What do you need to flash the ECU yourself?

Is it possible to reflash the engine or not, what are the pros and cons of such procedures. See flashing options, features, price of flashing and consequences. At the end of the article there is a video review of engine chip tuning.

Sooner or later, every car owner wants to get more power from the engine of the iron horse, as well as stable operation. There are a lot of options on how to increase power and what needs to be done for this, and each has both pros and cons. In a word, such a modification is considered tuning and the opinions of experienced drivers are divided into positive and negative.

Positive feedback from car owners regarding engine reflashing includes increased power, more stable operation and confident running. On the negative side, many say that incorrectly reflashing the engine will simply kill the unit and the car as a whole after a short period of time. To understand what engine flashing is and what it is used for, let’s go through the main details of this chip tuning unit.

What is reflashing a car engine?

It would seem, what kind of software can there be in a car engine, where there are only iron parts. But do not forget about the electronics and control units, which are responsible for various indicators of the unit. Recently, reflashing a car engine, or as it is more often called chip tuning of a unit, has become increasingly popular. The literal translation means setting up the microcircuits located in the control unit; they contain a special program from the manufacturer that controls the unit. This is why the car engine is reflashed.

Firmware is essentially a program with its own set of algorithms; two or three-dimensional tables are used to control it, also called cards, in which certain data is written for the stable operation of the unit and the system as a whole. The number of cards may vary depending on the make and model of vehicle. The newer the car and the more complex its electronics are, the more expensive and time-consuming it will be to re-flash the engine. The main task of engine reflashing is to increase power and torque. The advantage of such tuning is that, apart from the program, there is essentially nothing to change or need to be modified, and as a result we will get more horses and improved torque.

Another question for car owners: which engines need to be reflashed? The rapid development of the automotive industry and the refinement of many units has shown that any engine that has an electronic control unit can be reflashed. Not only automobile units, but also motorcycles, yachts, boats and other modern equipment began to be subject to such tuning.

From the information described above, it becomes clear that flashing a car engine means making changes to the software of the electronic control unit of the car unit. The main task of engine reflashing is to increase the unit's power and torque, stable operation, and reduce fuel consumption.

How to stitch it yourself?


Before you decide to reset the ECU with initialization and flash its firmware, you need to become familiar with one of the main components of this process. Namely, we are talking about an editor for car ECUs. An editor is a special program designed to make changes to computer settings. If you decide to carry out this process yourself, you need to prepare at least one editor in advance.

Today, purchasing an editor for editing computer files is not a problem. You can find editors on sale from various brands and for various purposes.

Among the popular ones are:

  1. Delphi mt60. The mt60 option is universal because it is suitable for editing most devices, including Mikas from 7 to 11 versions. You can purchase mt60 for Mikas 11 at any specialized store.
  2. Openbox. After connecting the equipment cable to the computer connector, you can use the Openbox editor. Openbox is one of the common options. Openbox is a universal editor, suitable for January, Bosch and Mikas 11 blocks. In practice, Openbox interacts with Mikas 11 and other computers, allowing you to increase protection against theft and improve other parameters.
  3. In addition to Openbox, you can reconfigure your Mikas 11 computer against theft after connecting the equipment to the connector via a cable using the ChipExplorer utility. Like Openbox, this program is suitable for Mikas 11 and other ECUs.

It will be useful: How to make a gear knob with your own hands?

To configure Mikas 11 against theft using Openbox, you will need a special module that connects to the device via a cable. The cable connector must match the diagnostic output. The procedure for setting up Mikas 11 or another computer using Openbox is carried out in accordance with the instructions.

What do you need to know?

What do you need to know about flashing a Mikas 11 or other computer to increase protection against theft? When purchasing an editor for Mikas 11, you need to check the contents of the package. The kit should include not only a program that will increase protection against theft, but also a USB key that looks like a regular flash drive. If it is not included in the package, you will not be able to use the program. It is advisable that the editor have a license - depending on the manufacturer, it can be either one year or one and a half.

Experts do not advise doing this yourself - it is better to leave it to specialists to avoid expensive repairs.

How to increase engine power?

All car enthusiasts try to increase engine power, be it a couple of horses or several dozen horsepower. From the very beginning of the advent of cars, this idea has always been in the first place.

Mechanical methods include making changes to the cylinder block, replacing engine parts with non-standard units, modified and improved. Also a mechanical add-on to the fuel system and modifications to the exhaust system. Some car owners significantly modify their cars, replacing entire components, for example, the gearbox, chassis, exhaust system (they remove the catalyst, install non-factory mufflers, and also extinguish various sensors and limiters).

Nevertheless, mechanical ones are being replaced by flashings to increase the power of the unit. As a rule, this is the same re-flashing of the engine or a complete replacement of the control unit paired with the on-board computer. Engine flashing can be stationary, connecting through the OBD diagnostic port, or removing the control unit and connecting it directly to the computer. There are cases when you have to unsolder the control chip, reflash it in a special programmer, or replace it with a new one, but the cases are quite rare and require an experienced technician. And the owners of such cars do not always make up their minds after hearing the specifics of the procedure.

Disadvantages of chip tuning

The main danger of automatic transmission chip tuning is the incorrect choice of parameters or rewritable software. This may result in the following consequences:

  • strong jerks when changing gear ratios;
  • slippage;
  • insufficient acceleration rate;
  • constant overheating of the oil;
  • deformation of automatic transmission components;
  • increase in fuel consumption;
  • accelerated wear of friction discs;
  • excessive increase in load on all elements of the power plant and transmission;
  • deprivation of warranty service for the machine;
  • complete refusal of the car to move.

Tuning a machine requires a comprehensive approach. Making changes to the operation of the automatic transmission entails interfering with the operating modes of each vehicle system. Most standard parts are not able to withstand increased dynamic loads, so it is necessary to strengthen the machine components simultaneously with chip tuning.

