Saving on gasoline without risk: what is the difference between bonus programs at gas stations?

13.03.2017 0


High-quality fuel is one of the important elements of a car’s longevity. Drivers know: not every gas station offers good gasoline. Car enthusiasts have their own preferences, often based on personal experience of trial and error. To tell you which Russian gas stations sell the best fuel, the article compiled a rating based on reviews from car owners for 2020.

Capital top: the best gas stations for the quality of AI-95 and diesel fuel in Moscow and the region

Drivers in the capital, without any objections, give preference to Gazprom’s subsidiary Gazprom Neft PJSC, seeing it as the standard for high-quality fuel. And this is not an unfounded statement - the condition of the incoming fuel is always under strict control, its parameters correspond to the technical documentation. No one has any complaints about the service: the cafe is nourishing and appetizing, the restrooms are impeccably clean, the store has everything necessary for travelers.

So, in terms of indicators, the best gas station in terms of fuel and service in Moscow and the region, all the goodies deservedly went to GPN. The trust of car owners in other fuel distributors is not much different from all-Russian indicators. The capital's TOP 10 looks like this:

  • Gazprom Neft.
  • Shell.
  • Route.
  • ESA.
  • Neftmagistral.
  • British Petroleum.
  • Rosneft.
  • Tatneft.
  • Lukoil.
  • Slavneft.

The truth is in the details

In terms of characteristics, petroleum products at Shell and Trassa gas stations are not much inferior to Gazprom Neft, because they are actually the same thing. The fact is that they buy fuel at the Moscow Refinery, and its main shareholder is none other than Gazprom Neft PJSC. Customers on the positive side note such a pleasant little thing at Shell as post-payment - first you refuel, then you pay.

Trassa gas stations attract their subscribers due to their lower prices, 30-40 kopecks. The brand lost several points due to unstable fuel quality – in the center of the capital the situation is always better than on the outskirts.

The ESA network may not have the best diesel fuel and service in Moscow, but the company is part of the Moscow Fuel Association, which means it is under constant control. And their suppliers are high-status - Rosneft and Gazprom Neft. If you don’t know whose gasoline is poured at Neftmagistral gas stations, then it is the product of the Yaroslavl Refinery. Previously, there were complaints about the unsatisfactory quality of AI-95 at these gas stations, but now the situation seems to have returned to normal.

Teammates BP and Rosneft have their own capacities - the Yaroslavl and Ryazan oil refineries. Their products are not bad, but insufficient control is the reason that sometimes low-quality petroleum products are supplied for sale.

Tatneft also works closely with the Moscow Refinery. It’s a shame that not all gas stations are able to provide a full range of relevant services: equipment for inflating tires, hot coffee, and a toilet.

Lukoil suffers from the same industry vices as others, in some ways more, in others less. There are many reviews about the good quality of both gasoline and winter diesel, but there are no less negative reviews. Fuel is supplied by the Nizhny Novgorod Oil Refinery. The plant has the latest generation equipment capable of producing petroleum products of Euro-5 standard. It is unclear where such diametrically opposed opinions come from.

Slavneft completes the top gas stations in the capital and region. The company has its own refinery in the Yaroslavl region, the physical and chemical characteristics of the fuel are at the same level. However, the picture is spoiled by franchise gas stations - there is a risk of refueling with fuel with a small margin of detonation resistance, and this is fraught with loss of power.

How to protect yourself from a surrogate?

One of the simplest and at the same time most effective ways to forever protect yourself from purchasing low-quality gasoline is to refuel only at gas stations owned by large market operators. Companies for which trading in petroleum products is a long-term business and not a one-time event will not engage in the sale of low-quality fuel. In addition, you will never run into low-quality fuel if you do not try to buy it at a price below the market price. If a salesman at a gas station lures you with discounts of 2.5 rubles per liter, you should be wary: “Why, in fact, can a single gas station afford to sell fuel at such prices, while a large company that purchases fuel directly from manufacturers and at very large volumes (and therefore, at the best possible price) cannot provide such a discount?”

