Car brands with icons and names. List of famous car brands in alphabetical order

Karl Benz history of the creation of the car.

Benz created his first car, the Motorwagen, in 1885. Despite its outward primitiveness, it was the first three-wheeled carriage with a gasoline engine and steering. Displacement of a single-cylinder engine with a power of 0.9 hp. was 954 cubic cm, the maximum speed of the crew was 16 km/h. If initially the car did not receive recognition in Germany, then at the exhibition in Paris the invention was appreciated. Benz's wife, in turn, also carried out a kind of advertising campaign, covering the distance by car from Mannheim to Pforzheim and back. Thanks to an unplanned 106 km rally, Bertha Benz was able to demonstrate to the world that her husband's invention was a fairly reliable and fast vehicle. For the period from 1886 to 1893 Benz's company sold 25 Motorwagen models. Continuing to improve his cars, Benz designed in 1893 a four-wheeled Victoria car, the engine power of which was already 3 hp and the speed was up to 20 km/h. During the year, 45 cars were sold. A year later, a new model of the Velo car appeared, which hosted the first Paris-Rouen auto race. This car was the predecessor of the Comfortable car, which later became widespread. In 1885, Benz became the founder of the first automobile company and launched serial production of cars. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Benz I Co company found itself in a difficult financial situation, as a result of which Benz left the company (1903). Only in 1905, with a new designer, Hans Nibel, the company again achieved success.


The Audi brand appeared due to the fact that 4 car companies merged into a giant concern, which is reflected in the logo. Audi car models meet all possible requirements and deserve the title “Quality Mark”. The line of eleven models will soon be expanded by seven more. The demand for them allows the concern to increase production volumes, combining the best characteristics with exquisite design.

Audi Q7 model in its basic configuration costs from 4,000,000 rubles . Audi A3 Sportback – from 1,700,000 rubles.

Moscow addresses of official Audi sales showrooms: Leningradskoye Shosse, 63B; Nikolskaya, 10; Marshala Proshlyakova, 13; MKAD 18 km outer side; Mikhailovsky Prospekt, 3; Warsaw highway, 91A.

Audi awning

Gottlieb Daimler's car.

At the same time as Benz, another German engineer, G. Daimler, known as the inventor of the internal combustion engine, designed his car. Daimler's four-wheeled carriage was equipped with a gasoline engine with a power of 1.5 hp. and had a belt drive. Maximum speed is 16 km/h. This was a sample car, and Daimler created the first original car with his assistant V. Maybach and demonstrated it at the Paris exhibition. A year later, they became the founders of the DMG company, which was initially involved in the production of gasoline internal combustion engines used on land, in the air and on water. The company logo was a star with three rays. After 2 years, the first car was sold. Soon Maybach left the company, and in 1893 Daimler also left DMG. In 1894, together with his son and Maybach, Daimler developed the Phoenix engine, the license for it, along with the Daimler brand, was sold to the Englishman Frederick Simms.

Other car brands from Germany

Since cars made in Germany are a symbol of quality all over the world, it is necessary to pay attention to other well-known manufacturers from this country:

  1. The Audi brand icons reflect the merger of the four companies. This is expressed through four chrome rings. The second decoding of the symbol is the designation of car wheels.
  2. Designers from Opel settled on a kind of “lightning”, indicating the speed and swiftness of the vehicle. The original versions of the logo also included the word “blitz”, which was then removed from the overall concept.
  3. For the Volkswagen company, the logo was designed by Xavier Raimspies for a prize of one hundred marks. It represents the original arrangement of the letters W and V.

Maybach and Mercedes car.

In 1899, Maybach designed the Phoenix-Daimler, but work was suspended due to technical problems. However, E. Jellinek managed to convince Maybach and in 1901 the Mercedes-35Р5 was introduced to the world, which became the basis for the most successful cars in the history of DMG that were subsequently released. The inventor named his invention after Jellinek's daughter. The car had a 4-cylinder engine (5913 cm3) and rear drive wheels. Despite the competition between both inventors, the financial crisis in Germany forced DMG and Benz & Cie to merge in 1926. Initially, the concern was named Daimler-Benz AG, later - Mercedes-Benz. The company logo was Daimler's three-pointed star, surrounded by a laurel branch, borrowed from the Benz emblem. The founder of the automobile industry, Karl Benz, died in 1929. By this time, a Mercedes car with a 35 hp engine, radiator, mechanical drive and body was becoming increasingly popular.

