Vip Style Customs

Pneumatic tires are considered an important element of the wheels of any vehicle. They stand on the rim and create full contact with the track. When the car is driving, the tire neutralizes swaying, as well as vibrations from driving over depressions, holes, hills and other obstacles. This is how the pneumatics of the tire create comfort and safety. Today, various types of tires are produced, differing in materials, chemical composition, and performance characteristics. The tires have different tread patterns, which provides maximum traction on different surfaces.

Tire pneumatics - what is it?

Pneumatic wheels: what they are is of interest to every motorist. Pneumatics are one of the main components of the vehicle chassis. During use, pneumatic wheels create not only high-quality traction with the road surface, but also the transmission of traction and brakes, neutralization of manifestations when moving a car, maneuverability and driving safety, dynamics and smoothness, cross-country ability in different road conditions. In addition, the pneumatics of the wheel affect fuel consumption and noise generation. Tires can be divided by:

Pneumatic tire

  • Areas of use;
  • sealing technique;
  • design features;
  • profile drawing;
  • tread pattern;
  • climate applications;
  • weight, size.

By use, tires can be divided into:

  • Wheels for passenger cars (Gosstandart 4754), which are used on passenger cars, light trucks, mini-buses and trailer structures.
  • Pneumatics for trucks (Gosstandart 5513), installed on trucks, trailer structures for them, buses and trolleybuses.
  • Tires for trucks with adjustable pressure (Gosstandart 13298), used on trucks with all-wheel drive, used on soil and in conditions where there is no asphalt road.

According to the sealing method, they are available with or without a chamber.
The pneumatic kit includes:

  • For inner tube products of passenger cars - a tire, a tube with a valve equipped with a mini-cap or a key-cap.
  • For tube products of trucks - a tire, a tube with a valve device and a rim tape.
  • For tubeless cars and trucks - a tire and valve mechanism located in the rim.


Radial tire

  • A tire is the shell of a pneumatic product that fully absorbs the forces that occur when a car moves.
  • The chamber is a sealed torus-shaped soft shell that is filled with gas or air.
  • The valve part of a tube or tubeless tire is a recirculating air valve required to inflate, contain, deflate air and create pressure control inside.
  • Rim-tape is a rubber ring located between the sides of the product, the inner tube and the wheel rim. Rim tape is used on truck inner tubes to protect the inner tubes from “injury.”

On a note!

According to the structural structure of tires, there are diagonal and radial.

In the first, the cord threads of the carcass intersect in touching layers and have a fiber inclination angle in the center of the treadmill of approximately 45-60°. This arrangement of cord threads is called diagonal.

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In the second tires, the cord threads in all carcass layers in the middle of the tread have an inclination angle of about 0°, that is, the cord fibers in the contacting layers run parallel to each other or intersect at a slight slope.

This arrangement of cord threads is called radial.

According to the climate version, pneumatics are:

  • For moderate climatic conditions, used at a temperature of at least minus 45 °C.
  • Frost-resistant tires required for work in areas with temperatures less than minus 45 °C.
  • Products for tropical climatic conditions, made from materials that are moisture resistant and can withstand high temperatures.

According to standard size, pneumatics are divided into:

  • Overall - with a profile width of 35 cm (14″) or more, regardless of the landing diameter.
  • Medium in size - with a profile width of 20-35 cm (7-13″) and a landing diameter of at least 45.7 cm (18″).
  • Small-sized - with a profile width of less than 20 cm (7″).


A specialist will help you select a pneumatic wheel to complete. If you don’t have experience, it’s difficult to choose on your own.


