Which modern engines have the longest service life?

Engine life - what is it?

Among car enthusiasts, this concept refers to the effective operating time of the engine.

That is, when the unit began to consume more fuel, the power decreased, various knocks and other extraneous sounds appeared during operation, the engine began to consume more oil, all this indicates that the engine’s service life has been exhausted, and it will need major repairs in the near future.

In order for the motor to operate efficiently, the owner is required to follow the operating rules. It is much easier to prevent possible problems in advance than to fix them urgently later.

High-quality motor oil and coolant will help improve the service life. You should also monitor the condition of the air filters. The car must undergo regular maintenance. It is necessary to prevent non-standard operating modes of the unit.

What is engine life?

In reference books, service life means mileage before major engine overhaul. In practice, it is considered that the service life is exhausted when fuel consumption increases, power decreases significantly, knocking occurs, increased oil consumption, etc. In general, all situations that lead to serious engine repair.

To extend engine life

you need to follow simple rules. Believe me, it is much easier to prevent problems from occurring than to fix them later. This will cost more, so keep an eye on the condition of the car - and you will be happy.

Just a few small rules will help increase engine life.


  • Fill in oil, fuel and ;
  • Be sure to monitor the condition of the air filter;
  • Observe regularly for maintenance;
  • Do not allow non-standard engine operating modes;

What does the indicator depend on?

This figure is greatly influenced by the volume of the combustion chambers.

And the higher this indicator, the more positively it affects the service life. The condition of the cylinders and pistons plays an important role. For example, the integrity of the rings is negatively affected by the conditions of use. Carbon deposits and dust can act abrasively on parts and thus destroy them. The upper part of the cylinder also wears out quickly - gases and inner rings press on it, and lubrication may be insufficient.

Naturally, only the manufacturer can determine the service life of a diesel engine. Different cars and different engine models may have different performance. The higher the cost of the motor, the better it is. It is also important for what purpose the machine is used. If the car is raced, that's one thing, but if the car is used as a family car, that's another thing entirely.

Why are diesel engines longer in service life?

The thing is that more durable materials are chosen as materials for the manufacture of diesel engines. So, it is made not of aluminum, but of cast iron. In addition, the strength tolerances here are much higher. The piston group is also manufactured - each part has higher strength limits. And such engines will work much longer.

On diesel cars, the number of operating revolutions is 1.5 times less than on gasoline cars. At the same time, the number of piston strokes is reduced and its wear is reduced. The speed of the piston group and crankshaft on a diesel engine will be from 1500 to 3000 rpm, while on a gasoline engine this figure will be twice as high.

Resources of gasoline and diesel engines

It is believed that the service life of a diesel engine is more than 2 times higher than that of gasoline units. But in practice this is not always confirmed. Naturally, a Japanese gasoline unit will last longer than a similar one, but assembled in the Middle Kingdom.

But even if we consider equivalent cars with similar engines, the diesel power unit is more durable.

How to change the life of a diesel engine?

You can easily reduce or increase the service life of an engine, no matter whether it is diesel or gasoline. The number can easily be changed with the help of. The quality and properties of the oil largely determine how long and how efficiently the engine and the entire car will operate. Oil plays a pretty serious role.

Choosing the right lubricant is very difficult. Each motor is used in different conditions.

Some work under heavy loads, others work at high temperatures.

The service life can be reduced using temperature stresses. Thermal overload affects the operation of the motor even more than pressure. Knowing this, you can increase power using supercharging, while maintaining both temperature conditions and engine life.

Durability of Renault engines

When choosing cars from this manufacturer, the deciding factor for many buyers is their durability. According to European car owners, the service life of the Renault engine is about 750,000 km. This figure is the highest among all B-class sedans. Naturally, this figure is only relevant when the car is properly cared for. With proper care, this figure may increase.

If this is a new car, it is important to break it in properly. Also, you should not drive on bad roads, where the engine will work at its limit. Do not overheat it or spin it too much. It is also important to change the timing belt on time - a lot depends on it.

If all the rules for using the units are observed, their service life is quite high and can give a head start to older foreign cars.

Diesel engine resources

Diesel engines appeared much later than gasoline engines. For a long time, the technology was improved, until one day the efficiency of the unit exceeded that of its direct competitor. Moreover, diesel devices cause much less harm to the environment.

Mercedes-Benz OM602

The OM602 diesel engine family is truly legendary. Moreover, the entire series produced by the German company is impressive with its huge service life; just remember such models as:

  • OM617,
  • OM612,
  • OM647.

OM602 - are five-cylinder engines, which have two valves in their design. These units had such excellent characteristics that they were produced for almost 20 years. Their resource has truly become legendary.

Attention! On average, the resource of this specimen reaches about 500,000 kilometers.


One of the best and most widespread engines of the company is the M57 model. These engines were produced in Bavaria from 1998 to 2008. Naturally, their resource is admired. But beyond that, they have impressive power.

Attention! It was the M57 that made a small revolution, proving that diesel engines are in no way inferior to gasoline engines in terms of dynamic characteristics.

The power of these engines ranges from 210 to 286 hp. With. Despite this, their resources are almost the same. Due to their unique qualities, such units were installed on Range Rover cars.

The average resource of such an engine is slightly less than that of its competitor from BMW, but still impressive. On average, the M57 can last from 350 to 500 thousand kilometers. Motors of this modification were installed on all cars from the third to the seventh series.


These are Japanese cars, engines, therefore, also from the Land of the Rising Sun. Japan has always been distinguished by various high-tech developments and solutions. As for car engines, the resource here is not always impressive. For example, Nissan Note. It is equipped with either a 1.4-liter or 1.6-liter. According to the manufacturer, the resource will be enough for 7-8 years of operation. The figure is 300,000 km. It's not too much.

But the VQ series motors from the same manufacturer are considered one of the most reliable.

Thus, the six-cylinder VQ25DE and VQ35DE will confidently cover more than 500 thousand km with proper maintenance. In general, the service life of Nissan engines is quite sufficient for most car enthusiasts, especially since the units are manufactured in Japan.


Cars of this domestic brand used to have a service life of 130 thousand km. But now the situation is gradually changing. AvtoVAZ is releasing new engines that are characterized by smoother and quieter operation.

But still, cars in this segment are economy class, so it’s simply pointless to wait for anything here. In production they are trying to make the design cheaper. Inexpensive materials, assembly, attachments - all this significantly affects durability.

But at the same time, the new motors, which, according to engineers, are 500 thousand km, work quite well.

Perhaps this figure should be a little less, about 300 thousand, and even then in a quiet driving mode, but this is already the result.

The figure that reflects the service life of the vehicle is generally not as important as high-quality and regular maintenance of the unit and the vehicle. No matter how high the reliability indicator is, it can easily be reduced by low-quality oil, poor fuel, and improper maintenance. It doesn’t matter at all what the engine’s service life is. It is important to monitor the condition of the units correctly and in a timely manner. and then it will not need repairs in the near future.

