Remote purchase of an apartment: how does it happen and what is needed for it?

Recommendations for selection

If the buyer does not have the opportunity to personally inspect the offered car before purchasing, the main source of information becomes photographs and videos taken by the seller, which cannot fully reflect the technical condition of the car.

When remotely assessing a car, the buyer is recommended to:

  1. Do not unconditionally believe the information reflected in the ad.
  2. Pay attention to personal communication with the seller , evaluate his answers not only from a factual, but also from a psychological point of view. If, when answering any question, the speech becomes uncertain, or the seller tries to avoid answering, the information should be checked more carefully.
  3. Discuss in advance the entire list of necessary documentation that the seller must prepare for your arrival.
  4. Inform the seller that you will come to evaluate the vehicle before purchase with the necessary tools for recognizing damaged cars and a specialist appraiser.
  5. Ask the car owner to take more detailed photographs of the parts you are interested in.
  6. Ask the seller to provide you with the necessary information to check the car for legal purity (in particular, the VIN code of the car and the personal data of its owner).

What to look for when inspecting a car

When buying a used car, special attention should be paid not to its mechanical part, but to check the car in the traffic police database for theft or duplicate. There is a very simple, but no less effective way: take the title and the owner of the car and head to the stationary traffic police post. There, ask a police officer to check the car for theft; this procedure does not take much time and is absolutely legal. Having ruled out this point, go with the car to the nearest service station, where you will check the car for rot or repaint individual parts of the body, and then ask to “shake” it. If everything suits you, proceed with paperwork.

Procedure for purchasing a vehicle in another region

To complete the transaction, participants will need to prepare the following documents:

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  1. Form of purchase and sale agreement in triplicate.
  2. Form of acceptance certificate in 3 copies.
  3. Receipt form for receipt of funds in 2 copies.

Documents must be filled out in the presence of all participants in the transaction directly on the spot.

If the buyer only needs a passport to sign the sales contract, the seller will have to provide:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. Vehicle passport.
  3. Vehicle registration certificate.

Additionally you may need:

  1. Written consent of the spouse to complete the transaction if the seller is legally married . Without this document, the transaction can subsequently be appealed in court within the next 6 months.
  2. Current diagnostic card . You can buy a car without it, but to drive the vehicle to the place of registration you will need to issue a new insurance policy (MTPL), and this cannot be done without a diagnostic card.

Procedure for completing a transaction

After all information about the car has been verified, all conditions have been agreed upon, and the buyer is convinced that the transaction is legally clear, a sales contract is drawn up.

  1. The purchase and sale agreement can be drawn up and signed by the parties to the transaction privately without the involvement of third parties.
  2. Participants can contact intermediaries.
  3. The transaction can be notarized.
  4. Conclude an agreement orally at the traffic police department.

The most convenient and frequently used way to conclude a transaction is to directly sign the purchase and sale agreement in writing.

After this, the buyer’s personal data is entered legibly and without errors into the PTS by hand. If the car has been resold frequently, there may be no free space left in the title. In this case, the car owner must contact the traffic police in advance and purchase a new form by paying a state fee of 800 rubles.

Passing a technical inspection when buying a car in another region

If the transaction takes place, but a valid diagnostic card is missing, the new owner will have to undergo a technical inspection and re-issue it. This can be done at any official service station, including in another region.

The cost of undergoing maintenance varies in different regions of the country.

If the buyer has to drive the car to the place of registration, it is best to undergo maintenance where the car was purchased, because without a valid diagnostic card it will not be possible to issue an insurance policy, which will significantly increase the likelihood of disputes with traffic police officers when stopped.

If you plan not to haul, but to transport the vehicle by car carrier, there is no need to prepare a diagnostic card and compulsory motor liability insurance on the spot.

Registration of compulsory motor liability insurance

You can purchase an MTPL insurance policy at any branch of the insurance company, regardless of region. To do this, the new owner of the car will need to provide specialists with the following documents:

  1. An identification document of a citizen (passport, military ID, etc.).
  2. Driving license of the appropriate category.
  3. Vehicle passport.
  4. Maintenance certificate (diagnostic card). The document is valid for 30 days after its issue.
  5. Title documents for the car (for example, a purchase and sale agreement).

