How to install arch extensions

Wheel arch extensions

We have already said that such arches will help protect your car from dirt.
In addition, the wheel arches will serve you as a decorative element. For example, pay attention to an SUV; on it you will notice that the inflated tires of the wheels protrude slightly beyond the arch. When an SUV drives through a muddy area, the wheels naturally collect all the dirt and then scatter it all over the vehicle.

If you use the services of car washes every time after such a trip, then you won’t have enough money. Therefore, real car enthusiasts use these extenders. In addition, it is necessary to answer that you can buy inexpensive universal body kits on the automobile market.

Making wheel arch extensions with your own hands

How to independently tune the trunk of a Niva and strengthen the body

To make your own wheel arch extensions, you will need:

  1. Foam for installation;
  2. Plasticine;
  3. Styrofoam;
  4. Special tools for carrying out the work itself.

Let's look at step-by-step instructions on how to make wheel arch extensions with your own hands:

  1. We will use a large wheel profile. Drivers willingly use it, since it is the most accessible and simplified way to raise the car to a certain height. In this situation, the distance between the ground and the raised car will increase significantly. Here, wheel arch extensions are necessary to protect the car body from dirt and other debris. There is a dependence of the expander size on the profile size. In this case, you must contact qualified specialists, since manufacturers do not equip the machine with such parts.
  2. If you use the services of a specialist, you will need a lot of money for this, so it is better to carry out all the technical steps yourself. The material is inexpensive, and doing the work itself is not difficult. There are many ways to increase the size of wheel arches. You can use any option. The simplest method is called "fender". This method involves the use of polystyrene foam, which must be used to cover the upper part of the arch. Before this, you need to thoroughly clean the area, cover it with a small layer of degreasing agent using microflex for fixation. Then you need to glue the foam itself over the arch.
  3. The foam must be made as smooth as possible using an electric knife. Utility knives and other sharp objects will not ensure a smooth foam surface. To achieve a good surface quality, it is recommended to make smooth movements until the surface takes on the desired appearance. Before completing the preparatory work, it is necessary to use sanding material with which the foam will be sanded. After this, the surface must be covered with resin, and then with fiberglass, when laying which no bubbles should remain inside.
  1. After all layers have dried, you should start puttingty. It is necessary to putty twice: the first time - the intermediate layer, and the second - the finishing layer. After finishing the putty work, when all problem areas are completely removed, it is necessary to prime the outside of the wheel arch and paint it in the color of the body. Before applying the final primer coat, it is necessary to cover the surface with construction tape to ensure protection. Nowadays, the use of plasticine to increase the wheel arch has become very relevant. The plasticine needs to be laid out in the place where the fenders will later be, and it is applied evenly to the construction tape. Special sculptural plasticine is perfect for these purposes. Before application, such plasticine must be heated to improve its plasticity properties. After aligning all the wheel arches, apply epoxy resin to the same area three times.
  2. It is permissible to use one layer of resin and the other of fiberglass. Plasticine itself is not the main means for expanding the wheel arch. Everything that was done above was only to create a form for future drainage. After all layers have dried, the arch must be removed from the surface of the body and completely freed from plasticine. To do this, you need a regular hair dryer or a “white spirit” solvent. There are also those who fill these molds with a product that contains a paint and varnish material called “gelcoat.” In the second case, you first need to carry out fine-tuning and cleaning, installing the body, and then putty twice, sand, prime and paint.

There is another way to create wheel arches, in which you need to use polyurethane foam. It is recommended to apply it to the place where the fenders will be located in the future, and then sand with an electric knife. Polyurethane foam is used on top of the wheel arches. In this case, it is necessary to blow foam on both sides.

Construction foam increases in size over time, so it should only be used this way. After drying, the surface should be sanded and covered with resin and fiberglass.

After all layers have dried, it is necessary to apply two layers of putty, sand, prime and paint the surfaces that were made by Fenders. This method is rarely used, because it is very difficult to use polyurethane foam, unlike using sculptural plasticine or polystyrene foam.

Do-it-yourself mechanical expansion of arches. Method No. 1

Below is a method on how you can mechanically widen the arches on your car. To work, you will need the following tools - an industrial hair dryer, a special pistons puller, a Phillips-head screwdriver, a plumber's hammer, a tool for tightening nuts, pliers (preferably with wide jaws), a ruler and a powerful sledgehammer.

