance), otherwise you will lose the drain plug. The oil drains quickly, usually no more than five minutes. But it won’t be possible to drain it 100%. It's not scary, because... Usually no more than 2-3% of old fluid remains in the engine.

The old oil is drained, the color and the presence of foreign impurities are assessed.

These factors determine whether the engine requires flushing or replacement without flushing is necessary. Afterwards, a new one is poured in and the oil filter is changed. At this point the work is completed.

When pouring oil, constantly monitor the level using the oil dipstick - it should be between o and “max”. Fill in 80% of the total volume and then top up, adjusting with the dipstick.

Replacement interval

Should the manufacturer's recommendations be followed?
For modern engines, when the quality of oils improves, it is recommended to replace them after 10-15 thousand kilometers. This value is determined by the manufacturer under normal operating conditions. The worse the conditions, the earlier it needs to be changed. What is considered difficult conditions? These include: frosts, frequent changes in temperature, humid climate, and high dust levels in the air. Frequent engine overloads (for example, in mountainous areas or when transporting heavy loads) also do not contribute to maintaining performance. Typically, if driving conditions are determined to be severe, it is recommended to reduce the mileage before replacement by 25-30 percent.

Operating a car in the city is equivalent to heavy duty - a sluggish plug kills oil just as actively as off-road driving, mountain driving or motorsports. Average replacement time: 5,000 - 7,000 km for mineral water and 10,000 - 12,000 km for synthetic.

Do I need to change the oil filter?

Yes, definitely.
Working with a clogged engine filter is equivalent to working without it, because... the oil passes past the filter element. This is provided for by its design. With a mileage of 10,000 km, it will be clogged, which will lead to the opening of the bypass valve and the oil will go uncleaned. This results in intense engine wear. Although the emergency pressure light will not light up. If you change the filter yourself, do not forget to fill it with oil to about half the volume (for a better “first” start) and lubricate the rubber band on the filter housing.

1. Choose your engine oil carefully. Buy those that meet the tolerances and approvals of the auto concern. Remember, viscosity is not the most important parameter. The article “choosing engine oil” will help you with your choice.

2. Do not overuse “express” substitutions.

Vacuum replacement is bad because much more used oil remains in the engine than with traditional replacement using the drain method. Therefore, we alternate this method with the traditional one, while reducing the service interval or abandoning it altogether.

3. Change your oil more often! No air filter will capture all the dust and dirt that is present in the air. Accordingly, not a single fuel filter will retain impurities that are sold at gas stations along with fuel as a free bonus.

4. Do not use any additives

and additives in motor oil! Additives can be harmful; the positive effect of such impurities can be short-lived (what are the types of additives).

5. Monitor the oil level using the marks on the dipstick. Not filling up to the bottom mark can lead to oil starvation of the rubbing parts, which will lead to their rapid wear. Overfilling also negatively affects the performance of rubbing parts. What to do if the oil is filled above the level.

6. Do not buy oil from dubious sellers! Fake products will 100% not meet the manufacturer’s requirements, so the motor will quickly fail. Buy only original products at branded gas stations or find the nearest store that sells reliable products. Metal cans also serve as protection against counterfeiting.

Many new car enthusiasts are interested in how to add oil to a car engine. It seems simple enough, but there are many aspects to consider. Any engine has its own parameters.

Add oil using a funnel

Why do you need topping up?

Proper functioning of the engine is impossible without motor oil. The oil fluid poured into the power unit does the following:

  • cleans its parts;
  • provides easy starting without warming up;
  • removes heat from heated parts;
  • lubricates contacting elements;
  • neutralizes various compounds that accumulate in the motor.

Timely replacement of car oil will extend the life of your friend.
All these tasks are possible thanks to special additives that are added to lubricants to improve their performance. Before pouring oil into your car, you need to find out which petroleum product is optimal for it. Currently, there are many different brands of motor oils that differ in characteristics from each other. Mineral water, synthetics and semi-synthetics are produced. Motor oils are also divided into lubricants for summer, winter and any season. Car manufacturers usually give recommendations on how much oil should be poured into the engine and what it should be. Remember that in older cars it is highly undesirable to use modern synthetic oil.

Due to the fact that it is forbidden to mix different types of lubricants, it is necessary to find out what kind of petroleum product is poured into the power unit. This question will definitely be answered by the employees of the car dealership where you bought the car, or by the former owner of the car. If you figure out how much oil is in the engine, you will have to change all the lubricant. You can do this yourself or use the services of a car service. The cost of car service may be too high; it is better to know how to change the lubricant yourself.

If you don’t have the right oil on hand to add

Quite often, car owners are faced with the need to add fluid of a different viscosity or from a different manufacturer, or they only have diesel oil on hand and there is no other option but to use it. In emergency situations, this option is possible. And, nevertheless, it is important to know in what cases you can fill in lubricating fluid from another manufacturer, how much oil to fill in the engine and other nuances.

Note that each mixture differs from each other in its set of active chemical additives. Therefore, it is not recommended to mix different brands, even from the same manufacturer. This can lead to the additives reacting with each other and a precipitate appears, due to which the liquid loses its properties.

