Sparkology: what you need to know about spark plugs

The time has come for the next maintenance of the car and on the list of recommended replacements, in addition to oil, is the replacement of spark plugs. Knowing firsthand about the fake world in our spare parts market, we studied the manufacturer’s website, read auto forums and reviews on spark plugs and came to a disappointing conclusion and wrote an article on how to avoid running into a fake when choosing Denso spark plugs. There are such a huge number of fakes for these spark plugs that from time to time there was a desire to look for another manufacturer of spark plugs for your car, but we found ways to buy the original.

First, we will describe the most common distinctive features. They are only suitable for bad fakes that are still found in stores. But most fake candles are of excellent quality in appearance. Visually, using old methods of identifying counterfeits, it is practically impossible to determine where the original is and where the counterfeit is.

Fake or original: old (unreliable) methods

  • Packaging: in almost all counterfeits encountered, it turned out to be ideal. The only point is to buy in packaging from the manufacturer, not the car brand. You can find the required spark plugs on sale both in the Denso box and in the packaging of Toyota, Nissan, Honda, etc. cars. Avoid overpacking. This is just advice, not a call to action.
  • Tip: in the original, it is made perfectly, has no distortions, distortions, and cannot be unscrewed by hand. The fake has obvious distortions, the color of which is made of a glossy shade.

  • If you look from above, you can see the differences in the casting. The original one has a depression, the fake one has a straight tip.
  • The inscription on the body (ceramic part): on the original candles is made in dots and has a smoother, thinner font. Later, counterfeit fonts made with dots were noticed and the plant began producing candles with both dotted and solid fonts. A strange solution, but it exists. You can try rubbing it with something hard according to the text (check with the seller to see if this can be done), but on a fake it will wear off and fly off. The text on a real candle is protected with a protective varnish and will therefore remain undamaged.
  • We inspect the central part of the spark plug for obvious defects. These may be traces of grooves from machine tools; original parts are made by casting. Traces of sag, bevels, inclusions, dimples, etc. Compare the font on the metal border with the photo below.
  • Check the O-ring - it should not be removed from the spark plug thread. If you were able to remove it freely, it is an obvious fake.

We determine original NGK spark plugs from fakes

In the case of NGK candles, it is not difficult to identify a fake; they are made of less quality, and this is evident from many factors.

Packaging, product cost.

The quality of packaging, or rather the printing on a fake, is the easiest to determine. There are noticeable printing errors in the displacement of the contours of the images relative to each other. Real NGK candles have high quality printing on the packaging (all pictures and inscriptions are clearly printed).

All original packaging is only yellow, which is called “NGK yellow” . If you have ever bought original candles, you will never confuse this color with another.

But this is not yet an indicator; recently the quality of counterfeits has increased greatly, or a counterfeit may be put in the old packaging of the original. Still, it’s worth looking at the packaging to “clear your conscience”; it won’t take much time.

You don’t have to take price into account as an indicator of a brand. Because our market is ruled by complete chaos. You can buy an original product (stolen or not certified) quite cheaply, and vice versa, an unscrupulous seller can sell a fake at the price of the original. Therefore, the price is not an indicator, but at a very low price, you should be wary.

Central side electrode

The easiest way to detect a fake is that in original spark plugs the central electrode is always clearly perpendicular to the contact. This is an absolutely smooth rod, has a clear cylindrical shape without defects. In fakes, the electrode has uneven thickness, and its location relative to the contact has curvature.

It is better to inspect the side electrode from the side. A fake has an oblique electrode, or beveled (oblique edges), and stands bent (uneven).

In the original it is smooth, without chips, and tightly twisted. Fake: Poor quality, chipped, possible play or not screwed in completely.


On real candles, the threads are rolled, the turns are made smoothly, without flaws. This candle is created in a factory with high quality workmanship, so it has an ideal surface. It is a fake and has chips on the edges (it is impossible to create such a carving in home-made conditions).

Insulator quality.

Original candles have a very smooth insulator, the surface seems to be glazed. A fake will have a rough coating with longitudinal protrusions (due to inaccurate joining of the mold).

Letters on an insulator. Thanks to high-precision equipment, the inscriptions on the original candles are perfectly even and clear. Counterfeits have crooked and blurry inscriptions.

Transition of insulator to nut

A distinctive feature of the original production is the powder coating on the connection of the insulator with the spark plug body. The fake does not have this feature.

The spark plug housing is under the nut.

