Recycling a car: procedure, what is needed

Disposal of a vehicle is necessary to ensure its safe destruction. If you leave your car in the yard or on the roadway and then “forget” about it, after some time toxic substances from the vehicle will enter the air and soil. During recycling, the vehicle is dismantled by employees of a special organization, then all materials (metal, glass, plastic, etc.) are sorted and sent for recycling. After recycling your old car, you will be freed from the need to pay annual vehicle tax.

You can dispose of a car even if there is practically nothing left of it.

Disposal can be done:

  • if the car was sold under a power of attorney, but the new owner did not come to the traffic police department to take care of the procedure for registering the vehicle (the seller in this case is forced to dispose of his car in order not to pay transport tax);
  • in case of wear and tear of the vehicle;
  • if the car was stolen.

On September 1, 2012, Federal Law No. 128 “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Production and Consumption Waste” came into force. It states that the disposal fee must be paid:

  • by car manufacturers in Russia before their introduction into operation in our country;
  • at a customs point when importing a vehicle into Russia (applies to legal entities and individuals);
  • when purchasing a vehicle from persons who are exempt from paying the recycling fee.

When importing a car into Russia, the disposal fee is paid to the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, in all other situations - to the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

A note indicating payment of a fee for its disposal is placed in the vehicle passport. Without it, the car will not be registered with the traffic police. The list of categories of persons who are exempt from paying the fee is specified in paragraph 6 of Art. 24.1 Federal Law No. 89 “On production and consumption waste”.

It should be remembered: if a vehicle is deregistered with the traffic police, then driving it is not allowed; you can only transport it using a tow truck.

How to recycle an old car

The general algorithm for car recycling is as follows:

  1. First, you should deregister it with the traffic police. Many vehicle collection points for recycling purposes require a certificate of deregistration of the vehicle. To obtain it, you will need a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a certificate of state registration of the car, a passport and license plates for it, as well as an application written in the approved form. In this case, there is no need to provide the vehicle for inspection.
  2. Then you need to hand over the car to a collection point. To do this, you must sign an agreement with the organization for its disposal. This service is usually provided free of charge, but in some cases a fee is charged for accepting a vehicle weighing less than 0.8 tons.
  3. Then you need to make an appointment with the traffic police. This can be done online using the websites, Autocode or the State Services portal. You must obtain a certificate from the traffic police department stating that the car has been deregistered due to its disposal.

A car can be deregistered in one of the following cases:

  • the buyer of the vehicle did not register it in his name within the approved period (according to the law, it is up to 10 days);
  • in accordance with the state recycling program;
  • in case of theft and illegal actions in relation to the car;
  • when moving from the country in which the car owner lived for a long period to another state (in the future, the owner must register the vehicle in the country of his residence).

Registration procedure:

  • First, you will need to personally contact the traffic police department / register in an electronic queue (bringing the vehicle for inspection to the traffic police is not required);
  • then you should write an application in the prescribed form, present copies and originals of the necessary documents;
  • Once the application is accepted, a certificate will be issued.

You have the right to dismantle the car yourself, subsequently selling it for parts, or contact a vehicle recycling company.

If you are applying to a private company, you will need to present a certificate from the traffic police. The application should indicate the name of the traffic police department, your last name, first name and patronymic, the reason for deregistration of the car (in this case - disposal), information about the model and make of the car, VIN number, state marks, year of manufacture (from the passport for your vehicle) , information from the car owner’s passport and other information about the vehicle.

Conditions in different companies may be different, so I recommend that you clarify them immediately when applying.

After registration, you will be issued a disposal certificate (certificate), which will confirm the fact of destruction of the vehicle.

Is it allowed to drive a salvaged vehicle?

Before the new scrapping procedure, owners often deregistered a car, ostensibly for scrapping, but in fact in order to avoid paying transport tax on it. Meanwhile, the car was left in the yard or at the dacha and was not destroyed. If your car was deregistered by the traffic police, but not disposed of, then driving it is prohibited by law.

