How to transport cargo on the roof rack? Luggage securing harness: securely secure cargo in any situation Methods for securing cargo on a car trunk

Why do you need a net in the trunk of a car?

The purpose of the net is to secure things, tools and products stored in the trunk. Using the mesh it is easier to secure a compact compressor for inflating wheels, a jack, a pump, a suitcase and other things. At the same time, clutter in the cargo compartment is eliminated.


plus - the absence of additional noise made by objects scattered all over the floor. Until recently, the only fastening option was the use of tightening belts. They had a huge disadvantage - the impossibility of fixing small-sized things. During long trips on bumpy roads, they always jumped out of their seats.

From this position, a car trunk net is a better choice. The main thing is to know what specific types of meshes there are, what they are made of and which ones specifically have a highlight.

Manufacturers of car luggage racks – value for money

Today, the segment of high-quality roof racks is represented by 5-7 foreign manufacturers and 2-3 domestic companies. It all depends solely on your budget, needs and needs.

Related article: How to make a pitched roof at home with your own hands

You should not trust cheap analogues and unknown manufacturers. The road is an increased danger and it is necessary to carry loads on the roof with enhanced safety precautions.

Mounting a bicycle on a car trunk must be prepared for increased loads. The autobox must have additional locks and measures to secure your cargo, such as clips or locking buttons.

It is worth remembering that exceeding the permissible load or approaching the maximum weight of the vehicle carries a risk of damaging the roof and significantly reducing the aerodynamics, appearance and cost of the car.

Before purchasing, study video reviews, of which there are a huge number today. It is worth noting that manufacturers specializing in car racks produce and modernize their model range every season. If you need modern solutions, choose new items; if you want to save money, buy old, proven variations.

Car trunk net: main types

There are several types of mesh design:

1. Floor horizontal grids

Horizontal mesh in the trunk

Such products are quite often installed in the basic configuration of a car. Fixation is done using

hooks, which are supplied in the kit and also hold small objects well.
A big plus of the floor mesh is its stretching property, which also allows you to transport large-sized loads. The advantage of a horizontal mesh is convenience and practicality of operation. With its help, securing the load takes a couple of seconds. Along with this
, the driver is confident that the mesh will withstand the load and will not break. This type of mesh is most needed in large cars with a large trunk (for example, in station wagons);

2. Vertical mesh in the trunk

Vertical mesh for car trunk

It helps secure different types of cargo to the sides of the car. When using it, fixing a fire extinguisher, first aid kit or second “small things” is a matter of a few seconds. Using a vertical mesh is an opportunity to save interior space and forget about extraneous noise. noise and clatter from objects scattered throughout the cargo compartment is a thing of the past;

3. Separating mesh

Dividing mesh

The product functions as a space delimiter (nothing can be placed in it). Installation location: between the car interior and the trunk of the car

The task is to prevent things from getting inside the vehicle
New models of such meshes have two parts that are interconnected - lower and upper. If the seat backs are raised, then only the first part is used, which is fixed to the ceiling in several places using special plugs. The second one is now twisted and put into special loops. The second option is folded seat backs. In this case,
the nets unfold 100% and are attached to the ceiling using special clamps, which are also closed with special plugs.

4. Auxiliary (additional) grids

Spare mesh

Products that perform a backup function and secure the necessary cargo in the niches of the cargo compartment. Such products are fixed using special Velcro. The advantage is versatility (the mesh can be attached anywhere in the cabin). The pocket-shaped mesh stretches to a size of 1.1 meters. In addition, it is equipped with various hooks that cling to the side parts of the car trim. The design feature is functionality, the ability to hold small objects, bottles of liquid (in a vertical position). In addition, the “pockets” that appear are used for folding rags, various cleaning brushes and other small things;

5. Wheel covers

Wheel covers

One of the subtypes of nets needed for spare tires. The product is made of dense awning material that fits well around the entire radius of the wheel. In the middle part there is a special handle that simplifies the process of using the product.

This cover is universal and is suitable for wheels of different radii - from R13 to R19.

Making your own mesh

As a rule, the cost of such products is quite affordable, but there is always a possibility that you will not be able to choose a mesh that is suitable in size and shape for your needs.

In such cases, you can try to make it yourself, and you will initially use those technological devices that are available in the trunk of the car and will make it easier for you to securely and efficiently fasten the mesh. To make a trunk net with your own hands, you don’t need any special technical skills. However, you should also prepare for the fact that the first pancake, that is, the mesh, will come out lumpy. This is normal for any type of activity, there is no need to be upset. And to minimize the consequences of your mistakes, you need to start by making a small pocket with Velcro.

