The operating principle of the windshield wiper gear motor. Good car wipers are a guarantee of safety

What is “anti-freeze” made from?

The main components of a winter windshield wiper are:

  1. Water (distilled) - Unlike regular water, it does not contain organic salts that can clog washer jets and does not form scale in heated systems.
  2. Alcohol base. Various alcohols are used to produce windshield washer fluids: methyl (methanol), ethyl (ethanol) and isopropyl (propanol).
  3. Propylene glycol - used to improve low temperature properties.
  4. Surfactants (hereinafter referred to as surfactants), which are responsible for cleaning glass.
  5. Fragrances to eliminate unnecessary odors.
  6. Dyes that make it easy to see whether there is enough liquid in the tank.

The washer fluid should:

  • maintain the specified temperature conditions;
  • do not contain substances hazardous to human health that can be inhaled in the form of vapor;
  • be neutral to car paint and plastic.

Alcohol as a base

The basis of any antifreeze liquid is alcohol, the content of which is 25–75%. Three main ones are used for production:

  • ethanol (ethyl alcohol);
  • methanol (methyl alcohol);
  • isopropanol (isopropyl alcohol).

Ethyl alcohol
is good, but falls under the concept of alcoholic products and is subject to taxes and excise duties, which as a result significantly increases the cost. To work with such raw materials, the organization must have a license. It is unprofitable to produce “washing liquid” from it. In addition to the high price, there is another disadvantage - a persistent alcoholic smell in the cabin.

For a long time, the most common feedstock was methanol

, also known as
wood alcohol
. It is odorless and has low viscosity at low temperatures.

In terms of performance, it is an excellent raw material, but methanol is poisonous. In addition, methyl alcohol has a cumulative effect: it accumulates in the body. Poisoning occurs through ingestion, inhalation of vapors, and penetration through the skin. Consumption of 10 grams leads to poisoning and blindness, 30 grams is a lethal dose. According to the resolution of the Ministry of Health, since 2000, methanol in washer fluids has been outlawed in Russia.

Today, the most popular raw material for manufacturing and production is isopropyl alcohol

. It is not subject to government bans, but is no less effective in its main quality: as a basis for non-freezing liquid.

When taken orally, isopropyl alcohol, like methyl alcohol, is hazardous to health, but isopropanol has a pungent odor, which will definitely prevent you from wanting to drink it. This applies to any household chemicals: if you use the products for their intended purpose, you don’t have to worry about your well-being.

"Left washer"

Illegal “washers” can be sold online and along roads, costing from 60 to 100–150 rubles per canister.
All of these are illegal methanol-based products bottled in underground workshops. Most often, such products are produced on the simplest “garage” level bottling lines. The police pay virtually no attention to street vendors: all that can be detected is illegal business activity. If everything is in order with the seller’s personal documents, they will issue a fine for illegal trading: 500–2500 rubles.

In addition, goods will be confiscated, but a typical Zhiguli car only holds a few dozen bottles, so such raids do not put a big dent in the pockets of business owners.

Since the sale of such products does not relate to road safety, ATC structures deal with this. The maximum that can correct the situation is the search for suppliers and the closure of such industries. But when one thing closes, something else opens somewhere.

Speaking about the potential dangers of using illegal liquid, it is worth mentioning:

  • Despite the stated temperature of -30 °C, the “left” liquid begins to thicken already at -10 °C. When the temperature drops to at least −20 °C, the street vendors disappear - the canisters are filled with solid ice;
  • Illegal immigrants do not use distilled water - they pour regular water from the tap. With intensive use, the washer nozzles may become clogged;
  • The illegal liquid may use the same methyl alcohol that is most dangerous to health.

Timing relay for windshield wiper

G. Korotaev

Many older cars are not equipped with a time relay for intermittent wiper operation, which creates inconvenience during their operation. Modern cars already have such devices, but they are designed for only one pause time and the ability to adjust it depending on road conditions is not provided. Below is a simple diagram of a time relay, the assembly of which is accessible even to a novice radio amateur. Thanks to the use of a unijunction transistor, the device has independent response time from changes in supply voltage and ambient temperature. In Fig. Figure 1 shows a diagram for connecting breaker U1 to the windshield wiper motor circuit U2 through a toggle switch with a neutral middle position B1.