The factory version has a convex shape of the body under the nut (a production feature), the counterfeit, on the contrary, has a flat or slightly convex shape. Screw. Lot number on the nut. On one of the six faces of the nut of a real spark plug, the batch number code is always affixed (the numbers are clear and legible). Counterfeits do not have such a code. Skirt. Only in factory conditions the manufacturer’s label “Made in Japan” is affixed ,

“Japan” (around the circumference of the skirt).
Counterfeits are limited to clichés of simple license plates. Ring sealing.
Not a fact, but it is very difficult to remove the ring from an original candle; in a fake it is simply twisted (made “clumsily”).

In a fake, the readings diverge from the nominal value or are missing.

That's all the facts, be careful and buy spare parts only from trusted suppliers! Your Khmelnitsky autoportal.

New method + video review of genuine Denso candles

  • We inspect the lower part - the electrode, side electrode and insulator. When examining, nothing should confuse you; look carefully and carefully. The central electrode must be strictly in the center and made perfectly. The size must clearly correspond to that indicated on the packaging, usually 0.4 mm. For this test, you can take a drill of the required thickness with you, apply it to the electrode and make a comparison:

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Pay attention to the rest of the candle - they are made perfectly. Only the thickness of the electrode reveals counterfeit.

Ideal thickness. 100% original on this basis.

  • The counter electrode, in the original, is laser welded. There are deposits of metal and unevenness - this is normal during production. On the counter part, opposite the central electrode, there should be a “receiving” coin. The insulator is white, uniform in color, ideal in shape.

All these methods do not give a 100% result in distinguishing a fake from the original. Next, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with video reviews of original Denso spark plugs. All the main points are captured close-up, some points about packaging are told.


From all of the above, we can conclude that buying genuine Denso spark plugs is quite difficult. But if you put our instructions together, attach the video you watched and add the answer from the candle manufacturer - you can buy genuine candles from our distributors (link to the list of distributors - here), then the chances of getting real candles are great. Don't be fooled, bookmark the instructions and use them when purchasing candles.

Many car owners, when purchasing spare parts for their car, are worried about purchasing a fake. Very often it is quite difficult to distinguish counterfeit products by external signs, and the use of low-quality components can lead to the failure of expensive units! For example, using counterfeit spark plugs can not only reduce engine efficiency, but also

in some cases, leading to expensive repairs. There are three key problems that arise when using counterfeit spark plugs.

1. Increased fuel consumption

Counterfeit spark plugs often produce erratic sparks that result in incomplete combustion. Unburned fuel eventually forms black soot deposits that coat both the spark plug electrodes and the insulator. This leads to increased fuel consumption and difficulty starting the engine.

2. Decrease in engine power

The use of counterfeit spark plugs can lead to a drop in engine power, which becomes especially noticeable during acceleration, driving at high speed and uphill. A drop in engine power is caused by early ignition, which occurs due to poor heat dissipation associated with the use of an iron core in the central electrode instead of a copper one.

3. Melting of the side electrode

Poor heat dissipation results in overheating of the side electrode, which may cause it to melt. The result is complete failure of the spark plug and the risk of serious damage to the car engine.

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It is quite simple to protect yourself and your car from using counterfeit spark plugs. There are several external signs by which it is easy to distinguish a fake: the contact terminal of counterfeit candles has a glossy surface, the printed text of the marking can be scraped off, and the accuracy of the surface treatment of the body, the quality of the thread and the electrode itself are extremely low.

Denso spark plugs are installed on ordinary cars, including Toyota. You should purchase them only in trusted specialized stores, so as not to stumble upon a fake. You can distinguish an original from a fake by the appearance of the spare part and packaging/

Features of SZ

Spark plugs made in Japan by Denso

So, if you decide to purchase Denso ik20, k20tt, w20tt, k16tt spark plugs, then before selecting them for your car, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the features of the product. It should be noted that the Japanese brand Denso is the first to patent the TwinTip technology used in the TT line with a central nickel electrode with a reduced diameter of 1.5 mm. In addition, the size of the side electrode has also been reduced to a diameter of 1.5 mm.