Performing correct tuning is impossible without a special measuring stand. It is necessary to measure dynamic indicators before, during and upon completion of the flashing. Relying only on the sensations of the car’s behavior on the road can worsen its characteristics, since subjective opinion depends on many factors.

What types of firmware are there for a car?

With the development of electronics in cars, firmware for reflashing the engine began to develop. It's no secret that the units of modern cars are essentially separate units that are controlled electronically. Depending on the wishes of the car owner, firmware is divided into two main classes, those that are designed to reduce fuel economy and those that help increase power and torque. In addition to the two main firmwares, there are three other firmwares, making a total of five different options for flashing a car engine.

The most common firmwares are:

  • Class “A” - intended for non-standard equipment in a car, often limited versions of car models;
  • “B” or in other words Butan, firmware designed to improve the performance of an engine running on liquefied gas and use it as fuel. Such flashing is used during the installation of gas equipment on modern cars, where it is necessary to modify the standard program of the car;
  • third option “C” - used when a non-standard camshaft is installed in a car engine, each model has such a series or batch of cars;
  • the penultimate “D” stands for Dynamic, this re-flashing of the engine is designed to increase power and torque, in other words it is a change in the dynamics of the car;
  • the last class “E” - firmware for reducing fuel consumption and adjusting engine efficiency, also designated as Economical.

As a rule, cars with an on-board computer are subject to engine flashing; it is these cars that have a special control unit and a factory mechanical part for controlling the unit designed for this purpose.

What does the engine control unit firmware assume?

How is the ICE control unit re-pinned to prevent theft via the diagnostic output, what is an ECU reset with initialization, how to perform training and what equipment to use for chip tuning? The programming procedure is, in essence, reconfiguring the control module with all the necessary calibrations. The module firmware is a set of utilities and programs that are stored in the memory of the power unit control device. It is the firmware that largely determines the correct operation of the device.

If you decide to chip tune the engine, then in any case you will need to reset the unit settings. Typically, tuners interact with control module components. This allows you to control the combustion process of the air-fuel mixture and ensure the functionality of all sensors and controllers.

Sometimes, when performing chip tuning, a special editor changes the program code, but most often changes are made to the calibration. The firmware itself, consisting of many programs, can be located either inside the processor or on an external board. But this depends on the specific car and engine modification (video filmed by the MotorState channel).

Types of firmware

Currently, hundreds of different utilities for flashing control modules from different developers can be found freely available on the Internet. The same applies to programmers - you can find dozens of devices on sale with different parameters and characteristics. The most famous and in demand today are manufacturers from the USA and Germany. However, among Russian manufacturers, many companies have recently appeared that produce programmers.

The growth of domestic manufacturers in the production of programmers is due to the fact that in the Russian Federation, as well as in the countries of the former USSR, the number of turbodiesel and injection machines has increased. Of course, we are talking about vehicles equipped with an ECU. Due to the fact that car manufacturers initially equip vehicles with anti-theft installations, Russian-made programmers do not always allow flashing.

What results can I expect from flashing the ECU?

If the steps to flash the MT60 ECU or any other model using the Openbox programmer or other device are performed correctly, then you will immediately feel how the operation of the internal combustion engine has changed. When reprogramming the control module in practice, it is usually possible to achieve the most smooth and smooth operation of a car engine. This, in turn, makes driving more comfortable and convenient. If the engine as a whole is working correctly, then the DIY flashing procedure will make it possible to increase the engine power and its torque in particular.

Thanks to this, improved vehicle dynamics are achieved, and if all components and assemblies work correctly, it may even be possible to achieve fuel savings. It should be taken into account that the editing procedure also largely depends on a particular programmer. Usually from 30 to 1000 calibration parameters are subject to editing, depending on the motor and device. Typically, the parameters of the ignition timing, air-fuel mixture composition, engine starting, etc. are adjusted. The procedure for making adjustments is carried out thanks to the programmer via a computer and a connection cable.

But it is necessary to understand that in some cases, depending on the specific vehicle, it is sometimes simply impossible to improve performance parameters. When performing the setup, the factory characteristics (especially the parameters of the anti-theft system) will still remain in the memory of the control module. So if you make mistakes during editing, you can return to the standard settings at any time.

The process of flashing a car engine

At first glance, flashing a car engine seems like a simple procedure. I connected to the control unit via a special cord, selected the appropriate firmware and the process started. But in reality, if you want to achieve the expected result, you will need to work and spend more than one day of time.

The first thing the process of flashing a car engine begins with is determining the purpose of flashing (fuel savings, increasing power or modifying the unit). To carry out this procedure, you will need a desktop computer or laptop (most often) with previously configured software and a special cord for connecting to the OBD port of the car.

Depending on the make and model of the car, the control unit can be located differently, in front under the panel, outside under the hood, under the seat, or even in the trunk of the car. But most often it is located in the front of the car, this is both convenient and accessible for flashing the car engine. It is better not to describe the process of flashing a car engine, reading, modifying and refilling, since it is different for each make, model, and even year of manufacture or submodel of the car. The main stages of flashing a car engine are adjusting the factory firmware and testing the results of the modification.

Kit for auto diagnostics and ECU firmware

Equipment for diagnosing CHEVROLET and DAEWOO cars is also on sale.


The Scanmatic kit is designed for diagnosing electronic systems and control units (ECUs) of cars. It consists of a Scanmatic adapter, Scanmatic program and a set of cables. Suitable for diagnosing cars made in America, Europe, Japan and Russia. Currently, the scanner is able to work with any cars: those supporting the OBDII standard, VAZ/SeAZ(OKA)/Izh, GAZ/UAZ/ZAZ, Daewoo, Chevrolet, BYD/Great Wall cars.