Any car has a huge number of characteristics, there are its toxicity standards, maximum speed, efficiency, and of course, any of these characteristics has certain tolerances and methods for measuring it. Any of the characteristics, to a greater or lesser extent, can be compared and measured with standard or initial indicators. It is worth assessing one of the most important characteristics – the quality and service life of modern car engines – in a completely different way.

When choosing a car, the Russian consumer often pays his attention specifically to the resource; its values ​​​​can say a lot: the highest speed, power, configuration, without mentioning such a fundamental parameter in the near future as environmental safety. Then, when the first families of Volga small cars were designed, the designers initially set a resource of 130,000 km, but when the tenth generation appeared, this resource increased to 160,000 km. It must be borne in mind that this concept is quite vague, unfortunately, our standards do not contain exact criteria for the moment when the limit of the engine’s capabilities comes. If you pay attention to reference books on the use of internal combustion engines, then the resource there assumes the mileage until a half-year repair (in other words, until work on dismantling the crankshaft). All work that is carried out on the engine without removing the crankshaft is not considered a serious repair and, as follows, is not a sign of the arrival of a limiting state when the resource is limited. In practice, when the engine reaches the end of its service life, the car’s power is sharply reduced, knocking noises occur, and high oil and fuel consumption occur.

Kilometers and resource

Experts have discovered a fascinating relationship: the resource depends on the vehicle’s range. Even during the existence of the Russian Union of Automobiles, a certain number of cars were taken from actual use, which had a very high mileage; the cars were taken from all regions of the country. I would like to note that there were cars that ran for 450,000 km. At the same time, the plant took these engines, provided that in return they gave a new one, because people did not have much sense in embellishing the old engine. No one thought to embellish the frequency of oil changes and parts during operation. After this, these motors were disassembled and inspected, right down to every detail. Based on the results of research work, it was found that the technical condition of the engine is not correlated with mileage, it depends only on the properties of the production of parts and the criteria for their operation. Tests showed that an engine that was made in compliance with all the rules, with constant oil changes, with good fuel, and without half a year of repairs, could travel hundreds of thousands of kilometers. Naturally, here we are not talking about when the fuel and oils are not of high quality, and there are defects in the products.

1st kilometers of engine

The operating instructions for modern VAZ cars say that during the first 3 thousand km you need to follow certain rules that will use the engine in a gentle manner. With all this, at the plant itself, manufacturers are quite critical of this fact, because they believe that there is no need to burden the consumer with similar information. It is entirely possible that in the West, if a person read this annotation, he would completely naturally want to purchase even a more expensive car, but in which there is no any kind of criterion. An impartially modern Russian-made car does not require running-in at all, although the annotations remain of the old standard, and no one has changed the data about running-in. Then running-in was necessary in order for a couple of parts to get used to it. Nowadays, this need has gone away by itself, because technology has reached such a level that all aspects are calculated on a computer. But there were cases when crankshafts for Russian cars were cut out of blanks manually using a ratfil, and over time the requirements for running-in became less and less.

Engines that were put into serial production were often tested in departments of the technical development directorate, by order of the property service. The test program, at first glance, was drawn up contrary to all logic: the new engine, without any running-in, was installed on the shield and brought to the highest number of revolutions - 6000 per minute. In this mode, the engine worked without release for 20 hours, then it was disassembled and inspected in detail. If even the smallest traces of bully were found, then claims were made to the manufacturers. Similar tests were often carried out and the motors passed them without effort.

Modern engines are inexorably developing, as a result of which concepts such as remelting the camshaft on the cams, freezing of the alloy on the valve chamfer during operation, pistons, cylinder blocks and other technologies, new technologies for processing crankshafts, and improved characteristics of friction surfaces have appeared. For example, the development of flat-top honing of cylinders already on a new engine imitates the geometry of the cylinder surface with a blunted tip of the micro-roughness, during ordinary honing, which occurs only after a significant period of operation. Taking into account these data and many other materials processing technologies, it is no longer worth processing a new engine for lapping parts.

It’s another matter when it is necessary to run in those engines that have undergone a complete overhaul. Because non-factory technologies are used here and those parts that have not passed quality and size tests can be used, therefore such motors often require lapping of parts.

Increasing the service life of modern car engines is achieved by switching air filter housings from iron to plastic. Iron filters, in the vast majority of cases, are not sealed, which can lead to dust getting into the engine. In addition to density, engine air filters have a higher dust capacity. There is also another reason for increasing the service life of the engine; all of them, not counting the engine with central injection, have a detonation damping system. Although this is not an all-powerful system, it significantly reduces damage, hence the increased resource.

There is a debate among motorists: is there an indestructible engine or not? Do such motors actually exist? This article will provide a list of cars with million-dollar engines.

What's the result?

All indicators are averaged, and the duration of engine operation, both 1zr and 1nz for Toyota, and mr20de or 30 for Nissan, depends largely on the quality of the fuel used, the regularity of oil changes and the method of operation.

For example, when choosing an oil, it is important to give preference to the one that will be suitable for a specific 1zr or 1nz engine.

It is generally accepted that the service life of a diesel engine is approximately twice that of its gasoline counterpart. Therefore, using diesel is more profitable. Although each motorist makes his choice based on various criteria.

For some reason, it is believed that modern cars are disposable. I drove it for three years, sold it and went for a new one. But this is at least an exaggeration and generalization. Indeed, there is, but this is only part of the market. People own cars for 5-7 or even 10 years and, scary to say, buy them used! This means that reliable motors exist. Question: how to find them?

Which car and with which engine to buy, so that it not only does not break down during the warranty, but also is not subject to recall campaigns, does not require expensive consumables and special service equipment. I ran happily ever after, although at a slower pace, consuming a little more fuel than my more progressive brothers.

Different classes of machines have their own leaders, and, of course, more complex and expensive machines are not well suited for harsh operating conditions, but they also have their leaders and lagging behind in terms of the required amount of maintenance and the likelihood of failure.

Renault 1.6 16v K4M

Small class

The sixteen-valve K4M engine from Renault is just a little more complicated and a little more expensive. Does not easily withstand high loads. But they install it not only on Logan, but also on Duster, Megane, Kangoo, Fluence and other cars.

Middle class

One of the leaders in reliability in the C-class already exists - this is the mentioned K4M from Renault. But the cars are somewhat heavier, cars with automatic transmission are more common, and therefore the power requirements are slightly higher. 1.6 engines will obviously have a shorter lifespan than engines with a displacement of 1.8 and 2 liters, which means it is worth separating 1.6 engines into a separate group for those who do not need to drive fast.

Probably the simplest, cheapest resource engine for cars in the C-class can be called the very respectable Z18XER. The design is the most conservative, except that phase shifters and an adjustable thermostat are installed. Timing belt drive, simple injection system and a good margin of reliability. The power of 140 forces is enough for comfortable movement of such difficult cars as the Opel Astra J and Chevrolet Cruse, as well as the Opel Zafira minivan.

