If the keys are left in the car: what to do and how to open the car without keys


Author temass

Jul 18, 2017


Almost every car enthusiast has found himself in a situation where he needs to open a car door without a key. It is possible to find a way out of a seemingly hopeless situation. The main thing is to remain calm and thoughtfully approach this problem.

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    deals with emergency opening of cars both in Moscow and in the Moscow region. To urgently call technical assistance, just contact the dispatcher by phone +7-499-390-07-35 and explain the essence of the problem, as well as indicate your location. During the conversation, the operator will determine how much it costs to open the car in a particular case.

    Note! We resolve issues of opening car locks only when the customer presents documents confirming ownership of the vehicle.

    Method #2: Use a wedge and a long wire

    In order to gain partial access to the interior of a locked car, you can try to lift the top of the door. To do this, you can use a wooden/plastic wedge or use an air wedge (pneumatic wedge) and a long wire, which, when you move the door, you need to reach the door lock button. If you use a wooden wedge, then to avoid damaging the door, wear a rubber cleaning glove on it.

    But the most convenient way to do this is with the help of a pneumatic wedge, which is similar to a cuff from a blood pressure measuring device. A pneumatic wedge is a cushion with a bulb, with the help of which the cushion expands under pressure. This air wedge is a professional auto mechanic tool. In Russia, unfortunately, its cost is rather high. But, for example, on AliExpress such a pneumatic wedge can be bought for 300 rubles. We advise you to purchase such an item and store it at home. Believe me, this wedge will really give you access to the salon.

    As for the wire that you can use to pry the door lock button, it is advisable to wrap it with electrical tape so as not to damage the door and interior panels. But ideally it is better to use a plastic rod or plate.

    The advantage of this method over the lanyard is that this method can actually help unlock a locked door, even in those cars where the door lock button is located next to the inside door handle.

    If the keys are left in the car: what to do and how to open the car without keys

    The American Automobile Association reports that in 2020, a total of approximately 4,000,000 vehicles were locked out across the country. This is much more than just a few years ago - about 500,000 cars, that is, 8 times less. At the same time, the number of incidents with alarms grows in proportion to the complexity of their system and the attempt to take care of its owner, who, as the security system sometimes thinks, simply left, forgetting to lock the car. So it locked itself... with the keys inside.

    What to do if your keys were left in the car and its doors suddenly closed, how to open the car if the keys were left inside the car? In fact, since such cases are quite common almost everywhere where personal cars are driven, there are not one, but several solutions to how to open a car without a key when the keys to it are left inside, and let’s look at them all!

    Call roadside assistance

    This is when car clubs providing assistance and assistance in critical situations on the road with an annual fee really pay off (just don’t confuse roadside assistance services with CASCO insurance)!

    In fact, this is one of the best options if you have a special plastic card with an annual roadside service. As a rule, the services of such insurance organizations include wheel removal and installation, direct legal assistance in case of an accident, tow truck services and... opening a locked car with keys inside, as well as other operations depending on the service and your tariff. These services arrive fairly quickly after your call.

    Oh yes, there may be one catch - you don’t have such a card, and you haven’t signed up for roadside assistance! Don’t be so sure about this - in fact, this service could have been arranged for you by those who service you or your car. Most new cars are often already equipped with roadside assistance during the main warranty period. In general, several organizations could give you a gift or arrange it additionally and not really advertise it:

    • Your official dealer who sold you the car or even directly from the manufacturer as part of a roadside assistance program (for example, Kia Assistance for Kia cars, Business Car Assistance for Toyota cars, and so on).
    • Your CASCO insurer. Insurance companies often sell a roadside assistance card as part of the policy.
    • Banks that issue car loans do the same to insurers.

    However, there is one catch here - often the card must first be activated and only after a certain time has passed it will be possible to use the service of unlocking the doors of a car that has been locked with the keys.