Responsibility for driving a vehicle without registration is regulated by Chapter 12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. This is what happens if you drive a previously written off car:

  • For driving a written-off car for the first time, you will have to pay a fine of 500-800 rubles.
  • The penalty for repeatedly driving a scrapped car is a fine of 5,000 rubles. or deprivation of driving privileges for a period of one to three months.

Is it possible to restore documents to the traffic police?

Restoring documents for a deregistered car will not be a big problem. You will need:

  1. Collect the necessary documents for the car for the traffic police.
  2. Pay duties.
  3. Pass MOT.
  4. Apply for compulsory motor liability insurance.
  5. Present the car to the traffic police for inspection and verification of license plates.

Disposal of a car by proxy

A power of attorney for disposal is required to deregister a vehicle if the owner is unable to come to the traffic police in person. It is important that this document is drawn up correctly, in accordance with the approved requirements.

The power of attorney from the legal entity should indicate:

  • No. and date of its compilation;
  • name and address of the organization;
  • Full name and position of the principal;
  • Full name, address and information specified in the passport of the authorized representative;
  • registration office of the traffic police, where it is planned to issue a certificate;
  • vehicle data (make, number, VIN code, year of manufacture of the vehicle, chassis, engine and body number);
  • vehicle registration certificate, its passport;
  • validity period (for 1 year);
  • signature of the principal and the authorized representative.

An owner who wants to scrap a vehicle can only submit a completed recycling application and a passport. If he cannot complete the procedure on his own, then he issues a power of attorney to his representative, and a notary certifies it. A power of attorney from an individual must indicate: the place and date of preparation, passport details of the owner, the address of the authorized person and the principal, the traffic police department in which the document will be drawn up, information about the vehicle, the car’s passport number and its registration certificate, as well as the period within whose power of attorney is valid. The document must contain the signatures of both parties.

What are the conditions for car disposal, as well as a list of necessary documents?

Today, there are several basic conditions under which it is possible to contact a vehicle recycling company:

  • aging of the vehicle and its complete wear and tear;
  • the vehicle was stolen by criminals;
  • reducing the level of accidents on the roads by recycling fairly old cars.

The list of mandatory documents that a car owner must provide to start the registration procedure includes:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation - the owner of the car;
  • registration certificate of the car itself, its title, as well as its license plates;
  • completed certificate in accordance with the requirements of current legislation.

The vehicle itself is not required to be made available to a traffic police inspector for inspection.

The owner of the vehicle must remember that after the procedure for deregistering it at the traffic police office is completed, further driving of the vehicle is impossible. If it is necessary to transport the car, you will need to call a tow truck.

Disposal according to a special program

The state car recycling program in Russia was launched in 2010, but it is still in effect: for example, 10 billion rubles were allocated for its implementation in 2020. The goal is to increase sales of Russian cars by providing subsidies for the purchase of new cars instead of old ones. The recycling program is suitable only for those who own an old vehicle and do not use it. If you participate in it, you can spend the funds received from scrapping an unnecessary car only to purchase another vehicle.

The program is available to both individuals and legal entities. You must own a vehicle (passenger car, large car, jeep or bus) for at least 6 months. New cars cannot be scrapped. The program participant must present a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation; the car will not be recycled without a dealer (the cost of its services is approximately 10 thousand rubles). The maximum discount amount is 50,000 – 350,000 rubles. The minimum amount is paid for passenger vehicles, the maximum for trucks. Under this program you can buy GAZ, VAZ, UAZ cars, some Ford, Opel, Volkswagen, Nissan, SsangYong, Renault models.

The procedure for scrapping a car under a special program

The state, starting in 2010, announced the introduction of a special program for the recycling of used cars. The main objective of this project is to motivate domestic motorists to purchase vehicles produced by Russian manufacturers. This motivation is achieved by issuing special discounts to those buyers who purchase new domestic cars, exchanging them for used models. Moreover, this discount is provided in the form of payment to the car enthusiast, but the funds received by him can be spent purely on the purchase of a new vehicle.

