Headlights do not shine well: how to drive safely at night with such a problem? Rules that everyone should know.

High-quality optics and light in a car are the key to safe driving, especially in the dark. For various reasons, the headlights become dim or uneven, but before you go to a car service center, you should try to diagnose the problem yourself.

Among the most popular reasons for poor headlights are low voltage, clogged optics, incorrect adjustment, cloudy glass and loose contacts.

If the headlights are uneven

The reason for this situation most often lies in loose contacts, which requires disassembling the main connections.

Also, one headlight will shine brighter if the second one has mechanical damage. In this case, you will have to change the headlight.

If one headlight is dirtier than the other, then they will produce uneven light. The easiest way to correct this situation is to take a rag and wipe the glass of the optics.

If a lamp burns out, then one of the headlights will not shine at all and the lamp will have to be replaced.

Dim low beam

According to current traffic regulations, car owners are required to turn on low beam headlights during the daytime, which increases the risk of their failure.

Headlights most often become faulty due to:

– problems with contacts: oxidation, jumping off fasteners, moisture ingress, etc.

– cloudy headlights that become dim during long-term use. You can try cleaning the headlights or, as a last resort, replace them completely

– faulty lamps that just need to be replaced.

Ways to make headlights brighter

The first step is to check the headlight adjustment. To do this, you need to drive up to the wall in the dark and turn on the headlights, then use any level to determine the deviation from the norm. Even with minor damage to the bumper, the headlights may shine to the side rather than straight on and the light will appear dim.

If the contacts or generator are faulty, the lamps shine poorly, and accordingly the headlights are dimmer. It is not recommended to install powerful lamps, as the contact points will overheat. The voltage is measured with a multimeter.

If the reflector coating becomes dusty and scratched, the light will become dim even if a more powerful lamp is installed. It's sad, but in this case the entire headlight needs to be replaced.

Under the influence of external factors, the headlight glass dims over time and when the headlights are on, the light turns out to be diffused and the illumination is unclear. If the headlight is made of glass, it is easier to change it. In the case of polycarbonate, you can try to clean the headlight using special products.

In general, it doesn’t hurt to sometimes polish and re-varnish the glass surface, but this needs to be done in a special way using a special paste.

Car headlights can start to shine poorly for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it is difficult for an inexperienced car owner to figure out this issue on his own. Therefore, to correct this problem, it is best to contact a service station. Good lighting is the key to a comfortable, and most importantly, safe ride. If violations appear here, even the most minimal and unnoticeable ones, then the driver will have to make a lot of efforts so that driving in the dark does not lead to an accident. Therefore, repairs should not be delayed under any circumstances.

One headlight is brighter than the other

Most often, car owners complain that the light is brighter on one side than on the other. Even this minor trouble has several reasons. The reason may be contacts that no longer fit tightly or have oxidized. If this is the case, the device must be disassembled and all connections checked. The second reason is that the headlight, which shines worse, could have suffered minor mechanical damage that the driver did not notice. This could happen in a parking lot at night or when the car is left unattended. Only replacing it can help here. The third reason is the accumulation of dirt on the surface. This is the most common cause of dim car headlights. The solution is simple - you just need to wipe it with a wet cloth. And finally, the light bulb may simply burn out. Then you just need to replace it with a new one. You can do this yourself.

If the problem is incorrect adjustment

But often a purely human factor leads to poor headlight illumination. This happens if the lighting fixtures have been incorrectly adjusted.

In this case, the light most likely hits with normal force, but does not hit the road, but is scattered in all directions.

First you need to check whether the reason is that the light simply does not reach its target.


This check is carried out in the dark or in a box without lighting. You need to drive up to the wall and look at the circles of light left by the machine's lighting fixtures.

Next, you can use a laser level or an eye (if you have a good eye) and determine how much the incident light deviates from its destination.

Problems with low beam headlights

According to traffic rules, every driver, even in the daytime, when driving a car, must turn on the low beam. Therefore, the constant use of lighting devices for this purpose increases the risk of their breakdown and rapid failure. The reasons for this here can be very different. Weak low beam headlights may be due to poor contact, as in the case described above. To solve the problem, it is recommended to inspect the terminals and check how they are connected to the fasteners. To prevent oxidation processes in the future, it is recommended to treat all contacts with silicone grease. This advice will come in handy in autumn and winter, when the machine is operated in adverse weather conditions. Cloudy optics are not the result of contamination. If cleaning the glass does not help and the light does not become brighter, then the headlight needs to be replaced with a new one. And finally, the third reason is a burnt out light bulb. It just needs to be replaced.

