Is it worth buying a used car from a car dealership? Pros and cons of this option

What's good and what's bad about a new car?

A car, unlike an athlete, is at its peak at first and never gets better.
Pros of a new car:

  • a new car rarely breaks down, the time required to repair it is minimal;
  • the new machine has a service guarantee, i.e. breakdowns that are not the direct fault of the owner are repaired free of charge;
  • it is easier to get a favorable loan or installment plan for new cars;
  • you undergo a technical inspection immediately after purchase and don’t think about it again for 2 whole years;
  • The risk of buying a car “with history”, stolen, incorrectly registered, mortgaged, etc., is practically absent.

Another significant advantage, rather of a psychological nature, is that a new car is simply pleasant to drive.

Is it worth buying a used car from a dealership?

Buying a car is a long-awaited thing for many, but necessary for others. Those who want to buy their first car have especially many questions. The future car owner is concerned about many things - car make, model, mileage, features. Another important point is to purchase a new or used car. Is it worth buying a used car from a car dealership and what are the advantages of such a purchase?

Options for purchasing a used car

When a potential buyer decides to purchase a car, he has several options. For example, you can buy a new car; this is the most reliable and win-win option. However, this choice is not affordable for everyone. The second option is to purchase a car from friends. Of course, this is a relatively safe and more profitable option. In addition, you can ask your questions to the owner and test the vehicle yourself. It’s more like luck to buy a good car from friends who won’t sell you a low-quality product.

What other options can be offered for the future car owner? You can also buy a car at a car market, which is quite often chosen by modern buyers. The advantage of this method is that you can reduce the price quite well. Here you can really bargain well with the seller and get a good discount.

The disadvantages of buying a car at a car market are the possibility of running into real scammers. Quite often, a potential buyer goes to a car market already with money, which plays into the hands of robbers. It is better to take a small amount with you as a deposit, ask the price and then, when you agree with the seller on the purchase, go home and take the rest of the amount.

In general, it is worth saying that in any transactions related to the purchase or sale of a car, you should be extremely careful. It is important to ask all your questions to the seller, study the offered documentation, and ask for advice from experienced friends. There is no need to rush into a deal. After all, many buyers are fooled by low prices and buy what is called a pig in a poke. Over time, problems with the machine arise and repairs often begin to be required.

Why is it better to buy from a car dealership?

Separately, it is worth highlighting the purchase of a car at a car dealership. The advantages of this method are the purity of the transaction from a legal point of view. Cases where, after purchasing a car from a dealership, problems with the law are reduced to zero. The disadvantage of this purchasing method is that you will have to pay a considerable percentage. But there is something to pay for. Experienced consultants will answer all your questions regarding the used car you have chosen.

In addition, here you can spend as much time as you need asking your questions. To achieve this, we advise you to formulate your requirements for a car at home and write them down on paper.

Tips for choosing

It is important for every potential buyer to understand that a car must meet a number of criteria, the main of which are:

  • reliability;
  • legal purity;
  • good condition;
  • with the required mileage.

In addition, before choosing, it is important to decide what brand of car you want to purchase. It’s worth sticking to your position clearly, without being scattered about other options that seem to be more attractive in price, but are more dubious. It is better to choose several options and compare them with each other, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each model. By looking at the same brands and models, it will be easier for you to determine the presence of any defects.

The main advice for those who want to buy a used car is not to rush. It is important to choose well, achieving the ideal price-quality ratio for you. Only in this case will you be 100% satisfied with the transaction. It’s worth reading useful articles on special websites, listening to the advice of friends and acquaintances, and only then making a decision.

Questions regarding price

The cost of a car is perhaps one of the most important issues in purchase and sale transactions at a car dealership. To begin with, it is worth understanding that judging a car only by price is not the right option. After all, when selling used cars, the same model can have completely different prices.