Rice. 1, Circuit diagram for connecting a breaker to the motor circuit Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of a time relay based on a unijunction transistor.

Instead of toggle switch B1, two switches can be used separately for continuous and intermittent operation.

The breaker works as follows. When switch B1 is set to the “Prer” position, almost the entire supply voltage is applied to the time relay. At this time, the wiper blades are in their original position, and the contacts of limit switch B2, controlled by electric motor M1, are open. Through resistors R2 and R3 (Fig. 2), capacitor C1 begins to charge.

The time constant of the chain R2 R3 C1 determines the pause time. When the voltage on capacitor C1 reaches the operating voltage of transistor T1 (after a pause time), the pulse C of this transistor will go through resistor R5 to the control electrode of thyristor D2 and open it. Electric motor M1 begins to rotate and closes the contacts of limit switch B2. During the engine's operating stroke, until the brushes return to their original position, contacts B2 remain closed. During this period, capacitor C1 is discharged through resistor R1 and diode D1. When the brushes return to their original position, contacts B2 open, electric motor M1 stops, and the whole cycle repeats again. Capacitor C2 serves to increase the noise immunity of the time relay.

With the values ​​of elements R2, R3 and C1 indicated in the diagram, the pause time can vary from 1-2 to 5-7 s. To increase the pause time to 10-15 s, it is necessary to increase the resistance of resistor K2 to 100 kOhm.

In Fig. Figure 3 shows a time relay circuit based on a transistor analogue of a unijunction transistor.

Rice. 3. Schematic diagram of a time relay based on a transistor analogue of a unijunction transistor

The circuit can use resistors of any type, capacitors C1, C2 - electrolytic, type K50-6, K52-1, K52-2, K53-1, ETO, etc., diode D1 - silicon, type D219, D220, D223, KD503, KD504, KD510, etc. Thyristor D2 - type KU201 or KU202 with any letter index. Unijunction transistor T1 (see Fig. 2) - type KT117 with any letter index. Transistor T1 (see Fig. 3) is type MP106 or MP116, transistor T2 is type MPI102. MP103, MP113, KT315, KT342, KT602 or KT603.

Structurally, the time relay is placed in a small box installed behind the dashboard of the car so that the driver has access to the variable handle of resistor R2. A schematic diagram of the relay circuit board is shown in Fig. 4.

Rice. 4. Printed circuit board of a time relay: a - placement of parts of the relay circuit on a unijunction transistor; b - placement of parts of the relay circuit on the transistor analogue; C-printed installation of a relay circuit on a unijunction transistor; d - printed wiring of a relay circuit on a transistor analogue

A clean windshield is very important for the safety of the driver and passengers. Therefore, if the wipers on a VAZ 2107 do not work, this can lead to an unpleasant situation on the road. The article provides an electrical diagram of the windshield wiper, discusses malfunctions and solutions.


Official products

Official production lines are reliable lines that produce both their own products and goods under the brands of third-party customers.
Liquids are produced in accordance with the requirements stated by Rospotrebnadzor, they are bottled in strong, high-quality canisters. Today, the kit even includes a device for conveniently pouring liquid into a narrow neck.

The price of a product consists of many components: canister, raw materials, production costs, logistics, taxes, trade margin. As a result, it turns out that a four-liter canister of washer fluid with a freezing temperature of −20 °C cannot cost less than 250 rubles. It turns out that illegal liquid can be easily distinguished by price.

The LUKOIL product line includes a whole range of windshield washer fluids:

  • summer windshield washers;
  • winter: −5 °С, −10 °С, −15 °С, −20 °С, −25 °С and −30 °С;
  • winter premium liquids in doypack packaging.

Doypack is a special type of flexible packaging. These are stable bags made of multilayer polymer films with a built-in fitting and a rigid handle.

They take up less space in the trunk, and the small neck will simplify the process of adding fluid. And the best part is that these packages contain liquids with unusual aromas of melon and lime. LUKOIL windshield washer fluids can be easily found on our official website.