The work is performed according to the following algorithm:

  • Align the wheel and use a ruler to estimate the size of the expansion. On average, wheel arches increase by one centimeter.
  • Place the car on a jack and remove the wheel bolts.
  • Open the hood cover and remove the marker from the front headlight of the car. After this, discard the wires that go to it.
  • Unscrew the mudguard fasteners and dismantle them. To perform this job, use a Phillips screwdriver.
  • Unscrew the bolt that holds the fender liner, then unclip the fastening pins. Next, completely remove the fender liner.
  • Remove the turn signal from the wing and separate the connector with wires from it.
  • Unbend the edge of the removed fender liner. This can be done using a hair dryer. Heat the plastic until it reaches the required pliability. After this, use pliers to bend the plastic to the desired position. Proceed very carefully, because plastic is afraid of overheating and may deteriorate from excessive exposure.
  • If there is a small ridge on the wing, it can be removed using a sledgehammer. This is done as follows. Place the “impact tool” against the edge and use a hammer from the inside to bend the edge part. Adjusting the edge allows the wing to inflate slightly. Next, by working on the lower part of the edge, you can give the side part the desired profile.
  • To achieve symmetry on the other side, use a profile ruler with which you can take the necessary measurements. Then repeat the procedure.
  • Mount the fender liner in its place and adjust it to the “updated” arch (you can do it manually). Next, make several small cuts on the edge of the fender liner and tuck the center inside the edge of the wing. As a result, the fasteners located on the sides of the arch can be left intact.

Surely, many have seen wheel arch extensions or linings on various cars, more often SUVs. Many people think that these details serve as some kind of decorative element, however, the function of arch extensions is not limited to this. Let's try to figure out what widened wheel arches are, what is their main function and how to make them yourself?

How to make wheel arch extensions with your own hands

How to make a motorhome on wheels yourself, photos of finished work

If for some reason you cannot purchase extenders in the store, you can make them yourself from various materials. Most often, the linings are made of special fiberglass, but there may be a different base. Each material has its own installation method.

Styrofoam. Polystyrene foam is a lightweight material that can be easily cut. Cut into the required shape and follow the following procedure:

1. Attach the workpiece to the car body using “macroflex”. Adjustment to the required shape can be done after the glue has dried using a special electric knife. After this, sand the surface of the foam using sandpaper.

2. To increase the strength of the foam, it must be coated with a layer of resin and a thin layer of fiberglass. Try to lay the pieces of fiberglass overlapping each other and remove any bubbles that form in time. Otherwise, there is a risk of seriously damaging the workpiece.

3. After the last two layers have dried, apply putty to the surface to be treated. Once it is dry, sand it down so that its shape is even and flows smoothly into the body of the car. It is quite possible that while you are leveling the surface of the future expander, small cavities may form. All this is eliminated with another layer of putty and processed again to a smooth state. This procedure is carried out until the surface is completely leveled, and after which a primer and paint material in the color of the car are applied.

Sculptural plasticine. Arch extensions can be made not only from polystyrene foam, but also from special plasticine.

1. Cover the working part of the body part with masking tape. Spread the prepared plasticine on the fenders of the car. Initially, plasticine must be rubbed into small layers of tape, after which the required shape of the future expander is created. The only difficulty that may arise is giving symmetry to the expanders. Here you will need a well-trained eye and knowledge of certain principles of geometry.

2. After this, apply a layer of epoxy resin, and then the same fiberglass. There must be at least three such layers. This amount determines the most optimal strength of the future expander.

3. Once the plasticine and fiberglass are dry, you need to remove the resulting expander. All the plasticine is pulled out from the inside of the future lining, the part is adjusted to the installation site and secured with self-tapping screws.

4. The final stage includes the same treatment with putty, sandpaper and painting.

Polyurethane foam. Polyurethane foam is also widely used in the manufacture of wheel arch extensions. It is perhaps the cheapest and most reliable material, which is why it is in high demand.

1. You need to take a regular universal plastic arch as a basis. The plastic part is cut into pieces and attached to the car body using self-tapping screws. Foam must be applied outside and inside the arch.

2. After the foam has dried, you will need good sculpting skills, since only the creative process will go on. Using a utility knife and sandpaper, create a shape for the future expander.

3. At the end, all the same operations are performed involving the application of resin to the surface of the hardened foam, after which the putty is laid and a layer of paint is applied.

That's all. These are all the most common ways to widen wheel arches. It is worth recalling once again that this procedure only makes sense when you plan to install tires with a wide profile. In other cases, such a change in body design may not be aesthetically pleasing. We wish you good luck on the roads!