You need to understand that some sellers need to quickly sell a car in good condition and then they reduce the price well. But there are also cases when an unscrupulous seller simply wants to “sell” a car with defects, wanting to attract a buyer at a favorable price. Therefore, it is important not to make a mistake and not fall for the bait of a dishonest person. You don’t need to rely only on a favorable price, because repairs will cost much more later.

Another important point is the need to find out about the actual mileage of the purchased car. This is a fundamental point, because more than ninety percent of cars have a twisted mileage. Even competent diagnostic measures do not always make it possible to assess the situation. You don’t need to trust books on services, because they can easily be faked if you want to sell your car quickly. Therefore, it is important to be more selective at this point and ask for help from a good specialist who can realistically assess the situation and give the car an objective assessment. Your opinion as a buyer will be formed based on his words.

So is it worth buying a used car from a car dealership? First of all, you need to understand that the place where you want to sign the purchase agreement is reliable and verified. It is important that it is in the interests of the dealer not just to push you a car, but to actually sell a quality car. Of course, the salon employee has his percentage of the transaction. But the issue of decency has not been canceled.

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REMEMBER! Each case is individual. It may be better to consult a specialist to avoid time and money costs.

Car after purchase

What to do after buying a car? The first thing you need to do after completing the documents is to carry out diagnostics. It is important to contact experienced professionals working at service stations and listen to their practical advice. You, as a buyer, should be interested in the car serving you long and faithfully. Of course, no one will give you a 100% guarantee, but it’s still worth striving for.

Having bought an iron horse, you need to carefully examine it and for preventive maintenance it is better to take it to a service center. In 2020, there is no problem with this and cannot be. Today there are a lot of service stations staffed by real professionals. If necessary, you can apply for compulsory motor liability insurance. This is also an important point.

What else a buyer may be concerned about is the payment method. Of course, a car can be purchased either for the full amount or on credit. Here's what conditions the car dealership can offer you. There is an installment plan option. This is also very convenient for those who cannot pay the entire amount at once.

Read more about auto loan or consumer loan

So, many potential buyers face the question of where to buy a used car. As it turned out, there are many options. But you should still be guided not only by the issue of savings, but by the real benefits and reliability of the transaction. Therefore, before purchasing, it is advisable to weigh all the strengths and weaknesses and make a decision with a cool head.

Pros and cons of a used car

The main advantage of a used car is its lower price. The rest of the advantages of such a purchase are associated with it.

Pros of a used car:

  • you can buy a car of a higher class due to a lower price;
  • after 5 years of operation, most once-new cars can be found at 2 times cheaper;
  • the choice of used cars is many times greater than the offer of new ones at auto centers;
  • High-end cars are quickly becoming cheaper. 10-year-old jeeps are more affordable than new budget cars.
  • Another, less significant plus is that all improvements to a used car made by the previous owner can go to the new buyer for free.

However, the latter is only some compensation for those shortcomings that are even more likely to manifest themselves after some time.

The image is for illustrative purposes only. Source:

Cons of a used car:

  • The first of them is the risk of damage hidden by the previous owner or not yet ripe. When buying a used car, it is better to immediately set aside 15-20% of its price for repairs.
  • A used car has a shorter lifespan, i.e. they will travel less before the inevitable overhaul.
  • Over the years, repairing a used car takes more and more time. Passing inspection is more difficult.
  • A used car often consumes more fuel, oil, etc.

Is it worth buying a used car from a car dealership? Purchase features and pitfalls

The economic crisis in recent years has meant that fewer and fewer people can afford to buy a new car. However, you still need to ride something. In this case, the question arises about purchasing a used car. At the same time, some people spend a considerable amount of time and effort searching for a car “from the owner,” while others prefer to save time and purchase a used vehicle at a car dealership. Is it possible to do this? What pitfalls await buyers?

