How to wash a car engine Pros and cons of engine washing

Carpet cleaning with a Karcher mini-wash is carried out outdoors in the fresh air. For washing we use specialized household chemicals: “5+ Carpets” shampoo, Help spray, UdaliX Ultra powder, Vanish gel, Unicum concentrate. After washing, dry the product thoroughly.

Dust and dirt brought from the street settle on carpets and rugs, so floor coverings need regular washing. Washing by hand does not always lead to the desired result. A portable Karcher car wash will help you wash your carpet quickly and efficiently. We will tell you in more detail what a mini-wash is, how to prepare the product for cleaning and wash the carpet with a Karcher, and what household chemicals to use.

What is a portable mini-wash

The Karcher mini washer is a device for removing stubborn dirt. The device supplies water under high pressure from 120 to 160 bar. With its help, you can quickly and efficiently wash floor coverings, wash garden tools, and clean your car from dirt.

Mini-washer "Kärcher"

The principle of operation is simple: the engine drives the pump, which supplies water to the spray gun.

Data. In addition to equipment designed for contactless washing, the German equipment manufacturer Karcher produces powders, liquids for washing carpets and car shampoos.

If water gets on electrical equipment

The main common troubles that car owners may encounter after washing the engine compartment are:

  • the car won't start
  • the car is shaking
  • the car jerks
  • revs are floating
  • oil pressure light came on
  • the check light came on

Let's look at the possible causes and solutions for each individual malfunction in more detail.

If everything is dried and connected, the battery and its terminals are in order and tightened, the starter turns and the fuel pump pumps, but the car does not start after washing, then you should once again pay attention to the ignition system.

  • In those machines that are structurally equipped with a distributor, you will need to remove water from under its cover by blowing it out and wiping it dry. Next, we wipe all the armored wires, unscrew and inspect the spark plugs, and dry the spark plug wells.
  • If a car has a distributorless ignition system and has separate coils for each cylinder, then all of them will have to be removed and dried. The remaining actions are similar to working with the distributor option. The main rule is to blow and dry all accessible wires in the engine compartment, because no one is immune from unnoticed damage to their insulation.
  • Failures in the operation of the internal combustion engine are commonly called “triples”. During such failures, one of the cylinders stops functioning normally. The driver immediately feels an increase in the amplitude of the engine and constant strong vibration. At various speeds and at idle, the engine runs with skips and dips. This behavior of the machine is often due to similar reasons indicated in the first paragraph. We carefully inspect the armored wires and spark plugs and dry the spark plug wells.
  • When driving, the car jerks noticeably, there is an increase in fuel consumption and a drop in power. If the methods described above did not help normalize the operation of the internal combustion engine, then problems with the engine sensors are possible. They may occur due to the fact that the alkaline shampoo has damaged them during the washing process.
  • Floating speed indicates that after washing there are problems with the throttle valve or throttle position sensor. These elements require cleaning and drying, and it is also advisable to reboot the ECU with the engine by resetting the terminals for 10-15 minutes.
  • The oil pressure light on the dashboard may come on for a number of reasons. The first is that the same water gets on the oil pressure sensor and its contacts, which are very often located directly under the oil filter. The second reason may be the already familiar water getting into the candle wells. It is treated by mandatory drying and/or replacement of failed parts.
  • The "check engine" warning light, referred to simply as a "check" by motorists, is a clear indicator of a malfunction. Such a signal on the instrument panel appears as a result of errors and malfunctions in the operation of the internal combustion engine, which are recorded by numerous sensors, but does not carry any specific information. The problem can only be localized by reading the indicated engine errors from the ECU memory using a special scanner at a service station.

Preparing for washing

To begin, prepare a suitable location. Washing carpets with Karcher at home in an apartment is impossible. It is most convenient to carry out the work on a level area outside. A paved area next to your house or cottage, a private parking lot, garage or car wash is suitable. It is better if the site has a slight slope. Dirty water will not linger on it, which will make rinsing easier. If a paved area is not available, lay plastic over the grass. Wooden pallets can be used instead of polyethylene.

Carpet cleaning

The Karcher device operates from the electrical network. Water and electricity must be supplied to the cleaning site. If the cord is not long enough, use an extension cord.

The work surface must be clean. Sweep the area with a broom. Rinse the concrete with water from a hose and lay out the carpet evenly. There should be no folds or creases on its surface.

