Setting the fuel injection advance angle. Everything you need to know

One of the main differences between a diesel engine and a gasoline engine is the principle of ignition of diesel fuel. Ignition of the fuel-air mixture in a diesel engine is realized through self-ignition of diesel fuel from contact with pre-compressed and heated air in the cylinders as a result of such compression.

Setting the ignition on a diesel engine involves changing the advance angle of fuel injection, which is supplied at a clearly defined moment at the end of the compression stroke. If the angle is set differently from the optimal parameters, then the fuel injection will be untimely. The result will be incomplete combustion of the mixture in the cylinders, which causes a destructive imbalance in engine operation.

It turns out that the ignition system of a diesel engine should be understood as the most important element of the power supply system of the power unit - the high-pressure fuel pump (HPF). In most diesel engines, it is this device, in combination with diesel injectors, that is responsible for the timely, dosed supply of diesel fuel to the engine cylinders.

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Help with advice. Ford Transit 1996 | Topic author: Archimedes

I have a 1996 Ford Transit.

2, 5, Bosch diesel, naturally aspirated 70 hp, we installed a high-pressure fuel pump (on all three marks), the supply to the injectors is good, the engine turns well but does not start... we tried it on the pump pulley before and later - it does not start, Good people, anyone can help Maybe. (((

Marina (Shahla) Ok! Thank you, Alexey.

Marina (Shahla) How many marks are there on the flywheel?? And how to determine which is the first cylinder?? There is a 90* mark. The timing belt has been removed, the camshaft is still in place, how to detect the first cylinder..

Stanislav (Raine) There are two holes in the flywheel. The first is through and it is correct, and the second drill goes in five mm...

Marina (Shahla) So I had it right...

Vitek (Tirzah) Marina, there is definitely a fuel supply, I had the same problem, the fuel priming pump stopped working!

Marina (Shahla) the supply to the nozzles is good, it sprays...

Marina (Shahla) but won’t start,

Vitek (Tirzah) Marina, there is a 19-key bolt on the top of the filter, unscrew it and turn the engine a little, the diesel fuel should start pouring out, if it doesn’t, check the fuel priming pump!

Marina (Shahla) pumped until the return line, pumping worker, until the injection pump was removed (the rings were changed, everything worked..

Vitek (Tirzah) Marina, the working electromagnetic VALVE makes a clicking sound when the ignition is turned on?

On plunger pumps, the check is carried out as follows.

Remove the high pressure line leading to the first cylinder and place a torque tube on the fitting

Set the regulator control lever to the maximum fuel supply position. If necessary, remove air from the fuel system using the fuel priming pump or using the starter. Rotate the crankshaft until the glass tube of the torque scope is filled with fuel, then return the crankshaft back about a quarter turn. Slowly turn the crankshaft again, while watching the torque scope tube: the start of fuel movement in the tube means the moment the injection begins, so remember the position of the timing marks on the flywheel or pump.

If the timing mark on the pump flange does not match the mark on the camshaft, ignition timing needs to be adjusted. It is adjusted either by rotating the adjustable part of the coupling within the limits allowed by the adjusting screw, or (in those designs in which the pump is mounted with a flange) by rotating the pump relative to its axis.

It remains to add that plunger pumps are quite rare; about 90% of diesel cars are equipped with distributor-type pumps. Distribution-type high-pressure fuel pumps include pumps made by Japanese companies, and most pumps. Such pumps have plugs that cover the hole for installing a dial gauge or a locating pin (produced, by the way, by the same companies).

Early or late ignition. Symptoms and characteristics

you ask, for example, why a person has a fever. with late ignition, gray-white smoke also appears, but the engine behaves completely differently. When ignition is very late, black smoke appears, idle speed drops, and sometimes even a flame comes out of the muffler.

Alena is probably dark, almost black, the fuel doesn’t have time to burn completely

Marina, later there is white smoke, earlier there is black smoke, if you put it on too early, the pump starts knocking. All measurements should be made with a cold engine. For more detailed diesel settings, see the Kamaz repair book.

If white, gray or black smoke is pouring out of the exhaust pipe of your diesel car, it's time to realize that the jokes are over and the engine needs serious help. An experienced driver and auto mechanic can diagnose a car based on engine color. But even if you are new to driving, try to become a “diagnostician” too.

