Electrolyte in the battery volume, filling rules, density

What else is dangerous about low concentration?

How much does a VAZ-2101 weigh with an engine and without technical characteristics?
I told a little from above that a low concentration of electrolyte tells us about a discharge, and it leads to sulfation of the plates. This is very bad!

Another disadvantage of a low value is the low freezing threshold. Your battery may simply freeze, which is even worse. After all, the value of 1.17 g/cm3 has a freezing threshold of approximately -5 - 10 degrees Celsius, and if it turns up - 20! What's not uncommon? Ice will break the plates and even the body. After freezing, it is very difficult to restore the battery. This is almost 100% failure of the battery.

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High levels are dangerous

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It seems that we have decided, low is BAD! But is being too tall ALSO BAD? YES - ALSO BAD! But why?

Look - the normal density inside the battery is approximately 1.27 - 1.29 g/cm3 (if we take our working fluids it is approximately 35% sulfuric acid and 65% distilled water). This electrolyte does not freeze at extremely low temperatures (up to -40 degrees Celsius).

If you upset the balance and, say, pour 70% water composition, then our density will drop to 1.22 - 1.25 g/cm3. And such a liquid freezes already at -20, -30 degrees, which is quite common in Russia. Of course, in the summer you most likely won’t experience any problems, but in the winter the battery may freeze, so much so that the case will rupture and you will simply throw away the battery.

So you need to pour exactly as much as needed (within the permissible limits).

Importance of Density Values

The main parameter that determines the properties of the electrolyte is density. The parts of water and sulfuric acid in the solution must be contained in a certain proportion: an electrolyte that is too dense contributes to the rapid failure of the plates, and the sulfation process is activated.

If the density is less than the established norm, the battery may freeze in the cold winter; the reduced concentration of the solution contributes to the rapid discharge of the battery. To increase the density, the battery is charged; in winter, the electrolyte concentration should always be higher, and lower in warm times, especially in the heat. The density in the battery is measured with a hydrometer, the values ​​are within the range:

  • for the summer season – 1.23-1.25 g/cm³;
  • in winter – 1.26-1.29 g/cm³.

For machines operated in the Far North, the density can reach higher values, but all these indicators are relative, and they can only be taken as a general recommendation. If you have no idea what concentration the solution in the battery should be, it is better to consult a specialist; there is conflicting information on the Internet and other media.

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What is an electrolyte

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As I already wrote above, this is a liquid that consists of special components. Actually, there are only two of them - sulfuric acid and distilled water. They are placed approximately in a combination of one to two. That is, one mass fraction of acid and two parts of water (if we take the percentage ratio, then 35% to 65%). It is this ratio that causes the plates (plus and minus) to accumulate charge.

But what is density?

It’s simple - density is the ratio of acid and water; if you measure it with a special device (hydrometer), it will show the following value (35/65%). This means that the ratio is correct and no adjustment is required. That is, there is no need to add either water or acid.

But it is practically not indicated as a percentage, but is measured in grams per centimeter cubed (g/cm3), this tells us about the concentration of acid (grams) in one cubic centimeter of electrolyte.

About different buildings

Of course, we are now talking about car batteries, that is, starter batteries. But it is worth noting that for this period of time there are also traction batteries , this is a completely different direction. They do not have high starting currents, but can supply a given energy resource for a very long time. And don’t be afraid of deep discharges. So they can weigh 2 - 3 times more than the starter options. This is worth remembering.

Although their use in ordinary cars is practically reduced to nothing! They are installed in electric vehicles, hybrids, and special equipment (forklifts, cranes, etc.).

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In what quantities is electrolyte sold?

Now it’s not such a big problem to buy this liquid, you just need to sit down and go to a specialized store that sells batteries; it’s unlikely to be available in ordinary spare parts.

Basically it is sold only in two containers, these are 1 liter (bottle) and 5 liters (canister). If you were repairing, say, eliminating a short circuit, you only need to fill one jar, then 1 liter will be enough for you, as they say “for the eyes.” The cost ranges from 50 rubles for a liter bottle and up to 200 for five liters.

