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How do transmission noise additives work?

During operation, a vehicle is subject to mechanical, temporary, thermal, and other types of influence. This applies both to the machine as a whole and to its component parts. The gearbox constantly experiences quite high loads while driving. Even with regular maintenance, oil changes and troubleshooting, over time the unit begins to deteriorate, the first sign of which is the appearance of extraneous noise.

However, the procedure for troubleshooting the box, as well as major repairs, is often expensive. Therefore, the chemical industry quite a long time ago mastered the production of special additives - chemical compositions that can carry out preventive work with modern gearboxes, as well as eliminate some design faults and leaks that appear as a result of the formation of microcracks in the gearbox housing.

These additives against noise in the gearbox, in addition to getting rid of extraneous noise in the unit, help extend its life. So, when standing in a traffic jam for a long time and at high air temperatures, standard oil begins to lose its cooling properties - the additive helps lubricants maintain a stable temperature regime.

Also, in some cases, these substances are used to eliminate small leaks from the housing or seals. In this case, the material acts as a sealant, penetrating the structure of the box and sealing microcracks. The composition is not suitable for serious damage, but it can help against fogging and minor damage. Features of the substance are:

  1. In a different chemical composition compared to gear oil. This composition is aimed at removing roughness and microcracks on the mechanical parts of the transmission.
  2. It also facilitates the grinding of parts during work both on new cars and on cars with high mileage, when deformations occur in the box due to age and mileage.
  3. Helps reduce noise that occurs when the mechanical parts of the box do not operate correctly. By changing the composition and structure of the washer fluid, noise reduction, depending on the type and condition of the gearbox, according to manufacturers, is achieved in the range from 20 to 70%.

According to the manufacturers, the essence and principle of operation is to apply a special film made of especially durable metal over the standard coating of the rubbing parts. This achieves not only noise reduction, but also closure of microcracks. Some manufacturers claim that the gearbox can be used even with a current malfunction and transmission oil leak. Also, on cars with high mileage, the clarity of gear shifting improves, as the efficiency of the transmission itself increases.

Important! The work of this composition is best reflected in a manual gearbox due to its design features. When used in an automatic transmission, the result will be significantly lower, since such units use a different type of transmission oil with increased washing properties.

How to reduce noise in a gearbox?

The noise that occurs at the checkpoint while driving is a problem that many motorists face. Some people simply get used to this fact, because the car can drive, which means everything is fine with it. Others put the car in for repair and go through all the transmission components to identify the failed part and replace it.

Cross-sectional view of the gearbox assembly

But recently, manufacturers of automotive consumables have been coming up with various innovations to make life easier for motorists. In this case, we are talking about automotive additives designed to reduce the level of extraneous sounds in the gearbox. The use of this consumable will be ideal for those who do not want to disassemble the gearbox, because this task is not so simple.

It is also worth noting that noise during gearbox operation can occur even on new cars. In some cases, extraneous sounds may disappear over time when the elements of the transmission system “get used to” each other. In this case, the use of additional additives can correct the situation.

In addition, the use of additional substances may be advisable if parts of the power unit begin to fail or wear down. Of course, if the gearbox elements are completely out of order, the use of additives makes no sense . Next, the properties and characteristics of the most popular types of revitalizants (additives) available on the domestic car market will be described.

Revitalizant Xado

This substance is intended to restore gearbox gears, bearings and other components of the unit, as well as to protect them from increased wear. The essence of using this revitalizant is that it forms an additional metal coating on top of the gearbox elements. In addition, according to the manufacturer, Xado can also restore the geometry of damaged transmission system components.

Ways to reduce noise in gearboxes

Data on the effectiveness of additives follows from numerous independent tests, as well as the practical experience of many car owners. Manufacturers of transmission noise reduction additives also often conduct extensive testing to determine the effectiveness of the substance. The main positive factors when pouring additives into the transmission are:

  1. Reducing extraneous noise and parasitic vibrations in the transmission. They can occur not only on cars with high mileage, but also on new ones. Extraneous noise does not always indicate the presence of a serious malfunction - often mechanical parts grind against each other, which is why extraneous noise and difficulties in switching occur.
  2. An increase in the overall efficiency of the transmission has a beneficial effect on fuel consumption - according to manufacturers, if an additive is used to reduce gearbox noise, one can expect a reduction in this parameter by an average of 5-7%.
  3. Increasing the smoothness of engagement of the corresponding gears also directly depends on the correct operation of the mechanical part of the transmission.
  4. Restoring the original properties of the box and its individual parts.

In case of severe mechanical damage, such a composition will not help - intervention is necessary, involving opening the unit and replacing parts, however, for worn-out but functional parts, the restorative part of the composition is quite suitable.

