A car with a square roof. How to make a panoramic roof for a car. Advantages and disadvantages of a panoramic roof on a car

What is a panoramic roof?

The design of the panoramic roof is absolutely identical to the standard metal version. The only difference lies in the material that covers the main space of its area. In the case of a glass roof, high-strength triplex or other types of composite glass that are resistant to damage are used. In terms of strength, they are in no way inferior to metal.

In the interior of cars with a panoramic roof, there is a movable false ceiling with which the glass can be closed. In some models this is done using an electric drive, in others the flocked ceiling panels must be moved manually.

Basic possibility and installation

Now let’s figure out whether it’s possible to install a panorama on an existing car. Experts say that it is impossible, unless such a possibility was inherent in the beginning. That is, you have a model where, upon purchase, you could order a glass roof for completely additional money. You refused then, but now you’ve changed your mind - please, they’ll give it to you. But if your iron horse is produced only in metal, then its design is incompatible with glass.

However, our folk craftsmen think differently. They are ready to solder a panorama even into old Zhiguli 2106 or 2101. A separate question is how safe such a modification will be in an emergency. In any case, it is not worth engaging in amateur activities. It’s better to turn to technicians who will accurately assess the feasibility of your idea. Moreover, you cannot mount a panorama on your own: you need special tools and at least 2 assistants.

It is worth considering the issue of legality

. All design changes must be registered and receive the appropriate mark in the technical passport. So before you pay for the installation of a panoramic roof on your car, it is wise to ask the traffic police in advance whether they will allow your alterations to pass or force you to return the original appearance.

What are the advantages of a panoramic roof?

Installing a glazed roof has a number of advantages that are quite important for the driver.

  1. Transparent glass visually increases the size of the cabin, creating the feeling of almost unlimited interior space. While driving in a car, passengers do not feel enclosed, which improves comfort. Of course, this is just an optical illusion, but it helps change the perception of the passenger area.
  2. Providing additional visibility and improving the visibility of overhead traffic lights. Moving around the city, you get the opportunity, without getting out of your car, to inspect tall objects, read signs, or simply look at the sky emerging through the stone “jungle” of buildings. This mainly applies to passengers, although the driver also has the opportunity to take full advantage of the additional visibility functions.
  3. Tinted roof glazing gives the car a stylish appearance, flavored with model personality. The car looks much brighter. It stands out from the crowd of vehicles equipped with a standard metal roof.
  4. There are also practical benefits of installing a panoramic roof. It is expressed in improved sound insulation properties of the cabin. If the driver has to drive in the rain, he will not hear the monotonous sound of falling drops. The glass will completely absorb it. Metal cannot boast of such qualities, which creates certain inconveniences on long trips.

What do we get?

To be honest, the advantages are mainly prestige. Thus, the size of the cabin visually increases, which is pleasing - but only visually, since naturally it remains the same. It becomes possible to look around and read tall signs - this can entertain passengers, and for the driver it can become an additional distraction.

True, it improves visibility to traffic lights and signs, which can be considered a positive thing.

The car, without a doubt, begins to look more solid, brighter and more luxurious. But among the undoubtedly valuable things, only better sound insulation can be noted: glass absorbs sound better than metal.

Cons of a panoramic roof

Don't think that panoramic roofs are the ideal solution. They also have enough negative sides.

  1. The main disadvantage of a glazed ceiling is the insufficiently productive operation of the cabin heater and air conditioning system. Glass has a much more powerful degree of thermal conductivity than iron. In summer, the entire volume of scorching sun rays is transmitted into the interior. The situation is similar in winter. The interior receives and stores much more cold air than it could from a metal roof. In both cases, such phenomena have to be compensated. This is done by the air conditioner and the heater, which forces the engine to operate under increased power loads and leads to increased fuel consumption.
  2. Another “minus” is also typical for the winter period. Condensation accumulates on the inner surface of the glass roof, which during driving introduces unnecessary moisture into the interior, and during periods when the car is parked for a long time, it contributes to the formation of a layer of ice.
  3. The design of glass-roofed vehicles implies some height limitation, which taller crew members will no doubt notice. The ceiling level drops at least a couple of centimeters. This is explained by the need for unhindered movement of the panels and the need to install guide elements.
  4. Additional mechanisms are quite fragile, which can lead to their failure. Repairing items, especially electronic ones, can be quite expensive.

What are we losing?

