Attention! From April 1, 2021, new rules for passing driving license exams will be introduced.

In modern conditions it is very difficult to live without a car. A driver’s license and the presence of an “iron friend” provide maximum opportunities due to faster travel. Experienced instructors from professional driving schools are ready to help any novice driver master driving skills. To travel safely, it is not enough just to have a license; you need to know a lot of subtleties, take into account many conditions and remember a large number of rules.

Russian conditions do not allow the motorist to relax. In our climate, when there is rain, fog, snowfall, strong wind or ice outside, you should be as careful as possible. Sudden temperature changes make driving a car much more difficult. The efficiency of the battery decreases, and the elasticity of the tires becomes rougher. To drive safely on icy or wet and muddy roads, the driver must have basic extreme driving skills, such as controlled skidding, gas and braking on vehicles of different drives.

Beginners often experience fear when driving in the city. Megacities require special skills. Driving in Moscow, for example, is complicated by a huge number of traffic jams and the presence of streets with prohibited traffic. Now, even in the smallest cities, the number of vehicles is increasing every day, but the width of the streets remains the same. In such conditions, the future driver asks the question “how to pass city driving,” because almost every minute there is a danger of a collision. To avoid such situations, you should have a good feel for the dimensions of the car. The driver must understand where the contours of the car end in order to prevent the body from touching obstacles.

Driving school training

A properly selected driving school will help you learn how to masterly drive a car. The driving lessons taught there will give you more than just safety. But also many pleasant minutes spent behind the wheel. How to pass your driving test, how to read signs, what road markings mean, the instructors will teach you everything.

In order to fully master the art, you need to carefully choose a driving school. In this matter, feedback from those who have already completed training and successfully passed exams is very important. The most reliable way to choose a good driving school is to follow the recommendations of friends and acquaintances. They will truthfully tell you about all the advantages of studying in a particular school. Nowadays it is difficult to find a person surrounded by people who are not familiar with rights. They will tell you which school is better to choose.

According to the rules of modern training, in a driving school you will have two instructors. The theory teacher will teach you the rules of the road and train you on simulators. A practical instructor will teach you how to really drive a car. A properly selected instructor will not only force you to learn and firmly remember the traffic rules, but will also tell you a lot of secrets that will later help you out on the road more than once. How to pass the city to the traffic police, answer the ticket questions correctly - the instructor will tell you all this.

But it is not the instructor or the driving school that is most important for the driver. The holy scripture that you need to know by heart even in your sleep is the driving rules. Knowledge of the rules and the ability to apply them in practice is the sacred duty of any driver. Rules for road users should stick firmly in your head and “bounce off your teeth.” For a person who loves to drive, learning the rules is not difficult. Teaching them and understanding situations on the roads can be a very exciting experience.

What documents will be required to pass exams in the traffic police and traffic police?

To pass the traffic police exam, you will need a package of documents, which must include:

  • Copy of the passport
  • Medical certificate from the transport medical commission with permission to drive a vehicle, the required category and its copy.
  • Certificate of completion of training at a driving school (plus a copy)
  • Application for passing the exam at the traffic police
  • Driver's card with photograph of the examinee
  • Examination sheet
  • Driver's license and its copy (if there are already any other categories)
  • Consent from parents to take the exam (for minors), certified by the traffic police.

Our course managers will help you complete the entire package of documents at the driving school, who will make the necessary copies of documents and tell you how to obtain consent for minor cadets.

Driving tests

According to the law, before passing the driving test and obtaining a driver's license, it is necessary to take training courses at a driving school accredited by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. Citizens of any age can be admitted to study, but only persons over the age of 16 who have passed a medical examination can take exams. During your training at a driving school, you will gain theoretical and practical knowledge of driving a car and learn the rules of driving by heart. The responsibility of the driving school is to prepare the future driver to pass preliminary and main tests to check the level of training.

Candidates who have successfully passed the preliminary internal exam at a driving school are allowed to take exams at the traffic police. Its purpose is to make sure that the driver candidate is ready to pass the tests, knows all the rules for road users, reads road signs well, and knows road markings. The exam in a driving school fully corresponds to the exam in the traffic police and is carried out in three stages: theory, race track (site) and city. Only successful passing of the internal exam is the basis for admission to the remaining tests.

