Consequences of flushing the engine cooling system with Coca-Cola. Is it worth it? »

All experimenters and craftsmen will probably be interested in the consequences of flushing the engine cooling system with Coca-Cola. Despite all the diversity of auto chemicals, there are still fans of all kinds of artisanal methods. In relation to Coca-Cola, this is even curious: during times of global shortage, it simply did not exist, and those who managed to get the drink preferred to use it inside their own, rather than machine, bodies. However, for many, flushing systems with “American lemonade” has long been reliably recorded in the old-fashioned methods.

The popularity of using cola for these purposes remains consistently high. Maybe because you don’t have to go anywhere to get it - you went to a nearby kiosk, and here’s the washing liquid. Maybe out of a feeling of secret superiority: you drink it, and we wash the car. Or maybe because of the quite satisfactory results and speed of impact. Who knows?

The consequences of flushing the engine cooling system with Coca-Cola are not too catastrophic if you do everything, as they say, wisely. But let's deal with everything in order.

Why clean the cooling system?

The majority of people consider it a closed loop, where, by definition, nothing extra can get into it. Therefore, there is no need to clean it. However, this is a deep misconception. The cooling system even has several paths through which potential congestion enters.

In the summer, some car enthusiasts pour water into the radiator. Its quality has long been known to everyone. People buy peeled ones for cooking and drinking. But they pour it into regular CO, from the tap. There are rare cases where distilled water is purchased for a radiator. The result: the tubes and channels of the cooling system are gradually overgrown with the most common scale.

Winter is antifreeze in CO. There is no scale from antifreeze. But they decompose over time, and the compounds formed in this process provoke rusting.

The third path is determined by the location of the radiator. Dust, insects and other objects accompanying movement successfully clog the radiator, especially if it has a large-mesh grille. And for all its isolation, CO is by no means hermetically sealed.

So the system needs to be washed. It’s just that this is done quite rarely – once every 2-3 years, depending on the make, model and operating conditions – so some motorists completely forget about it. What, by the way, you shouldn’t do: if the CO works abnormally, you can expect extensive and unpleasant consequences:

  • as a consequence, its diverse failure;
  • pump breakdown;
  • weak operation of the stove or complete lack of heating in winter.

If the warning light on the dashboard comes on, don’t be lazy and start flushing with CO.

How to flush an engine cooling system with Coca Cola

Everyone knows that in the summer we fill the car cooling system with water, but in the winter we use antifreeze. The water needs to be filled with distilled water, however, this rule is rarely observed, which is why it turns out to be filled with tap water, which has never been of high quality. It contains a variety of impurities in the form of chemical elements and salts. All this has a bad effect on the operation of the cooling system. Moreover, at high temperatures, all these substances tend to accumulate on channels and pipes, which is why scale appears on the pipes of the cooling system. In addition, if the radiator grill of a car is open, then insects still appear here.

Of course, you can’t just flush the system because you don’t want to. This procedure must be carried out in a timely manner. The temperature sensor will indicate that it is time to flush the system, which will indicate that the temperature has exceeded the norm. In addition, the fan may not work well and the machine may boil. Flushing is carried out whenever the coolant is replaced. For each car, it is better to carry out this procedure once a year.

Of course, the market is replete with many means for such cleaning, only sometimes your own cleaning options are much better than market ones. The engine cooling system is perfectly and reliably washed with Coca-Cola.

In order to start flushing, you need to remove the coolant from the system, then just pour Coca-Cola inside, fill this liquid to the level. In order for the cleaning to be effective, the car must be given a load; to do this, you need to drive a short distance. At the same time, carefully monitor the temperature so that it varies within 70-80 degrees. Warm up the engine sufficiently for five minutes. After forty minutes, the solution must be drained, after which the entire system is washed with ordinary water. The water rinsing procedure is repeated several times until the water comes out clean. After the flushing is completed, you need to fill the cooling system with liquid again.

Flushing the engine cooling system with Coca-Cola is quite effective. Because this drink contains a lot of acid, which has an excellent flushing effect. But even after flushing, you need to thoroughly wash the radiator, because the drink contains a lot of sugar.

Of course, you can use imported cleaning products, but this method is no worse, and besides, it will not be expensive.

Published: July 21, 2015

Flushing options and their consequences

It is useless to wash the cooling system with clean water: it is not able to dissolve accumulated deposits. The people have developed a whole range of means that are still readily used today.

Lemon acid. 4 sachets (100 g) are diluted in 5 liters. water, the old antifreeze is mercilessly drained, and lemonade is poured in instead. The engine is warming up; To do this you need to drive about 5 km. In an unheated system, citric acid will be inactive. Then the engine is left to run for about half an hour. The flush is drained, the system is washed with clean water, and new antifreeze is added.