In the photo: engine from Opel Astra J

Second place in reliability can be given to the series of engines from Hyundai/Kia/Mitsubushi G4KD/4B11. These two-liter engines are the heirs of the famous Mitsubishi 4G63, including in terms of reliability. There was a system for adjusting the timing phases, and its drive had a completely reliable chain. A simple power system and good build quality, but the timing chain drive is more complex and expensive, and the motor itself is noticeably more technologically advanced, so only second place. The engine power is noticeably higher, however, all 150-165 hp. This is more than enough for any C-class car with any load, on the highway and in the city, with automatic transmission or manual transmission. Such engines were installed on a huge number of cars, including the Hyundai i30, Kia Cerato, Ceed, Mitsubishi Lancer and other cars and crossovers of a higher class: Mitsubishi ASX, Outlander, Hyundai Sonata, Elantra, ix35 and Kia Optima.

The Renault-Nissan MR20DE/M4R engine may well claim third place. This two-liter gasoline engine has been produced for quite a long time, since 2005, and in design it also goes back to the “glorious ancestors” of the F-series from the 80s. The key to success lies in the conservatism of the design and a moderate degree of forcing. Compared to the leaders, it has a less reliable cylinder head, sometimes the chain still stretches, but still it allows you to exchange all three hundred thousand kilometers with careful operation, and the price of spare parts is not off the charts.

Junior business class

In the D+ segment, two-liter engines from among the C-class reliability leaders are also popular, and here they look good, because the weight of the cars does not differ so much. But complex and “prestigious” high-power motors are more popular.

Motor 2AR-FE with a power of 165-180 hp. and a displacement of 2.5 liters is installed on one of the bestsellers in the D+ segment, the Toyota Camry, and is without a doubt the most common and reliable engine in its class. They are installed on both RAV4 crossovers and Alphard minivans. The engine is quite simple, but the key to success is the quality of performance and frequent maintenance of Toyota cars.

In the photo: engine from Toyota Camry

Second place deservedly goes to G4KE/4B12 engines from Hyundai/Kia/Mitsubishi. These engines have a displacement of 2.4 liters and a power of 176-180 hp. installed on Kia Optima, Hyundai Sonata, many other passenger models and a galaxy of Mitsubishi Outlander/Peugeot 4008/Citroen C-Crosser crossovers. The design is close to the G4KD/4B11 engines, and in the same way they are the heirs of the reliable Mitsubisi engines. The design is without any special frills in the form of direct injection, timing chain drive plus phase shifters. A good reserve of power and service life, not too expensive spare parts - this is the key to success.

But there will be no third place. Turbo engines on European cars are noticeably more difficult to operate and potentially more vulnerable. Relatively reliable turbodiesels still require a higher quality of service. And third place goes to fairly simple units, for example, the already mentioned Z18XER on the Opel Insignia or Duratec Ti-VCT on the Ford Mondeo, and if their power is enough for you and you drive quietly, then they will also be the most inexpensive to operate.

Senior business class

Prestigious E-class sedans are not low-cost cars, and the engines in this class are complex and powerful. And often they cannot boast of particular reliability. But among them there are leaders and units with high reliability.

Again Toyota, or rather Lexus, is in the lead, but you know that the company? The 3.5 engines of the 2GR-FE and 2GR-FSE series are installed on the Lexus ES and GS models and on the Lexus RX luxury SUVs. Despite the high power and low weight, this is a very successful gasoline engine; in the version without direct injection, it is considered one of the most trouble-free in its class.

Second place is deservedly taken by Volvo with its 3-liter inline six B6304T2. The first turbo engine in our rating turns out to be even easier and cheaper to operate than diesel engines. Largely due to the venerable age of the structure with a good margin of safety and relatively low maintenance costs.

Unfortunately, the naturally aspirated 3.2 engine is no longer available, it is undoubtedly even more reliable and could claim first place in this category. The secret of success is the modular design of the engines. This family has been produced from 1990 to the present day in versions with four, five and six cylinders. Continuous improvement of the design and extensive experience in operating motors has had a positive effect on the reliability and cost of operation.

Behind Infiniti, which is in third place, in this class is the Q70 model with the legendary “six” VQVQ37VHR series with a volume of 3.7 liters and a power of 330 horsepower. The key to success in this case is the quality of execution, the glorious and long history of the motor series and its prevalence. Such engines were installed on the sports Nissan 370Z, and on the QX50 and QX70 SUVs, and on the smaller Q50 sedan.

In the photo: engine from Infiniti Q70

The list of E-class cars would be incomplete without mentioning an indispensable attribute of European cities - the diesel Mercedes E class in the W212 body and with the OM651 engine. Yes, this is a turbodiesel, but in its weakest version, with conventional electromagnetic injectors, it can cause minimal trouble in operation. Yes, it is impossible to fully service such a car without dealer service, but, as practice shows, simple configurations, even with a manual transmission, are surprisingly reliable, and it is not for nothing that a European taxi for many is a diesel “yeshka”.

Executive class

Don't expect a rating here. An F-class car is never cheap to operate; a modern car of this level combines all the technological advances of recent years, all the most complex and expensive equipment. They, of course, have their leaders and their outsiders, especially since German executive sedans are also produced with very reliable diesel engines, while Korean and Japanese premium brands focus on the reliability of gasoline engines and a warranty. But it’s difficult to make a choice between them, and it doesn’t make sense; there are different rules of the game in this class.

Probably many of us are no longer buying new cars, with high or low mileage. or, on the contrary, already similar, and we are all interested in the reliability of the car! If the suspension can be changed almost in the garage, attachments can also be changed (generators, starters, etc.), then the engine and transmission are almost the most important elements. Failure of which can result in very expensive repairs! But still, we want to know what maximum mileage the engine can travel - what is the service life of a modern engine of an ordinary foreign car? Today I want to reflect on this very topic...

Of course, engine life is a very relative value. This is all due to the fact that all drivers are different and they drive differently, some do not rev up the engine, take care of it, change the oil ahead of schedule and only use high-quality synthetic oil, all the regulations, as they say, are according to the book, it is clear that For such an owner, the engine will last much longer than the one who “turns” it to the red zone, neglects the oil (and doesn’t change it so often).

However, today I will talk about average figures, let’s say that the oil is changed on time, the driving is normal (rarely aggressive). What then happens?

The systems of a modern engine (albeit) have evolved very much over the past decades - they have become more powerful, more economical and, of course, more practical, that is, the service life has increased many times over. If earlier, even in my childhood, my father and grandfather rebuilt the engine once every two years, now many people don’t know which way to approach it. This is because a lot has changed, here are a few points

1) Lubricants (oils)

- just a colossal leap, for the place of the incomprehensible slurry that was poured before. Now oils have become much more technologically advanced, they lubricate and protect the engine well, wear of parts is minimal, and all this helps to increase the service life of the engine. Many synthetic oils do not thicken even at very low temperatures, and therefore cold starts have become almost painless for the engine. Previously, the engine could only fail due to thick frozen oil.