Do not mix mineral with synthetic fluids and hydrocracking mixtures. But it is possible to mix a mineral mixture with a semi-synthetic one, or vice versa. It is also allowed to add liquid with a synthetic base to semi-synthetics and vice versa. But it’s better not to mix hydrocracking mixtures with anything. But if there is an urgent need, then you can use a mineral mixture. Well, if there is absolutely no choice, then any mixture is better than no mixture. But this is an absolute last resort.

How is it determined how much oil is in the engine?

Any car owner has the opportunity to find out for himself how much oil to fill his car and where to fill the engine oil. Typically, the required amount of motor lubricant is prescribed in the owner's manual for the car. The amount of oil is set with the engine turned off, either ten minutes after it is completely turned off, or before starting. To ensure correct measurements, the car must be on a horizontal, smooth surface.

Included with any car is a special dipstick for measuring car oil. It is usually located in the front area of ​​the motor and looks like a thin metal strip with marks on it.

In order to get the dipstick, you need to grab the ring handle and pull it in your direction. Wipe it free of liquid, immerse it completely in the motor and lift it up again. The volume of motor oil is set by divisions. If the lubricant has reached the upper mark, there is no need to add oil to the engine. If the fluid level approaches the lower mark, you need to fill the engine with oil.

How much oil does it take to change?

Before you fill your car with oil, you need to know how much oil is needed. You can find this information:

  • in the instruction manual;
  • from a service specialist for a specific car brand;
  • through a request to the official representative of the brand, etc.

In addition, information about tolerances and requirements for mixtures will not be superfluous. Plus, it’s worth considering some nuances when replacing fluid:

  • the machine must be on a level surface;
  • Before draining the fluid, the engine must be warmed up;
  • It will not be possible to completely remove the mixture by draining after opening the plug in the pan or by draining the oil through the filler neck;
  • Before replacing the oil filter, you should wet the filter element by pouring a little oil into it.

One more point: the volume indicated in the manual is complete. That is, this amount is poured into the assembled engine. But, if the engine has already been used, the amount of lubricant will be less. Taking into account the above nuances, about 0.5 liters of mixture may remain in the engine. Accordingly, it is impossible to add the full volume specified in the instructions.

After replacing the fluid, you should monitor its level using a dipstick. Or using electronic sensors that are equipped with some brands of cars. The probes have minimum and maximum marks. And the optimal mixture level is considered to be between these indicators. If the engine is worn out or has increased consumption, then some owners deliberately exceed the level by 1...1.5 cm, but do not bring it to the maximum level.

The procedure for pouring oil into the internal combustion engine

Where to pour oil into the engine? The car has a special oil filler hole, which is located above the cylinder block of the engine. It is about either the marking of the car oil that is recommended by the car manufacturer (for example, 10w30). You need to remove the lid and wipe it with a rag.

Then place a funnel in the neck. Add about one glass of motor oil. When it falls into the pan (after about a quarter of an hour), check the liquid level with a dipstick. If it is low, repeat topping up. After any measurement, wipe the probe with a rag. When you finish pouring oil into the car, remove the funnel from the neck, cover the hole with a lid, and put the dipstick in place. Now you know how to add oil to the engine.

Correct sequence of actions when topping up

Let's look at how to add oil to the engine step by step. To do this correctly you need to adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. The vehicle must be placed on a level surface. The engine needs time to cool so that the lubricant can drain into the sump. This will take approximately 10 minutes. First, you need to open the hood of the car to get to the oil filler neck (it is located in the upper part of the cylinder head). We open the hood using the lever, which is located in the cabin at the level of the driver’s left knee or slightly lower. Then open the hood and fix its position using a rod.
  2. We use a special dipstick located under the hood to measure the lubricant level. The dipstick must first be wiped with a dry cloth. An oil trail will indicate the level. We top up when the mark drops below the “minimum” value.
  3. The neck cap is closed with a threaded plug and is marked with the symbols “Oil Fill”, or the viscosity characteristic of the lubricant, for example, 5w-30. Some models have a pictogram in the form of an oil can with a drop. The distance between the marks on the dipstick is equivalent to 1 l. lubricant.
  4. Insert the funnel into the neck and carefully add oil. If drops get on the drive, wipe off any oil traces with a rag.
  5. First, pour in 250 ml of lubricant and pause for 5-10 minutes. During this time, the oil will drain into the pan. We check the level with a dipstick and add no more than 250 ml. Topping up and checking are repeated until the level is between o and “maximum”.
  6. We return the oil dipstick to its place. Screw the neck cap tightly. We remove foreign objects and wipe places where there may be oil residues.

Complete replacement of engine oil

First of all, decide where you will carry out the replacement, what kind of oil is poured into the engine. The best option is a special pit in the garage. If it is missing, fill it in the field or at the dacha. It is not advisable to change the car oil with a cold engine or in cold weather - it will be too thick and it will not be possible to drain it completely. To completely free the engine from used oil, you need to warm up the engine and turn it off. Is it possible to add oil to hot engines? No. Be sure to wait ten minutes. To completely drain the car oil, set the car to the handbrake and lift it with a jack. Use heavy timbers or cinder blocks to protect yourself and support the wheels with them.

