“Brain oxide”: Why laughing gas balloons are dangerous

Nitrous oxide

INFORMATION ARTICLE! We do not install nitrous oxide kits. Nitrous oxide (N2O). Suitable for additional power increases.

Nitrous oxide in a cylinder is a non-flammable liquid under pressure. It was originally used for military aircraft during the Second World War to provide additional oxygen and power at high altitudes. How it works The nitrous oxide is pumped through a solenoid valve (solenoid) and a nozzle (injector) into the intake manifold or directly into the cylinder. When nitrous enters the injector, it turns into a gas, of which 36% is oxygen. Nitrous oxide changes from a liquid to a gas, which cools the air in the system and allows more oxygen to enter the engine. When the nitrous oxide heats up and ignites, more oxygen is released, so the engine requires more fuel (air + gasoline = power). Additional air and gasoline can increase engine power from 1 horsepower to several hundred, depending on the characteristics of the car and modifications.

Note: the process of releasing nitrous oxide requires a large amount of fuel, otherwise the expected effect will not be achieved. It is important to maintain the correct chemical ratio of nitrogen-gasoline 9.649:1. Limitations For most cars, a small dose of nitrogen is enough to increase power by up to 50 horsepower (depending on the condition of the engine, of course). If you want to increase power by more than 50 hp, pay attention to the technical condition of the main engine parts. Pistons, connecting rods, cylinder heads, gaskets, bolts, etc. may need to be replaced. It is also important to make sure whether the clutch and transmission can withstand the additional load.

Nitrous Oxide Systems Today, nitrous oxide is produced by many manufacturers Holley (NOS), ZEX, NX. However, the most famous brand is NOS. Most people use this term when talking about the nitrous oxide system. Wet system Nitrous is mixed with fuel in the intake manifold. On carbureted cars it is supplied through the intake manifold plate, and on cars with a fuel injection system it is supplied between the manifold and the throttle valve. For the correct proportion of the mixture, the amount of nitrogen and gasoline is dosed.

Direct injection system A mixture of nitrogen and gasoline is sprayed directly into the cylinders. This allows each cylinder to receive the required volume of mixture for optimal performance. The direct injection system also allows you to adjust the degree of nitrogen supply, that is, it is divided into several stages. This means that at low speed (to reduce wheel slip) you can select a stage with a small supply of nitrogen, and for acceleration you can increase the supply of nitrogen. The most advanced version of the direct intake system is now also available, which provides an increasing supply of nitrogen.

Dry system Nitrous oxide is supplied through an injector into the manifold (only nitrogen passes through it). Fuel is delivered through the fuel injectors when nitrogen is already inside the manifold. The nitrous oxide system installation kit consists of:

“Brain oxide”: Why laughing gas balloons are dangerous

On Monday, February 25, Murad Kasymov was arrested in St. Petersburg. It was he who was driving a car that flew at breakneck speed onto the sidewalk of Nevsky Prospekt in St. Petersburg. Two people died on the spot, three more ended up in the hospital.

After some time, everyone saw footage of Kasymov, a few minutes before the accident, breathing balloons with nitrous oxide - “laughing gas”. At any disco they will offer you this almost drug for 150 rubles, and it will be legal. But for some reason, none of those responsible admits that this is a dangerous substance. It changes consciousness, state, causes addiction, coma, and sometimes leads to death.

It is strange that for the first time these balls, or rather the consequences caused by their use, began to appear in operational reports about seven years ago, around the same time as the so-called “spice”. However, they fought very actively against the latter, and even achieved some success, but they simply turned a blind eye to the balls, as if someone benefited from their presence on the street. Arthur Lomidze looked into this in more detail.

Dumskaya Street on a weekend night is simply unrecognizable, and not only because there is not a single ball of nitrous oxide, which have become an integral attribute of this place, but because there are more police officers on the street than vacationers.

Almost every car is searched. Any inhabitant of a hot spot knows what they are looking for: cylinders of nitrous oxide.

“Nitrogen infection” first appeared on the streets of the country seven years ago. Since then, “laughing gas”, “Ibiza air” or, in scientific terms, nitrogen dioxide has come into the public eye more than once. No one has counted how many lives it has taken, it leaves no traces and continues to “gas” the brains of young people. Politicians have said more than once: we need to remove the balls from the street - but somehow the matter did not go beyond talk.

Horrifying footage appeared: two were dead, three were in the hospital - the driver inhaled balloons. Only after this did the owners of the entertainment street begin to fuss.