Milk serum

. Truly an old-fashioned way. Strained factory whey, about 5 liters, is poured into the empty CO. It acts softly, so you will have to drive with it for 1-2 thousand km. Subsequent actions are similar to those described in paragraph 1.

Scale formation inside

One of the reasons when the power unit may overheat is the clogging of the system with various deposits and scale, which disrupts the normal circulation of antifreeze. A variety of technological methods and means for flushing the engine cooling system reduce the risk of this problem.

Often the radiator, interior heater stove, various pipes and the crankcase jacket itself are affected by scale.

During long-term operation of the vehicle, within two years, salt deposits, rust, scale and decomposition products of the antifreeze used form on the inner walls of the system elements.

Composition of the drink

If you believe doctors, Coca-Cola is not very beneficial for human health, in any case, its frequent use can clearly be harmful: the drink contains citric and phosphoric acids.

It is these two components that play the main role in the fact that the drink is often used for unconventional purposes. They are used to remove scale, dirt, and rust. It is believed that Coca-Cola can cope with even very severe pollution.

Someone pours this “miracle remedy”, excuse me, into “latrines”, someone cleans pots with it. And motorists wash the radiator. And it's not a joke at all.

flushing the stove with Coca Cola

There is a widespread version about good results that are obtained by flushing the stove with Coca-Cola, the same applies to the cooling system, so we would like to discuss this myth in more detail.

Let's start with the fact that we ourselves have not used this method of cleaning the stove and therefore our opinion is ambiguous. On the one hand, it seems to be true. This drink contains phosphoric acid and many other active substances that destroy blockages. There are a lot of videos where various experimenters show the hidden possibilities of this drink.

However, we must remember that Coca Cola also contains a lot of sugar. And when heating, there is a risk of getting the opposite result instead of cleaning the stove radiator - an even more severe blockage. Sugar, turning into caramel, can kill the system completely.

Alternatively, you can remove the heater core and soak it in a drink. Or even boil it in Coca-Cola. And then wash thoroughly with water. But it’s easier not to experiment and clean the heater radiator without removing it from the car, for example, in our Center. Of course, if you have certain skills, you can wash the stove without removing it yourself, it’s up to you, but we recommend turning to professionals!

If we talk about our center, we use two reagents in our work.

The first reagent (alkaline composition) removes scale and sediment from the radiator, the second reagent completely neutralizes the first, which prevents its harmful effects in the future.

Now you understand that flushing the stove radiator with Coca Cola is not an entirely correct and complete cleaning process. This method can be classified as folk, but it does not fit in with the professional approach. It just so happens that people are trying to find alternative and inexpensive ways to solve this issue, but still, if you decide to clean the stove radiator, contact us and you will be delighted with the result.

Let me give you a few recommendations that will allow you to avoid flushing the stove with Coca-Cola:

  • Monitor the coolant level in a timely manner;
  • change all fluid as often as possible;
  • if possible, use a more expensive liquid (antifreeze), since the cheaper the antifreeze, the more it is diluted with water, and the more scale is formed.

It is advisable, of course, when cleaning the stove radiator, to rinse the entire system, since antifreeze residues (its decomposition) are contained in the entire system.

We wish you good luck and Coca Cola to boot!

How is it washed?

First, drain the antifreeze from the cooling system. Afterwards, pour the drink. The cap of the expansion tank cannot be screwed on immediately: you need to wait until at least some of the gases escape. The lid should hold tightly; tighten it tightly.

For Coca-Cola to corrode the dirt, you need to not just stand with the engine running, but drive on such coolant for about 1-2 days, or about 100 km in total.

Afterwards, the drink can be drained from the system and rinsed well with water. Best of all - distilled. Typically, Coca-Cola simply dissolves dirt and rust, so the water remains clean during rinsing. After washing. Fill with the coolant you usually use.

Radiator cleaning

Among modern UAZ car enthusiasts, there are different versions of radiator cleaning. However, the simplest method that even a novice car owner can do at home is the following:

  1. We remove the radiator and fill it with a strained 10% solution of caustic soda - caustic soda, which we heat to 90 degrees.
  2. Leave for 30 minutes, after which the solution is drained.
  3. For 40 minutes, we rinse the radiator under the pressure of hot water in the direction that goes opposite to the water circulation.

Myths and truth

1. Coca-Cola does not cope with rust. This is a myth, it works great. It contains orthophosphoric acid and that says it all.

2. It will damage the radiator. No more than washing with special solutions based on the same orthophosphoric acid.

3. Plastic elements may be damaged. No, the composition is not that aggressive, otherwise the drink would not be sold. Still, we should not forget that this is primarily a food product.

PS By the way, drivers on the forums write that Fanta works even better

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