How to choose a garage: types of garages and material used

How to choose a metal garage - questions about choosing garages

To select a material for building a garage, we recommend considering two options: an aerated concrete garage and a metal garage.

For the construction of garages made of aerated concrete, we recommend that you clarify the required garage area, the presence of a foundation, construction location, number of floors, type of gate and call us by phone or write to us by email. mail

The construction of a garage from aerated concrete definitely makes sense to be considered only on private territory, if there is a certain budget, and if the garage needs to perform the functions of protecting the car from theft

Why are wooden garages built?

Most often, a wooden garage appears on a site as part of an architectural ensemble. If a house, a fence and additional buildings made of boards are built in the same style, then a natural continuation of the design of a country property will be a building for a vehicle that will fit into the overall landscape.

Eco-friendly materials are in fashion: timber, rounded logs, boards, on frames. Garages also began to be developed and built from wood. This may involve installing metal gates.

If the issue of aesthetics and architectural unity does not occupy the main place, then the usual calculation works. The cost of a wooden structure is much lower than a brick or stone one. It does not require a powerful foundation or the use of special equipment. Buying wood instead of brick will save money, and you can build a garage out of planks in one or two days.

Unity of architectural style is perhaps the most compelling reason to build a garage made of wood

The only deciding factor will be the preferences of the owners. If they are firmly convinced that the car should be parked in a brick house, then no amount of savings calculations will help them immediately change their views. In addition, not everyone will agree with the presence of wooden gates - this material seems unreliable to them.

Shell garage

This is the cheapest and, naturally, less practical type. Due to their extremely low cost (about 20,000 rubles for a high-quality option), they are still popular. In fact, this is the same metal box with all its disadvantages, just with a specific method of opening the gate, if this word can be applied to this type at all.

The fact is that its body is usually divided into two parts, one of which, the front one, rises, giving the car the opportunity to drive under it. Therefore, for the correct operation of such a mechanism, the second half of the structure is lower and rounded. Consequently, additional restrictions on the machine appear.

However, it is worth noting that this view also has its advantage - thanks to the absence of walls (they are raised), it becomes a little easier to park the vehicle.

It also needs to be said about the compactness of this type of garage. Most often, its dimensions are only slightly larger than the size of an average car, which allows you to place a shell garage even on a small plot of land. However, this obviously affects the capacity, which many people don't like. They independently lengthen the front part by cutting the body and welding the desired metal insert. This looks terrible and is popularly called a “collective farm”.

Wood - advantages and disadvantages

A house made of wood is normal and familiar. For many, this is the only possible material that will provide a normal microclimate, thermal insulation and will provide aesthetic pleasure.

Wood is a material that is optimal for people. The question is how suitable it is for the vehicle.

When built correctly, the durability of a wooden house can be measured over centuries; the material retains all the properties of a natural material. But this will happen if you use durable wood varieties. For example, larch - it is not subject to rotting and will remain strong even without treatment with special compounds. At the same time, it is impossible to call buildings made from larch boards economical - this material is expensive.

If you decide to build a garage or house made of wood, do not skimp on treatment with protective agents.

Inexpensive wooden material requires processing, and this must be included in the construction project right away. Pine or spruce, which is common in construction, needs to be impregnated with special substances, since although they are affordable, they are not naturally durable. They are influenced by:

  • ultraviolet radiation
  • precipitation
  • temperature changes.

Therefore, erecting a building from inexpensive wooden material entails many annual worries. A wooden garage will have to be maintained, processed and constantly monitored. And construction from expensive wood will cost an amount that cannot be called economical. In addition, installing gates made of solid wood or a more durable material will increase the cost of construction.

You also need to consider the difference between a house and a garage. There are people living in the house who, in any weather and in all seasons, maintain certain conditions in it. The house is under constant care and supervision. If problems arise, they are corrected immediately.

A wooden garage is usually not heated. This means that in the summer it warms up as much as possible and freezes in the winter. Often it is not ventilated unless necessary, which can contribute to the appearance of dampness. If the owners do not spend time there, then mold or rotting of a wooden structure may go unnoticed.

If the construction boards are not processed properly and due to temperature changes, cracks appear, which only increase after each season.

It is not necessary to build a garage entirely out of wood; it is more practical to limit yourself to a few wooden elements

Garage and street car parking during the cold season

There is no clear answer to the question of storing a car in a garage or on the street. If we do not take into account the issue of safety, but consider only the harmlessness of storage for the machine itself, then each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. The garage is convenient in winter because the car does not need to be cleared of snow. At the same time, it is necessary to clear the entrance to the garage door. In summer, the garage protects the car from direct sunlight, but this can also be done with the help of an outdoor canopy over the car. But a garage can play a bad joke on a car if it is poorly ventilated. Accumulated moisture and condensation lead to corrosion of the body and damage to other parts of the car.