Owners of establishments are sad without laughing gas: many built their businesses on it. The cylinders were removed, but they forgot to remove the advertisement. They traded without hesitation.

In the midst of either a party or a raid, a number of suspects appear. The gazes of the police and partygoers glare at the lady with the balloons with equal greed - a false alarm, boring helium is of no interest to anyone. Nitrous oxide is why young people come here.

- Produces a slight intoxicating effect. It will be characterized by laughter, excitement, with a further increase in volume concentration up to severe intoxication and even coma,” explained narcologist Vadim Vetlasenin.

It is this mixture that dentists use in small quantities. Cunning traders found out that food grade nitrous oxide, low in concentration in Russia, is distributed freely, and offered unlimited quantities of “laughing gas” to everyone.

Having inhaled the balloons, Murad Kasymov pressed the gas pedal. After the accident, he was taken for a medical examination. The results are not officially disclosed, but sources in the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported that traces of cocaine and amphetamine were found in the driver’s blood. Gas traders don't understand what the balls have to do with it.

“If he got drunk on alcohol, and then snorted white powder, and then blew out a couple more balls - it’s, you know, like in the explanation: first we drank vodka, beer, then we washed it all down with cognac, and then I poisoned myself with oatmeal cookies,” concluded wholesale supplier of food grade nitrous oxide.

But this is not funny: people died, and it was nitrous oxide that became the last straw. Kasymov’s route was captured almost entirely by video cameras. He can be seen enjoying himself while driving.

The driver first stopped to inhale gas from the balloon when it was twenty minutes past twelve; nine minutes later he hit people on Nevsky Prospekt.

The film crew tried to repeat Kasymov’s route, they started a timer: the intersection on Sadovaya, the sign “Only straight ahead and to the right” - they moved towards Nevsky. Having lost 30 seconds on a U-turn, we again continued moving towards Nevsky Prospekt. Nevsky, 55 - this is where the tragedy occurred. It took four minutes to get to this point at night, having collected all the traffic lights, without violating traffic rules and without exceeding the speed limit. It took Kosymov nine. At that moment, he still had a full ball of nitrous oxide left: apparently, he made more stops and continued to inhale the “intoxicating gas” so as not to leave nirvana for a second.

In the trunk they found a whole bottle of their favorite “potion”—enough for a company of soldiers. Was it really impossible to remove the “flying death” dealers from the streets earlier? The police shrug their shoulders: this is not officially prohibited.

“These people will most likely disturb passersby, children will pay attention to this - this is a violation of public order, for this they can already be charged and driven away. The second is illegal business,” Dmitry Kurdesov, a representative of the public movement “For Security,” commented on the situation.

Two methods were named at once - they were used in regions where they did not want to see the balls, where traders were detained right on the highway. And the owners of the Tambov bar, where balls appeared on the menu, received four and a half years probation between them.

“Here I see the inaction of the police, including, perhaps, some kind of corruption conspiracy between sellers and those people who supervise,” said Russian State Duma deputy Mikhail Romanov.

Deputies again started talking about limiting gas circulation and prepared a bill. True, so far they don’t even understand how to do this: either to add “Ibiza air” to the list of narcotic drugs, like morphine, or to prescription drugs, like those containing cadeine. But judging by the fact that a week after the tragedy on Dumskaya there was not a single balloon left, it is not necessary to change the legislation, all the levers are already there. True, the traders themselves are not worried: they are sure that, as always, they will make some noise and forget.

“It probably won’t be for a long time, I think it definitely won’t be until the summer,” the traders say.

Just a month or two.

Earlier, Channel Five reported that after an accident in St. Petersburg, where people died due to the fault of a responsible driver, all establishments that have balloons with the so-called “laughing gas” on their menu will be checked. State Duma deputies demanded this.


To increase engine power, nitrous oxide began to be used in the last century at aeronautics competitions on “whatnots”. A new era of using the mixture began in the 70s of the 20th century, when a universal fuel supply system was brought to the attention of motorists. Currently, an example of the use of the N20 is the American Dregster, whose system is designed for 50 hp.