2) Coolant

. Sold everywhere and always, by the way, of the same good quality as oils. Previously, even in winter, water was often poured, antifreeze was difficult to get, and therefore the car systems became clogged - they rusted, then overheated and that’s it - hello “overhaul” (overhaul of the engine).

3) Ignition system

. The carburetor has been replaced by an injector, it gives a more powerful spark, the fuel is better ignited and, accordingly, burns better, which gives less carbon deposits, and this directly affects the engine life. The less soot, the better.

4) Mechanical part of the engine

. There is no need to write off the mechanical component either, engine materials have improved, technology is moving forward (new types of pistons, lighter weights, etc.). This also affects the engine life.

Separately, I would like to note turbocharged engines, they have more horsepower, and therefore more load, so their service life is much shorter than that of conventional atmospheric engines - it’s good if they last 200,000 kilometers without repairs. So if an engine with a turbine already has a mileage of over 150,000, it’s worth thinking about when purchasing. There will be a separate article about the resource of a turbocharged engine.

If we draw a line in our article, then we can say with confidence that the engines of a modern foreign car (even an ordinary one) have a fairly long service life (if you do not take turbocharged engines). According to some manufacturers, the engine can last 400–500 thousand kilometers without major overhauls (of course, with normal driving and normal maintenance). And such a mileage of 100,000 kilometers is practically childish, the engine has just begun to taste! Of course, it is better to perform some kind of check at such a mileage (for example, you can check the compression, it’s too early for the chain, etc.), but otherwise everything should be fine. I’ll just say that my friend has a Mitsubishi Lancer 9, the mileage is already about 350,000 kilometers, the suspension has already been done many times, but the engine still runs (of course, consumables change - belts, spark plugs) and that’s it! YES, and he drives, not to say very carefully.

Another example, two working Renault Logan cars, one already has 400,000 miles, the other has 280,000, the engines are working without visible problems, again the same consumables.

It seems to me that the golden mean in terms of resource is 250 - 300,000 kilometers

, almost any modern engine can pass through (again, I don’t take the turbine into account), as a rule, this is even on our domestic VAZs! Remember, the simpler the engine structure, the longer it will last!

Drive carefully, undergo maintenance on time and the engine will serve you for a very long time.

And that’s all for me, read our AUTOBLOG.

What is a millionaire engine?

The first step is to find out what lies behind this phrase “millionaire engine”. This can be deciphered as a power unit that has covered a distance of more than 1 million km.

Many will immediately begin to object that this is all a myth and this cannot happen, but in fact such motors exist, and there are many of them.

The impeccable reliability of the internal combustion engine is determined by the following main indicators:

  1. Maintainability.
  2. Durability.
  3. Reliability.

But it is worth saying that the concept of million-dollar engines does not mean at all that the car will cover such a mileage without major repairs. This means that the manufacturer provides a parts lifespan of one million. The undoubted leaders in the production of such motors are:

  • Japanese cars;
  • American-made cars;
  • German cars.

It is also worth saying that not all engines will be able to go through such a mileage, because the condition will largely depend on timely maintenance (MOT) and driving style.

Which engine is better, gasoline or diesel?

Also, among motorists there is still ongoing debate about which type of engine is more reliable and how long does it last, gasoline or diesel? To answer this question, it is necessary to resort to statistics, which show that cars with a diesel engine are no longer killed. Motors that have actually covered such a resource can be divided into several types:

  • diesel These types of motors have gained a reputation for being durable and reliable;
  • gasoline inline fours. Cars with such engines compete for popularity and reliability with diesel ones;
  • gasoline inline sixes. These motors are highly powerful and have virtually no vibration while driving;
  • V-shaped "eights". Such engines come in large sizes, and unlike the first three, they cannot boast of a long service life of the vehicle, although this cannot be said about engines made in the USA.

There have also been rare cases when a domestic GAZelle car with a 406 engine exceeded the 1 million km mark. We have figured out what a millionaire is, now we should move on to a small list of such cars, because many motorists do not know on which cars such units can be found.

List of cars with million-dollar engines

Now it’s worth presenting a small list of engines that have actually exceeded their intended service life, i.e. are millionaires. Among the gasoline ones, the following can be noted:

  • Toyota 3S-FE;
  • Honda D-series;
  • Toyota 1JZ-GE and 1JZ-GE;
  • BMW M30 and M50.

The following engine brands are among the long-lived diesel engines:

  • Mercedes-Benz OM602.

Well, now each model needs to be considered in more detail.

The Japanese 2-liter engine was born in 1982. The first models were produced with one camshaft, but after 5-6 years, cars with two camshafts began to be produced. Such engines were installed on Mitsubishi, Huyndai and Kia. Over the long years of production, they have been modernized several times.

It is worth noting that its licensed copy is still produced in factories in China, and is currently installed on a Chinese-made Brilliance car.

Toyota 3S-FE

The 2-liter Toyota 3S-FE engines are also considered millionaires. Among the inline fours, it is one of the most reliable and indestructible. Its production period is from 1986 to 2000. The 16 valve four-cylinder engine is highly maintainable and can withstand high loads. If scheduled maintenance is carried out in a timely manner, such engines can travel over 500 thousand kilometers without major repairs.

Honda D-series

The model range of the car manufacturer Honda, in its assortment, has more than a dozen different engine modifications, with volumes from 1.2 to 1.7 liters, and are rightfully considered indestructible. In such engines, the internal combustion engine power reaches 130 horsepower, which is quite good for cars with small volumes. As numerous tests have shown, the D15 and D16 models are considered the most unkillable.

Toyota 1JZ-GE and 1JZ-GE

Such engines already belong to in-line sixes, and they were produced between 1990 and 2007. They are presented in two volumes: 2.5 and 3.0 liters. There have been cases where some cars with such engines have covered a million kilometers without major repairs. Some motorists call them “legendary”. They were installed both on their own cars and on some American Lexus models.

BMW M30 and M50

Cars equipped with engines of such models should also be classified as million-dollar vehicles. The M30 model was produced with volumes of 2.5-3.4 liters, and had a power from 150 to 220 “horses”. But the M50 model was produced with volumes of 2. -2.5 liters and engine power from 150 to 195 horsepower.

The main secret of the reliability of these engines was the cast-iron housing of the power unit, and the timing drive was carried out by a chain. Such engines are capable of covering 500 thousand kilometers without the need for major repairs, and the service life provided by the manufacturer is a million kilometers.

Cars with these types of engines are also among the million-dollar cars. They were produced between 1998 and 2008, and were installed on almost all BMW cars that were produced during this period. In addition to high reliability, the main positive feature of such engines was the impressive dynamics of the car.