So, let's move on to the features that the original iridium spark plugs Denso ik20, k20tt, w20tt, k16tt and others with different heat ratings have, in contrast to fakes:

  1. SZ models ik20, k20tt, w20tt, k16tt and others with improved sparking actually achieve the maximum efficiency of iridium spark plugs. However, the production of such SZ requires less money, since they do not use precious materials.
  2. According to the manufacturer, models SZ ik20, k20tt, w20tt, k16tt and others are characterized by improved performance at significantly lower costs.
  3. Nickel TT devices ik20, k20tt, w20tt, k16tt and others require less voltage to start the power unit. Accordingly, the engine can be started much faster even at the lowest temperatures.
  4. As a result, models ik20, k20tt, w20tt, k16tt and others have a thinned central electrode, the diameter of which is 1.5 mm (the standard one has 2.5 mm). Accordingly, the resulting spark is more powerful and its operating efficiency is higher. And this, you see, is very important, especially at low temperatures.


Denso's product range includes many products with different heat ratings.

We are talking about both iridium and platinum, as well as nickel SZ:

  • Nickel TT;
  • Iridium TT;
  • Standard;
  • Platinum Longlife;
  • Iridium Power;
  • Iridium Racing;
  • Iridium Tauf.

Denso spark plug

Advantages and disadvantages

Below are the main advantages and disadvantages of iridium and nickel SZ models ik20, k20tt, w20tt, k16tt and others with an excellent heat rating. The information below is based on official data as well as consumer reviews.

Advantages that will allow you to select:

  1. Reducing emissions into the atmosphere. As a result of the improved spark generation in ik20, k20tt, w20tt, k16tt and other models, the combustion process itself is more stable. Accordingly, the operation of SZ ik20, k20tt, w20tt, k16tt and other options allows to reduce fuel consumption, as well as reduce the level of CO and CH emissions into the atmosphere.
  2. Thanks to the improved sparking of SZ with a good heat rating, the ignition index is improved. As a result, spark plugs ik20, k20tt, w20tt, k16tt and others from the Denso brand allow you to ignite even the leanest combustible mixtures. Accordingly, misfires in the system will occur much less frequently when compared with other SZ or fakes.
  3. If you choose originals with an excellent heat rating, instead of fakes or standard SZ, then during normal operation of the sludge unit you can save five percent on fuel consumption - gasoline, diesel or natural gas.
  4. If your car runs on natural gas, then high-heat iridium spark plugs from the Tough line are suitable for you. Such SZ are equipped with an additional platinum tip on the side electrode. In addition, they are characterized by high wear resistance, which is especially important for power units operating on gas. It should be remembered that the temperature of an internal combustion engine using gas is higher. Accordingly, if the engine runs on gas, the fuel mixture will burn at elevated temperatures.
  5. Self-cleaning capability. The use of modern technologies allows candles to clean themselves during long-term use, so that the problem of carbon deposits is no longer a problem (author of the video - Hands in Oil).


  1. A huge number of fakes. In fakes, the heat number differs from the original. Accordingly, the owner of a car running on any fuel, including gas, will not be able to experience all the benefits of the Denso product.
  2. If the product itself is not original, its service life will be lower. However, car owners of cars running on diesel and gas periodically write in reviews that the service life of the originals is less than stated.
  3. High price. But in most cases this is due to high quality.
  4. On some new SZ, the gap is initially not set to the working one. This is confirmed by reviews from car enthusiasts.


If you want to correctly select iridium spark plugs for your car, it will be useful for you to familiarize yourself with the markings and decoding of the designations, which are given in the table below:

Marking and decoding of Denso spark plugs


Fake candles also have inscriptions similar to the type of marking. But they are different from the original ones.

Inscriptions on replicas:

  1. They are erased if you rub them with something hard, that is, not with your finger.
  2. They are not coated with a special varnish, like the originals.
  3. They differ in appearance. The font on the body, that is, the metal part of the candle, may be uneven, bold, and blurry. In the originals it is thin, even, clear, sometimes “dotted” and regular.
  4. On the metal center piece, the font appears to be “scratched” rather than engraved.

After cases of sales of counterfeits became more frequent, the company decided to produce candles with different fonts - “dotted” and regular (solid). This fact is confirmed by the manufacturer.


The lower part of the candle consists of 3 parts:

The central electrode must be located strictly in the center and made with high quality. Its size clearly corresponds to the size written on the package.

To check the size of the electrode, you can take a drill of the required thickness with you to the store. Attach the drill to the electrode and check the size.


Fake candles have poor quality threads. This is due to the fact that metal parts are manufactured on conventional machines. Branded candles are produced using precision equipment, so they have no defects, except for manufacturing defects.

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In original Denso spark plugs, the counter electrode is laser welded. There may be metal deposits and small irregularities. This is considered a production norm!