But if for some reason you need to change the entire volume, then it all depends on the size of your battery and its power.

Battery charge and electrolyte density

Since the battery charge level will depend on the quantitative composition of the chemical elements involved in electrolysis, it is logical to assume that the dimensions of the plates and the capacity of the cans will be different. If we compare 45Ah and 75Ah batteries, the geometric dimensions and weight of the latter will be larger.

Lead-acid batteries are best stored dry and not filled with electrolyte. This will cause oxidation of the plates, but this is much less than the loss of mass of the plates during a chemical reaction. If you prepare the electrolyte yourself, mix it in the recommended proportions.

Battery dimensions and terminal options

In order for the battery to fit in the engine compartment on a special platform, you need to know the exact dimensions. Not only the length and width, but also the height. The thing is that 60 ampere hour batteries are available in three modifications:

TypeLength, mmWidth, mmHeight, mm

Car owners should also know which terminal arrangement they need to purchase a car battery for. On store shelves you can find batteries with a capacity of 60 ampere hours with the following terminal options:

  • Standard. Such terminals are found on all European and Russian cars. The positive terminal has a diameter of 19.5 mm, and the negative terminal has a diameter of 17.9
  • ASIA. These terminals are found on Asian cars; unlike standard ones, they are narrower and stick out above the battery. The positive terminal is 12.7 mm, and the negative terminal is 11.1 mm.
  • American. Screw terminals, located at the end of the battery, are found on imported cars from the USA.

All batteries are available with both direct and reverse polarity.

How to check battery density

To ensure proper operation of the battery, the density of the electrolyte should be checked every 15-20 thousand kilometers. Measuring the density in a battery is carried out using a device such as a densimeter. The device of this device consists of a glass tube, inside of which is a hydrometer, and at the ends there is a rubber tip on one side and a bulb on the other. To check, you will need to: open the cap of the battery can, immerse it in the solution, and use a bulb to draw in a small amount of electrolyte. A floating hydrometer with a scale will show all the necessary information. We will look in more detail at how to properly check the battery density below, since there is also a type of battery called maintenance-free, and the procedure for them is somewhat different - you do not need absolutely any devices.

Density indicator on a maintenance-free battery

The density of a maintenance-free battery is displayed by a color indicator in a special window. The green indicator indicates that everything is normal (the degree of charge is between 65 and 100%), if the density has dropped and recharging is required, the indicator will be black. When a white or red light is displayed in the window, an urgent addition of distilled water is needed. But, however, the exact information about the meaning of a particular color in the window is on the battery sticker.

Now we continue to further understand how to check the electrolyte density of a conventional acid battery at home.

Checking the electrolyte density in the battery

So, in order to be able to correctly check the density of the electrolyte in the battery, first of all we check the level and, if necessary, adjust it. Then we charge the battery and only then start checking, but not immediately, but after a couple of hours of rest, since immediately after charging or adding water there will be unreliable data.

It should be remembered that density directly depends on air temperature, so check the correction table discussed above. After taking liquid from the battery can, hold the device at eye level - the hydrometer should be at rest, floating in the liquid without touching the walls. Measurements are taken in each compartment, and all indicators are recorded.

Table for determining battery charge based on electrolyte density.


Electricity storage in a car

Modern cars with gasoline and diesel engines are equipped with a lead-acid battery, which consists of lead electrodes and electrolyte.
As a rule, a battery intended for passenger cars consists of 6 elements connected in series. Each link has an electromotive force of about 2.1 volts. It is easy to calculate that the nominal battery voltage is 12.6 volts, the amount of electrolyte in battery 60 is about three liters, and battery 132 is about ten liters.

The main parameter of a battery is its capacity, expressed in ampere-hours (Ah) and starting current in amperes (A). The capacity depends on the discharge mode, in connection with this, a standard has been introduced for the calculation of 10 hours, i.e. a 55 Ah battery will be discharged within 10 hours, with a current consumption of 5.5 amperes, and the volume of electrolyte in the 55 battery is approximately 2.5 liters.

