Procedure for starting engines at low temperatures

With the onset of winter frosts, many motorists begin to have problems starting a cold car engine. Sometimes it is not possible to start the engine - the battery is discharged and you have to ask other drivers to “light it”, that is, start the engine from the battery of another car.

Such problems usually begin when the outside temperature drops to 15-20 degrees below zero, for example, when you need to start the car in the morning, after the oil in the engine has frozen and thickened overnight, and the battery is “weak” due to the low temperature, since in the cold all chemical processes in it slowed down.

If you manage to start the car, then in the future the engine will start easily, unless, of course, it cools down again during a long stay.

In this article:

Why are there difficulties when starting the engine in winter?

Very often, the driver himself is to blame for the occurrence of such problems, who did not pay attention to properly preparing the car for frost and does not know some methods for starting the engine at low temperatures.

If the engine is filled with the appropriate motor oil recommended by the manufacturer of the vehicle for winter use, the engine is in good working order and correctly adjusted, the battery has sufficient electrical capacity and is fully charged, then there will be no problems with starting the engine.

But the skills of the motorist, his experience and ability, play no less important role than the technical condition of the car. Each car has its own characteristics when starting, and an experienced driver knows these characteristics of his car.

Of course, the most ideal option is to follow the instructions in the operating instructions, where all the steps to start the engine are described in detail, but sometimes a capricious engine, as they say: “instructions are not a decree,” then the experience that the driver gains after going through tests comes to the rescue and mistakes.

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Reasons for difficulty starting a car in cold weather

  • The car is not mechanically prepared for winter. This is the most common reason, because most people repair the problem only after it has made itself felt. It is not right! You need to clearly understand the weaknesses of a car in winter and try to make these risks insignificant. Common problems include incorrectly set ignition, incorrect adjustment of the mixture driver (carburetor, injector, injectors), untimely replacement of consumables (fuel and air filters). It should be clearly understood that if there are even slight difficulties with starting in the summer, this will definitely come back to haunt you in the winter.
  • Weak battery. This applies to a greater extent to old batteries that are more than 2 years old. Although, if used incorrectly, the battery may “age” faster. To understand the condition of the battery, you should contact a specialist. He will measure the condition with a special device and tell you how many working plates are in the battery and how long the full charge lasts. It will also measure whether the battery is fully charged from the generator. You may need to add electrolyte or distilled water for resuscitation.

You don’t need to make your own decision about adding electrolyte or water to the battery, especially if you are a “layman”. Often, motorists with their repairs make the condition of the battery even worse;

  • Wrong choice of oil . In winter, it is worth filling in oil marked 0W or 5W; this is a special oil for low temperatures. Withstands up to – 30 degrees. Also, prolonged use and untimely oil changes can lead to its thickening at low temperatures.
  • Poor quality fuel. The cause of difficult starting is often poor quality fuel. With gasoline this is less noticeable, but with gas and diesel fuel it is more noticeable. For a diesel car, you need to buy winter diesel or add anti-gels to it (read about what anti-gel for diesel fuel is).

Suprotek additive - easier engine starting in winter

In addition, a layer of SUPROTEC tribotechnical composition protects the engine from increased winter wear due to the presence of a thick layer of lubricant on the surfaces of the CPG parts, shaft bearings and other parts. This allows you to increase the service life of the engine, maintain operating parameters at the level of the passport values, and the whistle will disappear when starting the engine when cold.

The development based on the results of tests in laboratories on a friction machine, on a motor stand and in full-scale tests showed even greater efficiency. This is expressed, first of all, in the clear superiority in reducing mechanical losses in the engine, which leads to reduced fuel consumption, increased power and engine response .

Analysis of friction surfaces after treatment with the lubricant composition “SUPROTEK Active” shows the presence of a two-phase structure: the traditional structure of “SUPROTEK” and a dynamic film of various carbon compounds formed on it. This structure provides an additional reduction in friction losses and you will no longer hear a whistle when starting the engine on a cold one or detect smoke from the exhaust pipe when starting a cold engine.

Numerous expert assessments of specialists in the automotive industry confirm that SUPROTEC intelligent lubricants provide a unique opportunity to reliably protect an internal combustion engine of any type, as well as other components and mechanisms of the car using the method of in-place processing during their normal operation and allow in just 2–3 - and engine processing to form a super-strong layer on the friction surfaces that can protect the engine from wear even in the most extreme situations: during oil starvation, at increased loads, at high and low ambient temperatures.

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But the most important thing in the operation of SUPROTEC compounds is the system’s response to any significant changes. In other words, SUPROTEC compounds are universal protection for almost all occasions of the engine and other components of the car.

