Sticker “Spikes”: to glue or not to glue? Download the design of the “Spikes” sign.

Due to the fact that significant changes have occurred in the legislation related to the rules for replacing summer and winter tires, many car owners are interested in the question of how to correctly use the “Spikes” sign on wheels and what threatens the driver if it is missing. After all, no one wants to receive an unwanted fine. Starting from April 2020, a traffic police inspector who stops a driver who does not have the “Spikes” sign on the rear window of the car has the right to give the latter a warning or a fine of five hundred rubles. All this will be written in more detail in this article.

Where should it be placed?

So, having figured out the answer to the question “is the spike sign required or not,” it’s worth finding out where to put it according to the rules, so that neither the persons carrying out the maintenance nor the traffic police officers have any complaints against you. There is no clear regulation according to the placement rules. However, based on paragraph 8 of the Basic Provisions of the Regulatory Rules, its location should be the rear of the vehicle, and this should be done in such a way that drivers of both cars and trucks following you can easily see the sign at a distance of up to 20 meters.

Depending on what brand your car is, you can choose a different location

, but experienced drivers and driving school instructors advise placing it at the top of the rear window of the car. The side of placement can be any - on the right or on the left - in this case, the priority will be visibility for drivers driving behind you, and also that such a sign does not interfere with the driver of this car in terms of visibility and does not block the necessary visibility.

In the case of attachment to glass, it is no longer so important whether it will be located inside the vehicle or outside, however, if your car has tinted windows, then the best option would still be to place it on the outside of the car. It would also not be a mistake to mount such a sign on the body or bumper of a car in a visible place.

The dimensions of the sign according to GOST must be at least 20 cm (one side of the triangle), the triangle itself must be surrounded by a red border, the width of which is at least 10% of the length of the side of the figure itself. The letter “Ш” is written in black in the center of the triangle. When purchasing or making it yourself, please note that it must meet certain parameters.

Responsibility for absence

On November 29, 2018, Dmitry Medvedev signed a Government decree, on the basis of which it was abolished for car drivers to have the “Spike Sign” and a fine for its absence. Now it is voluntary.

Video: How to stick it on a car correctly

To obtain the right to operate a car, a citizen must use the “Spikes” (or “Sh”) sign.

. He warns other car owners that studded tires are used on the vehicle. Despite the necessity, not all car owners use the sign. This is due to ignorance of existing rules. The absence of signs may raise questions from the traffic police officer. The fact is that the current legislation has undergone adjustments.

To avoid ending up in an unpleasant situation due to ignorance, experts advise periodically studying the current version of the current legislation. We’ll talk further about whether it’s possible to use the “Spikes” sign, whether it exists or can be used at the wrong time of year, as well as where the sticker should be placed according to the rules.

Due to ice conditions in the winter, motorists are required to use studded tires. It forgives driving on slippery roads.

Winter tires come in several types:

  • with spikes;
  • combined;
  • with grooved protectors.

In modern stores you can find universal rubber that can be used in any season. However, it is only suitable for regions with warm climates. Residents of the Russian Federation are required to use tires with studs.

If your car uses studded tires, it is mandatory to attach the “Spikes” sticker to the car.

The sign has a triangular shape with a red border. It is angled upward. There is a black letter W on a white background. According to the rules, the length of each side of the figure must be at least 20 cm, and the width of the red border must be at least one tenth of the length of the side.

Download the “Spikes” sign template in PDF format for printing:

The Spikes sticker has several purposes:

  • warn other motorists that the car has studded tires and its braking distance will be shorter;
  • inform drivers that they need to keep their distance (if the products are of poor quality, the spikes may fly out);
  • help traffic police officers find out who is responsible for the incident.

The presence of a sign helps to identify the culprit of the incident. For example, the driver braked sharply, but 2 did not have time to react and drove into the bumper of the car. If the first vehicle does not have a sign, but at the same time it drives on studded tires, this will lead to the distribution of blame between the participants in the accident or even transfer of responsibility to the driver in whom they drove off. This is due to the fact that the second road user did not know that the car's braking distance would be shorter and was unable to calculate the distance.

A little about the main thing

All citizens who have a vehicle for personal use know that in the cold season it is necessary to drive only on studded tires. This is safer for the driver and other road users. After all, studded tires in the winter season help a person driving to avoid skidding and, accordingly, not get into an accident.