With quite understandable inner pleasure and a sense of one’s own coolness, the following unpleasant phenomena are included:

  • Both the air conditioning and heating will work less efficiently. The thermal conductivity of glass is much higher than that of metal. Accordingly, the cabin will be hotter in summer and colder in winter;
  • According to the actual height, your salon will lose a certain number of centimeters. Especially if the panorama was built in later and was not constructed on an assembly line. Short people will not find this a significant problem, but those who are taller than average will find it much less comfortable;
  • In winter, the glass roof will give you another surprise. Condensation will
    certainly collect on it . When driving, in a heated cabin, it will begin to spray everyone present. And when it freezes while parked overnight, it forms an ice crust on the ceiling;
  • The cost of repairing both the panorama and the accompanying mechanisms is several times higher than repairing a metal roof;
  • Well, the whole effect will be spoiled by glass dirty from dust, water drips and falling debris. And cleaning it well is much more difficult than a regular metal roof.

Is it possible to install a glass roof in a car yourself?

If this is not provided by the manufacturer, definitely not. The obstacle will be a law prohibiting structural changes to the machine. The fact is that before installing such solutions, automakers' engineers carefully calculate all the loads that arise in critical situations. It is important for designers to create a roof that is so durable that its qualities are not inferior to standard metal elements. Many tests are carried out, the main focus of which is on the behavior of the glass ceiling in situations involving rollovers.

Is a glass roof really unsafe and reduces the strength of the entire body?

Before explaining that this fear is completely unfounded, it is worth asking the question, what is the windshield made of? If a car gets into an accident, rolls over several times, or a brick flies into the front, won’t a person really get hurt? But, for some reason, there is an opinion that it is the sunroof or panoramic roof that can cause the car to twist like an accordion, and a rain of fragments will fall on the driver.

Such a statement can only have a basis if the glass element was added to the design of the car using a makeshift method (which, by the way, is prohibited by law, precisely because of safety measures). For example, the owner of a Zhiguli armed himself with a grinder, cut a hole in the roof and installed the first glass that came to hand. In this case, he compromised the strength of the entire body and doomed himself to the risk that even with minor damage, the “stylish” hatch would harm his health.

What is a factory panoramic roof?

In reality, such elements can only be installed in the car design at the factory. At the same time, calculations of the strength characteristics of the same car with or without a panoramic roof will differ significantly at the design stage. This means that the power frame of the car does not become more flimsy if a glass element is added to it.

An equally important point is the material from which the glass is made. Many will be surprised, but not only is it not inferior in strength to the “lobovukha”, but on the contrary, it surpasses it (both in thickness and in characteristics). This became possible thanks to the composition of the glass, which is a “sandwich” of five layers:

  • In the very center of the panoramic glass there is a sheet of polycarbonate film, which gives the transparent roof the necessary strength. In simple terms, polycarbonate is a polymer with high impact strength (1000 kJ/m2). Thanks to this, such a film can increase the strength of organic glass by 60 times, polystyrene by 150 times, and silicate glass even by 200 times. Polycarbonate can be deformed, but it is almost impossible to break it (even if you hit it with a sledgehammer for a long time). Moreover, this polymer is lighter than ordinary glass. Polycarbonate retains all its properties at temperatures from -80 to +220 degrees.
  • Layers of liquid polymer are applied on top and bottom of the polycarbonate film, acting as glue.
  • There are glasses on top of them.

The entire structure undergoes a pressing and drying process at extremely high temperatures. As a result, the product becomes homogeneous and very strong. The thickness of the panoramic glass is 7.5 mm. At the edges it is thickened to 9 mm.

Healthy! The panoramic roof is sealed, so there is no need to worry about water leaking through it in bad weather. This is only possible with a makeshift installation of a hatch.

Metal, compared to such glass, can be called a more fragile material. Besides that, it's pretty tough. If the car gets into an accident, both the metal and glass will be deformed, but will not break.

Main advantages

The presence of a panoramic sunroof allows the passenger to stand up to his full height. This is especially important for operators who film from a moving car. But this is not the only advantage of the panoramic sunroof:

  • The car visually looks larger and more original, the view from the interior is quite attractive;
  • The driver's visibility improves, while passengers admire the views while driving;
  • Visually, the interior area looks larger;
  • The salon gets more lighting;
  • The presence of glass improves sound insulation when it rains.

Not surprisingly, many people choose cars with this option.

What's the result?

A panoramic roof in a car is an excellent alternative to a conventional metal ceiling, but it is not without its drawbacks. Among the many positive aspects, there are also negative ones that should be taken into account before buying a car with a glass ceiling. Take each of them into account, weigh all the pros and cons, and then boldly make a decision! I hope it will be correct!