According to Federal Law No. 40 of April 25, 2002, as amended on January 1, 2019, “On compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners,” the owner of a car has the right to enter into an MTPL insurance contract in any locality in the country. Insurance company employees do not have the right to refuse registration due to lack of registration in a particular region.

The cost of insurance also does not depend on the region in which the policy is issued. During the registration process, it is enough to inform the insurance company employee in which region the car will be registered, so that the calculation will be made according to the coefficients of this region.

Is it possible to leave plates when buying a car from another region?

Innovations in the law regarding the procedure for registering a vehicle came into force on January 1, 2020. First of all, they touched on the specifics of registering a car, but drivers should also be interested in the emerging opportunity to preserve state designations when purchasing a new vehicle. In this regard, interested parties should clarify whether it is possible to leave the plates when purchasing a car from another region, how to do this and what the possible consequences of such changes are.

When a car gets a new license plate

The first receipt of a state sign occurs when a vehicle is registered with the state through the traffic police. It is also important to take into account situations when, in accordance with the provisions of regulations, a vehicle number must be assigned. So, the need for this arises if the initiative comes from the car owner when implementing other registration actions:

  • acquisition of a vehicle as part of a purchase and sale transaction;
  • receiving property by inheritance;
  • replacement of vehicle documents;
  • and so on.

Also, the need to obtain a new number may be due to the requirements of the traffic police, if the region code in the individual combination of symbols for identifying the vehicle does not correspond to the subject of the Russian Federation in which the owner of the car is registered.

The car owner has the right to keep the old license plate obtained in another region before submitting a request to the State Traffic Inspectorate. That is, traffic police officers are not authorized to demand immediate replacement of the plate to ensure compliance with 2020 standards.

However, taking into account how often vehicle license plates are replaced, we can conclude that in 5-10 years almost all cars will have individual alphanumeric designations that correspond to a regional reference.

How to get another number through the traffic police

To obtain a new state license for a vehicle through the State Traffic Inspectorate, the driver must fulfill two conditions simultaneously. The first concerns the place of appeal. Thus, the car owner must send a corresponding request to the authorized unit in the same region where he has a residence permit. As for the second condition: the content of the application must clearly indicate that the driver wishes to purchase a license plate from the traffic police. That is, the provisions of the registration request include the wording “with the issuance of a state registration certificate.”

If the car owner decides to contact a department in the region where he does not have a registration, then it will not be possible to issue a license plate with the code of his native subject of the Russian Federation. In such circumstances, the request will need to be submitted through specialized companies that produce plates. You will also have to act through such organizations if the vehicle is registered with the traffic police without specifying the wording “with the issuance of a state license”.

However, in practice, applying through specialized companies is not justified. The first reason is the cost of rooms. If you order them through the State Traffic Inspectorate, the state fee is 2000 rubles. At the same time, it is possible to receive a discount if the application is sent through the Public Services portal. In this case, you can buy numbers for 1,400 rubles. If you apply through specialized organizations, the minimum cost is 2000 rubles.

The second reason why it is recommended to contact the traffic police is the timing of the car owner’s request. If you submit an application to the State Traffic Inspectorate, an individual symbolic designation will be issued directly at the place of registration.

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REMEMBER! Each case is individual. It may be better to consult a specialist to avoid time and money costs.

Therefore, when purchasing license plates in a region where registration is available, you should register through the traffic police. It is important to take into account when registering a car that driving a vehicle without markings implies a violation of traffic rules. For such cases, a fine of 5 thousand rubles or deprivation of a driver’s license for up to 3 months is provided.

Is it possible to save numbers

With regard to the possibility of retaining state designations, the law implies the following features:

  • the car owner can save the vehicle number with the code of any region, even if he does not have registration in it. However, this is not necessary, since it will not be possible to use it in the future;
  • from the beginning of 2020, plates will be kept not by the State Traffic Inspectorate, but by the driver;
  • You can save state designations only after completing the registration steps. The same applies to cases of deregistration or deregistration of a car. Before the law came into force, such an opportunity could only be realized when performing procedures when the traffic police issued new license plates.

The number is retained by car owners for 12 months. What is noteworthy is that earlier the bill indicated the possibility of approving a position that implied the absence of deadlines. However, in the end this option was abandoned.

