How much does it cost to register gas equipment?

Currently, traditional fuels for cars, such as gasoline or diesel, are not the only options. Various gas mixtures have become widespread.

The most popular compositions are based on propane-butane. The second place is occupied by gas equipment with methane. The features of using methane in cars will be discussed in this material.

Fine for illegal installation of gas equipment in 2020

Please note that clause 7.14 applies to periodic checks of gas equipment, and clause 7.18 applies to operating a vehicle with illegally installed gas equipment.
It is worth knowing that if changes in the design of the vehicle are detected, your vehicle registration may be cancelled.

There are two documents whose requirements must be met when converting a car to gas.

  1. Technical Regulations “On the Safety of Wheeled Vehicles”, regulating the rules for installing components in a car, including conversion to LPG.
  2. GOST 31972-2013 “Procedures and procedures for methods of monitoring the installation of gas equipment,” which directly approves the procedure and documents for gas equipment and its legalization.

In the first document, I advise you to immediately open paragraph 8 of Appendix No. 9. The document is large, you will have to scroll through a lot. Here are links to UNECE requirements, the fulfillment of which is mandatory when installing gas equipment. You will see that not every gas kit can be installed on vehicles - they simply will not be registered with the traffic police.

To register, a gas cylinder kit must meet two important conditions:

  • vehicles may only be equipped with an LPG whose type has been certified in accordance with UNECE Regulations No. 115 for the corresponding family of vehicles,
  • installation of gas-cylinder equipment should not lead to a decrease in the environmental class of the machine.

In the box of gas equipment that you are going to purchase, look first for a certificate of compliance with UNECE Rules No. 115 and a document indicating the environmental class of gas equipment. Compare the environmental class of the gas equipment with the environmental class of your car indicated in the PTS or registration certificate. The first step has been taken!

Now let's take a closer look at the procedure for registering gas.

Testing must be carried out simultaneously with the verification of cylinders:

  • HBO with methane – every 5 years;
  • LPG with propane-butane – every 2 years.

Alas, the news about HBO in cars does not end there. Another innovation stipulates that the owners of converted cars will have to spend a lot of money. From now on, alterations to previously installed equipment that were not registered are also considered a design change. That is, the owners of such vehicles will have to perform the same steps as when installing LPG.

Do I need to register for HBO?

Free legal consultation

Whether or not to arrange for the installation of HBO is up to everyone to decide for themselves.
However, it should be understood that if the traffic police ask for documents for a gas installation, and the owner does not have them, he will be issued a fine. From June 1, 2020, the amount of the monetary penalty has changed and is now 500 rubles. But this is only part of the problem. If the owner does not register the LPG in a timely manner, it will be impossible to register the car. Many drivers face this problem because they do not realize the seriousness of the situation.
Problems begin to emerge when the car is sold and transferred to another owner. As a rule, it is necessary to remove installed equipment, and this entails additional costs. In addition to a fine, there are other penalties. For example, a traffic police inspector has the right to put the car in an impound lot, for which the car owner will also have to pay. If the owner is fined for lack of documents for a gas installation a second time, he may face arrest for 15 days. The most extreme measure is a court ban on using a vehicle for a certain period. To prevent such fines and punishments, you need to complete the registration procedure in a timely manner.

The price of registering gas equipment for a car with the traffic police according to the new rules of 2020

The answer to the question of whether LPG registration is required with the traffic police in 2020 depends on the modification of the car. If its model involves the installation of a gas installation, and this is reflected in the car’s documents, then you do not need to obtain permission for installation.

As for whether registration of gas equipment is necessary for a car in Russia on which gas equipment was installed before 2020 (before the technical regulation of the Customs Union No. 018/2011 came into force), then registration is not necessary if the installation was carried out in accordance with legal norms , and there are documents confirming this.

The cost of registering equipment with the traffic police consists of several parts:

  • Preliminary inspection costs.
  • The cost of installing gas equipment with the issuance of certificates for equipment, diagnostic cards and other documents.
  • Cost of inspection after installation.
  • State fees for issuing documents to the traffic police.

