Painting a car with Raptor U-POL

What is Raptor paint for a car?

Raptor is a special product designed to protect the body of cars that often travel off-road. The paint composition has increased strength characteristics, due to which, after applying it to the car body, the impact resistance of the body increases.

Please note: In addition to protection from mechanical damage, Raptor also protects the car body from other negative factors, such as direct sunlight, exposure to moisture and chemicals.

Raptor paint is based on a urethane composition. It is worth understanding that Raptor is precisely paint, which, when applied to the car body, acquires the appropriate tone. Therefore, Raptor can be used by drivers to not only protect the body from future damage, but also to paint over existing defects.

The Raptor paint composition can be applied both to already painted surfaces and to fresh primer, for example, if work was carried out to restore the car body. The surface painted with Raptor is not as shiny as after applying regular car paint, which is why it is more often used specifically for SUVs. The structure of the applied Raptor layer is slightly rough with clearly defined grains.

Please note: If you need to protect the body of a city car from external negative factors, you can use Gravitex.

Raptor can be used for application both on the entire surface of the body and on its individual parts. You can paint with Raptor using regular brushes and rollers, or using a spray gun.

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A new technology for protecting the body from aggressive environmental properties has recently appeared on the market - Raptor U-POL. Basically, the technology was used in painting SUVs and pickups - vehicles that are most often used off-road, in forests and mountains. Raptor is a polyurethane-based paint composition. Its kit includes containers with the base material, a bottle of hardener and an anti-gravel spray, which is already calibrated for the polyurethane composition. Raptor kits vary in color. Customers can choose what shade the polyurethane coating will have. Call +7 (963) 711-67-95 and we will share our own experience in detail.

Approximate prices for painting with Raptor:Price, rub from
Motorcycle equipment12000
Sedan, hatchback, station wagon60000
Bumper painting6000
Painting the door7000
Hood painting9000
Painting the fender or trunk lid6000
Painting the threshold4000
Radiator grille painting2000

Advantages and disadvantages of Raptor

There are various means, the application of which allows you to protect the body from mechanical defects. In comparison with them, Raptor has the following advantages:

  • No special knowledge or tools are needed to apply Raptor to the car body. The work can be done in the garage;

  • Raptor quickly sets on the car and adheres well to both paint and primer;
  • The product protects the body well from the appearance of mechanical defects, as well as from other negative influences: humidity, ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes;
  • Unusual appearance.

The disadvantages of the Raptor include, as well as the advantages, its unusual appearance. The rough structure that forms after applying Raptor is not suitable for all cars.

Application technology

The Raptor painting technology is quite simple and can be done by any car enthusiast, but it requires preliminary preparation.

What is required for application

1) Materials

To apply Raptor, you must prepare the accompanying materials in advance. The technological process of coating requires the use of abrasive and polishing materials, hardeners, adhesive primers for plastic, acidic primers for metal, branded degreasers and solvents, putty, rags, etc.

2) Pistol

Also, for proper, even application of Raptor, a proprietary pistol is required. This gun is very similar to a regular anti-gravel gun, but has a number of differences. The most important difference is the ability to adjust the size of the “pimples” or shagreen when applying the coating. With this gun you can create a smooth matte finish.

3) Quantity of materials

The final quality of painting largely depends on the correct choice of consumables. It is best to entrust the selection of these materials to a competent specialist. To determine the amount of materials, you need to make some calculations. The quantity and composition of consumables depend on the area to be painted, the number and thickness of application layers.

Safety precautions when working

The product data sheet states that Raptor car coating is a flammable material, irritates the eyes, causes dryness and burning upon open contact with the skin, and vapors from the composition can cause clouding of consciousness. Therefore, as with any other painting, when painting a car with Raptor, all safety and personal protection measures must be observed.

How to apply Raptor to a car body

Before you get started, you need to acquire some tools. At a minimum, for work you will need: a body cleaner, putty (if there are dents on the body), a primer (you can do without it and apply Raptor directly to the paint), rags, a means for applying Raptor (brushes, rollers or special sprayers), masking tape and paper to protect unpainted parts of the car.

