SUV for hunting and fishing – which one to choose?

UAZ Hunter and UAZ Patriot

The first place in this list is occupied by the domestic manufacturer - UAZ, with its Hunter and Patriot models. These models are loved by avid hunters and fishermen for a reason. A significant role in this is played by the relatively low cost of cars, combined with their power and cross-country ability.

UAZ Hunter

The name itself speaks for itself. "Hunter" translated from English means hunter. This model is perfect for off-road use. The car has all-wheel drive, high ground clearance and an impressive wheelbase of about 2.3 meters. All this makes it one of the best options for fishing and hunting. The price for this model is about 750 thousand rubles when purchased at a company showroom.

UAZ Patriot

Another domestic model from the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant, which over its almost twenty-year history has become a favorite of many fans of off-road travel. The car is also equipped with all-wheel drive, a powerful frame body and two axles. The configuration most often includes a 2.7-liter gasoline engine with a capacity of 127 horsepower. The car does not look overly brutal, which will allow you to use it comfortably on calm city roads. For those who want to purchase this car, it will cost approximately 770 thousand.

Jeep Wrangler - speed and lightness

Jeep Wrangler is the famous brainchild of the American ]Jeep[/anchor]. We can say that this is simply an ideal option for those who need an SUV for driving on city roads and for those who are interested in hunting and fishing. This car will easily take you through fields and secret roads. All kinds of bruises and holes on your way will become simply imperceptible. Of course, the price for such a jeep is quite high for the average nature lover, but it is completely justified in practice. The SUV has the following advantages:

  • High level and ease of maneuverability;
  • The jeep is packed with high-tech innovations and features;
  • It can reach high speeds on any road and is easy to control.


For a large group of people, the legendary UAZ-452 is very suitable for fishing - the good old “loaf”, all-wheel drive, with increased cross-country ability and a 4x4 wheel system. This SUV is produced in both body and flatbed versions. The door configuration can also be different, depending on the modification.

It features high cross-country ability and large capacity (up to 10 passengers). The interior of this SUV is very spacious, it can be significantly improved, an example is the photo below. Among the disadvantages, we note high fuel consumption and frequent breakdowns.

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Chevrolet Niva

A more modern car, the fruit of cooperation between two well-known companies. Quite reliable and comfortable model; In terms of cross-country ability, it may be slightly inferior to other SUVs, but this is compensated by other advantages.

For fishing, it is optimal to buy a fully equipped car. Many enthusiasts further modify the Chevrolet Niva to improve cross-country ability. It consumes much less gasoline compared to many SUVs of domestic and foreign production.

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