The price of registering gas equipment for a car with the State Traffic Inspectorate varies depending on the region and the organization that will carry out the installation, as well as 2 technical inspections. And how much it costs to register gas equipment with the traffic police can be calculated using state duties, the amounts of which are established in Art. 333.33 Tax Code of the Russian Federation:

  • 800 rub. — issuance of a certificate of conformity of design (clause 46 of article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).
  • 500 rub. — obtaining a vehicle registration certificate.
  • 350 rub. — amendments to the PTS (clause 36 of Article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Thus, the price of registering an LPG with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, excluding the costs of technical inspections and installation of an LPG, is 1,650 rubles. You can receive a 30% discount on the stated amount if you apply online.


Initially, we wanted to make a complete list of all traffic police departments that are involved in the registration of gas equipment, but in the process of our work, this interesting detail became clear: the speed of service will be different everywhere! Some traffic police departments have already assigned special employees who deal only with registration and nothing else: there, if you’re lucky, you can submit all the documents in 30 minutes... And somewhere people say that applications lie with the boss for a month and a half without action. Therefore, if you decide to install or register gas equipment with us, we will definitely tell you which traffic police department is best to submit documents to in order to complete the procedure as quickly as possible.

Please note: Registration of gas installation on a car with the traffic police is impossible without this certificate. According to the letter of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia N 13/5-8230, to obtain a certificate you must provide:

  1. Conclusion of preliminary technical inspection;
  2. Application-declaration from the installer;
  3. Technical inspection report on the safety of the structure after installation of gas equipment;
  4. Receipt for payment of state duty;
  5. STS, PTS, copies of certificates of conformity for equipment;
  6. Russian Federation passport.
  7. Register the vehicle with the traffic police.

Registration of gas for cars in Russia with the State Traffic Inspectorate must be carried out within 10 days after installation of the equipment. Registration of gas-cylinder equipment with the traffic police. Registration of a vehicle after installation of gas equipment is no different from the usual registration, which we described here.

Registration of gas equipment (gas equipment) on a car with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate in 2020 Question Answer Is it necessary to register gas equipment? If the model requires a gas installation, and this is reflected in the car’s documents, then you do not need to obtain permission. Do those who installed it before 2020 need to register their HBO? No, it is not necessary if the installation was carried out in accordance with the law and you have documents confirming this.

How long does it take to register HBO after installation? 10 days. What is the procedure for registering a gas installation? — undergo a preliminary technical examination; — submit an application to change the design of the vehicle and obtain permission to install gas equipment. Why is pre-check necessary? In order to find out whether it is possible to install HBO on your car.

READ MORE: How and where to print a receipt for paying a traffic police fine

How much does the registration procedure cost?

Upon completion of the work, examinations and registration procedures, the driver can operate the gas equipment and thereby significantly save on fuel legally. But this saving will cost a lot. The lion's share of costs, naturally, will go to the purchase and installation of equipment. Directly legalizing the alteration will cost:

  1. From 5 to 10 thousand rubles for two examinations.
  2. 800 rubles – THAT.
  3. State fees:
      800 rubles for registration of SSKTS;
  4. 500 rubles for issuing a new STS upon final registration;
  5. 350 rubles for making changes to the PTS.

In total, the minimum cost of legal transition to economical fuel will be more than 7 thousand rubles. You can save some money on government fees. Until the beginning of 2020, the unified state portal of State Services provides a 30% discount when making a payment through the website.

State duties are the same throughout the country; other calculations are based on average data.

Registration of HBO with the traffic police in 2020 - what you need to know

It’s not often that car enthusiasts complain that they are instructed to disassemble an already installed LPG and provide it for inspection. If this requirement is not met, the vehicle may be deregistered. Often inspectors, together with technical supervision workers, carry out raids to identify gas equipment.


In some regions of Russia, traffic police officers prescribe administrative violations to drivers of cars with gas. They may consist, for example, of placing gas cylinders in the trunk of a vehicle in place of the spare wheel. Experts recommend proving your innocence in court.

Unfortunately, in 2020, problems with the traffic police due to gas equipment will not go away, if the system was installed illegally, the driver uses gas cylinders that did not pass the scheduled inspection or passed it, but violated the deadlines. Cylinders that are not securely secured are also a violation.

Fine for illegal installation of gas equipment in 2020

Many installation centers provide assistance in registering equipment; this greatly simplifies the paperwork process, and the price for their services is about the same.

The essence of the service is to prepare a full package of documents (or partial) in a short time (from 3 hours to 5 days), as well as support and advice during registration. It is worth noting that you still cannot do without a visit to the traffic police.