Mercedes-Benz OM602

This diesel engine was produced from 1985 to 2002, and had power from 90 to 130 horsepower. As you can see, this model is not very powerful, but its main distinguishing ability is high reliability. If you follow all the instructions in the service book on time, then such engines can travel up to a million kilometers without serious breakdowns.

Engine life of popular cars in Russia

If we take into account the latest search queries of motorists, they are most interested in the service life of the engines of such cars:

  • Hyundai Solaris,
  • Nissan Almera,
  • Chevrolet Niva.

The best place to start is with the Nissan Almera. The fact is that over more than 15 years, many versions of this car with different engines have been released. But as a canon, you can take the 1.6-liter version, which was produced from 1995 to 2000. Its engine life was 400 thousand km. For all other cars, this parameter is as follows: Chevrolet Niva - from 150 to 400; Hyundai Solaris 180.


Based on the results of all the above information, it is time to sum up. Cars with million-dollar engines exist, and there are quite a few of them. But in order for the car to last that long, it is necessary to carry out scheduled maintenance, as well as monitor the condition of the internal combustion engine. There is also a contract engine, but it will be discussed in the next article.

Among the many characteristics of a car, one of the most important is engine life. This is a parameter that determines how far a car can travel before its power unit requires major repairs. This value is quite arbitrary, since it largely depends on how and under what conditions the vehicle is operated.

Accordingly, the same car, for example, a Subaru Forester, can completely exhaust its engine life in one hundred thousand kilometers (with constant driving on the same Siberian winter roads and summer roads), or it can safely drive three hundred thousand around the Krasnodar Territory without a hint of major repairs.

Car manufacturers, as a rule, indicate a warranty mileage during which nothing will happen to the engine if the operating rules are followed. The true service life of a car engine is usually much longer. For example, AvtoVAZ for its first models set the engine life to 125 thousand km, for the “tenth” family the figure increased to 150 thousand, but tens of thousands of Ladas with a mileage of well over two hundred thousand are driving on the roads, whose engines do not cause trouble for the owners.

Some time ago, foreign automakers sought to equip their cars with million-dollar engines designed for trouble-free operation throughout the entire life of the vehicle. Then the companies' policies changed; they considered (and not unreasonably) that much greater profits could be made from the sale of spare parts, and artificially reduced the service life of their engines. For modern foreign cars, this figure is usually about three hundred thousand.

In practice, a car owner can understand that it’s time to go to a workshop based on a number of characteristic symptoms:

Significant loss of power;

Abnormally high fuel and engine oil consumption;

The appearance of extraneous knocks.

How to increase engine life

There are several simple ways to increase this important parameter and push back as much as possible the day when it will be impossible to do without major repairs.

First of all, when buying a new car, do not forget about running it in. Despite the fact that most manufacturers claim that the engines of modern cars do not need running-in, it is advisable to operate the car in a gentle mode for the first two to three thousand kilometers.

Here's what not to do:

Load the car to capacity;

Tow trailers;

Drive off-road;

Allow the engine to operate for a long time at high speeds (it is best to keep the speed in the region of 2-3 thousand);

In winter, drive dynamically with a cold engine.

In the future, these rules can, and some must, be deviated from. The latter concerns operation at high speeds. In order for the spark plugs of a gasoline engine and the parts of the cylinder-piston group to self-clean, the car engine must periodically operate at high speeds for one to two minutes. During this time, the accumulated carbon deposits have time to burn out completely.

To increase the service life of the motor, it is necessary to monitor the quality of lubricants and the frequency of replacement. It is better to use the oil recommended by the car manufacturer and change it on time. You should not skimp on the quality of filters, both oil and air.

What service life are modern engines designed for?

Photos from open sources
When buying a used car, you want to know what service life the engineers have designed for it.
Is it capable of traveling a million kilometers without major repairs or will it begin to smoke after 100 thousand. Engine maintenance is a big responsibility. With the right actions, the engine can travel hundreds of thousands of kilometers. Vyacheslav Drozhzhin talks about how to extend the life of the power unit.


— Do million-dollar engines exist now? Where did this legend come from?

— Perhaps the legends about million-dollar engines emerged from stories that were told by car drivers 17-20 years ago. They talked about the cars of German taxi drivers, which had traveled more than 1,000,000 kilometers and were in working condition. Currently, passenger cars do not have such a resource.

Currently, million-dollar engines can be found on trucks. Diesel power units with a displacement of more than 10 liters often overcome the 1,000,000 kilometer mark without serious intervention in the internal combustion engine.

— What affects the life of the motor?

— The main factors influencing the service life of the engine are timely maintenance using high-quality spare parts and fuels and lubricants.
Driving style and operating conditions are also of considerable importance. It happens that an incompetent driver kills an engine within a year. And another person, who takes good care of technology, can drive with the same power unit for a couple of decades without any problems. — Which is more reliable, 1.6-liter or 2.0-liter engines?
— If, for example, we take two identical cars, in which the engine design is similar in complexity, both cars are operated in the same way, that is, they drive at the same speed, load in the same climatic conditions, then the 2.0-liter engine will have a more resource and, as a result, , reliable, since the loads on it will be approximately 30% lower than on a 1.6 liter engine. It's all about the design features. The larger the volume of the combustion chambers, the higher the torque the motor creates and, therefore, the higher the load resistance.

— What is the average resource of the most popular 1.6-liter engines?

— On average, the resource of a 1.6-liter naturally aspirated engine ranges from 200,000 to 250,000 kilometers. Next, you will need to change the piston group, and the engine will be operational again.

— How long does a turbocharged engine last in Russian conditions?

— In our climate, turbines in passenger cars operate for approximately 80,000–100,000 kilometers, depending on the load and driving style. Their service life is affected by almost the same factors as the engine - the quality of lubricants, operating conditions. Under particular intense loads, sudden starts at traffic lights, rash overtaking with sudden braking, the service life of the turbine is reduced. It must be remembered that after driving the turbine must be cooled. To do this, before turning off the engine in the parking lot, you need to let it run for about a minute at idle speed.

— Is it possible to somehow extend the life of the motor? What operating recommendations can be given to increase engine life?

— In cities with a lot of traffic, we are faced with numerous traffic jams. Cars are stuck in traffic jams for hours with their engines running, covering relatively short distances. Such conditions are difficult for engines, especially in the summer. With such operation, it is not entirely correct to carry out scheduled maintenance based on mileage, because According to engine hours, the engine works at least 2 times more than it should. To increase the service life of the internal combustion engine, it is recommended to reduce the service interval by 2 times, because the oil wears out a lot - and as a result loses its protective properties ahead of schedule.

— What are the typical malfunctions of modern engines? Why do they fail prematurely?

— As a rule, this is wear of the cylinder-piston group. It is associated with high thermal loads caused by dirty radiators, low levels of antifreeze, oil starvation, and worn-out air filters. When abrasive particles, including dust, sand, etc., enter through the intake system, they get between the rubbing parts and pierce the oil film, increasing wear.