The exam at the State Traffic Inspectorate takes place in three stages: a theoretical exam and practice, which is divided into tests on a race track and driving on city streets. The theory exam is held in the administration building in rooms equipped with computers. Successful completion of the first stage allows you to move on to the test site, where the driver is tested on his level of proficiency in various elements: parking, driving with obstacles, etc. The next stage of the exam will be the city. Here the inspector checks the level of knowledge of traffic rules, the ability to apply them in practice and the driver’s degree of orientation on the roads while the car is moving.

Mistakes when taking the city exam

The most common mistakes made when taking the exam for a city traffic police inspector are mistakes when making turns and U-turns. Due to increased nervousness, if, for example, drivers of neighboring cars honk, some forget to turn on the turn signal and yield to cars that have the right of way.

Of course, it is extremely rare to see a traffic controller during a driving test, but you must know all his gestures.

List of popular driving mistakes:

  • Turn signals. For failure to turn on the turn signal, the instructor, according to the table of error points, writes down 3 penalty points. When changing lanes, turning, turning around, going around an obstacle and leaving your lane - all this requires informing other road users about your maneuvers.
  • Mirrors. Not only do you need to look in the mirrors when maneuvering, even when driving straight, you also need to monitor the situation around the car.
  • Turn left and turn around. In fulfillment of this instruction from the instructor, many are sent to retake. You must clearly know where to turn and turn, and how to do it. In driving practice before the test, it is advisable to drive through difficult areas of the city to gain good experience. It will be difficult to avoid difficult passages and turns all the time.
  • A priority. If another car has priority, that is, you must give way to it and you do not, then this is a serious mistake. If there are no priority signs, then the right-hand rule should be applied. Give way to buses starting from stops. Yield during turns and other situations stipulated by the current traffic rules.
  • Pedestrians.
  • Always slow down and slow down before pedestrian crossings, even if there is no one on them. Maybe a few meters before the zebra, a pedestrian will step onto the road. Therefore, in order to have time to stop and let pedestrians pass, you should drive through pedestrian crossings at low speed.
  • Drifting into the oncoming lane while turning. A common mistake among beginners. When turning left, you can enter any lane. But, if there are no markings and it is not clear after the turn whether this lane is for oncoming traffic or for passing cars, then it is better to take the far right lane.
  • Exiting the stop line. It would seem that this is a simple mistake and they won’t get a lot of credit for crossing the stop line without stopping, but that’s not the case. For this, the instructor writes down 5 penalty points.
  • Avoiding obstacles. There may be this option: you are driving in the far right lane and a car drives halfway out of the yard and blocks your lane. The best solution here would be to give way to an exiting car rather than enter the adjacent lane and go around it. These unnecessary changes are of no use during the exam.
  • Entering an intersection during a traffic jam on a further section of the road in your direction. This year, 2020, as of April 28, a new “Waffle Iron” marking is in effect (clause 1.26 of the Russian Traffic Regulations), which says that if there is traffic behind the intersection, then it is prohibited to enter the intersection, even if the traffic light is green, because you will be standing at an intersection and interfere with cars traveling perpendicularly when their traffic light turns green. For this violation, 3 points are assigned. In normal cases, for driving onto a waffle marking in the event of a traffic jam in front, a fine of 1000 rubles is charged. There is also a 50% discount on this fine if paid within 20 days.

Theoretical exam

The driving theory exam is the first and easiest stage of the test. According to the law, persons over 16 years of age (according to the category) who have no health restrictions and have completed training in a driving school are allowed to take the theoretical exam at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. Self-preparation for the exam is prohibited. To pass the examination tests, the driver candidate must appear at the traffic police department on time, have a passport, a medical examination certificate, a document on training in driving courses and a receipt for payment of the state fee.

The theoretical exam takes place in equipped classrooms. One attempt is given to pass successfully. In the exam rules, there are 20 tickets with 4 questions each. There are 800 questions in total. Each driver candidate will receive one ticket at random. The future driver must answer all questions on the ticket. 2 mistakes made in the answers are considered grounds for advancing to the next round. More than two errors made in the answers are considered a negative result.