The current source in the car provides electricity to electrical devices, sensors, and lamps while parked (when the engine is not running) or when the crankshaft speed is too low. Thus, it is clear that when the car starts, the starter and ignition system use current only from a stationary power source. Moreover, it allows, for example, listening to the radio while the car is parked. While driving, its role ends; the only source of current is the generator.

Batteries are often thought of during winter with the onset of severe frosts, because they disappoint many drivers when the temperature drops to several degrees below zero. This happens because in cold weather the storage capacity decreases sharply, causing problems with starting the engine. Under extreme conditions, the acid solution may freeze, causing irreversible damage to the battery.

We recommend: How much electrolyte is needed and can be added to the battery

Once upon a time there was a custom that during frosts and low temperatures, the driver removed the battery from the car while parked and took it to a warm room for the night, and installed it only immediately before the trip.

Nowadays, some manufacturers do not recommend tampering with the battery yourself, because disconnecting it can damage the electronics and erase the driver memory.

For which cars is a 60 Ah battery suitable?

Batteries with a voltage of 12 volts and a capacity of 60 Ah are suitable for installation in passenger cars whose engine capacity does not exceed 2 liters. As a rule, without any serious consequences, you can replace standard batteries with a capacity of 55 Ah, installed on domestic passenger cars. Provided that the battery is suitable in size and terminal location, increasing the storage capacity of the vehicle's on-board system current will lead to more confident operation, especially in city traffic jams and in the winter season.

If the car is equipped with a Start-Stop system, then you need to choose a battery made using AGM, GEL or EFB technology. They also withstand deep discharges very well and can be used as traction batteries, but they cannot be charged with a regular charger; you need a special one.

Electrolyte functions

The battery is filled to 37% with electrolyte . Without a doubt, we can conclude that it is necessary for the normal functioning of the car's power source. Therefore, the lead-acid solution must be constantly monitored:

When the electrolyte level drops, the plates may open, and this is fraught with sulfation, and they will significantly lose their properties. This is especially dangerous if there is a problem with the ignition, a long period of vehicle inactivity, or operation in winter. In the long term, this will lead to plate scattering and irreversible damage to the battery.

If you have access to special holes through which you can add distilled water, you need to open them and check the condition of the plates and the level of the solution. If problems arise, it is necessary to normalize the electrolyte levels. Just add a little distilled water to lightly cover the plates .

It should be borne in mind that access to them is difficult and is only possible through a long and narrow hole. Theoretically, you can purchase a syringe and try to make up for the deficiency, but it is better to contact a specialized workshop and have the battery fully serviced.

Read more: Car registration in Kursk

How much electrolyte is in the battery 60. How much electrolyte is needed in the battery 60

How many liters of electrolyte do you need to fill an empty battery?

What does empty mean? New, dry-charged is one thing, boiled-off is another. The new 60 contains approximately 3-3.5 liters, and the boiled-off distillate must be added and charged, then the density must be brought to normal.

To be honest, it’s not dry at all.

buy with a reserve of 1.5 liters.

battery for electric locomotive or motorcycle

Measure the dimensions, multiply the sides - the third part is your volume.

depending on which battery, for example the 55th one contains about 2:5 liters

If you drive on the battery, then you don’t need to pour electrolyte into it (the battery will die right away), distilled water is allowed + you will need to charge the battery to normal. and if the battery is dry (new), then fill it with electrolyte

Has it boiled over? Add distilled water (no electrolyte), put it on charge, and then bring the density to normal.


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Specialist support

Lack of access to banks does not mean that the battery cannot be serviced.
The service center technicians will test it and, if necessary, try to restore it. This is not a difficult operation, but no doubt requires a lot of time and practice. Do not underestimate the low level of electrolyte in the battery, even when it seems that it is slightly below normal. However, this greatly affects the performance of the battery; only professionals know how much electrolyte a 60-volt battery needs, so they can be trusted with this capricious part of the car, which often brings surprises.

What should a car owner do when it turns out that the battery requires charging? To do this, you need to remember some rules:

  1. Firstly, first disconnect the negative and then the positive poles.
  2. Secondly, when dismantling, do not tilt the battery to reduce the risk of electrolyte leakage.
  3. When connecting the battery to the charger, it is recommended to charge it in a well-ventilated area because hydrogen and oxygen are released during the charging process.