To do this we will need the following set of materials and tools:

  • a set of Velcro;
  • material for the mesh (usually a rubber band 40-60 mm wide);
  • sewing machine (if you don’t have one, you can use a regular needle).
  • We estimate where the product will be installed and what size it will be;
  • we make a drawing;
  • in accordance with the sketch, cut strips of elastic of the required length;
  • carefully lay out the strips in accordance with the drawing on any smooth and flat surface;
  • we fasten the elastic bands at the intersection points in any convenient way (stitches, pins, paper clips);
  • we finish stitching the seams on a sewing machine;
  • At the edges of the product we install fastening devices (in our case, we sew on Velcro, but you can use, for example, hooks or staples).

If, after installing the pocket mesh, you are satisfied with the results of your work, you can begin making a full-size vertical or floor mesh.

There is another, also quite simple way to perform such work - by knitting with an elastic cord (by analogy with a fishing net). How to tie knots can be easily found on the Internet.

The material of the mesh in particular and the trunk of its design

Video: Car mesh

In the manufacture of such nets, materials are used that can securely secure the load and not break at an important moment. Rubber threads with protection - rope weaving - are used as a base. The advantage of the design is elasticity and elasticity.

On one and the other side of the product (for strength) a rubberized fabric insert is made, which increases the life of the product. As for the highlights of the design of the net in the trunk of a car, there are a couple of options:

  1. Elastic floor mesh. For their manufacture, relatively thick threads with a diameter of 8 millimeters are used. Any cell of the product has a size of 5*5 cm. Due to the weaving of a rubber thread, the mesh stretches, completely envelops the load and presses it to the bottom of the vehicle. Such nets are quite often used to secure cargo in car boxes. The product does not require the involvement of experts.
  2. Good floor grids. According to their design, they completely repeat the elastic version. The only difference is in the thickness of the threads (here it forms 5 millimeters) and the size of the cluster (5*5 cm).
  3. Economy class floor networks. For their manufacture, interwoven threads are used, forming a diameter of 3 mm. The advantage of this type of mesh is the reliability of the design, the presence of narrower threads in the composition. If you need to transport smaller items (for example, toys), then the economy option is most suitable.

Rack for disc brake system

When installing a rack on a bicycle with disc brakes, it must be taken into account that the racks may interfere with the normal operation of the brakes.

Some bikes have special threaded holes for installing a rack, but the clutch is not convenient because it conflicts with the braking system, so the optimal solution can only be a cantilever rack on the seat tube.

To install a classic model of a bike rack on a bicycle with disc brakes, you will need to make your own bracket to move the rack away from the brakes; if it works well, this design can withstand up to 20 kg of net weight.

Another way is to use a luggage clamp: the clamps are threaded along the seat tube and around the rear triangle stay.

The optimal material for clamps would be a tin plate with rubber layers under the base to prevent mechanical damage to the frame. The same design is also suitable for mountain bikes.

Mounting features

Video: Net in the trunk, fastening

When purchasing a mesh, you need to understand the features of its fastening. There are a couple of options here:

  1. Fixation on mounts installed in the car. In most cases, they are provided for by the design of the cargo compartment and specifically by the vehicle manufacturer.
  2. In the places where the back of the chair is fixed (attached) in a vertical position.
  3. For special openings located in the cargo compartment. Most nets are equipped with fastening hooks. With their help, it is easy to catch on an existing hole or ledge in the car. Such clamps are used in nets for niches. There are quite often holes made around them, and in the inner part there are special brackets.
  4. Fasteners that come with the mesh. In such a situation, the product is fastened with simple self-tapping screws, which are screwed into the bottom with a drill (screwdriver).

Luggage nets - how to use this accessory?

A luggage net with hooks and elastic fabric will be a very useful purchase for your car. With such a simple purchase, you can significantly improve the functionality of your car trunk and make using the compartment comfortable in any situation. For example, such a mesh will allow you to arrange supermarket bags so that they do not tip over even during a dynamic and abrupt ride. Application features are as follows:

  • Find or organize several pairs of hooks in the trunk in different places to place the luggage net in different combinations of edge locations;
  • then look for the mesh itself, buy only high-quality accessories not with the lowest price tag, otherwise the purchase will not give you the desired functionality and will not be able to help;
  • buy several pairs of hooks that will help you combine the canvas in different positions and conveniently hook it to perform various tasks in the trunk at the same time;
  • use one part of the mesh to secure canisters with oils, technical liquids and water bottles that are constantly spilling in free movement;
  • Leave the second part unused and use it only in cases where you need to secure supermarket purchases or other light items in the luggage compartment.

You can purchase several mesh kits or use a factory solution if your model has one. In most budget vehicles, you will have to figure out what to attach the hooks to and how to position the retaining net yourself. But with the right preparation, such an accessory will significantly improve the luggage space of your car and make it more comfortable. Most likely, you will not understand how you drove without such an update before.

Features of the animal net

Transporting dogs in a car is a special task. There are a couple of options here - buy a simple mesh or spend money on a special product. If the car has a hatchback or station wagon body, then a simple net for transporting animals will be enough.

Such a product will limit the dog’s access to the interior, will not allow the seats to get dirty and distract the driver from the road.

