How to get a driver's license through the military registration and enlistment office?

Not all Russians know that the state provides the opportunity to study for a license from the military registration and enlistment office completely free of charge. Naturally, in return you must drive military transport during military service. Well, for some this is a good way to make the most of their time in the army, but for others, perhaps this is the only chance to get a license due to their poor financial situation. So information on how to get a license through the military registration and enlistment office will definitely be useful.

What is training for a license from the military registration and enlistment office?

According to federal law, any citizen of Russia liable for military service has the right to voluntarily undergo pre-army training and obtain a specialty, among which is a driver’s – it must be said that it is necessary and in demand. So the answer to the frequently asked question “is it possible to take a driving test in the army?” not as straightforward as it might seem.

The whole process - both studying for a driver's license and passing the state exam at the traffic police - is no different from the procedure for civilian future drivers. The driver's license itself is no different - the only one available to soldiers is the opening of categories that allow them to drive passenger buses several years earlier, but after demobilization "in civilian life" they will still have to wait for the age required by law.

However, the future driver will not have to choose the driving school itself - the military registration and enlistment office will take care of this, sending him to one of the divisions of the state DOSAAF.

Formally, you can get a license to drive 3 types of vehicles: cars (category B), trucks (C) and buses (D). But, as a rule, in most cases, the future serviceman will be sent to learn the basics of driving trucks - these are the ones in the army most of all and, accordingly, drivers are needed to drive them. If you are given a referral to study for another category (or for all at once), know that you are incredibly lucky.

Necessary documents for studying and passing exams

The first step in obtaining a referral for training is registration with the district military registration and enlistment office and writing an application addressed to the boss.

After approval of the request of the person liable for military service, it is necessary to collect a package of documents:

  1. original and copy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (copy of the main page and registration);
  2. direction received from the head of the military commissariat;
  3. a certificate of residence, which can be obtained at the MFC;
  4. conclusion of the draft commission on the health status of the young man;
  5. 2 photographs as for a passport (3 by 4);
  6. The driving school will issue you a form for writing an application for training.

After completing the training, the conscript will receive a certificate confirming the completed driver's license courses at the driving school. This paper is not a document that gives the right to drive. Therefore, with this certificate and some other documents you need to come to the traffic police:

  • original passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • certificate of health status.

And only after passing the traffic police exam and upon reaching the age of majority, the conscript will receive a driver’s license, which is valid for 10 years.

Is studying for a driver's license free when directed by the military registration and enlistment office?

Yes and no. On the one hand, you won’t have to pay for the driving school itself – these expenses will be reimbursed by the state. On the other hand, you will have to spend money on passing a medical commission, purchasing educational material, paying state fees before the exam at the State Traffic Inspectorate - and we have not yet mentioned the traditional fees for which all government institutions are famous. So you will still have to spend a certain amount - count on 3-4 thousand rubles at least.

How to choose a driving school

Training of young men in the direction of the military registration and enlistment office takes place only in subordinate schools:

  • DOSAAF is a voluntary society for the promotion of aviation, army and navy. This is a government agency that provides driving school training strictly within the framework of an approved program from the Ministry of Defense.
  • ROSTO – Russian Defense Sports and Technical Organization. It is accredited and can conduct training for future conscripts. During the classes, not only standard driving of vehicles is practiced, but also skills for extreme, force majeure situations are developed.

It is recommended to choose a DOSAAF school for training, because it studies several areas at once - the technical structure of the engine, car repair in the event of an emergency breakdown, standard traffic rules and the general principle of operation of the vehicle. DOSAAF is an opportunity to gain practical knowledge regarding specialized military equipment.

Most often, military registration and enlistment offices give a referral to study at a specific school, but if you are offered a choice, then you should pay attention to the first option - you will receive almost universal rights that will be useful for serving in the army.

Who can study with a referral from the military registration and enlistment office?

As we have already mentioned, the state pays for training not out of the goodness of its heart, but solely for the purpose of using the newly minted driver for the needs of the army. Accordingly, there are certain requirements for those who can receive a referral.

For training you need:

  • be of military age, have no health problems that could interfere with both military service and driving;
  • not have any deferments from the army (for example, in connection with training);
  • have no criminal records or open criminal cases.

Meeting the requirements is one thing, but the military registration and enlistment office decides to issue a referral to study at a driving school solely on its own, and everyone who wants to get a license will not be able to. Therefore, situations are possible when the required number of future drivers for army needs has already been recruited and there is no more room for those who want it, or the military registration and enlistment office didn’t like you for some reason. Naturally, in the same way, no one can force you to go learn driving in the direction of the military registration and enlistment office, if you don’t want it, they won’t persuade you either - there’s usually no end to those who want to.

Is it possible to get a driver's license in the army?

Obtaining a driver's specialty at the expense of the state is available only to conscripts. Agree, it is very wasteful to spend part of a year of service on driving training; the army not only needs drivers, but there are also plenty of people willing to get a license.

Therefore, through the military registration and enlistment office, you can learn to drive a vehicle only before being drafted into the ranks of conscripts. It is impossible to pass your license while in the army. Naturally, the military commissariat will not send anyone in the reserve to a driving school.

Is it mandatory to serve in the army after obtaining a license through the military registration and enlistment office?