Damage to the crank mechanism is another common malfunction. It is associated with untimely maintenance, as well as the use of low-quality oil and lack of control over its level.

Wear of the engine control system (chain, belt, valve timing mechanisms) is associated with untimely maintenance and high peak loads. In the case of variable valve timing clutches, breakdowns are caused by poor-quality oil or its low level.

Contamination of the fuel system is associated with the use of low-quality fuel, as well as neglect of the manufacturer's recommendations for the minimum octane number of gasoline. If you use a cheaper AI-92 instead of AI-95 and drive it very actively, the engine will detonate and overheat, as a result of which the pistons will need to be replaced.

— How to properly maintain the engine so that it lasts a long time?

— The power unit must be serviced based on the technical regulations of the manufacturer. When carrying out maintenance, it is recommended to use motor oils and technical fluids selected according to approval sheets, as well as composition and viscosity. It is mandatory to use spare parts and consumables that meet the manufacturer’s requirements.

Service life of different types of engines

Many motorists are interested in the answer to the question of which engine lasts longer. Indeed, there are several types of engines, and it is logical to assume that two-stroke, four-stroke and rotary engines have different safety margins. Car owners are no less interested in whether the service life of a diesel engine differs from that of a gasoline engine. Service life of a rotary engine

The two-stroke gasoline engine of a motorcycle has the smallest safety margin. This is explained mainly by high crankshaft speeds. The second reason lies in the absence of a lubrication system as such. The cylinder-piston group of a two-stroke engine is lubricated with a working mixture; for this, oil is added to gasoline.

At different operating modes, a motorcycle engine requires different amounts of lubricant, and it is not possible to change its supply. As a result, the motor receives normal lubrication only in certain operating modes, and under heavy loads it may experience oil starvation.

The rotary or, more correctly, Wankel rotary piston engine is doing little better. By the way, the only automaker that serially installs such engines in its cars is Mazda. Engines of this type are installed on its RX series models (for example, MazdaRX-8).

The service life of a rotary engine is short compared to four-stroke engines operating on the Otto cycle. With proper and timely maintenance, it does not exceed one hundred thousand kilometers.

On average, given that the MazdaRX-8 is not purchased for quiet trips, the car’s engine requires overhaul or replacement after fifty to sixty thousand.

A gasoline four-stroke engine has a significantly higher service life than the two above-mentioned. For foreign cars it is more, for domestic, and even more so, Chinese cars it is less, but nevertheless, it amounts to hundreds of thousands of kilometers. There are cases when a car engine went 500 thousand km without major repairs. Moreover, the layout of the cylinders does not matter at all.

Subaru owners like to boast that boxer engines last longer, but this is not at all true. Fundamentally, the boxer engine of a Subaru car is no different from any g4fc, so it makes no sense to talk about which power unit will last longer without major repairs. In favor of the same in-line g4fc, we can say that it is much simpler and cheaper to maintain.

Speaking about the resource of turbo engines, it is more correct to talk about the safety margin of the turbine itself, which fails many times faster, and without it the engine turns into an ordinary aspirated engine.

The lifespan of a turbine is usually about one hundred thousand kilometers, after which either turbine repair or (more often) replacement is required. The service life of the turbine is significantly affected by the driver's compliance with the rules for operating a car with a turbo engine.

Diesel has the longest engine life. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, diesel power units are made from stronger alloys due to the high compression ratio. The second reason lies in their slowness. If a gasoline engine has operating speeds, as a rule, of 3-4 thousand, then a diesel engine has half that, i.e. 1.5-2.

Accordingly, for the same mileage under the same conditions, the pistons of a diesel engine will make half as many translational movements, i.e., physical wear will also be significantly less. Here is a table that summarizes the resources of different types of engines.

Which motors are more durable?

It is quite natural that in addition to careful operation, the service life of the engine also depends on its design. Which motors are more durable and which are not?

For comparison, let’s take several purely conventional engines without reference to any manufacturers - naturally aspirated gasoline, turbocharged gasoline, and exotic.

I won’t bog you down and say right away – of all these four, the diesel unit has the longest resource. Its secret is a slightly lower average crankshaft speed compared to others, which naturally entails less mechanical wear of parts. Such motors can run for 300 thousand or more without any problems.

The second most durable engines can be called classic atmospheric four-stroke engines running on gasoline.

Unfortunately, the overall statistics are spoiled by domestic units and the Chinese, who may not live to reach 200 thousand. Although, on the other hand, Japanese engines of this type are famous for the fact that they sometimes last up to 1 million kilometers!

Turbocharged petrol units do not last as long. Their main problem is the supercharger, which is often the first to fail.

A rotary engine will operate trouble-free for just over 100 thousand kilometers.

But, in truth, today such units can only be seen in the Mazda RX-8 sports car, which has long left the assembly line.

Approximately this is how you can distribute different types of power units according to their durability. But it is worth emphasizing that among representatives of each type there are both champions and laggards - much depends on the manufacturer.

Friends, honor and praise to you for showing interest in cars, and thank you very much for visiting AUTO-RU.RU. I really hope that the information posted here is interesting to you and improves your technical level.

See you again! Write and subscribe! Good luck on the roads!

G4FA engine characteristics

Manufactured by Beijing Hyundai Motor Co. Engine brand G4FA Years of production – (2007 – present time) Cylinder block material – aluminum Power system – injector Type – in-line Number of cylinders – 4 Valves per cylinder – 4 Piston stroke – 75 mm Cylinder diameter – 77 mm Compression ratio – 10.5 Volume engine – 1394 cm3 Engine power – 107-109 hp. /6300 rpm Torque - 135 Nm / 5000 rpm Fuel - 92 Environmental standards - Euro 4 Engine weight - n.d. Fuel consumption - city 7.8 l. | track 5.0 l. | mixed 6.0 l/100 km Oil consumption - up to 1 l/1000 km (in severe conditions) Engine oil Solaris/Rio G4FA: 0W-30 0W-40 5W-30 5W-40 How much oil is in the Rio/Solaris engine: 3.3 l. When replacing, pour about 3 liters. An oil change is carried out every 15,000 km (preferably 7,500 km). Operating temperature of the Solaris/Rio engine: ~90 degrees. Solaris/Rio engine life: 1. According to the plant - no less than 180 thousand km. 2. In practice – 200+ thousand km.

TUNING Potential – 200+ hp. Without loss of resource – 110-115 hp.

The engine was installed on:

Hyundai i20 Hyundai i30

Resource of gasoline engines

At the moment, most cars in Russia operate using gasoline engines. This is largely due to the relatively low price of gasoline. Also, one cannot discount the quality of the fuel, because this parameter seriously affects the engine.

Toyota 3S-FE

This engine is considered one of the most reliable and unpretentious. Its service life is enormous. In most cases, such a motor easily overcomes the 500 thousand kilometer mark.

Engines of this class have a volume of two liters. Four cylinders and 16 valves are more than enough to guarantee good dynamic performance. These engines were truly massive and were produced between 1986 and 2000.

