Airbrushing as a separate form of art, painted cars as a trend. Interesting and original photo selection

What is airbrushing on a car?

A modern car service center offers many types of services, including airbrushing. This is a type of car restyling with images applied to the surface or tires of the car. For this, special dyes are used: both powder and liquid.

Advantages of airbrushing for car owners:

  • ensuring the individuality of the car;
  • This is one of the ways to protect against car theft;
  • increase in the price of a car after airbrushing by 10-15%;
  • it is possible to hide minor damage to the vehicle;
  • the surface of the car becomes wear-resistant thanks to a special technology for making patterns and applying protective polishes;

Film airbrush

In this case, the design of the body surfaces is done not by applying paint, but by gluing a canvas with a ready-made image. Self-adhesive polyurethane film can be used as a base, which not only has aesthetic value, but also performs protective functions. The workflow also involves careful preparation of the target areas followed by gluing. At first glance, this method seems simple, but you can get a decent result only with detailed verification of the parameters of the canvas and their compliance with a specific area of ​​the body. For example, classic airbrushing on the hood of a car requires maintaining the integrity of the composition, and the artist takes into account small obstacles and deviations as he works, manually manipulating the brush. The digital method also involves in-depth analysis of both the surface and the optimal coating tactics. But in the case of film, the task of laying the coating on the target area becomes more complicated, since the pattern is initially applied to the canvas and can be distorted at the slightest deviation from the specified laying contour.

Brief description of the project

The investor's goal is to open a small airbrush studio in a city with a population of more than 500,000 people. The task is to provide services for applying high-quality images to car body parts and other surfaces.

Individual entrepreneur was chosen as the organizational form, the tax system was simplified with a rate of 6% of the amount of income. The project involves renting a garage of 30 square meters. m. Financing is provided from the personal funds of the business organizer. 251,000 rubles have been allocated for the opening of the project, the bulk of which will be spent on the purchase of equipment and consumables.

Reaching the planned sales level is planned for the 4th month of operation. The expected payback period for the initial investment is 6–8 months. The expected monthly profit is 100–150 thousand rubles. The business plan in the future provides for business expansion - the purchase of additional equipment and the attraction of assistants.

The main part of the target audience (60%) are car and motorcycle owners aged 20–35 years. These are solvent young men and women who want to stand out from the crowd by making their vehicle unique. The remaining clients are those who want to put an image on a laptop, tablet or phone, furniture, household appliances.

Description of workshop services and pricing policy

The cost of airbrush studio services is influenced by many factors - the complexity of the design, the number of details for design, the initial condition of the coating, the amount of materials used, etc. An approximate list of workshop services with prices in rubles:

  • sketch development – ​​2500;
  • painting of 1 part of a car or motorcycle – from 8,000;
  • entire car – from 70,000;
  • complete motorcycle - from 40,000;
  • helmet – from 7,000;
  • laptop – from 8,000;
  • skateboards – from 7,000;
  • large household appliances – 10,000–25,000;
  • artistic painting of walls – 3,000–10,000 per 1 sq. m.

Car airbrushing: interesting ideas

In the animal world. Many drivers love animalistic themes and happily agree to depict a leopard or wolf on their car. If you don't like predators, you can make a drawing of a graceful horse, a funny elephant, or even your pet!

Architecture and landmarks. Recently, urban motifs have gained particular popularity. The Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, New York at night or the drawbridges of St. Petersburg - the topics are very diverse.

Natural landscapes. Sunrise, the sea coast, unruly mountain peaks, sunrise in a village - all this can be displayed on your car.

Prints and patterns. Simple and uncomplicated stripes and polka dots are in fashion, but for lovers of intricate prints we can recommend ethnic patterns, flowers, animal prints (“zebra”, “leopard”) and so on.

Computer graphics and abstraction. This topic will be popular with creative and original people; it can be a reflection of not only tastes, but also hobbies.

Non-standard topic. Here we include not only fictional characters, heroes of fairy tales and cartoons, but also male style - skulls, motorcycles, girls, weapons, etc. A huge advantage of such airbrushing is that you can be 90% sure who owns the car. Only a few girls will choose a car with the image of the Terminator, and men are unlikely to be interested in unicorns and angels.

Choose a design with your heart: it should be close to you, and fashion is a fickle lady, you shouldn’t be guided by her whims!