USA made machines

Car brands with badges in the form of the letter T, transformed into a sword configuration, belong to the company that produces the most famous electric car. It is named after the Serbian physicist Nikola Tesla.

The logo of the popular American brand Pontiac features a red arrow, which is located between a pair of impressive air intakes.

The Chrysler badge contains an image of peculiar wings, emphasizing the speed and strength of the cars produced. The corporation has been operating since 1924 and includes a number of well-known automobile brands.

The Cadillac logo looks stylish. In the center of the nameplate is the family coat of arms of the founding family, who were one of the founders of the industrial capital of the United States, Detroit.

There is information that the emblem for the Chevrolet brand was chosen by the owner of the corporation, William Derant, copying it from a pattern on wallpaper in one of the hotels in France.

Chief designers of the concern.

Initially, the chief designer of the concern was F. Porsche, who took Mercedes as the basis for future cars. The concern began producing Mercedes-Benz cars. Soon Porsche left the company, the place of the leading designer was taken by Hans Nibel, under whom the Mannheim-370, Mercedes-Benz-770, Nurburg-500 were released. In 1935, G. Nibel was replaced by Max Zaller. The merit of the new designer was the inexpensive 170V car and the car, for the first time equipped with a diesel engine, the 260D. All three leading designers contributed to the fact that the concern began to conquer the market, and Mercedes-Benz is becoming increasingly popular. After the war, Daimler-Benz AG became the country's largest manufacturer. In 1953, the concern released the Mercedes-Benz 180, a little later - the 220 and 300 series. At the same time, the company's designers are also developing sports cars. In 1951, the Mercedes-Benz 300S was released, in 1954, the Mercedes-Benz 300SL and Mercedes-Benz 190SL.

German cars

The Mercedes-Benz car brand specializes in the production of passenger cars of various classes, as well as trucks and buses. The logo uses three rays in the form of a star placed in a circle. These elements symbolize superiority on land, in water and in the air, since the company also produces power units for aviation and water transport.

The Bavarian automobile corporation BMW began its activities by producing products for the flight industry. In this regard, initially there was a propeller on the nameplate of the enterprise. Then a circle with a wide black border appeared. The internal part of the logo is divided into four sectors in a checkerboard pattern (a couple of sections are blue, and the other two parts are silver). In the first case, the colors symbolize the Bavarian flag, and the silver shades symbolize steel.

Ferdinand Porsche's car.

After Ferdinand Porsche left Daimler-Benz AG, he created the famous company Dr. Ing. hc F. Porsche AG. Soon (1933). he created the Model 32, which formed the basis of the first Volkswagen Beetle. Under his leadership, the first Volkswagen assembly line appeared in Wolfsburg in 1938. In 1948, based on Volkswagen, Porsche's son created the first Porsche car with an engine power of 50 hp and a speed of up to 160 km/h. In the summer of 1948, the first production Porsche 356 was released, the engine power of which was 35 hp, the engine capacity was 1.1 liters, and later new, more powerful modifications appeared. Porsche Carrera 2 with a 2 liter engine, 130 hp. became the basis for the creation of a special original Porsche design.

German for the Germans: the most popular cars in Germany in May

The leaders in the German automobile market, traditionally, are local brands - the TOP 5 most popular car brands are represented exclusively by German brands. Volkswagen, Audi, Mercedes, Opel and BMW hold the top five both at the end of May and since the beginning of this year. Rotation occurred only in the fourth and fifth positions - in May, Opel managed to surpass BMW in terms of sales - 21,254 versus 21,119 cars, respectively.

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Volkswagen, as before, remains in the first position in popularity among brands - in May, 55.5 thousand cars were handed over to customers, and in January-May, 282.5 thousand models found their owners. The diesel scandal somewhat slowed down the development of Volkswagen, but this did not affect the balance of power in the German market.

