Waterproofing of building structures. Waterproofing materials. Categories of hydrophysical load of groundwater. The main purpose of waterproofing.

Due to their manufacturability, practicality of use and excellent waterproofing properties, polyurea coatings are finding new applications all over the world. One of these innovations can be considered the treatment of car bodies with polyurea, which has recently gained enormous popularity.

Russia also does not remain aloof from the latest technological innovations, therefore, on the basis of the research and production group, a special polyurea was created to protect car bodies used in difficult conditions.

Types of materials and methods of waterproofing

Waterproofing materials are usually called a compacted layer with waterproof characteristics, which is applied to some elements of the structure. These materials themselves are often divided into special groups, depending on the method of their integration. Standard waterproofing can be:

  • Pasting;
  • Painting;
  • Coating;
  • Penetrating;
  • Injection;
  • Sprayable;
  • Plastering.

Most common

Paint moisture insulation is a thin film that is formed when the base is painted with mastic, special paint or varnish, bitumen, etc. Naturally, these mixtures contain special ingredients that are in plastic/liquid form. Most often today, bituminous mastics containing fluff lime, asbestos or talc are used. Also effective are coatings based on plastics or synthetic resins. As a rule, before applying these materials they are slightly heated (here it is necessary to use the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding the required heating temperature), but bitumen mastics should be heated very strongly - up to 170 degrees Celsius. This is because they will need to be applied in two or three layers and each must be at least 2 mm thick. But for synthetic compositions, one layer 1 mm thick is enough.

IMPORTANT! You should not use bitumen mastics even in a heated state if the ambient temperature is below +5 Celsius.

Pasted waterproofing is the process of gluing special roll/sheet materials to the surface being treated, which are secured using hot/cold bitumen mastics. Also, synthetic-based resins can also be used as an adhesive base. To implement this type of insulation, the following materials that are resistant to decay processes can be used:

  • PVC and polyethylene films;
  • Reinforced asphalt mats;
  • Brizol, Izol, Hydroizol, Folgoizol and Metalloizol;
  • Glass fiber and glass roofing felt.

It is easiest to use roll waterproofing on horizontal areas. However, rolls with a cardboard base (roofing felt, roofing felt or glassine) are not suitable for the pasting method. The canvas should be installed with an overlap of 10 cm, and in such a way as to prevent the joints of adjacent elements from matching.

IMPORTANT! When processing horizontal surfaces, part of the material must be “brought” onto a vertical surface (wall) in order to increase the waterproofing effect of the pasting. To do this, the wall must first be leveled, because if there is a difference of more than 2 mm, it can lead to deformation and general damage to the insulation layer.

Coating waterproofing is used for concrete/cement/brick bases and consists of one- or two-component elastic mixtures, which are applied in several layers. This method is considered to be extremely effective when arranging swimming pools and basements, as well as when sealing leaks. It is worth noting that bitumen/mastic/sealants are very toxic and can only be used on a dry base. From this it is clear that it will be preferable to use a two-component polyurethane composition.

Plaster insulation means covering the surface in several layers (thickness from 5 to 40 mm) using cement plaster with water repellents or mineral fillers - they are best suited for treating rooms with high humidity (artificial small ponds, swimming pools, bathrooms). For rooms where humidity is particularly abundant, asphalt plaster based on cold/hot mastics can be used. In this case, they should be laid in two or three layers (each 2-4 mm thick), especially in places where there is a risk of hydraulic pressure breakthrough.

IMPORTANT! When plastering insulation of vertical surfaces, the treated areas should be additionally reinforced with brick, reinforced mesh or concrete. And when insulating horizontal surfaces in this way, they are protected with a cement/concrete screed or cast asphalt mixtures (usually hot mortars or mastic), which are poured between the protective wall and the base base.