Smoke white

If white smoke is coming out of the exhaust pipe, take a closer look - it may still be steam. If it's cold outside, it's not unusual for water in the fuel to condense when it enters the cold exhaust system. And when it escapes, it turns into steam. In this case, visible drops of water also appear on the pipe itself. When it is warm there is less steam, and at low temperatures it is more noticeable. This phenomenon is normal, which means it’s too early to sound the alarm.

But when it’s warm outside, the engine is as warm as possible, and white smoke is pouring out of the chimney, most likely coolant has entered the cylinder. This can happen when the head gasket is not sealing. In this case, the liquid causes the formation of acrid white vapor.

To make sure that the liquid has entered the cylinder, you can use the “old-fashioned diagnostics”. To do this, briefly cover the exhaust pipe with plain paper. If greasy spots remain after the water droplets have dried, it means coolant has still entered the cylinder.

In addition to leaking gaskets, the cause of white smoke can be: a leaky intake manifold, a crack in the cylinder head, or engine overheating. If overheating occurs, check:

  • thermostat operation;
  • fan functionality;
  • fan switch sensor;
  • radiator tightness;
  • cooling system hoses;
  • expansion tank plug.

In a word, even though the smoke is white, this should alert you. Since any deviation from the norm promises future expenses.

The smoke is black

If the air-fuel mixture is too rich, black smoke will come out of the exhaust pipe. And here you can make a diagnosis without looking - the fuel supply system is faulty. Due to incomplete combustion of diesel fuel, soot particles are clearly visible in the exhaust. Black smoke will be a signal:

  • excessive fuel consumption;
  • high toxicity;
  • unstable engine operation;
  • startup problems;
  • loss of motor power.

Over-enrichment of the air-fuel mixture occurs both due to broken sensors and failed nozzles; this will require repair of the injectors. Poor quality fuel is the main cause of “multi-colored” smoke.

Injection advance angle

Ignition of the fuel-air mixture in a diesel engine is realized through self-ignition of diesel fuel from contact with pre-compressed and heated air in the cylinders as a result of such compression.

Setting the ignition on a diesel engine involves changing the advance angle of fuel injection, which is supplied at a clearly defined moment at the end of the compression stroke. If the angle is set differently from the optimal parameters, then the fuel injection will be untimely. The result will be incomplete combustion of the mixture in the cylinders, which causes a destructive imbalance in engine operation.

It should be remembered that even minor deviations when setting the fuel injection angle can lead to serious damage to the diesel engine.

The need to install the ignition on a diesel engine yourself often arises in the following cases:

  • The diesel ignition needs to be adjusted in parallel with replacing the timing belt;
  • after dismantling the injection pump, it is not possible to install the fuel pump pulley according to the special marks;

One of the recommendations before starting any work related to disassembling diesel fuel equipment is the urgent need to clearly mark or refresh all marks. To do this, just apply small strokes using paint or a high-quality marker. This will facilitate subsequent reassembly and installation of the injection pump pulley, which will automatically eliminate or minimize potential ignition failures.

In electronic injection timing control systems, it is determined by the following parameters:

The advance angle request for the main injection is determined depending on the engine speed and on

the amount of fuel injected (which is a display of the load).

During startup, the injection advance angle value must be reduced to establish the start of the process

combustion near top dead center, i.e. in a position where the temperature is highest at

no combustion. To do this, the program determines the injection advance angle depending on the speed

engine and coolant temperature. From the moment the engine starts, the system must again

use the programs and adjustment values ​​described below:

  • The first adjustment is made depending on the air and engine coolant temperatures. This adjustment allows you to adapt the injection advance angle to the engine operating temperature. When the engine is warm, the injection timing can be advanced to reduce combustion temperature and therefore harmful emissions (mainly NOx). When the engine is cold, the amount of injection advance must be large enough to compensate for the increased ignition delay.
  • The second adjustment is determined depending on the atmospheric pressure.
  • The third adjustment is made depending on the coolant temperature and the time elapsed after starting. This adjustment allows you to increase the injection advance in the engine warm-up phase, i.e. within 30 seconds after startup. It aims to reduce combustion interruptions and instability that is very likely after a cold start.
  • The fourth adjustment is determined depending on the deviation of the fuel rail pressure. This adjustment is used to reduce the injection advance angle if the pressure in the fuel rail is higher than the requested pressure value. In this case, the combustion process can become very noisy. You can compensate for this phenomenon by slightly reducing the advance angle.
  • The fifth adjustment is determined depending on the exhaust gas recirculation coefficient. This adjustment is used to adjust the injection advance angle depending on the exhaust gas recirculation ratio. When the EGR ratio is increased, the injection advance angle must also be increased to compensate for the drop in cylinder temperature.