Extraneous sounds always irritate the driver and cause concern. If something is noisy, then there is an obvious problem somewhere that definitely needs to be solved. Do not forget that if the gearbox is working properly, no unnecessary sounds should occur. If you notice that noise appears while driving or shifting gears, you should not delay and seek help.

  • the gap between transmission parts increases;
  • gearbox teeth wear out;
  • The viscosity of the transmission oil is impaired.

And here a natural question arises about how to get rid of noise. There are several solutions to solve this problem.

  1. Ignore extraneous noise. Despite the absurdity of this decision, many car owners choose it. This doesn't end well. The sounds gradually become louder and the box stops functioning normally. This all ends with expensive repairs, and sometimes a complete replacement of the gearbox.
  2. Disassemble the box, find the problem and fix it. A good way that will require your time and money. Dismantling some checkpoints takes a lot of effort and requires significant investment. Repairs are not always worth it, since a basic problem is discovered that can be fixed without dismantling.
  3. Use additives. They are intended for partial repair of small faults. Experts advise using them not because of the appearance of extraneous noise, but for prevention, in order to prevent the appearance of these same sounds. By protecting against premature wear, additives are effective for a long period of time. But when wear amounts to more than 50–60% of the gearbox life, no additives will help. You need to disassemble the box, replace worn components, drain the old oil and put the unit back together.

As you can see, additives do not save you from serious problems. But with their help, you can eliminate some problems, extend the life of the transmission and avoid expensive transmission repairs. Not all additives are equally effective and useful. Plus there are two separate categories of supplements that are designed for:

  • manual transmissions;
  • automatic transmissions.

And it is not recommended to pour automatic transmission additives into the mechanics, and vice versa. Carefully approach the issue of choice, and try to use only the highest quality and effective mixtures. Only they will be able to justify the financial costs and ensure results. A number of additives turn out to be dummies and do not affect the operation of the gearbox in any way. Sometimes it happens that the use of an additive leads to even more serious consequences and failure of the transmission.

To reduce noise in the gearbox, you need to figure out what the problem is, because if the bearing devices are worn out, the parts must be replaced, like other worn-out transmission elements. Carrying out repairs, from a reliability point of view, is considered the best option. After all, broken elements will be removed, which will lead to more efficient operation of the unit.

Engine gearbox

Not so long ago, special additives against noise in engine gearboxes appeared on the domestic market. This option to reduce the noise in the operation of the unit is ideal if the car owner does not want to repair and disassemble the gearbox. Moreover, not everyone can repair the transmission on their own.

The use of special means will effectively reduce the noise level in the box, but it must be taken into account that such substances do not act immediately. It will take some time, in some cases it is necessary to drive at least 300 kilometers by car to achieve the result. Also, the use of additives makes it possible to soften the operation of the unit as a whole, making it easier for the driver to switch the gear selector to different modes. In practice, the complete disappearance of noise occurs on average after the car has traveled about 500 km.

So, we found out that additives in transmissions are used to reduce annoying noise. But the question of their effectiveness remained unanswered. Let's look at what a motorist gets by using the additive:

  • the service life of the transmission increases;
  • the gearbox is quieter;
  • clearer operation of the checkpoint.

Excellent results from using the additive are noticeable among owners of cars with a manual transmission. Before using the additive in an automatic transmission, you should think twice, as no improvements may occur. Before use, it is best to consult a car mechanic at a service station.

Video “Results of using the Xado additive”

The POZITIV channel has provided a video, the author of which shows the result of using the Xado additive to reduce noise in a VAZ 2108 car.

A modern transmission is a complex and technologically advanced unit, consisting of many parts, which during operation and as they wear out can create increased noise and parasitic vibration. To combat this phenomenon, many popular manufacturers produce a line of special additives to radically combat noise. Reviews of additives in manual transmissions to reduce noise will help you decide whether to use this product.

How to use gearbox additives correctly?

Depending on the composition and properties of transmission additives, they can perform different tasks:

  • protect oil from oxidative processes;
  • slow down the aging of the lubricant;
  • provide a more dense enveloping of the box parts;
  • resist rust and corrosion;
  • increase the service life of automatic and manual transmission components;
  • thicken the oil as its temperature rises;
  • provide a washing and dispersing effect, resisting the formation of deposits;
  • increase the resistance of the lubricant to low temperatures;
  • prevent the formation of foam in the oil.

Some additives must be used on an ongoing basis to maintain the performance of transmission components. Others are suitable for emergency use to quickly deal with a problem. You shouldn't always expect an immediate effect from an additive. There are many additives that react and manifest themselves after a certain number of kilometers traveled. Their action is based on physical and chemical processes.