The process of applying Raptor to the car body is as follows:

  1. The first step is to remove various elements from the car that do not require painting. These are attachments, plastic elements, etc.;
  2. Next, remove all dirt from the car body - rinse it thoroughly and dry it;
  3. If there are dents, scratches, chips and other defects on the body, they need to be repaired with putty;
  4. If there are already corrosion formations on the body, they should be treated with a corrosion inhibitor;
  5. After preparing the body, cover those areas that do not need to be covered with Raptor. To do this, use masking tape and paper (newspaper);
  6. Next, you need to thoroughly wipe the body to remove dust particles formed during the preparatory steps;
  7. Mix Raptor as indicated in the manufacturer's instructions. Most often, the product is supplied in several bottles, one of which contains a hardener. It must be mixed with the paint itself in the proportions indicated by the manufacturer. After the composition is mixed, it is better not to delay its application, otherwise it will quickly harden;

  8. Apply Raptor to the areas of the car body to be painted in one layer;
  9. After this, wait until the paint dries (30-50 minutes) and carefully inspect the body for any problems during painting. If somewhere the paint is poorly painted, apply the composition with a second layer.

That's it, painting the car with Raptor can be considered complete. A day after applying paint to the car, you can drive it.

( 125 votes, average: 4.40 out of 5)

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Raptor - car painting.

I would like to tell my sad story of painting the Raptor. or rather even a sad story about a painter

It so happened that I learned about the Raptor probably 3 years ago from a friend; he painted his car black. Since the paint on our car on the roof, hood and body began to look different and quite a lot of small chips appeared from pebbles, we decided to do it. We searched for a long time in Kharkov - no one undertakes to paint with unfamiliar paint. and the stars just so happened that this same friend, inspired by the painting of his car, offered to paint it for free, seeing our ordeal with finding a painter.

He started painting, but he had a lot of work to do and it took, if I’m not mistaken, six months. It may be that it was painted in winter, or the paint was somehow different, or it may be the pigment (snowball from the epicenter), but the fact is that the shagreen turned out LARGE and the doors-body-hood-were different in tone... probably the pigment was all wrong for these purposes after all

We left safely for about a year or a year and a half. but all sorts of Kotskas began to appear. There was a chip in the paint on the hood (even the metal splashed a little) plus my wife ran over a stump with her door and threshold while parking. We decided to give it to our mechanic to touch it up. but he did, culturally speaking, very poorly. in general, now we have a SPOT of shiny raptor with a diameter of 4 cm on the hood. in general, the painting pleased me less and less. but the paint itself showed its good side - when passing small bushes my heart did not skip a beat)

This summer my wife in Kharkov found a painter on Olkh who works on raptors. met. He looked at the car and said that it was poorly painted (they agreed in principle) and he would do it better. the price said 20 thousand hryvnia. I was honestly surprised to myself. After all, from the first painting I remember that about 8 thousand, it seems to me that only the paint came out. I asked again a couple of times and clarified that now it is already painted with raptor, but it is strong and difficult to remove. I received the same life-affirming answer to everything - the raptor was repainted and in 2 or a maximum of 2.5 weeks we could do it like two fingers on the asphalt. I’ll clarify again - raptor painting with disassembly, plus repainting the plastic in raptor black outside and inside, plus raptor wheels (we charge the cost of sandblasting). I get a clear YES to everything and a period of two or maximum two and a half weeks.