The power of the units varied from 128 to 140 horsepower. There were also more powerful versions with built-in turbocharging. A small modification made it possible to bring speed performance to a qualitatively new level.

The thoughtful design of this engine provides such an impressive resource. Moreover, neither poor service nor high loads can significantly affect this parameter.

This engine was first installed on a car in 2005. The block material is cast iron, which ensures the reliability of the entire system. The unit is installed on many cars of this brand. Its average resource is about 200-250 thousand kilometers. These data were obtained by the drivers themselves during operation. The plant keeps this information secret.

The engine with a service life of 250 thousand is powered according to the principle of an injection system, which, in turn, guarantees good dynamics and good speed performance.

Attention! The engines have four valves in each cylinder. There are also four cylinders themselves.

Engine power with such a resource is 140 horsepower. 95 gasoline is used as fuel. The unit meets the Euro 5 standard. Fuel consumption ranges from 6 to 9 liters.

Toyota 1NZ

This engine with a service life of 200 thousand kilometers can be called one of the most popular these days. It began to be produced back in 1998. For more than ten years, such motors have been installed on dozens of cars. Moreover, because of their excellent performance, Geely and Great Wall purchase these units from the Japanese company.

An engine with such a resource has a volume of 1.5 liters. There is also a special modification for 1.3 liters. Cylinder blocks are made of aluminum. Therefore, if they fail, they cannot be repaired. All that remains is replacement. In many ways, it was the use of aluminum in the main structure that led to a decrease in service life.

Attention! The chain also doesn't inspire much confidence. It is quite thin, the pitch is 8 mm.

Toyota 1ZZ engines are no longer produced. The last unit was made in 2007. The engine resource is 200 thousand km. Cylinder blocks are made of aluminum. It’s interesting that at one time two American companies decided to install similar units on their cars. These are Chevrolet and Pontiac. Even the legendary Lotus company trusted the quality of the Japanese automobile industry.

An important feature of the 1ZZ engine is the use of cast iron liners on aluminum cylinder blocks. This significantly increases the service life of the motor. Also, instead of a timing belt, a chain is used. It is, of course, much heavier, but it requires virtually no maintenance, and its service life is much longer.

Attention! The design of an engine with such a service life uses forged connecting rods.

Another important innovation is lightweight valves. The result of all the innovations of the engineers was the transformation of the engine into a long-stroke one. Another important difference between the 1ZZ and all other engines is the minimum number of possible modifications.

Car enthusiasts who follow its activities know that the concern often produces many variations of engines designed for certain operating conditions. Many motorists associate the absence of many modifications with the versatility of the device.

These units began to be produced in 1999. An important design modification was the installation of a new crankshaft. The piston stroke of this part is 100 mm. Compared to previous modifications, this parameter was 80.3 mm. Reducing the length of the connecting rods made it possible to increase the volume to 2.5 liters.

To achieve even more impressive results, the designers changed the camshaft. As a result, traction increased significantly. Unfortunately, this led to increased stress on the pistons and cylinders. Friction also increased due to which the internal temperature increased. Fortunately, this did not greatly affect the service life of the motor. It ranges from 200 to 250 thousand kilometers on average.

Serious adjustments to the basic design were made by engineers in 2007. The intake receiver, pistons, connecting rods have been replaced. Changes have even been made to the balancing system.

Mitsubishi 4G63

When it comes to a gasoline engine with the longest service life, most experts remember this particular modification. The first production model was created in 1982. Despite this, modifications and copies are being made under license even now. This is not surprising, because the engine resource can reach a record million kilometers.

The first versions of the engines had a SOHC camshaft. The device itself had three valves for each cylinder. But in 1987, the company's engineers made a bold decision for that time and installed two camshafts at once.

Attention! Until 2006, 4G63 was installed on Lancer Evolution IX cars.

The engine was so good that Huyndai also installed such units on its cars. The latest versions of engines are equipped with a system responsible for timing adjustment.

Malfunctions and repairs of the Solaris/Rio G4FA 1.4 l engine.

The G4FA engine belongs to the new Gamma series, which was released in 2007 and replaced the outdated Alpha engines. The Gamma includes two engines, a 1.4 liter G4FA and a 1.6 liter. G4FC, assembled on one cylinder block, but we will focus on the youngest representative of the range. Unlike the old Alpha series engines, the G4FA engine uses a timing chain with tensioners, which does not require maintenance during its official life. The Solaris/Rio 1.4 engine is equipped with a variable valve timing system, but only on the intake shaft, in addition, the G4FA engine does not have hydraulic compensators, so once every 95,000 km you need to adjust the valve clearances by replacing the pushers, the procedure is not cheap, but you should not neglect it, otherwise it will will entail even greater problems in the form of noise, tripping, burnouts, etc. Many people are interested in the manufacturer of the Hyundai Solaris/Kia Rio engine, so it is produced at the Beijing Hyundai Motor Company, and the engine is Chinese, but don’t rush to shout “garbage/fall apart/junk...”, let’s take a clear look at the shortcomings and main malfunctions of the G4FA engine, and then we will conclude: 1. A popular and disturbing problem for the masses is a knocking sound in a Rio or Solaris engine, if your knocking disappears with warming up, then most likely it is the timing chain that is making noise (in 90% of cases this is the case) and there is nothing to worry about if But you can hear it even when it’s hot, then the problem may be in unadjusted valves; they can be adjusted incorrectly at the factory. Contact the service and have it adjusted. 2. Noise of a nature reminiscent of clicks, clattering, chirping and other similar sounds, this is the normal operation of the injectors and they don’t know any other way :) 3. Oil leaks do not happen often, however, the valve cover gasket is not ideal and traces of oil are signs of this , change the gasket and drive on without any problems. 4. The speed fluctuates, uneven operation of the Rio/Solaris engine is not a rare problem, it is usually solved by cleaning the throttle valve, if that does not help, then updating the firmware. 5. Vibrations at idle speed, the cause of this phenomenon is a dirty throttle valve or spark plugs, clean the throttle valve, change the spark plugs and enjoy the pleasant operation of the engine. In case of strong vibrations, look at the engine mounts. 6. Owners are also concerned about vibrations at medium speeds (~3000 rpm), no one knows what the reason is, official Hyundai-Kia dealers talk about the features of the engine and this is true, at these speeds the G4FA engine resonates thanks to the peculiar mounting design engine, all the vibrations are on your steering wheel and wherever possible. Apply the gas or release the pedal, the motor will go out of resonance and the vibrations will disappear. 7. Whistling... a sore subject, the whistle appears due to weak tension in the alternator belt, change the tensioner pulley and everything disappears. These are the main problems of the Solaris/Rio/Sid 1.4 engines, it would seem nothing special, many engines have their own shortcomings, but here these diseases come out from the very beginning of operation, plus, the Solaris/Rio G4FA engine is disposable and cannot be repaired, boring under The repair size is not provided and in such a case the entire cylinder block must be replaced. However, recently, many specialists have gotten used to lining the cylinder block, after which it can go on for quite a few thousand km. The service life (declared) is at least 180 thousand km, which is lower than that of VAZ cars. Of course, with quiet operation, timely maintenance and oil changes twice as often as required, you have a chance to drive more than 250-300 thousand km. But not everyone drives like this; the majority of owners do nothing at all, just go for maintenance. Therefore, you need to be very careful when buying a used car with such an engine, and with a mileage of over 100 thousand km, there is a high risk of buying firewood. In addition to the well-known Hyundai Solaris and Kia Rio cars, this engine is also installed on the Kia Cee'd II/i20 in a slightly derated version - by 100 hp. Based on the G4FA engine block, a 1.6 liter Gamma series engine was also developed.