The rules stipulate that the validity of a successful exam does not exceed six months. During this time, the future driver must pass the remaining stages. If the site and the “city” are not completed within this period, the candidate driver will have to go through all the tests again. A future driver can take the exam at the State Traffic Inspectorate department at the place of actual residence, and not at the place of registration, as was previously customary.

In order to successfully pass the test on the racetrack and driving in the city, try to dress as comfortably as possible. Girls are under no circumstances recommended to wear high-heeled shoes; it is better to choose shoes with thin soles in order to better feel the pedals. It is better to take off outer clothing (bulky down jackets, sheepskin coats, jackets) - they should not hinder movement. It is highly not recommended to take any psychotropic sedatives before exams. It's best to get a good night's sleep before the test to ensure you're in top shape. Before passing the traffic rules, you don’t need to frantically review exam papers; you need to resolutely drive away the thoughts that the exam is very difficult, and therefore many do not pass it the first time. If you have prepared really well, you can be sure that you will complete all tasks perfectly.


To successfully pass the traffic police exams, you need qualified training in a driving school or an organization that has the appropriate license to train drivers. On this page I will briefly describe the stages and methods of passing qualifying exams in theory and practice.

Passing exams at the traffic police is allowed after submitting documents, this includes: a medical certificate (the certificate is given for 3 years), a certificate of completion of a driving school, a receipt for payment of the state fee and a passport. Any candidate driver can take the traffic police exam, regardless of where he is registered. The traffic police exam is conducted on knowledge of the Rules of the Road and driving skills. You will be allowed to take the driving test only after passing the test on your knowledge of the Road Traffic Rules (TRAF).

Traffic rules exam

The traffic rules exam takes place in a specially designated room of the traffic police department, on a computer using a special program that will not fail you, but you have to be especially careful, because the slightest mistake, such as accidentally pressing the wrong button, or your hand trembling, will not work and it will be a “bro fiasco.” If you don't pass the exam the first time, you may lose the spirit of group support, so to speak, and then take it alone. Those who do not pass the first time cannot pass it 5-7 or more times later, and on average there are 70% of them. The exam takes place in an office under the supervision of inspectors.

From September 1, 2020, changes in the method of taking the traffic rules exam came into force.

Exam papers are divided into four thematic blocks of 5 questions each. You are given 20 minutes to pass the exam, i.e. 5 minutes for each block. Two errors will be allowed, but the errors should only be in different blocks, and if two errors are in the same thematic block of the exam card, then the exam will not be read. If you made mistakes in different blocks, then for each mistake you still have to answer a block of questions. If one mistake, then plus 5 questions = 5 minutes. The entire exam takes no more than 30 minutes. In general, it turns out that it is better to answer 20 questions without errors than with two errors, and another 10 questions, but without any errors; you cannot make mistakes in additional questions. So, learn the Rules of the Road well. Basics of traffic rules. How to solve tickets.

Driving test on site

The practical exam at the traffic police is divided into two stages: 1) Driving on the site. 2) Driving around the city.

Exercises for passing the exam may be different and may not coincide with those proposed. This is due to the fact that changes are constantly taking place in the Rules and methods of passing exams in the traffic police.

The main thing is the ability to operate the control levers, and the exercises will be shown in a driving school, and also read this section of the site.

The most important thing you can do is not to worry. Remember, the Inspector is also a human being, and can even forgive some of the mistakes of a novice driver. The main thing is that he must “feel” your confidence in victory.

For more confident passing, it is advisable to first test the exercises and repeat them several times. When you start the car

, be sure to learn to immediately press the clutch pedal, this is done in order to prevent unexpected movement of the car if the gear is suddenly engaged. Also, this technique makes it much easier to start the engine in cold weather. Remember that you need to release the handbrake at the same time as you start moving. There are even questions about this in the exam papers.

