What are the dangers of poor wheel balancing?

Signs of Imbalance

The conditions described in the previous paragraph of the article relate to planned balancing. But often drivers should carry out the procedure unscheduled if the following signs of imbalance in the wheels are observed:

  • uneven tire wear;
  • shocks to the steering wheel and its vibration - when the front wheels are unbalanced;
  • Vibration of the rear seats - when the rear wheels are unbalanced.

Important! The car owner can eliminate exclusively static imbalance on his own. Dynamic imbalance can be corrected only with professional equipment!

  1. When driving at speed, noise appeared, this was especially noticeable at speeds above 100 km/h. The car began to drift away from its straight path.
  2. There were unpleasant vibrations on the steering wheel, which increased when accelerating.
  3. The tread depth varies in different areas, or uneven wear is noticeable on at least one of the wheels. Very often, due to imbalance on the front wheels, the edges of the tires are eaten away.

Before we consider the standard wheel balancing technology, let’s get acquainted with the types of imbalance.

Static imbalance

It occurs due to the fact that the center of gravity shifts some distance from the axis of rotation. That is, there is an uneven placement of weight around the circumference of the wheel, as a result of which the axes of rotation and inertia become parallel.

In order to check for static imbalance, just hang up the car wheel and spin it by hand. When the wheel stops spinning, its lowest point will be the heaviest place. For reliability, the experiment must be repeated several times; if the wheel stops in the same position, this indicates the presence of a static imbalance.

Dynamic imbalance

It is formed due to the mismatch of the axes of inertia and rotation. As a result, when the wheel rotates, significant radial runout is observed, since the mass is distributed unevenly across the entire width of the tire. To eliminate such phenomena, wheels are balanced using special equipment. Moreover, it should be noted that it is only possible to completely get rid of dynamic imbalance; coping with static imbalance is an impossible task for most auto repairmen.

Summing up

Balancing is the most important element of monitoring the technical condition of a car. Incorrect distribution of the wheel weight of a vehicle leads to damage to many internal components and tire abrasion. The main sign of imbalance is a vibration in the steering wheel.

It appears at a speed of 80-90 km/h and requires immediate contact with service to check the rotation of the disks. If for some reason you can’t get to a car repair shop, you can do the check yourself. Assuming that you can do the balancing yourself, stock up on a set of weights.

Wheel balancing is an important vehicle maintenance measure that ensures driving comfort and driving safety. Many car owners are confident that only service station technicians can carry out this procedure efficiently. This is partly true. However, it is not always possible to turn to professionals, and you cannot delay the procedure. In such situations, wheel balancing can be done with your own hands and without professional equipment.

Signs of Imbalance

During the existence of wheel balancing, experts have identified two main types of imbalance - static and dynamic.

For statistical unbalance, as a rule, the axis of rotation of the wheel and the axis of inertia are parallel. In this case, the wheel runout will be longitudinal, as a result, the center of gravity of the tire will shift to one side, and the mass of the disk will be distributed unevenly along its entire length. This imbalance is very noticeable inside the car even at low speeds, the car seems to jump, and it is impossible to grasp the steering wheel.

Dynamic imbalance is more common in cars, especially with wide profile tires, and occurs when the axis of inertia and the axis of rotation do not coincide. The imbalance itself appears when the center of gravity changes at a certain point on the disk, in which case the tire will be thrown from side to side, that is, the weight is incorrectly distributed across the width and not the height.

It is possible that a tire may have both imbalances at the same time, but the situation is not so critical. This can be corrected on any balancing machine; for light alloy wheels it is recommended to use modern machines based on laser technology, then the result will be much better.

How to carry out balancing at a service station

Tire workshops are equipped with specialized machines for wheel balancing. Structurally, the machine consists of a cone-shaped support on which a wheel is placed, a rotating motor and sensors. Based on the type of support, machines are divided into:

  • soft, taking into account the vibrations of the supports when the wheel rotates;
  • rigid, measuring pressure and rotor phase.