Engine number Kia Rio/Hyundai Solaris G4FA/G4FC

In view of all of the above about the identity of the 1.4 liter blocks. (G4FA) and 1.6 l. (G4FC), respectively, the engine number is stamped in the same place, on the cylinder block next to the junction with the gearbox flywheel.

Average service life of modern engines

Let's start with the fact that information about ultra-reliable engines of old foreign cars continues to be heard, for which, with proper maintenance and care, a very realistic figure before overhaul was a million kilometers.

Taking into account a number of changes in world politics, the globalization of production and the constant tightening of environmental standards, large foreign automakers no longer strive to develop and equip their cars with such reliable engines (millions and even half a million).

The reason is simple - in order to get such a significant mileage, the average driver with an annual mileage of about 30 thousand km. you will need to drive the same car for at least 15 years to cover 500,000 km. During this time, the car will become hopelessly outdated in terms of equipment and safety, the power unit will no longer fit into current environmental standards, etc.

If for some reason the owner does not part with the car and continues to use it, then the source of additional profit is the sale of spare parts. In other words, reducing the life of motors and other components is also economically beneficial.

Taking into account this information, it becomes clear that for most modern foreign cars the average figure for the engine life can be considered around 300-350 thousand km. As for the domestic automobile industry, the figure is about 150-200 thousand km.

It is important to understand that the life of the engine is also greatly influenced by a number of individual conditions. In some cases, the power unit can easily go through 500-600 thousand, while in others overhauls must be done after 100 thousand.

In other words, engine life can be considered a relative value. Each driver has his own driving style, some load and rev the engine, others drive in the middle speed range. Someone consciously approaches the choice of lubricant and purchases the best motor oil, and also reduces its replacement intervals.

At the same time, other owners prefer to use the cheapest lubricant, changing the oil even later than the interval specified by the regulations. It becomes clear that the resource of the power unit greatly depends not only on the quality of the motor, but also on the driver himself.

It is also important to understand that the modern engine has become more powerful and at the same time more economical than its predecessors. This means that the power unit is boosted by all available means (turbocharging, changing valve timing, etc.) while the working volume does not increase.

Recently, engines have become much more revving, technologically advanced and complex, the compression ratio has increased, the thermostat temperature has been increased, engines began to run on ultra-lean mixtures (for example, GDI engines) in order to maximize fuel economy, etc.

At the same time, the weight of the power unit was reduced, more durable materials (for example, cast iron) gave way to lightweight aluminum alloys, and special coatings (Nikasil, Alusil, etc.) were applied to the surface of the steel.

In other words, today the maximum power and torque are removed from a small-volume unit. It is quite obvious that such an internal combustion engine constantly experiences heavy loads, even in normal modes. If we compare the new generation engines with older engines with a large displacement, the predecessors consumed more fuel, but were less thermally and mechanically loaded; time-tested durable materials were used in their design, which ensured an increased service life.

Although today the technologies for the production of parts and the precision of manufacturing and assembly have stepped far forward, general global trends have still pushed auto manufacturers to produce so-called “disposable” engines, which must fulfill the stated warranty period (100-150 thousand kilometers), after which There is still a segment to go through, which just rests on the average mark of about 300 thousand.

We also recommend reading the article about the service life of a diesel engine. From this article you will learn about the service life of diesel engines compared to their gasoline counterparts.

Note that this statement is true for atmospheric engines. If we talk about turbocharged versions (especially gasoline internal combustion engines), high power with a modest displacement reduces their service life by at least a third, that is, up to 200 thousand kilometers before repair. As for turbodiesels, the average mark for them can be considered to be about 300-350 thousand km.

It is also important to understand that further repairs of a “disposable” engine may not even be provided for by the manufacturer (it is not possible to bore the cylinder block, there are no repair pistons, rings, etc. in the spare parts catalogues). Of course, in a number of cases the issue is resolved by having the block lined by qualified specialists, but the cost of restoring the unit is quite significant.

It turns out that completely and efficiently repairing a modern engine with high mileage may not be an economically feasible solution, since the cost of repairs can reach up to 30-40% of the total cost of the entire used car.

Engine tuning Hyundai Solaris/Kia Rio G4FA

Chip tuning G4FA

One of the fastest, easiest and cheapest ways to increase power is to calibrate the engine. Offices promise 110-115 hp after the chip, try it as an experiment, but don’t expect significant changes. If you want to increase the output a little, then look for a 4-2-1 spider or make it to order, exhaust on a 51 mm pipe, porting of the cylinder head with enlarged valves, firmware, tune 120-125 horses. It would be nice to complement all this with wide shafts, but sports camshafts on Solaris/Rio were not seen on sale.

Compressor for Kia Rio/Hyundai Solaris

Putting a compressor on a standard piston means that the engine will soon fall apart, you need to loosen it a little, there are two ways to choose: install two cylinder head gaskets or a new forged piston with a compression ratio of ~8.5. Forging is expensive, but it can easily withstand a pressure of 0.7 bar from the RK-23 and a small turbine. Two cylinder head gaskets are cheap, but your maximum is RK-23-1 with a pressure of 0.5-0.6 bar. In addition to the compressor, we install the exhaust on a 51 mm pipe, this diameter is enough for the eyes and configure it online. Up to approximately 140 hp It will be possible to start the fire without any problems, if you further modify the cylinder head, sharpen the intake and exhaust channels and install larger valves, the power will increase to 150-160 hp. and this will definitely be enough for you.

Turbine Solaris/Rio 1.4

Many owners have similar thoughts, they beat around the bush, they find out, but it doesn’t come to fruition... To make a turbo Solaris, we need to weld a turbo manifold for a TD04L, Garrett GT15 or 17 turbine, oil supply to the turbine, intercooler, piping, 440cc injectors, exhaust on a 51 (63) mm pipe, you can’t do without shafts, you need to make custom camshafts with a phase of about 270 and a larger lift, consumables, we install all this junk and roll it online. A well-tuned turbo Solaris/Rio will produce more than 180 hp, how long the engine will last is unknown, and the implementation of the project, at a cost, will easily cost half the car...

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