These products are created specifically to improve the quality of the box, depending on what problem is plaguing it. Therefore, their action is reduced to:

  • increasing the operational life of the gearbox;
  • reducing noise levels;
  • eliminating vibrations;
  • restoration of damaged transmission surfaces;
  • ensuring smooth gear shifting.

If you want to choose and use supplements yourself, you should be extremely careful. Many of them are incompatible with each other, so their combination can lead to dire consequences. Also, each additive has its own nuances of use. You cannot use different additives according to the same scheme.

Follow the manufacturer's official instructions. Now we propose to study the rating of the best transmission additives that are used in automatic and manual transmissions. The segment leaders were determined based on the opinions of car owners, expert opinions and tests carried out as part of various tests.

The procedure for using additives may vary depending on the composition and manufacturer of the product. Typically, for successful use, the product must be poured into the gearbox on a warm engine so that the viscosity of the gear oil is minimal. The additives usually come with a special syringe and a flexible pipe, which will make the addition process easier.

To complete the task you will need:

  1. Remove the engine protection by first unscrewing all the bolts.
  2. Place the front of your car on a jack, open the drain plug and drain the filled consumables.
  3. If the quality of the lubricant is poor, you can wash the unit. To do this, fresh flushing oil is poured into the system, after which a test drive is performed. In this case, you need to turn on the speed selector for each of the available modes.
  4. Close the cover, remove the car from the jack and pour new lubricant into the transmission. If your car's gearbox does not have a filler hole or dipstick for level control, then lubricant is poured through a special hole under the sensor. The device must be dismantled before doing this.
  5. Further steps to add the additive are carried out in accordance with the instructions. The container with the additive is shaken, the chemical is drawn into the syringe, and then poured into the gearbox. Detailed instructions for use are indicated on the additive label.

The best additives in manual transmissions to eliminate noise

There are many manufacturers of such additives on the domestic market. Among the best are:

  1. Stage Transmission is one of the leading means of eliminating extraneous noise for high mileage engines. This product is often used as an additive in VAZ gearboxes to reduce noise after long runs, when the structural noise of the box goes beyond comfortable limits. The principle of operation is stated by the manufacturer in the form of a special composition in the form of a mineralized film covering the mechanical parts of the gearbox. In practice, this product, despite its considerable cost, demonstrates good qualities in eliminating noise, but works mediocrely as a sealant.
  2. Getriebeoil-Additiv is a well-known German brand product that is most often used in foreign cars as a preventive measure. According to the manufacturer, it allows you to almost completely eliminate noise and leakage of oil seals, and also improves the performance of the entire gearbox, however, due to its chemical composition, this product is only suitable for manual transmissions.
  3. Xado is an additive from a well-known manufacturer of automotive chemicals. In addition to reducing acoustic effects, it has preventive properties - it seals microcracks and prevents the crankcase from fogging up and the gearbox from losing its transmission. It is one of the best offers on the market.
  4. MosTwo is the only effective domestically produced product on the market. According to the manufacturer, it can significantly reduce the noise level in standard gearboxes. It is also often used on domestic cars due to its low cost and good performance in reducing vibration levels. It also extends the service life of the unit itself and allows for a slight reduction in fuel consumption by increasing the performance of the unit when using a protective film.
  5. Nanoprotec Agrotec MAX 200 - due to the formation of a special film, it also allows you to reduce the noise level by up to 1 dB and reduce constant vibration on the lever and the unit itself by up to 30%. In addition, it prevents wear of the unit during operation in difficult conditions and covers microcracks in the gearbox housing.
  6. Nanoprotec 100 - products operate on the principle of forming a strong toxic film on the walls and parts, thereby preventing increased load and excessive wear of the transmission. Often this product is used as a measure to protect the gearbox when used in extreme conditions, extending the life of the unit by an average of 15%. The manufacturer also declares a reduction in fuel consumption by increasing the efficiency of the box itself by up to 10%.
  7. EX 120 - contains a whole line of products to protect gearboxes from noise and vibration. Depending on the chosen product, it can be used on all types of gearboxes. Reduces acoustic effects by an average of 30% and also eliminates excessive vibration. In this case, the validity period of the substance is limited only by the subsequent oil change in the box.

Selection of additives

Now let’s look at what good additives are available in gearboxes to reduce noise. Additives are used for filling in the rear axle, processing synchronizers in manual transmissions and bearings. All additives have a specific composition that determines the technical properties and characteristics of the substance. It is better to pour additives from well-known brands into both manual and automatic transmissions. Car owners who choose to use cheap additives usually do not get the desired results in the end. Below we will look at supplements from well-known manufacturers that have proven themselves among buyers. It doesn’t matter where they will be poured - into the Niva transfer case, into the VAZ 2114 or into imported cars.