The balancing procedure on them is carried out simultaneously with the change of tires: the computer determines pressure and vibration and calculates the weight and location of the weights. On outdated models, the technician takes measurements manually and enters data for calculations. Modern machines read information automatically and display graphic and digital information on a computer monitor.

Making a stand

After prolonged use, individual parts of the device may malfunction. Conventionally, the origin of the breakdown can be divided into mechanical disorders and problems with electrical components. In the latter case, problems with the sensors are detected. Mechanical problems most often occur after falls or strong impacts.

Problems with the machine can be detected by the following signs:

  1. Normal balancing requires several cycles of operation.
  2. The parameters of the tested disks are determined incorrectly.

The main task of the balancing machine is to determine the balance of the geometric center of the wheel with its mass. An unbalanced part makes any job difficult and can lead to serious damage. Eliminating imbalance allows you to:

  1. Increase the service life of bearings.
  2. Prevent premature wear of tires.
  3. Increase the service life of suspensions.

There are several options by which you can correct imbalance of wheels or other parts:

  • Balancing rings - used in the process of repairing metalworking machines.
  • Adjusting screws - special pins are screwed into the unbalanced part, through which it is adjusted.
  • Drilling is the most popular balancing option. This is done by creating holes that change the weight of the parts being processed.

A do-it-yourself balancing machine is made so as not to remove the pads and not touch the hub nut. The work takes place with the wheel removed. To assemble the machine you need:

  1. Turn the shaft. A thread is applied to one end of it and a place for the cone is prepared. At the other end of the shaft, places for bearings are machined
  2. The stand is made from a pipe with a diameter of 52 mm. A support table is installed in the middle to support the wheel while being mounted on the shaft.
  3. Indicators are installed on the side and top of the rack to record wheel runout.

A homemade wheel balancing machine is used as follows:

  • Place a clean wheel and tire on it, use a nut and a cone to secure it.
  • Check both types of runout with old weights
  • Remove the weights, spin the disk
  • Mark a heavy place with a plus - it will go down, mark a light place with a minus - it will go up
  • Rotate the dial 90 degrees
  • In the place where there is a minus mark, install weights on the rim
  • Turn the disk 45 degrees - if it remains in this position, then the balancing is complete
  • Check the results of the procedure again, secure the weights

There are several options for making machines with your own hands, with the help of which the wheels on a car are balanced. If you have the necessary parts and knowledge of electronics, you can make an automated device. An electric motor is used to spin the disks.

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Currently, the majority of stands carry out the balancing procedure automatically. The wheel is put on the shaft, clamped with bolts and unscrewed, while the end runout is measured automatically. As a result, the computer identifies problem areas and shows the weight of the weight that needs to be attached to the specified point.

It should be noted that due to the use of a high-tech stand, the process is significantly simplified. A sketch of the wheel is displayed on a special display and the area where the weight needs to be attached is shown; the technician just has to follow the recommendations and avoid making serious mistakes. But there are also exceptions; in particularly serious cases, it is not possible to balance the wheel with the help of weights, then the corresponding inscription is displayed on the display.

By attaching a weight of suitable weight, the master thereby gets rid of the uneven distribution of weight, due to which the eccentricity is reduced and the moment of inertia is significantly reduced, and as a result, the runout disappears.

Cargo wheels

A completely fair and logical question. It would seem that you “put on” tires and drive a car for your own pleasure. In fact, not everything is as simple as it seems to many. Balancing a car wheel is an important procedure that directly affects traffic safety.

  1. Replacing summer tires with winter tires or in reverse order. The rims remain the same, but the tires change. Driving on summer tires in winter is prohibited by law in many countries around the world.
  2. Frequently falling into holes or hitting other obstacles can lead to wheel imbalance. Often the force of the impact turns out to be so impressive that the discs have to be replaced due to their damage.
  3. Experts recommend balancing vehicle wheels after 20 thousand kilometers. The car does not always move on a well-maintained road surface. The presence of holes, potholes and other road surface defects negatively affects wheel balancing.
  4. If the rubber surface is damaged, it is dismantled and repaired. It is necessary to balance the wheels after such intervention.
  5. Long trips over distances of more than 2 thousand kilometers require a mandatory wheel balancing check for safety reasons.