Therefore, if the garage is not heated and does not have good ventilation, then it is advisable to park the car outdoors. You just need to know how to store your car outside correctly. In summer, do not park the car under the scorching sun, which damages the interior plastic and body paint. How to store a car outside in winter depends on the weather. Choose a place from which you can always leave in case of snowfall, avoid ice blocks hanging from the roofs. Take care of how to store your car outside in advance by preparing a special area for this.

Published: October 28, 2020

How to approach the issue of building a wooden garage correctly

If, despite all the disadvantages, you still want a room for your car in an eco-friendly style, you can solve the problem in several ways:

  • to rebuild a garage from brick or stone, introducing wood into its structure in the form of separate parts of the building, you can use expensive material in small quantities
  • insulate the garage, especially if it is a frame structure, not forgetting about the vapor barrier
  • provide the possibility of heating a wooden garage
  • the need to construct a double floor from boards to maintain a normal microclimate
  • think over the gate material - made of boards, solid wood or metal
  • treat the entire structure or individual parts made of wooden material with impregnations and primers every year.

The last point will seem to many an unpleasant addition to saving money, but if you purchase special equipment for effectively spraying treatment compounds, this will take a minimum of time and will quickly become a habit. In addition, such devices can be used for other purposes.

You don’t have to think twice, but turn to craftsmen who know how to build a garage out of wood so that it is durable, inexpensive and does not create additional hassle. We can offer ready-made buildings or create an individual project for a wooden garage. We provide the opportunity to choose the material.

We offer all clients several gate options:

  • wooden
  • reinforced with board profiles
  • metal.

We replace gates of an existing building.


This type of garage is more common in developed countries and usually cannot exist separately from the house. At its core, this is a kind of capital construction, since they are almost always built from the same materials. But sometimes there are even wooden options. They can be either an extension of the house or a separate structure, have different gates, including blinds, have a pit or not. All this depends only on the desire of the owner, because they are created to order or independently.

Wood - cons

When thinking about saving money, you should not miss several important points due to the properties of wood

  • fire hazard, which means carrying out mandatory work to impregnate the surfaces of the building with special compounds
  • wood absorbs spilled or splashed oil and fuel
  • softness, which will allow an attacker to break into a gate, even the walls of a building, and get inside.

You can build a garage out of wood yourself, but you need to have at least a little understanding of construction and follow the technology

What additional uses are there?

We are not necessarily talking about a GSK or a garage in the country or in the garden; There are countless options for garages and their locations in Russia.

If, for example, it is more convenient for a car owner to keep his car near the house rather than in the garage, then:

  1. The easiest way is to rent out a garage . To do this, you can advertise and find someone “suffering” to put your car in a normal garage.
  2. You can organize a warehouse for wholesale goods in the garage by agreeing with sellers at the market; this is especially convenient if the market is located nearby.
  3. If local conditions allow, you can turn the garage itself into a retail outlet ; in this case, it is necessary to supply water to it and coordinate with the SES.
  4. You can rent out a garage for a mini-workshop - now there are many people starting their own business; this could be, for example, furniture manufacturing or other small-scale production; You can start this business yourself.
  5. Organize a small service center , hiring car repair specialists.

It is convenient if the garage cooperative is large and has a large number of car owners.
If there is a hole in the garage, you can organize a service for oil changes or electrical repairs .

If funds allow, you can buy equipment and organize a tire workshop or even a car wash .

If prices for services are kept adequate, there should be demand and payback. Of course, in this case, you first need to draw up a small business plan .

Preparation of documents for a cooperative garage

From a legal point of view, purchasing a garage in GSK is somewhat more complicated than processing documents for ordinary real estate. In order to avoid troubles, it is necessary, in the process of preparing for the transaction, to collect all the documents on which the legality of ownership of this property depends.

When purchasing a garage, we recommend that you do the following:

  1. Check whether the share contributions to the cooperative for this garage have been fully paid. This can be done using the membership book, which the owner must have, or using documents held by the chairman of the GSK.
  2. Become a member of the cooperative instead of the previous owner if the membership dues have been paid only partially (the procedure for joining should be clarified with the chairman).
  3. Require the seller or together with him to re-issue the cadastral and technical documentation for the garage (the cadastral chamber and BTI are responsible for this).
  4. If the garage seller has a family, get written permission from his or her spouse to sell, otherwise the deal may be challenged.
  5. It is necessary to conclude an official purchase and sale agreement, which can be certified by a notary for reliability. It is recommended that this document be accompanied by a transfer and acceptance certificate with all the characteristics of the garage.
  6. Register ownership of the garage and receive a certificate - if the fees have been paid in full.

