How to add electrolyte to a motorcycle battery

How to add electrolyte to a motorcycle battery

Before you learn how to properly fill electrolyte into a motorcycle battery, you should think about whether it’s worth doing this procedure yourself. Indeed, if you do not have knowledge on the topic and practical skills, then you should not engage in such a procedure yourself, since you can not only damage the battery, but also accidentally harm yourself. According to many who have already encountered such serious issues, it would be best to immediately contact a specialist who:

— will carry out diagnostics and find out the current state of affairs;

- will guarantee the quality of its services.

Often, for various reasons, situations may arise when you need to find out how to revive a motorcycle battery, since serious problems begin with it. There are a number of options for how this can be done, but in some cases only replacing it can help. Before doing anything, it would be a good idea to visit various resources that are dedicated to the repair of modern motorcycle equipment. Such Internet sites have all the necessary information on issues related to prevention and repair of modern bikes of different models. If necessary, there is an opportunity to ask questions in order to accurately and clearly find out what is the best thing to do in this or that case in order to restore the full functionality of your transport.

If you need a good car service, where they can repair one or another vehicle, then many prefer to find it using the Internet. Of course, it is best to contact trusted places where professionals with extensive experience and special tools work? to successfully solve even the most complex repair tasks. When choosing such a special service, it would be a good idea to read reviews about its work in order to choose a place that does quality work, is inexpensive and provides a long-term guarantee. You should not turn to the help of random people or services that have not yet proven themselves worthy, as there are big risks.

It is worth knowing that any modern car or motorcycle equipment may require maintenance or repair over time. That is why such procedures should be done in a timely manner, since often small problems with motorcycles become large, and you have to do a comprehensive repair of it, which involves its individual units.

Have you ever had problems with your motorcycle battery? What did you do? I would like to get some practical advice.

Battery check

After charging, the battery should be allowed to “rest” for several hours, and then its condition should be checked. If the voltage at the battery terminals is at least 12.7 V and the density of the battery fluid is 1.27 g/cm3, the battery is ready for use.

Modern batteries have a special indicator that allows you to assess its condition. The green color of the indicator light indicates that the battery is fully charged, black indicates that additional charging is required, and white indicates that the battery has failed.

If there is no indicator, you can use a voltmeter or multimeter to check. The voltage at each section (at least 2.4 V) and at the terminals (at least 12.7 V) should be determined.

Thus, replacing the electrolyte in a car battery is a procedure that allows you to restore its functionality and operating parameters at home. After replacing the electrolyte solution, the battery can last for a long time.

Dry charged battery

Nothing lasts forever, especially when it comes to a car and its components. There comes a time when the battery exhausts its service life. When this happens, the car owner heads to the store to purchase a new power source.

The battery life, as a rule, does not exceed 3-5 years. Probably not as much as we would like. But there is nowhere to go, because without it the car will not start. It also performs other functions, but starting the engine is the main task of the battery.

What is a dry-charged battery

Every driver has a choice: buy a dry-charged or electrolyte-filled battery. Any seller will tell you that the main advantage of a dry-charged battery is the possibility of long-term storage, while a recharged battery allows immediate use. But is it so difficult to commission dry-charged car power supplies, and is it worth the trouble?

A dry-charged battery has plates formed and charged at the factory, which must be filled with electrolyte yourself. After assembly at the factory, the battery is hermetically sealed with plugs to prevent moisture or air from entering it.

The main advantage of a dry-charged battery is its long shelf life. When it arrives to the buyer, he can be sure that it is in good condition and will last longer than one that has been refilled and sat for several years awaiting its first use by a new owner.

Advantages and disadvantages of a dry-charged battery

Today, most drivers choose batteries that already contain electrolyte. There are reasons for this.

Disadvantages of dry-charged batteries:

  1. They cannot be installed on the car immediately after purchase.
  2. You will have to spend some time preparing them.
  3. You need to buy electrolyte or make it yourself.
  4. You need to have some preparation to prepare the solution and charge the battery.
  5. Requires a charging station.
  6. This is a serviceable type of battery.

Preparation of a dry-charged battery begins with creating a mixture of sulfuric acid and distilled water. It is necessary that the solution has the required density. It may take 5 to 7 hours to charge a prepared battery.

Attention! An electrolyte is a toxic liquid that, if it comes into contact with the skin and mucous membrane, can cause severe harm to a person.

Advantages of dry-charged batteries:

  • Unlike conventional batteries, no chemical reactions occur in it before use.
  • Longer shelf life.
  • You can adjust the density.
  • Safety and ease of transportation.

Despite the equal number of advantages and disadvantages, it is still profitable to purchase batteries without electrolyte. After all, the disadvantages that we have listed are relative. Yes, installing a battery on a car right away is not possible, but only if you don’t have a ready-made mixture on hand, which can also be purchased at the store.