Kolodiychuk Andrey

, especially for

Where to start a business

You should start an airbrush business by understanding who will carry out the painting work. If the business owner has the appropriate skills, experience and sense of taste, then on the one hand, there will be savings on personnel costs, he will better understand the intricacies of work, feel constantly changing trends, but on the other hand, less attention will be paid to the business itself as an activity. It turns out that the business owner will be a worker for himself, and not a businessman.

Next, having decided on your role in the upcoming matter, you should officially register your organization by completing all the necessary documents. After which you should search for premises, purchase the necessary equipment and recruit personnel, if necessary.

A workshop ready to accept orders requires advertising and promotion, which will also take a significant amount of money and time.

Market analysis

According to data provided by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, the number of cars in Russia increases annually by an average of 1,500,000. This trend explains the increased demand for vehicle maintenance - repairs, tuning, painting. The car service market is constantly evolving, new types of services are appearing and airbrushing is one of them. Interest in artistic painting will continue to grow in the future.

Competition and risk assessment

When drawing up a business plan for an airbrushing workshop, the project organizer must assess the level of competition in the city. Such a project will be successful in a locality where the population exceeds 500,000 people, even if there are already 1-2 studios engaged in artistic painting of cars. It is important to develop your own competitive advantages to stand out from your competitors, for example:

  • have your own original style of creating images;
  • At least 2 years of experience in this field;
  • fulfill orders within clearly defined deadlines;
  • do your job efficiently;
  • keep prices competitive.

Opening an airbrush studio, like any other business, is fraught with risks. The redistribution of the established customer base may be caused by the emergence of new competitors in the city. To minimize the damage, you will have to develop a unique selling proposition and loyalty program for your customers and intelligently build a pricing policy.

An increase in the cost of renting a garage is a risk that can be minimized at the stage of concluding an agreement with the landlord by discussing the possibility of purchasing the premises. An increase in prices for materials - paints and varnishes - will entail a decrease in profits or the need to increase prices for services.

A change in the economic situation in a region or country as a whole will certainly affect purchasing power. Since airbrushing is a specific type of business, this industry may suffer and investments into it will decrease. This risk will have to be mitigated by reducing the cost of services and developing promotional offers.

The risk of loss of reputation cannot be ignored. The dissatisfaction of even one client can lead to serious losses. For this reason, it is important to find a talented artist who has his own style and various drawing techniques. Each team member must be accountable to clients for their work.

Why is the demand for airbrush services increasing?

Despite the high cost of the master’s work, in the last 10 years the demand for airbrushing has increased significantly. The explanation for this is very simple - many people want to emphasize their individuality. In addition, the price of a vehicle with an original image upon sale increases by 10–15%. It is unlikely that anyone will decide to steal an unusual car, because it is easy to find. Such an “iron horse” simply cannot go unnoticed.

Features of coating maintenance

Airbrush design is very demanding to maintain. After application, you should refrain from cleaning and washing the body for 4-7 days (depending on the composition and processing method). In the future, there will also be a restriction on washing with high-pressure compressors. A strong jet, even without the use of auto chemicals, can negatively affect the condition of the decorative layer. The use of any abrasives, from brushes to grinders, is also prohibited. Therefore, you will have to take care of the airbrushed surface on your car with soft rags and special fiber cloths to avoid scratches. At the same time, the segment of special aerosols for processing such decorative coatings is also developing. Such products can be used to protect a layer that is sensitive to external influences.

Organizational plan

Anyone who decides to open an airbrush business will have to resolve several organizational issues:

  • legalize activities;
  • find a place to work;
  • buy equipment;
  • form a staff.

Preparation of documents and registration of organization

An airbrush workshop, if it is a separate highly specialized organization, is usually a micro-enterprise with a staff of 1-3 people. Accordingly, there is only a choice between two organizational and legal forms: a limited liability company or individual entrepreneurship.

LLC in this case will be an inappropriate form, since it requires greater reporting, maintaining full-fledged accounting records, and therefore hiring additional employees or contacting specialized companies. In addition, within the framework of this business, there is no point in taking out huge loans and advances. Therefore, registration as an individual entrepreneur is better suited, and the registration and liquidation process itself is many times faster and simpler.

But before you register yourself as an individual entrepreneur, you need to understand that the business owner will be liable for his obligations with his personal property, and not just with the property of the organization.