Also prepare:

  • old basin;
  • three-liter or five-liter bottle;
  • wrench;
  • oil filter

Draining used grease is quite easy. Find the engine drain on the bottom, place a basin and unscrew the lid. To avoid getting burned by heated motor oil, wear gloves.

It takes approximately half an hour to completely drain the oil product. Replace the oil filter during this time. When the lubricant has drained, screw on the drain cap, lower the car and return it to its normal position. Now pour a new consumable, remembering how to properly pour oil into the engine, as well as how many liters of oil are poured into the engine.

Check how the engine functions. Start the car, pay attention to whether the dashboard sensor lights up. If the check light comes on and goes out after a few seconds, it means you did everything right. Experienced car enthusiasts advise driving the car for several kilometers and checking the oil level again (fifteen minutes after turning off the engine). If the check light comes on and the readings have not changed, then everything is fine. If the amount of motor oil has changed, it means there is a leak. The drain lid is probably not closed tightly or the pipes are leaking. If after twelve hours a puddle of motor oil has formed under the car, then there is definitely a leak in the car. If you know how to fill oil correctly and understand which lubricant is optimal, you can avoid many problems associated with vehicle operation.

Many novice car enthusiasts are faced with the problem of adding and changing oil. Often, there is no need to go to a car service center to add lubricant to the power unit. In this article we will look at the technical characteristics and methods of adding lubricant to the engine.

The engine eats oil - this is a symptom of engine failure

Increased oil consumption, which is approximately 1 liter per 2000 kilometers, may indicate various engine breakdowns. If you see that the oil level has begun to drop, it is recommended not to ignore this problem, but to conduct a thorough engine diagnostics, which will solve the existing problem.

Oil can leak for various reasons. The most common is the appearance of cracks in the cylinder head, as a result of which antifreeze gets into the oil and characteristic blue smoke appears, which indicates oil combustion.

The car owner added oil to the engine of a different brand and now the lubricant has lost its characteristics.

Also, leaks can appear due to leaky gaskets, which requires hiding the engine and changing the weathered gaskets and rubber bands. Despite the apparent simplicity of such work, such repairs have a high cost, which is explained by its labor intensity.

Oil loss can also be caused by faulty boost turbines. Such turbocharging significantly increases the operating temperature of the engine, as a result, the oil begins to coke, the channels become clogged, and the car owner has to frequently add lubricant to the engine. This problem can be solved by opening the engine and overhauling it.

In some cases, oil loss may occur due to the design features of the engine. Some automakers even set an oil consumption rate of 1 liter per 3,000 kilometers, as a result of which service stations simply refuse to repair a car if it has such problems.

How often do you add oil to the engine? Ideally, the engine should have minimal oil consumption. Accordingly, when replacing technical fluid, the same amount of oil is drained as was poured into the engine. However, this only happens with naturally aspirated and unboosted engines. If the engine operates with significant loads and at high speeds, then a slight waste of oil is noted. You should carry out this procedure and add lubricant to the motor as its level decreases. If such work has to be performed every 1000 kilometers, then you should still contact a service workshop and have the engine diagnosed. Often, performing such diagnostics will be cheaper than subsequently restoring the engine after oil starvation or wedge.

We can say with confidence that there is probably no car owner who would not be faced with the need to add oil to the car engine. But at the same time, not everyone knows how to do this kind of work correctly and whether it is possible to add oil to an engine of a different brand. And yet how to add oil to the engine. Let's talk about this in more detail.

First of all, we will tell you what kind of oil can be added to a car engine. This lubricant must be the same as that used in the engine. That is why it is recommended to purchase extra oil when performing service work, and if such a procedure is performed under service conditions, you should find out from the technicians what kind of technical fluids they use. This will allow you to purchase such motor oil in stores and fill it if necessary.

Many car owners are interested in the question: is it possible to add another oil to the engine? Adding another oil to the engine is possible, but this is not recommended by most automakers. You can add such lubricant to the engine if you are on the road and immediately after such an emergency trip it will be necessary to completely change the technical fluid and perform the appropriate service work. But if you mix oil from different manufacturers and with different characteristics, it will invariably lose its properties, which will lead to increased wear of engine parts.

It would seem what questions there might be. However, in reality, it is not always possible to find such a filler neck in the engine where to add oil to the engine. Previously, when we opened the hood, we could immediately find the corresponding plug on the valve cover, which had to be unscrewed and oil poured into the engine. Today, many manufacturers produce maintenance-free engines, and finding such a neck for filling oil is not so easy. It is necessary to dismantle the plastic motor protection, only after this you will gain access to the valve cover. For most engines, it is on the valve cover that the corresponding filler plug is located, by unscrewing it you can add oil to the engine.