Opposite the central electrode, that is, on the mating part, there is a “receiving” coin.

The insulator has a perfectly even shape, is painted white and uniform.


Before purchasing, you should familiarize yourself with the designation system of original Denso spark plugs. It looks like this:

Iridium tt has its own designation scheme:

Old type of marking:

The candle model marking is indicated on the product itself and on the packaging. It consists of a certain set of letters and numbers.

The marking may be as follows:

  1. k20tt


3. ixeh22tt

4. ixeh20tt



7. Other, depending on the selected candle model from the company catalog.

It's worth knowing that sc20hr11 have been discontinued. As their replacement, spark plugs with catalog number SC16HR11 are offered.

How to distinguish a fake?

Unfortunately, counterfeit products are also found under the Denso brand, and, knowing a number of design features of the original spark plugs, they can be easily distinguished:

  1. The contact cap must be smooth, nickel-plated. On fake candles it is rougher, sometimes oxidized (black coating)
  2. The logo print on the insulator is applied either in small dots or with solid paint, but is always neat (no distortions, smeared paint)
  3. The soldering on the side electrode opposite the central one is clearly different in color
  4. The sealing washer sits tightly in place and cannot move up and down.
  5. The model marking (alphabetic and digital code) on the already printed cardboard packaging of each candle is applied with separate stamps on different sections of the conveyor, therefore it is always offset relative to each other. In underground production, the packaging is printed in its entirety at once, with the same layout on all boxes included in the set.
  6. On single-electrode spark plugs, the side electrode is always precisely oriented along the central one.

We bring to your attention the products of one of the largest manufacturers of auto parts - Denso. It began producing spark plugs in 1959 and managed to accumulate considerable practical experience in this area. Thanks to the developments of engineers from Denso, the company managed to create a first-class product at an affordable cost. The high quality of Denso products is confirmed by the fact that these components are used by leading Japanese automakers.

Click to enlarge.

Iridium spark plugs Denso.

Due to increased attention to the environmental situation, very stringent requirements are imposed on the toxicity of vehicle exhaust gases. Vehicle owners have to pay attention to spark plugs due to the regular increase in fuel costs, because high-quality components help reduce fuel costs.

Many motorists have switched to installing Denso Iridium spark plugs. Compared to inexpensive models with a copper electrode, these candles have more advantages, including:

  1. record service life;
  2. increasing the fuel combustion coefficient, thereby reducing its costs;
  3. increasing engine power and increasing its service life.

Consequences of using fake candles

Fake candles can cost 2-3 times less than the original ones. But, if you want to avoid car breakdowns, premature repairs and financial costs, you should know how to distinguish a fake from an original and buy only in trusted stores.

  • Fake spark plugs can: Increase fuel consumption. Their sparking is not stable. This leads to incomplete combustion of fuel. Soot remains on the spark plug and this contributes to excessive fuel consumption and difficulty starting the engine.
  • Cause a decrease in engine power on inclines. The heat dissipation of fakes is poor, since they do not have a copper core. This results in pre-ignition, causing engine power to drop when driving uphill on motorways.

In addition, the side electrode tends to melt. This can happen due to using an overheated spark plug for a long time.

Before purchasing spare parts for a car, you should visually inspect the product. To establish the authenticity of Denso brand candles, you need to know the distinguishing features of originals from fakes. And, already knowing them, purchase the product in a specialized store or order from the official website of the manufacturer, and not from third-party Internet sources at a price below the market price.

To reinforce the material, we suggest you watch a video review on the topic:



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Japanese brand NGK and Denso

The exceptional quality of all products is noted; candles are especially trusted.
Statistics show that 50% of cars produced have NGK spark plugs as standard equipment. Due to great demand, these two brands are counterfeited willingly and often, and the number of counterfeits is off the charts. We will devote a separate topic to today’s article on how to identify original NGK spark plugs from fake ones.
NGK The world's leading manufacturer of spark plugs, glow plugs, lambda probes and other engine components.

Indeed, the modern market is so saturated with a variety of fakes that even in the city of Solingen museums of fakes have appeared. By the way, so that you understand how much the awareness of a car enthusiast (the ability to identify counterfeit goods) hits the pockets of underground factories, I will give a small example. After the publication of the article “Counterfeiting Mobil 1 and Mobil Super 2000 oils,” there were anonymous threats for a long time to remove the article and several hacker attempts to hack the site. Today we will hammer another nail into the illegal business.

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