Auto electrician for beginners, how to understand car electrics yourself

Auto electrics are an integral part of any car. As soon as the first car appeared, auto electrics immediately appeared.

Yes, it was primitive and did not work well, but it existed and fully satisfied the needs of cars of that period.

With the development of the automotive industry, car electrics also developed in parallel.

Electrical and, later, electronic circuits were improved, engine starting was made easier under various operating conditions, new electronic equipment was added, which made it easier to drive the car and increased the comfort of the trip.

But the main function, for which auto electrics were created in principle, was and now remains the initial start of the engine and support for its further operation without interruption.

Auto electrics of a car, if we consider a simple circuit diagram, consists of main, auxiliary elements and measuring elements (control sensors, warning and control devices).

The main elements of auto electrics include power supplies, such as a battery, a generator, an electric starter, spark plugs, ignition coils, electronic control units, switches, electrical wiring and a general electrical circuit, without which you will not be able to figure it out.

Auxiliary elements of auto electrics, without which it is also impossible to drive a car, are side lights, all types of headlights, brake lights, turn signals, fog lights, horn, windshield wipers, cigarette lighters and other additional electrical equipment.

Measuring instruments and sensors

The need for such devices and sensors that are included in auto electronics is obvious. After all, it is necessary to constantly monitor the coolant temperature, oil pressure, and fuel level. Another thing is that in old car models it looked very simple, arrows, numbers, etc.

In modern cars, this is already at the level of space technology, when the driver is practically not given anything to do, just listen and react to the inclusion of one or another danger indicator, or even even state the fact that the car itself has stopped and will not go further until the problem will not be solved.

As for the sensors, if in old cars you could count them on your fingers, in modern ones they are installed everywhere, which allows you to fully control the technical condition of the car on the road.

But progress does not stand still. Every year, the auto electrics of a car become more and more advanced, and if earlier the appearance of air conditioning in a car, electric windows, central locking, car alarms, and new audio systems caused a sensation, now it is commonplace, and this will not surprise anyone.

Auto electrician job description sample

General provisions

  1. The auto electrician reports to the shift supervisor.
  2. An auto electrician is hired, as well as dismissed, by the head of the company on the recommendation of the garage manager.
  3. During the absence of a specialist (treatment, advanced training, etc.), his duties are performed by another auto electrician appointed by the shift supervisor.
  4. An applicant for this position must meet the following requirements:
      secondary specialized education corresponding to this profile;
  5. At least one year of work experience in the field of automotive electronics servicing;
  6. electrical safety group not lower than third.
  7. An auto electrician must have knowledge of the following issues:
      laws and regulations affecting its core activities;
  8. basics of maintenance and operation of common types and brands of cars;
  9. regulatory parameters of components and mechanisms used in the work;
  10. procedure for working with specialized documentation, including technical ones;
  11. types of automotive electronics repair;
  12. systems for laying and connecting wires and components;
  13. rules for testing and diagnostics of automotive electronics;
  14. features of automotive electronics in cars from various manufacturers;
  15. rules for using tools and equipment when working with automotive electronics;
  16. standards for submitting your instruments and devices for repair, as well as their subsequent acceptance;
  17. theoretical principles of the functioning of a car and its electronic components;
  18. the criteria by which the results of his work are assessed;
  19. current standards in the field of technical and fire safety.
  20. The auto electrician is guided by the following provisions:
      relevant laws and regulations;
  21. company documentation;
  22. information from this manual.


An auto electrician is responsible for the following duties:

  1. Carrying out diagnostics and testing of automotive electronics.
  2. Providing repairs to electronics and electrical equipment in the vehicle.
  3. Conducting a preventive inspection of automotive electrical equipment (sensors, units, wiring and other components).
  4. Replacement of old and damaged automotive electronics with current new models.
  5. Carrying out ongoing monitoring of the quality of operations performed.
  6. Ensuring the safety of the car he is repairing.
  7. Monitoring the correct operation of tools, equipment and devices used in vehicle diagnostics and repairs.
  8. Interaction with other specialists in the process of vehicle maintenance.
  9. Compliance with labor protection rules, fire safety, and labor discipline principles.
  10. Informing shift management about problematic issues discovered in the work.
  11. Work with the documentation necessary for your activities.
  12. Compliance with operating standards for working tools and clothing.