In addition, to take part in this project, a motorist must meet the following mandatory conditions:

  • own a vehicle for at least six months;
  • be an individual or legal entity;
  • own a used vehicle;
  • have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • use the services of a special dealer, without whose participation the car will not be accepted for recycling (the average cost of such a dealer’s services is 10 thousand rubles).

This program works for cars, trucks, buses and SUVs. When recycling a used car, a car enthusiast can count on a discount ranging from 50 to 350 thousand rubles.

Delivery for recycling according to the program with the help of a dealer

If you contact a participating car dealer, they will be responsible for all paperwork. You can sign an agreement with him for the purchase of a new vehicle.

A car dealer can provide a discount for purchasing a car in the form of a certificate or in cash.

The procedure is simple:

  • execution of a power of attorney for the dealership (this is necessary in order to transfer the old car to them for scrap);
  • execution of an agreement with the dealer, which indicates that the car is transferred to the dealer in order to deregister the vehicle for disposal;
  • transfer of a power of attorney and a car, receipt of an act of acceptance and transfer of the vehicle.

Frequently asked questions and answers

  • Is it possible to scrap it through State Services? Through “State Services” you can only sign up to remove the car from the traffic police register after its physical disposal.
  • Is it possible to dispose of a car without documents or the car itself? You can, but when you deregister the car with the traffic police, you will have to write an explanation why there were no papers for the car. If the car itself is not there, then there is nothing to dispose of. To remove it from registration, we go to the traffic police, write there an application to terminate the registration and explain the reasons for the absence of the car.
  • Can I sell or exchange a certificate for a discount under the state program if I do not plan to buy a new car? No, the certificate is not a means of payment; in itself it has value only in car dealerships that participate in the state program. With it you can only get the right to a discount, the amount of which is determined at the time of purchase of a new car.
  • Is it possible to buy a used car under the state program? Unfortunately, the state promotes the purchase of only new cars of a small range of models and brands. The government's main goal is to increase demand for cars from domestic manufacturers.
  • How do you know if a car has been scrapped? You just need to rewrite the VIN number of the car and the history of any car can be found out via the Internet: on the official website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate or in the Autocode application.
    It is possible to request information about the car from the traffic police, but this is only available to the owners.

Recycling a vehicle is a fairly simple process and does not require going through numerous authorities with a mountain of papers, as one might think. Use this service under the government program and buy new cars while it is still relevant.

Disposal without documents, license plates or the vehicle itself

If you own a car, but do not have documents for it, then you have the right to dispose of the car if you have a passport. Other documents, including license plates, will be provided.

If you don't have a car, then the situation is different. It happens that the new owner to whom the vehicle was sold is in no hurry to pay the transport tax and does not re-register it within 10 days. In this case, a tax receipt will be sent to you, since you remain the actual owner of the car. After registering the disposal of the car with the traffic police, you will get rid of these obligations to the tax office. To do this, you need to go to the traffic police and fill out an application for scrapping the vehicle. After this, the car will be stopped at the traffic police post and sent to the impound area.

Once a vehicle is deregistered for recycling, it cannot be re-registered.

Reasons for scrapping a car

Owners decide to write off vehicles in the following situations:

  1. A car (car, truck, bus, trailer, or even motorcycle) is completely out of order, and repairing it will cost more than restoring it to working capacity. In addition, the car owner may pursue the goal of getting rid of taxes for a vehicle he does not use.
  2. The car was sold under a sales contract, but the new owner does not comply with the terms of the contract - he does not register the car in his name and does not pay transport tax. Payments fall on the seller, who decides that it is easier to dispose of the car than to solve the problem with an unscrupulous buyer.
  3. The car was stolen and has not yet been found. However, the owner is still required to pay taxes on the vehicle.

Each of the three problems can be solved by recycling the car. Moreover, for the first case, certain nuances may arise. The machine may be scrapped completely or some of its parts may be sold by the owner. And the issue of a car sold by proxy and its theft is resolved in almost the same way.