Remember the entire classic chain of mandatory actions at the very beginning of passing the practical driving test before driving: 1. Take the driver’s seat 2. Adjust the seats for yourself 3. Adjust the rear-view mirrors. 4. Fasten your seat belt 5. Press the clutch pedal 6. Turn on the ignition and start the engine (keep the clutch pedal pressed) (if necessary, warm up the “classic” engine) 7. Use the gear (speed) lever to find the neutral position and slowly release the clutch pedal. 8. Select the driving route 9. Press the clutch pedal and engage the desired gear (first or reverse) 10. Turn on the turn signal (always and everywhere during any maneuvers) 11. Slowly release the clutch pedal and, as you begin to move, remove the handbrake

When passing your driving test

, you will have to show the basic uses of the parking brake (handbrake). When you start moving, you must release the handbrake (the parking brake is released). After completing all the exercises, before leaving the car, you must set the gear shift lever to neutral and turn on the parking brake (“put the handbrake on”). The driving test takes place in two stages. The first stage is a set of exercises that is carried out on a special site. It may include exercises such as:

1) “acceleration - braking”;

2) “parallel parking” or “reversing into a pocket”;

3) “entering the garage in reverse from a 90-degree turn, both left and right, using the mirrors”;

4) “beginning of movement on the rise”;

5) “snake” (the distance between the chips is the length of the car + width),

Other exercises are also possible. There are usually 4 exercises to choose from.

One, but not gross, mistake is allowed.

Gross mistakes - did not pass:

  • spent more than 30 seconds preparing to start moving
  • violated the boundaries of the corridor or area
  • deviated from the specified trajectory of movement when performing an exercise
  • stalled more than twice
  • did not comply with the conditions of this exercise
  • rolled down when starting on an incline by more than 20 centimeters

To more clearly demonstrate your ability to use the handbrake when passing the exam, this is the “stop and go on an incline” exercise.

City driving test

Stage two: real driving around the city.

Stage 2 is allowed after stage 1 has been passed. Only one attempt is given for each stage. At the 2nd stage, the examiner counts points for each error. Each inspector may have his own scoring system

⁠In this article I will tell you what and for what penalty points are given when passing the city driving test. Remember that when you pass the exam, you are no longer cadets, but full-fledged drivers.

Exams are conducted on a five-point system. The total of all points scored should not exceed 4.

⁠In this article I will tell you what and for what penalty points are given when passing the city driving test. Remember that when you pass the exam, you are no longer cadets, but full-fledged drivers.

Points table

Exams are conducted on a five-point system. The total of all points scored should not exceed 4.

5 points – failed the assessment for any of the violations:

1) Didn’t let a pedestrian pass

2) Did not allow vehicles to pass through or create an obstacle

3) Crossed a solid marking line, entered the oncoming lane or tram tracks in the opposite direction

4) I drove through a prohibiting traffic light or traffic controller signal

5) Crossed the stop line - marking line or sign (stop) with a prohibitory signal from a traffic light or traffic controller

6) Did not comply with the requirements of priority signs, mandatory and prohibitory signs

7) Violated the overtaking rules

8) Violated the rules of turning and turning around

9) Violated the rules for crossing railway crossings

10) Speeding

11) Intervention from an instructor or inspector was required

3 points – for each violation

1) Not wearing a seat belt

2) Did not turn on the turn signals when maneuvering

3) Did not follow the instructions of information signs and markings

4) Violated stopping rules

5) Did not use hazard warning lights or warning triangles

6) I drove to the intersection when there was a traffic jam.

1 point - for each violation

1) Did not give the turn signal in a timely manner or did not turn it off after completing the maneuver

2) Moved too slowly unnecessarily

3) Braked sharply unnecessarily

4) Allowed the wheels to lock during emergency braking

5) Not confident in using control levers: smooth movement and braking

6) Violated the rules for using lighting devices or a sound signal

7) Didn't use rear view mirrors

8) Not attentive to other road users

9) Violated the rules for placing a vehicle on the roadway

10) Other violations

You can retake the driving test every week, but only for 6 months, and then start again with theory. Sample exercises for passing the practical exam are given here.