An auto electrician is responsible for the following offenses:

  1. For failure to fulfill official duties - in accordance with the provisions of labor legislation.
  2. For violations of norms and laws committed in the performance of their labor functions - in accordance with the principles of labor and administrative, as well as criminal law.
  3. For damage received by the company through his fault - within the limits indicated in the employer’s documentation and current legislation.


The auto electrician has the following rights:

  1. Propose measures to improve work procedures in your area of ​​competence.
  2. Receive from company employees information required in the performance of official functions.
  3. Get acquainted with projects of internal company decisions related to its activities.
  4. Require managers to maintain conditions necessary for the effective performance of job duties.
  5. Receive, at the employer’s expense, branded clothing and work accessories in the manner prescribed in the relevant company documentation.

Difficulty of repair

Car electrical repairs are becoming more and more difficult every year. To do this, you need constantly updated electronic equipment that keeps up with the times, competent trained personnel who are able to constantly independently study this topic.

Therefore, it is best to repair auto electrics in large cities, for example, repair auto electrics in Minsk or another large city, where there are a large number of trained specialists.

The design of new cars is constantly becoming more complex, customer requirements are becoming more capricious, they want more comfort, new additional functions, new capabilities, and all this is focused on new auto electrics.

Therefore, it is not surprising that modern auto electrics are taking on a completely different look.

And in order to understand all these modernities, auto electrics began to be divided into several components.


Modern vehicles are equipped with a large number of electronic devices, and the most common reason for calls to service centers is the failure of auto electrics. The first thing to do in such a situation is to contact well-established specialists. Do not try to fix the breakdown yourself - this is the first mistake that car owners make. The corresponding car services must perform the following functions:

  • Have modern mobile diagnostic equipment in your arsenal.
  • Have special equipment for car repair outside the service center (to provide on-site auto electrician services).
  • Have the necessary devices, consumables and parts that most often fail and need to be replaced.
  • The level of professionalism of specialists must be the highest.

If we add flexible prices and good customer service to all of the above, there is no doubt that you can trust such an organization with your “iron horse.”

Passive safety

Auto electrics – SRS systems, passive safety systems.

This system includes airbags, a battery disconnector that is activated in emergency situations, seat belts, active head restraints, the body structure itself, which is safe, and seat belt tensioners.

Car diagnostics - why is it needed?

No matter how reliable modern vehicles are, in any case, a system failure may occur and the car owner turns to a specialized car service center for help. The main repair of auto electrics consists of diagnosing it, and then repairing all electromechanical and electrical equipment of the car.

Diagnostics are carried out to establish the working condition of the electromechanical and electrical parts of the car. Diagnostics of auto electricians will help identify broken contacts, dirty or oxidized connections in electrical wiring. A qualified auto electrician will promptly detect and prevent breakdown of any auto electric unit of the car.

Modern cars are equipped with multi-program control, so repairs must be carried out by an auto electrician-diagnostician.

Diagnosticians are trained in the largest car services; they carefully study the mechanical equipment of the car, the auto-electrical circuit and engine operation.

Some people think that a connected diagnostic device not only indicates errors in the car system, but will also indicate the cause of the breakdown, but this is far from the case. The diagnostic computer finds the consequence of the malfunction, but only a specialist who understands this can determine and eliminate the cause.

What an auto electrician should know

The basics of auto electrics for beginners is a difficult task. Try using a special online service for selecting workshops called Uremont. This is a convenient modern system that is designed to help the car owner in a comfortable search for suitable repair services. Here you are provided with contacts and information about the most advanced workshops in your city. Reviews there are left by real clients, so you can always get your bearings based on the experience of others.

In the designated field, enter the minimum information about the car and describe the essence of the problem. This way you will find an auto electrician who will help you carry out diagnostics. A professional will find out the causes of the malfunction, tell you the cost of repairs and the estimated time needed to restore the car.

On the aggregator, the client can always get acquainted with the most detailed information. For example, which electrician works around the clock and is ready to carry out repairs at any convenient time.