How to expand the body

You will need

  • — kit for expanding the body of your model.


Extend your car's body with aerodynamic body kits, fenders, bumpers and wheel arches. Expansion using arches is now very popular. They connect the line of linings on the doors and bumper, protecting the body from splashes flying from under the wheels.

Do this powerful modification correctly and the appearance of your car will be much more solid. Widening the wheel arches is also necessary when installing wider wheels. If the wheels remain standard, spacers up to four centimeters in size will come to your aid.

You can widen the arch using plastic linings, welding metal, or replacing the part with a tuned one. This way you will enhance the low-slung effect and add relief to the car. Draw a template by trying the paper pattern on the car. Make a layout using polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam according to your template. Cover the products with glass mat and resin. When polymerization is complete, remove the surface of the arch with putty, sand, prime and paint. If you don't want to do this work yourself, take it to a workshop. The designer will draw a sketch of the work, focusing on your wishes and car model. After this, the matrix is ​​removed and a model is made taking into account the offset and width of the wheels of the car. Your original arches are removed and new ones are attached with trims that are glued to the fenders and fused to them into a single piece. All body extensions are brought to perfection, and then painting occurs. Choose wide bumpers and additional door trims that suit your car so that the new arches fit harmoniously into the style. Ready-made body extension parts for your model can be purchased in online stores and supplied yourself. This method of tuning a car is the least troublesome, but quite expensive.

Video on the topic


  • Widening of wheel arches. Extension of the wheelbase and body. Body extension in 2017

Wheel hub spacers

Track wideners - wheel hub spacers
Wheel hub spacers make it possible to widen the track, which provides the SUV with some advantages. Namely:

  • If an SUV is lifted and its center of gravity is higher than usual, there is always a risk of overturning or, simply, “making ears.” By widening the track with spacers, you can achieve better stability of the car and corner more sharply, take on more serious hills and not worry about capsizing;
  • Wheel spacers for rims allow you to install larger diameter wheels without major changes to the SUV body. And if cutting arches doesn’t scare you, then spacers can come in handy in cases where the enlarged wheels touch any power units;
  • The appearance of a car with a widened track becomes more aggressive and attractive, but this is not for everyone.

Track wideners - hub spacers

Wheel hub spacers also have disadvantages, not without them:

  • The SUV will drive in its own track (the greater the likelihood of this, the thicker the wheel spacers). This means that the wheels will make their way through the mud on their own, and even when moving in a column, it will not be possible to use the common track - it will be more difficult to make your way through the mud, and the load on the engine will increase. But when installing tires of a serious size, this minus can be crossed out;
  • With an extended track there will always be a risk of falling into the rut from heavy equipment or trucks. When ordinary cars are able to drive inside such a serious rut, an SUV with spacers will constantly slide into it and can eventually get seriously stuck (although here, of course, everything depends on the spacer between the steering wheel and the seat, that is, on the pilot and his skills);
  • Installing spacers on the hub increases the load on the bearings, which can lead to rapid wear and failure. But there are no clear opinions here, since, naturally, no one has conducted full-fledged tests with open results. There is an opinion that if the hub bearing is already good in itself, then a spacer will not make it any worse. And if the bearing periodically still requires replacement, then with a spacer this replacement will become regular;
  • Spacers on the hub can make the track wider by 8 centimeters, which quite naturally leads to the SUV being covered in mud. If you do not install wider arch extensions, then the car will tip over very quickly off-road. Although, for many this is not a serious disadvantage.

Track wideners - hub spacers

In addition, a very serious point needs to be highlighted separately - regardless of the quality of the hub spacer, there is always a risk that the wheel and it will simply fall off. And if this happens in the mud, then the problem can still be solved somehow, but if it happens on the highway or during high-speed traffic in the city, it can result in serious trouble.

It follows from this that if you install track wideners on an SUV, then either those of your own making (when you are exactly sure of what exactly you are making and from what), or from trusted companies and brands that have proven themselves well in this matter (not one and not two years in the spacer manufacturing business, but at least 8-10 years with good reviews for 95%). Now there are a lot of offers for spacers - track wideners for UAZ or Niva are sold almost everywhere. There are also plenty of offers for other SUVs, but given the simplicity of the manufacturing technology of this unit, in most cases the quality of the spacers leaves much to be desired.

Track wideners - hub spacers

And one more important point - it is recommended to install track wideners of the same thickness both forward and backward. It will be easier for the rear wheels to follow the track from the front ones and the overall aesthetic appearance of the car will be much more attractive.