Some owners, when deciding how to sell a garage more profitably, suggest that buyers cheat slightly by indicating the inventory value in the contract, but actually paying the market value. It is better not to agree to such offers, since if previously unnoticed pitfalls are discovered and a controversial situation arises, it will be impossible to return the money in full.

Attempts to justify yourself: illegal registration of the purchase and sale of a garage

The main arguments of the car owner in defense of the illegal purchase of real estate are the cheapness and speed of the transaction: the seller takes the money, and the buyer receives the keys to the garage. The process is done without running around and collecting papers, visiting friendly officials and extracting the necessary certificates from them.

Another plus is that in this way they acquire real estate that cannot be obtained legally. We are talking about courtyard garages in residential areas of the city, the right to which only people with disabilities of the musculoskeletal system have the right to. This injustice is being corrected in the dark, since officially only a person with similar health problems can buy/sell a subsidized motorhome.

This is probably where the minor advantages of the dubious deal end, and it’s time to move on to its major disadvantages. What are the consequences of incorrect registration of a garage purchase?

What types exist

Separately, I would like to talk about portable soft structures. These products are used primarily in the former CIS countries and are produced in Russia. They are a kind of compact case, which in its structure resembles a down jacket for a car. They are able to protect the car from the most severe frosts, precipitation and the negative effects of the sun. Therefore, they will also be useful for those who park their car when leaving for work.

You can sew a car cover yourself. This product resembles a down jacket and is made in its likeness.

Now there are several manufacturing companies producing different types of such products. Let's take a look at each of them.

Types of portable garage covers:

  1. A hauberk is a car cover that has a floor. It retains heat perfectly. For example, it automatically starts the engine after seven hours if it is at 45 degrees below zero. Khaurberk weighs only nine kg and fits in the trunk of any car.
  2. Sakhatent used to be insulated with several layers of padding polyester. However, it has now been replaced by nanocomposite material. Such products have all the advantages of the previous version.
  3. The Natasha portable garage cape is the most popular and well-proven product. It is made of non-flammable and wear-resistant modern material. In addition, it is perfectly insulated. Therefore, Natasha fell in love with many car enthusiasts.

All the products described can easily fit in the trunk of a car and are inexpensive. In addition, they are lightweight and can protect

Main varieties

In Russia, folding structures began to be manufactured quite a long time ago. Such products have always been popular due to their low price and portability.

The shell garage was popular back in the nineties. Then you could install them without having to buy space for them, so almost everyone had them.

In fact, the choice is quite large. Let's see what options a modern manufacturer offers us.

Types of portable structures for passenger cars:

  1. Folding frame-awning. It is a steel base on which the awning is stretched. Essentially, this is a tent for a car. This tented option perfectly protects the car from precipitation such as snow and rain. However, it will not protect your vehicle from frost and will not protect against theft.
  2. Made from steel sheets on a metal frame, it is also considered portable. After all, it does not have a foundation and it is quite possible to transport it using a truck. This option also cannot fully protect your car from burglary and frost. However, it saves her from precipitation in the best possible way, and there is room for things in it. So this is a great summer option.
  3. The inflatable for one car is made of nylon materials and vinyl film. This inflatable box provides good thermal insulation inside and protects the car from burglary. However, in such a box the car is not protected from hacking.
  4. The shell garage is made of steel sheets. Such a product is inexpensive and is quite capable of protecting the car from adverse environmental conditions. However, it will not protect the car from frost and theft. In addition, such structures tend to rust.
  5. A soft tent is a kind of cover. It protects the car from frost and precipitation, but not from theft.

Such products have a low cost. Plus, you can take them with you when you move. Therefore, portable options are still used by many car enthusiasts.

We calculate dimensions according to the type of vehicle

Let's consider the features of calculating the size of a garage depending on the car that is planned to be parked in it.

Passenger car

The current standards establish the following standard values: 4x6x2.5 meters. However, given the variety of existing models, each case requires an individual approach to calculations. Some nuances have been described above.

SUVs exceed the dimensions of a passenger car, so the design is carried out based on the dimensions. For example, for a typical LandCruiser J200 they are 4.95x1.97x1.88. Here it makes sense to make a reserve of 2-3 meters. As a result, we get a room 8x5x3 meters.

Gate welding

Metal garage doors are created according to the same scheme as the frame. First, a frame is welded from the corners so that the gate fits into the opening and is made 2-3 mm smaller. Sheet sheathing is welded on top. Standard ones have two hinged doors. This fastener is convenient because the gate will open and close easily. Bearings are often attached to the hinges for optimal rotation of swing gate leaves.

