Completely repainting a car in a different color: how much does it cost and how to arrange it{q}

The colors offered by automakers represent a palette of “average”, win-win colors. This approach has advantages, because the buyer retains the illusion of choice, and the factory conveyor does not need to be adjusted to non-standard design solutions. However, the first thing you want to do when purchasing is to start painting the car in a different color, since native colors are as safe as they are unwinnable. A good paint job from a dealer will require an overpayment, and the car still won’t stand out on the road, so the lion’s share of car enthusiasts put off repainting until better times, but start it as soon as the opportunity arises.

Paint selection

Any paint must be selected, but paints with Xerallic must be treated with caution, since after repainting the car, it can turn black in the shade and turn blue in the sun.

Today, repainting a car can be done at any specialized service center. The cost of such a service is quite high, about $1000.

However, this indicator may change significantly depending on the selected materials, as well as the complexity of the work.

Therefore, most car enthusiasts start repainting themselves. In order not to spoil the body and the new paint material, you need to know some rules and also follow a clear algorithm.

What documents are needed for painting?

It is necessary to contact the traffic police after the work is completed and the car has acquired a new color. Within five working days after this, you must provide the following package of documents for re-registration of the vehicle:

  • Identity document of the owner.
  • Registration certificate for the car.
  • Original MTPL/CASCO insurance.
  • Technical passport of transport.
  • If you do not own the vehicle, you must provide a certified power of attorney.
  • Pay the state fee and attach the receipt.
  • After the application, the MREO issues a formal application about the new color of the car. You must indicate the reasons why you changed the color of your personal vehicle.
  • If the car is from a Russian manufacturer and has been registered for less than 3 years, you must attach a certificate from the search department that it is not listed as stolen. This certificate is also needed if the car is of a foreign brand and has been registered for less than 15 years.

Don't waste time submitting papers, contact us! We will help you put together all the necessary packages to legally repaint your car; the price “AUTO-COLOR” is considered the most loyal in the region.

Car painting algorithm

Algorithm or technology for painting a car for easy understanding:

  1. Preparing the body surface and removing old paint. We will dwell on this issue in more detail below.
  2. Work is underway to straighten the car body. If there are creases, large or small dents, or other damage, all this needs to be leveled out.
  3. Putty work. Here the final leveling of the body surface is already taking place.
  4. Priming the car. The so-called final leveling of all surfaces.
  5. The car is being repainted.
  6. As a rule, after work, at the final stage, work is carried out to polish the body.

Features of car body painting

In order for a complete car painting in Volgograd to be carried out taking into account all technologies, specialists must understand all the nuances. Before carrying out the main work, it is imperative to prepare the surface for applying enamel. Preparation includes:

  • Cleaning the housing from various types of dirt, dust and debris.
  • The use of abrasive compounds for putty.
  • Applying primer to the surface.
  • Selection of paint and varnish coating for wine using a computer.

Only after the surface is completely prepared for application is the car painted. The cost of preparation is usually included in the cost of painting. But it is recommended to always clarify the question with a consultant.

AUTO-COLOR employees carry out the work with the highest quality, so we have the most reliable car painting in Volgograd. The price for our services is among the lowest in the region. In addition to the preparatory process, masters adhere to the following rules:

  • Mandatory use of auxiliary tools to reduce work time.
  • Only trusted manufacturers are selected for coating.
  • The color is selected in full accordance with the original shade.
  • If necessary, we offer our clients to apply a reliable protective coating.

Call our service center if you need urgent car painting. The price will be announced taking into account the discount, and you will receive an attractive car in a short time. We guarantee the quality of the materials used in the painting process. The enamel does not swell and burns out slowly compared to analogues. We will be glad to see you in our salon.

Surface preparation

The first step in painting a car is removing the old paint. There are three main methods in total.

The first one is mechanical.

This method removes the most stubborn compounds. A special disk with a sticky base on which sandpaper is attached is installed on an orbital sander or grinder (with the possibility of lowering the speed).

At the initial stage, 230 grit is used, since it does not leave deep scratches on the metal.

To prevent the abrasive from becoming clogged with chips and slipping, it is moistened from time to time in water or another liquid.

At the final stage of processing, paper with a number of 1000 is used. It will eliminate defects from previous materials.

This process is very labor-intensive and requires certain knowledge, equipment and skills, which is why it is resorted to at the final stages.

The second method is chemical.

It is used as the main method. Special removers and pastes are applied to the surface of the car.