If finances allow, then instead of track wideners it would be much more reasonable to install wheels with a negative offset - at least the reliability of such a direct connection of the wheel to the hub will be much better than a sandwich of a hub, wheel, spacer and two pairs of studs. This will not reduce the load on the bearings, but at least driving safety will be at a higher level. Although, on the other hand, if the spacers are really good, then you can drive hundreds of thousands of kilometers with them without any problems.

How to expand the body

The most passionate lovers of car tuning are often unable to dwell on the achieved results of restyling and strive to modify their “iron horse” beyond recognition, right down to its size... If only there was a desire, one could create a “Mercedes” from a “Cossack”. So, let's expand the body.


Methods of expanding the body with the help of wheel arches, aerodynamic body kits, bumpers, and wings are breaking popularity records. It is especially convenient to use arches in this matter, since they also perform a useful function - they isolate the wheels with dirt and dust from the body.


A car with extended arches looks more solid and powerful. The ability to properly widen wheel arches will also be useful if you install wide wheels on your car.


You can expand the arches in several ways: using plastic linings, welding metal, or replacing parts with tuned ones. Your car is guaranteed to become more prominent and the “low-slung” effect will increase.


To get started, you need a template. To do this, make a paper pattern, trying it on your car.


Make a model using the resulting template from foam plastic. Cover the resulting part with glass mat and resin. After the polymerization process is completed, putty, prime and polish the surface. Then you need to paint the part.


You can significantly ease your fate and order the production of a wide arch in a workshop. Based on your wishes, a professional sketch will be drawn and a model will be made, after which the old arches will be removed from your car, and new ones will be attached with linings. The latter will be glued to the wings and fused with them. After this, all parts are qualitatively joined and painted.


To complete the look of your updated car, it is advisable to choose wide bumpers, as well as door trims.

Creating a body extension yourself is not easy, but it is economical. If you turn to professionals, the costs increase significantly, but the result is worth it.

Installation of universal extenders on Niva

Rubber arch extensions for the Niva are a set of profiled rubber tape designed to fit the circumference of 4 arches, aluminum plates with holes and self-tapping screws. To secure the rubber profile, you must first measure its required length, determine the width of the extension beyond the body, and then use plates to press it to the surface of the arch and secure it with screws. Such a simple operation will allow any Niva to acquire a finished look, and in addition, it will protect the body from dirt and stones.

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Why are wheel arch extensions needed?

Off-road driving or frequent visits to rural areas necessarily requires further car washing. The fact is that wide-profile tires, most suitable for driving on such terrain, protrude significantly beyond the car’s arches. All the dirt collected on the tire treads, when the wheel rotates, flies towards the body, as a result of which it becomes quite dirty. To combat this problem, many SUV designers have made the vehicle body significantly wider by increasing the protrusion of the wheel arches.

This improvement did not apply to all cars. Many models are produced on ordinary narrow tires, which insatiable drivers are sure to replace with wide-profile ones. The wheel arches, in turn, remain the same size, which makes it necessary to increase them.

Increasing the width of the wheel arches is now possible with special linings that attach to the car body and make it a little wider. Wheel arch extensions are produced as car accessories and are installed outside the factory.

How to widen wheel arches - DIY fenders


Wheel arches sometimes have to be widened, especially in cases where the wheels protrude beyond their boundaries. For this purpose, wheel arch extensions are used. The design will not only improve the appearance of the car, but will also protect it from dirt and deformation. For external tuning, they use ready-made products or make them themselves.


Wheel arch extensions prevent dirt and small stones from entering the car body while driving.

Flare devices are often called mud flaps, fenders, fender flares.

The function of fenders is as follows:

  • protect the body from dirty splashes;
  • help prevent stones from getting on the surface of the car, which can cause deformation;
  • give an expressive look to the car.

Wheel arches will need to be widened for SUVs and crossovers. Such tuning is useful for cars participating in races or rallies.

Installing the arched device is not difficult. After spending a couple of hours on repairs, you can make the overlays yourself. If you don’t have time for this, you need to go to a car store that sells different types of similar devices made in Russia and abroad.