Smoke blue (or cyan)

The bluish gray color of the exhaust is typical for used cars. Blue color from the pipe is an indicator of engine oil entering the cylinders. Moreover, the palette of this tone is very large - if not 50 shades of blue, then there will definitely be a dozen. Unlike steam, this smoke disappears into the air slowly. And with the “old-fashioned” paper test, greasy stains will remain on the sheet.

With blue smoke, a diesel engine literally “eats” oil. Often its consumption is so high that 100 km of travel “requires” more than a liter of oil.

If, after a long period of parking, corrosion has reached the fuel equipment responsible for fuel injection, then it will probably be necessary to repair the injection pump and injectors.

Blue smoke often indicates that the fuel is not burning completely. This means that it is quite possible that the problem is in the hardware. Although, one of the cylinders may be faulty and diagnostics reveals low compression due to a burnt-out valve or worn piston rings.

In order not to “admire” colored smoke, it is better to undergo a preventive technical inspection in a timely manner. But if smoke still starts to pour out, stop by - we will always help you!

Auto-ignition delay.

Fuel injected into the cylinder does not ignite immediately. First, its particles evaporate, mix with air and the mixture is heated to the auto-ignition temperature. This process is complex and multifaceted. Consequently, after the injection of fuel particles into the cylinder, an ignition delay occurs due to physical and chemical preparatory processes. The time elapsed from the moment particles enter the cylinder until combustion begins is called the self-ignition delay period.

The auto-ignition delay period is 0.001-0.005 s. If we assume that the engine operates at a rotation speed of 750 rpm, then its crankshaft rotates 1º in approximately 0.002 s, which means that during the self-ignition delay period the crank will rotate at an angle from 5 to 25º.

This circumstance forces fuel injection to be advanced, i.e. before the crank reaches TDC.

The angle at which the crank does not reach TDC at the start of fuel injection is called the fuel supply advance angle - this is the most important engine adjustment parameter for marine diesel engines; it is 15-33º.

The course of the combustion process.

d – fuel supply start point;

@0 – fuel supply advance angle;

@i – crankshaft rotation angle during the ignition delay period or ( ignition delay period ).

c – the point of combustion beginning during the ignition delay period (angle @i ) a certain amount of fuel entered the cylinder, usually 15-50% of the cyclic supply, i.e. from the dose injected per cycle.

The fuel ignites and therefore the temperature and pressure increase sharply ( cz ). The fuel entering the cylinder at the end of the delay burns quietly, ending up, so to speak, in a fiery environment.

At this time, the piston moves downwards, the volume above it increases and the pressure does not change significantly in the area ( z1, z ).

( z – z0 ) – the section shows the expansion process (the fuel burns out in this section).

The section ( сz´ ) is characterized by an intensive increase in pressure from Рс to Рz . If the rate of increase is more than 400-600 kPa/deg. P.K.V. ( 4-6 kgf/cm2 ), then the load on the piston will be shock, a knock will occur in the cylinder, such engine operation is called hard

Hard work is extremely harmful and affects bearing wear, causing deformation and breakage of piston rings.
The harshness of engine operation depends on the rate of pressure increase after auto-ignition, and this rate depends on the amount of fuel entering the cylinder during the auto-ignition delay period. In short , the harshness of diesel engine operation depends on the magnitude of the auto-ignition delay period: the longer it is, the harsher the diesel engine will operate.

This means that to ensure smooth operation of a diesel engine, one should strive to reduce the auto-ignition delay period ( adjustment - set the fuel supply advance angle earlier).

An increase in the temperature of the compressed air in the cylinder contributes to reducing the auto-ignition delay period. A cold diesel engine operates with “knocks” in the cylinder; after heating, the “knocks” disappear.

Soft engine operation is possible with good piston density in the cylinder, at a given compression ratio and while maintaining the engine in a warm - hot state.

Rough operation of a diesel engine is possible when the spray needle (nozzle) hangs - poor atomization quality.

The harshness of a diesel engine depends on the self-ignition of the fuel - this quality is characterized by the cetane number. It is determined by comparing the spontaneous ignition of the fuel under study and two reference hydrocarbons: the first has a minimal delay period for spontaneous ignition, the second is significant. (The comparison is made on a special single-cylinder engine with a variable compression ratio). First, determine the compression ratio at which the fuel under study spontaneously ignites when the piston is positioned strictly at TDC .