Installation of gas equipment with registration in the traffic police on a turnkey basis is perfect for those car owners who do not want to waste their time on conversion. Also for those who are already using unregistered gas equipment installed earlier, or who have installed gas equipment on their own.

If you still have questions, ask them in the form below or by email (listed in the contacts section), our team will be happy to answer them.

If a driver drives a vehicle with damaged installed gas equipment or an expired mandatory inspection period, or with equipment that has not passed the inspection or was not properly registered, the motorist will receive a fine of 500 rubles. The registration certificate must contain notes indicating that gas supply is installed in the car, as well as a note about the service inspection of the gas equipment and permission for installation. The motorist should bring his vehicle in for a system check on a regular basis.

The frequency of examinations is indicated in the documents for the cylinder. Typically the frequency of inspections is every two years. The inspection is carried out at a center authorized by the traffic police, then a certificate of the result is issued indicating the date of the next inspection. If the driver does not pass this test on time, the use of the cylinder is prohibited.

The procedure for making changes to the design of the car, including when installing gas equipment, is as follows:

  1. Before starting work: undergo a preliminary technical examination. The examination is carried out only by accredited organizations, a list of which is presented on the website,
  2. obtain permission from the traffic police to make changes;
  • after completing the work:
      pass a technical inspection,
  • undergo a re-examination,
  • obtain a certificate and enter its number in the PTS.
  • As I already said, it is easier to legitimize HBO than any other changes to the design of a car, since the certificate included with the equipment obviously makes the initial examination (clause 1.1) and the examination after the work (clause 2.2) meaningless. And reputable gas equipment installation companies obviously have the necessary forms from accredited expert organizations, of course, in full compliance with the law. Although you will still have to pay for both examinations.

    We discussed in more detail the procedure for making changes in cases other than registering a gas equipment that has not yet been installed in a separate article.

    Before installation

    If the organization does not have the forms, then contact an accredited expert organization directly. If there is none in your city, then the request for an examination is sent by letter by mail.

    Having received the conclusion of the first examination, we go to the traffic police and obtain permission to install gas equipment. There is no state fee for issuing a permit.

    Installation of HBO

    In fact, work can only be carried out in certified centers whose employees are certified to carry out work with gas equipment. The manufacturer of work to make changes to the design of the vehicle, according to GOST 31972-2013, upon completion of the work must transfer the following documents to the owner of the car:

    • application-declaration on the volume and quality of work to make changes to the design of the vehicle, drawn up by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur,
    • a duly certified copy (by the LPG manufacturer, supplier or seller) of the certificate of conformity for the LPG kit that you are drawing up regarding its installation on a specific type of vehicle with annexes on the composition of the kit, indicating the designation of the documentation for the components and their compliance with safety requirements ,
    • a certificate of form 2a certified in the prescribed manner on the compliance of the vehicle with the safety requirements established for it by the HBO,
    • a certificate of form 2b certified in the prescribed manner on the conduct of periodic tests of the gas equipment installed on the vehicle.

    After installation

    1. The next step is to visit a technical inspection point. Please note that the diagnostic card you receive based on the results of the technical inspection contains a note about the installed gas equipment. In particular, the curb weight of the vehicle will increase in accordance with the weight of the set of gas equipment with a filled cylinder, and a mark indicating the new type of fuel must be indicated.

    2. After passing the technical inspection, we undergo a second examination. As I already said, you do all this in the same organization that supplied the equipment.

    3. Next - to the MREO for registration of changes to the design.

    You will have to visit the traffic police in two stages, especially if you register through State Services. At the first stage, you receive a “Certificate of Changes to the Design.”

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    On the second - a new registration certificate, with entries made in the PTS.

    It’s cheaper through State Services. And don't forget to make copies of all documents!

    Either the owner or his authorized representative must contact the traffic police. If you take a chance and write out a power of attorney for an employee of the organization that installed the gas equipment, he will visit the MREO (registration department) instead of you for a fee.

    By the way, periodic testing of gas-cylinder equipment is mandatory, as stated in clause 9.8.3 of Appendix No. 8 of the CU TR. It is easier to carry them out where the HBO was installed. The frequency is set in the passport for HBO and the cylinder. Based on the test results, a certificate is issued, which is required when passing a technical inspection.