What are the features of saving numbers

To fully understand how state designations are left to the car owner, you need to take into account a number of clarifications:

  • if the State Traffic Inspectorate has terminated the registration of a car on the basis of the driver providing counterfeit or invalid documents, then the car owner can also take advantage of the opportunity to save the license plates of the specified car for the allotted period;
  • When receiving a car as part of the inheritance procedure, the successors can keep the old license plates after the vehicle registration is terminated. This must be indicated in the application;
  • the car owner does not have the right to assign a vehicle number that is in his custody if the code of the subject of the Russian Federation does not coincide with the identification combination of the region at the place of registration. That is, in essence, retaining the old individual alphanumeric designations does not provide any advantages to the driver.

Another rather interesting point is that the bill previously assumed that starting from 2020, car owners will be able to officially buy the license plate they like as part of an auction. However, such an initiative was not approved, so now it will not be possible to purchase a state designation at will.

In addition to the innovations regarding the possibility of saving numbers in another region, additional amendments have come into force since 2020. They concern changes in the rules for vehicle registration. Therefore, car owners additionally need to take into account other positions, which requires a more detailed consideration of the provisions of the introduced law. It is also important to monitor other innovations in legislation in parts that affect the specifics of interaction between the traffic police and vehicle drivers.


After the new owner of the car has passed a technical inspection, received a diagnostic card and purchased an insurance policy, he can re-register the car in his name.

  1. Contact the traffic police at the place where you purchased the vehicle and register there.
  2. Drive the car to your region of residence and register the vehicle at the local traffic police department.

Re-registration at the place of purchase of the car

Experts recommend not to delay registering a car and registering it in the locality where it was purchased. In this case, the new owner will be able to avoid problems associated with moving the vehicle to his region.

State license plates are issued with the markings assigned to the region, but this fact does not affect their validity.

Subsequently, the car owner has the right to replace them with the numbers of his region.

Re-registration at the buyer’s place of residence

If the buyer decides to register the car at his place of residence, the procedure may take longer. This is explained by the fact that after an application from the owner of a car purchased in another region, traffic police officers are required to send an official request to the traffic police at the place of previous registration of the vehicle and wait for a written response. This procedure can take up to 30 calendar days, the time depends on the distance between regions.

To register you will need:

  1. PTS.
  2. Contract of sale.
  3. Original MTPL policy.
  4. Old license plates.
  5. Documents confirming payment of state duties.

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The car market in your hometown is not always so rich in offers that you can satisfy your wishes and choose the ideal option. It often happens that buying a car in another region is a better option, despite all the difficulties associated with this process. Although, if you follow some tips, everything will go smoothly.

Right choice

In most cases, buying a car in another city occurs after familiarizing yourself with its condition solely according to the owner’s words or from photographs posted on the Internet. Therefore, many potential buyers will receive an unpleasant surprise upon arrival at the specified location - the car may not be marketable or have significant defects that affect its performance and reliability. To avoid such a problem, experts recommend considering two or three options at once in the city you are interested in - if the first one does not suit you, you will still have the opportunity to use “Plan B”.

If you do not have good technical skills, it is better to take a familiar technician on your trip who can help you determine whether the car is really worth the amount of money you are asking for. Please also remember that buying a car in another region may take a long time in the following cases:

  • If restrictions are imposed on the vehicle by the court, executive service, bailiffs or other official authorities;
  • If you decide to complete the registration in another region and go home without worrying about meeting with the traffic police;
  • If the car's license plates are damaged or there are certain inaccuracies in the documents.

In this case, you should take care of your place of residence in advance - a hotel room or an apartment with a daily rate.

Buying a car in another city and choosing locally is highly undesirable. Having arrived at the right place, you will spend a lot of time visiting car markets and other places where vehicles are sold. As a result, it will not be possible to get by in one day, and this will entail considerable expenses. In addition, there will be an extremely high probability that the car inspection will be carried out in a hurry, and you will miss important points that affect the overall technical condition of the car.

We buy cars according to a certain scheme

When a car that fully suits your requirements has been found and the decision to purchase it has been made, you should move on to serious action.

Checking the PTS

Initially, you should direct your attention to the PTS. This document is a car passport, in which the data of the new owner, i.e. yours, is recorded. Choosing a car from a showroom that no one has ever driven before is free of the problem of having a completely filled vehicle title. But a used car could have had time to change a large number of owners, after which there was simply no room left in the title for your data. In this case, the seller must take upon himself the registration of a new title in the traffic police department where the car was registered. This procedure costs 800 rubles.