Then an equivalent mixture of cetane and alphamethylnaphthalene is selected, i.e. one that, at the same fuel supply advance angle and at the same compression ratio, self-ignites when the piston is in TDC .

The cetane number of fuel is the percentage of cetane in a mixture with alphamethylnaphthalene that is equivalent to the fuel in terms of flammability. If, for example, an equivalent mixture contains 45% cetane and 55% alphamethylnaphthalene , then the cetane number of the fuel will be 45 .

Quite smooth operation of high-speed diesel engines with a cetane number of 45 . low-speed ones can operate at a cetane number below 40 .

An increase in the cetane number above 55 causes a decrease in the completeness of fuel combustion. An excessive reduction in the auto-ignition delay period leads to a sluggish combustion process, which reduces efficiency .

Whiter than white

White exhaust is the norm when a diesel engine warms up at a significant “minus” on the street. This happens due to the fact that combustion products condense while passing through the frozen fuel line. Moreover, if the frost outside is severe, the white exhaust may persist even when the engine is fully warmed up.

But the situation changes if white smoke pours out of the exhaust pipe at above-zero temperatures outside. In this case, two scenarios can be assumed.

The first is that the engine cooling liquid has entered the combustion chamber and the condensate that we see in the exhaust is the result of the combustion of antifreeze water vapor. The option is alarming, because, firstly, the passage of antifreeze into the cylinder obviously causes overheating of the engine, and in addition, water, reacting with sulfur (it is contained in diesel fuel), forms sulfur dioxide - a substance that corrodes the cylinder walls once or twice and a piston.

Another variant of white exhaust in warm weather is a sign of problems with ignition of the fuel mixture in the cylinder. That is, the injectors regularly supply fuel to the combustion chamber, spray it well, but the moment of ignition occurs later than expected. In this case, it is necessary to check the engine compression. Other signs in favor of the compression version are that the engine is reluctant to pick up speed, accelerates slowly, and diesel fuel consumption increases.

Variations and Problem Solving

Despite all this, it is worth understanding that angle adjustment in any engines is performed in a narrow range, which is strictly tied to the initial, factory values. The most problematic in terms of setting the injection detection angle are passenger cars that have a chain or belt driven injection pump. In this situation, even the most insignificant error in calculating and setting the level simply will not allow the engine to start.

The most obvious example of this is setting the fuel injection advance angle into in-line fuel

, despite the fact that they are not particularly common. In them, flexible control of the advance angle is practically impossible, as is implemented in distribution motors. But this problem was solved by Caterpillar, the problem was solved quite easily using a simple hydraulic formula using spiral splines, which are controlled by an electronic system.

As for the popular control of the advance angle by means of the pump section, it was invented and introduced into engines by Zexel (a Japanese company that was previously called Diesel Kiki


Based on all this, it is best to carry out the procedure for setting up and adjusting angles in auto repair shops, since not every person will be able to do it at home.

As for the installation itself, it is carried out in the following 6 steps:

  • The deposit is fixed on the engine itself, but the drive mechanism is not connected to the distribution gears;
  • Next comes the installation of the momentoscope on the very first section of the engine, then it is filled with fuel. After this, rotate the cam shaft; this procedure will allow you to determine the moment when fuel supply begins; after determining it, it is necessary to stop the shaft;
  • The next step is to mark the fan drive pulley, which is located on the engine. This is done by rotating the diesel crankshaft while simultaneously placing the first cylinder at top dead center. After this, a lead mark is marked at a distance of 2.5–2.7 cm.

Next, you will need to align 2 marks, the one on the block and the one on the pulley. This is done by rotating the crankshaft and fine-tuning the crank mechanism

The next step is to connect the shim to its gear. Fastening is done using bolts.

Next comes the process of final checking the advance angle, and if it has similar indicators to the nominal value, then the engine can be prepared for launch

Blacker than the night

Options with a black exhaust are also possible. The first is the norm when black smoke briefly appears in the exhaust during sharp acceleration - this is especially typical for turbocharged diesel engines. The reason is that the turbine does not keep up with the electronics, the diesel fuel supply has increased, but the engine speed and boost have not.

If we are talking about a standard aspirated engine, then black exhaust may appear if the driver “presses” the engine at low speeds or if the air filter and intake manifold are clogged, and therefore the air supply is not enough for efficient combustion of diesel fuel. If the injection pump supplies too much fuel or supplies it too early, black smoke will also appear from the exhaust pipe. That is, in any of the options, black exhaust = soot from diesel fuel = fuel does not burn completely in the cylinder. The problem needs to be fixed as quickly as possible, because in addition to the obvious harm to the environment, soot quickly clogs the filter, and then problems with the oxygen sensor and EGR valve are not far away.