    In any case, rummage around in the glove compartment to see if this method can be used to open the doors if the keys are left in the locked car. If you find the appropriate card, call and ask about the availability of such a service in general and the conditions for its provision. Keep in mind that in any case you will need to provide a document confirming your ownership of the car (preferably SoRTS).

    If you don’t have such a card, still find the phone number of such a service and call - they may simply provide you with this service for a separate payment. As a rule, the cost of unlocking a car is about 700-1200 rubles, depending on the car model and the complexity of the alarm.

    Opening the car with the keys inside with the help of a special locksmith service is perhaps the best way. The only thing better than that is the nearest car service - auto mechanic guys can often open a car that is locked with keys, and at the same time, they will take a much smaller amount of money for this.

    Telephone numbers of the largest roadside assistance services present in many cities of the Russian Federation that provide car opening :

    • Russian Automobile Partnership (RAT): 8 800 200 05 60
    • Russian Automoto Club (RAMK): 8 800 250 72 62
    • Ring Assistance, 8 800 555 04 57 (for regions)

    Surely you have second car keys

    Any automaker sells a car with at least two sets of keys and recommends storing the second keys in a safe place. If you are the happy owner of a new car, then you should have second keys. It may be easiest to bring them to a locked car with the keys inside.

    However, if you bought a used car, then most likely you do not have a second set of keys, unless you received them from the seller.

    Call a tow truck

    If you do not have the opportunity to use one of the above options, then you can take the car to a car dealer, who will open the car. In this case, you will have to pay both the cost of the tow truck and the services of auto mechanics. In any case, a tow truck is only an intermediate step in solving the problem. And with a tow truck you either take the car to a car service center to have it opened and get the keys, or home to open it yourself.

    Opening the car yourself if the keys are left in the car

    In fact, there are ways to open the car yourself without a key. But this is already a professional skill, and not everyone can do it. Simply put, if you are reading this article, then you do not know how to open the car yourself.

    However, if the dealer has diagnosed the impossibility of quickly producing a new key (this is possible more often, for example, in the case of older cars with keyless entry - you will have to order a chip key for them directly from the manufacturer), and you definitely need to break into the car, then there are two options to open car with keys inside:

    1. Drill out the glass.
    2. Break the glass.

    The first option is suitable if, of course, you have the appropriate tool for this here and now - a drill with adjustable speed and a glass drill. It is better to drill glass if, after getting the keys, you plan to drive around with the defective glass.

    Before you drill into glass, you need to think twice about where to do it. We recommend damaging the front side glass for most car models. A new windshield will cost you more, and rear windows will probably have to be ordered and waited for their arrival even from the “officials”, because they are rarely broken, and there are usually no stocks of rear windows in warehouses. In any case, it is necessary to start from the fact that it is convenient to insert the wire into the hole and pick up the button/lever for unlocking the door from the inside; or it may even be easier to get the keys left on the dashboard or in another more accessible place.

    After you take out the key, temporarily cover the glass with tape on both sides until you install the new glass.

    If the issue needs to be resolved right on the road, then you will have to break the glass. It is also better to choose the front side one, however, here you should take into account the fact that you will drive further without glass, and the fragments can scatter quite widely throughout the car.

    Method #6: Use Windshield Cleaner

    Is it possible to open a locked car door without witchcraft on the door locking mechanisms if, for example, the glass in the door is slightly open? It turns out that it is possible. But how? It's simple. If your car is equipped with a power window control unit that is located like in the video, you can reach the driver's door power window button using the windshield wiper blade. Here's how to do it:

    Basically, you can use almost anything you can get your hands on to your car's power window control unit. But if you're in a hurry and you can't reach the power window button, it's best to use a windshield wiper.

    Method #1: Use a lanyard

    First, make a loop in the rope, which should tighten if you pull the ends of the rope in different directions. Hold the ends of the rope in each hand and pass the rope through the corner of the door from the top, using a back and forth motion to advance the rope to the inside door lock release button.