It's hard to believe, but back in the days of our great-grandfathers, nitrous oxide was used for cars

nitric oxide

It's deep night outside the windows. Cold moonlight flows through the window and softly spreads across the floor and bed, glinting silver in Yoongi’s hair and reflected with radiance in coffee-colored eyes, tensely watching the sleeping Hoseok. Omega eagerly grabs at any movement of the alpha: a slight flutter of eyelashes, a deep sigh in sleep, fingertips moving slightly. Hoseok's head is tilted slightly to the side and one hand rests on his stomach. Under the white T-shirt are hidden multiple scars from burns and deep cuts. These scars are scattered throughout the alpha's body. In some places they are worse, larger, and in others they are barely noticeable. During the time that Hoseok spent in a coma, the broken bones have healed, the wounds have healed, but Yoongi still hurts as if all this happened to him. Hurt. Scary. Yoongi cannot sleep at night, he keeps looking at the alpha, convincing himself that he is just sleeping, that he will open his eyes as soon as he wakes up, that he will hear and say something in response, that he will be able to touch and hug. But the fear does not disappear, does not allow you to breathe a sigh of relief, and inspires you that the alpha may not wake up, even if he just dozed off. I’m scared of my own thoughts, but I can’t get them out of my head. Hoseok was discharged only yesterday, having finally been prescribed a bunch of medications that he will have to take for many months in order to fully recover as quickly as possible. But once home, the alpha felt much healthier. It was as if he had been away from his native walls for an eternity, abandoned two months ago, never returning the next morning. The house greeted Hoseok with warmth and comfort, which Yoongi, despite everything, tried to maintain. This light should not go out. And when the going gets tough, they will come back and feel better. It doesn't matter how much time passes. Yoongi squints and props himself up on his elbow, peering into Hoseok’s face, holds his breath and stops moving, listening. He doesn't hear anything. My heart drops to my feet. Omega suddenly crawls up to Hoseok and starts shaking him by the shoulders. “Ho...” he calls in alarm, squeezing the alpha’s shoulders. - Hoseok! Hoseok, wake up! Ho... Chung suddenly opens his eyes, excitedly staring into Yoongi’s fear-filled eyes, in which tears began to gather. - What happened, baby? - he asks, his voice hoarse from sleep. Yoongi suddenly lowers his hands. Lips begin to tremble slightly. Omega sniffles and clings to Hoseok, burying his face in his neck and pressing his whole body. - Hey, what are you doing, Yoongi-ya? — Hoseok’s soft voice instantly sends waves of relief and calm through the omega’s body. Yoongi feels hot tears spilling from his eyes and soaking into the alpha’s T-shirt.

Principle of operation

The engine operates by burning fuel, which, at the moment of flashing in the combustion chamber, heats the air in the cylinder, which, expanding, creates excess pressure, pushing the pistons. To increase engine power, it is necessary to increase the amount of fuel. To release more energy, more fuel must be burned. Moreover, any fuel requires oxygen for combustion. Increasing the amount of oxygen allows you to burn more fuel and, as a result, release more energy.

Nitrous oxide systems are one of the most effective ways to increase the flow of oxygen (when nitrous oxide is introduced into an engine, the heat of combustion breaks down the N2O chemical bond, supplying the engine with more atomic oxygen) and therefore fuel to the engine. Nitrous oxide supplied to the mixture in the form of liquefied gas leads to its immediate cooling, since the temperature of the evaporating liquefied gas is always significantly lower than the ambient temperature. Nitrogen atoms released during the decomposition of N2O prevent the mixture from detonating.


When making a cute little trinket, the French did not think at all about time-tested finds. There were no fights on the Internet or on one computer, no online leaderboard1, no Nitro Stunt Racing track planner. In addition, in championships it is not difficult to get all the prizes and not bother with other modes. If the next part is just as inferior... However, the very idea of ​​releasing a racing game in tiny portions seems like a failure to me.

PS To evaluate the quality of localization, just look at the clumsily written user manual, which, it seems, neither the editor nor the proofreader touched. In NSR, where, in general, there is nothing to translate, there are sloppy blots at every step: “Jet is faulty”, “Championship won”, “Trophy”... “Acceleration” was turned into “Gas”, and there is also an interesting characteristic “Behavior” " with divisions "weak/strong". Perfect work!

1The manual says that after registering a licensed copy, you can download the results of other players. Unfortunately, I couldn’t complete this procedure, and technical support couldn’t help.


Efficient operation of the gas mixture from the “correct” turbocharging system. To understand the essence of what has been said, you can consider several system options. The main attention should be paid to the design of the nitrous oxide cylinder. American-made containers are made of aluminum, they are more beautiful and lighter, but their cost is quite high due to the presence of a special tube in the cylinder that reaches the bottom of the container.