The density of the mixture of such a solution is optimal. The containers in which the electrolyte is sold have a special neck that allows you to pour the mixture without any problems. If you do everything carefully and follow safety precautions, nothing bad can happen.

Types, composition and features

At the moment, there are three types of electrolytes for batteries, for alkaline batteries - alkaline, and for acid batteries - acidic, but also a corrective electrolyte is also isolated, which is necessary when servicing batteries.

How to determine whether a battery is acidic or alkaline? The easiest way to do this is by the marking of the case and the material from which it is made. The housing of acid batteries is always made of special plastic, while alkaline batteries can be made of metal. You can also determine by testing a drop of electrolyte from the battery: the acidic electrolyte will react with soda or chalk.


It is a mixture of sulfuric acid, which makes up thirty-five percent of the total composition, and distilled water, which occupies the remaining sixty-five.

This composition in the battery is located in a container with lead plates, and when these elements come into contact, current is generated.

Advantages of acid electrolyte:

  • High level of efficiency
  • Slight loss of charge during inactivity
  • High starting current output
  • Low cost


  • Sensitivity to temperature changes
  • Not environmentally friendly
  • The need for regular monitoring of composition density

It should be noted that acid electrolyte is used in most car battery models, since only it is capable of providing enough current to start the engine. In this case, batteries manufactured using this solution are divided into two groups:

  • Serviced
  • Maintenance-free

The first type provides easy access to the contents of the cans. You can measure the density of the electrolyte in them, and, if necessary, add distilled water and electrolyte by simply unscrewing the lids from the jars.

In the case of maintenance-free models, it is also possible to carry out similar actions, but to do this you need to open the device yourself, carry out the necessary actions, and then close them hermetically. In such cases, a drill and welding machine can be used.

It is worth replacing the electrolyte in maintenance-free models only in cases where their warranty period has expired. Often this is done solely to gain experience in conducting such operations.


An alkaline electrolyte consists of potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, lithium hydroxide, or all of these combined, diluted in water.

The advantages of this type include:

  • Long service life
  • Ability to maintain properties under significant temperature changes
  • Much less emissions of harmful gases into the atmosphere
  • Ability to withstand shocks
  • Easy to maintain


  • Lower electromotive force compared to acidic ones
  • Lack of ability to supply starting current to start the engine
  • Higher cost

Despite the long service life, unpretentiousness and other advantages, the use of this type of electrolyte in the automotive industry is limited. This is due to the inability to generate a sufficient level of starting current necessary to start the engine. The disadvantages also include their impressive dimensions.

This is interesting: What are nickel-iron batteries?

However, devices based on alkaline electrolyte are successfully used to supply current to traction and locomotive trains.

Important! Before replacing, make sure that the battery is alkaline. Otherwise, the battery can be completely damaged.


This electrolyte is a special composition with a high content of active substances, used to increase the density of the battery electrolyte. It is designed to increase the concentration of active substances in the battery.

The following types of corrective electrolyte can be found on sale:

  • Solid potassium-lithium
  • Liquid potassium lithium with different densities
  • Liquid acid

Corrective electrolyte can be made independently , having on hand the necessary compositions for this, but it is often easier to buy it, since its cost is more than affordable.

How to use correction electrolyte:

  • Remove some electrolyte from the jars
  • Add the same amount of correction fluid to them.
  • Set the battery to charge the rated current to start the process of mixing the resulting composition for half an hour
  • Leave the battery to cool for a couple of hours
  • Measure the density and adjust it again if necessary.

When repeating correction, the amount of electrolyte to be replaced should be reduced.

Commissioning a dry-charged battery

To recharge a dry-charged battery, perform the following operations:

  1. Opening the vent hole.
  2. Removing protective tape from can openings.
  3. Unpacking the electrolyte container. It can be soft packaging, a sealed cardboard box wrapped with tape, or a plastic bag with a zip-lock.
  4. Removing the plastic battery plug and removing the protective foil from the output holes.
  5. Take the battery in your hand, turn it over, and with the other hand take the container in which the electrolyte is poured.
  6. Next, you should bring a container with liquid and insert it into the holes, turning these two elements over. The jars will be ready when the electrolyte in them reaches a special mark on the body or does not bury the plates 3-5 mm higher. The optimal electrolyte density is 1.28 kg/l.
  7. After removing the plastic container, wait 1 hour for the plates to become saturated with electrolyte.
  8. Rock the battery to fill any voids and add electrolyte. If the temperature rises above 20 degrees Celsius, you must wait for the battery to cool down.
  9. After this, the density of the electrolyte is measured. If the value is 1.25 g/cm3, then it can be used. Otherwise, the battery must be charged at the station.