Find out what danger additives pose to reduce noise in gearboxes from the video filmed by the Useful Tips channel.

MosTwo Ultra

Reduced noise can be achieved using the MosTwo Ultra additive. This domestically produced product is produced using modern technology, which ensures efficient operation of the unit. Additives are produced for both engines and gearboxes.

The main advantages of this supplement:

  • the product forms a protective layer on the rubbing parts of gearboxes to reduce friction;
  • if the contamination on the components of the unit is not critical, the additive will remove deposits and restore the functionality of the transmission mechanisms;
  • additives reduce the hum and noise during operation of the unit, sometimes you can achieve relief in switching the selector;
  • the service life of the transmission increases even when using the machine in difficult conditions, when the box operates under increased loads;
  • vibrations decrease;
  • the performance properties of gearbox parts increase.

According to official data, the main feature of the use of chemical additives is that they can be poured into the unit without disassembling it. The additive can be mixed with transmission fluids of any type.


To make the hum disappear, you can use Suprotec additives. The manufacturer produces additives for engines and transmissions. To eliminate noise in the operation of manual transmissions, as well as robotic units, M100 products are used. Such liquids contain organic elements as well as minerals. This allows the formation of a protective layer on the internal surfaces of gearbox parts, which prevents accelerated wear of the unit components. But the additives have a short lifespan. When replacing consumables, the additive will lose its properties and will not be able to protect rubbing components.

The Suprotek channel - Saratov published a video in which experts are trying to figure out whether using the additive will help the gearbox.

Officially, the manufacturer claims that the service life of the gearbox can increase by 100%. But in fact, this figure is no more than 15%, provided that the driver regularly changes the lubricant in the box and constantly fills it with the M100 product. Many experts question the possibility of reducing lubricant oxidation when the gearbox operates at elevated temperatures. According to the manufacturer, the use of the additive allows you to increase the intervals between fluid changes. But in fact, if third-party substances get into the oil, oxidation will still occur, just not so quickly. That is, Suprotek is a good option for temporarily reducing the noise and vibrations in the functioning of the gearbox, but it will not be able to restore the functionality of the parts and reduce losses during the operation of the gearbox.

ATF-Additiv and Getrieebeoil-Additiv

Liquid Moly brand additives were among the first to appear on the market. ATF-Additiv is intended for use in automatic transmissions. The additive contains detergents that help eliminate various deposits that accumulate on the valve block, in the hydraulic system, as well as on parts subject to increased loads. Thanks to this, the service life of the transmission increases by about 30%, but no more. In fact, the use of the Liqui Moly additive reduces the likelihood of gearbox overheating, which appears due to the weak capacity of the lubrication channels.

The manufacturer guarantees consumers reliable protection of plastic and rubberized parts from rapid wear if these elements operate in difficult conditions. We are talking about seals, gaskets and other seals. Thanks to its chemical composition, the additive prevents the destruction of parts that lead to fluid leakage. If the system is already leaking due to minor damage, the additive will increase the volume of the gaskets. This will prevent leakage. But the sealing elements must be replaced and it is advisable to do this within the next 500 km after filling the product.

For mechanical transmissions, the manufacturer has released Getrieebeoil-Additiv. The base of this substance is molybdenum disulfide. The product is also based on a complex of additives based on copper and zinc. Thanks to this, microcracks and minor damage are removed.

Manual gearboxes

Mechanical boxes, due to their simpler design, are considered quite resistant to wear. There are much fewer problems with them compared to automatic transmissions. But if the manual transmission is regularly used in difficult conditions, its service life will be significantly reduced. To protect the box from premature wear, eliminate noise, and restore normal friction between surfaces, it is necessary to use high-quality additives.

Getriebeoil Additive

Our rating of the best additives for manual transmissions opens with Liqui Moly and its product with a rather complex name. Their composition allows you to restore high-quality and smooth gear shifting, normalize the operation of the manual transmission and extend the service life of the unit. This additive is designed specifically for mechanical transmissions.

It is made on the basis of molybdenum disulfide, which indicates the property of reducing friction between the parts of the mechanism. Zinc and copper are used as auxiliary components. With their help, all irregularities that arose during operation are eliminated. The action of the composition is aimed at reducing noise and increasing the service life of the box. Yes, if the mechanism is completely worn out, this additive will not be able to help. But if the damage is small, the effect will exceed your expectations.