Voltage diagnostics

Poor voltage occurs as a result of damage to the generator and contacts. When the lamps emit weak light through the contacts, there is no need to replace them with powerful ones. The contact area will overheat.

1. You will need a device such as a multimeter to check the voltage.

2. Based on the results of the inspection, you can determine where the breakdown occurs and what exactly needs to be changed.

Poor adjustment

Why do the headlights shine poorly and not bright enough? The reason may be their poor adjustment. In this case, the light is not directed at the road, but to the side, up or down. It is very simple to check whether there is such a malfunction or not. To do this, after sunset you need to drive up to the wall and turn on the lighting. Attention must be paid to the circles of light that appear. You can then take a laser level and check how far the light deviates from where it should normally be. If it turns out that the light beam is not concentrated in one place, but is scattered, then it is recommended to make an adjustment. Adjusting the headlights is simple. To do this, you need to open the hood and find the screws that hold them in the correct position. Gently tighten the screws until the desired direction is achieved.

Correct headlight settings

Incorrect adjustment of headlights can lead to malfunctions. The headlights do not shine directly on the road surface, but only to the side. Most vehicle owners have no idea that lighting can fade a little. This can happen due to a broken bumper. Visually it may look as if everything is functioning normally. To check how the lighting is directed:

1. At night, drive up to the wall in a vehicle.

2. Using a laser level or roughly determine the discrepancy from the norm.

3. If adjustments are needed.

Fog lights

The problem can be not only poor performance of the low and high beam headlights, but also the fog ones. To adjust the normal light here, you need to know exactly how to do it. Before starting the adjustment, you need to fill the tank full and seat a person weighing at least 70 kg in the car so that the car sinks and takes its normal driving position. After this, use a screwdriver to adjust the screws of these headlights. You will have to rotate them to the sides and thus achieve the most correct location of the light beam.

Main reasons

When wondering why the high beams are not on, be prepared for the fact that there may be many reasons:

If flashing occurs (signaling for oncoming cars), but everything else does not, the problem is definitely not in the lamp. You need to start checking according to the scheme from the very beginning of the chain:

  1. Fuse - if visually it is intact and voltage is applied to it, the problem is not with it. Just in case, it’s worth checking all electrical switching devices going to each headlight;
  2. Headlight relay - it is responsible for turning on the headlights. To check the coil and moving contacts, you need to remove it. Apply 12 V voltage from the battery. If everything is OK, the relay will work. We check the presence of contact with an ohmmeter.
  3. Let's see if the voltage in the fuse box goes to the contacts in the connectors under the relay. If it is not there, you will have to get to the headlight switch and carefully check whether there is a missing contact somewhere. This is possible in the case of twists.

Car owners often encounter the problem of a fuse burning out after replacement. Finding the source of the short circuit is not easy. If this happens, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • As a result of a break in the insulation of a hot wire, it comes into contact with metal.
  • the wire cuts the insulation, creating a ground, as it is clamped on both sides.
  • the disconnected wire dangles, touching the ground.

Voltage problems

Sometimes bad light appears due to a decrease in voltage. You can check this yourself. If this is the case, then replacing the light bulb or polishing the glass will not give any result. To verify that this is the cause of the dim light, you will need a device called a multimeter. If it is possible to detect a decrease in voltage, then the cause must be sought in a problem with the contacts or the generator. It is almost impossible to correct these violations on your own without experience. Therefore, it is best to contact a technical service center and tell us about the problem your car has.

Polishing Guides

To keep your headlights looking good, they need to be polished periodically.

· never forget that the glass is coated with a thin layer of varnish. Polish exclusively with a special paste;

· perform polishing with specific movements;

· due to the risk of overheating, it is not recommended to overdo it with wiping the glass or grinding machine;

· For best results, apply a layer of varnish after sanding.

