Timely replacement of the Ford Focus 3 fuel filter is a guarantee of stable engine operation

Ford cars are quite popular in the post-Soviet space and especially in the Russian Federation. We periodically publish articles related to this car brand and this one was no exception. This time we will touch on the “nutrient” system of the Ford Focus, namely replacing the fuel filter.

Why is this so important and deserves its own article? The fact is that the life of a car directly depends on the quality of the fuel entering the combustion chambers. In this process, an important role is played by the filter element, which stops unwanted fractions and inclusions in gasoline or diesel fuel in its path. Thus, it is necessary to periodically replace the fuel filter , which will increase the engine's operating life and its efficiency (efficiency).

New filter for Ford Focus 1

What are the signs to determine that it is time to replace the fuel filter on a Ford Focus? Firstly , you first need to check the mileage of the car since the last replacement of the element or since the moment of purchase. The manufacturer recommends performing this operation every 30 thousand kilometers. However, it should be understood that this recommendation applies to lighter operating conditions in America and Europe. In our region, the quality of gasoline sometimes leaves much to be desired, so we personally recommend reducing this interval to about 20 thousand kilometers. Secondly , when the filter element is worn out, the car begins to accelerate weakly, and when you sharply press the gas pedal, it completely stalls or slows down.

When is it necessary to change the fuel filter in a Ford Focus 3?

At what mileage and how often you need to change the fuel filter depends directly on the type of device:

  1. The filters, which are part of a common design with the fuel pump, are designed for 150 thousand km. But in fact, this figure is 70-100 thousand kilometers.
  2. According to the regulations, the service life of the filter elements installed in the engine compartment is 40 thousand kilometers. However, in fact, these figures are almost two times less. If fuel cells are installed on cars that are fueled with low-quality fuel, their service life is designed for no more than 15-25 thousand kilometers.

However, despite this, experts recommend checking the condition of the device every 10-20 thousand kilometers.

The following signs may indicate that the fuel filter is in poor condition:

  • the engine began to work unevenly and “triple”;
  • increased fuel consumption (sometimes 3-4 liters);
  • the engine loses power and accelerates poorly;
  • problems starting the engine;
  • when driving at low speeds, the engine stalls;
  • In cars equipped with automatic transmission, gear shifting is incorrect.

The above symptoms are a reason to immediately contact a car service center. Otherwise, malfunctions in the fuel system can completely damage the power unit.

Diagnosing problems with the fuel filter

In order to correctly determine the need to replace the fuel filter, first of all, you should pay attention to how many kilometers it has traveled with the old filtration elements. Regarding Ford Focus 3, the service life of filter units for both coarse and fine cleaning is:

  • for filters under the hood - 40,000 kilometers, but this is the manufacturer’s regulation, in reality the unit is already depleted and unsuitable for use after 15-30,000;
  • for filters mounted in a gas tank - 150,000 kilometers (in practice - 70-100,000).

Note that in order to maintain the “fuel health” of your car, it would be useful to systematically check the fuel filtration elements. In the case of the Ford Focus 3, it is recommended to do such activities every 10-20,000 kilometers.

Particular attention should be paid to the car’s fuel system and in particular fuel filters if it begins to:

  • consume more fuel (on average, within 1-4 liters);
  • work unstably at idle;
  • worse to start;
  • problems appeared while driving: dips, tripping, decreased power, braking or twitching.

Important! If something similar starts to happen with your Ford Focus, then be sure to start correcting the existing problems. Otherwise, malfunctions in the car’s fuel system can completely “kill” the entire engine.

Which filter to choose

When choosing replacement parts and consumables, car owners are faced with the question of whether to buy an original or an analogue? It is worth noting that original spare parts are always certified and have a warranty period. To purchase them, you need to contact an official dealer and trusted service stations.

Among analogues there are also consumables of appropriate quality. In order to choose the right analogue, you need to know the brands that produce such products and their article numbers.


Ford Focus 3 diesel engines often use Ford filter art. 1352443. In gasoline versions, the situation is somewhat different, since they are equipped with two types of fuel filters, which are part of a single system with the fuel pump.


The cost of filters from the manufacturer (original) is at least twice as high as that of the originals. If it is not possible to purchase a more expensive option, then for a diesel engine you can buy the following modifications, such as:

  • Bosch art. F026402007. An excellent option for those who want to buy value for money. All Bosch products are of good quality and comparable to the originals.
  • AD art. 101300013. The quality of such filters is significantly inferior to the original elements, and accordingly, they have a low cost.
  • Mann art. PU7002x. A worthy option for American-made cars.

