Rules for driving roundabouts (6 photos)

What is a roundabout

A roundabout, simply put, a circle or ring, is a section of the road where cars drive counterclockwise.
This principle applies in countries where roads are driven on the right side. Driving on the left means driving around the ring in the opposite direction, that is, clockwise. Traffic around the ring will continue until the car leaves this section of the road. Regulation of intersections of this type is not provided; traffic lights are not placed at them. Priority for entry and exit is determined by road signs and markings. When entering such an intersection, it is not necessary to turn on your turn signals. The driver should use the turn signal only if he is about to change lanes.

Note : often large roundabouts are located around squares and other areas of considerable size, and on them, in turn, pedestrian crossings are installed, which are not regulated in any way. Here, a driver moving along the roundabout must give way to a pedestrian who is crossing the road in this section.

Road signs in this area

The main confusion now occurs with the signs in front of the ring. The fact is that until a certain moment in front of this section there was only a sign 4.3 “Circular traffic” in the form of a blue circle with three white arrows directed against the clock. It meant (and still means) that cars on the ring let all cars entering the circle pass, that is, the rule of interference on the right applies. Accordingly, entering motorists can calmly and freely continue driving without slowing down.

However, the Government of the Russian Federation issued Resolution No. 316 of May 10, 2010, which allows the installation of signs 2.4 “Give way” and 2.5 “Driving without stopping is prohibited” . This means that in this case, cars moving around the ring have priority. In other words, a motorist entering a roundabout is required to slow down and let all vehicles moving around the roundabout pass, otherwise such a driver will become a violator. Then he can safely enter the intersection and move further along his lane to the desired exit.

In addition to the signs described above, there may also be sign 2.1 “Main Road” . Here, the one moving on the main road has the right to drive without letting anyone pass, and, accordingly, motorists driving on the secondary road stop and give way to him. The main direction is considered to be the one highlighted on the sign with a thick line.

Selecting a lane when passing through an intersection

The Code of Traffic Regulations does not contain a separate provision for entry into roundabouts.
However, paragraph 8.5 says that before changing the direction of your movement on a certain section of the road, that is, turning left or right, as well as making a U-turn in the opposite direction, you must first stand in the far right lane. The exception to this rule is those same roundabout intersections. That is, the motorist is not required to enter the roundabout from the right. He can enter there from any lane, but he must also enter the intersection according to the lane he occupies. In other words, when driving from the far left lane, the driver does not have the right to stand in the far right lane - this would be a gross violation and could provoke an emergency. In such a situation, most driving instructors say that the exit occurs into an equivalent lane.

If the number of lanes on the ring does not coincide with their number on the previous section of the road, the driver must perform a maneuver in advance by changing lanes to the desired lane. You can also change lanes later, that is, after entering the circle. Then it will be possible to enter the left lane only after letting other road users pass.

Which lane to turn into when driving around?

To drive through a ring section, you should not only understand the priorities and access signs to the section, but also understand the rules for crossing the rings. So, for a roundabout with several lanes, it is worth knowing when to go straight and not change lanes, and where to turn and prepare for the maneuver in advance, accompanying the actions with a turn signal. The determining factor in these maneuvers is the direction in which you need to travel.

In the traffic regulations, according to clause 8.5, entry is possible regardless of the occupied lane of the adjacent road.

However, there are some peculiarities here too:

  • the right outer lane is needed for movement and subsequent exit to the nearest road, as well as for driving straight;
  • for the lane on the left edge it is assumed to drive in the forward direction, as well as for turning in the opposite direction;
  • if there are three or more lanes, then the central ones mean driving straight ahead with sequential lane changes.

Once in front of the entrance to the roundabout, the driver is required to turn right, even if he does not need to turn into the nearest exit. Immediately after this, you are supposed to move along the roundabout with the turning light turned off. And you are supposed to turn on the left signal only if you are changing lanes to the left lane.

By the way, you can find yourself inside the ring almost immediately upon entering the strip. So you can occupy the middle or inner lane of the ring immediately after entering.

For an explanation of how to navigate the circular section of the road, watch the video. This will help in the future to avoid not only unnecessary expenses on fines, but also troubles as a result of a collision or communication with other road users in a raised voice.

To leave the roundabout and go in the right direction, you should first change lanes to the far right lane, and only then turn off the roundabout. In this case, you need to let those cars that are already moving in this lane pass. This is the main reason for accidents that occur at roundabouts.

Rules for driving around a roundabout

Before entering the ring section of the road, it is very important to follow the signs that define the traffic rules in this place. As mentioned above, before the roundabout there is a mandatory sign 4.3 “Roundabout”, there may be a sign 2.5 “No stopping”, 2.4 “Give way”, 2.1 “Main road”, as well as signs indicating which of the directions has the highest priority.

In most cases, this intersection implies that the ring is the main road, but other roads are not always of secondary importance. When moving around the ring, a motorist must drive in his own lane so as not to interfere with the movement of other vehicles and not provoke emergency situations on the road.

Right turn

The right turn maneuver at the roundabout must be performed by making sure that the cars driving in the neighborhood are ready to let you pass. You should change into the far right lane with the appropriate turn signal on, having first slowed down.