SUPER! We give the car back in a couple of days, make an advance payment of 12 thousand UAH. it was the last days of July

then TRASH and FIRE begins

As a polite and well-mannered person, I’m calling in two weeks. in response - your raptor turned out to be VERY strong, we are still cleaning the car. I ask about the time frame - another week. OK. I call a week later and the answer is the same - a very strong raptor, we are fighting. ok... in general, this has been the case for what seems like a month. At the beginning of September we are going to choose a color. After another couple of weeks, I call Denis and he reports that there is a problem - the lady selling the pigment seems to be leaving for a couple of weeks and he cannot buy the pigment. but he will try to do something. even then I was starting to boil... the money for paint was given at the very beginning, the color was chosen right away. I was generally sure that he would take it then. but no... in general, Denis heroically overcame THIS problem. Well, I haven’t said anything yet

time flies... Denis is still cleaning the plastic according to his words. I even sometimes arrive at a strictly agreed time and see a man diligently rubbing something on the bumper. but the whole thing draws me back from SUCH a production and makes me cringe. I hear in response - we are working, here is a man working tirelessly on your bumper. conversations begin that they should finish it - a couple of grinders burned, a lot of hands were erased, ... it turns out to be a very strong raptor. I respond by saying that they saw everything perfectly before announcing the prices, plus I remind them of the deadlines that have long passed. This continues for another month

in total - two months pass, we travel by public transport, wait for a car, I’m already playing every two or three days. in response, everything is the same - we work, we work, we sand plastic. By the way, over the past time there have been 2 or 3 calls from Denis, everything else was made up by me. the second point is that the person did not see any mistakes behind him. that is, I HAVE NOT HEARD AN APOLOGY for the delay even once. just said - thank you for your understanding

Time flies, the car is stationary, and my nerves begin to strain. Having heard several times that in 2-3 days we will finish painting the cars and give them back, I already stop believing the person AT ALL. I am waiting…. but time flies inexorably and it seems that work on our car is still progressing. a little less than a month later we are called to pick up the car

We arrive and I start to look at everything pickily. I find a couple of tiny chips on the raptor, a torn mudguard on the windows (a couple of centimeters sticks out), the trim on the bottom of the roll-down windows is broken (all 4 pieces), I need to repaint the automatic transmission handle, the plastic of the driver's mirror is assembled with centimeter-sized cracks. The outer plastic on the body is partially given to us; the fastenings need to be redone. ALL FASTENERS are torn off on 4 parts (which is at least 3 pieces for each part). It’s not clear how it drove, I’m silent and I’m taking it to be repaired. I want the car back. all external plastic on the body without sealing rubber that adheres to the body. I take the plastic and Denis’s “work” stops for a week)

I call a day later and hear that all the problems with the car have been fixed and you can pick it up. but they can’t do anything with the mirror. Denis himself PERSONALLY disassembled and reassembled - well, it doesn’t come back without cracks. Well, no way. OK. I'm going.

I arrive and immediately go to inspect the car - the bumps are still there, nothing has been done to the mudguard on the windows (and you can’t do it - the rubber bands are torn), there are centimeter gaps on the mirror. I try to press the cracks in the mirror with my hands. CLICK and everything falls into place. I swear and RECOGNIZE and RECOGNIZE the entire depth of the depths, I take the car, I give back the plastic. I give 4 thousand UAH and see the melancholy in his eyes - I want more. I firmly say that the rest is upon completion of the work and list it

Another week passes and I'm sending the car to have the small scratches removed, I need to repaint the automatic transmission handle, plastic, and make the wheels (the car has already been changed from summer to winter tires). Another two and a half weeks pass. my communication with Denis gradually develops into raised tones

he wants the rest of the money. I want the job done. I hear in response that he takes my wheels to sandblasting, which was originally proposed by him. I was surprised to myself, of course, but agreed. that he has been preparing the car for a long time and he needs to pay off people, and for a moment this is 250 UAH per day for the preparer. I ask once again when the car will be ready and I emphasize - CAR. Tinkle with plastic and discs as much as necessary. then he doesn’t pick up the phone for 4 or 5 days when I call from my number. My wife calls, picks it up and says come pick up the car tomorrow. I pick it up in the morning - NOTHING has been done on the car in two and a half weeks, I once again realize the depth of the ass