The Scanmatic kit is capable of working with protocols and data buses of the OBDII standard (ISO-9141-2, ISO-14230-2 / KWP2000, SAE J1850 VPW/PWM, ISO-15765-4 CAN). The program is installed on a personal computer (PC) compatible with IBM PC. The PC is connected to the diagnostic connector using the SCANMATIC adapter and the corresponding cables. The software has a modular structure consisting of several diagnostic modules covering diagnostic functions of various car brands.

Basic kit contents:

Additional options for the basic kit

You can see more details here: https://www.scanmatik.ru/ru/scanmatikset/


Skanmatik-2 (Bluetooth)

Scanmatic 2 is a universal multi-brand scanner designed for diagnosing modern vehicle control systems. It consists of: diagnostic adapter SM-2 (or SM-2USB) with cables and adapters that ensure the exchange of information between the vehicle’s electronic systems and a personal computer (PC) or personal digital assistant (PDA).

The basic kit includes an interface for connecting to cars and the necessary software (all currently available software modules).

Basic kit


The program is built on a modular principle, similar to the Scanmatik program. Possible operating modes are determined by the selected software module and the capabilities of the specific control system: VAZ, GAZ, UAZ, ZAZ, Daewoo, Chevrolet, Izh, KAMAZ, MAZ, PAZ, OBD2.

As development progresses, software modules will be added and the capabilities of current ones will be expanded. The current version of the software can always be downloaded from the Support page of this site. The PDA program has similar capabilities to the PC program. The report files created by both versions of the program are absolutely compatible. That is, for example, you can create a report file on a PDA and work with it on a PC.

Features of Scanmatic 2

Fast payback. Due to the affordable price of the kit - at the same level as the price of the Scanmatik 1 kit - one of the most important advantages is retained - short payback time. This is one of the most important indicators for means of production. After all, it is not without reason that not only auto repair shops, but also advanced car owners who use the equipment in order to refuse the services of unqualified auto repair shops have become owners of the equipment. And even if such infrequent use was economically justified, then use in a well-loaded car service station is even more so.

Ability to work with the most popular brands and models of cars. We focus primarily on meeting the most pressing needs of our clients. It is on them that we will rely in the process of further modernization of the software.

Continuity. The second generation of equipment has incorporated all the functions provided by the previous one. The basic principles of organizing the user interface, the functions of generating report files, and recording and saving the data stream have been preserved. Settings have become even more convenient. Accordingly, the transition to a new generation does not cause any difficulties for customers.

Low requirements for PC/PDA. Allows you to choose more affordable PC/PDA models for work - with simpler configurations. This also reduces the cost of organizing a diagnostician’s workplace.

USB and Bluetooth interfaces. The kit works via a choice of high-speed connections: wireless Bluetooth or wired USB. Our proprietary drivers are digitally signed by Microsoft® and are therefore compatible with the latest versions of the Windows® family of operating systems.

Development perspective. The experience of using and developing the first generation is taken into account, and the ability to increase capabilities is provided only through the development of software - both for control devices (PC - PDA), and the internal software of the diagnostic adapter itself. Support for all common diagnostic protocols is provided, as well as multiplexing.

Direct work with Bluetooth and USB. A connection without COM port emulation does not censor the use of additional devices or settings from the user. Increases connection speed and fault tolerance.

Automatic switching. The built-in multiplexer allows you to programmatically control the switching of vehicle diagnostic lines connected to different contacts of the diagnostic connector.

Improved protection. From overvoltage and polarity reversal of power inputs, short circuit of signal lines to “ground” or “+” of the vehicle’s on-board network. Separate power inputs from the diagnostic block and the battery / cigarette lighter allow you to avoid short circuits in the vehicle's on-board network.

Both for 12V and 24V. Suitable for various vehicle on-board voltages in the range of 5-35V. This design does not censor additional devices or activities for working with trucks. Just modification of the software is enough.

You can see more details here: https://www.scanmatik.ru/ru/scanmatiktwo/


OBD2 auto scanner

We hope that it will be useful primarily to those who need a universal scanner “always at hand” that will speed up the solution of many problems. The interface and description of fault codes are available in Russian, which simplifies the understanding of the received data. The device contains in its memory a description of both standard fault codes (the so-called Generic OBD2 codes) and an extended list, depending on the make and model of the car (“manufacturer’s codes”). A high-contrast two-line backlit display is used to display information. To display text descriptions of fault codes, the “creeping line” mode is used. Sometimes, while the dealer scanner is loading, you can have time to connect a similar Auto Scanner and read the fault codes and analyze the basic data. Ready-to-work time is also an important parameter of the equipment, because, as we know: “time is money!” Despite its simplicity and accessibility, the OBD2 Auto Scanner will allow you to read the same vehicle power unit fault codes as the most advanced high-budget scanner.

The device is intended for diagnosing cars that comply with the OBD-II standard, namely: most European, American, Japanese and Korean car brands supplied to Russia since 2001. release; US market cars since 1996 release*; cars on the EU market since 2001. release*; cars on the Japanese market since 2003. release*; * any brand of automobile manufactured or imported new into this country for sale.

Diagnostics of the engine management system and automatic transmission*; Contains more than 10,000 complete descriptions of error codes in Russian for most car brands; Supports all types of diagnostic interfaces: ISO-15765 (CAN) 2.0A and 2.0B; ISO-9141-2; ISO-14230-2 (KWP2000); SAE J1850 PWM; SAE J1850 VPW Easy control and user-friendly interface; It is possible to update the device program; Protection against incorrect connection, reverse polarity and overvoltage.

You can see more details here: https://www.scanmatik.ru/ru/autoscan/

What are the pros and cons of reflashing a car engine?