Cloudy headlight glasses

When operating a car, the headlights may not shine well due to clouding of the glass. The disruption of luminous elements in older cars is especially noticeable. Glass, even if it is not damaged mechanically and is regularly wiped, can become cloudy from dust, dirt, sand and small scratches that are not visible to the eye. However, the beam of light passing through such headlights is too scattered and loses its clarity, and this poses a certain problem when driving on the roads. Before you begin to eliminate this problem, you need to know what the headlights are made of. It can be either glass or carbonate. If it is glass, then it is easier to change it than to polish it and try to return it to its original condition. If it is polycarbonate, then such headlights have many advantages. Firstly, they are safer than glass ones and pose fewer threats during an accident. Secondly, their weight is significantly less than that of glass headlights. And thirdly, they are easier to replace. At the same time, these elements also have their downside - they are easily damaged or scratched. Such elements can only be wiped with a soft flannel cloth, and it is better to stick a special film on the surface of the polycarbonate, which will increase the service life.

How to maintain consistently bright high and low beams for a long time

Previously, special soft rubber brushes were used to clean the glass surfaces of automobile optics; today, washers are used for this purpose, from which water is supplied under pressure to the lamps. This technology is less harmful to the lighting system. It must be remembered that in order to clean the polycarbonate surface of the lighting fixture, simply pour it with plenty of water.

Additionally, to protect the optics, a special film is applied to it. But there are some features here, the main one of which is the choice of protective coating itself. You need to know that such a film should not be the cheapest, since it will not bring the desired effect, but on the contrary, it will only do harm. Hard vinyl film is also of little use for this purpose. The best option is a medium-thick film that can restore its shape after contact with dirt, sand and small stones.

Other reasons

Damage to the reflector is an equally common reason why a headlight begins to shine dimly. This becomes possible when the reflective coating gets in contact with dust and dirt, as well as as a result of improper care. Even if you replace the light bulb with a more powerful one, this will not correct the situation. The only solution is to completely replace the headlight. Sometimes it will be enough to change the light bulb to a more powerful one and the headlights will start to shine as brightly as the car from the showroom. Therefore, sometimes dim headlights are a reason to visit a car store and choose a good light bulb there. Remember that you need to replace all the lamps so that they are the same, otherwise it will turn out that some of the headlights will shine brighter than the other. Before purchasing, look carefully at the packaging. If it contains information that the power of the cutter reaches 90 watts, then it is better to refuse such a purchase. The ideal option is 55-60 watts. You should not demand more, otherwise the switch contacts may be damaged, and their repair is not so simple. Among all the proposed lamp options in the store, it is best to choose the following:

  1. Philips X-Treme Vision.
  2. Osram Night Breaker Unlimited.
  3. KOITO.

A leaky cover on cars from the Soviet era, which many people still use, can also be the reason why the low-beam headlights shine dimly. Debris, sand, dust and other pollutants constantly get into the resulting cracks. To get rid of this problem, you just need to wash the glass from the inside, while removing the glass cover. If this happened to a new car, then the lighting device will have to be completely replaced due to a leak.

Sometimes, after numerous searches for the causes of bad light, the car owner decides to simply change the headlights to new ones. But even in this case, a banal incorrect connection or low voltage is possible. Therefore, if it was not possible to eliminate the described cause with the advice that was given here, it is best to contact a specialist.

The headlights are dim

If you use headlight lenses for a long time, they tend to become cloudy. In older car models, this is very clearly visible. Through the influence of sand and dust, glass deteriorates and cracks form. When the headlight is turned on, the rays scatter through them in different directions, at this moment the clarity is lost. In order to get rid of this problem, you should know the material from which the headlight is made. You can find headlights from:

1. Polycarbonate.

2. Glass.

Glass headlights on vehicles are easier to change radically. Headlights made from polycarbonate are installed on new vehicles. Polycarbonate headlights are much better than glass ones, namely:

1. Safer. During an emergency, fragments cause less harm.

2. The mass is very different.

3. Simple manufacturing process.

There are also disadvantages. Polycarbonate headlights are easier to damage, which is why they become cloudy faster. It is very easy to scratch such soft material. To avoid dimming of headlights, experts advise using a mixture. You also need to properly monitor them. You should not wipe the headlights with anything. There is a special film that needs to be glued to the headlight, thereby protecting it. If you decide to purchase film, then take medium thickness.