4.1. In the event of smoke or fire, immediately stop work, turn off electrical equipment, call the fire department, inform the immediate supervisor and administration of the organization, and take measures to evacuate the premises. When extinguishing a fire, it is necessary to use primary fire extinguishing means and take part in the evacuation of people. When electrical equipment catches fire, use only carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguishers. 4.2. In case of injury, the employee is obliged to stop work, notify his immediate supervisor and call emergency medical care or go to a medical facility. 4.3. If voltage (sensation of current) is detected on the metal parts of the equipment, the electric motor of the equipment hums, in case of vibration or increased noise levels, sudden heating and melting of electrical wires, sparking of electrical equipment, breakage of the grounding wire, then it is necessary to stop the operation of the equipment and report the incident to the immediate supervisor . It is prohibited to start work without instructions from the supervisor. 4.4. In all cases of departure, provide the victim with rest and seek medical help as soon as possible. 4.5. If harmful substances enter the respiratory tract, it is necessary to remove the victim from the infection zone into fresh air, lay him down, preferably in a warm place, unfasten his clothes and belt. 4.6. If harmful substances come into contact with the skin, remove contaminated clothing and thoroughly wash the contaminated areas of the skin with plenty of water. In case of contact with eyes, rinse thoroughly and generously with running water. 4.7. If harmful substances get into the gastrointestinal tract, give them a few glasses of warm water or a 2% baking soda solution. 4.8. In case of electric shock, it is necessary to free the victim from the action of the current by immediately turning off the electrical installation with a switch or circuit breaker. If it is impossible to turn off the electrical installation quickly enough, it is necessary to free the victim using dielectric gloves or a dry wooden object, and you must also ensure that you do not become energized yourself. After releasing the victim from the action of the current, it is necessary to assess his condition, call an ambulance and provide first aid until the doctor arrives.

About emergency cases from the practice of an auto electrician

The more sensors, electrical connections, etc., the more likely failures are. Particularly unpleasant are those about which there is not a word in the instructions. Thus, “ten” of one client sometimes categorically did not want to start, notifying the entire neighborhood about this with a classic alarm melody. Trying to understand something, the owner suddenly suspected a connection between it... and the clutch pedal, to which experts reacted with laughter. But the electrician was wary. And for good reason. Although the security system was installed by a reputable company, the wires under the carpet on the floor were so stretched that when the clutch was pressed, the contact in one of the connectors was broken. The “security” reacted to this. I had to correct someone's mess.

Here's another example. The VAZ-2112 engine stopped right on the move and, having stalled, did not start for about two minutes. And when he came to life—for how long—it was impossible to predict. The electrician suspected that somewhere in the engine control circuits there was a place with poor contact, it got hot and the current stopped altogether. Once cooled, the chain is restored. Very opportunely, the owner remembered that the troubles began soon after a music lover friend helped him acquire “music.”

Realizing that the craftsman must have taken out the fuses , the electrician immediately found a defect. The main relay fuse was inserted so that one of the legs fell into the gap between the connector and the plastic of the housing. The latter became very hot, “floated”, and the contact became worse. The repair came down to the correct installation of the fuse.

The next example is of a different kind. The owner of an old Volkswagen Passat with considerable mileage drove carefree - the engine never let down. The throttle device with a mono-injection nozzle stood in its usual place, as if instead of a carburetor, and did not bother us at all. But one day it was as if the car had been jinxed: the driver pressed the gas, and in response there were dips and jerks. We started our search with the electrical connector for injector control.

It was oily - the engine was old! Doesn't the contact get disrupted because of this? But the owner dismissed this version: he supposedly already washed the connector with gasoline - to no avail! And the electrician did his best: the contacts on the foreign car were not bad, it was unlikely that oil could interfere with them. What if it's not the oil at all? We found out that the owner often travels to his dacha along country roads - has sand got into the connector? We decided to rinse it again - under good pressure, with a proprietary product.

And when they finished, the owner exclaimed: “It’s a completely different matter. An airplane, not a car! Thanks to all!" The grain of sand that was interfering with the connector finally floated away. The conclusion is not new - German technology is tenacious, but in our mud it is not trouble-free.

Next example. The VAZ-2111 suddenly stalled, and twenty minutes later it started up easily. Then it warmed up well, the fan worked, and the engine stopped again... So, with forced stops, the exhausted owner made it home. In the morning I went to the service center. The conversation there was short: change the controller. But the block was not in stock. The car made it to our gate. We quickly became convinced that when the engine temperature was about 105 degrees, it stopped dead in its tracks.