That’s all for me, write about your experience using the panoramic roof, share your thoughts using the comment form and, of course, share this publication with your friends using the special buttons below. Bye.

Panoramic cover: what is it, features

It is a panel that covers the entire hole or only a separate part of it. Typically, transparent materials are used to make a panoramic roof, such as glass or liquid-impermeable fabric. The choice depends on the design features of the entire car. This panoramic cover becomes an excellent alternative to a sunroof. Its main disadvantage is only its high cost. Such a panel is a hatch of increased dimensions. The first car viewing cover was created in 1930. At that time it was opened manually. Modern manufacturers have tried to think through this product down to the smallest detail.

This hatch is made from laminated glass, which can be tempered or laminated. Each layer has a specific purpose. The glass does not transmit ultraviolet radiation, and during destruction it will not produce fragments that could pose a danger to passengers. So you don't have to worry about durability. The panel is treated with a special layer to provide reliable protection. In hot weather there is no stove effect in the car.

Kia Soul

The huge panoramic roof that the Korean model acquired in 2014 only benefited its popularity. The tinted glass top contrasts well with the Soul's body, thanks to which you can see a panoramic roof on it more often than other budget cars. Those who like to ride with the breeze will also be pleased with the fact that the roof moves, both manually and using an electric drive.

Quite often, luxury cars and others are equipped with panoramic roofs. This adds individuality and luxury to the car. At the same time, the cost of this pleasure is quite high. We will try to reveal all the advantages and disadvantages of this type of roof.

Car sunroof repair

The most common problems with the sunroof and their possible causes

Of course, we also had to deal with non-standard breakdowns, but most of all damage can be classified into one of the following categories:

  • Water getting inside the machine, which can be caused by improper installation or clogged drainage pipes, wear or breakage of seals.
  • Complete failure of the hatch , in which the opening mechanism does not work. If the ability to open/close manually remains, then the reason lies in a malfunction of the electrical part (electric motor, control unit, mode switch, wiring). Mechanical reasons usually include failure of guides, electric motor gearboxes, and drive cables.
  • Partial jamming during operation, increased noise. In this case, the cause also has to be sought in the mechanical part of the structure. Sometimes the problem can be solved by replacing individual components, such as drive gears, but most often entire units are replaced.

Well, problems associated with glass should be placed in a separate category. It is understandable when it is broken by intruders or a brick accidentally falling from the roof, but often the glass cracks and crumbles for no obvious reason. This may also be due to misalignment of individual drive parts, low temperature outside, or an unfavorable astrological situation. In general, there are quite a lot of such incomprehensible cases.

Diagnostics - the main preliminary stage

It works well with standard hatches installed on expensive cars. Almost all control is electronic. In this case, the computer diagnostic system that we use helps a lot. It is enough to connect to the on-board computer, perform a number of specific procedures, and from the error codes issued, you can determine the lion's share of faults, or at least understand in which direction you will have to dig.

With non-standard equipment or mechanical breakdowns, the situation is slightly different. The electronics cannot determine the cause of the malfunction. Therefore, it is necessary to use special diagnostic cards that can significantly simplify and speed up the process. Thanks to the most obvious signs of malfunctions and detailed algorithms, more than 80% of all problems that may arise with the hatch are determined.

But with the remaining 20% ​​everything is much more complicated. The trouble is that there are hatches of various designs on sale, produced by numerous manufacturers. It is difficult to find a repair manual or even a design diagram for them. Therefore, we have to deal with complete disassembly of the hatch and all its mechanisms. In this case, the work is carried out solely due to the experience of the master, and amateur experimenters usually then turn to us with a request to assemble and restore the disassembled hatch. But this is no longer always possible, so it’s better to immediately coordinate a time to visit the service, it will cost less.

Will it be necessary to disassemble the interior?

Yes, in most cases it will be necessary to perform a certain amount of reinforcement work related to disassembling the interior. Few mechanisms can be accessed by removing only the hatch panel itself with glass. Typically you will need to remove:

  • Decorative overlays for racks, which are attached using clips or self-tapping screws. To do this, you will also have to disconnect the seat belts.
  • Visors, mirror, navigator and recorder - all equipment that is fixed to the ceiling lining.
  • It is necessary to dismantle the casing itself; this can be called the most difficult stage. In some cars, some of the material is simply glued to the metal of the roof, which creates additional complications. In this case, you have to remove only partially.
  • If repairs are required with the replacement of drainage pipes, you will have to remove the back of the rear seats, and in some cases you cannot do without dismantling individual elements of the front panel.

In principle, the volume of reinforcement work is relatively small, so it will not take much time. We do everything carefully, preserving all parts and materials.