Maximum effective

The penetrating method is considered to be both the most popular and the most effective. It consists in the fact that the waterproofing layer fills all possible pores of the base, penetrating into the structure of the material to a depth of 20 cm. Thus, the layer simply displaces moisture and creates inextricable connections at depth. The undoubted advantages of this method include:

  • No need to prime the surface to be treated;
  • The applied composition simultaneously repairs all existing cracks;
  • On a concrete base, strength increases by at least 20%;
  • Air exchange parameters are not violated;
  • The surface becomes more resistant to low temperatures;
  • There is no need to apply an additional protective layer.

The sprayed waterproofing method involves installing airless spraying using a spray gun. As a result, a membrane base will be created, which can consist of polyurethane/bitumen/acrylic sprayed materials of ultra-high strength. This method is considered the most universal, because the materials used for its production very successfully resist not only moisture, but other more aggressive substances. In addition, the resulting surface will have pronounced anti-slip and anti-corrosion properties that will last for up to 50 years.

The injection waterproofing method means the use of polyurethane/acrylate/silicate resins or cement and special emulsions. It is especially effective when it is necessary to process various joints, expansion and cold joints, and seal hard-to-reach places. The degree of penetration of mixtures into the right places is very high - for example, acrylate gel penetrates into cracks no worse than water. However, this method is very expensive and requires the participation of a professional in the process. As a rule, it is used along with other methods described above as an additional operation to strengthen precisely those places where it is impossible to install waterproofing otherwise.

How is the injection done?

To strengthen the damaged structure and create a stable hydrophobic layer, REINFORCE drills small radius holes in the body of the element. A selected (cement or polymer) repair composition is injected into them through packers under pressure. The viscous mixture evenly fills cracks, gaps, and penetrates micropores. When the entire volume is filled, specialists remove the packers and seal the remaining holes.

The work is carried out in one or several stages. Upon completion, the surface can be finished clean. The set composition creates a monolithic connection inside the structure being strengthened, tolerates seasonal and daily temperature fluctuations, does not corrode, and does not collapse under the influence of dampness.

Selected technical features of choosing a method and applying waterproofing

Before starting the waterproofing procedure, you need to decide on the type of base on which the composition will be applied. For example, it is better to cover concrete using the plaster method; for wood, the gluing method using roofing material would be preferable. It is also necessary to pay close attention to the following points:

  • Features of environmental conditions;
  • Estimated service life;
  • Are there any special requirements for the installation process;
  • What is the level of installation complexity;
  • Is the future load large?
  • All this will directly affect the choice of material and method of waterproofing.

It is worth noting that waterproofing parts of the foundation should be taken care of at the construction stage. Mistakes that may be made during that period may later require significant efforts in the form of unplanned repair work. For example, vertical waterproofing of the foundation should be carried out using the pasting method. Construction professionals advise for these purposes to select durable rolled materials, such as ecoflex, isoelast, bikroplast, isoplast - all of them are next-generation insulating materials. And, of course, experts advise entrusting this work to professionals.

When using coating materials, bitumen mastics are most often used because they are not particularly expensive. However, the process of applying them is quite labor-intensive. But even a non-professional can handle bitumen-polymer mastic: it applies more easily, and its consumption per square meter is less.

IMPORTANT! When purchasing cement-based mastic, you should make sure that its moisture resistance value exceeds W10. This parameter is indicated on the packaging.

To work on small areas, professionals advise using penetrating waterproofing. For example, by simply applying it to concrete, the mixture will penetrate qualitatively into the structure of the base and form insoluble crystals there, which will protect the treated surface from water with maximum reliability. Indeed, this method is very effective and it is even advisable to carry out the entire foundation treatment this way, however, not everyone can afford such a procedure due to the high cost of materials.

In turn, it is better to insulate the floor from moisture using paint coatings, because they are easy to use. However, depending on the conditions (for example, if the structure is located in a periodically flooded area), backfill, impregnation, plastering or pasting methods will be acceptable options. It is always necessary to remember that waterproofing work requires a continuous process.

Polymer-cement products

These products are used not only in the process of building a garage and erecting a roof, but also during repairs, when it is necessary to eliminate cracks in the ceiling. Moisture-proof plaster is used only for treating flat roofs. If the roof is built with a large slope, the plaster will not adhere firmly to the surface. In this case, it is better to opt for modern roll materials or waterproofing coatings. Polymer-cement products contain polymer components that determine the moisture-proof properties of the coating. You can apply the product with a construction spatula, trying to make a layer of uniform thickness.