A special high-quality additive from the Ukrainian company Xado, which has managed to loudly declare itself throughout the world. Today, their supplements are among the leaders, and therefore are actively used far beyond the borders of Ukraine. Their gel for manual transmissions creates a protective metal-ceramic coating on damaged surfaces, filling cracks and depressions.

Additionally, this reduces the noise level, eliminates vibrations, and normalizes the operation of synchronizers. The effectiveness of the special product is at a very high level. But, as in the previous case, with severe wear and serious malfunctions of the mechanical transmission, nothing short of a major repair will help you.

An excellent additive adapted for mechanical and robotic gearboxes from Suprotec. This composition is designed to eliminate noise and vibration, as well as to slow down oxidative processes in transmission oil. A mixture is made based on organic and mineral components.

When added to the crankcase, they create a protective polymer film that prevents friction and wear of transmission parts. The coating is not capable of serving for a long time, so it gradually deteriorates. But this time is enough to change the oil or add a new portion of the additive. With regular use, it is possible to cope with the problem of premature wear of the manual transmission.

MAX 200

This is a highly effective revitalizant produced by Nanoprotec. It was developed for mechanical transmissions of cars and trucks, regardless of the car brand. When added to the crankcase, the composition creates a special oxide film. It protects against excess friction and prevents premature wear.

The result of using the additive is:

  • noise reduction;
  • vibration elimination;
  • fuel economy;
  • increasing the service life of manual transmissions.

A good solution of domestic production, which has managed to prove itself from the best side. At the same time, the price is quite reasonable.

TR3 and TR5

Two excellent solutions at once from one manufacturer, which is RVS Master. These are additives specially created for manual transmissions, which contain a large amount of silicates. With their help, a high-strength ceramic coating is formed on the surfaces of manual transmission parts. The mixture fills the unevenness and does not allow the parts to collapse in the future.

The composition is not eternal, therefore, for prevention, the manufacturer recommends re-adding the additive at certain intervals. In addition to partially restoring parts, this drug also eliminates extraneous noise, resists vibrations and extends service life. It is not recommended to overuse the additive, as it will noticeably change the composition of the gear oil.

A high-quality revitalizant, which is created to restore damaged elements of a mechanical transmission, protect against wear and improve performance characteristics. Using such compounds, you significantly reduce noise levels, eliminate vibrations and restore smooth gear shifting on a manual transmission.

Additionally, the additive stabilizes the operation of synchronizers and helps improve fuel consumption towards a reduction. When the composition is poured into a box, a special film is formed on the internal surfaces. It helps restore the geometry of parts, smooth surfaces and eliminate minor damage.

Additives for manual transmissions can be divided into several main types:

  1. Depressant compounds. They increase the operational parameters of transmission oil and reduce the influence of ambient temperature on it. Therefore, it is advisable to add them to the box in spring and autumn.
  2. Anti-wear/extreme pressure. Additives of this type reduce friction between parts, thereby increasing their mechanical wear resistance. They can be added to new oil, during an oil change, or at any time during operation.
  3. Revitalizers. Reduce noise in the gearbox by filling cracks in parts. Therefore, they are used when noise has already appeared, and therefore wear in the gearbox. This additive should not be added for preventive purposes, as confirmed by various tests.
  4. Anti-corrosion. Slow down oil oxidation processes. This increases the service life of the oil and stabilizes its properties. Additives of this type are added to both new and already used oil.
  5. Sealants. They are used in cases where transmission oil leaks from the gearbox through the sealing seals. The additive restores the elasticity of the seals and fills small cracks in them.
  6. Cleansing. Needed to remove scale and carbon deposits from gearbox parts. Therefore, they are filled several days before the planned transmission oil change.

The additives have earned many positive reviews from car owners. Drivers claim that a properly selected product can quickly and permanently eliminate problems that have arisen. According to consumers, the use of additives for manual transmissions that have already shown wear on parts is especially important. It is also recommended to use additives together with oil that has been used for some time and has therefore lost some of its beneficial properties.

There are a lot of additives for manual transmissions. Each of them has its positive and negative sides. There are some that do not protect rubbing parts enough. Others increase the temperature in a running box. Some compounds solve the problem of wear for a short time, but then, on the contrary, accelerate it. Therefore, it is important to know how each specific additive works in order to choose the optimal product for a specific gearbox.

So, manual transmission is chosen due to its ease of maintenance, the ability to fully control the operation of the transmission, save fuel, and actively use the car regardless of various factors and road conditions.

However, unlike an automatic transmission, the gears also have to be changed manually, which means that errors are quite possible when driving a car with a manual transmission. As a result, the box is subjected to heavy loads.