The following materials are used for the production of mudguards:

  • plastic. But according to experienced drivers, this material is not strong enough. Plastic wheel arch extensions perform a decorative rather than a protective function;
  • fiberglass. It has great strength, but the cost is usually high. They are quite difficult to install;
  • fiberglass. It is distinguished by its high elasticity and resilience; this material is often used to make do-it-yourself overlays;
  • rubber - recently it was the only material for the production of fenders. It is characterized by elasticity and practicality, thanks to this it does not lose popularity even now. Rubber wheel arch extensions are universal and suitable for any car model. Their only downside is that rubber fenders do not have an elegant design;
  • cable plastic is an economical option with excellent characteristics, and it is also easy to install;
  • Duraflex is the best material for the production of expanders. It is elastic, resistant to the aggressive effects of natural factors, does not deteriorate under the influence of ultraviolet rays, and adheres well to the surface.

Rubber wheel arch extensions are the most common because they are practical and easy to install.

Popular manufacturers

Foreign and Russian companies are engaged in the production of specialized car fender flares. The most famous and reputable manufacturer is Bushwacker (USA). The plant produces a wide variety of additional accessories for cars. Bushwacker products are of high quality and resist the destructive effects of salts and acids, as well as ultraviolet rays. A distinctive point: the company includes fastening elements with its products.

No less popular are the car accessories of the Spanish company GFG, which has been producing various parts for car tuning for 50 years, including wheel arch extensions.

Among the rest, the largest auto company ARB from Australia stands out.

Among Russian manufacturers there is also “Master-Sport”. They produce wheel arch extensions for domestic cars:

  1. Lada.
  2. Niva.
  3. UAZ Patriot.
  4. Zhiguli.

Companies produce tapes and sheets for mud flaps that are suitable for any car. Russian expanders have a reef width of 5 cm.

How to make fenders with your own hands

You can make your own wheel arch extension. The main thing is to choose good material. Expanded polystyrene is actively used in production: it is lightweight and at the same time durable, amenable to mechanical processing. Polystyrene foam pads are made like this:

  • pieces of expanded polystyrene are glued to the body;
  • after drying, they are given the desired shape with an electric knife or sandpaper; a layer of resin is applied - it will increase the strength, then, carefully, so that no air bubbles appear, fiberglass is applied;
  • after drying, putty is applied, and when it dries, the surface is sanded to smooth it;
  • At the final stage, the trim is primed and varnished to match the car body.

Sculptural plasticine is used for the same purposes:

  • work areas are covered with a mounting layer;
  • The plasticine is softened, spread on the wings, rubbed into the tape and resulting in an even layer. After this, the pieces are made larger;
  • all arches must be symmetrical, so the next stage is aimed at achieving this effect. The work is very painstaking, it is better to make a reef 5 cm wide;
  • Next come layers of resin and fiberglass (3 layers), then everything is left to dry;
  • the structure is removed and the inside is cleaned of plasticine;
  • The part is secured with sealant and self-tapping screws to the body, puttied, then sanded.

The use of arch extensions on domestic cars

Most often, fenders are installed on SUVs, although sometimes you can find these elements on tuned passenger cars. Among the representatives of the Russian automobile industry, the most common car that is subjected to this type of modification is the VAZ-2121 Niva, as well as the VAZ-2123 Niva and Niva-Chevrolet. Having unique cross-country ability and reliability, these models have gained wide popularity among lovers of hunting, fishing and just travelers. In addition, these cars are easily amenable to any type of tuning. They are equipped with a variety of body kits, dog guards, winches, additional lights, etc.

Arch extensions were no exception. "Niva-Chevrolet", for example, looks much nicer with plastic fenders painted to match the body color. An aesthetic and non-aggressive appearance will not distinguish such a car from others in the city, and plastic protection will protect the arches from the harmful effects of road chemicals in winter. Large wheels with studded tires combined with rubber flares that contrast with the body color, on the contrary, will add aggression and brutality to the SUV.

Design and installation features

These protection elements can be round or square, and also have different extension widths. Round extenders are more practical and are used directly for protection, while square ones serve more of a decorative function. In addition, they additionally require mudguards. Plastic expanders are installed over the entire plane of the arch and attached to the body using a threaded connection. Sometimes when installing them, it becomes necessary to trim the arches themselves, increasing their radius. This is done in order to be able to install larger wheels. Fiberglass fenders are most often used on sports cars as they are much stronger than plastic ones. All plastic extensions can be painted beautifully, which makes it possible to give them the color of the body or, conversely, create a contrast with it.

Rubber expanders, given their variety in shape and width, can be used on any model. They are made in the form of a continuous strip of durable frost-resistant rubber and are sold complete with fasteners. Such fenders are much cheaper than plastic ones, and their installation does not require any additional work. It is enough to select the required profile, measure the required length and secure it with self-tapping screws.

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