As for weights, today there are several varieties of the latter.

Classification of weights depending on the method of fastening:

  • glued - they are usually placed on light alloy wheels;
  • installed using a special bracket on the edge of the disk - used, as a rule, on ordinary stamped disks;
  • placed inside the tire - so-called granules.

Sometimes inexperienced drivers wonder: do car wheels need to be balanced? The answer is clear: yes! You should not delay this procedure, as the consequences can be very unpredictable. From uncomfortable driving to partial failure of the chassis. Vibration of the disc and chassis can cause the bolts to loosen, tear out the ball joint, or even fall off the hub.

As statistics show, unbalancing a 14″ disk by 20 grams at a speed of 90 km/h and above is equivalent to a strong blow with a sledgehammer weighing 3 kg on the car’s suspension parts. Considering the rotation speed of the tire at speed, this results in at least 800 such impacts per minute. No one has the right to force the wheels of a car to be balanced, not even the traffic police, but it is worth remembering that if you skimp on balancing, in the future you will have to spend ten times more money on suspension parts and chassis repairs.

Elementary examples of untimely balancing of car wheels are rapid wear of tires, which leads to a reduction in their service life. Due to constant imbalance and wobble of the tire, the tread wears out quickly and the tire wears unevenly. Thus, a recently purchased tire may last several hundred kilometers and become unusable.

Another unpleasant moment if you do not balance your car’s wheels is a decrease in the vehicle’s driving safety. As a rule, there is no situation where centrifugal force acts on all 4 wheels in one direction, the only exceptions being supercars and luxury cars for exorbitant prices.

The third option for refusing balancing is failure and increased wear of the suspension. First of all, the bearings of the hub itself fail, as a result of which the entire hub can fall off at the most unpredictable moment. Also, poor wheel balancing transmits vibration to the steering wheel, which is discomfort for the driver and passengers. This is a minimum list of what can happen if the wheels are not balanced.

Most often, the question of how often a car's wheels need to be balanced also arises for beginners. There are no clear standards for when to balance or after what mileage. But experienced drivers still make some suggestions when it is worth balancing car wheels.

The first and most important rule is that every time you change tires, whether they are new or used, the car’s wheels are balanced in order to equalize the centrifugal force, since changing wheels or tires shifts the center of traction. In terms of mileage, it is recommended to carry out balancing after every 5,000 kilometers of a vehicle running on the same wheels.

In case of suspension repairs or frequent driving on bad roads (hitting potholes), it is worth balancing the wheels more often than 5000 kilometers; it is usually recommended after 1000-1500 kilometers. If vibration occurs in the body, in the cabin, on the gearshift lever or steering wheel, often at speeds of 60 km/h and above, balancing should not be postponed.

The conclusion is quite simple, car wheels need to be balanced every time you change shoes or tires, plus, given the condition of the roads, wheel balancing needs to be done more often.

Read more: What pressure should be in tires, table of values ​​for passenger cars of different brands, as well as the difference between winter and summer for re-rolling

Car wheel balancing is carried out using special balancing machines that can track the center of gravity. The basis of such a machine can be either a primitive computer or an entire system with laser sensors and a variety of measuring mechanisms. Such a machine automatically determines the location of the deviation and indicates where the balancing weight needs to be installed.

Depending on the type of disk, the type of weight for balancing the wheels will also change; for steel disks with a special fastening bracket, for alloy wheels there are special weights that fit on the inside of the rim. The weights themselves are made of zinc or, more often, lead, but as technology developed, steel weights also appeared.