We recommend: Why the electrolyte density in the battery decreases

As a rule, it takes several hours to charge; to avoid overcharging, it is better to use a rectifier that will automatically adjust the charging process and time.

Car dealerships sell batteries that do not require maintenance. The expression "no maintenance" means that this device has less electrolyte loss compared to a traditional acid battery.

But this does not exempt the user from caring for it and observing the basic rules of its operation.

Often, inexperienced owners of passenger cars install a battery with a capacity higher than that recommended by the manufacturer. For example, instead of the recommended 6 st-55, they install 6 st-75, knowing how much electrolyte is in the battery 75, but do not understand that it is too large and will obviously not be fully charged, therefore it will wear out faster than its smaller counterpart.

How to handle the battery

In order for the electric current storage device to serve for a long time, it is necessary to follow some recommendations from specialists:

  1. In winter, before starting the engine, turn off all unnecessary electrical appliances (radio, lights, fans).
  2. Do not load the power source by rotating the starter for a long time. Perform short intervals of up to five seconds and allow it to rest for about half a minute between individual samples.
  3. Remember to press the clutch during this action, this will significantly facilitate the rotation of the engine crankshaft.
  4. When driving a car in city mode, sometimes it is worth taking a longer trip so that the battery has a chance to fully charge.

Correct charging

It is not normal when the car cannot be started without outside help.
The energy balance of the vehicle must be constant. The battery should be charged properly while the engine is running, and the generator should produce as much current as the car consumes. However, in practice this is not always the case. Therefore, the same battery in one car works without problems even for 8 years, but in another, already in the second winter season, it often fails the driver. This is because the battery, firstly, does not tolerate constant incomplete charging, and secondly, current is used uneconomically, for example, music, light while parked.

We recommend: How much electrolyte is in the battery 55: liter volume

Nothing harms a battery more than frequent and prolonged discharges, undercharging or overcharging. In all these cases, the cause may be too little or too much charging current. This is easy to check in a workshop and simple to fix. Take care of your battery by following the recommendations of professionals:

  • Do not approach with fire while charging, there is a danger of a flash of released hydrogen.
  • You cannot connect the poles with a piece of metal.
  • Leaving a car without recharging the storage device for a period of more than two months is risky.
  • Securely attach the battery to the car body.
  • It is prohibited to overload the device by charging with too much current or voltage.
  • Operate the starter with too much current consumption.

Do not put the terminals on the battery by hitting it from above . It is necessary to unscrew the screw, straighten the seat on the cable with a screwdriver, and carefully place it on the electrode.

Dependence of volume and current strength

It is clear that the volume of 45Am/h will be much less than that of the 190Am/h option. If you dig into the physics, a powerful battery requires more lead (which is placed in a more bulky case), which is why the dimensions of the 190 version will be almost 4 - 5 times larger than, say, the same 45. And where there is more of this metal, more electrolyte is needed to effectively accumulate voltage.

However, if you think about the question - how much do you need to buy in order to guess for all options (take it as if with a reserve), the answer suggests itself. After all, the maximum canister, which is sold in only five liters, is therefore suitable for almost all models. In order not to be unfounded, I want to analyze the most popular “Amperages”.

Let me make a reservation right away: there are slight differences depending on the manufacturer, but they vary by insignificant grams.

How much electrolyte is in the power supply?

An electrolyte is a liquid that conducts electric current as a result of dissociation into ions, which occurs in solutions and melts, or the movement of ions in the crystal lattices of solid electrolytes. Examples of electrolytes can be aqueous solutions of acids, salts and bases and some crystals (say, silver iodide, zirconium dioxide). Electrolytes are conductors of the second kind, substances whose electrical conductivity is determined by the mobility of positively or negatively charged ions. Descriptions, explanations 57628.01.2017 22:21:47 Accumbaza


Nowadays, it is not a problem to buy electrolyte. You need to go to a car store and purchase the necessary fluid.