Headlight lenses have become dull - solves the problem by polishing or replacing them

Dulled headlight glasses are one of the serious problems for motorists. Yellow glass or a dark inner side are troubles that indicate a malfunction of the optics mechanism itself or a too long service life. Yellowed and scratched glass can be polished if it is smooth using the following options:

  • buy a special polish for car glass, do not skimp on this product, otherwise it will not help remove microcracks and various other minor problems;
  • prepare the headlight in a garage or other dry place for polishing, wash it and wipe it dry (it is not necessary to remove the optical device);
  • Next, apply the required amount of polishing paste to the glass and rub it with a soft cloth over the entire surface; you can first polish a small area;
  • then rub the polish into the glass surface with quick circular movements and watch for changes in the appearance of the headlight; the procedure can take quite a long time.

It is often recommended to use expensive toothpaste as a polishing material. In fact, this does not always work, so it is better to buy special products for such cases. Moreover, you can significantly delay the very expensive replacement of headlights by carrying out this operation correctly. Cloudy glass is one of the first causes of reduced light intensity in your car.

What to do if the headlight lenses are constantly sweating?

The issue of headlight glass fogging is also quite complicated. It often happens that the optics sweat, and this greatly reduces the penetration of light during the trip. It is best to check the tightness of all elements of the headlight unit, look for the presence of rubber seals and tightly closed covers. If you cannot find the reason on your own, take the car to a mechanic. Most likely, the headlight will have to be changed (it is better to perform this process in pairs for two optical elements).

The headlights on the Daewoo Nexia don't shine well. Everything can be solved

  • The tire pressure is adjusted to normal;
  • The machine is placed opposite the wall at a distance of 5 meters;
  • A load weighing 5 kg is placed in the luggage compartment, and the driver’s seat is made heavier by 75 kg;
  • Then special markings are made on the wall or a screen is mounted to adjust the headlights;
  • The axial longitudinal line of the car must be located according to the zero mark of the screen;
  • The H value on the screen is equal to the height from the middle of the headlights to the floor;
  • The corrector control on the instrument panel is set to “0” mode, which will be close to testing a car with one driver;
  • The low beam turns on;
  • The headlights are adjusted individually; the unused headlight should be covered with thick canvas or other light-proof material.
  • Check the voltage at the battery terminals after stopping the engine (12.6 V);
  • A similar indicator is read at the headlight connector (10.4 V);
  • There is an obvious difference of 2 volts (if you change it back to halogen headlights, the lighting will improve significantly).


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I am a professional in the field of Auto Electrics and Auto Diagnostics. Work experience more than 10 years. I will identify and eliminate faults of any complexity. (Even with cars that Dealers and services cannot handle, as it were, of the highest class). We carry out all types of work on the installation of additional electrical equipment (xenon, multimedia system, special signals, etc.)

Or maybe just change the light bulb to a powerful one?

One of the options for solving the problem of poor light on domestic cars is to install high-quality lamps. And if cars of foreign origin have quite good light bulbs installed from the factory, then our cars are equipped with something cheaper. Almost every buyer has to face this problem. Choose one of the following options:

  • Philips X-Treme Vision +130% - a chic version of white light for halogen headlights, there are different bases and beam color variations, the durability is quite long, the light is excellent;
  • Osram Night Breaker Unlimited is a new series of light bulbs from Osram, the only problem of which is that the lifespan is too short, the light from the headlights is simply magnificent, all other things being equal;
  • KOITO - Japanese lamps that produce the best options for brightness and lighting efficiency; such lamps will help solve problems with low-quality light;
  • Philips +30% Dutch origin in cardboard packaging is a discontinued series that shines no worse than the notorious X-Treme Vision, while being much cheaper.

So the quality of light turns out to be quite dependent on the light bulb. And if your car has Osram Standard lamps (which is not the worst option), then how can you count on optimal lighting quality. The best thing to do is go to the store, buy efficient and high quality bulbs, making a really good light in your car. But it will cost some money.

What to do if your car headlights don't shine well?

I installed these for myself plus Osram lamps, the light is quite enough PTF I almost never use.