Denis calls and wants the rest of the money (4 thousand) - he needs to pick up the rims from the sandblasting shop and pay the people who prepare the cars for painting. otherwise they took a VERY long time to prepare my car, and I have to pay them 250 UAH per day. I inform you that I will go with him to the sandblasting shop and there I will personally pay for the sandblasting. he is indignant that who I consider him to be and who I present him to in front of people. I politely remain silent so as not to get into trouble

the next morning he tells me that he is picking up the discs in 20 minutes on the other side of the city and he needs money. I answer that I will come and give the money personally. We agree that I will come and take all my junk (this is to be translated into cultural language) and he will not touch the car with his hands and DEMANDS money. We agree to meet in an hour and a half or two at their paint shop. 20-30 minutes before the meeting he calls to confirm that I will be there. I’ll clarify whether he will. I REALLY want to talk face to face without a phone (about assault - I am against it). yes it will be. To be honest, I can’t help but hope to convince him that I need to finish my work if I want to get the rest of the money. and generally express to him everything that has accumulated. I arrive and Denis is not there, he told me to give him the plastic and take the money. I curse to myself and ask him to tell him to call him back. I don’t even have time to drive two hundred meters when I get a call from Denis - what is this!?! where's the money?!? I said that I won’t make your car!!! and a bunch of other complaints. I can’t resist telling him to come to me now because I came to him twice, but he wasn’t there. although we agreed.

As a result, Denis disappeared. he still had most of the plastic on the bottom of the car, the rims. Minor issues with the car have not been corrected. I have 4 thousand hryvnia left in my hands

So far I bought plastic from disassembly for 1000. The rest of the plastic spills out on the eye in another 2.5 thousand. I won’t buy wheels.

I'm not going to hit you in the face

We stretched all the fasteners along the body - nothing was really screwed on. Baited with fingers and that's it. The door gaps are simply amazing. The driver's seat was installed with a sag of 2 centimeters. I changed and disassembled the wheels in order to give the rims for painting - ALL the nipples were TURNED OUT and simply INSERTED. screwed on top with a protective cap. all rubber seals on the plastic of the machine are CUT OFF

Preparatory work before painting

Painting a car with raptor is not a complicated process and can be done by a car enthusiast, but it requires careful preliminary preparation. If painting will be done over the entire body of the car, then initially you need to remove all the attached parts from the body: bumpers, headlights, corners, mirrors, and so on.

Then traces of rust and peeling paint are removed from the body. It is recommended to prime areas of the body with exposed metal with ACID #8 primer. If necessary, the body is straightened and puttied in places of dents. The surface should be degreased with anti-silicone cleaner S2001.

At the next stage of preparing the body for painting, P80 sandpaper is used to remove the gloss. The surface to be painted with raptor should be matte. All parts of the car that remain on the body and will not be painted should be covered with protective material, using masking tape as fastening.

DIY raptor painting

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  • After stirring, the bottle is screwed to the gun, which, in turn, must be connected to a compressor. You need to adjust the pressure to 2.5–5 atm, depending on the desired texture. Lower pressure will produce a coarser texture, and higher pressure will produce a finer texture.
  • The distance and speed of the gun will also affect the texture.
  • Adding thinner (up to 10%) will give a smoother finish. For this, it is better to use a special thinner, but a universal acrylic thinner will also work. It is not recommended to use solvents as they will weaken the properties of the coating.
  • Experiment with pressure settings and do a test spray on cardboard to find a texture you like.
  • Recommended distance is 40–45 cm (up to 150 cm). A closer distance will produce a larger texture.
  • You can read about how to make passes with a gun when spraying and about the basic principles of painting in the article “Car painting technology.”
  • The time required to spray diluted Raptor is 60 minutes.
  • If more than 5 hours have passed since applying the layer, then before applying the next layer you need to sand the surface a little.
  • U‑pol recommends applying 2–3 coats of Raptor. More than 3 layers are not recommended.
  • Subsequent coats can be applied with a 60 minute drying period between coats.
  • Between changing bottles, the gun must be washed for trouble-free spraying. Immediately after use, the gun must also be washed. The gun can be washed with either solvent or acetone.
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