Disposal cost

There is no need to pay a state fee for the disposal procedure; it is a free service. However, there is one “but”: after deregistering the car, you cannot drive it, so you need to use the services of a tow truck to deliver the vehicle to the reception site. In accordance with Federal Law No. 89-FZ of June 24, 1998 “On Production and Consumption Waste,” licensed centers provide recycling services free of charge if a recycling fee has been paid for the vehicle. It should be remembered that this fee does not need to be paid for a car if its passport was issued before 2012.

How to properly scrap a car at the traffic police

In order to increase demand for new vehicles, car manufacturers are massively introducing recycling programs. Within their framework, a car owner can hand over a used car to a car dealer and in return receive a discount on a new vehicle in accordance with the conditions applicable to a particular manufacturer. You can find out about such programs on the websites of automobile manufacturers and in car dealerships, but this recycling option is suitable only for those who intend to purchase a new car.

If there is no such intention, the vehicle owner must contact a specialized private organization that provides such services on a paid basis and has a license for the relevant type of activity issued by Rosprirodnadzor. The list of such organizations in the capital includes:

  1. Ecotechprom.
  2. Mosavtokholod.
  3. Second aluminum product.
  4. Engineering Center-Polygon.
  5. Vtormet.
  6. Vtorstal.
  7. Vtorchermet NLMK Center.
  8. Oris Prom.

All of the companies described above are recycling sites that you can contact without intending to buy a new vehicle. They will conclude an agreement with the owner, pick up the car and issue an appropriate certificate.

Can a car abandoned in the yard or on the street be disposed of?

If the car is abandoned on the street or in the yard, there is such a possibility.

For example, in Moscow a resolution has been adopted that if a car is located on the roadway or in the yard for more than 1 month, and the owner cannot be identified, then the vehicle is disposed of.

Such vehicles are identified through complaints from citizens and during special raids. The owners are searched for within 14 days through the traffic police departments. If within 3 months the car owner does not present documents confirming that he is the owner of the car, does not pay the fine and does not pick up the car, then the vehicle will be disposed of. A commission consisting of traffic police and housing and communal services officers, as well as a representative of the local government and an OATI employee is authorized to make such a decision.

How to check if a car is scrapped

To ensure that your vehicle has not been scrapped, you can use one of several options:

  • request vehicle data on the traffic police website;
  • use the Autocode service;
  • use other sites.

The verification can be performed using the vehicle's VIN code, its chassis number or vehicle registration number.

In general, it can be noted that car recycling is a fairly simple procedure, as well as a completely necessary reality aimed at minimizing the number of quite old cars on the roads that can pose a danger to other road users and the environment.
The procedure for recycling a car at the traffic police. What is needed for recycling a car

Duty cost

Scrapping a car costs an average of 3-4 thousand rubles, but the service for cars with a title issued after September 1, 2012, which contains a note indicating payment of the recycling fee, is free.

The exception is the presence in the PTS of a mark about the unpaid fee, then payment is made to the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

Services for car owners are also subject to a recycling fee:

  • purchased in other countries and imported into the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • purchased from owners who were previously exempt from paying the recycling duty.

In addition to paying the recycling fee, each car owner is required to pay a state duty of 1,600 rubles.

Disposal through State Services

To save your time, you can make an appointment for car recycling through the State Services website:

  • register on the portal and create a personal account;
  • select the desired service in the catalog - the “Transport and Driving” category, then you will need to select the “Vehicle Registration” tab (deregistration and registration are in 1 tab);
  • select the item “disposal”;
  • click on the “Electronic format” button, then “Get a service”;
  • fill in all the lines required by the system;
  • at the last step you will need to select the branch in which the deregistration procedure will be carried out;
  • you will need to wait for the appointment of a date and time for visiting the traffic police (information will be available in your personal account and at the email address specified during registration);
  • personal visit to the traffic police with a package of originals and an application at the appointed time.

Under what conditions can a car be disposed of?

If the vehicle owner does not plan to purchase a new car under the state recycling program, absolutely any vehicle can be returned. Neither the mileage, nor the year of manufacture, nor the technical condition of the vehicle matter. The only condition stipulated in the legislation in this regard and allowing the use of recycling services is that the machine is fully equipped. All units specified by the factory parameters must be present.