However, not all drivers try to comply with the rules for operating vehicles. In this regard, in April 2017, a government decree was issued, on the basis of which every citizen driving a vehicle in the cold season must attach a “Spikes” sign to their car. All drivers will definitely need to do this when changing summer tires to winter ones. Otherwise, you may receive a fine or warning from the traffic police inspector.

Is it necessary to use the Spikes sticker?

Previously, drivers had the right to install the “Spikes” sign at will. However, a number of amendments made to the traffic rules changed the situation. If the sign is missing, the machine must not be used. Violation of the rule will lead to questions arising when checked by traffic police officers. They will definitely pay attention to this aspect and may even.

It is necessary to stick a sign on the glass as soon as a citizen has replaced regular tires with studded ones.

The rules and terms for replacement are established by law. However, in the off-season it is quite problematic to determine what tires a car is running on. To make it easier for drivers to navigate the situation on the road, the sign must be present. If a citizen flouts the rule, he will be fined. The amount of the penalty is 500 rubles. The decision to impose a penalty is made by a traffic police officer.

Where to put the Spikes sign?

The law determines the exact size of the sign, but it is not indicated where to glue the Spikes sign according to the rules. But a number of requirements that the driver must comply with still exist. When figuring out where to put the Spikes sign according to GOST, the car enthusiast will find out that the symbol must be attached to the back of the car. This is necessary so that the driver following the car can correctly calculate the distance.

Usually the sign is placed on the rear window of the car. This is the standard location. However, if there is no space, the plate can be placed on another part of the machine. The sign must be easily visible to drivers following the vehicle. In another situation, the motorist will face a fine.

It is recommended to fix the symbol in the upper left or right corner. It must be visible from a distance of at least 20 m. If a passenger car has tinting, the letter Ш on the rear window of the car must be placed on the outside. During the summer, the sign must be removed. To avoid problems with the implementation of the action, it is recommended to use a symbol that is attached to suction cups.

The photo below shows where to glue the “Spikes” sign on the rear window according to the new rules:

What should it be

Before the driver starts driving the vehicle after changing summer tires to winter tires, he is required to attach a “Spikes” sign to the back of the car. GOST established and approved a sample of this designation in the form of an equilateral triangle. The length of the side of the latter must be at least 20 cm. The outline is only red. The width of the strip should be ten percent of the length of the side. In the middle of the triangle there is a large letter “Ш” only on a white background.

Such legal requirements are directly related to concerns for the safety of road users. The indicated dimensions of this sign allow other drivers to see the installed “Spikes” sign even from afar. GOST also does not provide for changing the parameters of the latter.

Additional features

There are a number of additional nuances that a motorist who wants to avoid a fine should remember. Thus, it will be possible to pass a technical inspection without using a plate if the tires on the car are not studded. Using tires with grooved treads will also eliminate the need for stickers. However, if a person drives studded tires, the sign is required. Its absence will result in failure to pass the technical inspection.

Typically, drivers prefer to use the “Ш” sign in the form of a sticker. It holds up well and is not damaged by external factors. The Regulations do not prohibit the use of the mark in this form. However, it is very difficult to peel it off. Many drivers prefer to avoid the difficulty and leave the symbol until next season. However, this is a violation.

If a person drives on non-studded tires, but leaves the “Ш” sign, he is misleading other road users.

Other drivers cannot sensibly assess how far away from the car ahead they should stay. Therefore, the sign must be removed when changing tires. If a motorist who wants to avoid a fine cannot find a sticker or does not want to go through the trouble of later removing the vehicle sign, he has the right to make the symbol himself. However, the legal requirements must be strictly observed.

The sign “Ш” must correspond to the following parameters:

  • be made in the shape of a triangle, the apex of which is directed upward;
  • the letter Ш is located in the center and painted with black paint;
  • it is white, and there is a red border on the sides, the width of which should be one tenth of the length of the side (at least 2 cm);
  • Each side must be at least 20 cm in size.