The most valuable properties of polymer cement mixtures are their harmlessness to humans, environmental friendliness, endurance and high frost resistance. The excellent characteristics of polymer cement make it possible to use it also in the construction of high-rise buildings and airports.

Timely waterproofing of the roof will help maintain comfort in the garage and save money on expensive car repairs and replacement of components. When purchasing mastic for a garage roof or rolled material for waterproofing, it is very important not to make a mistake with your choice. A product of poor quality will not only cause difficulties in repair, but will also make all efforts to create a moisture-proof coating pointless.

Foundation work

Their complexity lies in the fact that the layer must not only protect the structure from water, but also prevent groundwater from entering the basement. The use of various waterproofing materials will depend on the depth of the foundation and the level of ground flows. In very simple cases, it is possible to use a profiled membrane based on polymers, and to use coating compounds for internal treatment of the basement. A profiled membrane on a polymer base can also protect the base from tree roots and sharp debris from construction debris, while simultaneously performing a drainage function. It is impossible to ignore the above-ground elements of the foundation. When processing them, environmental conditions should be taken into account. For temperate climates, coating insulation using impregnating bitumen-polymer mastic is suitable. And in harsh climates, which are characterized by sudden temperature changes, it is preferable to do the treatment by gluing with rolls or using a penetrating method - all this will significantly increase the strength of the base.

Requirements for protective coating

The garage roof must perform its primary protective function regardless of the amount of precipitation, wind force or solar activity. In order to extend the life of the roof and the entire garage structure, it is necessary to perform high-quality waterproofing of the roof. Ideal waterproofing meets the following requirements:

  • strength - the ability to resist destruction when the load increases (for example, a large amount of fallen snow);
  • durability – maintaining its properties for a long time;
  • water resistance - the ability to prevent water from penetrating into the lower layers of the ceiling;
  • elasticity – sufficient flexibility of protection when air temperature increases or decreases;
  • non-toxic – harmless to humans and the environment.

Work on wooden structures

Wood is extremely susceptible to destruction from water, therefore, in 99% of cases, constant dampness leads to the appearance of fungus and mold, as well as the proliferation of wood-boring beetles and harmful bacteria. Most microorganisms that grow in wet wood can cause harm to human life and health. If the initial waterproofing was not carried out properly, there is no doubt that waterproofing repairs will be needed in the very near future. Isolation must be carried out in a complex, which will require:

  • Think over and properly install the drainage system (downpipes, metal cornices, etc.);
  • Organize the necessary ventilation, since the wood base must be permanently ventilated (the best solution would be to install a ventilated façade);
  • Implement bioprotection of wooden structures.

To enhance the protection of a log (cobblestone) facade from moisture, you can use paint mastic without color. It is enough to coat the entire outer surface of the house with it (preferably in 3 layers or more), and then cover it with an antibacterial primer. If the house consists of frame-panel elements, then you can lay a waterproofing film on them along with insulation.

DIY installation

First, you need to decide which type you will use:

  • Acoustic felt, dense synthetic type;
  • Technical, made of coarse wool;
  • Multilayer, with a special soundproofing membrane
  • And then purchase all the necessary items:
  1. 12 m of material that will be used as a backing for the laminate, 5 mm thick (most often everyone uses polyethylene foam);
  2. Rubber bitumen mastic 4.5 kg;
  3. One bundle of soundproofing felt measuring 1.5 x 3 m;
  4. Solvent (No. 646);
  5. Roller.

The video shows how felt is used:

  • After purchasing the above materials , you need to disassemble the car interior (remove the car floor covering, disassemble the factory soundproofing layer of felt and bitumen vibration damper, dry the floor felt)
  • Next comes the soundproofing process itself . It is necessary to dilute the mastic with a solvent (No. 646), then cover the bottom of the transport with mastic and dry the whole thing for 2-3 days, then cover it with a fresh layer, and after three hours, attach polyethylene foam to it using a roller. We apply mastic on top again and after three hours we apply another layer of polyethylene foam. Next, spread felt, and on it - “blood” felt noise insulation of vehicles and factory carpet.