    Next, throw a loop over the button and, after tightening it, pull the rope up to unlock the car door.

    However, please note that such a life hack will not help if the door lock button in your car is recessed into the door trim, since you will not be able to put a loop over the button. Also, this method is not useful if the door lock button is located on the inside side of the door (for example, next to the door handle).

    Rope loop

    To open a door using this method, you must have a piece of rope or fishing line. The first step is to bend the door corner. To do this, you can use any tools. Right down to culinary wooden or plastic spatulas. It is best to use wooden pegs for these purposes.

    To avoid scratching the car's paint, you need to stick electrical tape on the area where you will be using tools. If you don't have electrical tape, you can use a cloth.

    Next, one of the tools is inserted between the pillar and the rear door corner. You need to bend the door slightly, about one or two centimeters, and place another tool on top.

    A loop is tied on a rope or fishing line. This rope is pulled into the resulting gap. Now the most important thing is to use a loop to grab the door locking button that opens the doors. Once the locking button is in the loop, you need to pull the rope up and the door will open. With the necessary skill and a little luck, the entire operation will go quickly enough.


    If you have certain skills, you can try to open the car without a key on your own. But amateur activity is always fraught with risk, especially if improvised means are used for opening (wire, ruler, rope loop, etc.).

    Attempts to open car locks on your own can lead to the following consequences:

    • chipped paintwork;
    • torn door handles;
    • damage to the lock itself.

    Some even use a drill to drill out the lock cylinder - needless to say, restoration will cost a much larger sum than the inexpensive services of a locksmith. Therefore, before deciding to perform an autopsy on your own, you need to weigh all the facts. Professional work, unlike doing it yourself, is guaranteed to be worth the money. The masters will unlock the lock carefully and will not cause any damage to the car.

    Opening a car using radical methods

    There are methods that are resorted to if opening car doors without a key using “gentle methods” fails. But in this case, visible damage will be caused to the integrity of the body. To open a car using “barbaric methods” you need tools.

    Break glass

    This method comes to mind first if opening doors without a key fails in any of the above methods. The glass will require replacement, but it is guaranteed to help you get into the car.

    When deciding on the most radical method, do not forget a few rules:

    — cover the glass with tape to prevent fragments from scattering inside the cabin;

    - wrap your hand in a jacket or a rag - only Hollywood actors break glass with their bare hands. In a real situation there will be a lot of cuts and life-threatening bleeding;

    — at the moment of breaking, turn your face to the side, or better yet, cover yourself with a rag in advance;

    - hit the center of the glass with a sharp, strong blow with your elbow or a hard object at hand.

    This method is best used as a last resort, if nothing has helped and you need to go urgently.

    Break or drill out the lock cylinder

    This is a less expensive way to open a car without a key, because... The larva is cheaper than glass, and it’s easier to change. You can break it with a screwdriver or chisel. You need to drive the tool into the lock and turn it.

    Of course, if you can use a drill, this will simplify the task and the lock mechanism will not bend. But the essence remains the same - the lock will have to be repaired or completely changed.

    Using a rope loop

    Many car thieves try to open a car this way. This is a fairly gentle method. Its essence is as follows. You need to get a piece of rope, fishing line or twine. Then you need to press the upper corner of the driver's door away from the body until a gap appears. Before doing this, it is advisable to cover the door with tape.

    Main causes of malfunction

    The need for professional assistance in opening a car may arise in various situations. Most often, emergency door opening is required if:

    • the keys are inside the car or trunk;
    • the battery is discharged, as a result of which the car alarm or central locking does not have enough power;
    • the key hole is clogged with oxides, mineral formations, and flux due to prolonged inactivity or improper operation (for example, if hot water was poured into it for defrosting);
    • the door is locked due to a faulty car alarm;
    • there are problems with the vehicle's electrical system;
    • There are errors in the control unit.
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