The greater the weight required to install the weight, the more likely it becomes that you need to check the geometry of the disk or the correctness of its assembly, whether the tread is directed correctly. Stamped weights are installed on stamped or otherwise steel disks; they are attached to the edge of the disk due to padding between the disk and the tire; this type of installation during balancing is where their name comes from.

For light alloy wheels, such weights are not suitable for balancing; firstly, they will ruin the entire appearance, and secondly, they can easily damage the disk. Usually, special weights are used for such balancing; they are installed on the inside of the disk, they are also placed on the edge of the disk, such weights are classified as padded weights, but they differ in external structure.

More often they put self-adhesive weights on an adhesive base, hence the name - Velcro. The convenience of Velcro is that they are easy to install and are almost invisible after balancing. The appearance of Velcro, if noticeable, is many times more attractive than padded weights. But for such weights the surface must be perfectly flat, without chipping or peeling of the paint material.

So where does the process of balancing car wheels begin? In any case, regardless of the make, model of the car or the characteristics of the rims, they must be removed from the car. It is often recommended to remove tires one by one: according to technology, remove, balance, install, remove the next wheel - they go around the car.

Depending on the service station and the equipment at it, the first thing that needs to be done before balancing is to clean the tire and disk from dirt, stones and foreign objects. Don't ignore stones stuck in the tread; they also affect wheel balancing. The tire must be puncture-free and hold pressure well, otherwise balancing will be useless. Therefore, carefully inspect the tire and make sure it is not flat.

Further, the entire process depends on the qualifications of the specialist who is balancing the wheels and on the equipment itself on which the procedure will be carried out, but 90% depends on the specialist. If the service station works on modern equipment, then the specialist himself will check for faults in the tire and wash it from dirt on a special machine.

Having put the metal plate on the disk and carefully tightened the nuts, the specialist goes to the machine to begin the process of balancing the car wheels. Depending on the machine, the process for determining unevenness may vary. The most common balancing machine will determine the points of imbalance and show on which side and what weight the weight needs to be installed.

Having determined the location of the imbalance, the specialist begins to install weights, stuffing or gluing them onto the disk. After filling the weights, the procedure for checking for imbalance is checked again and, if necessary, the weights are replaced or new ones are added. In such a cycle, the procedure for balancing the wheels of the car, determining the imbalance and installing weights is repeated until the imbalance becomes zero or close to zero.

It is possible that the disc may lose its geometry and will have to be rolled, only then proceed to balancing the car wheels. Upon completion of all the necessary balancing stages, the tire is removed from the machine axle, then the specialist removes the metal plate from the rim and gives the tire for installation on the car.

How often to carry out

There are no universal recommendations on the frequency of balancing, since the need for this procedure depends on the condition of the rubber, operating conditions of the vehicle, and other factors. Practice shows that balancing is necessary in the following cases:

  • when changing tires;
  • after hitting a wheel with an object or falling into a deep hole at speed;
  • every 15,000 km during quiet driving, every 8,000-9,000 km for fans of an aggressive driving style;
  • before and after traveling distances of 1500 km.

Final wheel balancing

A similar event is carried out after the basic wheel balancing has been performed. The main goal of final balancing is to reduce the difference in mass to zero, thereby almost completely eliminating the effect of imbalance. Final balancing is usually carried out on vehicles that are often driven at high speeds.

A good result can be obtained by replacing traditional lead weights installed on the rim with modern granules that are poured directly into the tire. To carry out final balancing, you need high-tech equipment that creates a specific three-dimensional model and performs its subsequent detailed analysis.