Conscious sellers should worry about the title in advance, but anything can happen in life and it is better to clarify this issue in advance so that the purchase and re-registration goes smoothly.

When buying a used car, it is important to check the title

Documentary support

The title has been verified and it’s time to move on to buying the car you desire. According to the new rules, which have been in force for three years, you no longer have to worry about vehicle registration, whether the car has transit plates instead of regular ones, or their complete absence. You can safely buy a car in another region and register it correctly at any traffic police department. The main condition is to do this no later than 10 days after making the purchase.

The purchase of a car must be documented:

  • the buyer’s data is entered legibly and without errors into the PTS by hand;
  • the official form of the purchase and sale agreement is filled out in triplicate (for you, the person from whom the car is being purchased, and the traffic police inspector during the registration of the car).

The form can be found on the Internet, as well as an example of filling it out with detailed instructions. Don’t be lazy to print more forms that will be useful to you if the contract is filled out incorrectly. You can consider filling out this document at home, but to do this you need to have on hand copies of the documents of the person from whom you are purchasing the car.

Exchange of documents

Buying a car in another region without deregistration is a new rule that came into force three years ago. So that you don’t have to meet with the seller a second time and spend money on travel, you need to take filling out the documents seriously and make sure that you have the full set of papers in your hands. Buying a car is not just an exchange of money for a vehicle. In addition to the car, you should receive the following set:

  • a set of all keys in duplicate;
  • two contracts (the third remains in the hands of the seller);
  • PTS and vehicle registration certificate;
  • a diagnostic card that will need to be provided to the insurer;
  • additional documentation that may be included with the vehicle.

If the seller has a valid insurance policy, then you do not need it, but he may demand a refund from the insurance company for the remaining period.

We register the vehicle

A person who has just become the owner of a car has 10 days left before registering it. You already know how to buy a car in another region, all you have to do is register it correctly.

During this period, you need to undergo a technical inspection, if the old owner did not provide it to you, worry about insurance, and register the car with the traffic police department. Please take into account that moving a car with or without license plates from your home region can only be carried out after registration of compulsory motor liability insurance.

You can be called lucky if your car comes with a diagnostic card. Even if this document expires tomorrow, it will be enough to issue compulsory motor liability insurance. If you don’t have a card, you will need to apply for an MOT and only then go to the insurance company. For this procedure, you can choose any region, focusing on the most favorable cost of maintenance.


To find out how to buy a car in another region and register it correctly, you will have to read the sales contract. Experts strongly recommend using the most common form, intended for handwritten completion - the likelihood of its successful acceptance by the traffic police will be maximum. Review several examples of correct completion in advance and print at least five copies. It also doesn’t hurt to take a scanned form on a flash drive with you so that you can make the required number of duplicates. The ideal option is to ask the seller to send copies of all documents so that you can easily fill out the required number of copies at home and then just sign.

Now it remains to find out what documents the seller must give you:

  • PTS;
  • Certificate of registration;
  • Diagnostic card.

The contract is drawn up in 3 copies, and 2 of them are taken by the buyer, since he will need to present this document to the traffic police. But it is better to leave the old insurance and the previous sales contract to the seller, since by using them he will be able to receive compensation under the insurance contract and a tax benefit.

If there are certain additional documents, for example, a service book, specifications for additional equipment, instructions, it is better to pick them up from the previous owner. By the way, the story that the service documents are lost is a reason for suspicion - this means that the actual mileage of the vehicle is much more than what you see on the odometer, and you will soon encounter significant malfunctions. After receiving all the documents, in the presence of the seller, make a record of the new owner in the title. By the way, if there is no space in it, the issue of buying a car in another region will be complicated, since the seller will have to contact the traffic police authorities for the issuance of a new document - it is better to determine this point in advance by phone.

Inspecting the car before purchasing

It is best to inspect any car using a pre-compiled list of elements. This question is discussed in detail in the article “How to pick up a car from the showroom?”

As for a used car, you should treat it more carefully. Namely, I recommend checking the car for theft before making a purchase or sale transaction.

This is quite easy to do. You should drive up to any traffic police post with documents for the car and ask the policeman to check the car (for theft and check the license plates). Usually this does not take much time and does not cause any problems.

You should also check your car using electronic services:

After this, you can proceed directly to the preparation of documents.

How to do it

Once the decision to buy a car in another region has been made, the question arises of how exactly to do this. Let's consider the options.