Such service work and adding oil to the engine is not particularly difficult. You just need to remember that such work is performed exclusively on a cold engine. The answer to the question whether you can add oil to a hot engine should be unambiguous. It is prohibited to pour oil into a hot engine. By pouring cold oil into a hot engine, you can break the engine, which will lose its geometry, or microcracks will appear in the cylinder block and valve cover. That is why you should definitely wait until the engine cools down, which guarantees the quality and correctness of such a service procedure.

The oil level can be checked using a dipstick only on a cold engine. Therefore, check the engine oil level regularly and, if there is a decrease in its level, you should immediately add it to the engine.

In each specific case, how much oil is poured into the engine is chosen by the car owner, depending on the lubricant consumption of the engine. You can determine how much oil to add to the engine based on the dipstick readings. Try to ensure that the engine lubricant level is midway between the minimum and maximum marks on the dipstick. But you should not fill the lubricant to the maximum. This will lead to an increase in pressure in the system, which can cause engine failure.

Many manufacturers of modern cars recommend that car owners carry out work on the engine and gearbox exclusively in service workshops. It is not surprising that many car owners wonder whether it is possible to add oil to a hot engine. It should be said that such work is not difficult, so each of us can handle it. But still, this work should be carried out on a cold engine.

It is only necessary to perform such service on a cold engine and use only the lubricant that is currently in the engine. Before adding oil to the engine, you should check its level with a dipstick, then unscrew the appropriate filler cap and add the required amount of lubricant. We can recommend that you add about 500 milliliters of oil, then wait about 10 minutes and, without starting the engine, check the fluid level with a dipstick. If the level is not between the minimum and maximum, add another 500 milliliters of oil.

You can, of course, perform this work under service conditions, but for such a simple procedure they will ask you for several thousand rubles. And none of us would like to waste our time on trips to the service center. Moreover, in order to properly add oil to the engine yourself, you will spend only 10-15 minutes. That is why, if there are such problems with the engine, car owners independently purchase and add oil to the engine. Just remember that you can add oil to the engine of a different viscosity only in an emergency.

Many car owners are wondering whether it is possible to somehow avoid such waste of oil, which will eliminate the need for frequent topping up of engine lubricant. There are simply no universal recommendations for such prevention. And yet we can advise you to change the engine oil in the engines of modern cars after a mileage of 8-10 thousand kilometers. This will preserve all the operational characteristics of the oil, and engine wear will be reduced accordingly. You should also regularly perform appropriate engine diagnostics, paying particular attention to the condition of the valve stem seals and valve system.

Under no circumstances should you skimp on the quality of the oil used. All modern engines are extremely critical to the quality of the oil, so it should only be used with approval from the manufacturer. But saving on such service work not only leads to engine breakdowns and premature wear, but soon such an engine will require expensive overhauls.


Many car owners are faced with the need to add oil to the engine when operating the car. In this article, we explained whether it is possible to add another oil to the engine, and also described in detail how such a service is performed. Remember that increased consumption of such technical fluid should cause concern to the car owner and is one of the symptoms of engine failure. If you need to add oil to the engine, then you need to use the same technical fluid that is currently poured into the engine, perform this procedure exclusively on a cold engine and act carefully so that you do not have to subsequently drain the oil from the engine, which is much more difficult than than topping it up.

When checking the oil level, a natural question that most motorists have is where does it disappear and is everything okay with the “heart” of our car - the engine. Most car enthusiasts consider it normal if you don’t have to add oil from change to change ( between the marks on the dipstick min and max is usually 1 liter

). For example: you have decided to change the oil every ten thousand kilometers; your car, or rather the engine, will take no more than 100 grams per 1000 km.

It's no secret that when an engine operates, no matter how ideal it is, a certain amount of oil burns. In any engine, there will still be oil losses, no matter what you do, our main task is to achieve minimal, optimal losses for our engine - if we top up, then minimal. That is, it will approach the ideal operating mode of the engine, in which losses occur only from the combustion of residues on the cylinder walls. But you can’t do anything about such losses, alas, this is the purpose of our oil - to cover all the internal surfaces of the engine with a film and prevent dry friction. The oil film burns in the cylinder along with the fuel mixture. Thus, oil consumption is a completely natural process. In the era of turbo engines, this issue has become relevant for engines with low mileage.

Manufacturers honestly indicate oil consumption when the engine is running, but at the same time they are a little disingenuous, indicating the maximum possible. For example, the Audi company in the operating instructions for one popular model indicated oil consumption of 1 liter per 1000 km. How do you like it?! What will happen to our wallet in this case? From life - During normal operation, most engines consume (consume) 100-200 grams of oil for every 1000 km.

Reasons for engine oil consumption in an internal combustion engine:

Exceeding the maximum oil level.

The engine oil level in the engine is higher than normal (the normal level is between the min and max marks on the dipstick) - an increase in volume, oil pressure in the engine - release of excess engine oil through the crankcase ventilation. All this leads to an increase in consumption - loss of engine oil, the formation of carbon deposits on the bottom of the pistons, the inner surface of the combustion chamber, premature failure of the exhaust system, exhaust gases become more toxic - CO... It is not in vain that the manufacturer designs, tests and brings the engine to optimal parameters ( characteristics, resource), determines the minimum and maximum volume of lubricant. Well, a purely practical question - why buy more engine oil than is required for replacement?!

