How to remove pine resin from clothes at home?

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Spruce, cedar and other types of resin do not pose any danger to human life and health. Another thing is that when sticking to the skin, the resin sticks tightly to it, staining everything you touch.

Washing resin from your hands is not a difficult task if you carry out the procedure correctly and competently.

What is the main difficulty

Hands are not hair, but to wash them you need to make every effort. A particular difficulty lies in the fact that you need to get rid of contaminants without damaging the skin by choosing the right product.

It is much more difficult to cope with heavy and long-term contamination when the resin has already hardened. Increased safety measures apply to children, since a child's skin is much more delicate than an adult's.

Why does asphalt tar need to be quickly removed from the car body?

To put it simply, the effect of road resin components on the surface of a car body can be compared to the effect of an aggressive solvent. The principle is the same - after some time, the tar irrevocably eats into the top layer of varnish, and it will not be possible to completely wipe it off the car body with your own hands. Mechanical polishing is required.

See photos of unsuccessful removal of old traces of road bitumen. The famous yellow spot appears after a week of resin settling on the body and, alas, auto chemical products are powerless here.

Household chemicals

Chemistry in everyday life will allow you to clean any type of resin.


  • stain removers;
  • powders;
  • cleaning liquids;
  • acetone and other solvents.

Such products can only be used by adults who are not prone to allergies.

Stain remover

It is better to take a liquid stain remover for colored laundry. You can use Vanish. Apply the product with a spoon to the contaminated area, leave for 2-3 minutes, and rinse off. The hardened resin should be lightly rubbed with a washcloth before removal.


Suitable powder for washing white laundry. The product is applied to the resin and rubbed into it until pellets begin to form.

This indicates softening and removal of resin. After completing the procedure, your hands should be thoroughly washed with soap and lubricated with a moisturizing, nourishing cream.


Dishwashing liquid diluted with citric acid works real miracles. Acid is applied to the problem area, and a small amount of detergent is applied on top.

After 2 minutes, the resulting slurry is washed off with a washcloth.


Acetone is a solvent and you need to be careful with it.

To wash off the resin, apply a little product to the skin and try to remove the resin. You can do this with a soft washcloth.


Before you begin removing tar stains, here are some helpful tips:

  • To prevent the stain from spreading across the fabric, moisten the area around the stain with water and sprinkle with talcum powder or starch. This will allow the stain not to smudge and remain within its boundaries;
  • The resin is always removed from the wrong side of the product. Place a plain napkin (made of fabric or paper) on the front side;
  • to remove resin from a small area, use a pipette or a cotton swab to apply the product;
  • It will be easier to remove the resin if you clean the stain from the edges to the center.

Folk remedies

At home, you can take natural remedies that do not cause redness and allergies.

It could be:

  • sunflower oil;
  • soda;
  • soda;
  • baby cream;
  • lemon acid;
  • alcohol;
  • rubber glue;
  • starch.

Some of them are allowed to be used even by children under one year old.


Baking soda is mistakenly considered a solvent. Although the powder removes resin, it has a tonic effect on the skin, soothing it and reducing irritation.

To get rid of pine resin, you need to mix 1 tsp. soda with 3 tsp. water. The resulting slurry must be applied to contaminated skin and, moving from the edges to the middle, wash off the resin.


Water with gas works no worse than soda. You can choose Sprite, Fanty and other drinks. For mild contamination, this is enough; for severe contamination, add another teaspoon of soda per liter of liquid.


  1. Hands are dipped into the drink and from time to time the area where the resin is located is lightly rubbed.

  2. After 10-20 minutes (depending on the result), the procedure is completed.
  3. Hands are washed with soap and moisturizer is applied.

Sometimes small spots of oleoresin may remain, but after several hand washing procedures with regular soap they are washed off.

Baby cream

Not everyone knows how to remove resin from cones from children. The problem is especially acute in the summer, when children running along the street bring not only dust, but also sap.

Cream for children is the best helper. It should be chosen with vitamins to further soften the skin.