At the same time, wear in the transmission is often indicated by a hum in the gearbox. Also, noise, howling and humming in the gearbox can occur if the oil level is below normal, unsuitable fluids are used, etc.

Often, even after adding high-quality oil, the problem does not go away or is only partially solved, that is, the box continues to hum to a greater or lesser extent. The reason is the wear of gears, bearings and other loaded elements.

  • One way or another, if the gearbox wears out, gearbox noise cannot be avoided. It is for such cases that the modern market offers additives that will help reduce noise during operation of the box without disassembling and repairing the unit.

It is important to understand that if the parts are worn to the limit, no additives will help, that is, the box only needs to be repaired. If the wear is not critical, the noise level in the gearbox can be reduced.

The only thing is that additives often do not work immediately, that is, after using the product you need to drive from 150 to 500 km for the effect to become noticeable. Additives can also be used for preventive purposes, that is, to protect transmission elements from premature wear.

Popular Products

The modern market offers car owners a wide selection of additives for both manual and automatic transmissions. The product is mostly a liquid that comes in small tubes and is poured into a special hole in the car structure. Drivers will also be able to find aerosols. We will present you the most popular products.

Revitalizant Xado

The product is in demand among drivers as it offers a wide range of possibilities. The presented additive allows you to partially restore gearbox gears, bearings and other gearbox components. This liquid forms a thin metal layer on top of the part, which fills microcracks and, accordingly, extends the service life of the unit.

In addition, products from Hado perform several secondary tasks:

  • reduces the noise level of gearbox operation;
  • ensures optimal operation of synchronizers;
  • slightly reduces fuel consumption;
  • allows you to operate the gearbox even in the event of a transmission oil leak.

The volume of liquid used depends on the amount of oil. For systems with a volume of up to 2 liters, one tube of this composition is sufficient. Pour the additive into the oil fill hole after the engine has warmed up.

MosTwo Ultra

This product occupies a leading position in the domestic market. The key advantages of this additive include:

  • creates a protective film on the surface of gearbox parts, which is characterized by a low coefficient of friction;
  • performs restoration of minor damage;
  • increases the service life of the node up to 5 times;
  • reduces noise and vibration.

The manufacturer's range also includes specialized additives for transmission oil to reduce noise. A special feature of this product is that it can be used in conjunction with almost any gear oil.

Liqui Moly

The products of the German brand are of the highest quality. The additive is based on a synthetic molybdenum-organic complex. Additionally there are microceramic particles. This innovative composition smooths out minor irregularities and also fills microcracks in the metal. The film created by the additive is capable of performing the assigned tasks over a period of 50 thousand kilometers.

Among the products, it is worth noting the Getriebeoil-Additiv products (based on molybdenum disulfide), GearProtect, which ensures quiet operation of the gearbox, as well as Getriebeoil-Verlust-Stop for cars with high mileage.

1Stage Transmission

One of the latest developments of the named Xado brand. This additive can guarantee the refurbishment of gearbox components (mechanical and robotic), reducing the level of wear, as well as extending the service life of the unit. The additive forms a metal-ceramic film on the surface, which protects parts from wear and also reduces friction.

The fluid is poured into the hole for transmission oil or for the dipstick. For a 3-liter system, one tube will be enough.

Nanoprotec MAX

The presented revitalizant is used in manual transmissions. An additional advantage is the ability to use the additive in both passenger cars and trucks. The composition can effectively perform the assigned tasks in machines of domestic and foreign production.

Key product features include:

  • creation of an oxide film on the surface of gearbox components with a minimum coefficient of friction;
  • reduction of fuel consumption due to reduced friction in manual transmission units;
  • significant reduction in the level of noise generated by the box.

The use of this additive allows you to increase the service life of a manual transmission several times.

EX 120

The product reduces wear on gearbox components and also effectively restores damaged surfaces. Eliminating scratches and microcracks significantly reduces friction of moving parts, so your car consumes less fuel and shifting gears while driving occurs with minimal effort. The composition improves the performance of synchronizers, while significantly reducing noise in the gearbox. The products can be used in both mechanical and robotic units.

Instructions for the use of anti-noise additives for manual transmissions

The use of a transmission additive to reduce noise occurs in several stages with different dosages depending on the condition of the gearbox itself, as well as the vehicle’s mileage:

  1. On new cars, it is necessary to unscrew the transmission filler plug located in the engine compartment. Before doing this, let the gearbox cool down after driving for 10-20 minutes.
  2. After this, you need to pour 5-10 ml of liquid into the crankcase (the volume depends on the size of the crankcase).
  3. After 30-40 minutes, start the engine and, standing still, change all gears one by one.
  4. After this you can start moving. At the same time, after a run of 100-200 km, the driver should feel a decrease in noise levels, improved selectivity of the switching mechanism, as well as increased efficiency of the gearbox.