The following soundproofing installation process is applied to the interior, doors, trunk floor and wheel arches.

Roofing work

The device of a sloping roof is a system of rafters on which roofing elements are installed (“soft roofing”/corrugated sheeting/metal tiles). Due to the level of inlet, it is completely airtight in itself, however, there is a possibility of leakage. A particularly dangerous situation can arise if a strong wind tears off some of the roofing elements and raindrops fall on the insulation, as a result of which it gets wet, loses its thermal insulation characteristics, and the rafters that get wet with it begin to rot. Therefore, for greater guarantee, it is necessary to lay a special waterproofing polymer membrane between the roofing material and the insulation.

In turn, flat roofs are a monolithic solid surface. Here you can already use a variety of protection options - roll, coating, penetrating, and spray coating. At the same time, the waterproofing material of a flat roof can immediately act as a roofing material and at the same time resist both bad weather and mechanical loads.

Work in swimming pools and artificial reservoirs

In this case, special solutions may be needed. The main problem is not only that the vertical walls are in constant contact with moisture, but also that it permanently exerts mechanical pressure on the entire structure. Thus, the deeper the pool or artificial pond, the greater the risk of hydraulic leakage due to increased pressure. Therefore, for protection, it is advisable to use reliable cement-based insulating materials, which are also required to firmly hold the facing tiles. Experts advise trusting such work exclusively to professionals in this field.

Work to protect walls and floors in bathrooms

Here it is better to give preference to the painting method of waterproofing through the use of cold-type mastic. It is quite possible to apply it yourself using standard brushes. It is advisable to apply in three layers, while the approach to a vertical wall can vary from three to twenty-five centimeters.

IMPORTANT! If a “warm floor” system is installed in the bathroom, then you should remember that materials expand when heated and contract when cooled. Thus, the use of rigid protection based on a cement base is completely unacceptable, since it will quickly crack. It is best to apply pasted moisture insulation using sheet/roll material, while the installation should be “overlapping” and coated at the seams with mastic or sealed with a special construction adhesive tape.

Rating of the best waterproofing for 2020

For swimming pools

2nd place: “Plitonit Hydro Elast”

Standard polymer mixture for waterproofing swimming pools and small artificial reservoirs. Works great on many hard bases, however, the operating temperature difference is small, which means use only in warm periods. Not suitable for independent use.

Manufacturer countryRussia
Base usedPolymer
BaseConcrete, reinforced concrete, brick
Packing size, kg or l4
Price, rubles1300

Plitonit Hydro Elast


  • Applicable to many solid bases;
  • Has a polymer base;
  • Dries relatively quickly (2 days).


  • High price for a small volume of sales packaging.

1st place: “Penetron”

Durable and frost-resistant material, extremely resistant not only to moisture, but also to caustic chemicals. It has increased adhesive (adhesion) properties - it holds the facing tiles well. At the same time, it can be used as a repair mixture to seal active leaks.

Manufacturer countryRussia
Base usedPolymer
BaseConcrete, reinforced concrete
Packing size, kg or l5
Price, rubles1800



  • There is no unpleasant odor;
  • Universal (can be used for repairs);
  • Contains antibacterial ingredients.


  • High consumption per unit area.

For bathrooms

2nd place: “Hidroflex” LITOKOL

A one-component mixture, supplied in the form of a paste, made on the basis of synthetic resins. Does not contain third-party solvents and has economical consumption per unit of treated area. The composition contains inert fillers, which means an increased service life.

Manufacturer countryItaly
Base usedSynthetic resins
BaseConcrete, brick
Packing size, kg or l5
Price, rubles1500

Hydroflex LITOKOL


  • There is no need to use third-party solvents;
  • Economically used;
  • Has a reasonable price.


  • Designed for small spaces only.