Experts advise to first study the photo of the sign. If a person does not want to make a symbol on his own, he has the right to visit specialized organizations that produce custom stickers. In this case, experts advise reminding the manufacturer of the requirements that the law places on the symbol. The use of the “Ш” sign is mandatory today. Driving on tires with studs without one will result in a fine of 500 rubles. You can purchase the sticker at any auto supply store. However, due to the increasing hype, the symbol is not always on sale. A citizen has the right to independently make the “Ш” sign. However, it is worth complying with the requirements set forth by current legislation.

Nowadays, even children know what the image of the letter “Ш” on a car means. This image indicates a studded tire.

The Code of Road Traffic Regulations contains a written addition indicating the driver’s obligation to stick the letter “Ш” on a car with studded wheels. The sticker informs you about the need to maintain a distance from studded vehicles.

The driver of the car following understands that it is necessary to keep a minimum distance for traffic safety. Studded wheels shorten the braking distance, which can lead to an accident.

Sign "Ш": what is it used for

The glass located at the rear of the car with studded tires is placed on the “Ш” mark. The "Ш" sign can be ordered for 100 rubles. It is advisable to use it from mid-autumn. At this time, most Russian drivers are replacing smooth tires for dry weather with winter tires with studs. In summer the signal is removed.

From afar, the sticker notifies other warriors that the vehicle's braking distance has been cut short. The “Ш” signal will help prove innocence when considering the circumstances of an accident. A white triangle with a red border cannot be considered a trifle; it disciplines drivers and increases their attentiveness while driving.

Need for use

The document on the admission of a vehicle to travel provides for a special clause 8. It states that the use of the “Ш” sign is mandatory for cars with studded winter tires. A special sticker ensures the safety of all road users.

Additional regulations provide for an administrative fine for failure to comply with this requirement. The amount of the penalty is 500 rubles. At the same time, the document with the basic rules of behavior on the road does not contain any indication of the exaction of financial punishment for violating the technical rules for operating a car with studded wheels.

The law does not provide for financial compensation for the absence of a sign on the rear window of a car. A traffic police officer will not be able to fine a driver without a sticker. He may verbally recommend installing the “Sh” tag.

Judicial practice shows that the absence of a warning sticker about studded tires sometimes harms the driver of a given vehicle. The court finds the driver on studded tires in front guilty of the accident. The driver driving behind is the injured party, because he does not see the signal mark about the shortened braking distance of the car in front of him.

Common examples help to clarify the reasons for the court's decision in favor of the driver driving behind. An inattentive driver in Izhevsk hit the rear of a car in front, equipped with studded wheels. But in court, he drew the judge’s attention precisely to the fact that there was no “Sh” marking on the car. Therefore, the court decided that the owner of the first car without a warning sign was guilty.

The collection of traffic regulations does not oblige the driver to check the presence of a sticker before leaving. Therefore, a monetary penalty for the absence of a “Ш” sign on a car is illegal.

Features of using the designation “Ш”

  1. Mechanics conducting a routine technical inspection of a car may not issue a receipt confirming its passage due to the absence of the “Ш” mark on the glass. Drivers with less than two years of driving experience will be additionally advised to affix a “!” sign.
  2. A traffic police inspector has no legal basis to issue a fine for not having a studded tire sticker. If such a situation occurs, you can go to court for proceedings. Practice shows that going to the authorities will take a lot of money and free time. To prevent this from happening, it’s easier to buy a sticker with the “Ш” sign in advance.

Every driver knows what the “Ш” sign means. The presence of such a sign awakens vigilance and attentiveness. But the owner of a studded vehicle also needs to be on alert and maintain the distance required by law when driving.

Studded tires do not always stop quickly. Experienced drivers can confirm this statement. Studded wheels help you stop quickly in heavy icy conditions. In other emergency situations, the braking distance is determined by the condition of the roadway.

The weight of the car determines the degree of its maneuverability in extreme conditions. Therefore, it is impossible to unambiguously solve the dilemma: is it worth using studded tires in winter for your safety? Each driver solves this dilemma for himself.

Only one thing is clear: if the driver still uses it, he must purchase the appropriate sticker. The “Ш” sign on the rear window of the car will ensure the safety of all road users at any time of the year.

According to the amendments to the “Road Rules”, effective from 04/04/17, in Russia it is mandatory to use the “Spikes” sign on cars with installed studded winter tires.

However, not all car owners know about this and the vast majority drive without this sign, which is fraught with certain troubles for them with traffic police inspectors.