For cars with high mileage, the situation is similar, however, after filling, it is necessary to lift the car on a lift after 1000-2000 km and diagnose the condition of the crankcase for leaks (if there were any). If fogging or leakage does not stop, it is necessary to dismantle and open the unit.

Getriebeoil-Additiv additive from Liqui Moly

Similar to numerous additives produced by Liqui Moly, the basis of this product is a chemical compound called molybdenum disulfide (MoS2). Getriebeoil-Additiv additive is specially developed for use in manual gearboxes and differential mechanisms.

The main advantages of molybdenum additive:

  • Reduced wear on moving gearbox elements;
  • Effective removal of elevated temperature from the area of ​​increased friction.
  • Ensuring smooth gear shifting.
  • Smooth, quiet operation of the manual transmission.
  • The box body heats up less during vehicle operation.

Interesting: If you add Getriebeoil-Additiv to the differential or manual transmission of a worn-out car, the gear tooth profiles are restored. The reliability and efficiency of manual transmissions are significantly improved. Transmission modes switch most clearly and smoothly.

Rules for the use of Getriebeoil-Additiv additives:

  • the additive is intended for filling into axles and mechanical gearboxes that operate under extremely high loads and temperatures;
  • It is not recommended to put automatic transmissions, robots, or CVTs into boxes;
  • Packaging form: 20 mg tube
  • the required amount of additive is calculated depending on the operating conditions of the vehicle; most often, one package per 1–2 liters of transmission fluid is sufficient.
  • A noticeable effect from the use of this additive occurs after approximately 100–150 km of travel.

Automatic transmissions

Every motorist wants to know which automatic transmission additives are the best and what is best to put in automatic gearboxes. But objectively, the best additive for automatic transmissions cannot exist alone. These are at least several solutions that interact perfectly with the machine. Therefore, the choice of additive to be poured into an automatic transmission should be approached carefully in order to buy and fill in the additive that is not just well advertised on TV or on the Internet.

RVS Master

RVS for automatic transmissions are made on the basis of magnesium silicate salts and auxiliary components. They allow you to create a protective and wear-resistant film on the surface of parts. Using such means, you can restore the geometry of automatic transmission components, stabilize the operation of all components and extend their service life.

Liqui Moly

It will not surprise anyone if the best additive turns out to be the result of the work of Liqui Moly. Their automatic transmission solutions can protect and restore friction surfaces. Special compositions restore the elasticity of the seals and prevent lubricant leaks in the automatic transmission.


Their automatic transmission additives are based on creating a metallized layer. With its help, the geometry of parts is restored and reliable protection against premature wear is created. When added, the additive has a positive effect on the characteristics and physical and chemical composition of the oil. Correct use of the product will help reduce noise levels and improve the smoothness of gear shifting in automatic mode. Tests have proven that the Suprotec additive for automatic transmissions extends the service life of the unit.

The composition is created from organic components and neutral metallic substances. This allows you to fill the additive into any automatic transmission, regardless of the gear oil used in it. The action of the additive is aimed at removing accumulated deposits and protecting against oxidative processes in automatic transmission oil.

Mos Two Ultra

Domestic additives that should not be ignored. Currently, they enjoy impressive popularity among Russian car owners. Additives are gradually becoming in demand abroad. This is due to the additive’s ability to create a protective coating, prevent premature wear of the automatic transmission and reduce friction between surfaces.

Use the achievements of science

Simply, I want to tell the skeptics who see scams of suckers everywhere, that whether you like it or not, technological progress is moving by leaps and bounds, and new technologies appear every day. For some reason, today no one is surprised by a phone without buttons. And 10 years ago, if they told you that you could call, write videos, take photos and access the Internet from a simple phone, you would not believe this person, calling him a fraudster and a deceiver.

Therefore, do not be ignorant, if you do not understand how this or that thing works, this does not mean at all that it does not exist, or that you are being deceived. Most people don't know how electricity works, but everyone uses electricity every day. You can use the achievements of science, or you can run and shout that they want to deceive you.

It's up to you, but that's for sure that the RVS-Master additive works. My father’s car runs briskly, he is happy, and this is the most important thing. What was in the box? What internal defects? There is a bunch of stuff in a gearbox: synchronizers, bearings, rods, shift forks, retainers, splines, and so on. Where the hum comes from, why the gears are difficult or crunchy to engage, you will never know without opening the box.

I don’t know what changes have taken place at the checkpoint, and I don’t care. I know that there were problems at the checkpoint. We added the RVS-Master additive to the gearbox, and the problems disappeared. My father now drives without changing the throttle. And the price of adding RVS to a gearbox is incommensurate with removing, opening, troubleshooting, purchasing and replacing gearbox parts.