Disadvantages of buying at a car dealership

  • The cost of the car is more expensive than in markets or small trading platforms.
  • There is no opportunity to bargain.
  • It will not be possible to test the car fully (it is not allowed to check compression, remove spark plugs, etc.).
  • You will not be allowed to drive the car because you do not have insurance. In addition, the mileage increases.
  • The choice in the price category up to 200 thousand is practically zero.
  • Salons do not allow diagnostics to be carried out by third parties. Qualified expert assistance will be offered.
  • Complex multi-page contracts for the buyer.
  • The procedure for completing all the necessary documents will take longer than with resellers. But it is more reliable and safer.
  • No salon gives a 100% guarantee of a car’s impeccable past and quality.
  • A dealership commission is added to the price of any car, which significantly increases its cost.

Land Rover Range Rover Sport

If you have an idea to purchase a Land Rover Range Rover Sport on the secondary market, then you need to buy not one, but two cars, since one of them will constantly be under repair at a service station.

This model, in fact, has only one advantage - it is able to emphasize the high status of the owner, which is why it is in some demand; all other advantages are just the foam of advertising campaigns. This car, with timely maintenance, does not cause any complaints up to 50-60 thousand kilometers, and after that problems begin, which, as a rule, affect those motorists who purchased a Rover Sport on the secondary market.

Usually the air suspension is the first to fail, and this happens for two reasons - regular failures in the operating algorithm of electronic systems and the unsuitability of the suspension for operation in domestic conditions. Moreover, the repair of this part of the vehicle cannot be carried out in every auto repair shop. Then problems begin with the power plant, the engine stops picking up speed properly, stalls and eventually requires a complete replacement, which again costs a very significant amount.

What to look for when inspecting a car

Buying a car is never easy unless you do it once a week. But you need to overcome fear, once you have decided that it is worth buying a car in Moscow. Below is the plan. When inspecting the car using it, you will not forget anything, you will not miss anything. So here's the plan:

  • Ask to check the car's documents as soon as you meet with the seller. The car must be registered in his name, he must be included in the title. The car can be registered in the name of the wife, but the husband sells it. This situation is quite common, there is nothing critical about it. Immediately have the car checked for legal cleanliness.
  • Visual inspection. Check the car's body, look for broken fasteners and signs of repairs. Be sure to look at the spare tire well and the inside of the rear fenders. It is impossible to hide traces of repairs there. You can buy a cheap thickness gauge to measure the paint layer.
  • Inspection of the salon. By looking at the worn steering wheel, pedal pads, gear shift lever, armrests, and driver's seat, you can determine the approximate mileage of the car. You should be wary if there is a braid on the steering wheel or it has been altered. Read on the forums or ask how a used interior wears out. On some cars, door cards or steering wheels may begin to lose their presentable appearance after 40 thousand kilometers. Review the service book and work orders, if any.
  • Pay attention to the sore spots of the car. Along the way, ask the owner about routine maintenance and problems. Watch his reaction. Ask about what kind of oil was poured into the engine when it was last changed.
  • Ask for a ride by car. Not every owner will allow this. Then just ride with him. Let him accelerate, stop abruptly, drive on a bad road. You can go on the lift to look at the bottom and the condition of the suspension.
  • Bargain. Don't show the owner that you like the car. Name his problems, you can always bring down the price.

By following these points, you can easily choose a good car. And after that, you won’t even think about the answer when they ask you: “Is it worth renting a car in Moscow?” Reviews won't scare you either.


Although cars in Moscow are often cheaper than in the regions, you should never rush. Check out the cars in your city. Nothing fits - go to Moscow. As with any business, going to Moscow to pick up a car has its pros and cons.

Prepare to select and purchase a car. Then everything won't seem so complicated. In any case, it’s up to you to decide whether it’s worth renting a car in Moscow or not.

Is it worth buying a car in Moscow registered in Belarus?

There are quite a lot of cars with license plates from other countries driving on our roads. Belarusian license plates will help you save on tax (especially important for powerful cars). If you often visit the Republic of Belarus, then you can take out insurance there. It's much cheaper. But if you often visit Belarus (yes, that’s right, Belarus, not Belarus), then it’s easier to buy a car there yourself. There is no need to clear the car. Belarus is a member of the Customs Union. The car will already be cleared through customs. You need to issue a power of attorney. Have it certified by a notary. If the car was produced no earlier than 2011, it must be removed from Belarusian registration. Then obtain a vehicle passport from the Russian customs authorities. If a car with Belarusian license plates is already sold with a power of attorney, then this option should be abandoned.

