Average service life of a car battery: battery standards and warranties

One of the key elements in the design of any car is the battery. It is subject to significant loads from various systems - since it is responsible for many working units. To improve the life of your car battery, you need to understand how it works and what factors affect longevity. The service life of the battery depends on the type of design, manufacturer and external factors, for example, quality of operation. How to increase the life of a car battery and what affects this needs to be discussed in detail.

External temperature

Operating the battery at extremely low (<-30 C) or high (<+30 C) temperatures has a very negative impact on its service life. In the first case, the battery freezes and its charging efficiency decreases due to an increase in the viscosity of the electrolyte. As a result, the battery capacity decreases. With a decrease in temperature below +15 C for each subsequent degree, the battery capacity decreases by 1 Ampere-hour. In the second case, the high temperature provokes the process of boiling water from the electrolyte in the battery, which lowers its level below the required level.

Factors that reduce service life

In order to operate the battery without problems for as long as possible, it is important to know what to deal with and what to avoid. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the factors due to which the life of the battery may be reduced.


This is an inevitable process that any automotive power supply is subject to, and sooner or later, if no problems happen to it, it will still fail due to corrosion and sulfation. Manufacturers fight it by alloying the plates, but naturally, this only succeeds in slowing it down. To extend the life of the device, you should clean it from corrosion and use an aerosol coating.

Short circuit

If a short circuit occurs in the battery, then all that remains is to change it. This may be due to reasons such as:

  • separator breakthrough - this often happens due to the fact that the electrolyte freezes, causing the plates that are separated by the separator to warp;
  • shedding of electrode coating onto the bottom of the housing;
  • strong vibrations when driving off-road.

To reduce the likelihood of a short circuit, manufacturers are improving the design of the plates and using alloying additives.

A short circuit is typical primarily for old batteries, but if it happens on a new one, then there is a defect, and such a device can be replaced under warranty.


Extreme temperatures, both low and high, also do not contribute to increasing the service life of the vehicle in general and the battery in particular. If they are too low (−30 °C or colder), then the discharged battery may freeze, and therefore it is better to take it home at night and charge it at this time. If the temperature is excessively high (+30 °C or hotter), then the water from the electrolyte evaporates and its level decreases too much.

Being in a discharged state

The battery may be in this state due to various reasons, the main ones being:

  • traffic jams - if you need to start the engine often, then between starts the battery may not have time to charge enough to replenish all the energy given at the moment the engine starts; because of this, the battery will be constantly in a discharged state;
  • high leakage current - even normal charging is not enough if the battery loses a lot of current;
  • malfunction of the on-board network - if the voltage regulator or diode bridge of the generator fails, the battery simply will not charge.

A discharged battery actively undergoes sulfation, which leads to a decrease in its capacity and a shortening of the service life of the device. In itself, like corrosion, it is an inevitable process, but when maintaining a charge in the battery, it occurs much more slowly.

Particularly dangerous is deep discharge, in which calcium batteries permanently lose part of their capacity. After several deep discharges they become unusable.


Due to a malfunction of the generator, too high a voltage may be applied to the battery terminals, which is also harmful for it. The fact is that at increased voltage, the process of hydrolysis begins, that is, the decomposition of water into oxygen and hydrogen. As a result, the electrolyte level will begin to rapidly decrease, and when the plates are exposed, their oxidation will accelerate.

Serviceability of the charging system (generator)

The next factor that significantly reduces the service life of the battery is its prolonged stay in a discharged state (deep discharge). One of the conditions for ensuring a long battery life is a fully functional charging system, the main element of which is the generator. Provided that it is functioning normally, it produces exactly the voltage that the power source requires for proper recharging.

Otherwise, this leads the battery to a permanently discharged state, which subsequently causes the process of plate sulfation (the release of lead sulfate when the battery is discharged). If the battery is constantly undercharged, sulfation becomes more intense, which ultimately reduces the battery's capacity until it completely fails.

Car battery: technical specifications

The battery was invented back in the 19th century and has not changed much since then. What is the principle of operation of a car battery? Inside the sealed case made of high-strength plastic there are 6 lead plates, each of which is sealed in plastic “cases” and has an active surface. Plates with a negative charge are coated with finely porous lead, and those with a positive charge are coated with lead dioxide. In this case, all the plates are immersed in a sulfuric acid electrolyte, which interacts with the active substances of the plates. As a result of this chemical reaction, electric current is generated. At this point, lead sulfate precipitates on the plates. When you put the battery on charge, all the described chemical processes occur in the reverse order, which allows the battery to operate for many years.

Currently, scientists continue to work on improving the technical characteristics of the battery. All motorists are familiar with the situation when a car refuses to start in severe frost. In most cases, this is due to the batteries, which are still quite sensitive to the ambient temperature. In addition, scientists are trying to reduce the volume of these devices while increasing their capacity. Time will tell whether their efforts will be successful, but for now we will list what types of batteries can be found in the store.

Riding character

When making short trips in a car and long stops between them, the battery physically cannot receive enough charge for its normal operation. This driving feature is more typical for city dwellers than for motorists living outside the city. The lack of battery charge will be especially noticeable when driving around the city in the cold season.

Frequent engine starts are accompanied by the inclusion of lights and the use of heating, as a result of which the car’s power source does not have time to fully restore its charge during the trip. Thus, under such operating conditions, the battery life is significantly reduced.