Registration of an individual entrepreneur begins with choosing a name. In Russia, all individual entrepreneurs in official documents appear under their initials after the abbreviation “IP”. However, when running a business, you can choose any name or brand under which the activities will be carried out. But this name will not have legal force. Also, if necessary, you can separately register a service mark (brand).

The place of registration of an individual entrepreneur is the residence address of the registered business owner; it must coincide with the passport address.

Also, during registration, it is necessary to determine the activity codes that are currently relevant and potentially of interest in the future. One code is the main one, additional ones may or may not be implemented in reality.

Next, all the above data is entered into the IP registration form P21001. After which you must pay a state fee of 800 rubles and attach a receipt of payment to the application.

After this, you need to choose a taxation system. For individual entrepreneurs, there are several system options; in this case, the simplified tax system in the form of “income minus expenses” will be very convenient, since airbrushing work is accompanied by significant costs for materials. This approach will allow you to slightly, but still increase the resulting profit. The choice of taxation system is confirmed by a notification of the transition to the simplified tax system.

After signing all documents, they must be submitted to the appropriate registration authority at the place of residence.

After completing the registration procedure, you can begin to carry out activities.

Choosing a location and premises

The choice of location where the airbrush studio will be located should be made from available resources. An ideal option would be a city center with huge traffic. However, with proper marketing, a studio located near residential areas will also bring significant profits. Thus, the geolocation of the room is not particularly important.

The studio space must meet certain requirements. Having your own garage and its further arrangement will significantly reduce costs. In its absence, there will be a choice between renting premises or construction. The first option, in terms of total costs, will be equal to a full-fledged development in about 5 years, so if the business is focused on the long term, then it is more profitable to build your own new garage.

The room should be divided into 2 zones: work and office. The total area should be about 50 sq.m, with at least 30 sq.m allocated for the working area.

Painting work will be carried out in the work area, machinery, materials, and equipment will be located. The office will serve for organizational work; it will contain all the necessary documentation, computers, a place to work with clients and a small sitting area for waiting.

The room must be equipped with fire extinguishing equipment and constructed without the use of flammable materials. Particular attention should be paid to good lighting, ventilation and tightness, since work will be carried out with toxic materials. It is also necessary to connect to water supply, sewerage and electricity systems. The cost of building the premises will be approximately 600,000 rubles, and the cost of arranging the office area will be 200,000 rubles.


At a minimum, in the absence of your own airbrush skills, you should hire only one person who will carry out the painting work. The choice should be taken responsibly, since the work of the master will determine the reputation and prestige of the company. The master must have work experience, a portfolio, and skills in handling coloring materials and special equipment. Art education and skills in graphic and visual editors are also welcome. This is necessary for preparing layouts and designs of work, since such formats are convenient, if necessary, to edit, unlike drawings on paper. The salary should depend on the volume of completed orders, but on average, a master airbrush artist earns about 25,000-30,000 rubles per month.

To facilitate the work of the airbrush artist, you should hire an assistant who will perform secondary functions, such as cleaning the room, preparing surfaces for painting, and assisting the master. There are no special requirements here, you can hire a specialist of any profile, the main criteria are responsibility and hard work. The salary of such an employee will be 15,000 rubles per month.

Finally, the third employee will be the manager. His responsibilities should include maintaining documentation, ensuring the operation of the company’s website, working with clients, searching for new orders, marketing, and so on. The main requirements are the presence of a higher specialized education, work experience, and understanding of the specifics of this activity. Salary from 20,000 rubles.

Thus, monthly labor costs will be about 60,000 rubles.


Airbrush equipment includes the following components:

  1. Airbrush. This is a tool that will be used to apply coloring materials. To begin with, a universal airbrush with a nozzle diameter of 0.3 mm is suitable; in the future, you can expand the model range or use replaceable nozzles. Cost - about 10,000 rubles.
  2. Compressor. Serves to supply air. Cost - about 10,000 rubles.
  3. Pressure regulator with reducer. Necessary to control the pressure under which the paint is supplied. The cost is about 2,000 rubles.

Also an excellent option would be to purchase an oil filter, a moisture trap, and airbrush hoses. In total, the costs for these components will not exceed 8,000 rubles.

You should also purchase additional equipment, such as an airbrush holder, knives, mats, accessories for cleaning the airbrush and various measuring containers, personal protective equipment (respirator, gloves, mask), which totals about 10,000 rubles.