Find out 7 more ways to wash carpets at home

Precautionary measures

Not every floor covering can be washed with a high pressure washer. The powerful pressure can damage the pile and even make holes in it.

Some types of carpets are not suitable for washing with Karcher

Hardware washing is excluded in the following cases:

  • the coating contains wool - strong water pressure destroys wool fibers;
  • the pile loops on the reverse side are secured with glue – Water destroys the structure of the adhesive backing;
  • loose weave of the carpet.

Before you start washing, read the recommendations on how to wash carpets with Karcher and purchase the right household chemicals.

What detergents to use for washing

It is not advisable to clean things with ordinary powder, because... its particles may settle in the pile. It is almost impossible to wash them out of there. You should absolutely not use bleach for cleaning. They will irreversibly damage the carpet.

For automatic washing, use special chemicals.

Table 1. Five best automatic car wash products

NamePhotoCost, rub.Dosage per m²
1Shampoo “5+ Carpets”1201.5 caps
2Spray Help90100 ml
3UdaliX Ultra powder70100 g
4Gel Vanish1501.5 caps
5Unicum concentrate192150 ml

The preparations given in the table effectively remove dirt and stains when used correctly. Customer reviews of household chemicals are positive. Apply the product to a surface moistened with plenty of water. Before application, dilute powders and gels with water at the rate of 100 g or 120 ml per 250 ml of water.

Is it necessary and possible to wash a car engine?

When operating a car, owners often think about washing the power unit, since over time it becomes covered with dust and oil sometimes gets on it, as a result of which the appearance of the unit becomes not very attractive. Since engine washing is a responsible process, all the nuances are worth considering in more detail.

Why wash

Despite the fact that there are many supporters and opponents of engine washing, it is necessary to highlight the following negative aspects that arise due to contamination of the unit:

  • deterioration of heat transfer. Due to the thick layer of dirt and dust, the engine housing is less cooled by the cooling fan;
  • reduction in power. Due to poor heat transfer, motor power is reduced;
  • increase in fuel consumption. A decrease in power is inextricably linked with an increase in fuel consumption. In addition, the service life of many engine components is reduced;
  • increased fire hazard. The accumulation of contaminants on the outer surface of the power unit can cause spontaneous combustion, since dust and oil settle on the surface of the unit, which heats up during operation.

The listed problems indicate the need for periodic cleaning of the unit.

Frequency of the procedure

It is recommended to wash the engine in the following situations:

  • in case of severe contamination of the unit due to failure of lip seals, pipes, etc.;
  • in order to determine worn seals, as well as leaks of technical fluids;
  • before major overhaul of the power unit;
  • when preparing a car for sale.

From the above points it can be understood that the engine is washed only as a last resort. There is no specific frequency: it all depends on the operating conditions of the vehicle and its features.

How to wash a carpet with Karcher: procedure

Cleaning carpets at home with Karcher takes a long time. Make sure in advance that nothing distracts from the work process.

Carpet washing

Follow this procedure:

  1. Fill the device with clean water.
  2. Rinse the rug so that it is well saturated with water.
  3. Fill the foam container with carpet cleaner.
  4. Attach the foam nozzle to the hose.
  5. Apply foam to the entire surface of the carpet.
  6. Treat heavily soiled areas thoroughly.
  7. Wait 15-20 minutes for the active foam to take effect.
  8. Remove the foam nozzle.
  9. Rinse the pile with clean water.

For the best rinsing of dirty foam, we recommend pointing the nozzle at an angle of 15-20 degrees. It is undesirable to direct the jet at an angle of 90 degrees, i.e. almost vertical. Otherwise, dirt will penetrate deeply into the structure of the pile.

Details on how to clean carpets from various stains


As you yourself already understood, washing a car engine is not only allowed, but also necessary, although this can be done extremely rarely. When performing this procedure yourself, you need to follow simple rules and observe safety precautions. Don't forget to dry everything thoroughly.

It is very important to take this procedure seriously, because any mistake may later affect the operation of the motor. A dirty engine is not dangerous and will not change the technical characteristics of the car, but water that gets inside or the wrong choice of detergents can not only damage, but also “kill” the heart of your car.

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How to wash a carpet with Karcher

Cleaning of rugs and paths is carried out according to the same principle. Sometimes it is difficult to wash an item the first time if it is heavily soiled.