At the moment, halogen, Bosch lenses are in the standard headlights. Still, there is not enough light after xenon, although the lamps are old, if you install normal phillips, it will be at the level of serial bulbs. Before that there was a lensed bi-xenon — a song. At the moment I am remaking it in accordance with the concepts of “correct”.

https://www.4avto.su/img/base/28-04-2011_21-55-59_83147.jpg I’ll buy these one of these days and put them with photos as it was and became

https://avgauto.ru/jeep/jeep_grand_cherokee_99-05/28956_fary_tuning_jeep_grand_cherokee_2.html install such a headlight)) I myself ride with standard headlights with xenon, for now it’s enough, but it’s hard to drive in the rain…. you need to crank the xenon in the PTF

I have xenon - GUT! I almost never use PTFs.

Guys, can anyone tell me how to get to the light bulbs that are in the ceiling and in the trunk?

I'm afraid I'll break it from ignorance.

If you look at the glass of the lampshade - the button, you will see a gap in it for picking with a screwdriver. It snaps off with little effort and is difficult to break.

Thank you :bf:

If you look at the glass of the lampshade - the button, you will see a gap in it for picking with a screwdriver. It snaps off with little effort and is difficult to break.

Thank you! There's a burial ground for the bee flies:ai:

25.10.2011, 16:40

install xenon, the price of the issue is 2.5 rubles is ideal.... I couldn’t be happier.... you tell the traffic cops that the lamps are gas-filled, etc.

03.11.2011, 16:16

install xenon, the price of the issue is 2.5 rubles is ideal.... I couldn’t be happier.... you tell the traffic cops that gas-filled lamps, etc. +1 :bf: I’ve been driving with xenon for 2 years already, I had a maintenance this year, they’ve never stopped me for an inspection Sveta!!!!!!

There was also a thread here - https://jeep-forum.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=7565&highlight=nokya&page=2

https://avgauto.ru/jeep/jeep_grand_cherokee_99-05/28956_fary_tuning_jeep_grand_cherokee_2.html install such a headlight)) I myself ride with standard headlights with xenon, for now it’s enough, but it’s hard to drive in the rain…. you need to crank the xenon in the PTF

Has anyone in the Republic of Belarus ordered/purchased such headlights? I can't find where to buy them

You can only look at such headlights on Ebay....I'm looking for European ones myself...only there.....everywhere in all online stores they are marked (out of stock)...I've been looking since July

15.12.2011, 08:43

I can suggest just installing new stock headlights + lamps like +100% light, the effect will be very pleasing... PY SY, in Mytishchi there are headlights, they cost 3 rubles apiece, regardless of America or Europe... (there are also some spare parts such as wings, hoods and grilles with bumpers, everything new and at chic prices)))))

I can suggest just installing new stock headlights + lamps like +100% light, the effect will be very pleasing... PY SY, in Mytishchi there are headlights, they cost 3 rubles apiece, regardless of America or Europe... (there are also some spare parts such as wings, hoods and grilles with bumpers, everything new and at chic prices)))))

What kind of attraction is this unheard of generosity?

What kind of attraction is this unheard of generosity?

Yes, and there are cheaper ones, which attraction https://avgauto.ru/jeep/jeep_grand_cherokee_99-05/

15.12.2011, 14:18

Has anyone in the Republic of Belarus ordered/purchased such headlights? I can't find where to buy them

Look at Allegro.pl, I pulled from there, but not the lensed ones. I took the lenses separately from the kitai. The headlights cost me about 250y + 5G lenses (with blocks and lamps) ~ 170y.

I polished the glass and set it to 70 watts. After that the problem with the light disappeared.

From January 1, the ban on non-standard xenon is lifted. I heard, we install xenon and rejoice, as well as chandeliers are legal.

15.12.2011, 17:51

From January 1, the ban on non-standard xenon is lifted. I heard, we install xenon and rejoice, as well as chandeliers are legal.

What kind of fright is this? is there a link? :ai:

I read the newspaper, there is no link. Putin’s decree is new, they say, everyone buys a coupon anyway, corruption is being spread, they say, keep it up, everyone drive with a long distance now).. at the same time, he handed over the prices for compulsory motor insurance to the insurers.

Well, what kind of newspaper?…..what is the name of the article? ……..what is the name of the resolution?

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