Possible leakage (oil leakage).

The simplest thing at first glance, easily identified - the reason for engine oil consumption is a leak.
In principle, everything is clear - if there is oil on the engine, you need to change the gaskets, seals and off you go. Here are examples of the most common reasons for motor oil leaking from an engine: [td] Motor oil
is a base oil and a set of additives that give the base oil the required properties. In the world of manufacturing bases there are tens of times fewer lubricant manufacturers.

Sami: Changing the engine oil
Causes of oil combustion: the oil used is not suitable for the parameters of this engine; wear of oil seals; wear of piston (oil scraper) rings; cylinder production; high pressure of crankcase gases.
  • Valve cover gasket;
  • Cylinder head gasket (cylinder head);
  • Camshaft and crankshaft oil seals;
  • Oil pan gasket;
  • Rear crankshaft oil seal (at the gearbox input);

Valve cover gasket.

The valve cover is located at the top of the engine. A leak through the valve cover gasket is the most harmless, that is, the amount of engine oil leaking is minimal. The cause of the leak is natural aging of the gasket or poor-quality repair of the engine in which the gasket was damaged. Definition: drips on the outer side walls of the engine. If the gasket is not damaged, it is enough to tighten the fastening bolts (nuts).

Cylinder head gasket.

A leaking head gasket is one of the most dangerous engine oil leaks. In most cases, there is a hidden leak, the gasket is damaged between the cylinder block and the cooling system. In this case, part of the engine oil will gradually displace the coolant, and part of the coolant will penetrate into the engine, which significantly reduces the service life. Definition: cloudiness of the coolant, foaming of the engine oil.

Camshaft and crankshaft oil seals.

“Leaking like a bucket” in our case is the only way to characterize this type of leak - the maximum possible oil consumption for all possible damage. Definition: traces of oil, grease on the inner surface of the crankcase protection or lower part of the engine.

Rear crankshaft oil seal.

It is found in most cases on cars with exorbitant mileage. In most cases, due to difficulties with elimination and minor oil losses (minimal), most car enthusiasts continue to operate the car until the gearbox (gearbox) comes out of service. To replace the oil seal in the vast majority of cars, disassembling the gearbox is necessary. Definition: leaks on the gearbox side.

Where to pour oil into the engine

The most frequently asked questions are how to add oil to the engine, the top-up interval and where to add engine oil. Knowing a little about the design features of power units, you can immediately guess that filling and topping up engine lubricant is carried out through the filler neck located on the cylinder head cover.

As you know, during the operation of the power unit, the oil gradually disappears. There can be various reasons for this: leaks, grease combustion, and others. The average recommended engine lubricant consumption is 100-200 grams for every 1000 km. This indicator may vary depending on the design features of the engine.

How to properly add oil to the engine? First you need to determine the amount of lubricant in the engine. For this there is a special device called a probe. If you look at it in more detail, you can find marks on its surface - minimum and maximum. The lubricant level should be between these marks.

If the quantity is rapidly approaching the minimum mark, it is recommended to top up the oil. It is worth noting that it is necessary to top up the motor fluid that is in the engine. If you add another one, this can affect the operation of the power unit, as well as increase wear on engine components.

Many vehicle owners are interested in whether it is possible to add oil to the engine in other ways. The answer is clearly no. The car manufacturer has provided a procedure for adding oil to the engine and it must be followed.

Last argument

Car manufacturers, knowing about the different chemical compositions of motor mixtures, trying to reinsure themselves, developed tolerances for motor oils. Giant automobile factories conduct tests of various types of engines and lubricating fluids; passing the test is indicated by the presence of appropriate approvals on the oil canister. Based on this, oils of different brands cannot be poured into the engine. Pay attention to the tolerances if the previous arguments are unconvincing for you: not all synthetics that indicate a certain viscosity and API and ACEA markings are suitable for all types of engines, it follows that liquid of one brand cannot be added to another oil that has a different brand . Unless, of course, we are talking about force majeure, when the engine fluid level has dropped and there is no appropriate oil for topping up. In such a situation, you can add oil from another manufacturer to the power unit (preferably at least some kind of lubricant than dry friction of drive parts) in order to get to a service station or garage and replace the engine fluid.

When you reach your destination, change the “cocktail” of car oils to another oil recommended by your car dealer, because it is unknown how a product of mixing two or more brands will behave after several thousand kilometers.

The question: “How to add oil to the engine?” arises when the level of the engine mixture drops below about on the dipstick. In this case, it is important to do this by adding the oil correctly so that the fluid does not exceed the permissible limit.

Before adding engine oil to the engine, you need to find out what kind of fluid is in the power unit. If you just purchased a car, check this information with the previous owner of the car. Then buy oil of the same brand and viscosity. We recommend that you look at the car's operating book and find out the viscosity of the engine fluid necessary for the normal operation of the power unit of your vehicle. Before buying a mixture, read the car oil labeling - this will help you buy quality products and not fakes.