Autodrome or playground

Persons who have successfully passed the theoretical part of the exam are allowed to take the exam at the race track. The on-site exam is designed to reveal the examinees’ level of car ownership and skills in performing various elements. At the second stage, candidates must appear at the appointed time and have their passport with them. The inspector takes the exam from each subject in turn, asking him to complete three out of five elements. The inspector chooses which tasks the candidate will take. Before “passing” driving on the racetrack, let’s consider its elements:

  • Exam “Snake”: you need to drive the car in a zigzag between the beacons without hitting any of them and without going beyond the boundaries.
  • Exam “Parallel Parking”: the future driver must park the car in a parallel row, placing the car between the front and rear cars;
  • An overpass or a hill: you need to drive onto a hill, stop and move off without rolling back. At the same time, you cannot allow the car to stall.
  • Box or garage: you need to park the car in a “covered parking” facing forward.
  • Turning in a confined space: you need to turn the car one hundred and eighty degrees in three steps.

Please note that practical exams, divided into two stages, are assessed by the inspector as one test. The total amount of erroneous points made in the exam cannot exceed five. Each mistake of the future driver has its own amount of penalty points. When the total score reaches five, the exam is terminated and the candidate is assessed as having failed the exam.

Exam "city"

Future drivers who have successfully passed the two previous stages of testing are considered eligible for the practical “city driving” test. How to submit a “city” to the traffic police when the theory and site have already been handed over? To pass the exam, you must appear at the designated place on time. Carry a passport or other document that can prove your identity. The inspector taking the exam sits in the passenger seat, and the driving instructor sits behind. The route along which the driver will drive the car is chosen by the traffic police representative.

The purpose of the last stage is to check the level of preparedness for practical driving in populated areas. The inspector guides the driver along the route, asking him to turn, turn around, stop and start moving again. At the same time, he carefully monitors how the driver reads signs, understands road markings, and monitors traffic lights and pedestrians. Each driver's mistake is taken into account and penalty points are awarded for it. The amount of penalty points exceeding five means the exam is not counted.

If the route is completed correctly, if the driver did not commit gross violations and correctly completed all the elements required by the inspector, the exam is considered passed. The driver will be rewarded with a driver's license, which gives the right to drive a car of one category or another. Obtaining a driver's license takes place at the traffic police department during business hours. It can usually take up to several business days to produce the licenses and enter the new driver's details into the registry.

What will you have to submit to the traffic police?

The driving school lasts from 3 to 5 months. In this short time, students must master theory and driving at such a level in order to successfully pass the exam to traffic police inspectors.

The following are handed over to the traffic police:

  1. Theoretical stage. At the traffic police, the theory is taken on a computer. You must answer 20 questions in 20 minutes, choosing the correct version from several proposed ones. If the correct answer to 18 or more questions is given, the traffic police theory exam is successfully passed. If the examinee made more than two mistakes, he has a chance to correct the situation if he answers 5 additional questions correctly for each mistake.
  2. Driving on a race track. The test lasts 20 minutes. During this time, you must correctly perform at least five exercises out of the six proposed.
  3. Driving around the city. The essence of the stage is driving a car along city streets. The examinee, while driving, must strictly follow the inspector’s instructions and not make mistakes - not violate traffic rules.

To obtain a driving license, you must successfully pass all three stages of the exam.
On a note!
The driving stage at the site is going to be canceled from October 2020.

Penalty points

To assess the driver's level of training during the exam, the inspector uses an approved system of penalty points. Driving around the city is not the easiest part of the exam block. Errors made by drivers are rated at 1, 3 or 5 points and correspond to the level of danger of the action being performed. A driver candidate receives 5 points for gross violation of established traffic rules. To know how to pass the “city” test to the traffic police and not score the maximum number of points, let’s take a closer look at the types of errors.

Gross traffic violations, which are rated at 5 points, are considered to be situations that pose a threat to the health and life of road users. Such dangerous actions as driving into oncoming traffic, not observing the right of way, interfering with other vehicles, running a red light, driving onto railway tracks when it is prohibited and other gross violations lead to traumatic situations. Making such mistakes even at the exam stage is prohibited. One such mistake is enough to stop the exam and not count the result.