The state of affairs in the northern capital: which gas stations in St. Petersburg dispense high-quality gasoline and diesel

There are also quite a few gas stations here in different parts of the city, but the rating includes only those whose gasoline, in terms of octane number, best corresponds to its class. The amount of additives and foreign impurities was also taken into account. So, the situation with the rating is as follows:

  • Shell.
  • Gazpromneft.
  • Lukoil.
  • Neste.
  • Tatneft.
  • Kirishiautoservice.
  • Rosneft.
  • Phaeton Aero.
  • PTK.

For the last decade, St. Petersburg has had a relatively stable structure of retail trade in automobile fuel. Only 50% of gas stations and 60% of sales belonged to large companies such as Lukoil, Surgutneftegaz, Gazpromneft, Rosneft, Tatneft. The rest of the market share was accounted for by independent companies (Phaeton, PTK, Neste, Shell), which bought fuel wholesale from the same giants.

In 2020, the situation in the region has changed noticeably. Almost the entire retail trade network ended up in vertically integrated oil companies (VIOCs), which combine production, refining and sale of petroleum products. Tatneft bought the entire Neste network, however, the external brand of the gas station remains for 5 years. PTK is now the property of Rosneft, the fate of the brand is still being decided.

As a result, vertically integrated oil companies in St. Petersburg own 79% of 480 gas stations. To some extent, changes in the market structure should affect the quality of gasoline at most gas stations in St. Petersburg, as well as throughout the Leningrad region.

The importance of quality fuel

We often don’t think about how important the quality of fuel is for the trouble-free operation of a car. To improve its characteristics, gasoline may contain various additives and large suspensions, which are gradually deposited on the injector nozzles, clog the fuel system, and lead to burnout of the rare earth coating of the cylinders. As a result, such a motor simply will not be repairable, and replacing the power unit will cost the car owner a tidy sum.

In the past, when standard low-powered engines were used, 76 and 92 gasoline were poured into the engines. The simplest carburetor units were not so critical to the quality of fuel, so there were no problems with the operation of vehicles. However, today, when modern cars are equipped with ultra-modern engines that are fully automated and have a complex injection system, the quality of gasoline must be exceptional, which makes it possible to prevent various types of problems with the use of equipment.

Constantly refueling with low-quality fuel will lead to a thick deposit forming on the injector, causing problems with fuel injection into the combustion chamber. As a result, power decreases, gasoline consumption increases, and the car owner will subsequently face expensive repairs. It is not uncommon for the engine to fail overnight, which happens literally a few kilometers after refueling. In each such case, engine repair is a significant financial cost that could be avoided by using only high-quality fuel.

M4 Don highway: which gas stations are reputable

One day, our editor-in-chief Porfiry Pokryshkin was planning to visit the Black Sea coast, and asked where it would be better for him to refuel on the way. I had to urgently resolve the issue, exploring a lot of information. Below is the full report, backed up by actual driving on the track.

To splash in the blue sea, you will have to drive through four regions: Tula, Voronezh, Rostov regions and Krasnodar region. In Tula and its environs, the situation with fuel is practically the same as in Moscow - the same leaders, the same range of services. Making your way closer to the south, focus on the All-Russian standards for AI-95:

  1. Voronezh region - Rosneft (Ryazan oil refinery) and Gazprom (Astrakhan oil refinery).
  2. Rostov region – Bashneft (Ufa Oil Refinery), Gazprom (Astrakhan Oil Refinery). Shell franchise gas stations that purchase products at
  3. Saratov oil refining enterprise.
  4. Krasnodar Territory - Rosneft (Saratov Oil Refinery) and Gazprom (Astrakhan Plant).

Important! When setting off from Moscow, try to plan a refueling point after about 200-250 km. In the future, this will allow you to get rid of queues at gas stations, because usually, after 350-400 km from the capital, many people’s tanks are already empty.

You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to decide which gas stations are best to refuel at in 2020 on the M4 highway, crossing the borders of transit areas. These are Rosneft and Gazprom. True, sometimes there is a decent underfill, but the car drives without problems.

