How often do you change the power steering fluid?

For safety while driving a car, it is very important that the design of the hydraulic power steering wheel works in full working order.

Signs of power steering oil leak - breakdown

If there is any loss of hydraulic fluid, you should immediately inspect the machine carefully. If you delay this process, it can lead to serious consequences, you should react quickly.

Moreover, failure of the hydraulic system can cause deformation of other components. The first thing to do is locate the leak. Finding it won't be difficult if you know why this happens.

Keg of hydraulic fluid

The hydraulic power steering fluid reservoir is located by default in the engine compartment, on the driver's side, near the front of the car. It is a black (translucent) plastic vessel with O and “Minimum” on it.

The amount of liquid should be in the middle of these marks.

There are cases where this barrel overflows during service, which is confused with a leak.

In the design of some older machines, the barrel itself may be part of the hydraulic booster pump. In this case, it is worth opening the lid of the barrel and checking the liquid level.

How often does brake fluid need to be replaced?

It is impossible to prevent foreign substances from entering the brake fluid; in any case, it will gradually collect moisture and dirt through the compensation holes. Therefore, periodic replacement is strictly necessary.

If the brake fluid is of high quality, then it is changed no more often than once every 2-3 years. During this time, it will not darken or lose its properties, but only if the remaining elements of the system are in good working order. For this reason, it is still necessary to periodically check the liquid, and this applies not only to the color, but also to the level.

The frequency of changing brake fluid also depends on the design of a particular car model, so it is worth familiarizing yourself with the manufacturers' recommendations.

Hydraulic booster hoses

The hoses of the hydraulic booster depend on its design; usually, several hoses are connected to it. These hoses are high pressure, going from the power steering pump itself, to the steering gear assembly, and a return hose, from the steering gear unit to the fluid barrel, which feeds the hose from the barrel to the power steering pump.

The latest hose is designed for cases where the hydraulic fluid barrel is separated from the power steering pump. Thus, fluid leakage may occur due to damage to any of these hoses.

As a rule, this occurs as a result of wear of the hoses, since there is constantly high pressure in it.

Useful and interesting: How to unscrew the locks on a wheel if you have lost the head - a car mechanic's trick.

Steering rack leak

One of the most common malfunctions that owners of cars equipped with a power steering mechanism have to face. Typically, the following symptoms indicate a leaking steering rack:

  • the appearance of noticeable play in the steering wheel when driving a vehicle;
  • the appearance of a knocking sound from the steering nut while driving - usually it can be clearly heard through the steering wheel;
  • difficulty turning the steering wheel, which requires more and more effort to turn it;
  • the appearance of extraneous noise in the operation of the amplifier pump.

If any of the symptoms given here are confirmed, then there is a very high probability of a problem with the steering rack leaking and you should start by inspecting this particular unit.

Oil leakage in the power steering steering rack
The problem of lubricant leakage often begins in the power steering pump. This is due to the fact that this node is under the influence of significant loads. Over time, this leads to a violation of the tightness of the unit itself or its connections and components. First of all, you need to pay attention to the presence of visible damage to the lines and hoses through which the oil circulates in the unit itself.

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If visual damage is detected, then such hoses must be replaced if repair is impossible. As for the pump itself, it would be useful to disassemble it and replace the seals with new ones. In most cases, this is enough to fix the problem. Problems with a leak in the pump are indicated by an increase in the force required to turn the steering wheel. Before reassembling and reinstalling, it is recommended to wipe all components of this mechanism with white spirit.

Power steering pump

Naturally, a leak can also occur due to deformation of the power steering pump itself.

Sometimes this occurs through the pressure exerted by the pump itself, causing the pump body to deform and form cracks.

The pump shaft seal may also wear out. The housing itself is held together with two bolts, so any loose bolt and old gasket can lead to this problem.

Also, liquid may leak if the drive rack housing, as well as the steering gear housing, are damaged.

Leakage is often possible through the pistons of the hydraulic booster, which operates under high pressure, as a result of wear or deformation.