In total, equipment costs can amount to about 40,000 rubles.


The main consumables in airbrushing are paints and thinners.

In total, all airbrush paints can be divided into 3 groups: water-based paints, nitro paints, and artistic paints. Each one uses its own solvent: water paints use water, nitro paints use special chemical solvents, and artistic paints are ready for use.

The advantage of water-based ones is their harmlessness, quick drying, and the ability to quickly apply several layers. Disadvantages - when diluted with water, the color shade changes. The most popular brands are eXmix and Air Master. Cost - about 200 rubles per 50 ml.

Nitro paints are good because they dry instantly. This allows you to make a clear drawing. But they are toxic, penetrate deeply into surface structures and require a special solvent. Brands: Fox, Air Master. Cost - about 30 rubles for 15 ml.

Finally, art paints do not need to be diluted; you can use brushes and airbrushes to apply them; there are a lot of shades for them; when they dry, they do not change colors. The main disadvantage is their thickness; for an airbrush they must be diluted beforehand. AcrylArt and eXmix are the most popular brands. Cost - 200 rubles per 100 ml.

It is recommended to start by purchasing paints in sets of a significant number of colors in order to subsequently identify the most popular ones and focus on their purchase.

Paint consumption depends on the complexity of the design and cannot be calculated in general. The drawing can be large or small, consist of many elements, have many colors. On average, airbrush artists spend about 3-4 thousand rubles on paint on a hood of average complexity.

What you need for airbrushing: a step-by-step plan for starting a business

Let's look at a detailed step-by-step plan for starting a business in this niche.

Step 1.

To start any business, you need to research the market, study the needs of the audience and the offers of competitors. This will help you highlight your competitive advantages. The best time to start a business is in the spring or fall, during the peak season.

Step 2.

Search for an artist. You can learn airbrushing yourself or hire a specialist. In the first case, you will save on employee salaries and will be able to fully control the entire business. But painting requires certain artistic skills, as well as a sense of taste and other qualities. In addition, if you fulfill orders yourself, you may not have time to run your business.

Step 3.

Business registration. The easiest way is to register a business as an individual entrepreneur. The state registration fee is 800 rubles. Taxation system – simplified tax system. It is better to choose the income minus expenses option, since you will have a significant investment in materials. In this case, a tax of 15% of net profit is paid. To open a business, you will need standard permits from the fire department and the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station.

Step 4

. Search for premises. An area of ​​about 30 square meters will be enough for you. meters, and it could even be a garage. An important condition is the presence of good lighting. Also pay attention to the availability of water and fire extinguishing agents. The workshop should be clean and not dusty, preferably with a concrete or tiled floor, since dust falling on the surface of the car can ruin the design. In addition to the work area, the premises should have a client reception area. Location doesn't matter. Such premises can usually be rented for 10–20 thousand rubles.

Step 5

. Purchase of equipment and consumables. Here is the main list:

  • The airbrush is the main element of the airbrush studio. The principle of operation is similar to a spray gun, but the spray spectrum of an airbrush is different. Typically, models of this device have a nozzle of 0.3 and 0.5 mm. The first option is universal; it can be used to apply details of any size. For starters, this airbrush will be enough for you. The second option is used to apply a background and draw some areas that do not require special clarity. You can also use replaceable nozzles. Main airbrush models: Paasche, IWATA, DeVilbis, Harder&Steenbeck, Badger.
  • Compressor - it supplies air to the spray gun under a certain pressure, which allows the paint to be distributed evenly and greatly affects the quality of the design. In this case, it is worth taking into account the maximum pressure value, performance level, compressor power, noise level, the presence of a receiver and the dimensions of this device. The price is up to 10,000 rubles.
  • You will also need a pressure regulator with a reducer (if the airbrush itself is not equipped with one), hoses and an airbrush holder, stencils, containers, and a respirator.
  • Paints and varnish. It is not recommended to skimp on paint so that the quality of the work does not suffer. Different paints are used, and each type has its own characteristics. For example, water-based paints are harmless and easy to apply and dry quickly. Nitro paints dry instantly, but require a special solvent. Artistic ones do not require dilution, come in many shades and do not change color when dry, but can be too thick for an airbrush.

It’s best to buy a set of paints right away so that you have the whole range of colors, and buy additional popular colors as you work. The average paint consumption for applying one design to the hood is about 4,000 rubles. The total purchase price of equipment is up to 50,000 rubles.