(Greek πνεῦμα, initially - blow, inhaled air, breath, later - spirit, from πνέω - blow, breathe) - a term of ancient Greek philosophy and medicine.
Natural philosophers of the 6th century. BC. used to designate the element “air” (Pherecydes from Syros A 8; Anaximenes B 2; “endless pneuma” inhaled by the cosmos, in Pythagoreanism - 58 B 30). The beginning of the spiritualization of pneuma was laid by the identification of air-pneuma with the substance of the soul (psyche) in the tradition of Anaximenes
Diogenes of Apollonian
, who also first recorded the idea of ​​vital breath-pneuma moving in the veins along with blood; This idea then penetrated both the Hippocratic (Kos) school, which localized the source of pneuma in the brain, and the Sicilian school of doctors, which localized the source of pneuma in the heart. Through the mediation of the Sicilian natural philosopher Philistion from Locr between 370 and 360 BC. it was perceived by Plato and Aristotle (Aristotle distinguished two types of pneuma: pneuma as inhaled air that regulates body temperature, and psychic pneuma, constantly evaporating from the blood), developed by Erasistratus in the 3rd century. BC. and through the school of pneumatic doctors of the 1st century. BC. (who explained all life activity by streams of pneuma flowing from the heart) and Galen (who understood pneuma as a substance-mediator between soul and body, used by the soul as an instrument of sensory cognition and bodily movements) reached the New Age in the form of the idea of ​​“vital spirits” (spiritus vitales) in the blood and nerves - in Andrei Vesalius and Descartes.

In Stoicism, pneuma is the subtlest and most mobile substance (in Chrysippus - a mixture of fire and air, SVF II 310), identified with the pancosmic immanent deity, “permeating” the cosmos with vital breath and uniting it into a complete organism, like the soul - the body, but differing at the same time degree of intensity (τόνος), or tension. Hierarchy of tensions: 1) the lowest level (habitus), imparting unity to inorganic bodies; 2) “nature” (φύσις), causing plant growth; 3) animal soul (psyche); 4) reason ( logos

) (SVF II 458–462; see also
Sympathy cosmic
Each pneumatic system has its own, τὸ ἡγεμονικόν), connected to the periphery of the body by pneuma flows and at the microcosmic level located in a person’s heart, at the macrocosmic level - in the ether
(in Zeno of Citius and Chrysippus SVF II 642–644) or the sun (in Cleanthes SVF 1499).
The complete spiritualization of pneuma occurs among Hellenistic Judaism at the turn of our era: already in the “Book of the Wisdom of Solomon” pneuma expresses the direct intervention of God in world history; Philo of Alexandria calls pneuma the “divine spirit” - the highest part of the human soul (Leg. Alleg. 1, 37), as well as the principle of super-rational prophetic knowledge bestowed by God. Plutarch associates pneuma with the irrational faculties of the soul and the oracular mantica (Def. Or. 432d). In Gnosticism and Hermeticism, pneuma often acts as a mediator: in space - between light and darkness, the “high” and “down” world; in a person - between body and soul (air shell of the soul, cf. Quintessence
- astral body).
For alchemists, pneuma is a mysterious force that can be mastered to achieve a specific goal (for example, transforming metals into gold; cf. “spiritus mundi” of Agrippa of Nettesheim). For Neoplatonists, it is a mediator of the material and immaterial, the shell of the soul, protecting it from a defiling touch of the body ( Plotinus
, Enneads II 2, 2) and from direct contact with the material world during sensory perception (the soul perceives the imprints of bodies on the pneumatic shell).

In Christian theology, Πνεῦμα Ἅγων is the Holy Spirit, the 3rd person of the Trinity.


1. Leisegang N.

Pneuma Hagion. Der Ursprung des Geistbegriffs der sinoptischen Evangelien aus der griechischen Mystik. Lpz., 1922;

2. Verbeke G.

L'évolution de la doctrine du pneuma du stoïcisme à St. Augustin. Louvain-P., 1945;

3. Saake H.

Pneuma. – RE, Suppl., Bd. 14, 1974, col. 387–412;

4. Verbeke G.

Ritter J.
Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie, Bd. 3, Geist, II. Basel, 1974, cols. 157–162.


Pneumatics for cars

Tire tread
New pneumatic tires and tires for passenger cars vary in design.


  • The frame part is the base of the product, which consists of one or several layers covered with cord rubber, usually attached to bead rings. Cord is a material that consists of dense warp threads and the finest rare fibers created on the basis of synthetics or natural materials, or thin threads made of steel (metal cord).
  • Breaker is an element inside the tire, located between the frame and tread parts, including several layers of rubber cord made of metal or other material. A breaker is needed to protect the tire from overloads that occur when the car is moving along the highway.
  • Tread pattern is a part of a wheel product made of rubber on the outside, usually embossed, creating traction with the road and protecting the frame from deformation.
  • Sidewall is a cover rubber layer located on the side wall of the tire, protecting the frame part from deformation and “injury”.
  • The bead of the product is a rigid component of the pneumatic that secures it to the wheel rim.