The fluid that needs to be poured into the power steering

It is recommended to use power steering fluids. They are characterized by the properties necessary for normal operation of the unit: viscosity, pour point, degree of protection of parts from wear, compatibility with rubber products. The last property is especially important.

It is possible to use automatic transmission oils (ATF), as is often done, but be careful, because the requirements for them are different. For example, Dexron VI, III, II, poured into the steering valve body, at subzero temperatures below -15 °C lose the required kinematic viscosity of 800 mm2/s and do not protect against wear as well. Other less viscous substances may not create the required pressure.

Interesting! According to the results of a laboratory test conducted by experts in 2020, the top three oils for power steering were: in first place is the product of the Russian company VMPAUTO called Glow PSF in a metal canister (it is recommended to safely use it both for replacement and topping up ), on the second - a product released under the brand of the automaker Volkswagen, on the third - a liquid from the popular packaging company Febi. Testing was carried out taking into account the ratio of price and quality.

Note that color has nothing to do with the properties of the oil. Both officially, according to standards, and “in reality”. It is determined only by the manufacturer’s choice of a particular dye for the convenience of detecting leaks - both engine oil and power steering fluid can be blue, red, yellow, or green. It is important to know the basis - “mineral water” for power steering is preferable to synthetics, it is less aggressive to rubber parts. The bases should not be mixed to avoid the formation of insoluble sediments, which increase wear and lead to failure.

Hydraulic brake booster

There are cars in the design of which a common drive is used, strengthening the steering mechanisms and brake systems.

In this version, in addition to several hoses, the design also contains other components whose task is to distribute liquid power to two mechanisms.

It is the deformation of these elements that leads to hydraulic fluid leakage.

In general, you need to monitor your car’s power steering and be aware of which part has failed. When a fluid leak occurs.

If necessary, change the oil in the power steering reservoir!

Power steering oil foams and what to do about it

The foamy surface of the oil in the power steering tank is a danger signal that motorists have no right to ignore, but they should always know what to do in this case.

Causes of oil foaming and their consequences

Typically, foam in the power steering tank oil appears when there is air entering through an open tank or through cracks in the circuit. Air can also enter the oil through cracks in pipes and hoses.

When air gets into the oil, the properties of the car drive completely change and, as a result, the steering wheel begins to twitch when turning, and the nature of the effort when turning the steering wheel also changes, which does not allow the driver to complete the intended maneuver.

When the oil foams, the steering lock may fail, which will make the car uncontrollable.

When foreign impurities enter the power steering oil, dense foam forms on the surface of the liquid as it flows through the working part. As a result, controllability and steering lock are reduced. Then it is recommended to completely change the oil.

It happens that foam in power steering oil appears as a result of a ruptured hose, a dirty filter in the tank, or clogged fittings on the wheels of the car. If changing hoses is not a problem, then not everyone can clean the fittings, since they will have to remove the wheels.

How to fix problems

To accurately determine the reason for the formation of foam in the power steering oil, you need to start the car and, with the power unit active, turn the steering wheel, while carefully observing whether bubbles appear in the hoses. This check must be carried out with an assistant.

If there are no external signs of damage, you need to inspect the tubes, connections, hoses and surface of the tank for integrity. All parts that are suspicious or have expired should be replaced. If the problem has not been resolved, it makes sense to contact specialists.

If the volume of air in the power steering oil is insignificant, drivers try to simply squeeze it out. To do this, you need to let the engine spin for about five minutes, and then turn the steering wheel all the way to the right, after 15 seconds repeat your actions with the steering wheel positioned to the left. After several approaches, the air will come out of the power steering, that is, the foam will disappear.

If this does not happen, experts recommend disconnecting the return hose from the tank, plugging it with a waterproof plug and lowering the other end into a container. Then you need to start the engine and turn the steering wheel until oil flows from the hose, turn off the engine and pour the liquid into the tank. Repeat the process until oil comes out of the hose without foam.

You should not ignore foamed oil in the power steering tank, since we are talking about ensuring traffic safety. It is important to monitor the behavior of the car, and the steering wheel in particular, immediately after repair. Experienced motorists say that it is possible to completely get rid of air bubbles only once in four cases.

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