After which active acids begin to destroy the old paintwork. This method may not be effective if the products are used at temperatures below -5 degrees Celsius.

The resulting substance can be easily wiped off with a soft cloth. Places that cannot be cleaned in this way are treated mechanically (with a spatula, abrasives, or scrapers).

The third method is temperature.

This method is less common in practice. Using a gas torch or blowtorch, the paint is burned off.

A similar technique is used for places that have been repainted many times, and all previous layers of paint have stuck together tightly, forming a durable monolith.

When performing heat treatment, you must be extremely careful. If you keep the nozzle in one place for a long time, the metal of the body may become deformed and simply lose its properties.

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To prevent this from happening, warming up is performed locally, no more than 2-3 seconds per point.

As you can see, today there are many ways to remove old paintwork from a car body.

Each method is good in its own way and can complement any one. To obtain a high-quality result, it is recommended to use all technologies at various stages of work.

How to repaint a car?

The paint is applied in two ways:

  1. onto a previously cleaned base.
  2. on the old coating, that is, it creates a color gradation. Otherwise called “local staining”. The new shade of enamel is not radically different from the old one;

Local painting of a car Repainting a car requires applying a new varnish coating. In this regard, there are 2 methods by which the transition between layers of enamels is made:

  1. Gradation, implying renewal of varnish.
  2. Gradation, suggesting a transition through the varnish.

When repainting a car a different color, a new layer of paintwork covers the primer.

Cost of repainting a car

In this case, much depends on the make of the car and the size of its body, as well as the quality of materials used.

If you take our domestic VAZ or Lanos car for comparison, you will need from 250 to 300 dollars. This amount includes:

  1. Putty materials (from 3 to 5 kg);
  2. Primer – no more than 5 kg;
  3. Emery with abrasive. Recommended sandpaper grade R-80 and higher. Maximum value R-2500;
  4. Compressor;
  5. Spray gun;
  6. Grinding machines;
  7. Solvent 646;
  8. Varnish – about 4 kg;
  9. Napkins, paper tape;
  10. Car paint – up to 5 kg;
  11. Polishes.

How much does it cost to paint a car in our company?

Many owners after repairs are interested in the question of how much it costs to paint a car completely. We have compiled a price list for clients, based on which you can determine how much it costs to paint a car in our center:

Cost of painting a car completelyfrom 20,000 rub.
Hoodfrom 3000 rub.
Wingfrom 2000 rub.
Doorfrom 2200 rub.
Bumperfrom 1800 rub.
Thresholdsfrom 1000 rub.
Color selection and detailed car painting, pricefrom 500 rub.

Factors influencing the final result

An important factor that affects the quality of work is the conditions in which it was performed.

The best result is when such work is carried out in a special spray booth, where there is no dust.

Next in descending quality are garage conditions. And the conditions are really bad when the car is repainted on the street.

Spray gun.

This is an important tool that significantly affects the quality of work. The more expensive the spray gun (that’s what the paint gun is called), the better it sprays the paint, and it applies perfectly.

You shouldn’t skimp on a spray gun, otherwise the results of all the work may ultimately disappoint you.

How to register a new color car

The color of the car must correspond to at least 50% of the color specified in the PTS, otherwise, under the first part of Article 12 of the Code of Administrative Offences, the driver may be fined 300-800 rubles. However, making changes to the PTS will also cost money, since changing the data requires a complete re-issuance of the certificate. In recent years, the traffic police has kept the figure at around 500-1000 rubles (amendments to the PTS and certificate). According to the law, a driver who has repainted his car in a new color has 5 days to make changes to the documents, but in fact it is almost impossible to establish the date of repainting, so the boundaries of the law are quite blurred.

There is no need to undergo a new technical inspection, especially since it is impossible to do this with a vehicle that does not comply with the passport. The application for re-registration is submitted at the place where the car is registered, so first you need to go to this office. You can write an application in advance, but it’s easier to do it locally, since standing in line, if you don’t stop by the department at seven in the morning, still can’t be avoided. The car owner who submitted the application is given a receipt for payment of the state duty - parting with the money occurs at the cash desk, then all documents are handed over in a special window or office (car registration certificate, passport, medical examination book).

After submitting the documents, an inspection is carried out on a special platform. The inspector checks the data with that indicated in the PTS, checks the number of the car, body, etc. All numbers must be visible, so it’s better not to take risks and wash the body and parts in advance. Based on the results of the inspection, an inspection report is drawn up, which indicates the fact that the numbers match and the results of painting the vehicle in a different color. With the signed act, the owner can pick up his documents, but usually not immediately, but after 30-40 minutes.