The domestic nitrous oxide cylinder has a short tube, since for medical purposes the mixture is required in a gaseous state. When using nitrous oxide in a car, the cylinder should be installed upside down, with the valve facing down. The special sticker attached to the cylinder must be at the top.

Nitrous oxide is an ideal substance that not only increases engine power, but also helps fight detonation.

Why is laughing gas called safe? Use of nitrous oxide for anesthesia.

Initially, nitrous oxide was used exclusively in medicine. The substance is widely used in dentistry and gynecology. When properly selected proportions and in combination with oxygen, laughing gas is a good pain reliever and relieves nervous tension. These properties are necessary for the treatment, removal and prosthetics of teeth, as well as during active labor.

Initially, the substance was used without the addition of oxygen. It could only be used for 1-2 minutes, after which anoxia set in, leading to the death of several patients. Fatalities from using undiluted nitrous oxide led to the need to create a special apparatus that mixes the substance with oxygen.

Proper use of nitrous oxide does not cause side effects and does not harm the body. The gas is quickly eliminated naturally, returning the person to normal perception of familiar things. Use in medicine has made nitrous oxide safe according to ordinary people; experts have not fully studied the effect of the substance on the body, so it is freely available. The sale of laughing gas is accompanied by an advertising slogan about its safety, without indicating a “harmless” dose. This became the reason for the development of a new direction of substance abuse. Laughing gas poses a serious danger to humans if taken frequently, so calling it safe is reckless.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


When used by inhalation, the analgesia stage is usually achieved within a few minutes, provided that the content of nitrous oxide in the gas mixture is at least 80%, and oxygen - 20%. A short-term but quite pronounced stage of excitation lasts 6–8 minutes, then the first stage of entering surgical anesthesia begins.

The rate of nitrogen breakdown cycle in the body is low. Wikipedia states that there is a tendency to form highly toxic nitric oxide 4, which is explained by the presence of NO2 in the molecule; it consists of a number of nitrogen oxides (the formula of nitric oxide 4 is NO2).

Nitric oxide 5 (formula higher oxide) easily decomposes into NO2 and O2 and is a strong oxidizing agent (formula nitric oxide 5 - N2O5). In contrast, nitric oxide 3 (N2O3) is stable only at temperatures below −4°C and without the presence of impurities such as NO2 and NO.

It is important to know! MPC and nitric oxide have a summation effect.

General anesthesia is maintained with a concentration of nitric oxide 2 - 40-50 percent and a corresponding increase in oxygen supply. In this case, sufficient relaxation of the skeletal muscles is not achieved.

The patient awakens 3–5 minutes after the gas supply stops. Heart rate increases, peripheral vasoconstriction occurs, ICP may increase and respiratory depression may occur.


The drug enters through the lungs and is transported into the systemic circulation. Without being metabolized, it is found in the plasma in a dissolved state. The process of excretion in unchanged form occurs completely through the lungs after 10–15 minutes, and a small amount is excreted through the skin.

Medical, food and technical gas

The scope of application of laughing gas is quite wide. Its properties allow it to be used for medical purposes for inhalation anesthesia; in the food industry it is used as a propellant, that is, a means that helps in whipping various mixtures, and also as a “packaging gas” - a substance that is pumped into packaging to increase the shelf life of products .

Industrial gas contains a large amount of impurities that are removed from the substance for medical purposes. Technical nitric oxide is cheaper and more accessible, so it often falls into the hands of dishonest sellers. They sell “laughing gas” to naive and gullible youth, assuring them that it is a pure and tested, absolutely safe product.

Often the “safety” of a product is confirmed by the fact that the poison will not be used in medicine.

Those who use nitrous oxide do not take into account the fact that in medicine it is not just a special purified gas that is used, it is also mixed with oxygen in a special proportion, and is also supplied intermittently, that is, for a very short period of time.

The drug is given under the supervision of an anesthesiologist; it is mainly used for short interventions in dentistry, as it “dissipates” quite quickly. Also, a special mixture is given to women in labor at the peak of contractions, but in small quantities, because it does not affect the condition of the fetus. But this is not done from balloons, but with the help of modern equipment that strictly doses the narcotic substance.

For more complex interventions, combined anesthesia is used, in which nitrous oxide is combined with other drugs: analgesics and muscle relaxants. It would be superfluous to mention that during surgery with anesthesia, an anesthesiologist is present, and the patient himself is constantly under the supervision of devices.

When using “laughing gas” from a can or balloon, it is impossible to guarantee either the purity of the product or its dosage. So an “overdose” of such “joy” can easily result in respiratory arrest and death.

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