As with any process of changing and tampering with factory settings, there are two sides, positive and negative. Experts will immediately talk about the advantages of flashing a car engine and will praise them as much as possible, but they are often reluctant to talk about the disadvantages, since the consequences can be unpredictable.

First, let's look at the positive side of flashing a car engine. Today is considered the time of engineered cars and it is difficult for a modern person to imagine a car without an on-board computer or control system. The ECU (electronic control unit) most often needs to be reflashed to improve the dynamics parameters.

Advantages of reflashing a car engine:

  • improving the dynamic characteristics of the car, increasing the sensitivity of the accelerator pedal, as a result, the process of controlling the car is easier;
  • the acceleration of the car on the highway is much better, which allows you to maneuver in traffic;
  • those who bought a car new from the showroom get used to it after a few years and complain that the car becomes slow, does not have enough power and is not at all the same as when they bought it. In this case, flashing solves such problems;
  • reflashing a car engine is considered the simplest and at the same time quite effective way to improve the dynamic characteristics of a car, without intervention or engine modifications;
  • reflashing the engine allows you to adjust the unit and the car as a whole to a modified system, non-standard hardware, turn off the catalyst, add reserve horses (often many engine manufacturers come with a good supply of horses, which they do not fit into the technical characteristics of the car).

This is a minimal list of the advantages of reflashing the engine and how the car’s parameters can be improved. Still, there are downsides, and experts often don’t really want to talk about them. For some machines this is less harmful, but for others it is critically lethal. According to the generally accepted rule, the more electronics and the more complex the machine mechanism, the more significant the results of engine flashing will be.

The main disadvantages of flashing a car engine:

  • The first and most common disadvantage of flashing a car engine is the breakdown of the unit itself. When adding power, they often reflash the fuel control system; in this case, the mixture becomes “rich” or “lean” and not every specialist can adjust it programmatically. When setting up the system, you need to know well the characteristics of your car, its mileage and the nuances of the configuration, but not all specialists will do this, because this is a waste of their time. As a result, you can get a lot of troubles, from a clogged catalyst to burnout of valves, piston and crankshaft wear;
  • any re-flashing of the engine reduces its service life by at least 4%;
  • Reflashing the engine to reduce fuel consumption also entails a deterioration in the operation of the unit and will not always show improved fuel consumption. Some “handicraft” specialists are thinking of reflashing the on-board computer, thereby shifting the savings indicators by a certain division. Then the indicator on the screen will show fuel economy, but in fact the consumption will remain the same or, worse, even increase;
  • the price of such engine reflashing depends on the make and model, and an inexperienced fan of light tuning can cost at least 5% of the cost of the car;
  • disabling individual components of the car by flashing the engine, usually this concerns restriction sensors and the catalyst. It is highly not recommended to disconnect the catalyst sensor, since you simply will not know if it breaks down, and the car will significantly lose power or stop starting altogether. A clogged catalyst can not only lead to clogging of the exhaust system, but also completely disable the engine. As a result, valves may burn out or wear may appear in the camshaft;
  • The most unpleasant disadvantage that can occur after reflashing the engine is the failure of the automatic transmission, it has its own control unit and the non-synchronous operation of the components will quickly damage the switching system and gears. Many people know that automatic transmission repair is not cheap, and sometimes even more expensive than engine repair.

Such a minimal and unpleasant list of disadvantages of flashing a car engine exists for every make and model. Therefore, it is worth considering several times whether it is worth reflashing the car engine and what consequences should be expected. If you decide to take such a step, then do not be lazy to choose a good specialist with a proven reputation - this will be a guarantee that in the future such improvements will not come to the side of the car and will not affect the financial part.

Stories from our readers

“Fucking basin. "

Hi all! My name is Mikhail, now I’ll tell you a story about how I managed to exchange my two-wheeler for a 2010 Camry. It all started with the fact that I began to be wildly irritated by the breakdowns of the two-wheeler, it seemed like nothing serious was broken, but damn it, there were so many little things that really started to irritate me. This is where the idea arose that it was time to change the car to a foreign car. The choice fell on the melting Camry of the tenth years.

Yes, I had matured morally, but financially I just couldn’t handle it. I’ll say right away that I am against loans and taking a car, especially not a new one, on credit is unreasonable. My salary is 24k a month, so collecting 600-700 thousand is almost impossible for me. I started looking for different ways to make money on the Internet. You can’t imagine how many scams there are, what I haven’t tried: sports betting, network marketing, and even the volcano casino, where I successfully lost about 10 thousand ((The only direction in which it seemed to me that I could make money was currency trading on the stock exchange, they call it Forex. But when I started delving into it, I realized that it was very difficult for me. I continued to dig further and came across binary options. The essence is the same as in Forex, but it’s much easier to understand. I started reading forums, studying trading strategies. I tried it on a demo account, then opened a real account. To be honest, I didn’t manage to start earning money right away, until I understood all the mechanics of options, I lost about 3,000 rubles, but as it turned out, it was a precious experience. Now I earn 5-7 thousand rubles a day. I managed to get the car buy after half a year, but in my opinion this is a good result, and it’s not about the car, my life has changed, I naturally quit my job, I have more free time for myself and my family. You’ll laugh, but I work directly on the phone)) If If you want to change your life like me, then here’s what I advise you to do right now: 1. Register on the site 2. Practice on a Demo account (it’s free). 3. As soon as you get something on the Demo account, top up your REAL ACCOUNT and go to REAL MONEY! I also advise you to download the application to your phone, it’s much more convenient to work from your phone. Download here.

