Integrated lesson “Road accidents: causes and consequences”

Road accident concept

The abbreviation road accident is familiar to almost every person, even those who do not drive a car and do not have a license, but not everyone fully understands what it is. This concept is used to define accidents involving cars, motorcycles, pedestrians and public transport. The phenomenon is common, because every year many people die as a result of road accidents, hundreds become disabled. Main features:

  • An event occurs during the movement of transport and occurs regardless of the will of a person.
  • At least one vehicle, self-propelled vehicle or bicycle or motorcycle is involved.
  • One of the parties or both suffered losses in the form of damage to health or breakdown of the car.

It is important to know! Deciphering an accident is simple and therefore many perform it on an intuitive level. An accident can happen on any part of the road, but most often it happens on sections with limited visibility or dangerous turns. The culprit bears the responsibility provided for by law. The punishment is determined by the court, which summons the driver based on the notice.

Types of accident

There are different types of road accidents based on the severity and nature of the incident. It occurs in the form of a collision, collision, or rollover. In the first case, it occurs with moving vehicles, pedestrians or cyclists. Even hitting a curb stone, which caused injuries to passengers or a passing pedestrian, is considered a traffic accident. Accidents are also classified according to severity:

  1. Resulting in the death of the culprit or victim, passengers.
  2. With bodily injury with short-term loss of health, complete loss of ability to work due to serious injuries.
  3. Causing material damage, with destruction of cargo or significant damage to it.

The material damage of an accident consists of the cost of repair work, as well as the costs of performing the functions of traffic police inspectors, providing medical care and losses from traffic stops. They are covered by MTPL or CASCO insurance, based on the issued policy or from the personal budget of the culprit. Main categories of accident participants:

  • Driver. This could be a person who drives a car, drives a horse-drawn vehicle, or is a cattle driver, as well as an instructor who teaches driving.
  • Passenger. This is a road user who is in a car or in a motorcycle sidecar or inside a bus during an accident.
  • A pedestrian. A traffic participant who does not move on the roadway, who may be hit while crossing the highway in the wrong place or when a car drives onto the sidewalk.

It is important to know! Road accidents occur when road users interact with each other or with inanimate objects. Depending on all the circumstances of the event, the classification of the accident is determined.

Types and reasons

A road accident is recognized as an event that occurred with a vehicle during its movement along the route, resulting in the death or injury of people, damage to vehicles, cargo, and buildings.

The list of types of road accidents includes collisions with:

  • pedestrians (a moving vehicle ran into a citizen or the latter collided with a moving vehicle);
  • obstacle (car collision/collision with a stationary object);
  • stationary vehicle (moving vehicles hit a stationary vehicle, as well as types of trailers);
  • horse-drawn transport/animals (collisions with animals in harness or with carts transported by them);
  • cyclists (collision/collision with a person riding a bicycle).

In addition, there are:

  1. Auto collision, which refers to an action that occurs due to a collision of cars or vehicles with a train.
  2. A rollover is recorded as a result of the vehicle turning over while in motion.

The car, despite its vital necessity, seems to be a serious source of danger for others. It is worth knowing the main causes of road accidents in order to try to avoid serious consequences.

The reasons are:

  • violation of traffic rules (driving into the oncoming lane, driving while intoxicated, driving through a prohibitory sign or signal, etc.);

  • car malfunctions (permitting or prohibiting operation);
  • poor quality of roads;
  • drivers' disrespect for other road users;
  • poor level of driver training;
  • inattention;
  • the pedestrian’s fault (rashness and unpredictability of actions).

Any driver, first of all, must remember that he is a person, and only then a road user.

What are the prerequisites for an accident?

A traffic accident is an incident on a highway that occurs due to traffic violations. It can also happen due to unfavorable road conditions, poor quality surfaces or physical ailments of drivers. As a rule, the option when a person chooses incorrect driving tactics leads to sad consequences. “Provocateurs” of road accidents:

  • Traffic violation. One of the most common causes of accidents on highways. This could be an incorrectly chosen distance, a sudden change in the trajectory of movement, driving into the oncoming lane, or failure to comply with the rules for driving through intersections.
  • Vehicle malfunction. Damage to tires, failure of the steering system, breakdown of external lighting fixtures, leakage of exhaust gases. If this happens while driving on the road, the driver loses control of the car.
  • Unfavorable external conditions. Accidents are often caused by bad roads, the presence of holes, dents, potholes, malfunctioning traffic lights, open sewer wells and manholes.
  • Driving while intoxicated. Traffic rules prohibit driving after drinking alcohol. Loss of the ability to adequately assess the situation on the road occurs even after one or two glasses of vodka or wine. A person does not notice the markings, drives into oncoming lanes or runs into pedestrians.
  • Physical state. Accidents are often caused by blinding lights from oncoming cars, after which the driver’s ability to see the road is reduced.