From this article you will learn:

How motorists can avoid getting fined by hanging a “Ш” sign on their car

On April 4, new amendments to traffic rules were introduced in Russia. Drivers are required to stick a corresponding sign on cars with studded tires. For violating the rules, the car owner faces a fine of 500 rubles. In this case, a sticker with the letter “Ш” must be on the rear window of the car and be visible from a distance of 20 meters.

In the spring, when this rule was first introduced, it turned out that finding the sign was not so easy. With the arrival of the new winter season, “Pro City” decided to find out whether the demand for a sign with the letter “Ш” has increased in auto parts stores, and how much it actually costs.

As it turned out, in one of the pavilions of the Samokhval shopping center this sign can be found for 40 rubles, but at the time of the call they were not available - everything was sold out in just a couple of days.

— As soon as the first snow fell, I went to Auchan to buy a badge. There they cost 20 rubles apiece. But on Sunday there were only a couple of them left,” said Vladimir motorist Artem Zaitsev.

According to the seller of the AutoMix store, with the first snow, the demand for the “studded” sign increased sharply.

— At the moment, the stickers have run out and are being quickly sold out. The price for GOST signs is 50 rubles. However, their prices have not increased compared to last season.

The seller also noted that there are several types of signs.

— GOST signs are equilateral triangles, with a side length of 20 cm. The red stripe should be 10% of the width of the side (at least 20 mm). The background should only be white, the border should be red, and the letter should be black. However, other signs are also available for sale: slightly smaller in size, as well as special signs on suction cups.

Despite the huge selection of “studded” signs, not all of them are suitable for use. Only the one made in accordance with GOST is considered valid. Everything else is fake and has no value.

— Cars with studded tires must have a sign. Suction cup plates, pillows with the letter W and other accessories are not an official mark. And accordingly, even with them you can be fined,” said traffic police inspector Valeryan Shirukov.

According to Valeryan, a fine of 500 rubles is provided for the absence of a sign.

“First of all, they will be issued to drivers with a “bad history”; the rest may get off with a warning for the first time,” explains Shirukov. — The sign itself can be made independently only in accordance with all the requirements.

The inspector also warned that it was time to change the tires on the car. Drivers who drive on summer wheels in winter risk running into a fine of 500 rubles. This measure is not used by chance: irresponsible drivers are a potential source of accidents on the roads.

What determines the mandatory installation

The mandatory installation of the “Spikes” sign on a car is determined by clause 7.15 of the “amendments to the traffic rules” dated April 4, 2020, which lists the list of malfunctions for which the operation of the car is prohibited. The following is written verbatim in paragraph 7.15:

There are no identification marks that must be installed in accordance with paragraph 8 of the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation.

At the same time, in paragraph 8 of the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation, the following is written verbatim:

The following identification marks must be installed on vehicles:

- “Spikes” - in the form of an equilateral triangle of white color with the apex up with a red border, in which the letter “Ш” is inscribed in black.

That is, driving without a “Spikes” sign on a car with installed studded winter tires is considered illegal since 2020. By the way, now everyone can easily identify a car by license plate using the current database.

What is regulated

Government Decree No. 333 of March 24 this year introduces significant changes to the traffic rules in force in our state. Thus, from April 4, 2020, every driver, when changing summer tires to winter tires, must stick the “Spikes” identification mark on his vehicle. This is a must for all car enthusiasts without exception. Because the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for a fine of 500 rubles for non-compliance with this provision of the law. For the first time, the traffic police inspector may limit himself to a warning.

And even despite the amendments, many car owners still continue to wonder whether the “Spikes” sign is required. In 2014, significant changes to traffic rules were also carried out, but not all road users complied with them. If previously drivers stuck a triangle with the letter “W” on their vehicles if they wished, now this is considered a mandatory condition when operating a car.

What is it for?

It must be said that the need to install a sign is determined not only by legislation, but also by common sense.

Today, the choice of winter tires is huge; (Velcro) are being chosen by an increasing number of car owners. However, even in big cities there are many situations where they have a shorter braking distance than Velcro.

A clearly visible "Spike" sign can actually warn the driver behind you that the stopping distance may be much shorter than he expects. That is, the presence of a sign is, in fact, an additional factor that reduces accidents on the roads. There is no need to neglect them.