When assembling the gate, the place for the gate is welded in advance from the same corners. When making calculations and installation, it is important to consider which direction the gate will open. The place for the castle is cut out immediately. The gate is attached to hinges or other fasteners.

Wise purchase of distressed garages

Today, a little more than 70% of all motorhomes are officially registered. Other owners either do not bother to submit the necessary documents to the Registration Chamber (more about them in the section How to register a garage as a property), or give in to the need for legal proceedings to confirm their rights (more in the section Recognition of ownership of a garage).

Thus, state registration eliminates problematic real estate, clearly indicating to owners the shortcomings that prevent its correct registration.

Let's say you're attracted to an unregistered motorhome. How to register the purchase and sale of a garage if the owner does not have a certificate of ownership?

There is only one way out - to take on the hassle of collecting the necessary documents and force the owner to register it. Then calmly complete the deal and legally buy a garage.

How to arrange the room?

As a rule, garages are often used not only for parking a car and its accessories, but also as a workshop and storage place for small things needed in the household and even summer household supplies.

In order to make the garage as functional as possible, it is necessary to think in advance and include in the plan such items as meter allowance for shelving, arrangement of the basement, attic or beams under the roof. Even in a small garage box you can store the necessary things without sacrificing space.


Homemade multi-tiered shelves along the walls of the garage are used to store engine fluid, essential tools, and car accessories. You can place summer and winter tires on the wall under the ceiling so that they don’t get in the way under your feet. On one side of the wall you can install a machine or work table.


A basement will not be superfluous in any household, and it is not at all difficult to think through and make it in advance. At the stage of laying the foundation, step back half a meter from the border of the future structure and dig a hole. The recess will need to be strengthened against crumbling and ventilation provided. If groundwater runs high from the surface, then the basement will have to be reinforced with concrete walls and floors, in which case more labor and investment will be required.

You can limit yourself to an inspection hole for car repairs.

The best option would be a concrete floor in the garage box. It is easy to fill it after installing the foundation and completing work on the basement. Concrete is a durable material, it is easy to clean and resistant to mechanical damage and destruction over time. If you have a basement, you need to consider the entrance hatch. To add greater aesthetics, technical porcelain tiles can be laid on a concrete floor.

Roof and attic

Wall decoration

Beauty is not required for garage walls, but fire safety comes to the fore. If the garage is wooden, it is worth treating the walls with a special fireproof solution. If the garage is attached to the house, then the door between the garage and the interior living space should be finished with fire-resistant materials.

Gate and driveway

You need to take care of the driveway area in advance. The best option is a comfortable wide area for maneuvers, and the space for open gate leaves should be at least 2 meters.

As a rule, standard garage doors have a swing configuration, but in order to save space, you can choose a different type of door:

  • roller shutters When folded, the canvas of dense lamellas is removed into a box installed under the roof. This system saves space as much as possible;
  • "book" . Sections of the canvas are folded one on top of the other and removed into the wall compartment;
  • coupe _ When opening, the door leaf slides along the wall along guides thanks to rollers at the top and bottom of the door leaf.

I bought a garage illegally - be prepared to lose your money

The main and decisive argument against: incorrect execution of the garage sale and purchase transaction is a direct road to losing your money (by the way, a lot of it!). If the seller cannot provide all the required documents for the motorhome, then this should already arouse suspicion among a cautious buyer.

All other unpleasant nuances will emerge during the exploitation of the illegally obtained real estate.

Firstly, you only use the garage, but you cannot dispose of it. It cannot be officially bequeathed, sold, or rented out. This is your thing, but in the eyes of the state it has a different owner.

Secondly, if the purchased garage is an unauthorized building, then you can lose it at any time. The order to demolish the squatter building will come sooner or later. You can wait several days, months, years. Are you ready to sit on a powder keg? The money spent may not meet your expectations.

Thirdly, there is a risk of running into unforeseen circumstances. There are many cases where the fact of a simplified purchase is quickly forgotten after the death of witnesses to the action. No seller/buyer - no deal. You will not find the truth in court, since the state is on the side of the legal owner. And the heirs will not be too lazy to collect the necessary documents in order to get their hands on the scarce building.

Fourthly, how do you know that the seller really is the owner of the garage? It is quite possible that the legal owner will appear after some time and take away the purchased property from you.

As you can see, the list of facts against it is impressive and should forever discourage the car owner from buying a camper van. To complete a transaction for the sale and purchase of a garage, you need a considerable package of documents, but by collecting it and officially re-registering your property, you will be completely protected from the above troubles in the future.

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