The most popular car brands in Germany in May and January-May 2020:

No. May№ 2016BrandSales MaySales 2016Change MayChange 2016Share MayShare 2016

The second and third positions in popularity among the brands are occupied by Audi and Mercedes, the total number of sales of which is less than that of the market leader. Audi sold 26.7 thousand cars in May (+15.8%), and Mercedes - 25.1 thousand (+5.6). Opel and BMW are not too inferior to them - 21.3 (+25.9%) and 21.1 (+14.8%) thousand sales, respectively.

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The German market bestseller Volkswagen Golf sold 20,772 units in May (-2.5%). This model is so popular that it outsells any of its three closest competitors by more than three times. Sales of the Volkswagen Passat amounted to 6,601 units (-4.3%), Volkswagen Polo – 6,363 units (+11.7%), and Audi A3 – 6,046 units (+32.7%).

The most popular cars in Germany in May and January-May 2016:

No. May№ 2016ModelSales MaySales 2016Change MayChange 2016Share MayShare 2016
11Volkswagen Golf20.772106.937-2,50%-4,90%7,60%8,10%
22Volkswagen Passat6.60136.366-4,30%-4,60%2,40%2,80%
33Volkswagen Polo6.36330.99611,70%6,90%2,30%2,40%
44Audi A36.04629.02932,70%9,00%2,20%2,20%
57Audi A45.87725.07745,10%20,40%2,20%1,90%
69Opel Corsa5.47323.99370,00%9,40%2,00%1,80%
75Mercedes C Class5.34926.8878,00%2,80%2,00%2,00%
812Volkswagen Touran5.28822.03871,40%13,30%1,90%1,70%
96Opel Astra5.20426.58312,50%29,60%1,90%2,00%
1014Skoda Fabia4.66219.94731,50%15,60%1,70%1,50%

In May, the popularity of the Volkswagen Touran compact van increased significantly, sales of which increased by 71.4% and amounted to 5,288 units. The Opel Corsa supermini showed an increase of 70% - 5,473 sales, and the Audi A4 model sold 5,877 units - an increase of 45.1%.

Not all countries can boast of stable sales growth and consistency of tastes. For example, in Iran, the local population buys morally and technically outdated cars for lack of funds and choice, while the British prefer to drive compact cars of American and German brands.

BMW history.

Heinrich Erhardt was one of the first car creators in Germany. In 1904, he began producing Dixi cars, which were copies of the English Austin Seven. Over time, he decided to design his own cars. It was with the appearance of its own Dixi 3/15 PS car in 1927 that the history of BMW began. The company released its second own car (BMW Wartburg) in 1930. Before the war, the company developed 3 more cars: BMW 303, BMW 326 Cabriolet, BMW 328 roadster. After the war, the company began producing cars only in the 50s. Due to expensive production, the first post-war models (BMW 501, 502, 503) were not successful. The company's success was brought by the compact BMW Isetta 250 and its more powerful model, the BMW Isetta 300.

German car brands.


The German one was founded in Frankfurt am Main in 1880, its founder was Heinrich Kleier. Initially, the company was engaged in the production of typewriters and bicycles. Read more "


In 1883, based on his bicycle workshop, Karl Benz created the company Benz & Cie. It was here that the famous first automobile appeared in 1885. It was a three-wheeled vehicle with spoked wheels and rubber hoops. Read more "


The history of BMW begins in 1922, when the Viennese banker Castiglioni became the owner of two Munich companies (Bayerische Flugzeugwerke AG and Rapp-Motoren-Werke). Read more "


Gottlieb Daimler, one of the fathers of the automobile industry, was born in 1834. He studied at the Polytechnic School in Stuttgart. For some time he went to work in a mechanical engineering company in England. Read more "


After working for several years at Daimler, V. Maybach acquired extensive experience in the development of powerful cars equipped with multi-cylinder engines. Read more "


The creator of new Daimler car models was Wilhelm Maybach. For the first time, a Mercedes car was exhibited at prestigious automobile races in 1899. The car is named after the daughter of the owner of Daimler. Read more "


The founder of the company that produced the famous Opel cars was Adam Opel. Initially, he had his own workshop in his hometown of Rüsselsheim for the manufacture of sewing machines. Read more "


In 1928, Ferdinand Porsche left his position as chief designer of Daimler-Benz AG and created the company Dr. Ing. hc F. Porsche AG. Under his leadership, the Model 32 was created in 1933, the prototype of the first Volkswagen Beetle. Read more "


The history of the German Volkswagen brand dates back to the 30s of the last century. During this period, the German auto industry produced mainly luxury, expensive models. Read more "

What brands of cars are there?