    Converting a car to gas as a fuel is economically justified only when the car is used quite intensively. Installing a gas-cylinder LPG will not only require an investment of money, but will also lead to a waste of time and nerves, because, in addition to the installation of the LPG itself, it will need to be registered with the traffic police.

    But the one who walks will master the road.

    In 2020, drivers will have to go through several stages to complete the registration of the installed LPG. After converting the car to gas, they will have to perform several examinations and also present a certain package of documentation. There is no separate law on gas equipment for cars in Russia; new requirements are set out in the aforementioned TR CU No. 018-2011, according to which the full cost of registration consists of the following components:

    • state duty provided for issuing a certificate that confirms the legalization of gas equipment;
    • fee for performing technical inspection after completion of installation work;
    • additional costs that may arise at all stages of installation and legalization of the new system.

    At the same time, the current technical regulations provide for cases when motorists do not need to register LPG. Such cases include:

    • installation of a system that allows the use of gas as a motor fuel by the vehicle manufacturer;
    • the presence of a note in the vehicle’s technical passport stating that the installation of gas equipment is allowed;
    • The car owner managed to install the LPG and register it earlier.

    An analysis of the new requirements for registration of gas equipment shows that the process of installation and legalization has become longer, more complex and costly. But if the driver nevertheless decides to switch to such a “power supply” system for his personal vehicle, then it makes sense for him to find out what documents are needed to install LPG on a car in 2020.

    In 2020, car owners need to obtain permission to make partial changes to the design of the vehicle and a document confirming such changes. To make changes to the design of a car, you need to perform a number of actions.

    1. Contact the MREO to obtain permission to install gas equipment, as well as to perform a preliminary examination.
    2. After receiving the required permitting documentation, installation work can be carried out, which must be carried out by specialists from certified service centers.
    3. When the installation of LPG is completed, the car owner should receive a certificate that confirms that changes have been made to the design of the car, and also that the changes made do not affect the safe operation of the vehicle.
    4. The driver should take care of making changes to the title, as well as obtaining a new car registration certificate.

    But that's not all. Car owners will have to undergo periodic inspections of gas equipment. After completing each such test, the driver will receive a certificate confirming the safety of the installed equipment. In addition to periodic inspections, inspection of gas cylinders is required. The inspection time depends on the type of gas containers:

    • every 2 years - equipment oriented to propane-butane;
    • every 5 years - propane-oriented equipment.

    Motorists who decide to dismantle old equipment will also have to incur certain material costs. According to the new regulations, dismantling will be regarded as a refurbishment/change in the design of the car. This will result in the owner of such a vehicle being required to undergo the same procedures that those installing LPG undergo.

    Starting from 2020, registering gas equipment is a rather complicated procedure. It may take drivers about 2 months to complete all its stages. Registration of gas equipment also requires certain material costs. According to average estimates, about 10-20 thousand rubles will have to be spent on legalizing gas equipment. This amount does not include the cost of the equipment itself, as well as installation work.

    If everything is very clear about whether it is necessary to register gas equipment with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate in Russia, then it is still not possible to understand the attitude towards the procedure in question on the part of the inspection staff. Some inspection representatives are extremely hostile towards motorists using gas equipment.

    Basic moments

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    Almost any car can be equipped with equipment that allows you to use gas as fuel instead of gasoline. The fact of its establishment must be properly documented by the registration authority.

    Gas cylinder installations slightly change the design of a technical vehicle designed to perform special tasks.

    What it is

    The expression “car” means a technical vehicle designed with an internal combustion engine. It allows you to move independently due to the fuel poured into its cylinders.

    Its main purpose is to transport people and transport goods along land routes, which are an integral part of the transport infrastructure.

    Motor vehicles include a fleet of land vehicles, excluding motorcycles and agricultural vehicles.

    These include:

    • cars and trucks of a certain category;
    • buses with different capacities, types;
    • trolleybuses;
    • armored personnel carriers, regardless of their type.

    All the vehicles listed above are divided according to their type into certain categories.

    To manage them legally, it is necessary to properly register documents for them with the traffic police.

    The term “gas equipment” refers to additional equipment mounted on a vehicle. It allows fuel in a gaseous state to be supplied to the cylinders of an internal combustion engine.