Buying tips

To make buying a used car a joyful experience, follow these simple instructions:

  • Before going to the salon, read reviews about it on the Internet.
  • Take a friend with you. Ideally, someone who understands cars. But if there is no such person, you can take anyone, the main thing is not to go alone. This is necessary so that you can be stopped from taking rash steps, plus it will be easier to protect yourself from psychological pressure.
  • Read the purchase and sale agreement carefully, no matter how many times it is reprinted. Ignore the manager’s words that this is the same contract that you just read. There they can change not only the item you knew about, but also any other.
  • Before purchasing, look at the PTS and check the data from it with those specified in the contract. Sometimes sellers overestimate the year of manufacture, and after the buyer gives the money, the car suddenly “goes old”.

To be sure that the car is in good working order and has not been damaged, use the on-site car inspection service. An experienced technician will arrive at the right time, conduct an inspection and help you avoid making mistakes when choosing a used car.

Why you can’t buy used cars from official dealers

The times when, say, Toyota dealers offered customers exclusively Toyotas - both new and used ones - are long gone. And although today you can find different cars at the trade-in site of any self-respecting car dealership, the range of “official” ones still cannot be called wide. On online portals where private owners place their ads, the choice is hundreds of times greater.

This is, in general, completely unsurprising. There is no need for dealers to fill their warehouses to capacity with used cars for every taste and color - there is very little demand for them. And besides, Trade In was originally invented not to “raise” additional money on used cars, but as a tool to stimulate sales of new cars. So it is unlikely that the situation will change radically in the foreseeable future.

Before putting a used car up for sale, the dealer needs to carry out a number of costly procedures: carry out a full diagnosis, eliminate identified defects, return the car to its “appetizing” appearance, sort out the documents, organize photography, place an ad, and so on. It is naive to believe that after all the manipulations the product will “fit” into a moderate price range.

The prices of used cars in car dealerships are an order of magnitude higher than those of private owners. Someone has to cover the costs associated with pre-sale preparation. Cunning managers, in pursuit of profit and praise from their superiors, manage to make money on the same car twice. The first victim is the former owner, from whom they buy the vehicle for a pittance. The second is the future, forced to greatly overpay.

Fresh cars with low mileage

This category includes cars with a mileage of up to 80 thousand kilometers and up to five years old. Is it worth buying a car in Moscow? There are many arguments for and against such a decision, which you can read about below.


  • Huge selection of cars.

Not sure whether to buy a car in Moscow? And in the Moscow region there are many cars. Since you've already arrived in the capital, why not look at the options in the region? It’s always worth remembering this if you can’t find a suitable copy. Not only is there more choice in Moscow, there are rare cars in Moscow that may simply not be available in your city. Even fans of the “Japanese home market” can find right-hand drive cars here that they have never seen in their East. In such cases, the answer to the question is obvious: “Is it worth buying a car in Moscow?”

  • Prices.

Many people go to Moscow to buy a car only because of the lower price. Yes, and at the auction you can throw off more than in the provinces. The speed of life in Moscow is higher. People want to sell their car faster. Or maybe you need to pay off the loan urgently.

  • Equipment.

Yes, often in Moscow you can often find cars with the maximum configuration. The reason is very simple. The population in Moscow is simply richer. People can buy a fully equipped car by visiting the dealership once. Pick up the car right away, having overpaid for unnecessary options. But this will save you from waiting for a car.

There are many different car selection companies in Moscow. This makes the task much easier. You can simply order a search for the car you need. Pay for the service. Come to Moscow only to re-register the car and conclude a purchase and sale agreement. And then go straight home. Always read online reviews about the company if you decide to choose auto selection. This option is suitable for those who are not very knowledgeable about cars or those who do not want/can spend their personal time on this.