Each logo carries a semantic load and has a specific designation that expresses the aspirations and basic views of the manufacturers. The most popular brands of Japanese, German, American, French and domestic cars need no introduction.

In recent years, the Chinese automobile industry has made a rapid breakthrough in the production and production of high-quality and high-tech cars, which are not inferior in their parameters and characteristics to their more famous analogues. Unfortunately, most brands of Chinese and Korean automakers are little known to the end consumer.

In order not to get confused by trendy brands and recognize a car by sight at first glance, check out the list of all car brands in the world.

This section is devoted to the history of creating logos for all existing car brands. For convenience, brands are listed alphabetically.

Abarth. The Italian company's shield-shaped logo depicts a black scorpion. It was under this sign that the founder of the company, Karl Abarth, was born. Yellow and red colors were used as the background, symbolizing the focus on the production of sports cars.

AC. Under this brand, English engineers produce sports cars characterized by high dynamic parameters. The brand's abbreviation literally stands for Auto Carriers. The letters AC are placed in a blue circle with a white border. The inscription is made in the same color.

Acura. The heads of the Honda division created a simple and memorable badge. Above the company name there is a circle, inside which the letter H is depicted at an angle. Some see it as an allusion to a straight road, which symbolizes the absence of problems on the roads.

Alfa Romeo. The founders of the famous Italian premium car brand created a complex badge. In a blue circle with a white company name along the outline there are two coats of arms. The first is the symbol of the city of Milan, and the second belongs to the Visconti dynasty.

Alpina. German entrepreneur Burkard Bovinsiepen founded his own brand in 1964 based on the BMW concern. The badge also consists of two parts, designed in the form of a coat of arms, and enclosed in a black steering wheel with the inscription "Alpina". The symbol contains images of auto parts.

Aston Martin. The first approved logo was the intertwining letters AM against the backdrop of wings spread in flight. The wide scope symbolized the desire for success. After a while, the founders decided to complicate the logo and deciphered the abbreviation.

Audi. One of the most popular and most recognizable brands of foreign-made cars. The logo of the German automaker depicts 4 closed rings arranged in a single line, symbolizing the unity of the founding companies. Loosely translated, the name of luxury passenger cars means “listen.” And, indeed, the motors operate so quietly that you can only hear them by listening.

BAIC. This car brand is the pride of the Chinese automobile industry. The emblem depicts a steel steering wheel of an unconventional shape, without a crossbar in the center.

Bavaria. The logo of the German company is laconic. The badge is a stylized image of the name of the automaker, made in gold.

BAW. The logo of the second largest company in China by number of products is made in the shape of a steel-colored steering wheel with the abbreviated name of the Beijing Automobile Works corporation.

Bentley. The founders of the automaker chose the spread wings of the fastest bird in the world as their logo. The image of an eagle represents high speed, power and independence. The center of the emblem is decorated with a white letter B. The background behind can be made in one of three colors, since the color indicates that the cars belong to a certain type. The green badge is for racing cars, the red badge is for sophisticated luxury cars, and the black badge is for crossovers and SUVs.

BMW. The recognizable logo of German automakers visually resembles the Bavarian flag. According to another version, the badge depicts a rotating airplane propeller. This is due to the fact that the main profile at the time of the concern’s creation was the production of aircraft. The abbreviation BMW stands for "Bayerrische Motoren Werke".

Bogdan. The original badge of the Ukrainian car brand was decorated with a sailboat with flying sails, stylized as the letter B. But over time, it was decided to change the badge, so now it shows a colorful mace enclosed in a ring. The emblem visually refers to stability and balance.

Brilliance. A relatively young Chinese auto company. The brand produces high quality cars at optimally low prices. The round badge resembles a ring with silver-colored diamonds. According to the founders of the company, these are intertwined hieroglyphs, meaning the desire for success in all corners of the world.

Bugatti. Exclusive luxury cars are decorated with an oval red logo, in the center of which are the initials and surname of Ettore Bugatti, the founder of the company. The edges of the oval are inlaid with 60 pearl stones.