    Who applies

    In accordance with the instructions of Federal Law No. 196-FZ, persons with abnormalities in the body or mental state are not allowed to drive a car.

    Drivers and applicants for the right to drive vehicles must undergo a medical examination.

    They must meet the following requirements:

    Possession of Russian citizenship
    Reaching full 16 years of agevested with the right to drive vehicles of category “M”. Persons over 18 or 21 years of age are allowed to drive other categories of vehicles.
    Recognition of legal capacitywhich allows you to bear civil liability for the actions or inaction of the driver in the event of emergency situations
    Registration based on permanent residence or actual residence
    Passing a medical examinationin order to clarify the issue of the driver’s suitability to drive a vehicle
    Mastering theoretical knowledge and practical skillsallowing you to drive a vehicle of a certain category

    As for a legal entity and an individual entrepreneur, they must register with government agencies:

    Unified Register of Legal Entitieswhich allows you to establish the organizational and legal form
    Federal Tax Servicewhich confirms the fact of obtaining tax resident status

    Where to go

    In accordance with legal standards, the traffic police must carry out the registration procedure, which is emphasized in Federal Law No. 196-FZ. It is carried out during a personal visit to any department of the specified body.

    Data on its implementation are entered into the information database of the authority. The legislator has provided a provision for carrying out the procedure for registering a car remotely – online.

    An interested person can submit an application on the official website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. In addition, it can be submitted through the portal of State and municipal services and the Multifunctional Center. These services provide services to the population of the country.

    To use them, you must register on the appropriate sites in order to gain access to your personal account.

    It involves submitting an application to the traffic police to register a car with LPG.

    The owner is entitled to receive a discount of 30% of the cost of the procedure if he uses.

    The car owner can contact any department of the traffic police, regardless of his location and place of actual registration. If it is subject to registration without being submitted for technical inspection, then the procedure is carried out only at the place of residence.

    What is gas equipment

    Before you find out whether it is necessary to register gas equipment on a car in Russia, you should understand what exactly it is, what changes in the car after installation. Installing equipment that allows the car to run on gaseous fuels rather than gasoline is one way to reduce the cost of “powering” the vehicle. LPG ensures efficient operation of the machine on various types of gas or liquid fuel.

    In this case, motorists most often prefer to use methane and propane-butane as a source of energy. Today, 6 generations of gas equipment can be distinguished. The leading position is occupied by the 4th generation of equipment, since its installation does not affect the structural components and parts of the car.

    The payback period depends on the brand of the vehicle, its monthly mileage, and fuel costs. As a result, the installation of a gas installation can pay for itself within 3-6 months. To make a final decision, we suggest taking a closer look at the pros and cons of gas equipment on a car.

    Registration of a vehicle after installation of gas equipment is no different from the usual registration, which we described here.

    When filling out an application for re-registration of a car, in the “Make changes in connection” block, underline the line “change in design”.

    Also fill out the block “Changes made to the design of the vehicle.”

    READ MORE: How to restore a car's registration after scrapping

    The registration fee consists of:

    • the cost of equipment with installation starts from 23,000 rubles, depending on the vehicle and the generation of gas equipment;
    • for a gazelle, a 130-liter cylinder costs from 4,000 rubles;
    • The state fee for issuing documentation to the traffic police is 1,650 rubles.

    Table of costs for preliminary inspection and cost of technical inspection after installation of gas equipment

    Fundamental differences between methane and propane equipment

    A car owner who decides to install gas equipment, or bottled gas equipment (LPG), on his car has a choice between two types of gas: propane-butane (liquefied petroleum gas) or methane (compressed natural gas). Despite the similarity of both schemes for powering the engine with gas, there is a significant difference between propane and methane gas equipment, associated both with the properties of the gases themselves and with the specifics of their use as fuel for internal combustion engines.