Balancing errors

If the balancing process is carried out in violation of the technology, then the vibration problem, at best, will not be solved, and at worst, it will further worsen. The most common mistakes:

  1. Balancing when there is dirt on the wheel. Even pebbles stuck in the tread can be disrupted by additional imbalance. The overall picture, even with precise equipment, will be disrupted, and it will not be possible to bring the wheel to zero.
  2. Balancing a wheel with a broken tire or wheel geometry. If the disc has even minor dents or distortions, it must first be rolled on a special machine. Straightening the disc with a hammer or other impact instruments is unacceptable.
  3. Incorrect torque of the hub bolt on the balancing machine. Excessive force will lead to the wheel being misaligned and the balancing will be incorrect.
  4. Violation of technology for installing a tire on a disk. Often, even experienced installers perform work in violation of technology. As a result, the wheel is given additional inertia.
  5. Misalignment during installation of the wheel on the vehicle axle. This problem occurs due to incorrect tightening of the bolts. Even if a properly balanced wheel is installed skewed, it will vibrate.

In order to avoid such troubles, you need to carefully choose a car service and supervise the work of the technicians. Qualified specialists guarantee their work and show the balancing results on the machine display. If the master prohibits the presence of the car owner during work or does not provide a guarantee, it is advisable to refuse his services.

Wheel balancing is an important element of monitoring the technical condition of a vehicle. A timely procedure will help not only improve safety and driving comfort, but also extend the life of the vehicle by preventing premature wear of chassis parts.

Unfortunately, very often, given the specifics of the work of domestic car service workers, even after balancing, significant imbalances on the wheels remain, since the work is carried out with gross violations of the technological process.

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The most common mistakes when balancing wheels:

  1. Balancing a dirty wheel. Adhering grains of sand and dirt will create additional imbalance, spoiling the overall picture, so it will not be possible to bring the wheel to zero.
  2. Balancing a damaged wheel with modified geometry. First you need to roll the wheel on special equipment, and it is prohibited to straighten the wheel using the impact method. In addition, it is necessary to dismantle all old weights.
  3. Excessive tightening of the wheel on the balancing machine hub. The tightening force must be strictly specified, otherwise the alignment will be disrupted.
  4. Incorrect installation of the tire on the rim. Very often, even experienced tire fitters ignore the rules for installing a tire and place it at random, resulting in the formation of an additional inertial moment. It is important to remember that the location of the hole for the spool on the disk must coincide with the special mark on the tire.
  5. Improper wheel alignment when installed on a vehicle axle, which occurs due to improper tightening of wheel bolts or nuts.

In order not to encounter the unpleasant consequences of incorrect balancing described at the beginning of the article, it is recommended to carefully monitor the work of tire fitters. It should be noted that qualified specialists will always show diagnostic data on the display and, if necessary, will start the machine again so that the client can be convinced of the quality of the work performed.

Where and how to do balancing

You can check how the rims and tires rotate and, if necessary, put them in order using a balancing machine. Modern equipment is as automated as possible. The wheel is installed and spun. For centering, a cone is used to balance the wheels. This method is most often used in auto repair shops, although it is not ideal. In this case, a minimum amount of time is spent on balancing, and errors in cone alignment appear only at high speeds. Wheel balancing weights are used to smooth the movement. If you balance the structure by securing it to standard fasteners, the results will be more accurate.

There are three ways to balance wheels:

  1. Rough balancing - the disk and tire are spun on a machine, the master moves the lead weights and finds their optimal position
  2. The balancing stand is equipped with an electronic system into which parameters are entered. After assessing the results of rotation, information appears on the screen on how to correct the situation - where and what mass should be installed weights
  3. The “3D” wheel balancing machine for passenger cars is ultra-modern equipment that is capable of measuring rotation using a laser method and evaluating the results in three coordinates. The system is found at large service stations

Electronic balancing equipment is the most modern and guarantees high-quality results.
Wheel balancing is done by installing balance weights. Adhesive ones are attached to the inside if you want to preserve the appearance of the disks or if another installation is impossible. Pressed ones are used for casting and stamping. On winter tires with rims, it is recommended to use padded weights that have brackets. Due to temperature changes, the weights on the tape spontaneously detach.

Final wheel balancing is carried out after the classical method. Its essence is to check the rotation of the entire unit, which includes the wheel itself, the brake unit, and the hub. For this procedure, special equipment installed under the car is used.