Left turn

When driving through a roundabout, you must turn left according to the rules. That is, before performing this maneuver, the driver must move his vehicle into the far left lane. If there are only two lanes at the roundabout, then you need to start the maneuver on the left, and upon reaching the desired exit, change into the right lane and make a turn.

Important : when turning, never forget to turn on the appropriate signal, this way you can at least avoid the dissatisfaction of other drivers, and at maximum prevent a collision.

To turn left at a roundabout with three lanes, you need to change lanes to the right twice. These actions require special care and attention. The road user must objectively assess the current situation in a particular area.

It is possible to overcome the ring section of the road using the described methods, unless signs or markings indicate a different driving order. By carefully looking around, you can easily understand who has priority on a particular road segment.

Go straight

Roundabouts often have adjacent roads, and there may be several of them. Based on this feature, the driver must determine the driving strategy and maneuver tactics. When the number of rows on the ring is more than two, preference should be given to the middle one. If there are two lanes on the road, then the choice should be made based on the current situation. When driving on the main road, you must make sure that other cars notice you and let you pass. If the road along which the vehicle is moving is of secondary importance, then the driver needs to stop and give way to all passers-by.

When driving through the ring road, you can stay in the right lane. But sometimes this behavior can somewhat complicate the movement of other cars. A vehicle moving in the middle row will need free space to maneuver to the right. Therefore, to avoid troubles, it is better to immediately occupy the central lane.

Before entering the ring road, the driver must stop and give way to all pedestrians.

About entering the roundabout

A rather painful topic is entering a roundabout. The traffic rules, it should be noted, do not separate roundabouts into any special group. Therefore, there are no separate rules for driving through such intersections, as well as entering them. When entering a roundabout, you should be guided by simple traffic rules, namely: the right-hand rule, road signs, road markings and, in some cases, traffic lights (traffic lights, it must be said, are installed on roundabouts quite rarely. But sometimes you can still see them).

If a roundabout has one-way exits, then you can enter the ring itself from any lane. However, often before intersections, and not only roundabouts, there are signs “Direction of traffic along the lane(s)”, or special markings are applied. In this case, of course, entry to the intersection must be carried out strictly in accordance with the markings or road signs.

Leaving the roundabout lane

Having understood how to enter a roundabout and how to drive through it, it is time to figure out how to exit it. Every driver knows that you need to exit the roundabouts only in the far right lane. Having assessed the situation, the driver must let all the cars driving to his right pass, and then he can change into the next lane.

Important : you can enter the roundabout from any lane, but you can exit from it only from the rightmost lane.

Among other things, the ring road is notable for the fact that overtaking is allowed in this section. In addition, the car must stop no closer than 5 meters before the junction of the intersection with the main roadway.

The video contains all the details about the rules for driving through intersections.

Responsibility and fines for driving incorrectly at an intersection

A driver who violates traffic rules at a roundabout is guaranteed to receive a fine. Traffic police officers set the amount of payment depending on the offense itself and any of its features. Having entered the ring road at a red traffic light, a citizen will be required to pay a fine of 1,000 rubles , and if he repeatedly violates this prohibition, the payment will increase to 5,000 rubles . Sometimes, as a second punishment, the court may deprive the driver of his license for a period of 4 to 6 months.

In addition to this violation, a law enforcement official may impose a fine on the driver in the following cases:

  • driving a car in the oncoming lane;
  • if the motorist does not give way to a vehicle traveling on the main road;
  • if the car stopped on a ring section of the road;
  • if during the maneuver of changing lanes the motorist did not turn on the turn signal;
  • when leaving the roundabout not from the far right lane.

When a violator does not provide priority on the ring road, a traffic police officer may issue a fine for various reasons. Thus, a driver who prevents other road users from entering a roundabout intersection in a place where there are no road signs is subject to a fine of 1,000 rubles . The same amount will be paid by a violator who ignores these signs that are installed in front of the intersection.

A motorist will lose his driver's license if he violates the direction of driving in a circle. It is worth remembering that cars move counterclockwise along the ring road.

According to the updated rules of conduct on the road, you can only stand at a roundabout in front of the roadway being crossed, that is, 5 meters before leaving the roundabout. If a motorist violates this rule, he will pay a fine of 500 rubles.

To summarize, we can say that at a roundabout it is important to be extremely careful and follow traffic rules as closely as possible. The most important thing is to choose the right lanes for maneuvers.

Fines for non-compliance with the rules for driving around the ring

If the violation does not lead to an accident, the driver will only get off with a fine or deprivation of his license.

In this situation the penalty is:

  • if sign 4.3 (or priority signs) is ignored for 1000 rubles;
  • if the rules of maneuvering are violated (failure to comply with marking regulations, forgetting to give turn signals) – 500 rubles;
  • if you managed to drive in a circle clockwise – 5,000 rubles or confiscation of your driver’s license for 4-6 months;
  • breaking through the circle at a red light costs 1000 rubles.

Repeated violations double the amount or threaten with deprivation of the certificate for up to a year. In the event of an accident, the punishment is determined by the immediate circumstances.

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