We cleaned the crankshaft position sensor gap, checked the fuel pressure - everything is normal, but the hot engine still stalls. Ignition problems? We started with the module: it is known to be very good at tricks. Indeed, it turned out that the module does not receive a control signal. So it's the controller? Having meticulously examined the old one, they found nothing. They installed a new one - and the engine, having warmed up, stubbornly fell silent again.

Someone timidly suggested trying a different crankshaft position sensor. Timidly because skeptic experts began to sneer: they say that the operation of this device does not depend on temperature. Nevertheless, the sensor was installed. And what? The engine warmed up, the fan turned on... and the engine continued to thresh busily. They tormented him for half an hour - there was no defect. Apparently, there was a wormhole hidden inside the seemingly serviceable sensor, which caused the circuit to break when heated. It’s a pity that the sensor is not removable, otherwise they would have gotten to the bottom of the truth.

As you can see, electrical equipment traditionally causes the most trouble for a motorist. But not always. One cool morning, the Hyundai Accent did not start. After suffering for half an hour, the owner almost mechanically removed the connector from the absolute pressure sensor and turned on the starter. The engine began to purr as if nothing had happened and until the end of the day, while it was warm, it started at half a turn. However, the next morning everything happened again. The owner started the engine in a proven way and rushed to the store to buy a new absolute pressure sensor.

But a day later the engine did not wake up. We went to a reputable car service center - they famously replaced all the ignition devices. The next morning it turned out that the “carpet bombing” did not help. And here we have the car. Having turned out the spark plugs, we saw suspiciously white thermal cones of the insulators. This means that the mixture is lean; foreign air is mixed into it somewhere. WD-40 was applied to possible leaks, but nothing was found. And only then the adsorber valve caught my eye .

We remembered: if it is open all the time, then atmospheric air is sucked through it into the cylinders. There's no way you can start a cold engine. In no time, the valve was removed and connected to a vacuum unit: that’s it, it’s dead. For greater clarity, the mechanic even used a proven method: he tried to suck the valve to the tongue, but it didn’t work. Naturally, after the replacement the motor began to behave as expected.

And finally, I remind you: in the cold, even minor troubles tend to get worse. Draw your conclusions - winter is just around the corner!

Note to you: A modern car is equipped with a gasoline vapor recovery system. With it, these vapors are not lost in the atmosphere, harming the environment, but are burned in the engine, participating in its working processes. The main element of the system is a carbon adsorber with a purge solenoid valve controlled from the machine controller.

When the purge valve is open, the fuel adsorbed by activated carbon in a vapor state enters the engine intake manifold and participates in its operation. To avoid disturbing the mixture formation processes, the valve turns on and off at a certain frequency - the duration of these pulses depends on the operating mode of the engine.


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Machine equipment and auto electrician

Constant participants in the process of moving a car in space and providing comfortable driving conditions for the driver and passengers are the battery and the generator. These two elements are the main suppliers of motive electrical force. The rest of the electrical equipment is provided with electricity from these elements, that is, the health of the car primarily depends on the condition of the battery, generator and starter. After all, the electrics of a modern car perform important functions:

  1. Lighting. Lighting devices, warning lights, interior and dashboard lighting in a dark environment;
  2. Diagnostics. Collection, analysis of incoming signals, processing of parameters, comparing them with optimal data and outputting information to the dashboard or computer display. To carry out on-site diagnostics, it is enough to call an auto electrician to the location of the car;
  3. Comfort. Air conditioning, electrically adjustable seats, controls, heating functions for individual elements, multimedia devices;
  4. Regulatory. Setting the operating parameters of units and vehicle components using the control unit, on-board computer of the vehicle;
  5. Safety. Almost all passive and active safety systems are associated with sensors that transmit data to the control unit, which, in turn, processes the information and issues commands to the devices. For example, the airbag of a car opens depending on the force of the impact; its filling with gas also depends in direct proportion to the force applied in the contact patch;
  6. Additional. Some cars are equipped with equipment to improve comfort and increase the efficiency of the vehicle. For example, gas equipment. Its proper operation depends on the correct installation of the equipment in the electrical system of the machine.
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