Legal norms

It is legally prohibited to paint private vehicles in colors used by certain government agencies:

  1. Law enforcement agencies.
  2. Fire service.
  3. Ambulance.

Other shades can be used without any restrictions. When painting a car, be sure to leave the part of the body where the VIN number is stamped untouched. This step will allow you to avoid problems with the traffic police in the future.

As a rule, no problems arise when painting a vehicle in one color. However, if a car enthusiast wants to use several shades at once, for example, to apply a design to a car, then the procedure for notifying traffic police officers about this can turn into a complex procedure.

For example, when painting a car in one color, the documents must indicate exactly this shade, as well as the method of applying the paint to the vehicle. If several of them are applied, then the documentation should indicate the word - combined, and also list the main colors used. But, as practice shows, it is quite rare to add all the colors used for repainting, so this issue has to be resolved with inspectors on an individual basis.

In what cases do owners change the color of their car?

A driver may need to change the color of a car after purchasing it on the secondary market or being involved in an accident. Sometimes this is required by employers or the business owner himself wants to use a car to draw attention to his brand. Most often, repainting simply becomes the result of the desire of the vehicle owner to change something or stand out from the general background.

When planning to change the color of a vehicle, it is worth considering that the new appearance of the car should not copy the colors of company cars.

During the process of applying paint, do not touch areas on which special markings are applied, for example, a place with a VIN number.

Partial repainting

The term is applied if, as a result of repainting, the new color occupies less than half the surface area of ​​the body. From the point of view of the law, in this case registration is not required, but in practice everything is a little more complicated. It is often difficult to determine by eye which shade is dominant. The traffic police inspector can use this moment to issue a fine. Before partially changing the color of your car, it is better to get advice from the traffic police department, describing the specifics of the situation.

One color or several?

If the driver simply wants to repaint the car in another uniform color, he should not have any difficulties. When selecting combinations, you need to take into account that they should not be similar to the colors used by special services: white with red, white with blue, yellow with red, etc.

Airbrush for cars

Airbrushing does not always mean changing the color of the car, but it does lead to a change in its appearance. According to the adjusted decrees of the State Traffic Inspectorate, not only painting a vehicle, but also applying drawings to it requires registration and registration. It is better not to try to be cunning, but initially get advice from the traffic police department on a particular case, and, if necessary, register.

How to make changes to documents when changing car color

The purchase of a new or used car is always accompanied by a technical inspection before registration. At the same time, re-registration of a vehicle involves obtaining a new title, which indicates the owner, technical characteristics of the car and its color. After a certain period of operation, the question arises whether it is possible to repaint. This point is not prohibited by law, however, if the car is involved in an accident, and the PTS document contains information about a different color of the vehicle, then compensation from the insurance company will be denied. How to repaint a car in a different color legally so that unforeseen circumstances do not arise later. This point should be considered in detail.

Deadlines and penalties

An application to change the color of a car must be submitted to the traffic police no later than 5 days after changing the appearance of the car. This period is specified in paragraph 4 of Order No. 1001 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which was developed and adopted in 2008. If the owner of the vehicle or the person entrusted with the management violates the permissible deadlines, the inspector has the right to impose an administrative penalty, in accordance with Article 12, paragraph 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The fine for the first violation is 500-800 rubles. The second time, the driver will receive an administrative penalty in the amount of RUB 5,000. or deprivation of a driver's license for up to 3 months. At the same time, the inspector cannot know the exact time when the car was painted, which many drivers use. As a result, additional costs arise due to the reluctance to complete everything on time. If the fine was issued within the allowable period for changes in registration data, it can be easily disputed if there is a receipt with a date for repainting the car.

Making a color change can be made much easier by seeking professional help. Qualified lawyers will help you do everything correctly and quickly.

Often a situation arises when it is necessary to simultaneously make changes due to a change in color and change the owner of the car; our specialists easily perform these two operations in one step.

Is it possible to repaint the color of a car without breaking the law?

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When purchasing a car, the owner registers it and undergoes a technical inspection. You cannot drive a car without this, and there is no way to bypass these requirements. The car will become a full-fledged vehicle that can be driven only after these nuances. The car passport contains information about the date of manufacture, technical characteristics, and the color must be indicated. It happens that after some time the owner wants to change the color of the car and repaint it, then the question arises whether this can be done in Russia. The color can also change after a traffic accident; damaged areas are painted over.

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