Violations of moderate severity, assessed at three points, do not threaten the life and health of drivers and pedestrians, but create significant obstacles to the movement of other vehicles. Such violations include entering a congested intersection, violating stopping rules, ignoring turn signals, failure to comply with markings or road signs, failure to display an emergency sign, and failure to turn on the hazard lights when necessary.

Minor violations worth one point are considered to be those that will not cause much harm to road users, but in case of danger could help to avoid trouble. This is an unfastened seat belt, incorrect turn signal, driving not at the speed of traffic and other minor errors.

The number of allowable penalty points for successfully passing the city

Errors for which penalty points are awarded can be:

  • minor with a tolerance of no more than 2, when 1 penalty point will be awarded; one penalty point;
  • average, when 3 penalty points are awarded for just 1 mistake;
  • large or rough, if allowed to do so, 5 penalty points will be awarded once and a “failed” grade will be given. Moreover, the absence of a response will be considered an error. Although the examiners still allow you to draw another easier ticket and thereby win back within 10 minutes. You can ask to change the thematic block and give a task from another. If mistakes are made again, an unsatisfactory grade will be immediately given.

Driver's license categories

For a complete picture of all road users and before passing the driving test to the traffic police, you should familiarize yourself with the existing categories of driver’s licenses. The categories assigned to the driver give the right to drive certain types of vehicles. As you know, a driver is not only the one who drives the car. On our roads there are also mopeds, motorcycles, cars, passenger vehicles, as well as trucks of varying degrees of carrying capacity.

The classification of categories is carried out by dividing them by letters of the English alphabet: M, A, B, C and D, as well as Tm and Tb. At the same time, categories A, B, C and D have their own subcategories, dividing vehicles into groups based on engine size, carrying capacity, the presence of trailers and the number of passenger seats.

The driving license form indicates the category for which the driver has the right to drive. In order to increase the number of categories, the driver must take retraining courses at a driving school and pass an exam. Self-preparation for exams is prohibited. It is worth noting that, according to the innovations, a driver who has passed the test in a car with an automatic gearbox has the right to drive only cars with an automatic transmission.

A detailed breakdown of driving categories is publicly available. Anyone can easily find information about what category is required to drive a particular vehicle. For all types of categories, there is one strict rule: everyone who gets behind the wheel must know all traffic rules by heart and monitor their changes. Failure to comply with traffic rules entails administrative and criminal liability in accordance with the articles of the codes of Russian legislation.

Deadline for retaking the exam at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (GAI)

If a driver candidate was unable to pass the exam, then a retake is possible no earlier than seven days later. If you studied at the Central Driving School, then you just need to sign up for the next day. To independently retake the internship at the traffic police, you need to contact any of the examination departments, regardless of your place of residence. In this case, you need to have documents confirming your graduation from a driving school and a medical certificate.

You can also apply for the exam through the State Services website. When registering for the exam yourself, you need to collect a package of documents. After successfully passing the exam, all that remains is to pay the state fee, take a photo, and then get a driver’s license.

To quickly obtain a driver's license, you can use the electronic service. The Unified Identification and Information System “Gosuslugi” service will help you achieve this goal.

Let’s assume that a citizen has a registered profile on the State Services website. Then he needs:

  1. Open the archive of available options and find the “Driver’s license” block there.
  2. Select the command “issuing a driver’s license...” with clarification.
  3. Fill out an application for obtaining a license electronically.
  4. Specify the place of issue of certificates for transport management. Usually at this stage you can immediately sign up with the traffic police or MFC for a specific date and time.
  5. Make payment for upcoming services.

All extracts are provided to the registration authority along with copies that are not subject to notarization.

How to pass a driving test

And now it's time for exams. Behind are long hours of theory, endless training on tickets, theoretical problem solving, long hours of driving around the city with accompanying debriefing. It would seem that everything has been studied, considered and memorized. All that remains is to pass the exams. No matter how prepared the test taker is, in his heart he asks the question “how to pass the driving test.” For any person, exam tests are stressful. A situation where it is necessary to mobilize all internal reserves and show the best result causes anxiety even in the most balanced person.