As we already wrote above, the requirements for a candidate to become an army driver include the absence of medical contraindications and deferments. But, theoretically, conscription can be avoided if, during or after finishing your studies at a driving school, you are diagnosed with an illness that is incompatible with service (but not with driving) or you suddenly enter a university. However, often such moments, or rather, sanctions for them, are prescribed in the contract with the military registration and enlistment office or driving school (you may have to pay the full cost of training), so carefully read what they give you to sign.

Where do rights holders go?

Typically, those who have fully completed such training are sent to serve as drivers. But this is not the only factor that influences the branch of the military into which a particular person falls. There are many other indicators that influence the issue. Additional checks are carried out during distribution. Data regarding the current state of health is accumulated and systematized, and the fitness category may change.

In addition, the following must be taken into account:

  1. Physical and mental development.
  2. Psychological, moral characteristics.
  3. Education.
  4. Professional training.
  5. Family status.

In addition, the sources of information are organizations where the citizen works or undergoes an education program. Psychological research and personal conversations are also important.

Commissariats most often give referrals to special institutions where they are trained specifically for the conditions of military service. We have already mentioned ROSTO and DOSAAF, which exist in every region.

DOSAAF schools are considered the best in terms of driver education. They provide the most serious training in terms of skills and knowledge and produce real professionals.

Students study several areas at once:

  • Standard rules of the road.
  • Engine structure.
  • The principle of operation and functions of transport.
  • Carrying out repairs in case of emergency breakdown.

The training is carried out precisely for the purpose of making the skills later useful during military service. Not only modern developments in training programs are used, but also the latest versions of specialized equipment.

Simulators, computers and equipment - all this is available to any category of students. DOSAAF schools introduce special charters and internal regulations on their territory.

  • If several violations are committed, the likelihood of being expelled increases.
  • It is possible to organize training both in the evening and during the day.

Where can they be sent to serve after receiving their license through the military registration and enlistment office?

The answer to this question is anywhere. All branches of the military have transport and, accordingly, people who know how to operate them are needed. Moreover, there is no guarantee that, having received your license through the military registration and enlistment office, you will even sit behind the wheel in the army - where you end up depends on many factors.

What needs to be done to obtain a license through the military registration and enlistment office:

  • Of course, you need to register with the military. In Russia, this happens in high school, upon reaching the age of 16 - the educational institution itself organizes this process. But those who left school at the end of the 9th grade must independently visit the military registration and enlistment office. The result of this procedure will be the receipt of a registration certificate;
  • Upon reaching the age of 17, express to the military registration and enlistment office a desire not only to undergo military service, but also to prepare for it by becoming a driver;
  • Pass a medical examination, and you must obtain two certificates: a general one for all potential conscripts and a special one for those wishing to obtain a driver’s license;
  • After you have successfully passed all medical specialists and received a positive conclusion, you should write an application for a specialty at the military registration and enlistment office and wait for the completion of the formation of training groups - this process will be completed no later than 10 days before the start of classes;
  • When the groups have already been formed, you will need to arrive at the driving school on the specified date and time with a package of documents: passport, registration certificate, medical certificate, two 3x4 photos and written permission from one of the parents, if you are under 18 years old;
  • Complete 3-4 months of training, upon completion, pass an exam at the State Traffic Inspectorate and become the proud owner of a license, which can then be used after military service.

We hope everything works out for you.

Preferential program for future soldiers

A large number of young guys of military age are wondering how to get a driver’s license and be a driver, and not trample the parade ground underfoot. The vehicle operation training service itself is not a cheap pleasure, given that in addition to theory, you also need a car to practice practical techniques.

Passing testing and training with the help of the military commissariat is an excellent opportunity to learn to drive and get a license, paying, at the same time, a much lower amount than in civilian life.

Male Russian citizens who have reached the age of 17 can receive a referral; for this they will need to write an application. However, one should not think that such benefits are provided to everyone. The decision is made by a special meeting that takes into account various factors.

What is this training plan:

  • the conscript studies the “insides” of the internal combustion engine, which will subsequently make it possible to carry out simple repairs;
  • issuance of a category C driver’s license (in some situations there are two categories at once, B and C);
  • service as a driver.

Regardless of the fact that the future driver can begin training at the age of 17, a license will be issued only upon reaching the age of majority. After the training process is completed, potential drivers undergo testing, divided into 2 parts: practice and theory.

During the theoretical part, knowledge regarding traffic rules and the technical condition of the vehicle is tested. The internship includes exercises at the training ground, which were practiced at the race track; in addition, the behavior of the new driver in the urban environment and on the highway is tested. This type of driver's license is identical to the same one that is issued in “civilian” driving schools and has exactly the same validity.

Where are they assigned after graduation?

If a conscript receives a driver’s license from a DOSAAF or ROSTO school, then this fact is necessarily reflected in his personal file. At the time of conscription into the army, unit commanders study the personal file of each young man and can give him the right to choose - applications for distribution points for drivers are regularly received by them in a large “assortment”.

More on InDrive.Net:

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Having a license from the military registration and enlistment office means there is a 98% chance that an employee will work as a driver. If a conscript has a certificate in his possession that he can operate specialized military equipment, then he is a priority for different types of troops - from engineering to airborne forces.

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