What happens to the electrolyte when the battery is discharged?

The electrolyte of a lead-acid battery is a solution of battery sulfuric acid in chemically pure distilled water with a percentage concentration of 30% when fully charged. Pure acid has a density of 1.835 g/cm 3 , and an electrolyte has a density of about 1.300 g/cm 3 . When a battery is discharged, electrochemical reactions occur in it, as a result of which sulfuric acid is removed from the electrolyte. The density depends almost proportionally on the solution concentration, so it should decrease due to a decrease in the electrolyte concentration.

As long as the discharge current flows through the battery, the acid near its electrodes is actively used, and the electrolyte becomes increasingly dilute. The diffusion of acid from the volume of the entire electrolyte and to the electrode plates maintains an approximately constant intensity of chemical reactions and, as a consequence, the output voltage.

At the beginning of the discharge process, the diffusion of acid from the electrolyte into the plates occurs quickly because the sulfate formed has not yet clogged the pores in the active material of the electrodes. As sulfate begins to form and fill the pores of the electrodes, diffusion occurs more slowly.

Theoretically, the discharge can be continued until all the acid is used up and the electrolyte consists of pure water. However, experience shows that discharges should not continue after the electrolyte density has dropped to 1.150 g/cm 3 .

When the density drops from 1.300 to 1.150, this means that so much sulfate has been formed during the reactions that it fills all the pores in the active materials on the plates, i.e., almost all the sulfuric acid has already been removed from the solution. Density depends proportionally on concentration, and in the same way, battery charge depends on density. In Fig. The dependence of battery charge on electrolyte density is shown below.

Changing the density of the electrolyte is the best means of determining the discharge status of a battery, provided it is used properly.

How to charge a dry-charged battery

For a battery to be considered charged, the voltmeter must read 12.5 volts or more. The state at which it can be recharged is 10.5 V. Otherwise, restoring it will be difficult, if not impossible. With a new dry-charged battery there will be no such problem. The main thing is to fill it with electrolyte with the specified density.

Instructions for charging the battery:

  • It is necessary to connect the “+” and “-” terminals to the charger, observing the polarity.
  • Turn on the charging station.
  • The charging current must be set to a level of 10% of the battery capacity.
  • Charge for 5 hours.
  • If the battery does not produce the required voltage, you must reduce the charge by 50% and wait another 4 hours.

A fully charged battery will boil, which can be observed with the naked eye. The electrolyte density and terminal voltage will be constant.

Still have questions about Dry Charged Batteries or have something to add? Then write to us about it in the comments, this will make the material more useful, complete and accurate.

What is an electrolyte and what is it for?

An electrolyte is an acidic or alkaline solution that takes part in a chemical reaction. While charging the battery, the density of the conductive liquid increases, so this parameter can be used to fairly accurately judge the degree of charge of the battery.

It is important not only the presence of conductive liquid in the battery, but also the quality of the mixture. If the preparation of a solution of sulfuric acid or alkali with water was carried out in violation of the technology, the battery will operate unstable or completely fail within a short time.

Preparing a dry-charged motorcycle battery for operation.

Now everyone is switching to gel batteries, which require absolutely no action to prepare for use. However, acid-alkaline batteries are still in use, so it would be a good idea to consider how to prepare such a battery for use.

Where did I get a dry-charged battery? I would have bought a gel one - and there would have been no problems, but I just flapped my ears. I ordered this acid-alkaline battery for my BMW F650GS motorcycle as a spare in the winter, because I knew that my old one was already on its last legs. I looked in the catalog, it says “Battery for BMW F650GS original,” and bought it. What came came. It would be better to buy Yuasa. Anyway.

The name “dry-charged battery” contains all the keywords: “dry” and “charged”. This means that you first need to fill it with electrolyte, which comes with the battery in the kit, and then theoretically it can be used immediately.

We take the battery. We unscrew the plugs.

We screw in the fittings intended for pouring electrolyte inside.

We insert the cylinders with electrolyte, press them and wait until all the electrolyte is poured into the battery.

Then we tighten the plugs and wait 40-50 minutes for the reaction inside the battery to stop.

Then we connect the charger and see what it shows. “Only use BMW certified chargers” Hehe!

My charger showed that the battery was fully charged, but sometimes, especially when the battery was stored in a warehouse for a long time, the charge was insufficient. In this case, you need to recharge.

All manipulations must be carried out wearing rubber gloves, goggles and, preferably, a respirator.

After reading this article, you need to close it forever, then go and buy yourself a gel battery and never again in your life have any hemorrhoids with electrolyte filling.

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Dry-charged battery: what is it, why are they produced and how much do they cost?