This option is associated with a significant waste of time and money. On the spot, it may turn out that the seller hid serious defects of the car from you, and the deal will fall through. Therefore, before your trip, select several options: if the first one does not suit you, you can move on to the second one, and so on. In this case, there is a greater chance of not spending money on a trip in vain.

Buying a car in another region

The first thing you should pay attention to when purchasing a car is the vehicle registration certificate . This document must have enough free space to add another owner (buyer).

If the car very often changed hands from owner to owner, then by the time of the next sale there may not be any free seats left. In this case, the seller must contact the nearest registration department of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and receive a new PTS (state fee - 800 rubles).

In principle, the seller should take care of preparing the title in advance so that this does not cause unnecessary problems when purchasing a car.

If you plan to act as a buyer, be sure to check with the seller by phone whether there is free space in the vehicle title .

Note. In 2020, the lack of free space in the PTS is not a disaster. You can buy a car without adding the seller to your passport. In this case, a new PTS will be issued when you contact the traffic police to register the car.

If there are free spaces in the vehicle's passport, then you can proceed to selling the car.

At the same time, it does not matter much to the buyer whether the vehicle is registered, has transit numbers, or is operated without license plates at all. After purchase, you will have 10 days to register the car, but this will be discussed a little later.

Buying an apartment in another city: how to choose the right option?

The resort capital's real estate market is saturated with offers for every taste and budget. First of all, we recommend deciding on the purpose of the purchase and starting the search, based on this very goal. For example, if you want to come to Sochi on vacation, then consider apartments located in a coastal cluster or in cozy resort areas. Are you considering the purchase as a promising investment? Pay attention to the residential complexes and apartments under construction that can be rented out at a very competitive price!

Transfer of documents for the car

After completing the sale and purchase transaction and transferring money, it is necessary to check whether the buyer and seller still have all the necessary documents.

The seller retains:

  • 1 purchase and sale agreement.
  • OSAGO policy. The buyer will not need it, and the seller can return the money for the unused period.

The buyer remains:

  • 2 purchase and sale agreements.
  • Vehicle passport.
  • Vehicle registration certificate.
  • Diagnostic technical inspection card. The seller will not need it, but the buyer can use it to obtain an MTPL policy.

Other documents for the car (service book, instructions for additional equipment, etc.) are also taken by the buyer.

The exception is the old purchase and sale agreement, under which the seller at one time bought the car. It's better to leave it with the seller, because... This will significantly reduce the amount of tax on the sale of a car.

Sequence of actions for registration of a car

Next, we will talk about passing a technical inspection, purchasing a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, driving the car to your region, as well as registering.

All of the above operations can be done after the car has been transported to your subject of the federation. However, if time permits, I recommend applying for compulsory motor liability insurance immediately after purchasing a car. If time is running out, then postpone purchasing the policy until you get home.

Possible schemes for further actions:

Option 1Option 2Option 3Option 4
1Driving a carPassing a technical inspection (if not)Passing a technical inspection (if not)Passing a technical inspection (if not)
2Passing a technical inspection (if not)Driving a carPurchase of OSAGOPurchase of OSAGO
3Purchase of OSAGOPurchase of OSAGODriving a carRegistration
4RegistrationRegistrationRegistrationDriving a car

10 days are allotted for all these operations from the date of purchase of the car.

Note. There is an additional purchase scheme associated with the use of a temporary OSAGO policy intended for passing a technical inspection. A similar document can be purchased from any insurance company and is valid for 20 days.

For the purposes of this article, the third sequence of actions will be considered. The rest of the schemes are similar, only the stages occur in a different sequence.

Passing a technical inspection when buying a car in another city

1. If the previous owner, along with the car, gives you a diagnostic technical inspection card, which is valid for at least another day, then the situation is simply wonderful - you do not need to undergo a technical inspection.

2. If there is no coupon, then you will have to start getting one.

In 2020, you can undergo a technical inspection at any point in the Russian Federation. At the same time, the cost of technical inspection in different regions of the federation and among different operators may vary. So check in advance where it will be more profitable to get your car checked.

You will need a diagnostic card to obtain an MTPL policy, which is required to register a car.