You need to add engine fluid if its level is below about on the dipstick. Keep in mind that when the drive is hot, the oil is inside it, and when the power unit is not warmed up, the engine mixture flows to the sump. The oil level immediately after driving will be lower, because the oil expands and flows through all engine components. For more reliable measurements, it is worth letting the engine sit for 15-20 minutes after stopping it - this time is enough for the power unit to cool and the liquid to drain to the sump.

Reasons for changing motor oils

Any motor oil has its own expiration date when used inside an internal combustion engine. Thus, the loss of the physical and technical qualities of motor lubricant leads to increased wear of the engine power unit. Let's consider how different technical indicators of oil affect the operation of the power unit.

Loss of physical properties

The loss of physical properties of a lubricating fluid means loss of lubricating properties. When engine oil has lost these properties, increased wear of parts begins, which leads to abrasion of the cylinder walls, as well as the accumulation of metal dust. This contributes to the loss of the chemical qualities of the oil.

Loss of chemical properties

Motor oil, in addition to acting as a lubricant, also acts as a heat remover and protects structural elements. When its chemical properties are lost, the oil becomes very hot, but does not transfer the generated heat to the walls of the cylinder block, which does not provide additional cooling.

After the loss of chemical properties, the protection of the walls of the cylinder block disappears and scratches form on it, and the protection of the crankshaft also disappears, which causes increased wear of the journals.

The process of changing the lubricant

It is recommended to change the oil after 10-15 thousand kilometers, depending on the type and design of the engine. The manufacturer’s recommendation also plays an important role in the lubricant change interval. The manufacturer also indicates how much oil to pour into the engine, and for each engine model, the indicator will be different.

Is it possible to add oil while it is hot? Possible, but not safe for humans. You cannot pour motor lubricant into the power unit on a hot engine, as you can get burned. Automotive technicians strongly recommend changing the oil when the engine is cool.

Basic processes for changing engine oil

Changing the oil in a car engine is one of the simplest operations in vehicle maintenance. As practice shows, many car enthusiasts carry out the process on their own.

Let's consider the basic procedures for changing lubricant:

  1. Let the power unit cool down.
  2. We dismantle the engine protection, if any.
  3. Unscrew the filler plug.
  4. We wait for the lubricant to drain.
  5. We change the oil filter.
  6. We tighten the drain plug and install the motor protection back.
  7. Unscrew the filler neck and add oil in the required quantity.
  8. We begin to operate the car until the next maintenance.


The oil must be changed and topped up on time, in accordance with the power unit maintenance regulations. Thus, untimely maintenance will lead to increased wear of individual parts and components of the power unit. It is recommended to carry out maintenance in accordance with the technical data sheets for a specific motor.

The main unit of any vehicle is its internal combustion engine (ICE), gasoline or diesel. The reliability of your car while traveling depends on how well it works. And the good operation of the power plant is ensured by the presence of high-quality motor lubricant in the required volume. Every motorist must know how to add oil to the engine if its level is below the minimum required.

Why is motor oil so necessary for an engine?

The lubricant performs several important functions, without which the engine will not work. It should be taken into account that the engine lubrication is subject to very heavy loads. Temperature changes inside the internal combustion engine sometimes reach several hundred degrees. It must be taken into account that such conditions should not affect the basic functional properties of the lubricant mixture. What benefits does motor oil bring to the engine?

Lubrication performs many functions to preserve the power unit. This is why it is necessary to periodically add a certain amount of oil to the engine so that its level never drops below the minimum level.

Consequences of excess and deficiency

The rule states that the amount of oil fluid when the engine is warm should be at the middle level of the dipstick, between the min and max marks. How to measure it correctly? You need to warm up the engine to operating temperature by taking it for a short drive. Then stop the car on level ground, turn off the engine and wait 15–20 minutes until the oil mixture drains into the crankcase. After this, open the hood, remove the dipstick and wipe it dry with a rag. Then it is inserted again, and the level is measured, which is clearly visible along the edge of the oil strip. If this edge is located between the min and max marks, you don’t have to worry as you continue to drive the car. But if it goes beyond this zone, there can be serious trouble.


Many novice car enthusiasts think that the more lubrication in the engine, the better it works.

Some people try to fill the liquid exactly to the max mark and above, believing that “you can’t spoil the porridge with oil.” Is it possible to add oil to this level? The answer will be unequivocal - no. The first symptom is a deterioration in the crankability of the power unit. The oil mixture has a certain viscosity, and its excess quantity further increases the resistance to any movement. Therefore, increased fuel consumption occurs. This is far from the most unpleasant phenomenon. Other consequences are beginning to take effect.

The expansion of oil fluid at high temperatures creates pressure on gaskets, seals, and other sealing parts above normal. Gradually they begin to be squeezed out, resulting in lubricant leakage. This especially applies to crankshaft oil seals, the bearings of which are supplied with lubricant under pressure. As a result, the entire engine compartment becomes dirty, and the seals will have to be replaced. Other symptoms:

  • Difficulty starting the engine in frosty weather;
  • the formation of an excessive amount of carbon deposits, the appearance of coke inside the cylinder-piston group, the “bedding” of the rings;
  • foaming of the composition, which will result in oil starvation of engine parts.