Step 6.


At first, two employees will be enough for you: an auxiliary foreman and an artist. If the volume of work is large, you can hire another airbrush artist. Mandatory requirements for this employee are experience and portfolio, the necessary skills. Usually the master receives a salary and a percentage of sales, sometimes only a percentage. Earnings depend on the amount of work. The function of manager can be taken over by the business owner. You will also need an accountant. As a rule, it costs from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles to pay for labor in this niche.

Step 7

. Business promotion

There is high competition in this niche, so promotion and advertising of the airbrushing center is very important. Your target audience is men from 18 to 50 years old, owners of passenger cars. Most often, they choose an artist based on his portfolio.

Main methods of promotion:

  • promotion on the Internet. This can be your own website as well as accounts on social networks, listing the services provided and a price list, portfolio and contacts,
  • outdoor advertising near car washes, gas stations, workshops, etc.
  • flyers, leaflets,
  • advertising in the media - for example, short videos on radio, publication in thematic media and on city portals.

You need to build the loyalty of your customers and start word of mouth. Consider issuing discount cards and other incentives.

It makes sense to spend at least 30,000 rubles on promotion. At first, advertising will help attract customers. Then your calling card should be a job done perfectly.

Advertising and Marketing

When promoting an airbrush studio, different advertising methods are used. The most effective way to express yourself and attract customers is your own website, optimized for search queries. Its development should be entrusted to a professional. The website should contain examples of finished work and photos of the stages of the technological process. Creating and promoting an Internet resource will cost an entrepreneur 30–50 thousand rubles.

Other advertising methods:

  • creating a group on a popular social network;
  • distribution of leaflets and flyers;
  • placement of advertisements in print publications and on Internet sites.

Financial section of the business plan

The effectiveness of the project can be assessed at the stage of drawing up a business plan. The financial section contains complete information about investments in the project, current expenses and expected income. Using simple calculations, the business owner will determine the payback period of the investment and the amount of profit he can count on.

Calculation of expenses and profits

When organizing the work of an airbrush studio, the starting costs will be:

  • construction of premises - 600,000 rubles;
  • arrangement of the office area - 200,000 rubles;
  • equipment - 40,000 rubles, consumables for starting work - 20,000 rubles.

Thus, the starting costs are 860,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses are as follows;

  • staff remuneration - 60,000 rubles;
  • payment for housing and communal services - 5,000 rubles.

Total monthly expenses are 65,000 rubles per month.

The cost of airbrushing services varies depending on the complexity and size of the design and the surface being treated, so painting can cost from 5,000 to 30,000 rubles. The price is affected by material consumption and work completion time. Material costs are approximately 20% of the cost of the service. A very complex drawing can be completed over several days.

There is also an additional fee for creating designs for individual orders: the price for this service ranges from 1,000 to 10,000 rubles.

Since the demand for the services of an airbrush artist is not seasonal, with proper promotion, a full workload of the employee is expected. Accordingly, an airbrush studio can generate up to 200,000 rubles in revenue every month. Minus expenses, as well as funds spent on promotion, net profit per month can reach 100,000 rubles, respectively, the project pays off within the first year.

How much can you earn from airbrushing?

The trade margin in this type of business is 400%, including wages for the airbrush operator. That is, to complete an order worth 20 thousand rubles, the cost of materials is 4 thousand.

Revenue will also be affected by many factors, the main one being the number of orders.

Typically, completing one order takes from several days to 2 weeks. On average, a master can complete 5-6 orders per month, receiving from 70 thousand to 150 thousand rubles. A business owner can receive about 50 thousand rubles a month, or about 600 thousand a year, in a semi-passive mode.

Where to learn airbrush

An airbrush artist is one of the in-demand and highly paid professions. Now there are many courses, including online courses with video lessons. You can also get training in airbrush studios, which are located in all major cities. Such training will cost 10,000 – 15,000 rubles. You also need skills in working in Photoshop and Coral Draw editors to create sketches of drawings.

Airbrushing is an interesting business, but it has its own difficulties. This includes the risk of crises and high competition. The key to success is competent market analysis and quality work. But even in this case, at the beginning you should not expect super profits from the business. To increase your earnings, you need to make serious efforts and earn a reputation in the market. In this case, you can easily find clients and achieve a stable high income.