Basic rules for good wheel balancing

As with any technology or procedure, there is a certain list of rules or advice, following which you can achieve a better result. Balancing car wheels is no exception, since this process uses the laws of physics, which means it is better to adhere to the rules.

  1. Before you start balancing your car wheels, make sure that the wheel geometry is correct, otherwise the whole process will be pointless;
  2. The weight of the weight for balancing a wheel with normal geometry should not exceed 60 grams. If a weight of greater mass is required, then it is worth checking the geometry of the disk, the correct assembly of the disk and tire, and the wear of the tire;
  3. The permissible deviation when re-balancing a car wheel should be no more than 5 grams. If the tire was removed from the balancing machine and then returned to it again, then this should be the maximum difference, no more;
  4. The larger the wheel, the stronger and more reliable it must be installed on the axis of the balancing machine, otherwise it will affect the quality of balancing;
  5. The assembly of the disk and tire is individual for each wheel, so a slight deviation is allowed on each side of the wheel, weighing 10 grams;
  6. Before balancing, the car wheels, disk and tire must be cleaned of dust, dirt and other parts in the tread. Such factors greatly influence the correct balancing of wheels;
  7. The tire must be put on correctly and on the side of the rim (most often this concerns the procedure for changing a car’s shoes from summer to winter tires). Once installed on the car, the tire will fall into place almost immediately, but the balancing will be disrupted;
  8. Plastic wheel caps can play a significant role in tire imbalance; most often, problems arise with low-quality hubcaps. If an imbalance appears, first double-check that the hubcaps are installed correctly and only then proceed with balancing the car’s wheels.

As you can see, the procedure for balancing car wheels is not that complicated, but at home, without special equipment, it is almost impossible to do balancing. It is best to have your wheels balanced at trusted service stations, or ask your friends where they had this procedure done. An inexperienced specialist will only worsen the imbalance rather than eliminate it.

If the steering wheel wobbles or the car body vibrates, do not delay or delay wheel balancing, otherwise you will have to pay ten times more on damaged suspension or car body parts.

Do-it-yourself wheel balancing

It is not always possible or desirable to go to a tire shop to balance the wheels of a vehicle. By connecting your head and hands, growing from the right place, you can do this work yourself without outside help. There is nothing complicated in this procedure. There is no need to rush, otherwise the quality of the work performed may suffer.

The process of balancing car wheels with your own hands can be divided into several stages:


Includes the purchase of self-adhesive weights that act as balancers. They are glued to the wheel to ensure balance in the rotation of the wheel when the vehicle is moving.

The car wheels must be washed and all pebbles stuck in the tread must be removed. There should be no dirt on the tires, otherwise the correct balancing can be called into question. Be sure to remove the cap if it is installed.

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Next, take an ordinary jack. One side of the car lifts up, releasing two wheels. It is necessary to check their free rotation. They can be spun by hand in any direction. The wheels should spin without overcoming resistance. In some cases, to ensure free rotation, it will be necessary to loosen the hub mount. You just need to loosen the bolts a little. Don't forget to remove old weights from the wheel.

Heavy point of the wheel.

To determine the heaviest point of the wheel, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  • the wheel spins clockwise, after it stops you need to mark the lowest point of the wheel. Using a marker with a rich yellow color, you need to put a mark
  • the wheel spins counterclockwise. If after the wheel stops the mark is down again, then the heaviest point has been detected
  • To balance the wheel on the opposite side from the heavy point, weights are installed on both sides of the rim of the disk

-the wheel is spun again and weights are added until it stops at a different position each time at the marked point.
Similar actions must be performed for each of the four wheels. In order to make sure that the procedure was performed correctly, you can drive a car for several kilometers. If the balancing was performed incorrectly, a specific vibration of the steering wheel will appear.

Some craftsmen independently create special homemade stands in order to balance car wheels. They must ensure the stability of the wheel when rotating and stand securely on any surface.

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