Disposal of a vehicle with an engine different from the factory one may very likely entail some difficulties. The owner will have to provide the unit that was in the car at the time it was registered.

For vehicle owners who want to take part in the state program and receive financial benefits when purchasing a new vehicle, they will need to comply with a number of requirements:

  • The car must be owned for at least 6 months.
  • The vehicle must be fully equipped from the engine to the window regulators; if any spare parts are missing, they will have to be purchased.
  • Participants in the program can be both individuals and legal entities.

What is recycling and why is it necessary?

The procedure for recycling a car at the traffic police consists of two parts:

  • physical destruction of the machine;
  • deregistering it with government agencies.

To hand over a car for scrap, just contact a company involved in recycling (they have special permits) or collecting scrap metal. Its representatives will independently remove the car (if it is not running) and then disassemble it, removing rubber, plastic and other parts from the body, and send the metal for melting down.

In order to deregister a car with the traffic police for disposal, it is necessary to prepare ownership documents. Only the official owner of the vehicle can undergo the procedure. Before deregistering a car from the traffic police for disposal, care should be taken to ensure that the license plates are clean and legible, otherwise the inspection may be refused. In addition, failure can occur due to tinted windows, direct-flow mufflers and painted headlights. How to dispose of a car at the traffic police without a car will be discussed separately.

The next point is to contact the MREO, whose employees, after checking the documents and receiving the inspection report, will issue a document giving the right to disposal.

It should be taken into account that after receiving such a document and deregistration, it will be impossible to move the car; it can only be transported with the help of a tow truck. Another condition without which it is impossible to obtain documents for recycling a car at the traffic police is the existence of overdue non-payments of transport tax. If they are, then you must pay the tax before submitting your application.

Disposal cost

Amounts that relate to the recycling process are also divided into those related to deregistration and to the physical liquidation of vehicles.

How much does it cost to scrap a car at the traffic police? If a car was manufactured after 2012, its owner does not pay a recycling fee; a record of this must be in the registration certificate. But if the vehicle was released earlier than this period, you will have to pay an amount in the region of three to four thousand rubles. In addition, payment of the state duty, amounting to 1500-1600 rubles, depending on the specific brand and model, is also waived.

The situation is different with the transfer of a car to a recycling company - in the case of transferring the car for scrap metal, the owner of the car may receive some compensation, which will depend on the weight of the metal. At the same time, for the removal of a small car (weighing up to 700 kg), a fee for tow truck services may well be required.

If the car is handed over under the state free recycling program or in accordance with the trade-in program, the service will be performed free of charge (except for payment of the fee and state duty), and the owner will receive a certain profit when purchasing a new vehicle.

How to properly dispose of a car at the traffic police

Until June 10, 2017, it was impossible to terminate the registration of a vehicle after it had been submitted for physical disposal; now the legislation allows the vehicle to be disposed of without providing it. Before removing a car from the traffic police register for disposal, a citizen is required to provide the MREO with a corresponding application, a technical equipment passport, a recycling certificate, a passport and registration plates.

After the relevant documents have been reviewed, the former owner will be given a vehicle registration card or a certificate indicating that the car has been deregistered. At this point, the procedure can be considered complete - the traffic police itself must transfer the information to the tax authorities. Accrual stops from the month in which the certificate is received. However, if taxes continue to accrue, a personal visit with a document received from the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate to the fiscal service will be required. A certificate from the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate regarding the disposal of the vehicle confirms that there is no reason to charge taxes.

What are the technical requirements for a car going to scrap?

The requirements for a vehicle intended for disposal relate only to completeness; the lack of numbers and documents is not a basis for refusal. There are no restrictions on release date, purpose, affiliation or class. The vehicle must have in its designated places:

  • frame or body;
  • gearbox;
  • seats;
  • controls;
  • transmission;
  • battery;
  • wheels;
  • standard electrical equipment.

In addition, the owner must own the vehicle for at least six months.

Is it possible to return a damaged car?

A car that has been involved in an accident, or even one that cannot be restored, can be scrapped at the traffic police without any problems - the conditions for car recycling allow this.