Washing the rug

Before washing the carpet with Karcher, treat it with a cleaning agent, then wait half an hour. The carpet must be saturated with the detergent composition. You need to wait until the foam pushes the dirt particles to the surface. Rinse off dirty foam with clean water. If necessary, repeat the procedure twice.

The best stain removers

The modern chemical industry offers consumers a wide selection of special products to care for the engine compartment of a car. Most of the compositions are universal and can cope with various types of pollution. But there are also options for narrowly targeted action for special cases. The main criteria for choosing a detergent composition are minimizing the negative impact on rubber and plastic parts, toxicity level and price.

Most car owners consider the following engine cleaning products to be the best:

  • Liqui Moly Motorraum-Reiniger is an aerosol product that effectively removes all types of contaminants. Does not contain chlorinated hydrocarbons. When sprayed, it forms a thick foam that completely dissolves pollutants in 10–20 minutes.
  • Runway Foamy Engine Cleaner is a foam cleaner based on dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid. Exposure time is 5–7 minutes. The thick substance easily penetrates hard-to-reach places and dissolves even stubborn stains.
  • Hi-Gear Engine Shine Foaming Degreaser - the foam of this product is able to linger even on vertical surfaces, effectively cleaning them.
  • ASTROhim is a solvent-free aerosol cleaner that is completely safe for rubber and plastic parts. Motorists note the advantage of the product in terms of price and quality ratio.

Regular washing of the engine compartment of a car in compliance with technology and using an effective product will help keep the engine clean and extend its trouble-free operation.


Comments 12

for 300 they will wash it with a Karcher at a car wash with chemicals

What does it mean “the engine suffered a blow and no one was held responsible for it”? Was he washed by force? Against the owner's will?

Flooding of spark plug wells and other problems after washing an internal combustion engine occur only due to wear of the rubber seals on the engine or other electrical connectors. Just from dishonest attitude towards the engine compartment of the car, untimely washing with the proper chemicals, etc. Petroleum products tend to “corrode” rubber seals over time. The wiring braid becomes dull, cracks, or, on the contrary, swells and loses its tightness. As a result of this, with a one-time wash “once a year,” minor (and sometimes not very) problems arise with the operation of engine compartment units. I had a 1998 sixth generation Civic, and I washed the engine twice a week, with every body wash. If it’s very dirty, then with chemicals, and subsequent times I just knocked off the dust with ordinary water or osmosis “distillate is not a conductor!” There have NEVER been any problems. Modern cars require proper treatment, both technically and in terms of cleanliness. Both the body and interior, and the engine compartment. Throw out of your head your prejudices and principles, the experience of people who are not used to properly monitoring equipment. And at least read the instruction manual, which often states that engine washing is a mandatory procedure. After all, it’s not only beauty and cleanliness under the hood, but also your health! I think that no one wants to breathe dust and other microbes that over the years have already developed their own colony - on or under the heat shields of engine shields or screens on the inside of the hood and other secluded places. You shouldn’t be afraid of washing, because every time it rains or hits a puddle, the engine is covered in mud from top to bottom. In fact, it is always in water in bad times of the year. So why be afraid?)) Help the car be as clean and fluffy both outside and inside ;))

Where is the guarantee that this sprayer will not leak water into the spark plug wells? And how can you catch a water hammer when washing an engine? It’s impossible to pour water into the inlet, especially on the CRV, even from a Karcher! The worst thing is to fill the coils and spark plug wells, everything else will survive any wash! Well, washing the engine using your method is a little better than using a cloth, you also wash only the top and plastic, and the engine (namely the engine and not the marked cover) still remains dirty...

From my experience I will say that I cover the spark plug wells with tape and plug the hole on the right side with a rag where the wiring goes to the coils! and started washing it with a Karcher!

I just wrote a little about washing, you can read

You think my Karcher is necessary, that’s fine with me. I learn from other people's mistakes, and believe me, there are a lot of such mistakes.

I have already washed this motor 3-4 times, draw the right conclusions. I don’t give advice on how to wash someone, that’s up to you, but what you call washing there is a surface wash, there would be enough rags for that.

Where is the guarantee that this sprayer will not leak water into the spark plug wells? And how can you catch a water hammer when washing an engine? It’s impossible to pour water into the inlet, especially on the CRV, even from a Karcher! The worst thing is to fill the coils and spark plug wells, everything else will survive any wash! Well, washing the engine using your method is a little better than using a cloth, you also wash only the top and plastic, and the engine (namely the engine and not the marked cover) still remains dirty...

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