Coating technology

Before applying the coating, the surface must be cleaned of dirt and dust, washed and then degreased. Only after this should you proceed to the procedure of applying paint to the body.

The technology for applying the pattern depends on the type of specific pattern. This can be spraying paint with an airbrush or spray gun through a stencil. Such work is universal and devoid of originality, low cost and done very quickly.

Another fairly quick way is to stick special films onto which a pattern has already been applied. As a rule, the design is applied using printing, and its placement on the car is carried out using cut elements (if the design is large). In this case, an additional advantage will be the ability to quickly remove the picture.

The classic method of airbrushing consists of long and labor-intensive work by a master using a brush, which applies the contours of the design, and then paints and sprays the paint with an airbrush. Using this technique, you can create a drawing of any complexity and uniqueness.

However, in all cases, the master’s preliminary work consists of making a mock-up of the drawing. It can be executed on paper or on a computer using special programs. The latter option is preferable, as it visually shows the client the appearance of the car with a pattern and allows, if necessary, to make adjustments.

Manual application technique

This is an original method of creating airbrush designs, which is distinguished by its quality of execution. The coating is applied manually by high-level artists, so the cost in this case increases. The process itself consists of the following stages:

  • Working surfaces are freed from removable structural elements - handles, lighting fixtures, fasteners, etc.
  • The area is cleaned, washed and, if necessary, painted in the desired background color.
  • A sketch with stencils for a specific plot is being prepared.
  • Using special pencils and brushes, the master applies the drawing. For example, you can do airbrushing on a car using a 12 V compressor brush gun. This is a tool that is equipped with needles with a diameter of about 0.5 mm, which operate on the principle of forming a tattoo.
  • The completed drawing is varnished and dried.

What difficulties does an airbrush business have?

In order to assess business risks, it is necessary to analyze external and internal factors. External factors include threats related to the economic situation in the country and sales markets. Internal – the efficiency of enterprise management.

External factors include:

  • high competition in the market

    , opening new points in relative proximity, dumping direct competitors. The emergence of new airbrush studios will lead to a redistribution of the client base and profits. Often, large car repair shops provide airbrushing services, which negatively affects the client base of small workshops. Reducing this risk is possible by creating your own customer base, developing a unique selling proposition, smart pricing policy and stimulating consumer loyalty.

  • increase in rental costs

    , which will entail an increase in fixed costs and may affect the financial condition. It is possible to reduce the likelihood of risk by concluding a long-term lease agreement and choosing a conscientious lessor. You can eliminate this risk by purchasing the premises as your own.

  • decrease in purchasing power.

    Airbrushing is a rather specific type of service. In the event of a decrease in income or an unfavorable economic situation, there is a high probability that the majority will refuse the services of the studio. Therefore, this risk, which entails a reduction in effective demand, is highly probable. It is very difficult to manage and almost impossible to avoid. It is possible to mitigate the impact of risk by holding promotions and reducing the cost of services.

  • increase in the cost of consumables.

    This will lead to an increase in the cost of services and, otherwise, to a decrease in net profit. This risk can be reduced if you purchase consumables from a specific seller who can provide discounts to regular customers.

Internal risks include:

  • technological risks

    , which include incorrectly selected equipment, breakdowns, which can lead to a halt in business processes. This risk can be reduced by regularly monitoring the serviceability of equipment and choosing the right equipment.

  • low level of work performed.

    In airbrushing, the main guarantee of a constant flow of clients is the professionalism of the artist. In the absence of decent work, neither advertising nor reduced prices will save a business from serious financial losses and a decline in business reputation. To avoid this, it is necessary to undergo additional training and advanced training courses.

  • failure to achieve the planned sales volume.

    This risk can be reduced with an effective advertising campaign that includes various promotions and bonuses;

  • decrease in the reputation of the institution among the target audience

    in case of errors in management or reduction in the quality of services. It is possible to mitigate the risk by constantly monitoring the quality of services, receiving feedback from clients and taking corrective measures.

The most serious risks in this business are the risk of competitive reaction and decreased purchasing power. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to the formation of competitive advantages, especially pricing policy, as well as the creation of a flexible system of working with clients. To reduce the impact of the risk of declining purchasing power, it is recommended to diversify the business and provide various services to ensure a constant flow of orders.


The investment attractiveness of this project can be judged on the basis of simple and integral performance indicators. Changes in the value of money over time are taken into account using the discounted cash flow method.