1st place: Kerakoll “Nanodefense Eco”

Ready-made composition using a water base. Apply to absorbent substrates in rooms with high humidity. It can be used as a preliminary primer, on which tiles can subsequently be attached. It successfully resists not only moisture, but also steam (can be used in saunas and baths).

Manufacturer countryItaly
Base usedPolyurethane
BaseConcrete, brick
Packing size, kg or l15
Price, rubles9000

Kerakoll "Nanodefense Eco"


  • Large packaging volume;
  • Current price;
  • Multifunctionality.


  • Not detected (for its segment).

For roofing

2nd place: Mastic “Slavyanka”

An inexpensive example of bitumen-polymer mastic, perfect for all types of roofing. Works equally well on metal and wood. Can be used in conjunction with reinforced fiberglass mesh or fiberglass. More focused on working on horizontal surfaces.

Manufacturer countryRussia
Base usedBitumen-polymer
BaseMetal and wood
Packing size, kg or l20
Price, rubles4000

Mastic "Slavyanka"


  • Large sales volume;
  • Low price;
  • Versatility of use.


  • Focused on working on horizontal surfaces more.

1st place: Roll waterproofing for roofing "TechnoNIKOL"

An excellent example of domestic self-adhesive material for roofing. The composition includes a bitumen-polymer membrane that can retain a large volume of moisture. The roll is intended for covering both horizontal and vertical surfaces, which is ensured by a self-adhesive base.

Manufacturer countryRussia
Base usedPolyester
BaseMetal, wood, reinforced concrete
Packing size, kg or l5
Price, rubles2400

Roll waterproofing for roofing "TechnoNIKOL"


  • Self-adhesive base;
  • Increased operating temperature (up to +100 degrees Celsius);
  • Convenient delivery form.


  • Small roll size for the covered area (1 m by 8 m)

For basements

2nd place: “PBC Liquid Hydroisol”

A popular example of one-component polymer-bitumen rubber. Designed for waterproofing basements. Perfect for treating hard-to-reach places and fits perfectly on any surface. Unpretentious to harmful environmental influences.

Manufacturer countryRussia
Base usedRubber (synthetic rubber)
BaseConcrete and reinforced concrete
Packing size, kg or l20
Price, rubles2800

PBK Liquid hydroisol


  • Versatility;
  • High level of adhesion to any surface;
  • Can be used in hard to reach places.


  • Not found.

1st place: “HIDROSTOP KIT”

Excellent fast-acting waterproofing compound - drying time 20 minutes! Works great on both vertical and horizontal surfaces. Can be used as a repair material. It copes equally well with monolithic and prefabricated structures.

Manufacturer countrySlovenia
Base usedCement
BaseConcrete and reinforced concrete
Packing size, kg or l25
Price, rubles2200



  • Large sales volume;
  • There is a polymineral base;
  • Works on concrete and reinforced concrete.


  • The composition is supplied dry and requires preliminary mixing and thickening.

For the foundation

2nd place: “Sinzatim Elastic” (Barrier)

This mixture forms the thinnest multilayer coating of 2-5 mm, which provides the necessary level of water resistance due to a special granular composition. The formula includes special antibacterial ingredients. The binder has increased functionality; the second applied layer will completely eliminate microcracks and seal the pores.

Manufacturer countryRussia
Base usedCement-polymer
BaseConcrete and reinforced concrete
Packing size, kg or l25
Price, rubles2200

Synzatim Elastic" (Barrier)


  • Excellent price/quality ratio;
  • The composition uses an innovative binder formula;
  • Variability of application (brush or spatula).


  • Not found.

1st place: “AquaMast”

Excellent mastic for permanent waterproofing of basements. Supplied in larger volume containers at a fairly affordable price. Has a bituminous working base. Can be stored for a long time after opening the container (2 years). Quite easy to use.

Manufacturer countryRussia
Base usedBitumenous
BaseConcrete and reinforced concrete
Packing size, kg or l18
Price, rubles1500



  • Variability of application;
  • Large packaging containers;
  • Current price.


  • Rarely available in retail stores.
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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