Damaged cars can even participate in the recycling program - for it you can receive a certificate with which you can buy a new car much cheaper. However, this is only possible if the age of the wrecked car exceeds 10 years. If the wrecked car is younger or if it does not have basic metal components, it will not be possible to use the program.

Profitability calculation

When recycling one ton of tires, up to 700 kg of crumbs are obtained. A typical mini-plant processes from three tons of tires per day. Accordingly, at least 2100 kg of products per day are sold at a price of 17 rubles/kg. As a result, the monthly benefit is about 410,700 rubles. The payback of a business project is achieved from 11 to 21 months, depending on the load on the production line and the sale of the resulting product.

If you also sell textile and metal cord, the benefits increase significantly. For example, income from the sale of steel cord and fuel oil output per month can reach 375,000 rubles. Textile cord is sold for at least 2 thousand rubles. ton. It is used for the manufacture of fiber-reinforced concrete, sports equipment, material for plugging wells, etc.

When developing a business plan, consider sources of raw materials and ways to sell products. In Russia, the processing of tires is not very developed. Therefore, you can find your niche in this business. The lack of funds to start tire recycling can be filled with subsidies based on regional or national environmental programs. Also, like a small business, such production, with proper organizational and legal registration, can have preferential taxation or tax holidays.

How much can you earn by investing in vintage cars?

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Usually, a new car immediately loses some percentage of its value after leaving the dealership, but it also happens the other way around, the value of the car only increases over time. This is what happens with classic retro cars. Many collectors and connoisseurs of such things as cars, art, luxury wines and other alcohol say: if you have something that is no longer produced, then the price of this item will constantly rise, and if you understand this issue, you can do a good job make money from this.

It's true that over the past ten years the prices of many classic cars have risen between 400% and 700%, some models more than others, but the growth is impressive either way.

For example, the price of a classic Porsche 911 Turbo 930 has increased by 50% over the past year.

Porsche 911 Turbo

And the cost of Mercedes Pagoda during this time increased by about 40%.

Mercedes Pagoda

Don't forget about the domestic auto industry. So the Soviet car GAZ Chaika rises in price by the same 50% per year.

Soviet GAZ-13 Chaika

Also, among Soviet retro cars, government brands of cars ZIL and ZIS are highly valued. Their value is growing every year.

Soviet ZIL 4112RSSoviet ZIS 110

Today, there are still quite a lot of similar cars left in Russian cities, gathering dust in garages. Many of them require repair and restoration, but there are examples among them that are in excellent condition. If you approach this issue from an investment point of view, you can organize your own business. If you look around Russian cities for similar examples, in most cases you can buy them for a small price, since most likely they will require repairs. After purchasing, start restoring the car, and then sell it at auction for good money.

Such an investment can pay off tenfold; the final price at the auction depends on the condition of the car and how many original spare parts are present in it. This also includes rare motorcycles and other equipment. Sometimes, by rummaging through unnecessary old junk, you can find things that will bring you huge income.

How to submit an application to the traffic police if there are no documents

To submit an application to the inspectorate to deregister a vehicle due to disposal, you will definitely need a passport of the owner of the vehicle. The rest of the information is stored in the department’s database, so the availability of title documents for transport and government. numbers are desirable, but not required. The inspector has the right to demand clarification regarding the lack of documentation. It is important to understand that vehicle disposal is an irreversible process; if somehow you managed to save the vehicle and deregister it upon disposal, then it will be impossible to reverse the decision.

To save time, you can also use the submission of an application on the State Services portal.

How to scrap a car if it is registered to a legal entity

Disposal of a car that is on the balance sheet of a legal entity takes place in stages, the vehicle must be written off, a number of measures are taken for this, and then transferred to a licensed company for scrap.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Conduct a technical examination of the vehicle and provide an opinion.
  2. The head of the organization issues an order to dispose of the vehicle.
  3. They enter into an agreement with a company that liquidates the car.
  4. They deliver vehicles for recycling.
  5. They receive an act of destruction of the vehicle.
  6. The car is removed from the transport register.