In most cases, in specialized stores it is sold in two containers: 1 liter (bottle) and 5 liters (canister). If you fixed the short circuit yourself, you only need to fill one jar, then you will only need a liter. Cost from 50 hryvnia to 200 hryvnia.


If you somehow need to change the entire volume, it all depends on the shape of your car power supply and its strength.


Naturally, the capacity of 45 Ampere hours will be less than that of 190 Ampere hours. If we delve into the knowledge of physics, for a powerful battery you need as much lead as possible, which is why the shapes of the 190 Am/h version will be approximately, but 4-5 times larger than the others. Where there is more lead, the more electrolyte, which actively accumulates voltage.


But if you delve deeper into the study of this issue, then only one answer appears to solve this task (how much do you need to buy so that there is enough for everything?). The maximum capacity of the canister (five liters), the most profitable option for your car battery.

I would like to look at the following - “Amperages”. There are various differences between them (it all depends on the manufacturer, etc.)

55 Amp-hour

The weight of such models is approximately 15 kilograms. The liquid capacity of this battery, at full volume, is 2.5 liters.

60 Amp-hour

In this case, the mass will increase by 2 kilograms, pure chemical metal by 400 grams, plus approximately 1300 grams in compounds. Pour in the remaining electrolyte, there is approximately 2.7 - 3.0 liters.

75 Amp-hour

In this model, the weight will increase even more by 4 kilograms. In larger quantities, it is lead and compounds, but the electrolyte is 3.7 - 4.0 liters.

90 Amp-hour

There are approximately 4.4 - 4.8 liters of electrolyte in it.

90 and 190 amp batteries

190 Amp-hour

This is the best and largest battery. Mainly installed on special cargo vehicles and special equipment. Here the displacement can exceed 10 liters. Often just two 5 liter canisters. each, leave until fully refueled.


If you keep in mind the “correct” capacity of the cans, then you shouldn’t overdo it. This is not correct, because when charged, the liquid can expand and spill out of the container. Often there are certain marks inside that you need to navigate. They should be slightly hidden.


Most people believe that if the fluid level has dropped, then it is necessary to buy even more and add the shortage. But that's not true

The electrolyte, which is located in our car power supplies, consists of acid and water, which is why the water evaporates and the level drops, but the sulfuric acid remains; it seems to soar in concentration. In order to restore the deficiency, add distilled water, but under no circumstances add electrolyte! If you add it, you will increase the acid concentration, which may damage your car power supply.

Electrolyte volume in batteries 55 and 60 Ah

The capacity of the battery varies; the energy storage device can be designed for either 35 or 230 Ampere-hours. But low-capacity car batteries (from 35 to 45 A/h) are rarely used in practice; they do not provide the required starting current and drain faster from the load. The most common standard for passenger cars is 55 and 60 Ampere-hours; batteries of these types are usually used on cars with engines up to 2 liters, with any type of transmission and a small amount of additional equipment.

To fully refill a “55” battery, approximately two and a half liters of electrolyte are required; depending on the type and manufacturer, the weight of the battery may vary slightly, but on average it is 15 kilograms. An empty 60 Ah battery should be filled with 2.7 to 3 liters of sulfur solution (H2SO4), the mass of a charged and ready-to-use energy storage device is approximately 17-18 kg.

Power to Weight Chart

As you know, the lion's share of the battery's mass falls on the lead plates. The percentage is about 80%. To achieve a certain capacity, the manufacturer manipulates the number and size of plates. Thus, knowing the battery parameter can easily calculate its severity.

Capacity (Ah) Marking Average weight (kg)
Dry Electrolyte "Experienced"
55 ST-55 6 12,1 2,5 14,6
60 ST-60 6 13,2 2,2 15,4
66 ST-66 6 14,3 2,6 16,9
75 ST-75 6 15,5 3,5 19,0
90 ST-90 6 20,5 2,6 23,1
100 ST-100 6 21,8 2,6 24,4
190 ST-190 6 47,9 1,2 49,1

In this table, you can determine how heavy domestic or imported batteries are in minutes.

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