How to start a car in cold weather: basic methods

  1. Correct technique for starting a car (read about how to start a car correctly). With the clutch depressed (on a manual), we turn the starter for 3-4 seconds, this will make it possible to pump in the required amount of fuel. Then you should turn on the low beam headlights for a short time, literally for 5-7 seconds. This will allow the battery to revive. Next, we squeeze the clutch again and try to start it. It is not recommended to turn the starter for more than 6 seconds. It is much more effective to scroll for 3-4 seconds at intervals of 10-15 seconds. This makes it possible not to drain the battery quickly. It should be started with all electrical appliances, heater, heated seats, and music turned off. When the car starts, do not immediately release the clutch. It is advisable to hold it squeezed for 4-5 seconds and release it smoothly. The clutch is depressed to facilitate the starter's operation. After all, this way he only turns the engine without a gearbox. Also, you should not drive right away; let the car warm up for 5-7 minutes.
  2. “Lighting up” from another battery. This method requires the presence of wires for lighting and the presence of a donor car. The technique is quite simple: the donor car drives up close to the car being lit, the wires are connected (plus to plus, minus to minus), the donor car runs at high speed for 10-15 minutes, then it should be turned off. After this procedure, you can try to start the car. If it doesn’t work the first time, the procedure must be repeated.
  3. Keeping the battery warm. To reduce battery discharge in the cold, you can remove it and leave it in a warm room. For example, in the North, motorists remove batteries at night or while not driving. Also, if it is possible to leave the car in the garage, it is better to do so. The temperature even in an unheated room will be higher than outside. If it is problematic to remove the battery and there is no garage, you should sometimes go out and warm up the car for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Using “Quick Start” type sprays. Before a cold start, the spray is sprayed into the carburetor, thereby enriching the mixture with flammable alcohols. In some cases, the spray helps well, but if the battery is dead, it will not be able to help.
  5. Heating the mixture. Boiling water is usually used for heating. Fuel systems should be watered. This is not relevant for gasoline cars. For diesel engines, water the fuel filter and injectors. If you are trying to start the car on gas, you should water the gearbox well.
  6. Portable small battery. The “Quick Start” charging battery is a rather convenient accessory. It is small in size and has just enough capacity to start the car. Inserts directly into the cigarette lighter, no need to reach into the terminals in the hood. You can also charge it from the cigarette lighter while the car is running.
  7. Start with a pushrod. This method is suitable for cars with a manual transmission.

How to start a cold engine in winter

As for the general rules, some methods really help to solve the problem of a cold engine start with a greater or lesser degree of efficiency. Let's look at them.

  • First, before turning the ignition key to the “start” position, experienced car enthusiasts recommend first turning on the high beams for 15 seconds. This inclusion allows you to activate chemical processes in the “banks” of the battery, which as a result will allow you to more efficiently release the charge and turn the starter more actively. In this case, before starting the internal combustion engine, the headlights must be turned off. It is also not recommended to turn on any other energy consumers (heated mirrors, seats, heater, audio system, etc.) before starting the engine.
  • If the car has a manual transmission, before starting you need to depress the clutch pedal and do not release it until the engine starts. Depressing the clutch effectively disengages the engine and transmission, meaning the starter doesn't have to turn anything other than the crankshaft. If the clutch is not depressed, then together with the crankshaft, the starter also turns the shafts, as well as the gears in the box, which rotate in the transmission oil, which has thickened in the cold.

Article on the topic: Oil filter - studying diagnostics and replacement method

Do not turn the engine with the starter for more than 10 seconds. in one attempt to start the power unit. This will help both protect the starter itself and preserve the battery charge for subsequent starting attempts. By the way, the break between attempts should be at least 30-60 seconds. If the internal combustion engine does not start after 5 attempts, then you should not try to start the unit further, even if the battery is still turning the engine. Most likely, there is some kind of malfunction, and not just a complicated start due to cold weather.

  • If the temperatures outside are very low (about -30), then many drivers start the engine using special “quick start” aerosols. In a nutshell, these are special liquids for starting internal combustion engines that actively evaporate and are flammable. The engine starting aerosol is sprayed into the air duct, which allows you to quickly start the engine. Please note that this solution is not recommended to be used regularly, but in extreme cases the method may well come in handy.

Features of starting a car with automatic transmission in cold weather

For cars with an automatic transmission, some of the methods are not relevant. If you are sure that the battery is charged, the starter is working and turns, then the problem is condensate freezing in the fuel lines or filter. To solve this problem, you need to tow the car to a warm room, and the problem will go away on its own.

The same goes for freezing electronics. There is a situation when the on-board computer behaves incomprehensibly and produces a large number of errors. This may be due to freezing, among other things.

Additionally, we advise you to read the material on why the car won’t start and the starter won’t turn.

We also recommend that you carefully study the reasons why the cigarette lighter in your car does not work. Our expert’s article is devoted to this problem.

Another common question that worries drivers is whether it is possible to turn on the air conditioning in winter. You will find the answer in our article.

Features of starting a diesel engine in cold weather

In order for a diesel car to start well in winter, you should fill it with winter diesel fuel or add anti-gels to it. How to start a car in cold weather if the diesel fuel has thickened? Pour boiling water over the fuel filter and injectors.

When the car starts, the system itself warms up the diesel in the fuel tank. Also, when starting, you must first turn the ignition key and wait 7-10 seconds for the glow plugs to warm up. And then start the car. Glow plugs are used specifically to warm up the fuel during startup.

One of the possible difficulties may be a malfunction of the injectors. This is usually checked on a specialized stand. Modern cars are also equipped with heating of the tank and fuel system. After starting the car, do not turn on the heater. It is advisable to wait until the engine warms up and then warm up yourself.

We also additionally recommend reading our specialist’s article on how to repair diesel injectors.

Do not turn the starter for too long

Attempts to start the power unit are unsuccessful and you clearly hear an extraneous sound? Most likely, your starter has served its purpose or is already at its limit. But don't rush to change it to a new one. With the arrival of frost, the contacts on the relay and bushing oxidize faster than in summer. It turns out that the starter does not have enough power to turn the flywheel of a cold engine.

To make starting easier, depress the clutch and wait until the fuel pump pumps enough fuel. This is the only way you can make the work of the starter and engine easier.

If you fail to start, wait a while and only then try again. There is no need to aggravate the situation with continuous startup attempts. It is best to pause for at least 10 seconds.

Preparing your car for winter

Many problems with starting a car in winter can be avoided if the car is prepared for winter in advance. It is recommended to undergo diagnostics at a service station, check the condition of the battery, see if an electrician is charging, clean or replace the spark plugs, set the ignition, adjust the correct mixture supply (adjust the carburetor, wash or adjust the injectors on the bench).

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