What does this sign show?

This is not such a strange question as it seems at first glance. After all, every driver driving behind a vehicle with a “Spikes” sign must be aware that the braking distance of the car in front has become significantly shorter than in the summer, and therefore it is necessary to maintain a distance. Otherwise, when the first car brakes sharply, a collision will be inevitable.

In addition, studded tires are still not of very high quality. This means that if the required distance between vehicles is not maintained, you can accidentally get a piece of tire from the car in front of you into the windshield.

Penalty for the sign "Spikes"

Since the absence of the “Spikes” sign is now considered a malfunction, according to Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code, traffic police inspectors have the right to impose a fine of 500 rubles on the car owner.

Literally, part 1 of Article 12.5 reads like this:

Driving a vehicle when there is a malfunction...

...incurs a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

That is, if the car owner is very lucky and the traffic police inspector is in a good mood, then he can count on a warning. But with a high probability we can say that there will be a fine.

Where to put the “Spikes” sign on a car

Many car owners also often have a question: where to put the “Spikes” sign? It can be difficult to independently determine the place where it should be installed (there are many options - on the door or trunk lid, on the bumper, on the rear lid of the body, on the awning, some even glue it to a trunk attached to the roof rack).

It should be noted here that except for paragraph 8 of the “Basic provisions for the approval of vehicles for operation,” the location of the sign on the car is not specified by any other documents, including the “Road Rules.”

The following is written verbatim in paragraph 8 of the “Basic Provisions”:

The sign must be installed at the rear of motor vehicles.

That is, the sign simply must be visible and clearly readable for those road users driving behind your car.

As for the sign sticker itself, you need to remember the following:

  1. Since the sign should be placed only for the winter (it is not needed in the summer), you need to keep in mind that the sign pasted in the fall will have to be removed in the spring. But this may not be so simple and can even lead to damage to the paint or the glass itself on the car if the wrong place is chosen.
  2. There are two types of signs - with glue on the front side of the sign and with glue on the back side of the sign. Accordingly, those signs that have glue on the front side are glued to the inside of the car, those on the back side are glued to the outside of the car.
  3. Signs are produced by many manufacturers; for many of them, the adhesive base can grip too tightly, which will create a lot of difficulties when peeling off the sign in the spring. On the inside of the car glass, its heating filaments can be damaged, and on the outside, even the paint on the car body can be damaged.
  4. To prevent this from happening, it is best to choose places where you know you won’t be able to damage the car. For example, car glass is perfect for any glue, since scraping off sign and glue residues from it will be much easier than from any other surface. However, if the sticker is supposed to be applied from the inside, it is necessary that there are no heating filaments on the glass.
  5. When sticking a sign on the car window, do not forget about visibility. The sign must be pasted in such a way that it does not block the view to the rear. The most optimal places for placement will be the upper corners of the rear window of the car. The top left corner works best because it interferes least with your view. The upper right corner can also be used if there are already some stickers in the upper left.
  6. Also, do not forget that many cars have tinted rear windows, so the sign pasted on the inside will be difficult to read. For tinted cars, an exterior sticker is more suitable. Also, a sign glued to the outside is convenient because you can ask to peel it off at any car wash in the spring.
  7. There are also a lot of options for “Spikes” signs for internal installation “on suction cups” and other “Velcro”. Here it must be said that the installation of such signs must be checked from time to time, since all these “Velcro” and “suction cups” tend to come off over time.

Sign "Spikes"

In winter, not only is it difficult to walk on foot if the paths are not covered with sand, drivers also have no easier time than pedestrians, despite the fact that tons of various de-icing agents are poured onto the roads. It is for this reason that you have to switch from summer tires to winter ones.

There are three main types of winter tires:

  • with spikes;
  • Velcro - with a grooved tread;
  • combined - Velcro + spikes.

There are also drivers who choose universal all-season tires, but they are suitable for regions with a mild climate, where there is no winter as such.

According to the Road Traffic Rules, it is necessary to put a “Spikes” sign on the rear window if you choose studded tires.

The sign itself is a triangular plate with a red border and the letter “Ш” in the middle. The length of the side of the triangle must be at least twenty centimeters, and the width of the border must be at least one tenth of the length of the side. The Regulations do not specifically specify where it should be glued, but say it should be at the rear of the vehicle.