History of the issue with low-quality fuel

There is probably no car owner in Russia who would not complain about the quality of fuel. This problem has been around for decades, and despite all the statements from the authorities and the relevant regulatory services, it is not possible to somehow improve the situation. Most modern cars are manufactured in the West, and accordingly they are designed to operate exclusively on high-quality fuel. Whereas Russian gasoline, due to its characteristics, cannot be approved for use in the West. As a result, our car owners have to use expensive imported cars with low-quality fuel, which leads to their breakdowns.

Why do such problems occur with the quality of gasoline? First of all, this is the technical backwardness of Russian oil refineries. The degree of processing here is not very deep, therefore, in order to obtain 95 high-octane gasoline at the output, it is necessary to use various additives and additives that render car engines unusable. Gasoline may contain an increased amount of sulfur, which would not be difficult to get rid of using ultra-modern oil refining equipment. As a result, not very high-quality fuel is supplied from factories to gas stations, which in some respects may not meet modern GOST requirements.

Another problem is fraud at the gas stations themselves. Often, a small amount of water or other chemicals is added to the fuel already in storage at a gas station, which makes it possible to obtain a larger volume, and accordingly the profit of gas station owners increases. Moreover, it is extremely difficult to prove anything and force the owner of a gas station to compensate for damages for car repairs.

Supercars and sports versions: where to find a pure AI-100

Lukoil is recognized as a leader in developments in the direction of increasing octane number (OCN). Its researchers were the first to reach the milestone of 100 units. The Ecto-100 brand completely replaced Ecto-98 in 2020.

A year later, the first competitor appeared - Gazpromneft, with its G-Drive 100 brand. The others did not lag behind, creating a worthy alternative: V-Power Racing 98 fuel from Shell and Ultimate 98 from BP.

G-Drive 100 has the highest RP, but Ecto-100 does most of the marketing. This situation does not mean that one should be poured and the other should be avoided. Here, the rating of AI-100 premium fuel at gas stations in Moscow or another region does not matter - everyone chooses their own:

  • Shell V-Pover Racing - suitable for regular driving in cars with turbo engines without any tuning. The anti-knock and detergent additive BASF Nemo 6125 sets this fuel apart from its competitors.
  • Ecto-100 - gasoline is good for turbo engines after chip tuning in daily use.
  • BP Ultimate - characteristics are similar to Ecto-100, but the additive composition is better. The use of fuel on cars with turbocharged engines without special upgrades is justified.
  • G-Drive 100 – practice shows that the use of this premium fuel is justified for forced atmospheric engines or sports racing in cars with turbochargers.

The secret to high octane is to increase benzene and oxygenate compounds. The additional oxygen they contain ensures complete combustion of the mixture. However, this reduces its calorie content, so “hundreds” are reasonable due to its resistance to detonation. At the same time, it is necessary to reduce the engine oil change interval, because the load increases significantly.

What is gasoline made from?

Fuel liquid is produced from petroleum. Oil is a natural oily liquid with a distinct, specific odor. The color of the product is usually dark black. It belongs to fossil fuels. It is formed from organic matter of sedimentary rocks, extracted to the surface using special oil production equipment and later processed.

Oil does not have a constant, precise chemical composition. This is a multicomponent colloidal system with asphaltenes, carabene, micelles, carbonaceous and mineral particles and water. Therefore, due to complex chemical reactions, the production of gasoline from oil is a complex chemical process that takes at least a week at the enterprise alone.

To increase the octane number or the basic technical characteristics of liquid fuel, various additives are added to it or additional production steps are used. Sometimes refineries ship motor fuel with a low octane number, and wholesale suppliers themselves increase the gasoline using special means. To increase the quality of gasoline or its octane number, you can use:

  • lead compounds, but working with them is dangerous - they are harmful to engines and humans;
  • fuel additives that prevent rapid tarring and contamination of fuel system parts;
  • reduction in the content of aromatic hydrocarbons and sulfur in the chemical composition;
  • a process that normalizes the concentration of actual resins;
  • division of fuel according to fractional composition and saturated vapor pressure.