The payback period for the project with an initial investment of 160,000 rubles is 6 months. The net monthly profit of the project upon reaching planned sales volumes will be 70,000 rubles. It is planned to reach the planned sales volume in the sixth month of operation.

The annual net profit for the first year of operation will be about 550,000 rubles. The return on sales in the first year of operation will be 28%. The return on investment ratio is 38.2%, and the internal rate of return exceeds the discount rate and is equal to 22%. The net present value is positive and amounts to 882,966 rubles, which indicates the investment attractiveness of the project.

The financial plan takes into account the optimistic sales forecast that can be expected due to the high effectiveness of the advertising campaign and high-quality work performed.

Ideas to increase profits and attract new customers

In order to attract new customers, stimulate the emergence of regular customers and thereby increase profits, it is necessary, firstly, to fulfill orders with high quality, because the good work of a master makes the reputation of the entire company, and secondly, to implement a number of additional measures.

Such measures may include diversification of services. In addition to airbrush painting of cars, you can apply designs to other vehicles, furniture, sporting goods, household items, and devices. This will significantly expand the target audience.

It is also important for customers to introduce loyalty programs, in particular, the issuance of discount cards, including those of a cumulative nature.

Also, pleasant memories of the service provided will be left by memorable souvenirs with the logo of the airbrush studio: mugs, pens, notepads, keychains, etc.

Airbrush technology

There are several ways to apply a design to a car or other surface using the required technique. You can:

  • do airbrush manually,
  • simply cover the surface of the object with a pattern on a special film,
  • perform the work through a stencil using a spray gun.

It is the quality of the drawing that will determine your success, the number of clients and profits. Use only high-quality materials and hire professionals if you want to stay in this business for a long time.

Advantages and disadvantages of business

Airbrushing is a business that does not require large investments. For a person who knows how to draw, this is an excellent opportunity for self-realization. The project is also good because it provides additional sources of income, because the studio’s clients can also be people who need to apply images to interior items and personal belongings. One of the main advantages of business is the low level of competition. There is always a waiting list for a good master several months in advance.

Disadvantages of the project:

  • insignificant influence of the seasonal factor - demand for the service increases in autumn and spring;
  • the need for special skills;
  • high cost of the service - if the economic situation in the region destabilizes, demand may fall.

Airbrush as a business: features of the idea

Airbrushing is a method of applying unique images to various surfaces. For this, a device, an airbrush, and special liquid or powder dyes are used. Spraying the compositions using compressed air allows you to achieve the effect of a smooth transition from one shade to another, making the image three-dimensional and as close to reality as possible. Artistic painting is especially popular among vehicle owners.

Reference. Airbrush is used not only for restyling car bodies, it is used for painting tires, indoor walls, laptops, surfboards, skateboards, scooters and phones.

Why is the demand for airbrush services increasing?

Despite the high cost of the master’s work, in the last 10 years the demand for airbrushing has increased significantly. The explanation for this is very simple - many people want to emphasize their individuality. In addition, the price of a vehicle with an original image upon sale increases by 10–15%. It is unlikely that anyone will decide to steal an unusual car, because it is easy to find. Such an “iron horse” simply cannot go unnoticed.

Additional services

Often, airbrushing itself acts as an additional service in various auto repair shops, since the functioning of a medium-sized large business does not require significant costs to create a full-fledged site to provide such a service. This requires a minimum of equipment and one specialist.

In a specialized airbrush studio, additional services include expanding the objects on which the drawing is applied. These can be motorcycles, scooters, bicycles, accessories (such as helmets), skateboards, cell phone covers and much more.

An airbrush artist can also provide services on-site. For example, artistic interior painting.

In addition, an airbrush artist can organize and conduct master classes on airbrushing and engage in teaching activities on behalf of the company.

Question of price

The work of an experienced airbrush technician can cost from 10 to 20 thousand rubles. for one element. Complex design of the entire body costs hundreds of thousands - specific figures are determined by the level of the artist, the complexity of the sketch and the processing area. And this applies directly to the work, but airbrushing on cars also requires the development of a design solution. It is necessary if you plan to completely cover the body. The cost of documentation with templates and sketches reaches 10 thousand on average. But, again, a lot depends on the level of a particular company and the professionalism of its craftsmen, so you can always find budget solutions.

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