The cleaning procedure is as follows:

  1. The product must be applied to the stain and the area around it.
  2. Rub the resin several times with a soft brush and remove with a dry cloth. The procedure can be repeated until complete cleansing.
  3. Lubricate your hands with cream and wait until it is absorbed.

If it is not available, any other will do. As an alternative, full-fat mayonnaise is used.

Sunflower oil

Oil is another folk remedy that can be used by both adults and children. Thanks to the increased concentration of fat, the resin softens and is easily removed without leaving any traces.

Olive or other refined vegetable oil is suitable for use.

The method of use is simple: the sponge is generously lubricated with oil, and then applied to the stain, periodically wiping the resin. After half an hour, you can wash your hands with soap.

Lemon acid

Apply the product to gauze or a sponge lightly moistened with water.
Next, you need to effortlessly wipe the “problem” area. If the stained area is large, it is best to apply the powder several times and rinse off. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply cream to your hands.


Alcohol is not dangerous for removing resin. Adults, subject to the rules, can safely use it. It is difficult to remove ingrained pine or spruce resin using other methods.

Alcohol is used in the same way as sunflower oil. First, liquid is poured onto a piece of cloth, and the cloth is applied to the area where there is resin. After a few minutes, the dirt is lightly wiped and washed off.

A pinkish spot may appear on delicate skin, which will quickly disappear.

Rubber glue

Glue washes away cedar resin - this is true. The reason is that the composition contains a small amount of solvent, which copes well with resin.

To achieve the desired result, you should apply a little glue to the contaminated area and after 2 seconds begin to roll the resin. You can’t delay this matter, because the glue may dry out, and then you’ll have to wash it off as well.


A mixture of starch, turpentine and ammonia allows you to remove even hardened resin.
To do this take:

  • 8 drops of turpentine;
  • 2 tbsp. starch;
  • 6 drops of ammonia.

All this is mixed and applied to the skin. Use a brush to scrub off the resin.

Note: test review of automotive resin cleaners

Just as in the case of gasoline additives for cleaning injector nozzles, quite a few auto chemical manufacturers have rolled out their anti-bitumen products to the market. There are representatives of both well-known foreign companies and domestic teams.

The magazine "Behind the Wheel" tested products from various manufacturers. The essence of the test procedure was to evaluate the effect after using the drug in full accordance with the instructions. Resin cleaners from the following companies took part in the “race”:

  • Liqui Moly (Germany – 475 rubles/400 ml).
  • Kangaroo (Korea – 330 rubles/400 ml).
  • Grass (Russia – 255 rubles/500 ml).
  • Doctor Wax (USA – 690 rubles/475 ml).
  • Autoprofi (Russia – 170 rubles/500 ml).
  • Astrohim (Russian Federation – 150 rubles/500 ml).
  • Sonax (Germany – 460 rubles/300 ml).
  • Pingo (Germany – 520 rubles/400 ml).
  • Texon (Russia – 140 rubles/520 ml).

Conventionally, products are divided into two groups: fast-acting (Astrochem, Liqui Moly, Kangaru, Avtoprofi, Sonax, Pingo), requiring long exposure (Grass, Tekson). Theoretically, the following is expected: the former do not drain, concentrating the entire volume on the affected area, the latter dissolve stains more effectively, but require more consumption. Practice confirms this.

When choosing, it is important to consider the smell. The procedure for interacting with the drug is often slow, so the aroma should not be strong. Everything is aimed at not causing discomfort to the operator, especially in the heat. The mixture from Astrohim most accurately satisfies these conditions.

Almost all compositions cope with the task with dignity. However, there are still favorites - Texon and Astrohim. At a minimal price, they fulfill their purpose as transparently as possible. Let Tekson complete the task with a significant amount of time (withstand at least 5-10 minutes), but he washes off poplar resin and road petrochemicals the first time.

Let’s clarify how to remove poplar and road tar from a car: branded detergents and reviews about them

A simple car wash, even with warm water, is not enough. It will wash away road dust and dirt, but it will only highlight the tarry areas, nothing more. Even strong chemical-based products do not always cope with their task the first time. And it doesn’t matter whose production they are - domestic or imported.