Regardless of the characteristics, composition, and octane number of the fuel, it is produced from conventional oil. Today there are 6 types of motor fuel - from Normal-80 to ECTO-100. The octane number of the latter is determined by a research method and cannot be less than 100.


It seems indecent to repeat the same thing, but it will have to be done. Ratings are ratings, and when choosing the right fuel you need to look not at the statistics, but follow the recommendations of your car manufacturer. When it allows different octane numbers, fill the tank with whatever you want. If not, no one will predict the results of your experiments.

Never look for fuel from the position of “It will be cheaper there.” This approach is unacceptable both in relation to the brand and high-grade gasoline. Why? Look: there have been no fundamental changes in engines over the last 100 years; in any case, they are designed for a certain type of fuel.

Lubrication problems

Various additives, ash, sulfur and other inclusions in low-quality gasoline can quickly enter the oil, changing its structure. Certain problems arise with the lubrication of moving engine elements. It is not surprising that in Russia, where the quality of automobile fuel leaves much to be desired, the service life of modern engines will be 20-30% worse than in Western countries.

The existing problem can be partly solved by changing the oil frequently, which experts recommend doing every 8,000-9,000 kilometers. But if you follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and perform service every 15,000 kilometers, the engine is subject to serious wear. As a result, the condition of the valve stem seals deteriorates, the valve group, crankshaft and other moving elements of the unit suffer. Such an engine may seize, requiring replacement or major overhaul.

Parameters that determine the quality of diesel fuel

The quality of diesel fuel is indicated by the following characteristics:

  • Limit temperature of filterability. This indicator determines the lower temperature level at which diesel fuel stops leaking through the filter holes.
  • Cloud point.
  • Density. The higher this indicator, the more energy is released during fuel combustion.
  • Kinematic viscosity. Liquid diesel fuel accelerates wear on the fuel pump. Thick product negatively affects the condition of individual engine parts.
  • Cetane number. The rate of ignition of the fuel depends on it. An indicator result in the range of 50-55 indicates high quality, and 40-49 indicates good quality. A cetane number below 40 slows down ignition, which means it increases diesel consumption and leads to engine wear.
  • Cetane index. This indicator is the cetane number before adding a cetane booster. The difference between the number and the index should not be large. Otherwise, the composition may be subject to significant changes.
  • Factional composition. Characterizes the rate of transition of diesel fuel from a liquid to a gaseous state. Determined by the evaporation temperature.
  • Flash point. The higher this indicator, the less likely it is that the fuel will accidentally ignite.


Gasoline is mainly used as fuel. Some types of gasoline are intended only for refueling cars. Nowadays several brands of fuel are produced, the quality of which varies depending on the octane number and the inclusion of additives. There is special gasoline for winter and summer.

Special types of fuel are produced that can only be used to refuel aircraft. Gasoline is produced, which is used as a solvent and as a raw material for the chemical industry.

Gasoline is used as a raw material for the production of paraffin and ethylene. This liquid is used for blending and organic synthesis processes. It is used for cleaning and degreasing surfaces and skin. This substance is used to clean metal elements. It is used to make:

  • paints;
  • varnishes;
  • solvents;
  • mastic;
  • rubber adhesives;
  • capacitors;
  • protective compounds that form a film.

In addition, this product can even be used to remove grease stains from various surfaces.

Fuel for gasoline engines and its characteristics

Most people only pay attention to the octane number, but this is far from the only important parameter. Hydrocarbons have different boiling rates. The quality of the product depends on these parameters.

AI and Euro gasolines differ in the percentage of hard- and easy-to-boil fractions. The ability to burn out depends on this parameter. The fuel used for gasoline engines contains several fractions.

Some of them can boil at 27°C. Thus, primary ignition is possible even when starting a cold engine. Other fractions boil at 100°C. They are suitable for maintaining stable engine operation. In addition, the fuel contains fractions that boil at 200 °C. Some are necessary to maintain the process of turning off the engine.

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