How I “choked” for 10 thousand, and do you need medicine in a car first aid kit?

A car first aid kit (first aid kit) is a set of dressings, medical instruments and devices designed to provide emergency first aid on the road in case of traffic accidents or emergencies. Several years ago, the composition of a car first aid kit was seriously changed and we propose to get acquainted with the requirements for the rules for a first aid kit in 2020.

According to the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated September 8, 2009 N 697n “On amendments to the order of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation dated August 20, 1996 N 325”, the equipment of the car first aid kit was reduced as much as possible .

  • Reasons for changing the composition of the first aid kit
  • Composition of a car first aid kit for 2020 in Russia
  • How to use a first aid kit in case of an accident?
  • Expiration date of a car first aid kit
  • Tips for using a first aid kit

The new rules excluded the following medications from the set: validol; aspirin; brilliant green (tincture of brilliant green); nitroglycerine; ammonia; Activated carbon; analgin. That is, all medicines disappeared from the car first aid kit, but universal dressings in the form of bandages and adhesive plasters appeared in abundance.

Reasons for changing the composition of the first aid kit

There are several reasons for changing the composition of a car first aid kit. The main one is the likelihood of side effects and contraindications when taking medications. According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, only professional doctors can provide qualified assistance and prescribe treatment in a critical situation.

Moreover, to store medications, you must adhere to a certain temperature regime, which is very difficult to achieve inside a car. It's no secret that even with air conditioning, this range will fluctuate. This factor is also one of the reasons for the change in the composition of the car first aid kit.

According to statistics, the main factor leading to death or serious condition of a victim in a road accident is severe blood loss. That is why the main goal of emergency first aid is to stop bleeding, which is why the new car first aid kit includes a lot of dressings: bandages, bandages, tourniquets, plasters.

Contents of the first aid kit

The list of pharmaceuticals that must be in a car first aid kit changes regularly. An example is the following: for this period of time, motorists are required to exchange butorphanol for a heart rate monitor. The government considered that products like butorphanol were useless and sometimes even dangerous for a person without pharmaceutical training, since there was a risk of causing more significant harm.

Composition of a car first aid kit for 2020 in Russia

To provide emergency assistance to victims during road accidents, according to Appendix No. 1 to the order of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Russia dated August 20, 1996 No. 325 (for 2020), the car first aid kit includes:

Attachment nameGOSTDimensionsQuantity
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation equipment
Device for artificial respiration “Mouth-Device-Mouth”GOST R ISO 10993-991 PC.
Means for temporarily stopping bleeding and dressing wounds
Hemostatic tourniquetGOST R ISO 10993-991 PC.
Sterile medical gauze wipesGOST 16427-93At least 16 x 14 cm1 pack
Non-sterile medical gauze bandageGOST 1172-935 m x 5 cm2 pcs.
Non-sterile medical gauze bandageGOST 1172-935 m x 10 cm2 pcs.
Non-sterile medical gauze bandageGOST 1172-937 m x 14 cm1 PC.
Medical gauze bandage sterileGOST 1172-935 m x 7 cm2 pcs.
Medical gauze bandage sterileGOST 1172-935 m x 10 cm2 pcs.
Medical gauze bandage sterileGOST 1172-937 m x 14 cm1 PC.
Sterile dressing bagGOST 1179-931 PC.
Bactericidal adhesive plasterGOST R ISO 10993-99At least 4 cm x 10 cm2 pcs.
Bactericidal adhesive plasterGOST R ISO 10993-99At least 1.9 cm x 7.2 cm10 pieces.
Rolled adhesive plasterGOST R ISO 10993-99At least 1 cm x 250 cm1 PC.
Other means
ScissorsGOST R 51268-991 PC.
Medical glovesGOST R ISO 10993-99Size no less than M1 pair
Recommendations for using a car first aid kit1 PC.
Case1 PC.

The presence of additional medications is not necessary, but is allowed - it depends on the individual needs of the vehicle owner (for example, hemostatic or anti-inflammatory drugs). You can put painkillers in your driver's first aid kit that are not contraindicated for you and can be used if you are the one who gets hurt in an accident.

Where to store

The first thing I would like to warn drivers against is to not put the car first aid kit in the trunk! We don't recommend keeping it in sight all the time, but if an emergency suddenly arises, you should be able to reach it without any problems. This means that the ideal place to store it is inside the car. Many drivers put it under their own seat so that they can reach it and open it in any case. It would also be acceptable to put it in the driver’s seat pocket, if, of course, its dimensions allow. Now some drivers, of course, will shrug their shoulders: they say, what difference does it make, why not in the trunk? The reason is very simple. Actually, it coincides with the reason why a fire extinguisher should also be stored in the cabin.