How to adjust the ignition correctly: step-by-step instructions

Many novice owners of cars, motorcycles, walk-behind tractors and other equipment with internal combustion engines may have problems with the ignition system. Let's look at how to properly adjust the ignition on cars, motorcycles and other equipment.

Ignition systems on gasoline internal combustion engines: device

Without this system, the operation of any engines is simply impossible. It is responsible for igniting the fuel mixture in the combustion chambers at a certain time. There are several types of such systems. The first is contact, in which impulses are created at the break of contacts.

There is also a contactless system. Here the pulses are created using electronic commutators. You can also select a fully electronic system controlled by a microprocessor. Such a contactless system is installed on the Urals. You can find out below how to adjust the ignition of a Ural motorcycle.

For two-stroke units, which can most often be found on walk-behind tractors, mopeds and scooters, a magneto is used as a device for creating a spark. The EMF principle works here. A permanent magnet rotates in a coil, and this is how a pulse is generated.

Any system includes several basic elements. So, a battery is used as a power source, and if the engine is running, a generator is used. The switch is a mechanical lock. It often performs several functions. The energy storage device is either a coil or a capacitive storage device. Candles are also used in the system. They have two electrodes a short distance apart. The candle is a porcelain insulator that is mounted on a thread. In the central part there is a conductor-electrode, and a thread is used as the second electrode. How to adjust the ignition? It is not difficult.

Operating principle of contact ignition

This equipment allows you to get a fairly high voltage spark at the contacts of the spark plugs. The voltage for an automotive system can be up to 30,000 V. In order for a spark to be produced, the spark plug contact is connected to a coil. It is thanks to this that such high voltage is created. Signals are supplied to the coil using a special group of contacts. When the contacts are opened using a special mechanism, a spark is generated.

For the engine to operate efficiently, it is necessary that the moment of spark formation fully corresponds to the position of the piston group in the combustion chambers. To achieve this, a clearly calculated mechanism is used - a distributor, which transfers rotational energy to the breaker.

Among the disadvantages of such a system is the high impact of mechanical wear on the formation process and spark quality. This also significantly affects the quality of the internal combustion engine and requires tuning. That's why it's so important to know how to adjust the ignition.

Contactless ignition

This group of electrical equipment of cars does not depend on the distributor. The main device in the process of spark formation here is considered to be a transistor switch, as well as a special sensor. In this system, there is no relationship between the quality of sparks and the cleanliness of the surface of the contact groups - this is a guarantee that the spark will be of very high quality, regardless of various factors. In this type of system, a distributor-breaker is used, which is responsible for supplying current to the spark plug needed at the moment.

Electronic system

Here the mixture ignites without any mechanical devices or any moving parts. With the help of special sensors and control units, a spark is formed exactly at the right moment. With this equipment, the operation of the internal combustion engine is significantly improved, its power is increased, and fuel consumption is reduced. Moreover, electronic ignition is very reliable and requires virtually no adjustments.

Reasons for settings failures

Before telling you how to adjust the ignition, you should find out what causes the factory settings to be lost. Most often, the culprit for this is the driver of the car, motorcycle or other equipment. Car enthusiasts can remove the distributor or distributor for various reasons. After servicing it, repairing other components and returning the distributor to its rightful place, the engine can no longer operate efficiently. Sometimes it won't even start.

Why is that? It's all about the tags that were installed at the factory. Novice car owners rarely think about the importance of matching marks.

Advance angle moment

This is one of the most important parameters. It determines the correct operation of the entire system. This is the time during which the fuel mixture is ignited by a spark. Torque can be defined as the position of the crankshaft at the moment the impulse is applied in advance to TDC of the pistons in degrees.

It takes a certain amount of time for the mixture to burn effectively. The speed at which the flame spreads is 20 m/s. If ignition occurs at top dead center, then the fuel will burn during the expansion stroke and partially during the exhaust stroke. As a result, the pressure on the piston will not be at a sufficient level. You need to choose this moment correctly - then the pressure from the expansion and combustion of gases will occur at TDC.

How to adjust the ignition on a VAZ?

To work you will need some tools. This is a 13mm wrench, a voltmeter, and also a spark plug wrench. The ignition timing should be set according to the first or fourth cylinder. Let's consider the first option.