    1. Methane is used in a compressed gaseous state, so to use it as a fuel, methane is compressed, bringing the pressure in the cylinder to 270 atmospheres. Therefore, methane cylinders are bulky and heavy (about 100 kg), although they do not hold much gas. The process of refueling with methane is quite long - up to 40 minutes. Unlike methane, propane is used in liquefied form; the gas pressure in the cylinder is about 12–15 atmospheres. Therefore, propane cylinders are much lighter (40–50 kg) and more compact, but at the same time they hold significantly more fuel. With standard propane equipment you can travel three times longer than with methane equipment (150–200 km). Refilling with propane is also much faster.
    2. Both gases have a higher octane number than gasoline. For methane it is about 110, for propane it is about 100. Therefore, methane provides greater efficiency than propane. If propane consumption is approximately equal to gasoline, then methane in the extra-urban cycle provides 15–20% efficiency compared to gasoline. In addition, the cost of methane is approximately 1.5 times lower than that of propane. Therefore, in the long term, it is more profitable to use methane gas treatment.
    3. The downside of efficiency is the reduction in power and top speed of the car. If propane equipment shows a slight drop in power of 3–5%, then installing methane gas equipment will reduce the power of the car by a considerable 20%.
    4. If the use of methane equipment is definitely more profitable during operation, then installing gas equipment for it is more expensive than equipping a car with a propane cylinder. Installing a methane gas equipment will cost at least 2 times more, so it will pay off much longer than equipping a car with a propane cylinder.
    5. Both options for car gasification differ in their safety. Both gases have a significantly higher flash point than gasoline, making them relatively safe, but propane is much more explosive. Methane cylinders are stronger, and the gas itself tends to dissipate quickly, so in a hypothetical accident, methane is even safer than regular gasoline. But the explosion hazard of propane is higher, so operating a car with propane and transporting cylinders requires some caution.
    6. For different methods of car gasification, different periods of mandatory safety testing are established. Cars with propane gas equipment need to be checked every 2 years, with methane gas - once every 5 years.
    7. Environmentally, both gases cause much less harm than regular gasoline or diesel fuel. In general, methane, along with alcohol, is considered the most environmentally friendly type of fuel, since during combustion it practically does not emit harmful substances. Propane, like petroleum gas, contains impurities, so the exhaust from a car with propane NBO is still more harmful.
    8. There is also a difference in the prevalence of refills for both gases. Methane ones are much less common, which, coupled with the small power reserve of a car with methane LPG, largely makes the car a city car, since on long trips you may simply not find the right gas station. Propane gas stations are much more common, and the range of a propane car is much longer.

    Registration of gas equipment has been extended until 2020

    Obtain permission to install equipment from the traffic police; Fill out an application for changes to the design of the vehicle using the form from Appendix No. 1 from the letter of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated November 20, 2020 No. 13/5-8230. Take with you an application and a preliminary conclusion about the possibility of installing the equipment and contact any technical supervision department of the traffic police. Procedure after installing gas equipment When permission has been received from the traffic police, you can proceed with the actual installation:

    1. Install gas equipment at a certified car service center and receive a conclusion, as well as copies of certificates for the installed equipment;
    2. Pass a structural safety inspection and receive a diagnostic card;
    3. Collect a package of documents and contact the traffic police to obtain a “Certificate of Compliance of the vehicle with changes made to its design.”

    Documents for obtaining a certificate of conformity for gas equipment According to the new registration rules, registration of gas equipment with the traffic police is not required in the following cases:

    • the car was originally released with gas equipment;
    • the technical passport of the vehicle provides for re-equipment (replacement of gas equipment components that are intended for this vehicle model);
    • if the equipment was installed earlier, it complies with all points of legislation in force during the installation period: the re-equipment was carried out before amendments were made to the current legislation (does not apply to independently supplied gas equipment that was not properly registered).

    In other cases, installing a gas cylinder as a fuel source requires going through all the stages that are provided for by current legislation.

    List of required documentation, periodic checks

    The requirements for the registration procedure require the provision of a certain package of documentation, which includes the following:

    • Application for changing the technical documentation of a car (its original and a copy are provided);
    • Vehicle registration documents;
    • Car passport (original and copy);
    • A document evidencing ownership of the car;
    • Passport or other document that identifies the owner of the car;
    • Application for testing at a testing laboratory;
    • Documents for installed gas equipment;
    • A copy of the certificate of the center that performed the installation of the equipment;
    • Vehicle diagnostic card;
    • Photos of the car before and after work;
    • A receipt indicating payment of the state fee for the last technical inspection.

    It is worth noting that many motorists do not always understand what kind of equipment is best installed on their vehicle so that it suits the type of their car and meets environmental safety requirements. At the moment, installation of the 4th and 5th generation of gas equipment is carried out mainly, since they meet the current standards.

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