Net in the trunk for transporting dogs

The second type of cargo net involves limiting the animal within the trunk. This type of design is perfect for any type of car body. Special products are mesh playpens, which do not create any particular discomfort for the dog, but keep it in one place.

There is one minus - the lack of a top, so huge dogs can easily jump out of the “den”. The advantage is that it traps fur, which stays in and does not scatter throughout the cabin. There are types of mesh that allow animals to be transported lying down. In such a situation, the net is pulled over the dog and fixed to the floor. Along with this, the four-legged friend is able to move thanks to the elasticity of the threads.

The mesh size should be selected taking into account the size of the animal.

Main parameters of the trunk

The main function of the trunk is to transport cargo, so when choosing, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Type and fastening of the brake system (disc or rim);
  • Strength and low weight - the static load must be at least 25, and the dynamic load - 50 kg (all these data are indicated by the manufacturer);
  • Good cargo capacity, preference is given to long trunks;
  • Possibility of fastening various trunks with adjustment of height, width and method of fastening;
  • System for preventing cargo elements from slipping into the spokes;
  • Protective arms that prevent cycling pants from getting into the wheel;
  • Possibility of repairs on the road - replacement of bolts, fasteners or other parts.

Legal aspect

The transportation of goods is regulated by the Road Traffic Rules (TRAF). We would like to remind you of a few key points. Baggage must not:

block your visibility;

complicate the process of driving a car;

worsen the stability of the “iron horse”;

block the headlights and registration number of the car;

create additional noise;

pollute the environment.

Transported items should not extend beyond the vehicle more than 1 m in front and 0.4 m on the sides (calculated based on the dimensions). If exceeded, use the special sign “Large cargo”.

If you are driving in poor visibility conditions, use:

on the front of the reflectors there is a white spectrum of light (or a lantern);

on the back are the same devices, but with a red glow.

It is prohibited to transport items exceeding the following parameters:

If you need to transport such a “large vehicle,” coordinate the route with the traffic police and obtain a special permit.

For violation, the traffic police inspector has the right to issue you a warning or fine.

If you have any difficulties with fasteners, contact a car service. You can find a suitable technical center on the aggregator website Here the rating system helps to formulate an idea of ​​the workshop in advance. An interactive map allows you to quickly find a place that is conveniently located. Filling out the application will take you no more than 10 minutes, and you will receive answers within 20 minutes (average times are indicated).

What and how to transport?

  • The refrigerator cannot fit into a regular trunk or interior, so you have to use the roof of the car. There is no desire to hire special transport for one piece of equipment, and it is expensive. What to do when you need to take an old refrigerator to the dacha or a new one for repairs? If the weight of the unit is about 50 kilograms, then transportation on the roof is quite possible. The main thing is not to exceed the speed (permissible limit is 50 km/h) and be careful when turning.
  • The bathtub is another frequent “victim” of transportation. And the worst thing is when you have to load a Soviet product made of cast iron. The weight of such a structure can exceed 100-120 kilograms, so its transportation can result not only in the repair of the car roof, but also in a major accident. If we are talking about lighter versions of products that do not exceed the permissible weight (for example, an acrylic bathtub), then transportation is quite possible.
  • Metal pipes may be needed for minor repairs. There are other situations when products need to be transported from one point to another. Whatever the purpose, you must determine the mass of the pipes. Doing this “by eye” is a very difficult task. But there are general principles that can help. On average, a meter of pipe with a diameter of 76 mm and a wall thickness of 3-3.5 mm will weigh about six to seven kilograms. When attaching, take into account the negative property of pipes - they slide strongly along the trunk (especially metal ones). Hence, having rubber pads is one of the best ways to prevent slipping. For these purposes, you can also use small pieces of rubber - they are inserted between the trunk and the pipe.
  • A bicycle can be transported on the roof of a car, but this requires special fastenings and clamps (the option “on its side” will not work here). By the way, today there are fasteners that allow you to transport your two-wheeled friend on the tailgate or even on the rear bumper (spare wheel).
  • Plywood (sheets of chipboard, OSB, etc.) must be loaded and secured very carefully. The driving speed should not exceed 50 km/h. Otherwise, windage may occur, which contributes to the lifting of the front of the car and loss of controllability. In addition, there is no guarantee that the top trunk of the car will be able to withstand the additional load. It is advisable to secure such a load with high-quality ropes (rubber is not suitable as a material). But that's not all. It is advisable to fasten the sheets together using clamps. At the same time, it is worth stopping the car from time to time and periodically checking the quality of securing the cargo to the trunk. It is better to turn off the music during transportation in order to be aware of the entire road situation.
  • Furniture. If you need to transport something very bulky, for example, a large closet, then it is advisable to disassemble it. In this case, the dimensions will be smaller and it will be more convenient to mount. The same requirement applies to a number of other pieces of furniture, for example, the same sofa.
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