On most VAZ models, the torque is adjusted using marks on the timing cover. You will be able to see three marks there - long, medium and short. So, a short mark – the angle is 10 degrees. The middle one is 5 degrees, and the long one corresponds to 0 degrees.

The position of top dead center is marked on the rim of the pulley. The pulley hub in the area of ​​the mark has a special influx.

Adjusting the ignition

The first step is to unscrew the spark plug on the first cylinder. After this, the hole must be closed with a rubber stopper. Next, using a special key, you need to turn the crankshaft until the first cylinder goes into the compression stroke. This is easy to understand - the piston will begin to move upward. You can see this by the cork - it will gradually be squeezed out. Rotate the shaft until the mark on the pulley completely matches the mark on the timing cover. For 95 gasoline, the middle mark is suitable.

Now release the latches and remove the distributor cover. After you have cranked the crankshaft, the rotor of this mechanism should turn so that the outer contact rotates towards the first cylinder on the distributor cover. After aligning the marks, look at the distributor and draw a line through the latches - the correct imaginary line will be parallel to the engine axis. If your line is not parallel, then here's more information on how to adjust the ignition.

Unscrew the nut that secures the distributor and turn it up. Rotate the rotor and align it parallel to the motor axis. Install the distributor, tighten the nut, but not too much. Next, you can move on to setting the torque.

Adjusting the torque using a light bulb

To do this, you need to connect a pre-prepared light bulb with one end to the coil, and the other end to ground.

Turn on the ignition and slowly rotate the distributor clockwise. If the lamp goes out, then everything is correct. If the lamp does not light up initially, then everything is set correctly. Now rotate the distributor counterclockwise. When the lamp lights up, fix the position of the rotor and tighten the fastening nut. Now you can turn off the engine and return the distributor cap to its place.

How to adjust ignition timing using a strobe?

To use this method, warm up the engine to operating temperature. Then connect the strobe to power from the on-board network. Place the device sensor on the high-voltage cable of the 1st cylinder.

Next, loosen the breaker nut, remove the hose from the vacuum corrector and plug it. Direct the light from the strobe to the crankshaft pulley.

Now start the engine and let it idle. Rotate the distributor housing, then fix the position of the housing so that the mark on the pulley coincides with the mark on the timing cover. After this, tighten the fastening nut.

What about electronic ignition?

Manufacturers install electronic ignition on most modern cars, motorcycles and walk-behind tractors. Let's see how to adjust the electronic ignition.

The first thing you should definitely check is the carbon deposits that accumulate on the candles. Contacts are also subject to verification. If some of them are burnt, then they need to be replaced.

To make precise adjustments, you will need a strobe light. If it is not there, then the spark method will do. This is how professionals do the setup.

To adjust, the motor must be warmed up to operating temperatures. Dismantling the distributor is not required; it can only be slightly loosened. Remove the center wire from the distributor and set the piston on the first cylinder to top dead center.

Now turn on the ignition. In this case, you should have the wire from the coil in your hand. With your right hand, adjust the distributor clockwise and hold the armored wire above the metal surface. Now rotate in the other direction until sparks appear. Now you know how to set the contactless ignition. Tighten the distributor and it's done.

Walk-behind tractors

Manufacturers install contactless electronic systems on modern walk-behind tractor models. They consist of a magnetic circuit in the flywheel, a coil, a high-voltage cable and a spark plug. All settings are set at the factory and often do not require adjustment. How to adjust the ignition on a walk-behind tractor with electronic ignition? By analogy with automotive systems.

You can also adjust the gap between the coil and the magneto element. This gap is adjusted using two screws and the displacement of the coil. On modern walk-behind tractors, the gap should be no more than 0.8 mm.

On some models of such agricultural machines, adjustments are not provided at all. For example, in DM type engines the manufacturer did not provide the opportunity to regulate anything. But modern technology provides such an opportunity. How to adjust the ignition on a walk-behind tractor - by changing the gap between the magneto and the coil.


First, set the piston of the first cylinder to the TDC position. Tags will help with this. In this case, you can also adjust the contact between the spark plug and the rotor. Then rotate the electronics unit counterclockwise after loosening it. Now check if the marks match. Using a lamp, check that there is voltage in the network. Rotate the unit until the indicator stops lighting. Here's how to adjust the ignition on a Ural.

A light bulb will help you understand that everything was done correctly. It should flash when the crankshaft is turned.

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