The most important requirement is that the sign must be visible to those moving behind you. Therefore, most drivers stick it on the inside of the rear window in the lower or upper left corner, although it will not be a violation if you stick it in the right corner or even on the outside near the rear headlights. Where is the best place to glue it, look here.

The sticker itself is sold in almost any car store. If desired

You can also print it out on our website - the dimensions fully comply with GOST requirements.

This plate performs a number of useful functions:

  • warns drivers behind you that you have studded tires, which means your braking distance will be shorter, so they must keep their distance;
  • if the rubber is not of the highest quality, then the spikes may fly out - another reason to keep your distance;
  • to determine those responsible for an accident.

The last point is very important, since situations often occur when one driver slows down at an intersection, and another, due to non-compliance with the driving distance, drives into his bumper. If it turns out that the one who braked first has studded tires, but there is no “Spikes” sign, then the blame can be divided equally, or even completely fall on him, since the driver behind him could not correctly calculate the braking distance.

This situation is very controversial and with the help of good knowledge of the traffic rules and the Code of Administrative Offenses, it can be proven that the fault lies with the one who crashed, since the traffic rules, paragraph 9.10 says clearly and clearly:

“You need to maintain such a distance to the cars in front to avoid a collision in the event of emergency braking and stopping, without resorting to various maneuvers.”

Accordingly, the driver must take into account:

  • condition of the roadway;
  • traffic conditions;
  • technical condition of your vehicle.

And any excuses in the event of a collision only indicate that the culprit did not keep his distance and did not calculate the length of the braking distance - we have already written about the length of the braking distance earlier on

Fine for missing the "Ш" sign

The fine for the absence of this sign is a painful issue for many, since you can see many reports that someone was fined 500 rubles under Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code.

In fact, no fine is provided, just like for the absence of signs “Disabled”, “Deaf Driver”, “Beginner Driver” and so on.

The main provisions for admitting a vehicle to operation list the reasons that do not allow the use of this vehicle:

  • faulty brake system;
  • “bald” tread, tires with different patterns on the same axle;
  • faulty exhaust system, excessive noise level;
  • Windshield wipers do not work;
  • lighting fixtures are installed incorrectly;
  • The steering play exceeds the permitted level, and there is no standard power steering.

Nothing specific is said about the “Spikes” sign. Despite this, inspectors still continue to take advantage of the ignorance of ordinary drivers and issue fines. Therefore, if you encounter a similar situation, ask the inspector to show you where it is written that operating the vehicle without the “Spikes” sign is prohibited. Well, to prevent such cases from arising, print out this sign and attach it to the rear window.

We remind you once again that you can download the “Ш” sign.

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What should the “Spikes” sign be like according to GOST

It should be noted that in addition to the presence of the sign on the car, it is also necessary that it comply with GOST.

According to GOST, the “Spikes” sign must be an equilateral triangle of white color with a side measuring at least 20 cm, with a black letter “Ш” inscribed in it and a red border along the edges of at least 2 cm (10%) thick.

There are many different signs sold in stores and not all of them comply with GOST; when purchasing, it is better to check the length of the sides of the triangle with a ruler or tape measure.

You can also print the sign yourself; to do this, just download the picture from our website:

How big should the "Spikes" sign be?

So, if you decide to cope on your own and want to make a sign yourself, follow these parameters:

  • It should be an equilateral triangle;
  • Background – white;
  • There is a red frame inside;
  • The size of the side of the triangle is from 20 cm , more is possible;
  • The permissible width of the red stripe is 1/10 of the length of one side. That is, in this case – 2 cm;
  • The letter is located strictly in the center and is depicted in black.

These dimensions require traffic regulations and GOST.

And yet, drivers often doubt whether it is possible to not tear off the sticker in the summer after changing tires? Yes, there is no penalty for this. Usually this is what everyone does, leaving the sign in place until winter.

There are a lot of jokes about the letter "SH" these days. Social networks are full of funny caricatures and jokes. Some people hang 10 of them all over the car at once to show off their excellent sense of humor. However, those who understand why the “Spikes” sign is needed on a car and use it, first of all think not about their own safety, but about the well-being of others. I would like everyone who gets behind the wheel in the winter to do the same.