According to seasonality, products can be divided into those used in summer, winter and friction (all-season). The purpose of a tire according to seasonality is distinguished by its tread pattern.

There is no microscopic pattern on summer products. However, there are pronounced grooves here. They are required so that water can flow through them in bad weather. This allows you to get maximum grip. Winter season tires are distinguished by thin grooves on the tread pattern. These grooves give the tire elasticity and provide traction even on icy roads. Friction tires withstand summer heat and frost well. However, the all-season performance is very mediocre.


Used pneumatic tires must be disposed of.

Types of air suspensions

There are three main types of air suspensions: single-circuit, double-circuit and four-circuit. Below is more detail about each of them.

Single-circuit air suspension requires installation on only one axle (front or rear). This system is widely used on trucks and is installed on the rear axle. This suspension not only makes driving more comfortable, but also softens road imperfections.

Double-circuit air suspension. Mounted on two axles, or on one axle, but one circuit per wheel.

The four-circuit air suspension is considered the most complex and at the same time the most effective compared to the others. Each wheel receives a pneumatic cushion (support), which allows you to adjust its position regardless of the position of the other wheels. The pressure in the pneumatic system is controlled by an electronic unit.

What cars are pneumatic wheels suitable for?

Off-road driving
Pneumatic tires dampen vibrations from obstacles on the road and create high-quality contact between the wheel and the road. Due to pneumatics, slipping in mud is reduced and damage during movement is reduced. Rubber creates passability in difficult situations.

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Pneumatics are popular tires; they are found on many off-road cars and buses. They are also used on specialized vehicles, in particular on loaders.

Depending on the presence or absence of a chamber in the internal part, all pneumatics can be chambered or without it.

Despite the fact that pneumatics are in demand among specialized types of equipment, they are not always used. It is more optimal to use it in places where there are uneven stone coverings. But you need to at least limit the risk of a tire puncture: there should be no boards with nails, broken glass, rebar sticking out of the ground, and so on on the organization’s territory.

Vip Style Customs

Air suspension has been used on trucks and buses for several decades, where it primarily plays the role of a mass compensator, levels the vehicle in the event of an asymmetrical load and prevents sagging, allowing for normal ground clearance both when the vehicle is empty and when loaded.

Over time, air suspension began to be installed on business-class passenger cars, and craftsmen began to independently install air suspension on their cars.

Firms have appeared that are professionally engaged in the production of pillows, receivers, high-pressure hoses and other components necessary for converting cars to air suspension, the design of which does not initially provide for such solutions.

Air suspension - not only landing

SUV owners quickly realized . The off-road use of air suspension allows you to quickly increase and decrease the ground clearance, and correct the ground clearance during uneven loading (for example, there is an ATV or a refrigerator in the trunk of your pickup truck), thanks to which the vehicle’s driving qualities are maintained both on a flat road and off-road.

The air suspension allows you to adjust the height of the off-road vehicle over a wide range.

Air suspension installation restrictions

Many people wonder: how does air suspension behave on an SUV ? Is she afraid of dirt? We answer: no, the air suspension is not afraid of dirt. Only the compressor, control unit and other electronics are sensitive to it. But all this is located in the cabin (trunk) of the car and is not exposed to dangerous external influences.

The high-pressure cushions and hoses are completely sealed and are not susceptible to dirt.

Off-road air suspension resource

Off-road air suspension systems are fundamentally no different from road systems, and their service life during normal operation is approximately the same - about 60,000 kilometers are guaranteed, if we are talking about the right American air suspension.

Air suspension on an SUV

However, it is worth keeping in mind the fact that when driving on classic off-road conditions, when the suspension is constantly operating at maximum ranges, the service life of the airbags may be reduced. Therefore, for trophy raids, trials and constant extreme off-road conditions, a spring (spring) suspension will be preferable.

If you plan to drive off-road from time to time, and most of the time you operate your car on asphalt and dirt roads, then pneuma is for you.

Differences between off-road pneuma and passenger air

Despite the fundamental absence of differences, they still exist. First of all, they are due to large suspension travel. On a passenger car with short travel, “single donut” type airbags are most often sufficient, but on an SUV it is necessary to install a double or even triple donut.

Universal Air air springs for Jeep Wrangler

For this objective reason, the cost of the set increases, because such pillows are more expensive.

see also

What is air suspension

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