Some recycling companies also conduct an examination of the condition of the vehicle and also make a conclusion about its residual value; this significantly speeds up the process of scrapping the vehicle.

The following documentation is submitted to the state inspection:

  • Application for deregistration of a vehicle.
  • Car inspection report.
  • Order to write off from the balance sheet.
  • Certificate of disposal.
  • Legal documents.
  • Power of attorney and identification card of the person involved in the withdrawal procedure.
  • State vehicle numbers.

After the disposal procedure, you will have to pay vehicle tax for a full month.

Rules for vehicles sold by proxy

Having sold their car by proxy, the former owners are faced with a situation where an unscrupulous buyer does not pay taxes. Another scenario is that the new owner wants to scrap the car.

There are several ways to solve the problem.

  1. To hand over a car purchased by power of attorney for scrap, also issue a power of attorney for disposal.
  2. Register the vehicle as your property and dispose of it at your own discretion.
  3. If the vehicle has been resold and there is no contact with the new owner, write a report of theft with subsequent deregistration (liability for false information cannot be excluded).

The correct thing to do would be to contact the state traffic police; department employees will tell you how best to get out of the current situation.

State recycling program: how it works, how much you can get

The state program was launched 9 years ago and is now actively used by car enthusiasts. The program conditions are as follows:

  1. The owner must have documents for the vehicle;
  2. A citizen owns a car for more than six months;
  3. The car meets the technical requirements. The machine must be running, not over-equipped or repaired with parts from other brands;
  4. The owner is a citizen of Russia.

The machine must have:

  1. Gearbox;
  2. Battery;
  3. Engine;
  4. Dashboard;
  5. Body;
  6. seat;
  7. Wheels.

Expert opinion


Automotive lawyer with 10 years of experience!

IMPORTANT! The conditions are determined by the center, and the list of requirements can be supplemented. You can only buy a car if it is assembled in Russia. The list of brands includes domestic cars, as well as foreign cars that are assembled in Russia.

According to data from official websites, you can buy brands:

  1. Lada;
  2. UAZ, GAZ;
  3. Ford; Nissan; Opel; Renault; Peugeot; Volkswagen, etc.

The amount of compensation differs depending on the brand. Discounts range from 40 thousand to 350 thousand. You can buy a passenger car at a discount from 40-175 thousand; SUV from 90 to 140; truck from 90-350 thousand rubles.

The car is delivered to the dealership by tow truck. The program can only be used by Russian citizens.

To participate you will need the following documents:

  1. Certificate of scrapping the car (be sure to indicate the amount of the discount on the purchase of the car);
  2. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (present a valid internal passport);
  3. PTS;
  4. A note on deregistration of the vehicle with the State Traffic Inspectorate.

Now citizens of the Russian Federation are actively participating in this program. This has a positive effect on the domestic auto industry, which is why the program is constantly being extended. It is better to track news on the official website.

Requirements for rental cars

According to the terms of the car recycling program in 2020, the mandatory requirements for scrapped vehicles are indicated:

  • availability of documents confirming ownership of the car;
  • a complete technical base with the presence of all units and components;
  • fact of ownership by the owner for a period of at least 6 months;
  • The vehicle's service life is at least 6 years.

At the same time, participation in the recycling program will be impossible for owners of old vehicles due to:

  • non-compliance with the program rules or the dealership offer;
  • lack of Russian citizenship and related documents;
  • false copies of provided papers;
  • inappropriate technical base, staffed from different models;
  • The car is either new, or purchased on lease, credit or installments.

The law also provides for the possibility of presenting additional points that the dealer himself can establish. Representatives of car manufacturing plants also have the right to include a new condition on the need for recycling.