As experienced inspectors say, the rules for road users were written in blood. Each is not a thoughtless set of phrases, it is a real life situation that can happen in your life. In order to be ready for the exam, you need to delve into each question, imagine yourself in this place and understand why you need to act this way and not otherwise. When you understand the essence of each question, it will be much easier for you to understand and remember the correct actions.

In addition to absolutely confident knowledge of the rules and the ability to apply them on the roads, it is worth paying special attention to your internal state. Excessive nervousness, fear and uncertainty can do a disservice in passing the exam. Many drivers take a mild sedative before the test in order to calm the storm of emotions inside. There is no need to be afraid of the inspector. He only needs you to confidently and calmly carry out all his orders. If you are confident in your own abilities, then driving a car will even become a pleasant process. Sometimes you come across cunning examiners who may ask you to stop in the wrong place, but a solid knowledge of the rules will not allow you to make a mistake.

How many times can you take a driving test?

As you know, passing exams at the traffic police is divided into three stages: theory, race track and city. If you fail the first one, you will not be allowed to the next stage. If you fail the theory, you can retake the exam no earlier than in a week. If you fail to pass the theory three times in a row, the next test will become available only after a month. When a candidate driver has passed the theory, he is given six months to pass the race track and the city. If this fails, all tests will have to start over. So that the process does not drag on, after passing the theory and site, you should focus on how to pass the “city” to the traffic police.

Theoretically, the number of times you can retake the exam is not limited by the State Traffic Inspectorate, but for each attempt you will have to pay a state fee. Thus, the state seeks to increase the motivation of driver candidates and force them to be more responsible in their training. In the Russian Federation, driver's licenses of the established form are issued. The rights are valid for 10 years, after which they expire.

Useful tips

An exam is an exciting experience for most people, regardless of age. Any little thing can affect its result, so do not rely on your preparation alone - take into account all the nuances of passing the test.

  1. To avoid serious mistakes, you need to maintain emotional calm. Anyone who has taken a traffic police exam knows that completely grown people suddenly begin to behave inappropriately. Especially before driving. Shaking, trembling, nervous. In this state, it is impossible to pass your license without problems.
  2. If you see the exam as a game, you can calm down. Be prepared to fail and you will have a much better chance of passing the test.
  3. Do not take sedatives. By suppressing anxiety, they impair concentration, which negatively affects driving.
  4. Be sure to get enough sleep before the exam. Lack of sleep has a negative impact on your thinking abilities and reactions. And if you decide to cheer yourself up with strong coffee, your excitement will increase.
  5. Come to the exam early - 20-30 minutes before the start to avoid force majeure and not be late.
  6. Be impeccably polite to the inspectors, do not show your irritation or bad mood.
  7. For the exam, wear comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement and are breathable.
  8. Try to go in the first game. The sooner you take the exam, the better. Firstly, the inspectors are still full of energy and are not irritated by the mistakes of the examinees, and secondly, there are fewer traffic jams on the road in the morning.

On a note!
Women are not recommended to wear high-heeled shoes - they interfere with proper footwork with the control pedals. Flip-flops are also not suitable for important events; the best option is sneakers or boots.

Please note that the driving test must be carried out on the model of car in which you were trained. Therefore, find out in advance whether you will be given this opportunity. If you get behind the wheel of a car whose paddle shifters, pedals and clutch shift knob are different from those you are used to, there is a high risk that you will get confused and make mistakes.

Do not take passing the traffic police exam as an obstacle on your way to driving a car on your own. Make the most of your learning, preparation and testing process. Learn with pleasure, enjoy solving problems, online tests and driving lessons, your goal is not only to get a license, but also to become a good driver, confident and safe for others.

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Obtaining a driver's license these days is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. The fast pace of life makes you speed up. Big cities, wide streets, huge interchanges and six-lane intersections make it necessary to buy a car. Driving in Moscow, where traffic lanes are constantly being updated, requires maximum attention from the driver. Despite the fact that cities are overcrowded with vehicles, the ranks of drivers are growing every day. Study the rules of the road, pay attention to the driver’s responsibilities, and do not forget about the high level of responsibility, because driving a car is an activity with increased danger.

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