In case of an emergency, access to the trunk may be blocked. Typically, the situations we are referring to occur as a result of accidents and collisions. The car body, deformed by this collision, can jam the trunk lid and it will no longer open. And in such a situation, every second usually counts. While you run around the car, open the trunk until you realize that it’s not working, then, cursing, you climb into it through the back seat (if it folds out at all)... As you yourself understand, a lot of time will pass. In the case of a fire extinguisher, this is completely critical. Now you may think that with a first aid kit everything is not so terrible. But in fact, first aid is very important. Stopping the bleeding in time, washing the wound or applying a tourniquet is quite capable of saving your or another person’s life. So do not neglect this rule, it is really important and, contrary to the popular phrase, it is really written in blood.

How to use a first aid kit in case of an accident?

Before providing emergency assistance to victims of an accident, you must put on the medical gloves that come with the first aid kit, and then try to adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. If there is arterial bleeding, it is recommended to squeeze the affected area with your fingers and fix the tourniquet above the damaged area, then apply a tight bandage of bandages and napkins. Before calling an ambulance, you should remember the time when the tourniquet was applied - this will simplify the work of specialists if it is possible to record the time.
  2. If the victim is not breathing, you should try to restore his breathing using a special device for artificial respiration “Mouth-Device-Mouth” included in the kit.
  3. If there are bleeding wounds without severe damage to the arteries, it is necessary to use bandages and napkins to apply a tight pressure bandage.
  4. To avoid dust and dirt getting into non-bleeding wounds, you should apply a napkin to the injury site, bandaging it with a roll-on plaster.
  5. Small wounds and abrasions can be covered with a bactericidal plaster of the appropriate size.

Law regulating the composition of a first aid kit

Until recently, a first aid kit for vehicles was equipped not only with the appropriate tools, but also with all kinds of medicines.

According to the decree of the Ministry of Health dated September 8, 2009, the list of medical units was reduced as much as possible. Now the following drugs are completely excluded from the list of its components:

  • analgin;
  • aspirin;
  • validol;
  • brilliant green;
  • corvalol or valerian;
  • ammonia solution (ammonia);
  • nitroglycerine;
  • Activated carbon

The new contents of the first aid kit include various types of dressings aimed at providing emergency assistance to victims of road accidents.

Expiration date of a car first aid kit

Due to the lack of medications, the shelf life of a car first aid kit increases to 4.5 years . The driver has the right to change it within six months after the expiration of the optimal shelf life indicated on the packaging. Thus, if you change your car first aid kit every five years, you will not break the rules, but you still need to make sure that the service life and date of manufacture match!

Note: the dressings and bandages included in the first aid kit can be stored indefinitely (under the correct storage conditions). The recommended service life of tourniquets and patches is no more than five to six years.

Where should a car first aid kit be located?

The traffic rules do not indicate the location where the first aid kit should be located. There are only a few general recommendations:

  1. You should not place it in the trunk. In the event of an accident, the luggage compartment may be blocked due to deformation of the car body. Getting to the inside of a car can take a long time, and in an emergency, every second counts.
  2. The optimal place for placement is inside the car. You can put a first aid kit under the driver's seat, and if it is small, place it in the seat pocket or glove compartment.

Each car must have a first aid kit with all necessary medical supplies. We recommend purchasing it only in pharmacies, and when purchasing, be sure to check the expiration date. Keep it in an easily accessible place so that in the event of an accident you can provide first aid to the victims in a timely manner.

Tips for using a first aid kit

When using a first aid kit, drivers should pay attention to the following important points:

  • It is prohibited to replace medical products from the first aid kit list with others chosen at your own discretion (at the same time, supplementing the existing kit is completely permitted).
  • It is prohibited to use products with expired expiration dates or damaged labeling.
  • After using a product included in the mandatory list of first aid kits, you should replenish its reserves as soon as possible.
  • It is better to purchase a car first aid kit in pharmacies or official dealerships - this gives the maximum guarantee of complete and correct equipment.

Note: The fine for the lack of a first aid kit refers to Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses and entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 500 rubles. But you can try to justify the lack of a first aid kit by citing the fact that you were an unwitting witness to an accident and gave away your first aid kit, thereby getting off with a warning. Although your life or the lives of your passengers may depend on the presence of a first aid kit in your car, treat it with care! Good luck on the roads!

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Buying a first aid kit

Pharmacies now offer a huge selection of car first aid kits. The average cost is 200 rubles. At the same time, the quality of the components included in the first aid kit often leaves much to be desired. In order to make a profit, manufacturers put low-quality products in medicine cabinets. For example, most first aid kits contain thin tourniquets. They compress the vein weakly, so stopping the bleeding is out of the question.

For peace of mind, the driver can replace any product with a better and more reliable one. And if something bad happened on the road and you had to use, for example, a bandage, then you definitely need to buy it in addition.

When buying a first aid kit, pay attention to two points:

  • Best before date. The listed components of the first aid kit have a long shelf life. And if more than half the period has already passed, then it is better to choose other products.
  • Compound. It is important that the first aid kit contains all the listed first aid supplies.

Always keep a first aid kit in your car and never put medications in it. It is better to keep the pills with you at all times so that you can help yourself or another person if necessary.

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