  1. Program for flashing the ECU (for example, ChipLoader 1.97.7+Crack or ST10Flasher)
  2. ECU January7.2
  3. Adapter (for example, MasterKit BM9213)
  4. 12V power source (eg battery)
  5. 4KOhm resistor and wires for connecting to the ECU
  6. Female connectors for connecting to the ECU.

Cost of reflashing a car engine

Calculating the cost of reflashing a car engine will primarily depend on the make, model and year of manufacture of the car. Electronics control systems also play an important role. The price of the firmware will depend on its purpose: increasing power, reducing fuel consumption, or customizing it for new units.

If you decide to reflash the car yourself, then you need to collect everything you need for this. The average start of the simplest firmware starts from $20-50. Additionally, you need to purchase a cable to connect to the car's control unit; it may differ for each model, in particular, depending on the year of manufacture of a particular model.

The average price of such a cable starts from $10, and the maximum is about $150-200. Instead of a cable, you may be offered a special connector that reads and transmits data to a computer via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. A complete engine flashing kit will cost about $300-350, including all the necessary programs. In cases where it is not possible to understand all the details of flashing or there is simply no desire, you can contact specialists. The price of one such engine flashing for a Mercedes-Benz Vito starts from $250, for a BMW E39 – about $300.

The final decision whether a car engine needs to be reflashed or not remains with the car owner. Sometimes a slight addition of power can cause irreversible problems with components, so it is better to weigh the pros and cons ten times, and reflash the car engine once.

Video review of flashing a car engine:

Instructions for flashing and flashing your own firmware

If you decide to repair the control unit, then you need to take into account such a parameter as the interchangeability of the VAZ ECU. If flashing does not work, most likely you will need to change the control unit. Recommendations regarding interchangeability are given in more detail in the service manual.

Adapter for connecting and flashing the device

In what cases does the unit need firmware/reflashing?

The need to carry out this procedure may arise if problems are detected in the operation of the control unit. Since firmware is software, there is a high chance of getting rid of system problems after reinstalling it.

So, what are the signs of ECU failure in domestically produced VAZ cars:

  1. There are no control pulses from various motor components or systems. In particular, we are talking about injectors, fuel pump, ignition system, idle air control. In general, there are many actuators, and at least one of them may have no signal.
  2. No response to Lambda - regulation, coolant temperature controller, throttle position sensor or other controllers are not working.
  3. When connecting a diagnostic tool, there will be no communication with it.
  4. Another type of malfunction that will require flashing the device is physical damage to the control unit. There are actually many reasons why damage could occur on it, ranging from mechanical impact from the motorist to vibrations while driving (the author of the video about self-flashing the device is the KV Avtoservis channel).

Necessary equipment

Reflashing the ECU must be done after preparing all the necessary devices.

To do this you will need:

  1. Special K-Line adapter for flashing. You can purchase such a device in a store or try to assemble it yourself. The purchased device must come with a cable for firmware.
  2. VAZ ECU firmware. There are many software versions. In any case, you need to either purchase the program or download hacked pirated software from the Internet. But before downloading it, we recommend that you read the reviews of those who have already tried to work with it. It often happens that pirated software does not work correctly.
  3. A utility for loading firmware into the unit's memory.


  1. First of all, you need to install the software. It should come with instructions, so there should be no problems with installation. To view the instructions, go to the Help - Help section. In order for you to correctly reconfigure the control unit, the device must be modified in hardware in accordance with the service instructions. Detailed information should be described in the user manual.
  2. Next, the control unit is removed from the machine - you need to read its label and determine the type of device. When the device is finalized, you can move on to the most important part.
  3. The most important thing is the correct connection of the wires to the control unit. To do this, you can use a special scheme. Pin 51.53 of the control unit is ground, pin 71 is the K-Line adapter, pins 13 and 12 are the ignition switch and the power supply that cannot be switched off, respectively. Another one, pin 43, is connected to ground, and pin 44.63 is the 12-volt power supply to the main relay. For power, you can use, for example, a stabilized power supply, but if you work near your vehicle, you can also connect it to a battery for this purpose. The direct connection to the ECU itself should not cause difficulties, since all outputs of the device must be numbered. And those that are not marked or numbered can be counted if necessary.
  4. Next, when the entire circuit is connected, the unit is connected with a cord and everything is ready, you can start programming. To reprogram the unit, you need to run the utility, in this case we use ChipLoader, in the virtual configuration you should select the COM connector, then click on the connection button. When the connection is established, you need to select the type of firmware; for example, you can use the tuning option. Click on the “Load” button, if nothing happens, then you need to turn off the power, wait about 10 seconds, then repeat all the steps. As a rule, the connection is not established at first; this can be done after a reboot. When the firmware is completed, the ECU should be installed at the installation site, after which the device is connected to the diagnostic block. Once done, you will need to reset self-learning, which may require additional software.

Reasons for flashing

Factory firmware of domestic and foreign cars is far from perfect. This is especially true for domestic manufacturers, who can produce a car with an openly defective on-board computer. The criteria for determining marriage are easy to track:

  • the car has sluggish dynamics;
  • the engine can stop at the most unexpected moment in any mode;
  • there are failures;
  • floating revolutions;
  • uncertain start in the cold season.

Only changing the engine software will help eliminate such problems. It is worth noting that there is no need to skimp and it is better to reflash the car’s brains than to buy a new catalyst, oxygen sensor, particulate filter, etc. when they fail due to improper operation of the engine.

Also note that Euro-3 and Euro-4 systems are designed to use expensive and high-quality foreign fuel. To safely fill domestic gasoline, firmware is also required.

Reflashing the on-board computer at home

Which programs are better to choose?

Currently, a market for updating firmware has already formed even in the vastness of our country. A program for flashing a car must meet all quality standards for such information products, otherwise, instead of getting rid of problems, you will double their number.