Repair for electrical faults

The easiest way is if the problem lies in the electronic sunroof control unit that generates commands. In this case, we try to reflash it and update the software. If software methods do not help, then the unit will be replaced; we try not to undertake the restoration of such devices ourselves. But we can suggest a specialist who can help.

With other malfunctions of the electrical part of the sunroof control system and the drive, there are more problems. In this case, we proceed according to the following algorithm:

  • Checking the sunroof position switch. To do this, we ring its circuits, make sure that the buttons are in good working order and that they work correctly. If the reason lies in them, we simply replace the failed part, and then check the functionality of the hatch.
  • We call all the wiring connecting devices into a common network. Often the reason lies in burnt fuses or loose contacts. We have not encountered cases where the wiring itself burns out, although such a situation cannot be ruled out.
  • If all the main devices and wiring are working properly, the reason lies in the burnt-out electric motor of the mechanism. It can fail for various reasons. Most often, the driver himself is to blame, as he is accustomed to helping the engine close a stuck hatch with his hand. The engine does not like to work in this mode. The second most likely reason is a loose motor fastener, which caused it to become distorted. In this case, there is a significant mechanical load on the rotor, which causes the windings to burn out. The only repair option available is replacement, because most of these engines are non-separable and cannot be restored.

Of course, there may be other reasons for electric drive malfunctions. Sometimes even problems with the on-board computer play a role. But such problems can be classified as non-standard and are much less common.

Features of eliminating various mechanical damages

Such faults account for the lion's share of problems with sunroofs. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is difficult to find individual components. Manufacturers usually offer kits, for example, guides and cables, a motor and a gearbox (position control unit), glass with a frame-clip or the same guides. Some problems can be solved by restoring damaged parts, but usually these are only temporary solutions; the full working life cannot be restored. But it’s not respectable to drive collective farms using normal cars.

Based on this, the difficulty can be in finding the necessary components. The problem can be solved by purchasing factory parts, which can be found on the most well-known brands of hatches or purchased directly from the automaker. In addition to the original, it is quite possible to select normal analogues. In some cases, a search at a disassembly helps. And we have suppliers who will help solve this problem. True, in some cases you will have to wait 2-3 weeks, but usually a few days are enough.

Repair for water leaks into the interior

The main reason is related to the malfunction of the drainage pipes, which should drain water that has entered the structure into the front and rear wheel arches and pillars. I have encountered cases where such drainage was simply not installed when installing the hatch, since this required a more complete disassembly of the interior.

Depending on the complexity of the damage, we carry out repairs according to the following scheme:

  • We clear the clogged drainage located at all 4 corners of the main non-removable part of the hatch using a flexible steel cable with the appropriate diameter. Dust diluted with water fills the inner space of the tube quite densely, and removing it in some cases will be problematic.
  • When using polymer drainage channels (tubes) with thin walls, they often become pinched, which can also be eliminated by cleaning. But if the material is frayed, then it will have to be completely changed, since the joining of individual segments can lead to leaks directly under the interior trim.
  • Often the end part of the tube pops out and the water is not discharged outside, but directly into the racks and thresholds. This point should be monitored carefully, otherwise the body iron in the lower part of the body will begin to actively rust and rot.

The second common reason is torn or displaced seals between the glass of the lifting part and the hatch frame, or poor sealing of the metal. The easiest way to fix the problem is to treat all joints with sealant. But it would be more correct to replace damaged seals and moldings; this will give a greater effect.

Repair for a non-opening hatch

These problems can be caused by a variety of faults. But in any case, you will have to remove the hatch curtain, its opening part, in order to gain access to all the parts of the opening drive. Most often you have to perform the following work:

  • After dismantling the glass with the upper guide brackets, we inspect the main part. We make sure that the roof rails, front and rear rails are intact and properly fastened, along which the hatch moves when opened. Often the cause is thickened lubricant, deformation of these elements, or a break that causes distortion of the structure. In some cases, it is possible to straighten bent parts and restore all standard attachment points. After this, remove all the old grease and apply new one. If these measures do not have an effect, it is necessary to change individual parts of the sliding guide mechanism.
  • In some models, the opening part of the hatch is driven by a system of cables that run inside the guide rails. The reason for the complete failure of the mechanism may lie in the breakage of these cables. As a temporary solution, we can fuse the torn edges, but we will still have to look for new ones, because this option is not durable. The bad thing is that in almost all designs the cables are sold complete with guides; this increases the cost of repairs.
  • If the main structural elements are in good working order, then with a high degree of probability the reason lies in the guides attached to the glass. Most often, they lose their rigidity and become deformed; attempts to restore their shape do not lead to lasting results. These parts will also need to be changed.