As you can see, the consequences of overflow can be catastrophic.


The lack of a sufficient amount of lubricant also has a detrimental effect on the power unit. Oil starvation of parts occurs. The lubricant either does not arrive at all, then they work “dry,” or it arrives in completely insufficient quantities, unable to form a high-quality oil film between the contacting surfaces.

Another consequence is the formation of air pockets inside the lubrication system, which will circulate through the channels. The crankshaft will begin to rotate without lubrication, and chips will form, which will certainly fall into the oil. The crankshaft counterweights will not be able to scoop and spray lubricant onto the cylinder walls, so the pistons will eventually seize. That is why it is necessary to regularly check the lubricant level and then top it up if necessary.

What happens if you pour it into the engine?

To put it mildly, it will be “POP”, I guarantee that the engine itself, or some of its components, will fail for the first time within 100 - 200 kilometers. If your task is to “bury” your engine, then fill it in!

So, probably everyone is interested in what processes will begin to occur inside:

  • Due to high temperatures, our transmission oil will begin to burn, thereby starting to clog the channels and pipes, possibly even the filter. It may even precipitate, which is even worse.
  • Lubricant will not flow to cylinders, shafts, etc. The “bullies” will come
  • It is thick, and therefore it will begin to squeeze out the seals - leaks will begin here and there.
  • Through the “burrs” on the cylinder walls it will begin to enter the combustion chamber, then it will pass into the exhaust manifold - then onto the catalyst - it will melt - replacement.
  • Again, through “burrs” - it can also get into the intake manifold - it will contaminate the throttle valve, it will need to be cleaned, if, of course, the car survives to be cleaned.
  • Well, and of course, the spark plugs will also pollute them - the engine will start to run unevenly!

That's all, after such consequences it will be easier to buy a new motor than to repair the old one. Now let's watch the video version.

I’ll finish this, I think it was useful. Read our AUTOBLOG, subscribe to updates.

How to add lubricant inside the engine

How to add oil to the engine if its level is below the minimum? Let's start with the fact that in the trunk of the car there should always be a liter canister with exactly the same oil that is inside the engine.

It is highly undesirable to mix different oil compositions. This can be done only as a last resort, when there is no other choice, after which you immediately drain the cocktail and fill the engine with normal fresh mixture.

If the motor fluid being poured is heavily consumed by waste - for example, 1 liter per 1000 km, you should think about increasing the high-temperature viscosity of the lubricant. Some manufacturers, such as KIA, offer the use of a low-viscosity 0W20 oil composition for their new cars. For some time, its consumption will be normal, fuel consumption will be minimal. But as the mileage progresses, the gap between the parts will increase, which will lead to excessive waste of lubricant. Therefore, you will need to switch to higher viscosity. For example, an alternative would be a liquid with a viscosity of 5W30.

Adding oil inside the engine is very simple. Open the hood and find the lubricant filler neck. It is usually located above the cylinder-piston block of the engine. There may be an inscription on it indicating the desired viscosity of the lubricant mixture - for example, 5W-30. Or this inscription: Oil Fill. After detection, the neck must be opened by unscrewing the cap. Next, you need to insert a funnel so as not to spill liquid on the engine. It is necessary to add oil in small portions, periodically measuring with a dipstick after each such action. Top up to a level that is halfway between the minimum and maximum marks - this is the optimal indicator.

An integral part of an internal combustion engine is the lubrication system. It protects the internal parts of the power unit from premature wear. For trouble-free operation of the system, it is recommended to monitor its technical condition and top up on time or. We will tell you how to independently control the lubricant level, the consequences of raising or lowering it, and also how to properly pour oil into a car engine.

Recommendations for filling lubricant

How to properly add oil to the engine? This question is asked by many novice drivers. The entire process of adding oil to the engine includes a number of basic operations that any motorist can handle.

Optimal oil level

Initially, you should open the hood of the car and secure it with a metal hook or rod. The hood of a car is usually opened by pressing a lever that is located below the level of the driver's left knee. Next, pull the lever under the hood.

After this, you need to find the oil filler neck sealed with a cap. It is located on the engine cylinder block. Usually it contains the inscription “Oil Fill” or a marking of the viscosity of the oil used, for example, 5W30. The lid is unscrewed, wiped with a clean rag and left aside.

A funnel is inserted into the open space. It is necessary to prevent engine oil from spilling into the cylinders. Add oil in small portions. Turning oil containers upside down is not allowed. You need to pour about 200 ml per session, then wait 20 minutes for the engine oil to flow into the base of the crankcase.

After a fresh portion of lubricant has settled at the base of the crankcase, its level is checked with a metal rod. If there is not enough car oil, you can repeat the topping up operation until the lubricant level approaches the nominal level, between the minimum and maximum values. The oil rod for checking the lubricant level must be wiped with a dry cloth before each check.