The most famous and reliable foreign manufacturers of programs for on-board car computers are chiptuning.com, chip-tuning.de, upsolute.com. Among domestic software manufacturers, SMS Software, chipsoft.ru, adact.ru, chiptuner.ru and pauluschip.ru have proven themselves well.

Similar ready-made programs can be used if you own a stock engine.

Stock engine firmware

You can reflash the on-board computer at a car service center or yourself. In the first case, you will have to pay a considerable amount of money, and in the second, you will have to spend a small amount of time and understand the manual for this operation.

The video shows the firmware of the Chevrolet Aveo on-board computer:

Brief instructions that will allow you to install new software on your car:

  1. Before starting flashing, you should write down the hardware version of the car computer. You will find it in the top line when power is applied.
  2. Now you need to download the update file and bootloader that match the version of your on-board computer. If there is a discrepancy, it will not work.
  3. The next step is to connect the adapter’s COM port to a personal computer and connect it to the on-board computer using a connector. You must also connect power to the special connector, but do not supply it.
  4. Now launch the Boot24 program. A window with several sections will pop up on the screen: “Open firmware file”, “Select COM port”, “Download”.
  5. To begin, select the COM port. A small triangle will appear on the screen, clicking on it will open a list of available ports. Now select the port to which the K-line adapter is connected and click the “OK” button.
  6. Next, click the “Open firmware file” button. In the window that appears on the screen, specify the firmware file (*.rom) and click the “OK” button. This file is located in the folder with the program itself.
  7. Now you should turn on the power to the on-board computer and click the “Download” button. On the display you will see the message “Turn on BC”. To cancel the installation, click Cancel.
  8. After turning on the power, the utility will begin to load, as evidenced by the growth of the installation progress indicator. If you mess up somewhere, the download process will not start. If the installation is successful, the message “Download complete” will pop up. After this, your on-board computer is ready to serve faithfully again.

What to expect from flashing

Most car enthusiasts are concerned with only one question regarding chip tuning: how will the dynamics of the car qualitatively change? Experts advise not to chase power, since the maximum increase in horsepower can negatively affect the comfort of driving a car. Smooth movements of the car can be replaced by jerks and jerks in different driving modes.

The video shows the firmware of the BC Lada Granta:

Choose a program that will add not speed, but comfort in control and will save you from factory defects.

Correctly tuning the car’s brains will lead to the following changes:

  • engine operation will become more elastic;
  • the traction will be more even and smooth;
  • the comfort of driving the machine will increase;
  • power and torque will increase up to 15%;
  • the acceleration dynamics of the car will improve;
  • the maximum speed will increase;
  • Jerks when changing gears and the hesitation of the automatic transmission will disappear;
  • fuel consumption will decrease slightly.

Lada Kalina on-board computer firmware

In addition, during flashing, you can turn off lambda probes, catalysts, adsorbers, etc. Flashing the car’s brains helps to increase the resource of the power unit, since engine operation is optimized, factory errors and excessive depletion of the fuel-air mixture in high-power modes are eliminated. Euro-3 and Euro-4 systems. Fuel consumption may remain the same. However, during acceleration you will no longer need to stomp on the gas pedal, which will significantly reduce the load on the engine.

If you have spent a considerable amount of money and purchased a smart car, then do not skimp and reflash its “brains”. The result will not take long to arrive and will fully pay off!

The appearance of an on-board computer in domestic cars has pleasantly pleased many car enthusiasts and patriots of domestic cars. Nowadays, indeed, many people do so-called CHIP tuning, not at all considering firmware to be child’s play. Indeed, several useful opportunities were immediately found here. After all, if you think about it a little, it becomes obvious that reflashing the on-board computer program will cost several times less than changing parts of the exhaust system as a result.

Reflashing is much simpler and, if desired, it is easy to do it yourself. Gas installations such as Euro-3 and Euro-4 are initially configured to process high-quality foreign fuel. Only by reflashing the on-board computer can you avoid numerous visits to the service station in the future.

We learn how to flash the ECU ourselves using the example of a VAZ 2115I

Go to section:

Well, my dream has come true - to change my “Masquerade” to something newer and more modern. The choice fell on the VAZ 2115I 1.5L 8V - enough money for the 2006 model year. Includes HBO, music, trip computer, not very good alarm system, 14mm wheels, arch protection, sump protection and worn covers. A list of priority work was quickly determined - a repair kit for the gas reducer and the entire range of work to put the gas equipment in order were needed. When running on gasoline, the car began to stall when the revs dropped (I’m not even talking about running on gas). The synchronizer for 2nd gear was worn out, an urgent oil and antifreeze change was required, the radiator dripped from below and a crack in the expansion tank was discovered. Thus began the study of the hardware of this car. But the Russian car enthusiast will not be scared by the VAZ after such models as “Zaporozhets” and “Moskvich”!

A year of operation has passed and the list above has been supplemented by replacing the starter, purchasing a new mass air flow sensor, idle air regulator, installing a new alarm system with feedback, and replacing a pair of fog lights broken by stones. But no matter how hard you try, bugs still remain on the products of our automotive industry. You could think about another car, but it’s a pity for the labor and money invested. True, replacement of parts was carried out only after repeated attempts to repair the next unit independently. I managed to do something, and if I have the opportunity, I will try to write articles on the following topics: repair and adjustment of the LPG gearbox, repair of the starter, installation of an alarm system.