Gasoline cars can use fuel filters from well-known brands such as:

  • Era art. 775433 for engines with a volume of 1.6 l and art. 775489 for a 2-liter unit. In terms of technical characteristics, these filters are practically not inferior to the original products.
  • Doda art. 1120020005. Designed for 1.6 liter engines. In design, this option corresponds to the original and has a long service life, but the main advantage is its affordable cost.
  • Bosch art.0580200064 is designed for 2 liter and EcoBost engines. They are characterized by high quality and long service life.

When choosing an analogue, it is worth studying the list of the most popular products, as well as taking into account the advice of experts.

Where is the fuel filter located and what tools are needed to replace it?

To begin with, it is worth considering the location of the fuel filter in the Focus 3 gasoline system. In the third Focus modification, this element is located in the fuel pump, located directly in the gas tank. The main difficulty in replacing the filter in these cars is that the fuel pump is non-separable, and the fuel is cleaned by a special filter mesh.

Third-generation Focus 105 cars in sedan, hatchback, station wagon, starting from 2007, are equipped with two filters - fine and coarse. The former are used to screen out small components, the latter - from large contaminants entering the fuel tank.

In some versions of the American Ford Focus with a gasoline engine, fine filters are mounted in the engine compartment (in front of the injector), and coarse filters are installed in the fuel tank. However, often these components are installed under the rear passenger sofa and are part of a single structure with the pump.

Any procedure for replacing a fuel filter must begin with the preparation of tools. In addition to the fuel filter itself (original or analogue), you need to arm yourself with the following tools:

  • Set of wrenches.
  • Two screwdrivers (flat head and Phillips head).
  • The cut off bottom part of the bottle (to drain the fuel when removing the old element).
  • One liter of diesel fuel (for Focus diesel modifications).
  • Rags.

This set of tools is quite enough to replace the fuel filter yourself.

Where to look?

In second and third generation Ford Focus cars, the fuel filter is located in the gas tank, inside the fuel module housing.
It is combined with a fuel pump. If the filter fails, the entire module is replaced. But domestic car enthusiasts found a way out of this situation. And indeed, it is not entirely correct to throw away a working unit just because part of it has worn out. Moreover, this part does not even perform any mechanical functions.

You should, of course, pay attention to the fact that the manufacturer strongly does not recommend any artisanal improvements to the part. Ford Focus 3 owners carry out all operations performed solely at their own peril and risk. However, since the "invented" method is at least of research interest, it is appropriate to share it here. In addition, the process of replacing the entire assembly is no different.

So, the idea is to replace the mesh filter in the fuel module with an analogue one, since finding an original part for the Ford Focus 3 will be problematic. As a rule, a mesh from Toyota is installed.

Alternative, but no less artisanal, methods of improving the fuel cleaning process are installing an additional (auxiliary) cleaning element in the fuel system, or installing a mesh from a used fuel pump. Both methods have significant drawbacks. For the first, this is an increase in resistance in the fuel system when creating the necessary pressure, which can lead to a decrease in the service life of the fuel pump. For the second, the purity of the purifier is questionable. That is, any of them can endanger the entire fuel supply system, as well as threaten the safety of the engine of your Ford Focus 3.

Replacing the fuel filter on a Ford Focus 3

Replacing this element on a Ford Focus car is carried out in several stages. Almost every car owner can carry out this event, since the process itself is not difficult. However, replacing the filter requires some knowledge and a degree of care.

As for the replacement procedure itself, it differs between gasoline and diesel versions of the Ford Focus 3. Given this feature, it is worth considering the procedure for replacing the fuel cell in both cases.

Petrol version of the Ford Focus 3

Stages of work:

  • Open the hood, remove the fuse responsible for the operation of the fuel pump from its seat.
  • Relieve the pressure by starting the engine and waiting until it stops.
  • If you need to replace two fuel filters - in the tank and under the hood, open the engine compartment and find the fuel filter (it is located near the cylinder head).
  • Disconnect the line connected to the cylinder block and remove the device.
  • Install a new fuel element by connecting the pipe to it. Make sure that the hose is firmly connected to the device to avoid possible leaks.

Regarding the additional filter element, you may encounter a problem. In some versions of Focus, there may be no hatch under the rear passenger seat that allows you to quickly get to the installation location of the element. Therefore, the manufacturer recommends changing the device yourself by removing the fuel tank. You can, in principle, do without removing it, but to do this you will have to make a hole yourself, which is unsafe. Some car owners make a hole with scissors, a grinder, or drill it, however, according to experts, it is better to dismantle the fuel tank.