Buick. The British brand of luxury cars is based on the symbol of the coat of arms of the Buick family, which founded companies for the production and production of cars in Scotland. The badge features three shields of red, white and blue, arranged diagonally, in the center of a dark blue circle with a silver border.

BYD. Traditionally, Chinese specialists borrow other people's ideas. The designers of BYD were no exception, so the trademark of the company, which produces copies of world-famous cars, often changed under pressure from large automobile concerns that claimed their rights to use the logo. Unfortunately, the last option is also plagiarism and looks like the BMW logo in a simplified form.

Cadillac. Detroit is rightfully considered the capital of the American automobile industry. The car production company was named after the Frenchman who founded the industrial city - Antoine de La Mothe Cadillac. The family coat of arms of the legendary figure, decorated with a silver wreath of ears, was also used as a trademark.

Caterham. The emblem is made in three colors: silver, yellow and green. The name of the concern is imprinted in the upper part of the circle, and in the center is the most famous model of the sports car brand - Super 7. The word Sprint is stamped along the lower edge, meaning the high-speed capabilities of racing cars. The new cars feature a square Caterham Fi Team logo against a distinctive green and white Union Jack background.

Changan. One of the oldest Chinese auto companies is known to vehicle owners thanks to its laconic emblem: the English letter V on a blue background is enclosed in a silver ring. The central symbol means victory and the pursuit of perfection, and the blue color inside, according to the founders, is the planet Earth.

Charron. The oldest French brand producing passenger cars and armored vehicles. The shape of the trademark resembles a blue eye with a gold border around the edges. Inside is the name of the corporation, written in large golden font.

Chery. The logo of a famous Chinese car brand is depicted in the form of interlocking letters. They are an abbreviation of the full name of the concern Chery Automobile Corporation. Two Cs form a circle, in the center of which is the letter A. Some believe that the ring symbol represents two perfectly smooth roads going beyond the horizon.

Chevrolet. The trademark was registered in 1911 and named after the famous racer Louis Chevrolet, who became the face and symbol of the company. The cross-shaped emblem is made in 2 colors: gold in the center and steel on the edge. There are several versions of the origin of the badge, including the version about the ornament on the wallpaper of the hotel where General Motors founder Durant lived.

Chevrolet Corvette. The first sports car produced in America received its own logo. Visually, the brand icon resembles the wings of a butterfly, symbolizing peace and upward striving. One side is made in the shape of a chessboard, and the second side depicts the Chevrolet brand logo.

Chrysler. A large corporation emerged in 1924 as a result of the takeover of a number of small businesses by Walter Percy Chrysler. Today, the concern includes several global giants in the production of machines. For many years, the logo was a pentagon with a star inside. But over time, the designers changed the emblem, replacing the geometric one with the outline of a bird or an airplane soaring in the sky with a signature wax seal in the center, which means the highest quality of the products.

Citroen. The French industrialist of the last century, Andre Citroen, named the company in his honor. The badge depicts two silver teeth of a chevron wheel pointing upward, which symbolizes the concern's desire for success.

Dacia. The company is a division of Renault, so blue and silver colors were used for the logo. Until 2014, cars of this brand were decorated with a shield with dragon scales. Later, designers took the English letter D as a basis and turned it on its side, running the brand name along the smooth edge.

Daewoo. The grille of Korean cars is decorated with a silver lily. In heraldry, this symbol signifies greatness and purity. Cars of this brand are distinguished by high technical characteristics, refined lines and a smooth ride.

DAF. Dutch car brand. Brothers Hubert Joseph and Bill Vincent van Doorn founded a truck manufacturing company. They used the laconic name of the company as an icon - DAF, written in blue letters and underlined at the bottom with a red stripe.

Daihatsu. The icon of the Japanese car brand is a combination of two hieroglyphs that form the basis of the corporation's name - Dai and Hatsu. Manufacturers specialize in producing engines and compact cars, which is why the emblem looks so laconic. The logo is stylized as intertwined red English letters I and D.

Daimler. Luxury cars are manufactured by Jaguar. On the grille of the vehicles you can see a laconic inscription with the brand name, made in shiny silver.

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