Now I’ll focus on reflashing the ECU in order to teach the VAZ to drive. To begin with, I affirm that it is possible and even necessary to sew our domestic product. Moreover, a car that has not been serviced since birth, and I think there are 50 percent of these from the entire fleet of injection VAZs. Flashing is very easy and simple - you clicked a couple of icons on the computer, clicked a couple of toggle switches, and it was as if rocket fuel had been poured into your car! But understanding how all this is done, combining different information into one whole is not given to everyone and is much more difficult. Here is my respect for real masters! Alas, you most likely will not find ready-made information laid out on shelves anywhere. On the Internet you can piece this together by reading and re-reading numerous forums. It took me about six months before the first re-flashing with 2-3 “approaches to the projectile”. During this time, I mastered the firmware of other electronic devices, such as satellite receivers, setting up their work on the globe, setting up satellite Internet, operating motor suspensions and setting up the entire satellite system to the final result.

Don’t think that writing this lengthy article was motivated by a desire to write, everything is much simpler: it’s just that during the first attempt to read the firmware from the ECU, I immediately failed - the car stopped starting! Having lost some of her nerves (it was almost at night, and in the morning she had to go to work), fortunately we managed to partially revive her - we managed to fill in the stock gasoline firmware (the gas part is still silent). Faced with such a problem, I want to do something to help those interested in this issue and so that no one steps on the same rake as me.

Before you start working on your own, you must:

• prepare theoretically; • prepare equipment (make or purchase a K-line adapter, a tested computer and everything else that is needed to • replace the software; • find and download the necessary software for your computer; • find firmware for the ECU.

I don’t pretend to be the ultimate truth, so I ask you not to criticize too much for the style and possible inaccuracies, but:

1. Usually there is a need for firmware to fix obvious bugs in the factory software, add car dynamics, or a desire to save fuel. This is also necessary when using liquefied gas as a fuel along with gasoline. Another thing is to simply study better the structure and operation of the engine control system.

2. It is better to carry out preparation gradually. Don't try to cover everything at once. It is important to understand the principles of working with electrical and electronics, and to have good computer skills in terms of installing programs and drivers. For the rest, the Google search engine will help, you just need to formulate your queries more specifically. For example: Esud VAZ; controller connection diagram; instructions for ECU firmware; K-Line adapter diagram; firmware; chip tuning of vases, etc. It is necessary to determine the types of ECUs and their markings, which engine needs which firmware and their designations. Deal with the immobilizer issue. When you realize that you have understood everything and decided that you have become a great specialist, do not hesitate and go to the service technician and try to discuss the virtual topic of replacing the firmware of your car and disabling (deactivating) the immo. I don’t recommend “torturing” a mechanic for a long time because you will take up the person’s time and most likely you will quickly have new questions, the answers to which are better to find on your own or ask for help on auto forums.

3. If your hands grow from the right place, then the adapter is not very difficult to assemble. The simplest one for a hardware COM port based on MAX232 and K1533LN1 and KT3102 can be found on the website Chip-tuner.ru. It will cost about a hundred even if you buy the entire package at a radio market. For starters, he'll go. True, there is a trap here - not all system systems have a standard COM port, and even those that have it may not work. I have exactly such a motherboard - the COM port works, programs like POBEDIT (for satellite OPENs) work, but flashing programs do not work. The shamanism with drivers and settings in the BIOS did not lead to anything. Installing new operating systems is the same without changes. Everything worked on someone else's computer. For such a case, an old data cable from a cell phone based on a PL 2303 microcircuit and + one ms L9637D can help. The scheme works 100% (tested on January 7.2), you just need to add one line in the driver registry with parameters for non-standard ECU speeds. You will get a USB-K-Line adapter. If you add 2 more transistors and a couple of parts, you can also get an L-line. In order not to go to the market for one ms, I sacrificed the polite interior lighting and removed 9637 from the APS-4 immobilizer.

As a connector I used 2 blocks from a computer IDE cable without modifications. The cable was cut into 2 pieces of 10-15 cm each. On January 7.2 they fit well under the top and bottom of the ECU socket (empty 2 pins of the pads remain at the top or bottom of the block legs), just when reconnecting, do not confuse their location, otherwise you will burn the block. I also used 3 microtoggle switches - common +12V, ignition “+” and switching to programming mode “+”. Before any operation, I turn off the 2nd and 3rd toggle switches, and turn them on in the order of 3 then 2. Sometimes I have to remove the general “+” for a short time to receive communication. Power can be taken from the car, when working on a table “-” from an adapter with a current of about 500 mA.

4. To flash the firmware, you need the following programs: combiloder 2.18 and chiploader 1.6 (1.96 is more expanded in blocks). The first program is included in the Stp321-full kit (the loader is free and will start working when the adapter is connected). But sometimes he falls out of work or cannot complete the pouring process. The second one works without problems. The first one is needed mainly to remove protection from the firmware you find and to install the same protection when uploading software to the ECU. It is not possible to read protected software from the controller - it is erased. Therefore, I advise you to prepare and have at least several (taken from different places) factory firmware. After installation, the Stp321-full catalog contains a set of standard and tuning firmware, which may be suitable. You also need programs such as chipexploer 1.6 and Page 4.10 (with a tail). These programs will allow you to view the found firmware, edit, compare them with each other and assemble dual pr-ki. On 2-core computers (and with the hyper-trading function), the tail falls off on Page. Somewhere I came across information about a patch for this problem, on single nuclear ones everything is fine. Be sure to carefully study the help for these programs and work with the firmware in them in order to understand the features and capabilities of the programs. This way you will most likely weed out broken and questionable firmware. 2 more programs - Enigma for decoding software from the CTP standard and ICD for checking the adapter. It is better to take this entire set from the deposit (there are rarely non-working ones there). You will also get links to other resources when reading the forums. I recommend saving to your computer all useful pages, diagrams, photographs and documents found while surfing the Internet. It will come in handy more than once.

It will be useful: How to fill a dent on a car with your own hands?

If, after reading the article up to this point, you still have the desire to learn and move on (reflash your car), I will be very glad and wish you all success. Proceed with what you have planned, but keep in mind that all responsibility continues to fall on you. If you are not sure or are afraid, contact the specialists.