Design and types

Design of car wipers

Car wipers consist of several components. The main element that ensures cleaning is the rubber band. There is also a tape holder, which together with the tape forms a wiper. The wiper itself is equipped with an adapter for connecting to a leash.

If you look at the cleaning tape in cross section, it has a rather complex shape, consisting of fastening and working parts.

The fastening part of the tape has either two side grooves or one internal one for pressure plates. Below these grooves in the fastening part there are another grooves - for frame clamps.

Video: Do-it-yourself puller for removing wiper arms.

The fastening part of the tape is connected to the working so-called neck. The working part itself has an arrow-shaped shape, the tip of which is the working edge of the tape.

Cleaning tapes are available in summer, all-season and winter. The difference between them is only in the elasticity of the rubber under different temperature conditions.

For good cleaning, this tape must be pressed well against the glass. This function is performed by the tape holder. Together with the tape installed in it, it forms a brush, or, in popular parlance, a wiper.

Car wipers are produced in three types: with a frame holder, frameless and hybrid.

Pressure plates are used to connect the tape to the holder. These plates are strips of springy steel with recesses along the edges, which ensure the fixation of the plates in the tape. These plates are inserted into the side slots for the plates.

Frame type car wipers

Next, the tape with the plates already installed is secured to the holder. The frame type uses a structure consisting of slightly curved rocker arms - the frame. This design has one main rocker arm, on which an adapter is installed to connect it to the leash. This rocker arm is pivotally connected to the working rocker arms. The working rocker arms have clamps at the ends, they are also supports, with the help of which the tape with the plates installed in it is held. There are 4-support, 6-support and 8-support frame wiper designs.

Frameless type car wipers

For frameless holders, the cleaning tape, with the plates installed in it, is mounted and fixed in the clamps of a flat metal spring having an arched shape. This spring presses the tape to the glass, and for installation on the leash, an adapter is installed on a metal spring.

Hybrid wipers are those that have a frame, but it is hidden in a plastic casing.

Hybrid type car wipers

Adapters can be of different shapes and designed for specific car brands, but the principle of their operation is simple. There is always a lock on the leash; the wiper is put on the leash using the hole in the adapter until the leash lock fits into a special hole, thereby preventing the wiper from being removed from the leash.

Some car wipers may be equipped with spoilers. When driving, especially at high speeds, the air flow moving from the hood to the glass can be so strong that it overcomes the forces of the driver spring and the wiper no longer presses against the glass with such force, which means it cleans the glass less well. The spoiler somewhat redirects the air flow, providing additional pressure to the glass. Spoilers can be made integral with the wiper; this is more often found in frameless wipers. Or they can be removable - these are used in frame car wipers.

In hybrids, the protective body of the frame often has a specific shape, which is a spoiler.

Choose reliable products

All windshield wipers are toxic to varying degrees, so remember to take precautions when using them.
Use your anti-freeze device as little as possible in parking lots and in traffic jams - this is when the concentration of harmful fumes in the cabin reaches its maximum. Regardless of the liquid you choose, ventilate the interior periodically.

Further, we can only talk about windshield wiper fluids in terms of “effective” or “ineffective”: whether they wash away dirt and reagents well, what their smell is and whether they maintain the stated freezing temperature.

When choosing between price and quality, weigh all the pros and cons of the option you like. And give preference to quality products - you definitely shouldn’t skimp on yourself and your health.

Refinement stages

It is easy to modify or replace wipers. To do this you need to take several sequential steps:

  • Disconnect the negative cable from the battery;
  • Pull the wiper towards you;
  • Remove the existing brushes;
  • If there is a decorative trim, remove it;
  • Unscrew the mounting bolt, thereby removing the old wiper;
  • Compare the dimensions of the old and new cleaner;
  • Ideally, the new device should not exceed the old one by more than 20 millimeters;
  • Reverse the assembly procedure.

As you can see, changing windshield wipers is not difficult. But with the repair procedure, everything is somewhat different. But following the instructions, even an inexperienced VAZ 2110 owner will be able to do everything with his own hands.

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