To take or not to take

A number of drivers do not even doubt the benefits and effectiveness of using automotive additives for engines and gearboxes. But there are also ardent opponents of auto chemicals who consider additives to be simple marketing gimmicks that have no real use. But numerous trials and tests have proven that additives can bring significant benefits to vehicles.

Before purchasing transmission additives, be sure to study the composition, application features and compliance of the additive with the oil used in the manual or automatic transmission. If you use auto chemicals correctly and in a timely manner, it will improve the quality of the transmission, really increase its service life and help prevent a number of problems.

Do not forget about the existence of universal and special additives. Some are aimed, rather, at prevention and simply maintaining the functionality of the box. Special additives are created to solve specific problems. If you are not aware of the current condition of the transmission, you do not know its problems and weak points, using the wrong chemistry will only make the situation worse.

Different fluids and sprays for manual transmissions and automatic transmissions cannot be considered a solution to all problems. These are often temporary measures and tools to deal with minor problems. More serious breakdowns can only be resolved through a complete repair of the gearbox. And for this you will need to carry out diagnostics, disassemble the gearbox, identify the problem and fix it. Only then, in order to prevent and prevent the recurrence of a similar problem, you can add a suitable additive to the assembled box.

What can I say about the RVS additive?

Definitely buy for those who experience hum, noise, or difficulty shifting gears. In short, if you feel uncomfortable changing gears, then before going to the service station, buy and pour this additive into the oil.

Its price is low, and the effect is very noticeable. And even more so, this gearbox additive should be bought by someone who is planning to sell their car and does not want to bother with repairing the gearbox. Just be very careful when ordering this additive. There are a lot of fakes on the market.

Reviews of noise reduction additives for gearboxes

Igor, 29 years old, Pskov. Owns a VAZ 2114

I've owned the car for 5 years. Our automobile industry is not known for its clear gear shifting, but in the last 2 years the situation has become unbearable, the constant increasing noise and difficult gear shifting significantly spoil the impression of an already not the best car. They opened the box and found nothing. Therefore, as a last resort I tried a noise reduction additive. A miracle did not happen - however, the result is noticeable: the noise decreased, the gearbox stopped howling mournfully, and the gears began to engage normally. This product really helped me.

Oleg, 33 years old, Tula. Owns a Hyundai Accent

My Accent is over 10 years old. It runs properly and doesn’t require much, but over time some extraneous noise has appeared in the box. Yes, the mileage has already exceeded 300,000 km - the transmission is tired. I tried the noise elimination product - it was as if I had bought a new box. The gears began to engage clearly, the noise almost completely disappeared. I am completely satisfied with the result - I recommend this additive to everyone.

Noise protection comes first

Many drivers are faced with the fact that certain problems with the gearbox arise during operation. And it doesn’t matter which gearbox is installed - automatic or manual. Each of them requires timely, and most importantly, close attention. And the most popular problem is the noise that occurs when the transmission operates.

  • the operating properties of oil pumps are partially restored and their hydraulic density increases;
  • surfaces with defects are partially restored;
  • the service life of the gearbox increases by one and a half to two times;
  • the smoothness of gear shifting is improved due to the fact that the loss of efficiency due to friction is reduced;
  • noise level is reduced by up to 10 decibels;
  • the elasticity of seals and other rubber-based products improves.

The use of gearbox additives to reduce noise is recommended for cars of all brands. The main thing is to understand whether the composition is suitable for a specific gear oil.

The best automotive additives for diesel engines

Bardahl Full Metal

Rating: 4.9

The Belgian additive Bardahl Full Metal is positioned as a product with an advanced composition, the components of which affect the behavioral abilities of technical fluids. In particular, the process of lubrication of rubbing surfaces is improved: the stability of the formed oil film increases and its adhesion increases, which has a positive effect on the safety of the engine during use in winter.

In addition, Bardahl Full Metal has an effect on reducing exhaust smoke by significantly reducing soot concentrations, which in turn has a positive effect on the environmental component of diesel engines. According to experts, this additive is also characterized by an increase in engine power performance, which logically fits with modification of the lubrication process. In general, the product behaves almost perfectly: there are no complaints from the consumer segment about it, other than the high price.

be careful

Not every additive may be safe to use. The problem is that modern synthetic and semi-synthetic oils already have a certain additive package. They may conflict with those you add manually. This can lead not only to low or no efficiency of the purchased product, but also to damage to key gearbox components. You should first study the properties and composition of the gear oil used and the additive you purchase.

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