But not everything is so wonderful in stories on the topic: is it worth buying a used car in Moscow? Car enthusiasts note the following disadvantages in reviews of car searches in the capital:

  • Fraud.

This is the biggest problem of all major cities. Especially Moscow. There are a huge number of heavily damaged, totaled cars, and there are also saw cuts. There are many credit cars for which the loan has not yet been paid off. A car with legal problems is almost always worse than a car with technical problems or with broken body geometry. Technical problems can be fixed. Broken body geometry may not manifest itself in any way if you do not get into an accident. Study the schemes of scammers to avoid getting into an unpleasant situation.

  • The way to Moscow.

You need to spend time and money on the road to Moscow. You may have to spend money on accommodation and food. This should always be taken into account.

  • Traffic jams.

Almost all Moscow cars are stuck in heavy traffic jams. This even applies to weekend cars. Traffic jams will definitely not improve the technical condition of the car. In addition, you can easily get stuck in a traffic jam for a couple of hours while looking for a car. To get around the city, it is better to choose public transport.

  • Defects in paintwork.

In Moscow there are many more minor accidents, as a result of which the car body suffers only slightly. At the same time, the power frame of the car does not suffer at all. There are also problems with parking. As a result, many cars have bumper scuffs, aftermarket or refurbished bumpers, painted fenders, and so on.

  • Taxi cars.

These cars are not classified as new. What taxi driver will sell a new car, for example, a Solaris, having driven only 60-80 thousand kilometers? Or maybe a taxi service will sell such a car? Of course he will sell it. Only with twisted mileage. And the actual mileage can easily be 200-400 thousand kilometers. Every person does not have to understand cars. Some people call their friends for help, thinking that they will easily help you choose a great option. Only friends are looking at the car not for themselves. They may not notice a hidden fault or trace of a serious accident. That's why people fell into such traps. They still do. They get their money. This is another reason to think about whether it is worth buying a car in Moscow.

  • Resellers.

They are everywhere. Always buy a car from the owner. You shouldn’t believe it if a person tells you that he is the owner’s brother/matchmaker. It is not the owner who can show the car. But he must be present when signing the contract! Let's say you call about a car, and they ask you: “Which one?” Feel free to cross this car off your list. Yes, people even have three or four cars in a family. But why sell several cars at the same time? This happens extremely rarely.

True, now most resellers have separate SIM cards for each car. It’s still worth checking your mobile phone number on specialized websites. There you can find out when and how many advertisements for the sale of cars were submitted indicating this number. Outbid dealers don't get good cars. More precisely, there are good ones, but very rarely. And they usually leave as acquaintances. Better contact auto selection.

Is it worth buying a new car in Moscow?

When you go to the websites of multi-brand dealers, prices immediately catch your eye. They are lower than those from official dealers. Often there is deception in this. A person from another city chooses a car from such a dealership. Over the phone, he is told that the car is in stock, and the discount is associated, for example, with a change in the model range. The buyer travels to Moscow for hundreds, maybe even a thousand, kilometers.

Upon arrival, he is given a contract, which indicates the cost of delivering the car from the warehouse to the showroom. He pays. Only the car will be delivered to him with an obvious defect. Naturally, the person will refuse to purchase. Nobody will return the money for delivery. Not the most pleasant situation, right? Even if you refuse to sign the contract, you are still at a disadvantage. This is what these salons are counting on. If you refuse, you will be offered to buy a cheaper car, which you could buy in your city. This is how negative reviews appear.

Is it worth buying a new car in Moscow? The car dealership in your city simply may not have the car you need. It is advisable to purchase a new car only from an official dealership or a well-known multi-brand center. Always check reviews of the salon online. This way you can easily weed out scammers. Many people have an acquaintance or friend in Moscow. Try to ask him to stop by the center/salon. He will check if the required car is there. Check to see if the vehicle's passport is available. If it is not there, then you will have to spend the night in Moscow. Typically, PTS is produced within one to three days.

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