While I was writing the opus, I found gas software, put together a dual petrol “+” gas system, filled it up and drove off. Made I203EL36/RB40, I203Ez36/RB40. Even with this software I felt a difference from my native EL35. I left any questions and ambiguities that arose until they were clarified.

What is flashing

Reflashing the car's on-board computer can be either an effective or harmful way to solve the problem. It all depends on the purpose of this action.

Simply put, reflashing the on-board computer is a change in the specified parameters that control all engine operation processes. By slightly changing the settings of these programs, you can adjust the operation of the engine and, in general, the entire car as you wish.

The opportunity to reflash your cars arose immediately after the appearance on the automotive electronics market of such equipment as an electronic on-board computer. This small device replaces the functions of the warning lamp unit with a convenient remote control with online display of all the options of your car.

How to make changes wisely

  1. If the goal is to achieve the most convenient operation of the car, when, based on his own experience, the owner wants to increase or decrease the driving parameters proposed for change, then flashing the on-board computer is a good and economical idea.
  2. Perhaps the car owner is determined to use all available engine power reserves in order to participate in racing competitions or even just for everyday driving, then it is worth paying more attention to this idea.

In each of these situations, the motorist himself decides how to tune his car to the real mode of its operation. But there may be reasons for flashing your car’s on-board computer:

  • the car has noticeably lost its dynamic driving properties;
  • the engine stalls in the most unpredictable situations;
  • the car starts late;
  • fading start in the cold season;
  • poor vehicle response when pressing the gas pedal;
  • stable idle speed is disrupted.

All the reasons from this list can be easily eliminated after reflashing the BC.

To put it in simple terms, many car enthusiasts do not quite understand what they should actually expect from reflashing the on-board computer. They expect to get significant savings by reducing fuel consumption or expect their car to become super-fast beyond recognition. The on-board computer is designed a little differently. Therefore, software changes must be made taking into account the normal operation of the vehicle.

But still, many cars can really be revived a little with the help of firmware and made to drive faster. This will really have a slight effect on fuel consumption. This happens because their factory firmware meets strict environmental international standards and is squeezed within these frameworks as much as possible.

Reflashing should be treated more simply

Motorists often care deeply about their car. Once upon a time, people treated horses this way, but now the world has changed, and people along with it. We have seen a lot over the past few decades, and there is much more to come. A person who thinks stereotypically is not uncommon, or rather, each of us is sometimes ready to vote for the proven old rather than support the unknown new.

Reflashing the on-board computer should be treated in the same way as reinstalling Windows on the computer. As soon as the first computer appeared in a car, everything changed dramatically. By choosing a good program and following the entire procedure correctly, you will notice how your car will behave differently. More lively!

In other words, you need to properly understand the capabilities of your car in order to make such changes to the central control unit. To do this, you will need a Windows-based personal computer. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a laptop or a home desktop computer, read the appropriate guide on how to reflash your car’s on-board computer.

How to flash an engine control unit: subtleties and nuances of the process

Many motorists have encountered the need to flash an electronic engine control unit (ECU). This may be a forced operation due to the fact that the ECU can no longer reset errors, or at the request of the car owner - chip tuning. But , in any case, flashing the engine control unit is a rather labor-intensive process and not everyone can do it.

The video will tell you how to flash an electronic engine control unit yourself, and will also tell you about some of the subtleties and nuances of the process.

How to properly reflash the Matrix on-board computer

  1. First, you will need to download the BootLoader.exe program and install it on your computer. It's very simple. The official website offers this flashing program freely available for download.
  2. The next step is to connect the on-board computer using the included data cable.
  3. Next you need to connect the power. Plug in the 12W unit and make sure the on-board computer starts working.
  4. After starting the BootLoader program, set the value to the port to which the COM1 data cable is connected.
  5. The “upload file” button will appear in front of you, click on it. In the menu window that appears, set the desired file type “hex” and then select the file with the firmware.
  6. Then click “Start ISP” and restart the bookmaker by pressing on/off. You will be able to monitor the progress of the process on the screen.
  7. Once the download is complete, a window with the message “download complete” will appear and you will be asked to start the controller. Click “ok” and check the functionality of the new on-board computer firmware.

Before you start learning how to reflash your car’s on-board computer, be sure to check your engine type. Since on-board computers come in different types and markings, and the machine is equipped, you must choose the right program for flashing. When a car is equipped with a gas installation, reflashing the on-board computer removes many errors, due to which fuel consumption and ride quality are normalized.

How will the car drive after the firmware?

This is definitely a question asked by every car owner who decides to experiment with flashing the on-board computer. Will the car actually drive more dynamically? Considering that experts on this issue never give recommendations to increase power to full, it is worth paying attention to this. This mode can disrupt both ride comfort and reduce the maneuverability of the car.

By slightly increasing the power you should achieve maximum sensitivity of the gas pedal. Thus, the consumption may not change, but you will no longer have to press the pedal deeply. Responding to a light touch on the gas pedal, the car does not load the engine, but actively gains momentum.

After a successful flashing of the bookmaker, you can feel it in the following changes:

  • you will notice more elastic operation of the motor;
  • management will become much more comfortable;
  • acceleration will be noticeably more dynamic;
  • more stable and smooth traction;
  • on average, both power and torque increase by 15%;
  • the maximum speed indicator will be higher;
  • The manual transmission behaves more smoothly when changing gears, the automatic is quicker to think;
  • Your driving style will better adjust your fuel consumption.

In any case, if you understand that every malfunction has a possible cause, and, therefore, a way to eliminate it, then you will certainly be able to do everything yourself. If, of course, the instructions are included in Russian, it’s worth reading.

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