When access to the pumping device is open, you need to use a screwdriver to unscrew the ring that secures it and dismantle the pump, having first disconnected the connectors, wires and lines connected to it.

Disconnect the connector from the level sensor and remove the controller. This will give access to the filter mesh. It must be dismantled and a new one installed.

Reassembling the pump is done in the reverse order. Often, when car owners change the filter, they simultaneously change the fuel pump motor (when necessary).

Diesel version of the Ford Focus 3

Stages of work:

  • The device is located directly in the engine compartment, on the right side of the engine. The filter itself is hidden by a protective cover, which is secured with screws (they can be unscrewed with an “8” key).
  • Having dismantled the protective cover, you can see the fuel element with a fitting used to drain diesel fuel.
  • Unscrew the fitting into the container (some of the fuel will drain out).
  • Remove the filter cover and thoroughly clean the device from dirt (to prevent it from getting into the system pipes).
  • Disconnect the cover and install the new fuel element into the housing.
  • Pour diesel fuel into it, making sure that it fills the entire space.
  • Reassemble the components in the reverse order, not forgetting to tighten the fitting.
  • Start the engine and increase its speed to 2000/min. In this position, the engine should run for 10-15 minutes, this will remove any existing air pockets from the system.

The procedure for replacing the fuel filter is not complicated. If you have some free time, you can handle this yourself. Thanks to this, you can save some money on the work itself and be confident in your Ford Focus 3.


Since the design of the fuel system in the Ford Focus 2 is a rather complex mechanism, its repair will not be an easy task. Often, in order to save time, the owners of this model do not replace fuel filters themselves, but go to a service station. Specialists, so to speak, with an already full hand, are quite skilled and, most importantly, quickly able to carry out relatively complex repairs. In any case, there is no operation that is beyond the power of every person. If you decide to replace one of the two or both filters yourself, first prepare the following things:

  • rags;
  • set of wrenches;
  • screwdriver;
  • pliers;
  • gloves;
  • several containers;
  • a new replacement fuel filter that fully matches the part being replaced and has similar characteristics.

Having placed the car on a flat surface and secured it with the handbrake, you can begin to replace it. If it is necessary to repair the filter located under the hood of the Ford Focus 2, it is necessary to perform a number of actions.

First, relieve the pressure in the fuel system. This can be done in several ways:

disconnect the battery, disconnect the block from the fuel pump, connect the battery, start the car and let it run until it stalls, when the engine cannot be started, you can proceed to the next replacement steps;

Disconnect the battery, remove the fuel pump fuse (10 or 12) from the mounting block, connect the battery and repeat the steps described earlier.

Having relieved the pressure in the Ford Focus 2 fuel system, you can begin to dismantle the filter located near the injector. This unit is a cylindrical part that immediately catches the eye. Removing this filter is quite simple - you need to unscrew several fasteners using wrenches. After removing the assembly, place previously prepared containers under the remaining fuel lines and wait until all the fuel has drained. After this, you can proceed to the next replacement step.

The last stage of repair is to install a new filter into the fuel system in a manner similar to removing the old part. After installing the unit, return the car to its original condition and start it, letting the engine run for a couple of minutes. The renovation is complete.

Replacing the Ford Focus 2 fuel filter, which is located in the gas tank, is slightly more complicated than the previously described process. The general algorithm of actions in this case is as follows:

  1. Again, relieve the fuel system pressure.
  2. Then, having previously placed the car on an overpass or inspection hole, remove the gas tank. Disconnect the battery first, as you will have to disconnect the electrical wires connected to the tank.
  3. Having removed the gas tank, it is necessary to remove the fuel pump and, accordingly, the fuel filter. If the latter can be replaced without a fuel pump, then carry out this procedure. Ford repair specialists recommend replacing both the fuel pump and the entire filter together.
  4. After that, install the gas tank back and restore the car to its original condition. Start it and let it run for a few minutes. The renovation is complete.

Important! If gasoline leaks appear after replacement, be sure to eliminate them using available methods. Otherwise, operating the car will be extremely dangerous.. As you can see, figuring out where the Ford Focus 2 fuel filter is located and how to replace it is not so difficult

The main thing in this event is to adhere to the previously presented material. We hope the article was useful to you and provided answers to your questions. Good luck with the repairs and on the roads!

As you can see, figuring out where the Ford Focus 2 fuel filter is located and how to replace it is not so difficult. The main thing in this event is to adhere to the previously presented material. We hope the article was useful to you and provided answers to your questions. Good luck with the repairs and on the roads!

Video about replacing fuel filters on a Ford Focus 2:

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