Absence of the “Spikes” sign in an accident

As for the responsibility of the driver of a car without an installed “Spikes” sign who is involved in an accident, the following should be said here:

In the vast majority of cases, the guilt of a driver who does not keep his distance and drives into the car in front is determined by the traffic police officers even when registering an accident.

However, the presence of the “Spikes” sign has now become mandatory and its absence on the back of the damaged vehicle may become an additional factor that the culprit of the accident can use to his advantage. And under a certain set of circumstances, even turn the case around in court in such a way that you become completely innocent.

The smartest thing to do is not to give the potential culprit of a possible accident such an excellent chance to confuse the matter, and stick the “Spikes” sign where it should be by law.

Identification marks are required to be installed. Since April 4, 2017, failure to do so will result in a warning or a fine of 500 rubles.

Is it necessary to install these signs?

The main document for the driver is, let’s turn to it:

2.3.1. Before leaving, check and ensure that the vehicle is in good technical condition on the way in accordance with the Basic Regulations for the admission of vehicles to operation and the responsibilities of officials to ensure road safety.

The rules require that the vehicle comply with the Basic Regulations for the Admission of Vehicles to Operation. It is this document that describes the responsibilities for using the “Spikes” sign:

8. Identification marks must be installed on vehicles. "Beginner Driver"

- in the form of a yellow square (side 150 mm) with an image of a black exclamation mark 110 mm high - behind motor vehicles (except for tractors, self-propelled vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds) driven by drivers who have less than 2 licenses to drive these vehicles years.

The answer is yes, it is mandatory to install identification marks


Passing a technical inspection without the “Spikes” sign

In addition to the fact that a fine is provided for the absence of the “Ш” sign, this sign is also required to be installed when undergoing a technical inspection of the car. At the technical inspection, they check the vehicle’s compliance with the requirements of the Basic Regulations for the admission of vehicles to operation and the responsibilities of officials to ensure road safety. So if there is no sign on the back of the car, the car will not pass inspection, and the driver will be sent to the nearest store to get the sign.

So if you plan to visit a technical inspection point, then purchase a “Spikes” sign in advance. Of course, there is another option - install studless tires during the inspection. However, this is not very reasonable, given the low cost of the sign (around 50 - 100 rubles).

In conclusion, I would like to note once again that the installation of the “Spikes” sign is mandatory and failure to do so may result in a fine.


What is the fine for lack of identification marks?

Responsibility for violation of the Traffic Rules, including failure to comply with the requirements of the basic provisions for the admission of vehicles, is prescribed in the Code of Administrative Offenses. The absence of identification marks is subject to liability under Part 1 of Article 12.5.

1. Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which, in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety, the operation of the vehicle is prohibited

, with the exception of malfunctions and conditions specified in parts 2 - 7 of this article, -

entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.


Until March 24, 2020, the installation of a spike sign on the rear window was carried out on the voluntary initiative of the driver. However, with the release of Resolution No. 333, everyone who is “shod” in studded tires is obliged to notify other road users by means of a sign.

According to the resolution, the traffic police inspector who discovered the violation has the right not only to fine the driver 500 rubles , but also to prevent further offenses by prohibiting you from driving the car until the fault is eliminated. That is, until you stick a spike sign on the rear window, you will not go anywhere. This is regulated by article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, clause 2.5, part 1 - failure to comply with conditions for ensuring road safety.

By the way, it ’s not only the “spikes” sign that is prescribed in Resolution No. 333 . It obliges drivers to also notify others about other factors that can affect the road situation. This range includes the following signs: “Training vehicle”, “Slow-moving vehicle”, “Long vehicle”, “Road train”, “Child in the car”, “Beginner driver”, “Deaf driver”, “Large cargo”, “Dangerous cargo” ", "Speed ​​Limit". The fine for missing a sign will be 500 rubles , and you have the right to be required to eliminate the violation on the spot.

The absence of a studded sign can lead to other problems for the owner of studded wheels. If you get into an accident, the cause of which was failure to maintain a distance on the part of the driver driving behind, you risk being left without an insurance payment, because here the question arises of the guilt of the driver driving behind. Thus, even if you are caught from behind, your innocence may be questioned.

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