Selecting a car in another city with the help of an expert

Selecting a car with the help of an expert is a fairly new and rarely used service in Russia, which arose due to the skew of the used car market towards bulletin boards and the opacity of unofficial dealers. Depending on the price segment of the selected model and brand, you enter into an agreement with a specialized company and pay for the service. At the same time, the company undertakes to provide you with several proven machine options with full descriptions, reports and expert recommendations.

When choosing this method of buying a car, pay attention to several main factors: competent advice, the availability of special equipment and diagnostic services, as well as experience in this field.

Saving time All work on searching, inspecting and checking the machine is carried out by expertsPaid Depending on the price list and conditions, you will have to pay for selection services. In Moscow, the average cost is from 15 to 25 thousand rubles
Technical and legal inspection All cars undergo comprehensive technical diagnostics, as well as legal inspectionProbability of deception It is important to choose a trusted company, of which there are only a few in Russia
Low cost With the help of a picker, you can always bargain with the seller and get a significant discountLack of guarantees Experts do not guarantee the reliability of the mileage, legal purity and technical serviceability of the car


This purchase option is suitable for those who know in advance what kind of car they want to purchase through bulletin boards and unofficial dealers, but are not very knowledgeable about cars and need qualified and independent help. For a small fee they will help you find a suitable car in good condition.

Driving the car to the registration point

When driving a car to the place of registration, either the buyer of the car or any other person who has a driver’s license of the appropriate category can be behind the wheel.

Note. The buyer is not required to be in the vehicle being moved.

As for the possible stop of the car by traffic police officers, in addition to the driver’s license, they should present the vehicle’s passport and the purchase and sale agreement. If you manage to get to the place of registration within 10 days, then a fine for lack of registration will not be imposed.

Another important point. If the car has numbers (numbers of the old owner), then they must be installed in the places provided for this. Otherwise, the driver of the car will be fined for lack of license plates in the amount of 5,000 rubles or deprived of his driver’s license for a period of 1 to 3 months.

Please note that the number must be installed on the “number seat” and not under the car window. Otherwise, a fine cannot be avoided.

Apartments in new buildings

Let's assume that you decide to purchase property in a new residential complex that has just been put into operation or is still under construction.

  1. It is necessary to send the developer scanned pages of the buyer’s passport - the person to whom the apartment will be registered;
  2. The developer fills out an agreement, which specifies the details of the parties and payment terms. The contract is then sent to the buyer for review;
  3. If you are satisfied with everything and you agree with all the points, then you need to print out the agreement in three copies and sign it, pay the state fee;
  4. It is necessary to make a notarized power of attorney for the lawyer of the developer company or for your authorized representative, who can be a realtor;
  5. A package of collected documents, including 2 signed agreements, a receipt for payment of the fee and a power of attorney, is sent to a lawyer or authorized representative;
  6. The developer, together with an authorized representative, submits documents to the MFC;
  7. After the contract is registered, the developer sends it to you;
  8. As soon as the transaction has been registered, you pay the amount specified in the contract.

Please note that if you are married, you will additionally need a notarized consent from the second spouse.

Registering a car

Well, the last operation that will have to be performed regardless of whether you are buying a car in another city or on a neighboring street is registering the car. In principle, all previous actions were done solely for this purpose.

To register, you will need all previously received documents (PTS, registration certificate, purchase and sale agreement, and, if desired, the original MTPL policy), as well as old car license plates and documents confirming payment of state duties.

Upon your request, the car will be automatically deregistered at the previous place of registration.

This concludes the consideration of the legal side of purchasing a vehicle in another city. If something remains unclear to you, you can ask your questions on the SDA Club forum or in the comments below.

We move the car

So, you know how to buy a car in another city, you are ready for all the intricacies of legal procedures. However, you still need to figure out how to move the car without running into certain troubles. The main rule here will be the mandatory presence of the owner in the car - even if it is located in any passenger seat.

If the purchase of a car in another region was accompanied by the deregistration of the vehicle, you should prepare in advance for the fact that a car without license plates will be stopped at every checkpoint. However, remember that the law gives the right to travel in this form for a maximum of 10 days without any special restrictions. To provide evidence that the specified period has not expired, present the contract and PTS - it is better not to hide them far away, since you will have to refer to such documents often.

Knowing how to buy a car in another city with license plates, you will not encounter certain troubles. However, they will not insure you against unpleasant communication with a traffic police inspector. Therefore, you should also keep documents ready to prove the legality of your actions.

Video on how to buy a car in another region:

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