The definition in the traffic rules of what an accident is is documented at the state level.
This is an event in which people are injured, injured or killed, structures or cargo are damaged. Responsibility in this case may lie with any participant in the movement. It is usually detected by the traffic police patrol. When drawing up a report, eyewitnesses are interviewed and all the circumstances of the incident are determined. If there are no fatalities in the accident, then traffic police officers do not have to be called and, by mutual agreement, a European protocol can be drawn up. The amount of compensation is no more than 100 thousand rubles. If the culprit fled the scene of the crime, no compensation will be paid. You cannot do without calling the traffic police if there are victims or an examination is required.


Young men are most often guilty of inattention. Talking on a mobile phone, tuning the radio, trying to discern the numbering of houses on the street, and other actions that must be performed only after parking in an authorized place distract the driver’s attention from participating in traffic and prevent him from adequately assessing the situation on the road. Which leads to trouble.

You already know everything that you have read in this review quite well, but set yourself the task of not taking risks. Take care of yourself and your car, then the grateful road will wrap many, many happy kilometers on the wheels of your car.

Risk factors for road accidents

Road accidents occur on the road most often due to violation of traffic rules. Young drivers often allow them, relying too much on their strength or the power of the vehicle. The exact reasons are always determined by an investigation, which is ordered if there are victims. The main prerequisites are usually:

  • Inexperienced drivers. Exceeding the speed limit, driving while drunk, attempting to overtake in unknown places.
  • Pedestrians. Jumping in the wrong place, moving in close proximity to traffic, quickly emerging from behind an obstacle.
  • Weather. Snow, rain, hail and other circumstances that reduce visibility on the road.
  • Cyclists. Poses a danger to other road users. They do not follow the order, move on the right side and leave unexpectedly due to an obstacle.

The causes of road accidents in Russia are very different, but they often happen due to exceeding the established speed limit. Collisions occur with other vehicles moving in the oncoming lane. In addition, drunk drivers who violate traffic rules also cause accidents.

Why are you fined and deprived of your driver's license?

The liability of participants in an accident is divided into three types:

  • civil (compensation for damage to victims arises in each case);
  • administrative (fine, withdrawal of rights, arrest - liability in case of death or serious injury to people, in case of violation of a number of traffic rules);
  • criminal (imprisonment).

Let us dwell on administrative liability and determine the reasons that could lead to a fine and withdrawal of rights. Punishment may occur when:

  • transport is driven while intoxicated;
  • driving in the oncoming lane where it is not permitted;
  • making U-turns or turns under prohibitory signs, with similar markings;
  • deliberately leaving the scene of an accident;
  • failure to provide assistance to the victim;
  • an accident without injuries, but the driver’s actions violate the rules;
  • the harm was caused to a mild degree;
  • The severity of the victims was assessed as moderate.

Accident prevention measures

The State Traffic Inspectorate uses a variety of tools to prevent road accidents. For this purpose, unscheduled activities are carried out aimed at identifying drunk drivers, as well as other violators. They are punished in accordance with the provisions of the articles determined by the Code of Administrative Offences. However, this is often not enough, since in fact only the drivers themselves can prevent accidents by following the rules of the road.

Advice! Understanding the main causes of road accidents, you should reduce speed in particularly dangerous areas, take into account the weather and choose a more suitable distance from the vehicle in front, and do not overtake a car if you are not sure that the maneuver is safe.

No one can protect themselves 100% from an accident, since it largely does not depend on the will of the participants. Occurs with the participation of cars, motorcycles and pedestrians. It is very important to know the main causes of an accident and how to prevent it. This will minimize the likelihood of creating a dangerous situation and further protect the driver and his passengers.

Road accident diagrams: registration methods

A road traffic accident, regardless of its severity, requires a schematic representation of the situation. A detailed picture of what happened will allow you to avoid questions and delays in insurance payment, and save time and nerves.

Irrefutable confirmation of what happened, allowing us to identify the degree of guilt, is the road accident diagram, the rules for drawing up which must be followed.

There are several options for how to draw a diagram of an accident:

  1. On one's own. This option is used under two circumstances:
      lack of time to wait for traffic police representatives to arrive (congestion, loss of important evidence, etc.);
  2. the participants in the accident reached an agreement in determining the causes of the incident, etc., provided: a collision of two vehicles, no injuries, availability of policies, the amount of loss does not exceed 400-500 thousand rubles. (for Moscow, in the regions - 50 thousand)
  3. Involving inspectors - calling traffic police officers to the scene.
  4. The emergency commissioner is an experienced specialist with knowledge of the legal intricacies of the process of preparing documents after an incident and representing the client’s interests before traffic police officers, insurance and other structures (photography of the scene of the incident and damage, drawing up a diagram, preparing documentation, damage assessment, consulting support).