A detailed analysis of reviews shows that not every product is worth paying attention to. No, tests confirm the cleaning ability of each product, but not many do it properly. The products of such companies command respect:

  • Astrohim (Russia).
  • Hi-Gear (USA).
  • Texon (Russian Federation).
  • Doctor Wax (USA).
  • Grass (Russia).
  • Prestone (USA).
  • Autoprofi (Russian Federation).
  • Abro (United States of America).

It is noteworthy that half of the TOP is occupied by Russian models. Moreover, their price does not exceed 200 rubles. Foreign analogues will cost at least 250 rubles. The price difference is purely marketing. The functionality is at approximately the same level.

The owner of Toyota RAV4, Vladimir A., ​​was interested in how to remove poplar resin from his car for a long time, and decided to settle on a product from Astrohim. The result is this:

“I’ve always used alcohol, but I didn’t dare use it on the new machine. I bought a domestic product, sprayed it on the mark of a poplar bud, waited 3 minutes, as the instructions said. I was pleased with the effect of the product, but a small trace still remained. I decided to repeat the processing cycle. The second time everything really went away. This is considering that the stain was clearly not fresh. I was pleased with the aroma - unobtrusive.”

Where are the Germans?

Curious car enthusiasts have probably noticed that there is not a single German cleaner in the rating. They were excluded due to satisfactory cleaning quality. This is despite the fact that their price is high.

Preparing for further cleaning

Now the clothes need to be prepared for final cleaning. At this stage, it is important to ensure the safety of the clean surface of the item. Detailed algorithm of actions:

  1. Using a dry, not stiff brush, clean clothes from dust and other contaminants. If you ignore this point, you can get divorces.
  2. You will have to tinker if the clothes have a lining. At the location of the stain, it needs to be ripped open.
  3. A wooden base wrapped in cotton cloth is placed under the contamination itself.
  4. During washing, the stain may leak and thereby increase its area. To prevent this from happening, the area around the contamination should be moistened with water and sprinkled with starch or talcum powder.

Working with delicate fabrics requires maximum safety. In this case, any temperature effects are strictly excluded.

How to remove odor from solvents?

After completing the procedure for cleaning the product from traces of resin using solvents, a number of problems may arise. The first is associated with the appearance of stains on the fabric, and the second is associated with the persistent and unpleasant odor of acetone. To solve these problems, items must be washed in a washing machine, adding dishwashing detergent or stain remover to the powder tray.

Another product that enhances the effect is washing gel. An excellent addition to basic detergents will be conditioner-rinse aid. Its powerful action is aimed at removing even the most persistent and unpleasant odors, such as acetone. After using the conditioner, the smell of acetone or gasoline will completely disappear, and a pleasant floral or fresh aroma will emanate from your clothes.

Emergency actions

Such surprises in the form of resin stains are most often expected after outdoor recreation. Any touch to spruce, pine or even some fruit trees can have such unpleasant consequences. Sulfur on coniferous trees is very viscous and hardens quickly, which makes cleaning much more difficult. To remove stains efficiently, it is important to act as quickly as possible. The resin will quickly absorb into the fibers and will become much more difficult to work with.

Pine resin should initially be removed as much as possible from the surface. To do this, use the back of a knife, spoon, fork or any other suitable object. It is important to remove dirt from the surface and not apply pressure. This will cause the substance to penetrate deeper into the fabric fibers and can completely ruin them.

The next step is freezing. At low temperatures, the resin freezes and becomes very brittle. If the dimensions of the item allow, you should do this:

  1. Place the soiled item in a clean plastic bag.
  2. Place in the freezer for 30-60 minutes until the resin is completely frozen.
  3. We get the product.
  4. Gently knead the stained area so that the resin cracks, crumbles and falls off.

There is also a simpler option. It is suitable if the item is too large and will not fit in the freezer or if there is no time to wait for complete freezing. Then you can simply rub the area with the resin with an ice cube. The ice must first be wrapped in cellophane.

In this case, most of the substance is usually purified, but a small fraction remains, which has penetrated more deeply into the fibers. In this case, the question arises whether it is possible to completely clean the item for further wear.

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