If a little motor oil gets into the engine area, then there is no need to panic. Lubricant residues become dangerous when a strong smell of burnt oil occurs after the engine warms up. It is advisable to clean the spill area with a dry cloth or paper towel.

When the engine fluid level reaches the optimum level, it is necessary to fix the oil dipstick and the filler cap back into place. The main thing is that everything is tightly screwed.

All unnecessary items are removed from the engine compartment, and the lid is closed. Next, you need to start the engine and let it idle for some time. At this time, the driver should carefully listen to the operation of the power device to identify extraneous sounds and noise. If the “Check Engine” sensor is triggered, the driver should immediately visit a car repair shop.

Now we know how to properly add oil to the engine, and whether it is possible to add oil to a hot engine. Timely topping up of lubricant allows you to save the life of your car engine. This means that all working parts of the power unit will be lubricated in a timely manner and protected from oil starvation and other undesirable factors.

Checking the condition and level of the oil

Many owners of new cars have no idea how to add oil to the engine, driving after purchase until the first maintenance. Relying on the manufacturer's guarantees, they forget that the operating instructions clearly state recommendations for routine maintenance of the car. The level should be checked regularly (every 1-2 weeks), especially before long trips.

Important! To avoid distortion of values, the level is checked with a cold, idle engine!

So, the order of work will be as follows:

If the level is within tolerance, reinstall the dipstick and close the hood. Do not rush to add oil to the engine at the minimum reading. You may need to fix the problem first, but we'll talk about that later.

New and used motor oil (dark)

At each check, pay attention to the color and thickness of the oil film. The color of the liquid changes depending on the mileage of the car after replacement:

  • Fresh – almost transparent with a slightly yellowish tint;
  • With a mileage of 4-5 thousand km it becomes light brown;
  • Towards the end of the period (12-15 thousand km) it acquires a dark brown or black color and is almost opaque.

In proportion to the darkening, it gradually thickens. So don’t be surprised if the rolled waste flows together like jelly.

Attention! If you find a white impurity in the oil droplets, a significant excess of the level and white smoke from the exhaust pipe, immediately contact a car service center. Most likely, coolant is getting into the lubrication system!

Transmission oils

I would like to immediately note that at the moment all types of these lubricants are completely synthetic and of very high quality, that is, you will not find “slag mineral water” (unless, of course, it is a fake).

However, transmission oils are also divided into subgroups, because we have two types of transmissions - automatic or manual.

For mechanics, oils with medium viscosity are mainly used - 75W–90, 80W–140

For automatic machines, they are not suitable, as we explained in this article, oil is an energy transmitter, so liquids with such an inscription as “ATF” are used here. There are many legends about their viscosity, but it is worth noting that it is not so important here, the main thing is the tolerances of your manufacturer. They are usually red in color so as not to be confused with other lubricants.

So this composition is completely different from its brother, it is different.

Effect of oil level on engine condition

Consumption of engine oil during vehicle operation is normal. Its value depends on driving style, engine load and crankshaft speed. When running in a new engine, lubricant consumption is usually slightly higher than average. How do different levels affect the condition of the engine and is it possible to add oil to the engine yourself?

Let's look at the reasons why the level goes beyond the MIN mark on the dipstick:

The following factors may be the reason for the increase:

  1. Foreign liquids (antifreeze, fuel) entering the crankcase.
    When gaskets wear out or cracks form in engine parts, process fluids mix. As a result, obvious symptoms of engine malfunction immediately appear (blue or black smoke from the exhaust pipe);
  2. Excess when filling oil.
    When servicing the lubrication system, it is quite easy to overfill the fluid a little. If you overdo it just a little, the excess will burn off naturally. If it is clearly too high, it is better to drain off the excess and bring it back up to the level. Otherwise, the seals will leak or the catalytic converter will fail.

To avoid problems when servicing your car, it is better to know in advance how to properly add or change engine oil.

How to pour oil into a car: change the fluid according to the rules

The service life of a petroleum product is calculated in terms of mileage or operating period. Thus, most manufacturers recommend replacing engine oils after 12–15 thousand km or 1 year. The operating conditions of the vehicle are of great importance. Regions with a predominance of high or low temperatures, frequent driving on rough terrain and dusty roads, low quality fuel, all these factors significantly reduce the lubricant life.

Change of oil

Replacing the process fluid of a power unit is a fairly simple procedure that even a beginner can do. But young car enthusiasts often have a hard time imagining... Having mastered this operation, you will learn not only how to add oil to the engine, but also save on visiting a car service center and get pleasant emotions from the work. To change the lubricant, perform the following manipulations:

  1. Place the car with a warm engine on a pit or overpass;
  2. Open the hood and unscrew the filler cap;
  3. Place a container under the crankcase and remove the drain plug;
  4. Unscrew the filter;
  5. After the liquid has completely drained, replace the drain plug;
  6. Screw on the new filter, after lubricating the rubber ring;
  7. Pour fresh oil into the engine through the neck, periodically checking the level;
  8. Screw the lid back on.
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