This type of battery got its name due to the absence of electrolyte in the banks at the time of completion. The production of dry-charged batteries assumes that the lead plates are charged and the product itself is hermetically sealed in a factory environment. The price of such a power source is from 1500 rubles.

What to put in a dry battery? Since a dry-charged battery is a regular lead-acid battery, it must be filled with electrolyte. The latter can either be purchased ready-made in a store or prepared independently from acid and distilled water.

Dry-charged batteries are produced so that the owner has the opportunity to store the battery for a long time before its first use, for example, during storage. Due to the low rate of chemical processes, batteries without electrolyte are practically not subject to self-discharge. This allows you to store it for an incredibly long time.

Correction electrolyte

During the operation of serviced batteries, too much distilled water may be accidentally added to the jars, which will lead to a drop in the density of the conductive liquid below the permissible level.

This problem is solved by preparing and pouring a high-density correction electrolyte.

Compound. The composition of the correction solution does not differ from the main electrolyte. For example, for lead-acid batteries, it is also necessary to dilute sulfuric acid in distilled water, but the proportions will be slightly different (to obtain 1 liter of electrolyte, you must adhere to the ratio of 0.650 liters of water and 0.423 acid).

Features of chemical properties. The chemical properties of the correction electrolyte are practically no different from the main conductive liquid. Physical parameters may vary slightly (lower freezing point).

Shelf life and shelf life of a dry-charged battery

The popularity of this type of power source is due to the fact that there is no electrolyte in the banks, which means there is no chemical reaction. The lead plates are hermetically sealed and are not affected by moisture or air. Therefore, the shelf life of a dry-charged car power source in factory condition can reach 40 years. Despite the long shelf life, the shelf life of a dry-charged battery is approximately 7 years. The fact is that the chemical process in dry batteries, although significantly slowed down, still occurs. Therefore, after long-term storage (30-40 years), it is possible that the plates will be inoperative.

The battery should be stored in an upright position without direct sunlight. You should also make sure that the battery caps are closed.

Do I need to recharge the battery after the procedure?

After adding distillate to the battery, it must be recharged, but this must be done after 3 hours . This process will return the battery parameters to factory settings as much as possible.

It is necessary to recharge the battery regardless of its charge level and voltage readings. This is done for the normal redistribution of conductive properties in the newly mixed liquid.

After 3 hours after pouring the distillate, the electrolyte will naturally mix with distilled water. The liquid level in each jar will be fixed the same.

If you have a hydrometer, you need to measure the density of the electrolyte to make sure that the indicator is brought to the optimum, then charge.

Perhaps the battery does not require deep long-term charging and its discharge level is relatively low, but even in this case, it is still necessary to recharge it!

Dry-charged battery: commissioning

Dry-charged batteries cannot be installed on a vehicle immediately after purchase. This factor often forces car owners to choose conventional batteries. However, starting to use a dry-charged battery is not as problematic as it seems. Before performing work, it is necessary to prepare all the tools: electrolyte, hydrometer, voltmeter and charger.

What to put in a dry battery

Before installing a dry-charged battery, you must fill it with electrolyte with a density of 1.27-1.28 g/cm3. You can purchase a ready-made solution or mix it yourself.

How to refill a dry-charged battery

It is recommended to charge this battery at room temperature and in accordance with strict adherence to the following sequence:

  1. Depressurize the battery. Depending on the design, you need to remove special gaskets under the plugs, side plugs on the battery cover or bosses on the plugs. Please note: on some power supplies, it is recommended to cut through the caps first to allow the vapors to escape.
  2. Fill the dry-charged battery with electrolyte to the required level. If there are marks, follow them. If they are missing, determine the level yourself - the solution should cover the plates by 2 centimeters.
  3. Leave the car battery for a while (2-3 hours). It is necessary for a chemical reaction to begin between the lead plates and the electrolyte. Attention! The acid solution level may decrease slightly. In this case, it needs to be topped up.
  4. Measure the density of the electrolyte using a hydrometer. Indicators should not be lower than 1.27 g/cm3. A lower acid concentration requires recharging the battery to the specified value.
  5. Check the voltage with a voltmeter. The battery will be fully charged at 12.7 volts.

Acid electrolyte

You can prepare an acidic conductive liquid yourself from concentrated sulfuric acid.

Compound. The acid electrolyte contains two substances:

  • Acid.
  • Distilled water.

The main substance most often used is sulfuric acid, which is practically odorless and does not evaporate at room temperature. In terms of electrical conductivity and other important characteristics, this element is also most suitable for filling into lead-acid batteries.

Features of chemical properties. The main characteristic of an acid battery is its density. This parameter may vary significantly depending on the state of charge of the battery, but should not be lower than 1.26 and higher than 1.30 g/mm3.

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