We draw without the involvement of specialists

You can draw a diagram of the incident yourself in the notification of the incident or by using a blank sheet of A-4 paper. To draw, use a pen with blue ink and a ruler. Is it the fault of the road services? You should start by clarifying the address and exact time, and attracting eyewitnesses (two).

Compilation procedure:

  1. Drawing of the road surface (straight section, intersection, parking).

  2. Markings (number of lanes, dividing lines, road edges, additional markings, zebra crossing, etc.).
  3. Direction of movement (arrows, maneuvers, etc.).
  4. Position of vehicles at the time of the accident (position of each object before and after the collision, use alphanumeric designation and subsequent full decoding (information about the vehicle and damage)).
  5. Trajectory of movement (dotted lines, movement before the incident, braking distance).
  6. Linking to terrain (streets, roads, distance from wheels to the side of the road, stationary object).
  7. Details (traffic signs, traffic lights, signals).

Carefully. Corrections to the diagram are not permitted.

It is advisable to take care of video and photo recording of objects, their numbers, location and damage.

Attempts to independently record circumstances and details require compliance with the format, the presence of a name, designation of the area, a description of the place, the presence of traces and the condition of the victims, and decoding of symbols.

A selection for you!

Download forms and sample documents for motorists to a safe place.

Where and when do accidents happen?

Three quarters of all road accidents last year occurred in populated areas. More than half are in regional capitals. Country roads account for only a quarter of road accidents, but the consequences are usually more severe: people get injured and die here three times more often than on city streets. The most dangerous road accidents are on high-speed federal highways: every second death in car accidents happens outside the city.

According to Tinkoff Insurance statistics, the most accident-prone region of the country is the Novosibirsk region: last year, 20% of cars insured here were involved in an accident. Second place is shared between Moscow and the Moscow region: 17% of cars were damaged. In third place is the Krasnodar Territory: 15%. The most dangerous places in the country are at the intersections of Novosibirsk.

40% of all accidents occur from July to October. Most of all - in August: last year in this month there were 17 thousand accidents with injuries. For comparison, in February it was almost two times less. The most dangerous day of the week is Saturday. The most emergency time is from five to eight o'clock in the evening. Every fifth accident occurs during this three-hour period.

Technical malfunction of the car

Every driver should know what needs to be done immediately after an accident. To do this, the following actions are implemented:

  • it is not allowed to leave the scene of an accident, as this is a serious offense, and this applies not only to the culprit, but also to the injured party;
  • the car stops, after which the emergency lights come on;
  • an emergency stop sign is placed in front or behind;
  • if citizens who have been damaged are found, they are given first aid if the drivers have the appropriate training, after which an ambulance is called;
  • if the case is an emergency, then one of the participants in the accident is allowed to leave the scene of the accident to take the victim to the hospital, after which he must return to the scene of the accident;
  • if cars interfere with the passage of other cars, then all the nuances related to the accident are recorded using photographs;
  • The traffic police are called.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with Corruption of Minors: Article 134, 135 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in 2020, how many years do they give?

You are not allowed to leave the scene of an accident as this is a serious offence.

If you need the help of traffic police officers, you will have to wait for their arrival. Together with the inspector, an accident report is drawn up, and the traffic police officer records the testimony of all participants in the incident, and can also interview witnesses.

Drivers must receive copies of all documents drawn up from the inspector, since only if they are available can they count on compensation from the insurance company.

Traffic police officers perform different actions:

  • identify victims;
  • prepare a protocol and other documents related to the accident;
  • ensure the safety of evidence;
  • identify all participants in the accident;
  • find witnesses or evidence provided by surveillance camera footage;
  • if necessary, they organize the further movement of cars along the road.

Often, car owners flee the scene of an accident, so the inspector’s duties include identifying signs of the car, after which the owner of the car is put on the wanted list.

In total, 428 such accidents occurred in February, in which 58 people died. The most common car breakdowns are:

  • malfunctions of the brake and steering systems;
  • rubber puncture;
  • wiper malfunctions.

What to do if there is a disagreement?

Often there is no evidence of guilt of any participant in the accident, so to establish guilt it is necessary to go to court. The court may order an accident examination, which is designed to comprehensively assess the circumstances of the accident.

To do this, the immediate scene of the accident is studied, cars are checked, and documents drawn up by traffic police officers immediately after the accident are analyzed. Based on the results of the examination, a court decision is made.

Based on a court decision, the person responsible for the accident is held accountable depending on the severity of the damage caused to property or the health and life of people. If there is no need for a trial, then a fine is imposed by the traffic police.

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