List of models

A characteristic feature of the recycling program now is the differences in offers and terms of validity of conditions for individual car brands:

Car makeCompensation amount
Lada50 thousand rubles.
UAZPatriot and Hunter90 thousand rubles.
Pickup and Cargo120 thousand rubles.
GAScommercial175 thousand rubles.
freight350 thousand rubles.
OpelMeriva, Corsa, Insignia40 thousand rubles.
Aster80 thousand rubles.
Mocha100 thousand rubles.
Antara140 thousand rubles.
Peugeot50 thousand rubles.
RenaultLogan, Sandero25 thousand rubles.
Duster, Fluence and Koleos50 thousand rubles.
Hyundai50 thousand rubles.
NissanTerrano50 thousand rubles.
Almera60 thousand rubles.
Teana100 thousand rubles.
SkodaFabia60 thousand rubles.
Rapid80 thousand rubles.
Octavia, Yeti90 thousand rubles.
Volkswagen50 thousand rubles.
Citroen50 thousand rubles.
MitsubishiOutlander40 thousand rubles.
Pajero Sport75 thousand rubles.
FordFocus, S-Max, Galaxy, Mondeo50 thousand rubles.
Kuga AWD, Ecosport AWD90 thousand rubles.

A decline in sales has recently been observed in the commercial vehicle sector. But the car recycling program will significantly revive the economy, increase demand and update the range of the Russian vehicle fleet.

Where can I drop off my car?

You can find out about recycling companies in your locality through the media or the Internet. If you are participating in the state program, then all you need to do is bring the car to the dealership, issue a power of attorney to their employee, and they will take care of all the other troubles.

If you decide to scrap your car for money yourself, first of all study the offers of recycling companies. Having decided on the collection point, they decide how to deliver the car, it depends on its technical condition.

Cars are delivered:

  • At your own pace.
  • By towing.
  • On a tow truck.

The issue is being addressed by:

  • Personally.
  • Puzzled the confidant.
  • Using a third party service.

Companies involved in waste management issue the necessary documentation.

Important! When scrapping your car, do not forget to remove the license plates.

What documents are needed

The company carrying out the liquidation of the vehicle will request from its owner documentation for the car and the owner’s passport, or a power of attorney and a document confirming the identity of the authorized person.

In order to be able to deregister the car after the liquidation of the car and be exempt from paying taxes, two documents are required: a disposal certificate and an application to the inspectorate. These requirements are enshrined in law by orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 605 dated 08/07/13, clause 60.6; No. 399 of June 26, 2018, Art. 8.4.

Vehicles older than 6 years, as well as those owned for more than 6 months, can be disposed of.

Car owner's procedure

If previously, before scrapping a used car, deregistration was required, now the procedure has changed. Since July 2020, the vehicle is first disposed of and then sent to the traffic police with a confirmation certificate for deregistration. This innovation freed car owners from finding a way to deliver vehicles to the disposal site, since unregistered vehicles could not be driven.

Having disposed of the car and received a confirmation certificate, the next step will be to deregister the vehicle. They do this in two ways:

  • In person or through a proxy, arriving at the MREO.
  • Having completed a preliminary registration through the State Services portal.

The second option saves a lot of time.

The algorithm is as follows:

  • In your personal account, select the “Transport and Driving” icon.
  • Click “Vehicle Registration”.
  • They make a clarification: “removal of the vehicle due to disposal.”
  • Print out the application form and fill it out.
  • They stand in an electronic queue for a visit to the inspection.

Upon arrival to the state. inspection required:

  • Vehicle and driver passport.
  • Application for deregistration.
  • State numbers.
  • Disposal act.
  • Certificate of ownership of the vehicle.

If for some reason there is no documentation for the car, the traffic police officer will request an explanation about this.

Where can I take my car for recycling?

The legislation provides for the possibility of a car owner either handing over the car for recycling independently or through a dealer by proxy (how to fill out a sample application to the traffic police and a power of attorney, see below).

You can independently submit an application for car recycling at both public collection points and private ones. The main condition is the possibility of obtaining a certificate of the procedure performed. Without it, it will be impossible to deregister the car. You can deliver the vehicle to the desired location on your own, in tow, or with the help of a tow truck.

When transferring a car through a dealer, you will need to issue a power of attorney for him (a sample can be downloaded on the Internet or see above). The driver must go to any dealership and enter into an agreement to purchase a new vehicle under the state program. After this, a power of attorney is drawn up to hand over the old car for scrap, as well as to deregister it with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.

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