Note that most cases of hatch failure are due to the fact that previously simply did not pay attention to the first signs of malfunction. If you notice the slightest jamming or wedging, or the inability to open in any one position, carry out diagnostics. At this stage, eliminating defects is easier and cheaper.

Repair for a malfunctioning sunroof

About half of such cases are associated with the beginning of deformation of the guides, problems with drive cables, and other defects that have already been mentioned above. But most of the malfunctions occur in the gearbox, which transmits force from the electric motor.

The easiest way is to replace this device completely, but sometimes it is possible to restore its functionality. To do this, disconnect the mechanism from the engine and disassemble the housing. Let us warn you right away - there are so many parts inside that it will be difficult for an inexperienced person to remember the correct location of each one. Of course, you can photograph each stage, but this does not guarantee protection against the fact that the mechanism will not fall apart in your hands even before the photo shoot. Therefore, it is better not to do such repairs yourself.

In most cases, the reason lies in uneven wear or breakage of the teeth of one of the gears. If a hole appears on one side, the problem can be solved by simply turning the part over. But this is all a temporary solution, so in case of such malfunctions, it is necessary to replace damaged components. Typically, such hatch drives are suitable for many models, so there are practically no difficulties when selecting gears.

When reassembling, we check its correctness and lubricate the device in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

We also include spontaneous opening (rollback) of the hatch into the same category of malfunctions. And in this case, the cause may be ground or broken gears or defective guides. But most often the problem is associated with seals that have become loose or come out of their grooves. Moreover, this also applies to acoustic moldings and main seals that retain water. An incorrectly positioned seal affects the hatch and simply pushes it out of the closed position. Therefore, we begin diagnostics precisely from these moments; practice has shown the effectiveness of this approach to repair. To fix the problem, simply insert these parts into place or replace them if their condition is unsatisfactory.

Sunroof curtain repair

Often we have to deal with situations where opening or closing the curtain is accompanied by extraneous noise, it is not fixed in the required position or is simply pulled in by the moving glass. It seems like a small problem, but it doesn’t add to the comfort in the cabin.

In this case, we apply the following repair algorithm:

  • Excessive noise is usually caused by popped locating pins and sliding shoes. To eliminate them, simply set them to the required position or change them if these parts break down. The same consequences are typical for ordinary contamination of the guides, in which we clean and degrease all working areas of the curtain and its fastenings.
  • Spontaneous opening of the curtain indicates a malfunction of the locking handle in the closed position. Usually this plastic part has sufficient strength, but sometimes its parts also break. Repairing this device is impractical, so we simply replace it.
  • Retraction of the curtain by the hatch most often occurs due to improper winding. This is usually associated with sudden movements when opening or closing, as a result of which the gap between the mechanism and the blade decreases. To eliminate this defect, disconnect the drum from the glass frame, disassemble it and wind the curtain tightly. Usually these actions are enough.

Such repairs require no more than an hour, unless replacement of damaged components is required.

Repair and replacement of sunroof glass

In most designs, two glass fastening schemes are implemented - in a prefabricated frame with molding and gluing. The technology for replacing a damaged part in these cases is significantly different:

  • The frame (frame) for fastening the glass is collapsible, its parts are tightened together with 10–20 screws, which ensures the fixation of the glass with a rubber seal placed on the edge. To replace, you just need to disassemble the part, insert a new glass, making sure its position is correct, and pull the clip back.
  • There are more problems with glued glass. The replacement is carried out by analogy with windshields, although the amount of work will still be less. Using a special knife or string, cut through the sealant and remove the damaged glass. We clean the frame from the remaining composition; we recommend not leaving an even layer, but removing the old sealant completely. Otherwise, problems with opening the hatch may occur. We degrease the surfaces and treat them with an adhesion activator primer and apply an even layer of glass sealant. We put the molding seal on the glass and put it in place, securing it with tape or suitable clamps. The polymerization time depends on the type of sealant used and ranges from 3–24 hours. In any case, you should not wash the roof of the car during the day and you should avoid excessive vibration loads while driving.

The technology for replacing damaged glass has been developed for any type of fastening. Therefore, there is no need to worry too much when cracks appear; the problem is solved quite quickly and reliably.

If you have problems opening the sunroof of your car, come to us. We will eliminate any possible malfunctions, we will understand even non-standard cases and breakdowns. To coordinate a time to visit the service, leave a request on the website or just call us.

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