Guaranteed, adjustable and true battery life

So how long does a car battery last? The warranty period is assigned by the manufacturer not from the moment of manufacture, but from the moment of start of operation. As a rule, the average service life, depending on the manufacturer, can range from 1 to 3 years, in some cases this figure is 5 years. But you need to take into account that the warranty is not the actual service life - the device can work out the entire period starting from the production date, or it can fail much earlier.

It should also be noted that when setting the service life, the manufacturer does not take into account the following nuances:

  1. Characteristics of batteries provided by the vehicle manufacturer. And they may differ.
  2. Vehicle mileage. If a driver uses a personal car, he can travel about 10-20 thousand km per year, and if the car is used in a taxi, then its mileage can be up to 100 thousand km per year.
  3. Conditions of use and battery maintenance. If the consumer makes mistakes in using the battery, then the service life, of course, will be lower (the author of the video about the process of restoring the functionality of a completely “dead” battery is the transistor815 channel).

How to extend the life of your car battery

Maximum battery life is achieved by caring for it and monitoring the condition of associated equipment. To significantly increase the service life of the battery, it is necessary to periodically diagnose it and perform some simple steps listed below.

  • When starting the engine in winter, turn on the headlights for 20-30 seconds. This will ensure the battery warms up faster;
  • If you have a car with a manual transmission, make it easier to start the engine by pressing the clutch pedal;
  • After completing your trip, leave the car running for 5 to 10 minutes to recharge the battery. It is advisable to turn off electrical appliances;
  • To increase the battery life and prevent its discharge, drive your car for more than 40 minutes at least once every six months;
  • Try to avoid traveling with a discharged or slightly low battery;
  • Do not allow the battery to discharge more than 60%. By periodically checking the charge, you ensure reliable operation of the battery and thereby extend its service life;
  • Regularly inspect the battery box and clean the terminals from oxides and dirt;
  • Fully charge the battery at least once a month. The ideal voltage is approximately 12.7 Volts. Once every 3 months or more often, charge the battery using an AC charger. A battery in a constantly charged state will be significantly less susceptible to sulfation processes;
  • Rebuild the ignition system and engine operation. Ensure that the engine always starts on the first try. This will reduce battery energy loss, optimize the charging system and significantly increase battery life;
  • To avoid mechanical damage to the battery, reduce your driving speed on damaged sections of the road. Securely secure the battery in its designated location;
  • If the car is parked for a long time, it is recommended to remove the battery from it or at least disconnect it from the car circuit.

In addition to these measures, for preventive purposes, monitor the following battery parameters as often as possible.

How to find out the age of a battery

When purchasing a battery or if you purchased a used car, the first thing you need to do is check the manufacturing date of the battery. This is not so easy to do, since the month and year of issue are indicated in a slightly different sequence than those to which we are accustomed.

Different companies indicate the age of the battery differently. There is no uniform labeling system. For Western manufacturers (Varta, Bosch, Berga, Blackmax) the code consists of 24 characters. The fourth position in them indicates the year, and the fifth and sixth positions indicate the month.

For Titan and Titan Arctic companies, the month is indicated by the third and fourth digits, and the year by the fifth and sixth. Atlas and Bost companies are distinguished by a special system: the first digit indicates the year of manufacture, the letters following it indicate the month of manufacture. Once you understand the combination of numbers, you can always independently check the suitability of the battery for further operation.

How to check battery voltage

The voltage at the battery terminals must be checked in two modes: in an open circuit state and when the battery is connected to the circuit (with the engine running, electronics and heater on). Accordingly, the charge level of the battery itself and the efficiency of the battery charging process with the generator are analyzed. The voltage value for the second case should be in the range of 13.5-14.5 V, which will be an indicator of the normal functioning of the generator.

It will also be useful to monitor the leakage current. When the engine is not running and the on-board electronics are turned off, its values ​​should be within the range of 75-200 mA.

Electrolyte level

To monitor the electrolyte level, transparent tubes made of glass or plastic are used. If the battery is maintenance-free, then this indicator can be judged by the marks on its body. Check the electrolyte level at some intervals (every two weeks). The normal level is taken to be 10–15 mm above the surface of the electrodes. If the level drops, you need to add the required amount of distilled water.

By following these simple rules, you can effectively extend the life of your battery and prevent its premature failure.

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How to choose the right battery

In addition to dividing into gel and acid, batteries also differ by country of manufacture. If you need to choose one thing from the whole variety, many people’s heads are spinning. Let's figure it out, because different batteries are suitable for different purposes.

For example, a gel battery is worth choosing if you have an expensive foreign car and you are ready to invest in such an important part. Of course, if you are the owner of a domestic or used car, there will be no point in such a purchase. But most often people still buy acid batteries. And here it is worth thinking about it. European brands are traditionally considered to be of higher quality. The fact is that manufacturing standards there are much higher than Russian ones. But even in our country you can find worthy companies if you put in some effort. But Russian manufacturers beat their imported competitors in price.

It is better to choose the same battery capacity as the old one. If you are not sure, it is better to look at the vehicle data sheet, which indicates the recommended number of amps. Before purchasing, be sure to ask the seller to apply voltage for 10-15 seconds. During this time, the readings should not drop below 9 or even 7 V.

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